>only 2.5 million sold
Kek, what a failure. How do you cope?
>only 2.5 million sold
Kek, what a failure. How do you cope?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Franchise hasn't been good since 2.
Just like MGS.
There I said it.
>The Franchise hasn't been good
Could just stop right there
I'm curious DMC5 OP, what are you trying to gain from this? If it's raw shitposting, can't you try a little harder?
Wow, these are great sales numbers. Thank you for telling me, OP!
The point is the game failed. They sunk millions into making it and they lost money on it.
Yeah but that's the opposite of reality. You're just making these threads every day trying to rile up DMC fans but we're mostly satisfied and know DMC6 is in the pipeline. Can't you try a little harder? Maybe start a contrarian DMC2 movement like Dark Souls 2 had. You're just screaming into the void that black is white right now.
>Barry still upset
>DMCfags still replying
Why can't you nerds learn to ignore Barry?
I don't buy games because of how many copies they sold. What a retarded fuck. How do you manage to tie your own shoelaces?
it's the second highest selling DMC game of all time
>I'm curious DMC5 OP, what are you trying to gain from this?
It's likely a Barry shitpost thread
Why do I need to cope?
where my sekirochads at?
This is just getting sad, man.
Yeah, but capcom said last year something along the lines "we want to rebuild our relation to our customers and make good game instead of profitable games".
Basically, they are using MWH massive profits to bankroll good in-house game to unfuck the
company from the Inafune times.
Ultimately DMC5 achieved its main goal, even if it didnt sell lots. Its a big fancy PR move.
You're mentally ill, seek help.
Capcom always says whatever-the-fuck they think will make them money.
>Ultimately DMC5 achieved its main goal, even if it didnt sell lots.
Keep thinking that. A game that's hyped to shit that dies a sudden, hard and fast, death, is not "achieving it's main goal" you fucks are delusional.
>Barely sold more than a game almost universally reviled.
>A game that's hyped to shit that dies a sudden, hard and fast, death, is not "achieving it's main goal" you fucks are delusional
Despite the 24/7 8 months general on Yea Forums, DMC5 marketing has been extremely light, consisting mostly of youtube trailers.
XV is a dead game
will be forever replaced with Shadowbringers and FFVII Remake
>DMC5 marketing has been extremely light
>consisting mostly of youtube trailers.
Which is why it was on Steam's storefront, reommended at Gamestop, and plastered all over half video game sites, all of them showcasing pre-order bonuses.
You fags really are delusional.
What about 4SE and DmC: DE?
Didn’t DmC only get those numbers after years of discounts and bargain bin sales?
It needed 5 years to get to 2.4 lel
Even after it was given away for free
Holy fucking based
just finished playing another session of not beating the V 3 boss trial. I may be shit but I think it's legit hard.
It took 5 years to reach those numbers. The game struggled to hit 1 million in the first year. That's not profitable. But hitting 2.5 million in 4 months is.
Heh I'm glad it flopped
Thank god they will terminate the whole franchise for good I fucking hate the oxnoxious fanbase
Capcom know better and stop wasting their time and energy
>I fucking hate the oxnoxious fanbase
Most of DMC's fanbase is zoomer retards that latched onto the DmC tortanic debacle and they've crowded out actual fans with their obnoxious shitposting
You sound sad, man.
Choose Shadow first and fight Cavalier. Shadow can parry him easily, then you attack as you have an opening. It's pretty easy if you've already memorized his tells.
Next you pick Griffon and fight Artemis. Best strategy is to use your devil gauge to put them in auto attack mode as much as possible. Then just keep V out of her way. It helps to also map your Griffon and Shadow button in a way that you can attack with both at the same time.
Last is Goliath. You now have Nightmare, and he's going to be the easiest. Stay away from him and just attack him.
BING BING WAHOO! W-who cares about DMC5 w-when we'll get a game with strong wymmin like Resetetta 3? *S-Switch port when, Capcome?*
I used the same strategy but I run out of health I need to not suck and get hit, that goliath running shoulder man takes so much health
Might wanna turn down on the anger pal, I can see you boiling from over here
Anyway this has been the third thread in like an hour, an actual videogame thread died for this pathethic attempt at bait, maybe try something else to pass your time yeah?
>Even after it was given away for free
I think I got it for free during a humble bundle. Still haven't played it but I did get to try out the RE series for the first time.
>t. snoy
As a reminder capcom considers DMC5 to be performing well.
With Goliath you can be pretty far away from him and your woodland friends can still attack. If your far he hardly ever goes near you and will mainly focus on the bird and catto. Same with Cavalier too, you just have to watch him because he may teleport to you occasionally. His tells give you plenty of time to get the fuck out.
>What about 4SE and DmC: DE?
bundled with DMC4 and DmC
2.5 million in 5 months (DMC5) vs 2.4 million after 5 YEARS (DmC + DmC:DE).
Reminder that it's already hitting 3 million when accounting for digital sales, as Capcom's financial reports only count physical.
The 2.5 months is actually only in 3 months, as the report for the 2.5 was as of June 30th.
The game is the current best action game of all time, sales really are irrelevant to the quality, I hope the game does great in money,
>only 2.5 million shipped
You're the same black guy right? You seem all right.
Question though, you seem to have a lot of small scars on your hands. Do you work in trades?
It's Barry seething as per usual
DMC4 sold 2.4 million in 1.5 years
DMC5 sold 2.5 million in less than 4 months.
It took 2 years for DMC4 to reach 2.5 million.
Ask tameem that
You're a nigga, a good one.
>even more evidence that the reeeeeeboot sold like shit
Feels good.
>DmC 2.4
This is a fucking lie, it sold under 1m early on and took a massive discount to improve sales.
It appeared on the list with 1.4 million.
Thats after 6 years tho.
Capcom has reduced its sales target for Ninja Theory's Devil May Cry reboot.
It had hoped to ship two million copies of the action game by the end of its financial year. It now expects to ship 1.2 million copies - 800,000 short of the initial target.
As of January 2013, one million copies had been shipped.
By playing the game and having fun
Not surprised. DMCV is boring shit.
exactly DmC took 6 years to reach 2.4m, while DMCV managed to reach it within the first year alone.
I can see V selling well over 5m copies, if you want to include the inevitable re-release with Vergil
We'll never get those pre-2012 days back. As much as there was still shitposting and rampant retarded tripfags, it was never as bad as this.
>an actual videogame thread died for this pathethic attempt at bait
You retards killed hundreds of threads to shitpost spam retarded images of methheads and BANG BANG XDDDD
How does it feel to know that no matter how many of these retarded threads you post you won't actually sway anyone's opinion on anything?
it exist, when every odds told it wouldn't and the game turn out to be really good and pretty final
I'm fine with no sequel now
Found the article, rereading it, it did fucking awful and actual retards expect a DmC2 lol
I didn't post this thread. That's the best part about you nuDMC zoomer faggots, is that you think all of this is orchestrated by a single boogeyman to sway some other nebulous and undefined group that cannot fathom hating your dumbass fandom.
Why are you larping as barry?
>three threads in an hour
>only one actively shitting on the game
>I didnt make those threads bro believe me bro I'm not shitposting!
Sure thing pal
I don't even know who that is. That's the best and most funny part about these threads.
>DMC5? Not in a million sales.
Where are all of these people now?
Cheer up, crew cut
Posting several threads an hour about a game that makes like one thread a day on average now to try to spin the fastest series sales as a negative and failing miserably.
>doesn't know who barry is
>calls others new
>Thread is 76-40 posts-poster ratio
>It's all one guy larping and 39 other people getting triggered
Outdated I guess
>I'm supposed to know some random faggot that mass triggered a bunch of retards so hard that they chimp out every time there's a thread disliking DMC
Mission 15, DMD.
Be there.
Holy shit bro, why aren’t you calling the cops instead of posting? it’s not like we can help with that home invasion. Somebody get this kid help before the kikongo starts shooting.
But there is no co-op Bloody Palace.
Remove Kikongo
>not all DMC3 and DMC4 releases are accounted for
yeah try a better bait
>spamming the same thread daily
Imagine being so butthurt over a game. Lol
That's from an official Capcom page, dork.
>still no PS4, Xbone and Nintendo numbers
yeah this is probably as accurate the "List of best-selling video games" wikipage
which is outdated as fuck
DMC1 is on Switch
also if you check the list DMC HD collection is not including PS4 and Xbone releases, just like DMC4SE and DmC not having DE
A lot of these are a stretch and/or true. There are only 20 missions, there'ss basically P2W micros, it is pretty grindy, it was downgraded, it can be beaten in less than 15 hours, it didn't sell as much as GoW, DMC3 does have a way better plot, V isn't fun to play, Dante's MJ dance is completely out of place and random as fuck, the "high" PC sales that weren't that high didn't mean much in the end, they weren't low but it didn't do as much as RE2 and a lot of other AAA Capcom titles, and Nero is definitely a mary-sue, most of DMC's caste is mary-sueish.
>finally saved enough to buy a computer that can hold the HD collection, 4se, DmC and 5 all at once
Feels pretty good. Although I don't get the hang of V. It feels as if I'm just spamming shadow/griffon without putting any thought and stuff just dies. Is shadow combo B worth buying? Also what's the best V move?
That's because Capcom never released any numbers for those.
>shit level design(again) which is barely better than 4
>terrible story
>no BP coop
>playable Vergil was wasted on V
im still mad, what a fucking disappointment
For V, just remember to stay as close to enemies as you would with Nero or Dante.
Staying back actually fucks you up more than it helps and this trips a lot of people up because you're kinda led to believe that staying back is how he works best
But DMC3 and MGS3 and the best games in their respective series
So it's just comparing vanilla? there's nothing wrong there
I liked it and liked where it ended. I don't ever need another DMC.
>vergil will never play with your tiddies
>shit level design(again) which is barely better than 4
This, I think I liked exactly one level and that was the nero split after chapter 15. The rest are pretty meh.
I don't care if it didn't do well finantially I finally got the game.
>shit level design which is barely better than the game that had the best level design in the series
So you're are saying it's a definitive improvement? Alright.
At this point it's another hour another Barry thread
First hour?
I don't spend most of my day here unlike you so I'm a bit behind on the epic memes around here
Isn't that a good thing? Many companies would be glad to even sell 1 Million these days.
>since 2
You faggots don't even try and hide you don't play videogames anymore.
You taking notes?
Yea sure, I definitely don't believe that you're the usual faggot, template, image and all.
Yes. I want to BTFO an entire fanbase so bad that the all deflect to a single non-entity every time there's any negative connotations.
The game is great but why did the no multiplayer BP and Vergil announcement sting so bad this time?
Well you just did. Congrats
God I can't wait for Barry to have another meltdown once Vergil DLC/DMC5SE gets announced.
He will lose his mind in a DMC5 hype thread again, get all his posts deleted for samefagging and spamming, everybody will laugh at him; then he will try to change his strategy and explain why "Good thing is actually a bad thing."
absolutely seething
>Muh Barry
Keep believing in your imaginary boogey man
It doesn't work that way.
>Let's all pretend this is not a resident sperg falseflagging
>muh Barry XD
how will you btfo them user? tell me your plans
By talking about DMC5 in a constructive and realistic way.
What if it's not Barry, but some really uncreative retards with the same spelling type and mindset thinking they're some kind of special snowflakes?
Hypothetically speaking
Reminder that Barry will samefag and use words like "boogey man" to try to hide the fact that there's archival proof of his insane shitposting.
6 SE/DLC >>> 6 >= 5SE > 5 = 3SE >= 4SE > 1 > 3 > 4 > DmC:DE >>>> DmC >>>> wall >>> 2
This whole shit is getting beyond pathetic. Reminds me of those losers from Kojima World Order and DSP. Your threads are have been hijacked by a couple if not just one sperg obsessed with some personality. DMCfags really want to live in this filth?
>What if it's not Barry, but some really uncreative retards with the same spelling type and mindset thinking they're some kind of special snowflakes?
Unlikely, since people have actually baited him by insulting FFXV and you can tell he geniunely starts seething at times. If it wasn't Barry the FFXV insults wouldn't land.
Oh no the game from a series that wasn't relevant this decade didn't sell 20 million copies fuckin flop I swear
That's exactly what's happening, some people just live for those (You)'s and will do anything for them
Is there even a mention of FFXV in this thread other than (you)?
I know this is bait but fuck you, you got me to respond.
DMC5 was a 60 dollar title. Even if it "Only" Sold 2.5 million copies, assuming a (VERY generous and conservative) 15 percent of that going to stores, and distribution platforms, that makes Capcom 150 million dollars. Unless Capcom somehow managed to spend enough on marketing and developing to make it one of the 6 most expensive to develop games of all time ,then it made a profit. If you assume it's one of the more expensive games of all time, extremely ,extremely reaching and say it cost 100 million to develop and market, then it still made 50 million dollars
That is an acceptable profit margin for a risky attempt at a revival of a franchise that's last title was extremely underwhelming and those numbers are only shipped, it doesnt include digital sales.
>been called Barry a thousand times
You're a legit retard
You know nothing about distribution and marketing costs.
To be fair, there's also DoAfag with his insistent NG3RE dicksucking and avatarfagging.
That's definitely a different person.
Microsoft covered and payed for marketing
So confirmed that barry isn't in this thread I guess.
No one cares about your personal feuds you absolute faggot, Kill yourself.
That's what you get for changing the art-style to that face scan garbage.
Shoud have gone with dmc4 designs.
I swear I saw this exact thread, with exact same posts at least 3 times now