Other urls found in this thread:
I know exactly what you mean, and I would also enjoy doing the same
Reyn, Nia. I can't wait to see the next installment of silly UK accents on japanese rpg characters.
I want to fuck Nia. I want to tease her and take all her clothes off while she teases, putting on a brave face but still a little nervous. I want to tease her back about her nervousness until she has a happy little smile and covers her eyes. I want to fuck Nia until her cheeks blush and she claws my back and I want to do this every night until she's pregnant
Why is Nia associated with the word "minge"?
Because her driver suit really bunches up around the crotch, emphasizing her thighs even though it's otherwise very covering, and this combined with her accent creeated a bunch of minge jokes
i want to worship this pussy's pussy
>Making the same OP over and over
Why is The Good Boy's Club allowed to get away with this?
too bad they won't voice pokemon
shame this doesn't emulate well yet.
Mating press Nia!
This is what The Good Boy's Club considers "Real Xeno discussion"
and that's a good thing
Will the pocket mod delete this thread as soon as I mention Xfag's incestual relationship with his brother again?
It's a sad realty we live in.
I just found out about this game and the choice of voice actors is the weirdest, hearing all the jap dialogue coming out in welsh and various other regional dialects known for sheep shagging and alcoholism is surreal.
Nah, you were spared from THE BIGGER GUN that just went off.
Might as well spill the beans
I love how a dumb shitposter completely fooled you retards into thinking he has mod protection just because he used the mods incompetence to his advantage.
>Retard says he can delete threads
>Mods delete vidya threads and do jackshit about shitposters like they always do
I mean when you get threads where one blatant shitposter gets banned within 10 minutes, all posts nuked, then Xfag shows up moments later and mods refuse to touch him no matter how many reports you put in, it's hard to even chalk it up to incompetence
If they banned him one, and ignore him for the rest of the thread, wouldn't that confirm there's not some grand conspiracy and it really is just incompetence?
If the mods were on his side, why would they ban him at all? to cause a smokescreen?
Do you think Nia practiced those dances she does whenever she passes of the weapon to her blades?
It's time for cats again
Why does she do the dance in the first place? Does she have autism?
I guess I'll get my X folder ready then.
Don't you get bored?
Why is this dumb cat so cute?
I don't get much of anything.
Because she is best girl
The shittiest character ever
More than one person shitposts against this game, you realize. Of course, most of them get bored and have at least SOME sort of life outside of these threads.
So anons will literally get b& for posting porn in a thread like this? What a fucking useless website this has become.
I hope they keep it. It adds a flavor to the Xenoblade games.
To be fair, Adam Howden is easily the best JRPG dub voice.
ayy gotta follow da rules
Anyone have that image of Nia covered in Ether Lines?
>P-Please don't discuss video games!
How much of a narcissist do you have to be to unironically believe that your wordless spamming somehow holds more value than other types of spam just because it's pictures of mechs and landscapes instead of female characters?
Because it's actual content within the game itself, not soulless fapbait fanart.
Welp, time for lunch break.
Maybe I'll automate this some day. Automatic Cat Dispenser.
Hmph, weak.
Imagine scraping all the shitty wiki images of random locations and pretending that you're doing some kind of great service by spamming them.
Imagine being this butthurt over some images of a video game.
Why do the jannies delete perfectly good Xeno threads?
The Gears, Saga, and Blade 1/X thread usually stay up though.
>playing the dub
There's no way I would have been able to play the game past an hour if I had to listen to that shit. And I like a lot of English dubs too.
Really nice discussion you guys are having here
This is what happens when a filthy niafag makes the thread
My Nia has a nice stinker!
I want her stinker!
Morag and Poppi are possibly the only characters I can stand in the dub. Everyone else makes me sick. Thank you dual audio.
And I want you to drop dead.
Don't forget me
more X screenshots, please
Sorry, I was a bit busy loading my gun.
You can't get Nia pregnant. She is a flesh eater.
It grew on me, can't miss out on the battle/world banter. I love Nia, Malos, Morag, Brighid, and Zeke especially.
why she got a front butt tho
puffy vulva
When the FUCK are they going port 1/X over to switch?
Pandoria is actually best girl, but you faggots ignore her because you have a catgril fetish.
What if she implants a womb inside her?
Did this used to really happen to women adventurers?
The switch literally can't run X.
Cummer in a dry board.
>The Xenoblade Chronicles 2 """fandom"""
I still remember when the only lewd pic of Nia was one where she is shitting in Rex's mouth. Those were good times
>Autistic people exist
real shocker here
+1 for Nia’s stinker
Why is this shit thread still up? Just do your job already, janny
is there a full pic?
Mods also nuked a completely on topic danganronpa thread for no reason a few days ago.
Have some actual best girl as a fan of the series I like all the games.
Finally someone with taste
dang ol' romper fag still seething two days later
>I like all the games
No you don't you goddamn lying faggot.
Who is the first boss of Xenogears? Who is the first boss of the first saga game? Who is the first boss of X?
Nia isn't NEARLY pissed off enough for this to be believable.
Just once I want this kind of pic only the rapists are just BARELY holding down their victim.
I look down on anyone that willingly played the dub. They are subhuman.
'fraid not
>I look down on anyone that willingly played the game
>Xenogears, saga and blade are related
Fucking please, it’s just one retard trying to hang on to his edgelord “Xeno” trademark
Awwww, little baby got caught in his lie and is trying to damage control.
And even so, if he played "all the games" in reference to blade only, he still played X.
This is what it would look like if ACfag became completely unhinged and lost any sense of sentience.
That's how Doug already is though.
I want to fug the cat
I love seeing a Nia thread being destroyed
Mating with Nia!
I'm back
The first boss of Xenogears is a Dinosaur.
does she enjoy being mating pressed
Doug has enough self-awareness to rope idiots into pointless arguments and pretend he isn't shitposting. This is basically defecting all over a public space and screeching at the top of your lungs but nobody can do anything about it because your dad owns the place.
Of course.
but the lol minge cat posting is totally fine, right?
At the very least he commits himself to spamming an image every minute. Imagine spending hours solving captchas to spam wiki images because you HATE a video game.
Xenoblade X 2 never ever fag.
You tell them, fucking ugly cat doesn't deserve a thread
I swear Xfags are worse than SMTfags
I don't hate XC2
I know it's never coming out, it releasing isn't my end goal.
I hate Niafags, but you manage to be infinitely more annoying in just about every single way.
I wish I was that obsessed
Nia’s stinker!!!!
I disagree, niafags are by far worse, at least he admits he's shitposting
Posting images from a video game in a video game thread isn't shitposting.
How is what I'm doing any less video game related than the Nia spam?
Just keep doing what you're doing
What does Nia smell like?
wet cat
You openly flaunt your immunity to the rules and your access to a janitor who'll do whatever you want. All while denying you're doing anything wrong.
Arrogant pieces of shit like you make me sick, moreso for the state of this site's moderation.
I don't have any immunity to your rules.
You're delusional.
I purposely craft all my posts with the intention of staying just in the line of the rules, and exploit every loophole I can.
I mean, technically posting screenshots of a game in more on-topic than fanart
All you have to do is report a thread from a couple IPs and some lazy jannie will eventually autodelete it without even looking at it.
See, this is the issue.
The Good Boy's Club doesn't actually want Xeno threads, they want XC2 threads only
I'm out of X, should I post pics from le feeling it man's game, or XC2?
Just make a Xeno X thread and stop being a faggot.
I mean, if they want to make a XC2 thread and talk about the game rather than imagedumping I think they have the right to do so.
>Actually admitting it
You never cared about this series.
Not one bit.
Imagine getting cucked this hard.
There's no game dicussion going on here.
I wouldn't be doing this if they talked about the game.
It's not fair, why is Rex such a faggot he goes for the inferior choice.
No one in their right mind would pick that shitty cat
I’m really feeling it!
People with taste do.
>Go to look up for Xenoblade pics
>Type "Xenoblade" into google
>First thing that comes up is XC2 body pillows and doujins
Gross, and The Good Boy's Club will still deny they ruined this series forever.
That's not what happeneds when you type Xenoblade in google.
Show me a screenshot, I'm talking about google images by the way.
Just Xenoblade, nothing else, into google images.
I'm doing it myself because everyone will just say I edited it.
Where is it.
scroll up a bit
Just searched it up myself, that is literally the top of the search images. Low tier bait, but I guess we took it
Shit there are way too many pics now
Are you mobile like him?
Would you let Nia eat you?
Google gives different results based on the data they got on you anyway.
Search results are not always reproducible.
Nice edit.
Shit now I want a daki of Mythra
It's not a edit, how do you get that sponsored menu?
So the only reason this shit would be there is because you are searching shit like this up in the first place. Good Job
Lots of Nia.
By not being underage.
when will fags learn that google curates searches based on your search history
I knew you were going to say that, but I don't look up anime porn involving women.
I'm not and that doesn't answer the question.
Advertisements are tailored to your browsing habits. Since Andrew is a deranged lonely lunatic google shows him body pillows.
Yet I totally do and yet the shit isn't there for me, so what moral high ground are you trying to take exactly?
Nothing, I'm just saying if any body pillows would be recommended to me, there would be male characters on them.
The more you know. Thanks.
Hot, source on this pic too?
Pneuma is a work of art.
Love me some short girls with thick thighs
My b then, misinterpreted the tone of your post. Have this Riki as a peace offering
This is literally what the The Good Boy's Club finds sexy.
>not fucking a pregnant nia
Holy fuck what's with that shitty UI. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have shitty portraits taking up 20% of the screen, and who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have a fucking MAP shown during a fucking BATTLE.
The worst thing about the DLC was not including a permanent Pneuma costume. Also no playable Malos.
Wii was 480p only, not much they could do
The art toolbars really needed to be smaller.
God I love seeing cuck cat get NTR'd. Best scene in video games.
Feels good that there are others who love the blade kitty.
Never forget that this is what we got instead of a Wii U/Switch port. Also XCX on switch never ever
XCX is too powerful for the Switch to run
Post her fat ass.
Why would I have that saved?
>I don't look up anime porn involving women
>involving women
That is an awfully specific comment.
It's funny, considering Google search actually uses your search history to show you preferred results. Like, searching Gilgamesh, or Artoria, or Ereshkigal on my computer will show wiki and image results of Fate first and foremost. Doing the same at work will show the actual historical characters. But I understand you wouldn't know that, since you're only using your computer from your mom's house.
user, I don't think he could be more obvious in what he meant
Because it's her best feature, are you retarded?
I'm not hiding anything.
>XCX is too powerful for the Switch to run
Nah, Monolith has just straight up admitted to not wanting to waste time/money to do it.
>literally spamming nia threads to death because you're gay and they don't pander to you
Hey man, happy Reyntime to you then. Whatever you prefer.
Oh shit it actually finished downloading
857 files
How does that excuse having gigantic useless portraits and a fucking MAP in battle? 0/10 UI design.