And buy NMS Beyond.
Other urls found in this thread:
His game is still shit, so no.
I remember he once said in an interview "If you fucked up your game, then be quiet and proceed to work on it. Make it good, then make it better. And only then should you announce something." and I feel like a lot of devs should learn from that.
Boy, he looks JUSTed in that pic.
doesn't look like a NintendoSwitchboy anymore
>I promise I'm not lying this time!
>and I feel like a lot of devs should learn from that
Going radio silent is a good way to make everyone think you just abandoned your project.
He still lied.
The game still isn't what it was supposed to be.
The game still isn't good.
He took the least evil option but he still lied and the game is still trash.
Did they make it an mmo finally? Is it like Elite:Dangerous now?
Abandoning your project is a good way to make everyone think you just abandoned your project.
I played it after NEXT released and it was still mediocre leading into boring. Whats changed in the past year to make it any better?
Christ, I wish I could go back and punch my past self in the dick for hopping on the NMS hype train.
It’s not tho
Give us some great examples of what makes No Mans Sky a good game.
If the game originally was early access, would you feel the same way? I know exactly what you mean he lied in the context of the original trailers... but if you saw all that and it was in early access would you still be as mad? Imo a lot of the hate comes from it being advertised as a complete game.
>Going radio silent is a good way to make everyone think you just abandoned your project.
If you're updating the people that bought it wont think that and will hate you less
punished Switch owner
a man denied of his Switch
what do you do in this game now?
He looks like Bane from Matrix Revolutions.
Is he still possessed by a Sony CEO?
has great atmosphere if you ignore the horrible recharge mechanics....and npcs.....and pancakes.... and space combat....and mob combat.... and story... and ending... oh and the bugs :)
I really hope it's not yet again "What do you do though?"
Literally and non-exaggeratedly even after all the updates, you can do everything the game has to offer in the first 3-5 hours including getting yourself a frigate or building a base. But then after those 3-5 hours, you just keep doing that forever. You don't upgrade your base for any purpose other than to make it look cooler, you don't upgrade your space suit/ship/gun/frigate for any purpose other than to make it look cooler. If you want to have a gun-fight planetside, you just bully a pack of animals for 10 seconds before they all die then move on to the next pack, or you aggro sentinels for a couple minutes until they summon everything to fight you, then you beat them with starting equipment and literally nothing happens other than they infinitely keep spawning after just those 2 minutes of fighting. If you want to fight in space you just keep warping around until pirates want to fight you, then you spend a couple minutes killing them with starting ship equipment and literally nothing happens once you're done. If you wanna do it again you keep warping around until you get the next 2 minute pirate fight.
Literally every single non-MMO dogfight other players space game has this issue, and even the MMO dogfighting ones only have the fight other players in ships, get bored a couple weeks in, and occasionally hop on to get in a PvP dogfight for 30 minutes or an hour before logging off again. Can someone please make space/planet hopping fun for once?
Fuckin pancakes...
yes, early access is garbage nigga
Too busy having fun playing starsector
>apologize for his fuck up
But you would have known that and not purchased it, isn't that better?
What's exactly changed about this multiplayer update? Is it like a weird pseudo-MMO where I could fly out to a planet and find a player-made city with lots of people?
More people per session and what seems to be a hub.
dont make trash games at all, thanks
if it was an early access FREE GAME I wouldn't give a shit but yeah people paid $60 for a beta test
is the game still sold at $60? because if it is then hard pass.
being sold on special for 33 maple dollars right now. so 24usd
You should watch this at least once a year
wake me up when it's $5
You know what, I can respect that he stuck with his pile of shit to make it a slightly larger pile of shit.
Can you imagine the panic he experienced when he found out two players discovered the same planet within a day?
>media says NMS is good
>its actually steaming dogshit
>3 years later
>media tells me NMS is good for real this time
>you cant fool me twice retards
then fking pirate it you shitter
the game deserve at least $20
>leafs get to have it cheaper than I do while I live in a shithole that gets 50% off for indie games typically
not that I have bought NMS
>the game deserve at least $20
Not him, but I bought the game at launch and I do not think it's worth 20 dollars. 20 dollars is reserved for good games user.
>liked the game after the Pathfinder update
>not they're doubling down on the basebuilding shit and already actively made exploration worse
fucking why
Scumfuck liars deserve 0$. Scumfuck liars that repeat the same fucking lie with the same fucking game like a year after it's released, in marketing material, deserve fucking prison. GOG offered a refund out of pocket because that scam artist advertised a multiplayer update on their platform when the multiplayer required steamworks to operate.
>3 years later and no paid DLC
>at least $20
>at least
lmao game is worth $5 at most. maybe $10 if you're autistic
Him first desu.
So I still have to find friends to play with
bunch of perfectionist
crybabies, sad fucks on this thread
dont know how you guys even live
with all that spite inside you
>i have low standards: the post
Id rather buy a blowjob.