>Persona 4 as a deep plot
Persona 4 as a deep plot
>American can't proofread before posting
>hey players! remember that there are people who care about you no matter what and you need to be true to yourself to live life to the fullest!
>unless you're some ugly, pathetic incel with legitimate psychological problems, don't even fucking bother trying to change your situation you loser without friends you'll never amount to anything
Said no one ever.
>Persona 3 has good writing
The problem here is that Adachi is also a whiny loser that can't appreciate what he has either.
I think what they were trying to go for is that everyone feels like that. Doesn't mean you should sperg out, you should bond with others and figuratively help each other.
Then I saw the golden animation and during the Adachi fight he mentions on how it's just licking each others wounds and I'm conflicted. In one way, I get it. He's trying to avoid connections so to him bonding with others is just licking each other's wounds. It makes sense, licking each other's wounds is a terrible thing to do. I don't think the cast is doing that though. They grow and learn from their mistakes rather than just circlejerking on each other.
That's what I took from it anyway.
>eurocuck is obsessed
Shock and awe!
He tried to talk to a girl and failed. That's it.
How aren't those real problems? I'm sure we face problems even more petty than those.
Plus everyone has problems, something small for you could be a huge problem for someone else.
>Character in story has mental breakdown and becomes utterly incoherant, practically having a seizure their thoughts are so erratic.
>"Lol this writing is shit oh my god the writers must be retarded"
I take it you don't understand how a lot of things work, not just storytelling.
Adachi did not even had a problem, he worked in a city nothing ever fucking happened and just chilled, he was also lazy as fuck and at blame for making the fuck up that tossed him in Inaba
Mitsuo was a killer
I didn't take it the way you did. To me that character seems like a vehicle for the writing staff to discuss the idea of how a person handles something they dislike happening in their life. He got rejected and got murderously angry about it, and the writing staff was expressly condemning his self-righteous indignation and incel rage. I don't think he would've gotten such an unhappy, bleak resolution if he had taken the rejection better and went on with his day instead of hardcore sperging out over how he wanted to pee in Larry's butt really badly.
Mitsuo literally drove himself insane to avoid having to confront his shadow. Did you want the IT to break into a mental institution to have a social link with someone they thought was the killer?
I can relate to him. Imagine working your ass off only realizing in the corporate world it's only those people who act fake and brown nose who get ahead. It can be frustrating seeing how everyone seems to take the side of sociopaths who pretend their way through life.
I'm not saying all places work environment is like that but it's common.
Then getting demoted while everyone you looked down on just keeps getting ahead, it's demoralizing. The thing is you should appreciate and make the best of "your own path."
Asian culture is so fixated for being "perfect", being "high status" that when you fail, it's the end of the world. It's a reflection to appreciate what you have. Life isn't over if you have some setbacks. Don't focus too much on the past.
Well Adachi is a serial killer so they're kinda justified in beating him up even if they're all just kids with 1st world problems
Keep in mind when he says he made "one little mistake" this is coming from someone who thinks sexual assault and murder are reasonable things for him to do.
Was this person in a coma when they played the game? None of that justifies murdering a bunch of people just to feel special. His critique of the Investigation Squad is true, but it's also hypocritical - the same could be applied to him. That is why they call him the child, as the Investigation Squad has, through the course of the story, turned themselves away from trying to find meaning in external things while Adachi can't escape his need for success, his need to be 'special'.
Edgelords need to be gassed.
He was right but he acted wrong, he should have found a way to fix his life instead of lashing out at the world, everyone in the IT after accepting their shadows and going through their slinks find what they want for life and happiness
>Unless you're literally starving you don't have a real problem!
This is coming from the board that throws temper tantrums when toys don't turn out how they want or they aren't allowed to play a toy online anymore.
I don't think it would translate well here but remember Japanese workers are heavily stressed out and overworked. I wouldn't be surprised if most workers just think of stabbing everyone on the train ride home. I guess this might not apply to Adachi since he did mention work in the boonies is easy but it could just be him having fluff talk.
I think the main issue is that people misunderstand what the cast means when "HE'S WRONG." They aren't denying on how bullshit society is. They're denying that their friendship isn't fake. On how people aren't willing to accept you if you try.
>I think the main issue is that people misunderstand what the cast means when "HE'S WRONG." They aren't denying on how bullshit society is. They're denying that their friendship isn't fake. On how people aren't willing to accept you if you try.
That is true, they even say at the end that Izanami was right about people wanting to hide and not accept the truth
I'm not doubting he didn't work hard or study his ass off. I'm just saying at one point he says that "one tiny mistake" got him sent to the boonies. Considering we know he's an unhinged psycho, it's safe to assume that "little mistake" was probably a bigger deal than he's letting on.
how are you posting from prison, adachi?
I really like P4 because it's a connects a lot more to me compared to the others.
Adachi is an everyday man. We can see anyone in the work force like him just snap. We know how bullshit it is that everything is past through brownnosing. You dont even need a backstory for why he acts that way. For people going through school or work, they KNOW why he is the way he is. The problem is that there's two ways that people try to solve their problems.
1) bottle it in and just become jealous of others.
2) let it go and appreciate what you already have. accept your flaws and learn to face yourself. You aren't perfect, nobody is. No matter what you do, you'll always hit a bump on the road, but you shouldn't be always self reliant and destructive in fixing it, you should be open to people and ask for help when you need it.
I guess. What I'm trying to say is that all people are unhinged psychos. There's always thoughts like "I'm going to fucking kill my boss today.". "People who cheat on others are worse than scum, they deserve whatever comes to them."
It's normal to feel this way. Most people usually rant it out to family or friends or just release it.
Adachi instead decides to bottle it in and just fucking loses it. Bit of head canon, but I'm sure right after he raped the newscaster, I wouldn't be surprised if he killed himself right after or as soon as he gets caught.
He only became a killer after the world shat on him for the crime of existing.
I can;t play P3 because the MMO section makes me too nostalgic
Most of the group was shat on, none of them became a killer because of attention
Persona 4 makes me miss my highschool days....
Truly the best Persona game ever made. Only edgy people hates this game.
Where was he shat on for the crime of existing? Show me evidence of this happening. Him breathing through his mouth and throwing a tantrum when a girl didn't immediately say yes is not "the world shitting on him"
Mitsuo was interesting because he's like Adachi but he releases his destructive emotions on the outside. Being a teenager there's a bunch of mixed thoughts with self depreciation and just wanting someone.
I know the writers didn't intend to write him this way or maybe they did, but take a look if you swap the perspective in the confession.
If you were to put an average teenager, some thoughts would be like
>I know I'm pretty ugly, but maybe if I hang with Larry, everyone might start to like me or talk to me.
>Larry is a nice girl, she would probably understand....
>H-hey why don't we hang out somewhere
>Uhhh who are you? No.
>...fuck fuck fuck, I guess nobody will accept me after all. FUCK THIS SOCIETY FUCK SCHOOL IM DONE WITH THIS FUCKING SHIT
Doesn't even help that much with Chie getting all defensive. It even makes sense he would go for king moron to kill too because while king moron is a good guy, he isn't if you aren't open to him and with Mitsuo being insecure of himself he'd probably ping pong between being honest and dishonest with him.
I think what the writers wanted you to do was to project onto the characters how you felt. It could also be me speaking out of my ass.
This but unironically
>H-hey why don't we hang out somewhere
That's not quite how it went down
>H-hey why don't we hang out somewhere
>Uhhh who are you?
Persona is for normalfags and people who want to distance themselves from reality as much as possible.
I guess another way to think of it was
>Hey the transfer student got to know her pretty well
>Maybe I can finally get some friends too.
>Uhh who are you?
>The hell? What's wrong with me. That guy gets to talk to her normally. The fuck?! AM I REALLY THAT UNLIKABLE? WILL NO ONE HANG OUT WITH ME?
>These aren't real problems because I don't have them
Amazing post, just what you would expect from the intellectual heavyweights of Yea Forums
This only makes him sound more unstable and unreasonable I hope you realize.
>Distance themselves from reality
Yeah like people who pretend is actually what happened. Those people.
Ah I see what you mean. I think the lesson here is to better yourself. Mitsuo thought of himself as nothing so it reflects onto others. I think the main idea for Mitsuo was for people to love themselves before they can be loved by others.
Says the classic SMTfags who loves destruction and killing innocent people
>richgirl upset that she might have to inherit her parent's business
....Then sell it after you inherit?
Godamn this game sounds terrible.
>It can be frustrating seeing how everyone seems to take the side of sociopaths who pretend their way through life.
That's literally Adachi tho, and no one took his side.
That user simplified her problem a lot
People who want to pretend Atlus does not see them as a loser on the same level as Mitsuo.
Exactly, fuck all the gay wannabe normalfag waifushit. I wanna be hardcore.
She's a Japanese girl inheriting a historic family inn that's one of the few draws to a dying town. It keeps many people employed and the deputy mayor of the city pretty much tells her "we're all expecting you to inherit it after you graduate" She has an enormous amount of pressure to inherit it and run it for the rest of her life. The fact that your response to this is probably "LMAO JUST SELL IT" is indicative of why she actually does have a serious problem.
Also why are you in a thread for a game you haven't played?
>your first world problems don't compare to me so I'm justified in killing people and tricking a man in killing more people
I wouldn't say 4 to be honest. At least before it lost its way in the sequels and spinoffs. I feel like you have a better time of you're in the shoes of someone like Adachi or at least someone who's felt the same as him. I think that's why I liked it a bit more than 5. I related to the characters way more in 4.
ignorant for you to say that without context.
I see what you mean. That was a poor choice in words on my part. I guess I'm more talking about people who make it their sole duty to get to the top. The ones who brown nose every step in the way.
>People who want to pretend Atlus does not see them as a loser on the same level as Mitsuo.
Mitsuo is someone who probably poop socks and no life's through video games. If you don't do this and let video games interfere with other aspects of your life then Atlus isn't talking about you.
Go back to EdgeEmolord
>The ones who brown nose every step in the way.
We don't actually know why people got promoted over him
Yu is not a chad, he's a loser with no friends who had to work hard to improve himself after his parents tossed him to the curb.
Adachi got the same chance to build a new life in a small town, the same power bestowed on him, and he even befriended the same man that took care of Yu. They both got the same advantages, but Yu made the most of it while Adachi played childish games.
They had the same disadvantages and the same potential ahead of them. That's the irony, and it's why Adachi's line about some people being blessed with success is bullshit. He was never any less blessed than Yu was.
I think Atlus is talking about those awkward kids in school. Those who have a tough time relating to others. I'm sure some of the writers have been in that position and had negative thoughts over the other kids for rejecting them. All they did was tune that to 11.
Really the main message for 4 was STOP SPERGING OUT.
>Mitsuo is someone who probably poop socks and no life's through video games.
Yes, like the average Fatlus. A faggot living through a Gary Stu anime MC.
>All these problems aren't real
>But Adachi not gettling laid is a real problem
Actual Incel tier post
Ignore the troll and post Persona 4 girls
The best endings are ones where you fight for humanity
Because he's not mentally stable? Also as seen in game he makes no real effort to make friends or connections of any kind. I'm not saying you have to brown nose but you have to make some effort to put yourself out there
>Also why are you in a thread for a game you haven't played?
I was a fan of the original NES entries.
Eat shit, bitch. Your chunni ass probably ate up P5's "gamers rise up" trash with glee.
ok jizzbrain
>Yes, like the average Fatlus. A faggot living through a Gary Stu anime MC.
I thought you said the game appealed to normalfags too.
Those aren’t real problems
Both, normalfags and wannabe normalfags.
It's a reflection on Japanese society, user.
You know those who get "a head" get ahead in life. Who knows, maybe that's what they weren't going for though. That was my take on it.
Hmm I guess even if you believe they were promoted by being a good person, Adachi can just project that onto him. Either way the lesson still stands for him to appreciate what he's got and to stop comparing himself to others.
Maybe this privileged whore deserves to be killed them if that’s all she cares about
Well. I guess that's all the discussion that's going to happen. The shitposters have arrived.
Its obvious that you just want to the troll in the first place so i didnt even bother to read your shitpost
Hmmmm wheres your SMT5 now, huh ?
Ok but you understand why her problem does weigh heavily on her right? Keep in mind she's also 16 years old.
Neither is "Es Jay Dubyas ruining my toys" or "character I don't like is in my party game" and yet you look at this board and they sure act like the world is falling apart.
>meanwhile in P5
Nope, Law for II and True Demon for Nocturne.
neither is "how dare that woman not pay attention to me"
Reminder he did nothing wrong
said no one ever
only fujos care for this homo tho. adachi on the other hand hit too close to home for a lot of anons.
That's why I honestly think P5 had too much chefs in the kitchen. They seemed completely unfocused compared to P4.
Are you schizophrenic?
>Don't understand the character
>Too much chiefs in the kitchen
Pay attention user
>Persona 3 was 13 years ago
To be fair it truly is the greatest revenge fantasy of all time.
You get your revenge by fulfilling their exact desires, truly the greatest revenge in the world.
>unless you're some ugly, pathetic incel with legitimate psychological problems, don't even fucking bother trying to change your situation you loser without friends you'll never amount to anything
They're not wrong
>You get your revenge by fulfilling their exact desires,
You forgot the part where he fucks him up after helping him accomplish his desires
>too many chiefs on the kitchen
Chief wisdom say Yea Forums was better before brainlet man come and make shit posts
Except his dad saw it coming a mile away and had him executed before he became a liability.
>He doesn't want to settle in quiet town and live a quiet peaceful life.
But he doesn’t do that. And how could be possibly do it after he made him achieve his goals
Good luck assassinating the the prime minister. Good luck soloing his palace.
>smash threads
Explain to me Akechi's character. I want to have a discussion. I am not here to shitpost. I am all open ears.
Are you insulting me?
No are you? I'm merely saying things this board complains about aren't real problems either.
Yeah except the part where the Pahntom Thieves did just that by getting him to confess and people were still going to vote for him. Like bastardo would do anything.
He went up and asked a pretty girl to become his girlfriend after stalking her, and then he went full Elliot Rodger
He just needed to enter the palace and he won, nothing would stop him after getting in
The dude soloed palaces for 2 years, Shido's palace is nothing
Persona 4 is really the Jojo Part 4 of Persona.
Most fanbases loved it. But Yea Forums always hated it.
We truly has a shit taste here.
He said that he will tell him that he's his son and somehow find a way to screw him over.
That is a completely solid plan that will not go wrong because.
I suggest you take your medicine before you shoot up a school
>Pathetically self-insert to try and make up for wasted youth, be a normalfag and identify with the characters, or feel like shit because the game reminds you of your wasted youth
>Rock out and beat the shit out of demons and live the ultimate power fantasy
I think we all know the clear winner in this debate.
That was Yaldy's fault for fucking the world, maybe Akechi was fucked too if Yaldy plan began at the same time but there was a chance his plan went well
>He just needed to enter the palace and he won, nothing would stop him after getting in
But he did enter user, and his dad already has measures in place to make sure he never exited, and guess what? Those measures worked. Akechi never had a chance. He was a tool in every sense of the word.
what the fuck are you even saying
Fuck off, jojobronie. No one thinks you’re funny or cool.
I think the reason being is that Persona 4 is more fixated on Japanese society. If you don't think about it, a lot of stuff goes over your head.
Are you schizophrenic?
Can I actually have some discussion here or is it pretty much over for tonight?
If you get a power fantasy from SMT then you've probably never beaten a single one of the games
>game about death death
>game about being unfairly outcasts
>scooby doo camp adventures
gee I wonder why it's not popular around here.
>Implying Persona makes you funny and cool
lmao faggot
>Explain to me Akechi's character. I want to have a discussion. I am not here to shitpost. I am all open ears.
All he wanted was attention, someone wanting him, and revenge against his father, his revenge plan was make Shido get on top of the world then expose him by saying he was his son and maybe fucking his shadow in the palace, by helping Shido he got the attention and someone wanting him, his revenge plan was all going to go well till the PT's appeared
The measures just worked cause he was fucked from the PT's fight, Akechi x Shido 1v1 would end up easy for Akechi with a real gun
>The dude soloed palaces for 2 years, Shido's palace is nothing
He literally jobs to faceless mooks, if you actually think he could beat shido’s shadow you have legitimate brain damage and are probably a threat to the people around you
>phantom thieves are going to screw your dad over completely and you can get away by running away from it all and hiding in a palace until no one can find you
>decide to enter because you want him to be sabotaged by your hands
>The measures just worked cause he was fucked from the PT's fight, Akechi x Shido 1v1 would end up easy for Akechi with a real gun
lmao why would you ever think that?
Yeah you’re definitely schizophrenic
no one in persona 5 is an outcast
Yeah after fighting a whole team of persona users, and he survived as of P5 Royal
The point was Akechi thinks he's a keikaku master a la Light Yagami when he's the one who is seen through and manipulated by others. He's utterly shocked that Shido actually planned to murder him.
Yea Forums tries way too hard to be edgy?
>t. school shooter
Literally all of them you twit, and all of them were outcasts because of false judgements and perceptions. It's the entire theme of the game, even the confidants fit.
Scooby-Doo is based though.
Shido was expecting him to attack to begin with and wanted to betray him first.
Even if Akechi went and attacked Shido after he won and even without the Phantom Thieves, Shido's shadow would get the jump on him because he knew Akechi was planning something.
I don't think that contradicts what I mean by too many chefs in the kitchen. It definitely did feel in general Persona 5 was a bit all over the place in terms of what they wanted to do. They'll introduce things midway through just to side step it shortly after.
It's been a while since I played it but I felt Okumura - Yaldy's part was a bit messy in my own opinion.
>Yea Forums always hated it
Not true. Only zoomers desperate for ecred hate it and pretend to like 2 and 3 despite never actually playing them. The game has 4 banners for a reason.
>I don't think that contradicts what I mean by too many chefs in the kitchen. It definitely did feel in general Persona 5 was a bit all over the place in terms of what they wanted to do. They'll introduce things midway through just to side step it shortly after.
But why ? everything i said is not all over the place, its even quite simple
Where do the chiefs come into play
They're all a bunch of Cinderellas who are "outcast" through no real fault of their own. It's not just them, even most of the confidants are dindus.
No, one just has less substance and relevance than the other 2 to a community like this.
Sure, but it doesn't make you think like 3 or make you look at yourself like 5. If there was continuation between the three 4 would be considered filler.
>Beat the shit out of demons with your bare hands
>Become demon general
That sounds like a power fantasy to me, boss.
I'd say Yukiko's problem was pretty significant. She felt like she didn't have control over the outcome of her life due to her position as the heir of the inn.
This is never shown in game at all. None of them are outcasts and they all can easily fit into society for free at any time.
This is like 10% of any SMT game, the rest is tragedy.
Shido vs Akechi depending how it goes could end up for either side even with a Shido advantage, Shido Lion was not that strong and Armstrong Shido is not resistant to Guns so a real gun would go well
>being set for life is a problem
Imagine being this narcissistic
I always gave Persona 4 flak for the way it handled overarching character development, but I appreciate its themes a lot more after Persona 5.
It seems like such a strange step backwards to have a whole game about the emotional struggles of people who have to acknowledge and accept their flaws to be able to escape their dungeons, to having the next game being about the dungeons of one-note baddies that just have their cartoonishly evil aspects forcibly erased against their will. Futaba's palace was easily my favorite story-wise because it's basically a rehash of what Persona 4 did.
I like scooby doo so fuck off.
>This is never shown in game at all. None of them are outcasts and they all can easily fit into society for free at any time.
>Ryujis team mates beat his ass for trying to help
>Ann is outcast by everyone because they think *she's* the stuck up one
>Yusuke has no friends because everyone thinks he's an idol from working with Madarame
The list goes on, don't be a faggot.
If madarame was a p4 character his shadow would be a manifestation of his guilt for letting yusukes mom die, since he’s a p5 character he’s a mustache twirler who has le ebil plot to steal her painting
> less substance and relevance than the other 2 to a community like this.
Right because it isn't as edgy.
That whole final battle felt like the shadow fights but in reverse, Adachi was telling them a harsh truth, and they ignored it, and lashed out, because they knew he was right all along.
Considering the games themes are different you're quite retarded for comparing them at the first place, only one you could compare is Futaba palace and even then it its a little different
You faggots have no right to complain about Persona when Heavy Rain is considered among the pinnacle of video game writing
> 1A. Silent Hill 2
> 1B. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
> 2. Mass Effect 2
> 3. Final Fantasy VII
> 4. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
> 5. The Last of Us
> 6. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (CAN)
> 7. NieR Automata
> 8. Bioshock
> 9. Final Fantasy VI
> 10. Mass Effect
> 11. Red Dead Redemption
> 12. Heavy Rain
> 13. Telltale’s The Walking Dead
> 14. Planescape Torment
> 15. Shadow Of The Colossus
> 16. Chrono Trigger
> 17. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty
> 18. Bioshock Infinite
> 19. Portal 2
> 20. Half-Life 2: Episodes
I'm talking in generally of Persona 5. I hated how they started looking at themselves retrospectively and question if they're doing the right thing only for them to get sidetracked by Morgana and Ryuji's fight. Yaldy's build up felt a bit out of nowhere and it's jarring to go from Shido to his palace. (I get it's the point, it still leaves a bad taste). I felt Akechi's revenge thing was something done last minute. I don't remember any foreshadowing towards it. I just really felt after Futaba, the story seemed rushed.
It's chefs.
>why would Yea Forums of all places care about an unfair society condemning kids or the existential questions surrounding death when there's a scooby doo marathon on???
this is what you sound like user. it's got nothing to do with edge, just substance in general.
What was the "truth"?
>ITT : Newfags played P5 as their first Persona game and Edgelords SMTtards thinks "Massacre is cool XDD"
>I hated how they started looking at themselves retrospectively and question if they're doing the right thing only for them to get sidetracked by Morgana and Ryuji's fight. Yaldy's build up felt a bit out of nowhere and it's jarring to go from Shido to his palace. (I get it's the point, it still leaves a bad taste). I felt Akechi's revenge thing was something done last minute. I don't remember any foreshadowing towards it. I just really felt after Futaba, the story seemed rushed.
Akechi had a whole lot of foreshadow as he even lied to Shido about Morgana, Yaldy's foreshadow comes by Igor saying some cryptic stuff before Shido's dungeon, and they also know they are wrong the moment the Mc denies Yaldy's offer
The ultimate truth is that light makes right though and they beat him up so they are right
Adachi is the audience's shadow, who speaks the truths (albeit twisted) that contradict the cozy fantasy world of P4.
> NieR literally just came out 2 years ago & has already surpassed Witcher 3 in terms of mainstream circlejerk
How the fuck did this happen?
That they were exactly like him, except they were lucky enough to meet Yu.
Don't get me wrong. I think SMT is great. It tackles the same problems over and over again. Order is bad! Freedom is bad! Neutral is bad in a way it leaves everything up to fate.
>unless you're some ugly, pathetic incel with legitimate psychological problems
I'd just kill myself. No point in trying when you're at such a disadvantage.
Scooby doo was the best of the 3 honestly
In hindsight adachi should’ve pointed out how he improved more lives than he ruined.
Exactly like him, how?
Yaldy felt really awkward imo.
Nah. I had fun, and Rise was a treasure, but 5 still blows it out the water.
>Yaldy felt really awkward imo.
P4 literally had Izanami coming out of nowhere in the last game day and only Yaldy was awkward ? Yaldy at least had 'mementos got something deep down there' to foreshadow
Izanami was optional. She's also available during rainy days.
Great take honestly, but then they made him a supervillain and superficially made him straight up evil. Japanese culture is so fucking weird, as much of a weeb as I am most times I’m glad I come from the west.
in some aspects but man the story and dungeons were ass in 5, I got half way through the cruise ship and lost all will to continue. Had to take like a year break after the shitfest that was space dungeon.
Uh huh. Let's ignore that those existential questions surrounding death are only in 10% of the game. Yea Forums is primarily a board about posturing and trying as hard as possible to seem hardcore. Which would be more effective at doing that? The game memed to be all about death or the game memed to be a scooby doo adventure? Also 4 is literally about an unfair society condemning kids but since you haven't actually played it you wouldn't know that. Unlike 5 though it's only a sub theme instead of the main theme.
She is literally the final boss and gives the true end, Yaldy is optional too if you take his deal then
>2 Chies
I never really saw him superficially evil desu. I just saw a sad man just frustrated over the system, someone who straight up loses it.
Watch Falling Down to see what I'm getting at. The main character in that is an everyday guy who's just having one really really bad day.
lol never noticed that before
Mass Effect 2 is absolutely terrible, what the fuck do normalfags see in this game? It butchered all of the amazing worldbuilding & character development from ME1
>Akechi says "justice" and "the power of friendship" is just a numbers game
>the public outright reject the PT out of existence
>"Screw what others think, we'll do what we think is right!"
>but need the power of popularity to defeat the final boss
I would say that is her reflex but it don't matches kek
>It's retarded to compare a sequel's quality of writing to its predecessor
Yaldy was trying to prove the people wanted to be slaves, but the PT's were trying to prove that wrong. They ended up being correct.
>The Mc dies at the end of X game but on X game
>X game is much better!
What? I like the game but the story is literally just "BROWN MAN BAD"
The fuck with these shitposts. We obviously knew that Persona 4 is the most popular Persona game. It even got an official sequel (Arena, Arena Ultimax, DAN) and other persona medium such as Anime, Manga, etc. Started and popularized with 4 first.
Considering the fact that you are comparing different themes then yes
>What the fuck is with all these shitposts
>Persona 4 is popular
Answered your own question.
What do faggots see in this game? Story is basic ancient alien invasion plot, game plays like ass, heat meter on weapons was annoying, mako was complete dildos and hoped you save every 2 minutes.
P4s villians were all great but you REALLY REALLY had to project into it. You can't take everything at face value.
>it even got an official sequel (Arena, Arena Ultimax, DAN)
Technically Arena and Ultimax are P3 sequels too
I was actually having some good discussion until Persona 5 was mentioned in the thread.
Oh, right. I forgot we hate popular things in here.
Is P4 animation the only good video game adaptation? I genuinely loved it, despite the quality and shit like 2 chies
It's about accepting your prescribed place in society, japanese are at least honest like this. Yu is a chad and mitsuo isn't, some people aren't meant to find love.
That's not actually true. It's only number 3.
How the fuck did P3P sell that much ?
Yaldy literally exists because of people. They were imprisoned of their own will. That they changed their minds doesn't prove anything other than people being capricious.
Came out after 4 but before 4 was milked to death. Also getting to play as grill certainly helped.
That's not it at all....
Steins;Gate if you count it.
Looking up some lists and wow....there really wasn't any.
>That they changed their minds doesn't prove anything other than people being capricious.
Fuck off Yaldy, they only changed their minds after his angels were being killed by the thieves and based Mishima rised up
>That main vs remake sales
Man we are the retards falling for Altus Jewtricks
I'm comparing how the two games handled themes of morality and the personification of human flaws.
Persona 4 explored flaws as a part of people that doesn't have to wholly define them, but as something that they have to acknowledge in order to grow. Persona 5 explored flaws as a pure evil supervillain that lives inside of your head that can be turned off like a light switch without your knowledge or consent.
>japan numbers
>explored flaws as a pure evil supervillain that lives inside of your head that can be turned off like a light switch without your knowledge or consent.
But that is just you being idiotic and simplifying it, all the villains of P5 were only that way cause society made them that way, they also losing that over their treasure being stole goes along they falling in order with society after losing their will to go against it
We will learn one day, or maybe not
In all honesty, why can't people who love Persona 5 take criticism compared to the others in the series. You can talk shit about Persona 3 and Persona 4 but as soon as you talk shit about Persona 5 it turns into shit flinging.
You're only proving the point about their capriciousness if they changed their minds on a dime about people they willed out of existence and because of some kid. They do with what they seems good at the moment.
>game make bad man has good point
>ther for gaem bad!
Well if you can find international sales data and compile it, that would be appreciated. I would guess P4 surpasses P1 if those are included
>You can talk shit about Persona 3 and Persona 4
lmao have you read this thread?
80% of the criticism of P5 is because people don't pay attention
I like P5 but I had zero connection with the cast and they never felt like they had any chemistry with each other.
>If the bad guy makes me feel good about being a loser then it doesn't matter if he killed two innocent people!
Because they're underage.
>You can talk shit about Persona 3 and Persona 4
Yeah but those are in response to factually incorrect posts to be fair.
There's anons accepting the flaws of Persona 4.
But what's false about them? Most of the time I see an argument and it's either rewording what they said or NO U WRONG. What are things that people misunderstand?
>But what's false about them? Most of the time I see an argument and it's either rewording what they said or NO U WRONG. What are things that people misunderstand?
Every single part that is not simple, the ruse, Morgana x Ryuji fight and much more
>There's anons accepting the flaws of Persona 4.
see the post literally right above yours for why that's a bold faced lie nigga
Simply validating my feelings of superiority over a franchise I've never played. Holy shit this look like utter shit. Fuck Persona lmao.
>There's anons accepting the flaws of Persona 4
They might accept them when someone actually gives legit criticism. :^)
Okay. Tell me user what are they confused specifically about it?
They always say Morgana got out of the team because Ryuji talked back when its more than that, and most can't understand how the ruse works despite Futaba being there to explain
>We will learn one day, or maybe not
What's there to criticize about it?
When you have to get this obtuse you've already lost, fag. Why bother?
Imagine if P5 psychologized its villains by making the Seven Deadly Sins possess and take over their lives?
They’re already used uniquely for each villain, but it would make more sense with the Inception-like Robinhood concept of going into people’s minds and stealing their obsessions if these influences were like shadow temptations that warped their soul. The reason P4’s concept is impactful is because we relate to psychological problems as being “the bad guy” and so they take form as shadows. Why couldn’t they just make P5’s concept that some sort of evil temptation took over each villain and turned a normal life into an evil one, just like what could happen in real people’s lives? It would help make it just as relatable and impactful. It would even go along with Persona’s theme of “rebellion”, because then the heros would be rebelling against the bad evil temptations.
Instead, we have Kamoshida and the art guy and haru’s dad and Shido just kinda be evil to begin with, and the Phantom Thieves are forcefully brainwashing them into their ideal of good, and the theme of rebellion turns into the idea of rebellion against authority, which becomes even less relatable by making every authority the caricature of a corrupt adult. They really dropped the ball thematically with what could’ve been a great and interesting concept.
>>There's anons accepting the flaws of Persona 4.
>see the post literally right above yours for why that's a bold faced lie nigga
>Literally right
Sorry user. I really don't know what you're on about.
>The ruse is confusing and don't explains shit
>Morgana got out after Ryuji talked back, fuck that cat and this writing
>Imagine if P5 psychologized its villains by making the Seven Deadly Sins possess and take over their lives?
But they literally did, not in a big way but each villain had a sin
Well yes, that's the charm of the game. It explores the darker aspects of social expression and asks where's the line between someone who can't fit in due to busted self image, and an elliot rodgers incel.
These things are where the game shines, and you niggers act as if pointing out the biases of human society and having a somewhat sympathetic villain equates to bad writing when it comes to P4.
Make your own thread, P5anons.
>Why couldn’t they just make P5’s concept that some sort of evil temptation took over each villain and turned a normal life into an evil one, just like what could happen in real people’s lives?
That is literally what happens, each villain only became a villain because one object of their life fucked their cognition and made them abuse society for their own gain
I mean I already acknowledge they did, I just think it was implemented in a really meaningless and uninteresting way.
I thought it was weird that they wanted us to sympathize with Haru's father in the end. He was supposedly an alright guy at one point, but the entirety of his screen-time is him either working people to death or treating his daughter like trash to be sold off.
I don't see anyone complaining about the ruse and the cat was a bit of a shitpost. Yes there's more to it, the cat felt like it was losing its place in the team but in all honesty, they aren't complaining what happened, they're complaining on why. It was a major side swipe to an interesting plot point where they started doubting if they're doing the right thing.
user, you literally said right above my post. Not my fault you meant two posts up.
>Whole palaces built around the theme
>Most bosses had something to do with theme
>Calling cards calling the target out on the theme
Both are not meaningless and uninteresting
>literally post 81 to 82
Unironically kill yourself user.
>Hard work doesn't accomplish anything.
Your character literally comes to Inaba as a weak, baby bitch retard. You don't really need to say shit considering you're a fucking living example that Adachi sucks dick.
Persona 4 is a tonally inconsistent friend simulator, who knew. There are many side characters who get treated as irredeemable laughing stock when the entire thematic undercurrent is that you shouldn't be so quick to judge and condemn others. Fucking Adachi gets given more chances by the protagonists after they learn he's a psycho than some of their classmates get just for being annoying.
If you insist.
Because no one is really friends with each other, only with (You). As a fantasy fulfiller, everything has to revolve around Joker and so development outside of that suffers. You don't get any meaningful interparty relationships because the game's too focused on making Joker look good.
>It was a major side swipe to an interesting plot point where they started doubting if they're doing the right thing.
But that plot point is brought back up again in mementos depths and reach it's peak when Yaldy offers the Mc a deal
God I love Rise so much
Okay. And?
>Because no one is really friends with each other, only with (You)
That is also P4 on some parts, specially with Naoto, hell there is a event where if you refuse to study with them they just cancel the event because you don't go
Hey don’t downplay P5 like that, hearing morgana mock ryuji every chance he got was great!
Adachi is correct because I also don't have friends and want to kill myself
Based Ziodynecock
And it means you can't say they just side swiped it, it its also brought back up after Okumura dies that is not that long after Morgana fight
Shut up you useless stupid cat.
One reason I liked Dancing in Starlight was that it gave the PT time to actually be themselves without a huge plot going on to draw their attention. They all feel like kids.
Adachi apologists are fucking stupid.
The whole point is "you're free to feel whatever you like, but don't inconvenience everyone else because you're fucking bored, scum."
Why did you quote my post pointing out that the image about Adachi and the greentext about Mitsuo are flatout lies as an example of not accepting the flaws? It's not a flaw if you have to lie.
I want Fatlus posting to return
Too bad it had the worst song choices out of the three
You're missing the point. I'm saying that it completely changes ship. They sidelined it. Nobody likes that shit.
Maybe it's just me but I felt like the dancing game for SEES wasn't okay. I can't buy the SEES party just being all gung ho over dancing.
PT...maybe, but it's a bit of a stretch.
Yeah, just got through a part where Yosuke called for a group study session with everyone and I turned him down. I thought maybe I wouldn't see my party members that day since they'd be with Yosuke, but no, everyone's just fucking wandering around in town.
The IT's made out to be a group of friends, but just like the PT, you barely see any of them interact with anyone besides you. I don't know if it's Golden exclusive, but when you head to Junes at night with Dojima, you get these small cutscenes of your party members shopping with each other. That's the sort of shit that gives life to the other characters. Small interactions taking place without you being involved. I really want Royal to do more of that, but I'm damn sure it's just all going to be focused around Joker again.
He’s the king
>Persona 4
>"Deep" game that filthy weebs like
>Cool cyberpunk future game that doesn't kid the audience with boring slice of life crap
Yeah SMT2 wins again.
Nah, every character has at least one good remix.
They explicitly say SEES is having a shared dream one night that they'll all forget when they wake up. Everyone welcomes the chance for an escape in their dreams.
Why do SMTfags try really really hard to seem cool on the internet? Insecurity?
>4 spergs from bumblefuck nowhere
Please. Joker is naturally what Yu pretends to be.
Thats they all could do because their franchise is murdered by Persona
>You're missing the point. I'm saying that it completely changes ship. They sidelined it. Nobody likes that shit.
But it made sense storywise and it also goes well because some bigger shit happened so they gotta focus on that, and when Mona comes back Haru gives them a reason to go after Okumura and they take the bait
Because their game is edgy tryhard shenanigans and they haven't grown out of being 14.
Oh no I get that. But I'd be embarrassed to dance for my coworkers. Jumped would probably laugh at that shit and Yukari would.just be "you serious?" It feels a bit out of character for them to be like yeah sure! Let's do it!
Also I can't believe there's no whims of fate(normal).
I don't remember where but i think they say that was January SEES so that is why they are more happier than usual
The ones who would feel embarrassed embrace it as "Well if it means getting out of here, I'll give it my all."
desu both games are excuses to have the characters in a more relaxed setting and neither pretends to be anything else. The "it's a dream" thing gets stated early to get it out of the way and to tell you to just enjoy it.
SMT is chuuni, just like Purseowner.
This is a completely modern take on SMT, there was nothing tryhard or edgy about the original SMT games, they were just cool. You're just a big faggot.
It depends on if you take the Shinjiro DLC as canon or not.
>there was nothing tryhard or edgy about the original SMT games
Chaos routes though, especially Nocturne true demon
>Nocturne true demon
This was after that faggot Yamai added a bunch of dumb fanfiction shit to Nocturne, the original game didn't have le epic Lucifer fight or a True Demon ending, the original game just told you to eat shit if you didn't agree with any of the reasons.
Most of the Chaos routes aren't even edgy, in SMT Lucifer helps rebuild society and stops mass LAW genocide.
Good taste.
Butthurt Chaosfag detected.
>This was after that faggot Yamai added a bunch of dumb fanfiction shit to Nocturne, the original game didn't have le epic Lucifer fight or a True Demon ending, the original game just told you to eat shit if you didn't agree with any of the reasons.
That makes sense, it was quite different from the other ends
>Most of the Chaos routes aren't even edgy, in SMT Lucifer helps rebuild society and stops mass LAW genocide.
You got me there
LAW? more like FLAW
Same to you, user.
>Why do SMTfags try really really hard to seem cool on the internet? Insecurity?
Nah that's just how Personafags perceive anything that isn't chuuni nip life sims.
Kaneko's demon designs are the only universally good part of megaten franchise, I did not remember anyone complain about them
I wish Kaneko would come back. I see the designs Soejima made for Persona 5 and I just get incredibly sad.
This, Massacre is the edgiest route yet, literally kill everyone and become a god. It's like a caricature of what people meme SMT is about. Unsurprisingly it's paired with another lame route that feels like a Persona reject.
I don't like Satan's tits.
SMT is literally made for 14 year old kids you edgy tryhard. Pretending to be a Pokemon summoner is about as chuuni as you can get.
Case in point.
The guy is a control freak, his good art won't change how much of an asshole he is.
Shut the fuck up stupid
Soejima deserves Kaneko breathing down his neck for some of the Godawful designs he shoves down our throat.
How can you hate this face.
>tfw you never have a fullfilling high school life like these guys
I accept your concession
I had to message my friends and tell them how much I cared about them after I finished that social link
>practically copied from an old depiction you can find on google images
Their high school lives are also not real, they were never experienced by anyone, they were just written by some guy. You shouldn't feel too jealous.
Soejima is pretty much the only one. The SJ team shouldn't have been cursed with him and his urge to make SJ 4 when no one else wanted it to be.
shut up shut up shut upppppppppppppppppppppp
>tfw I did and Persona 4 is still my favorite
My existence breaks Yea Forums's brain.
Holy shit is that the imp from the new pokemon game? I love Masuda now.
>He didn't have a relaxing highschool experience with a group of friends
You're either pathetic or you're ignoring what you already have.
>>practically copied
>looks nothing like it
you realize he's literally the lord of flies right?
>kaneko copies traditional depiction with little to no change
>omgggg he's a genius
>now posts on 4chin on a Saturday
Did your life peak there?
Wait a second, are you actually really fucking retarded? My bad.
I have mediocre high school life. I wouldn't be surprised if im gonna be serial killer in next 2 years
>Holy shit it's jesus but he's a wheel made out of thorns great job Atlus for not being true to the source
Everyone point and laugh.
>Pretending to be a Pokemon summoner is about as chuuni as you can get.
You do know that SMT isn't Persona, right? The main focus on SMT games is usually societal changes not the act of summoning.
>are you actually retarded?
>they look nothing alike
It'll be alright friend...
I'm like 90% sure 2 Chies is only in the Golden animation
The original was far superior
Shut up, bitch.
Not EVERY Demon of the hundreds there are is that great, and you posted an example of one of his older designs when he was far less talented, he's grown as an artist alot. Don't be a dumb faggot.
Imagine not being able to make ONE friend in highschool.
>creates notable and iconic designs while staying true to their source/popular depiction
Or should it be like Fate and make wacky animu designs and you don't know who the hell it is unless you're a Fatefag?
Nope. You can hang out with your friends AND post on Yea Forums when you get back.
>tfw retained two top tier bros from high school and college
>also kept a handful of other weeb acquaintances
>having a game day with the two at college friends' new place
Feels good having friends. Too bad for all of the Adachi's out there.
>The main focus of SMT games is the thing that happens at the end and not what you spend the majority of the game doing.
Persona 4 is genuinely pretty shit. I understand the appeal as an extremely light-hearted high school simulator with a chuuni plot and a cast of imaginary friends that all suck your dick but none of that means it's any good.
Why do you post on this armpit instead of with your friends like a normal person?
But I do. We have a Discord for our DnD group.
Why do you post on this armpit?
>the emotional struggles of people who have to acknowledge and accept their flaws to be able to escape their dungeons
Yeah and then not even five minutes afterwards their emotional struggles are made fun of for cheap and ineffective comedic relief for the entire rest of the fucking game. P4 falls over itself taking the wind out of it's own sails and ruining any bit of character development it sets up.
It can be fun sometimes.
Doesn't change the fact that it's not original
>Yosuke makes two Kanji is gay jokes before Kanji calls him annoying and he stops for the rest of the game.
I think you're being histrionic again.
To whom, exactly?
None of that means it's bad either.
So they are not HIS design. He cant claim credit for them.
The people who actually know them, brainlet-kun.
>So they are not HIS design.
Wrong, they are not exactly the same.
Don't mind me just posting best persona character.
the PSP was extremely popular, and nips are moralfags and actually bought PSP games
P5fags haven't played anything other than 5 so you'll have to excuse them.
Iconic means that it's instantly recognizable to people who are not fully familiar with the product.
Obviously, you're going to recognize a design you've seen multiple times before.
Some are exactly the same, some are very similar, some are original. He mostly stays very loyal to the source, without taking any liberties. You can like his work all you want, but you can't claim the designs weren't already laid out to him, and all he ever had to do was implement a color pallette.
First game syndrome and Sony syndrome. Being their first persona game and the fact that its on ps4 compels them to defend and deflect rather than talk.
>The ruse is confusing and don't explains shit
Pretty sure the problem people have is that it was too obvious.
I love Rise!
>tfw no cute 10/10 gf who dresses like a boy
>Persona 4 choices matt-
>Nothing that indicates OP is an American
Regardless, it's more likely he's a europoor since most of you are 3rd world fags who can't speak proper English.
I've been wondering why this picture was posted so much.
>muh multiple choices
Persona 4 is overpraised because its baby's first jrpg for a lot of 4channers. Excluding people who actually owned ps1.
What garbage language is that ? even i ashamed using this shitty language right now.
My first console is SNES (Waterworld) and PS1 (Crash Bandicoot FF7,8) and i like Persona 4.
What now, huh ? Try again, SMTards.
Ironic, because 90% of the "criticism" of P5 is P4fags crying that the plot is mildly more complex than "just be yourself and don't be a dick."
Persona games are some of the best forms of escapism, right next to VN, of course it's going to have retarded morals that only speaks to people who barely have a clue how the world actually works
Also Japanese tends to absorb western philosophical concepts without digesting them, which results in inconsistent morals and usually concludes on the regurgitating of what they've heard/read
TLDR: Don't to stick too hard with the moral values of Japanese games, they tend to be inconsistent and only speaks on a surface level
It's almost like they're Japanese games made by Japanese people living and working in Japan about Japanese people also living and working in Japan designed for a target audience of Japanese people living and working in Japan, and judging them by western moral standards is retarded.
Persona is a series that just isn't for me, I've played 4 for over 60 hours to try my absolute best to finish it, but I quit because it's so poorly written, immature, and has boring dungeon and combat mechanics.
Pretty sure the combat killed it for me the quickest, I got sick of it only 10 hours in.
And yes I've played 3 and liked that one even less.
>muh moral standards
Yes yes America is so perfect USA USA right ?
Troll nowdays not even trying anymore its getting pathetic
Stop pretending Japan is some alien country, taoism is extremely correlated with common morals shared by all philosophy.
In the west too most of the time devs rehash philosophical concepts before understanding them, turns out most game devs are incels who have no clue about the actual world they live in and see it through the spectrum of their computer just like you user.
Adachi has Dojima though
>Hard work doesn't accomplish anything
>The world's about being born talented and knowing the right people
Keep telling yourself that, maybe you truly deserve to live a shitty life of self-pity
He's the one overreacting the most unreasonably to his minor problems you dumb weeb.
Taoism isn't japanese...
>The world's about being born talented and knowing the right people
Sounds like somebody didn't work hard enough, failed then shifts blame.
Fucking loser.
How so?
Bullshit. Having friends can really pull you through dark times (emotional, finantial, etc). Adachi HAD the police guy as a friend if he wanted but decided to go “woe is me” instead
>one screenshot represents the entire game
I know it's Yea Forums but I'm not surprised anymore.
Shut up and post best girls
Who do you guys want to see in a swimsuit?
Kanji, no question
I would say Naoto, but theres already some official art of her wearing swimsuit.
Have sex incel
>Imagine working your ass off only realizing in the corporate world it's only those people who act fake and brown nose who get ahead.
Why imagine that when I've literally lived it? Doesn't mean I go out and murder people out of boredom as a result.
Adachi is a manbaby, if you agree with his actions based entirely on his tepid conclusion that life sucks so much that nothing matters then you're also a manbaby.
Damn how shes binding those big boobs ?
Just because Adachi is right about them being inexperienced/young does not mean everything else he says is true or justify his actions
non-retarded opnions here
Kill yourself, retard
What's the best way to beat Margaret?
maybe when you're out of college you'll see how useless your education is and all that matter is that you happened to get lucky enough to meet and be friend with a relative of a successful person in a higher position that can give you jobs just because they like you.
You dont.
Just skip it
the SOS mechanic was stupid
This. Thank you, user.
It's from some little mermaid comic, the prince says Ariel has 3 legs, and the old guy says imagine, 2 vaginas
it was also optional!
why do you think yukiko looks at rise's butt
cuz youre a newfag
>Not Neutralized.
All JRPGs have this shit. especially with silent protagonists that can only communicate with textboxes. And since the designer is retarded he still feels the need to offer multiple choices. So you get this beauty.
>play golden
>decide to beat margaret since I got close beating her in vP4 but dropped it
>gave her double turns in golden
SHitsona has always been a terrible series only wifufags and people to dumb for SMT like it
yes but the design was stupid. You would use it, thne wait for others to charge it up. But if you cleared a floor you only got 1 or 2 cheers per round. And every time you had to reactivate it. Getting 1 SP every fight isnt worth the stupid visual adn pressing a button.
Yu spends most of his time in school and has access to many things to do (like clubs), plus he has more free time. Adachi is a cop who's married to his job.
>True Demon for Nocturne
>"haha I killed all life in the universe now what"
Yoshitsune with Debilitate
I love her voice too, but come on man.
I just really like her. I can't help it.
I like her casual outfit: white turtleneck, necklace and blue skirt. And I like her serious, but sometimes teasing personality too. Would date, probably marry.
I only fought her in Golden, but I used Yoshitsune with Naoto, Yukiko, and Yosuke as my party since at the very least they're all immune to fire if you have their third personas
So is it a choice in the game to convince Naoto she's a lesbian
I turned her down when she confessed.
Only for FeMC
The only one that's a real problem is "girl won't get respect in her field for being a girl". The rest are either easily fixable or not even an actual problem to anyone who isn't a child.
I don't. You can't talk about persona 5 without it being one sentence nonsense rebuttals. You can't talk about persona 4 without being shit on and you can't talk about Persona 3 without the fucking waifu faggotry.
Fuck Yea Forums.
It's not a problem because the reason they don't respect her is not related to her gender in the first place.
what is the point of the text at the bottom
I love you user. Not as much as persona but I hope your day goes well. Cheer up lad
I only came here because somebody posted it somewhere else. I do love persona threads sometimes though. Mainly for some good posts but mostly to increase my persona folder
Go back to your discord.
Based potential school shooter
>Adachi was right
And what about the murders?
Yes sir. Have a good day
>mfw I realize that my dungeon would literally be Mitsuo's or Hikari's
daily reminder that this was adachi's mindset before he even knew anything about having powers
>I'm going to proposition this woman I'm assigned to protect while on the clock
>if she turns me down I'm going to bash her head into a television
not him but adachi was unironically influenced by izanami, that's why he changes personality after he's caught.
I want to fuck cute anime girls goddammit. Especially the ones who isnt in this pic
Chie is my wife, please be respectful