Don't mind me, just posting the best sword based combat in a video game to date.
Don't mind me, just posting the best sword based combat in a video game to date
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Delusional fromfags
You don’t have to be a Fromfag to see it. Sekiro is the most polished melee combat game out there and is one of the most polished games in general.
What would you do in real life? Let him hit you?
>Don't mind me, just posting the best sword based combat in a video game to date.
From are söy repellent of the highest degree.
>sword goes through him twice
>guy just spouts a bit of blood, nothing chopped off or cut
so this is the power... of the best fromsoft game..
I'm so fucking pissed dudes I'm SO mother fucking pissed. I just want to reach the fucking Great Shinobi Owl fight. That's literally the only reason I ply this game anymore, that right there is the pinnacle of all boss fights. I spent like 3 hours getting all these shitty fucking retarded items for the cunt boy just to find out I need to go through the fucking misty piece of SHIT forest which means I need to fight TWO FUCKING APES when if I KNEW I needed to do that I would have went through the cave FIRST! WHAT THE FUCK! Now I'm burnt out for the day and all I wanted to do was fight Owl. Its times like this that really make me believe a boss rush is a must for the next game. Who the fuck wants to play the entire game cycle for one fucking boss. FUCK IM MADE!
Not even as good as Severance, fuck off fromsoft drone.
Based as fuck.
Is this a legitimate complaint? Have you never played a video game before?
you guys are gonna make me reinstall the game at this rate
>r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1
>critical attack
>r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1
>jump over telegraphed sweep attack
>r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1
>mikiri counter
>critical attack
epic, simply fricking epic if i do say so myself
Sekiro seriously had the best swordfight gameplay I've experienced. The final boss fight was so incredibly fun
Don't worry it's easier than it seems. Just rush the smaller ape and get it out of the picture first. Use firecrackers to create windows. The rest plays like the second phase of the guardian ape fight. I assume you fought the first guardian ape already right?
man, this shit was awful. Don't get why pc fats are trying to push it when it plays nothing like any from game and plays like utter shit on its own.
The double ape fight is easy as fuck though
>How dare you push buttons in a video game
he couldn't even manage to get the inputs even remotely close lmao
Lovin these edits whoever makes them.
Its L1 spam user. I even agree with you, but at least get it right.
Objectively wrong
That would be an argument were that to be the case for enemies too. You can cut most dozens of times without killing or maiming them.
Not everybody experiences the same boss fights the same way.
I've never abused firecrackers but fuck it I might have to for the night. Fuck this shit man.
cope faggots the game is shit, even tenchu was better
user being a reductionist doesn't work if reducing gameplay to its basic inputs still leaves you with at least half a dozen things to do in every fight
Came to post this.
Okay? So there's an exception to the rule. Most games don't do that. The majority of all games don't do that. If every single game made all blade wounds immediately lethal then no game would be fun.
Sekiro is set in a world of supernatural stylized violence, and you're upset that all sword and body physics are not one-to-one with real life? I just don't understand why you even care about something like that.
I managed to ignore the brown ape entirely, it vanishes if you defeat the main one. I just used firecrackers as it only scares the brown one. Apparently if the headless ape falls down you can do extra damage to the worm with the spear by hitting the neck hole.
What part of "I agree with you" did you miss user? Seriously man.
thats not ninja gaiden 2
a lot of unnecessary moves for the sake of looking cool in this webm, you could have just spam attack him and parry the occasional counterattack or even better lure him to suicide
post one about his buddy this guy was a joke
>cut myself while chopping vegetables
>arm flies off
combat in this game is awful. Can't do to much when everything boils down to flail your mouse harder, but trying to explain that to a PC gamer is like trying to explain to a wheel chair bound child why he will never be a track runner. It's less of a delusion and more of an inferiority complex with these types.
He doesn't care, he's just here to be angry
because back in the day us boomers played games like severance etc and were like holy shit, the next gen and the gen after that are going to be so sick imagine what they can do! except games just stay being shit
does the blade go all the way through your arm? if so...
>l1 l1 l1 l1 l1 l1
It simply is the GOTY.
It has actual gameplay and is basically the predecessor to fromshit games like Souls.
have you ever cut a person with a sword?
it doesn't go right through them, idiot
>best sword based
lmao call me when bosses actually start to proactively parry you instead of just eating every slash because of their inflated health
my chinese cartoons say otherwise
>Old man...
>It has actual gameplay
not an accomplishment, it doesn't have good game play.
> is basically the predecessor to fromshit games like Souls.
that's a fine delusion you have there, they play nothing alike.
These threads are worst that Souls series threads, only because they follow the same principle of some cluster of obnoxious faggots constantly swinging around to complain about a specific installment's functions or how one is better than the other. If it's not DS2fags screeching about DS2fags, or the other way around, its some crybaby nigger blubbering about "Fromdrones". Can't ever talk about these fun games without this shit.
soulssperms/fromshills are fucking obnoxious
well at least is more interesting as roll roll roll roll like you do in shitsouls
you will
*are as bad as Soul series threads* FUCKING phoneposting
>combat in this game is awful
>flail your mouse harder
What a peasant thing to say
both are shit
play ninja gaiden
Daily reminder that the Shura ending was censored to remove a severed head.
That's literally what all bosses in Sekiro outside of a few actually do. Some barely give you any windows to hit.
it's just the inferiority complex race doing their thing man. Gotta remind them they're dirt.
You need to be 18+ to post here.
who cares? looks better
>he never played the game he's trying to make relevant
That's the problem I have with PC kids. Maybe one day you'll play a game with a coherent combat system, but not at this rate. One day.
the webm in question...
can see tracers that it goes completely through him twice
Game wasn't even that good. It was fun yeah, but ya'll are treating it like it's the best game ever god damn made.
It's literally just a samurai shinobi game with "it's hard" as it's only selling point. In reality the game is just a "paint by numbers" game as you go through the steps to LOOK cool instead of actually feeling cool.
its cutting his chest
hence the blood you mentioned haha
>plugs in controller
not half as good as DMCV, Sekiro is mediocre and hella overrated
Casual. You should’ve cleared Mibu Village before even attempting Genichiro. You could’ve avoided the two apes
Sekiro had one of the few combatsystems in which you actually felt that you've gotten better over the course of the game, the only other game that made me feel similar was Furi
I don't get what you want. It's just buttons. Even if you had to push 5 different buttons there are still only a few buttons on the controller. No matter what you do, in the end it is going to be incredibly simple compared to the real thing
Mario is just hitting "A A A A A A A A" for the entire game. Do you hate Mario? Are you only capable of reading off lists of buttons? Have you ever played a video game?
You can't call someone delusional without a rebuttal.
In this situation since you didn't, you already lost the arguement.
So delusional.
I have finished JA on keyboard only when I was a Wee lad. Flailing mouse around will get you killed.
play more games
Sekiro is underrated.
>can only post the exact same attack
couldn't wrap your head around the games shitty combat system, could ya? It's not that hard. Or complex, just tedious. You'll get there eventually.
L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 . . . . L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 . . . . . L1 .. L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 . . . . L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1
user I.....You may be retarded. I'm sorry.
They do but not on the level that you should, if you have to parry all attacks or else 2 slashes will kill you then the same should apply to the bosses or any enemy. They should have made the game an actual parry game where the bosses will actually be parry monsters since they will die with 1 or 2 slashes too.
>inb4 git gud
beaten the game twice and got bored of it
Sekiro is the most polished game ever made.
Yeah, wow! Imagine if you could play a game set in an alternate history Japan where magic, dragons, and divine beings are real, but the gameplay is as boring as dogshit because instead of making it exciting, they just tossed it into a premade physics engine where there's literally zero combat because it's just a physics demo where blades cut through bone and flesh like butter!
The future is here!!!!!
visuals =/= gameplay
what the fuck is this post, who is talking about video games comparing to the "real thing"
>Mario is just hitting "A A A A A A A A" for the entire game.
>Have you ever played a video game?
embarrassing post user
name 3 singleplayer games
What's the deal with the phone images user? I've seen him spouting nonsense for months now.
I liked the game so much I got the plat user. But let’s be honest, the only depth is memorizing boss animations, that’s it.
High lethality is usually conducive to bad game play. Sounds like you want a different game entirely, I recommend some trash like chivalry instead.
Sekiro is the best melee combat game ever made and the best From game ever. AND it has incredible visuals.
I would love a Star Wars game with Sekiro's combat.
Then it's not an actual sword game contrary to OP
>ninja gaiden black
>dmc 3
>ninja gaiden 2
>hollow knight (to some extent)
every single one of these games will make you feel like you're getting better, and it will show
You completely dodged my questions altogether. Your criticism has no substance. Copy pasting the attack button into a post isn't a criticism
Tell me exactly how
>L1 L1 L1 L1
Makes Sekiro bad, but
> A A A A
Doesn't make Mario bad
It is, you're just looking for a game that's a lot worse than Sekiro. Try approaching things based on their own merits, rather than what you wish they were armchair designer.
>best sword based combat
>not pic
We'll have to disagree on that.
Obviously it's a sword game, the entire combat revolves around swords. It's just not 100% realistic, which is a garbage criteria for criticism
But all those webms posted were supposed to be hitbox porn, just show off that its just another shitty videogame
Literally the same brainlet thinking that these onions devs have. If the blade cleanly cuts through yes, it should chop off, or even better make it have resistance when you hit something instead of all these shitty animations
>double tap inputs
>on a fucking keyboard
>just spam the same moves to win
>all enemies are damage sponges
god damn shadow warrior 2013 was horrendous.
Came to post this.
because mario is a fucking platforming game where jumping is the fucking appeal holy shit how dumb are you?
being able to spam l1 for free blocking and posture damage in sekiro is a lame feature, it's not horrible but it's not great, you shouldn't be able to mash that fast
horrible comparison
Shhhh Sekiro is praying
You serious?
All of Ninja Gaiden, even the SNES ones
Any platformer on earth
Bayonetta- Fuck it most of Platinums games
Devil May Cry
God Hand
Even Nioh for fucks sake. Pick related is even applicable. Most games can fall under what you described.
My fucking sides.
Why is are fromfags like this? Why do they not play good games?
My only complaint is you cant sever limbs
>they should turn the game into an input reading nightmare instead of incentivising the player to learn to repeatably exploit their weaknesses
There is a reason you don’t have a job making these games
You didn't play it
Who says I have played Ninja Gaiden? I’ve played them as well as other games and I still think Sekiro is the best melee game and also one of the greatest games of all time due to its polish and story branching and varied gameplay styles which are all fun and cool to discover and use.
That's what The Surge is for.
Please don't talk about games you haven't played. For fucks sake.
so its just another movie game like last of us with premade animations, i agree
>Games you feel like you get better at.
Ah you are the phone poster. Nevermind.
Yeah, I'm thinking this game is a bit of a masterpiece.
will look into ninja gaiden
dmc and bayonetta are brainless button masher
hollow knight maybe slightly for godhome
godhand i agree
nioh is a joke
It's a video game.
Nioh is a bit of a joke yeah. Unrelated but if you haven't go play Legend of Korra and Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death. Last one is budget as fuck but its charming and dirt cheap.
play dmc3 and say that again
i will somewhat agree with bayonetta though
You aren’t memorising boss animations. You’re developing responses to those animations, memorising those, and integrating them into a strategy. There is a lot of room for choice in that model and that’s really what depth means.
Also the sound design of Sekiro is subtle but very well done. It’s not quiet like Soulsbornes but it has a background ambient track that amplifies depending on situation and during bosses there are some really intense high energy rhythms that stick with you. Also the sound design of weapons and landscapes are amazing. Like the wet slapping sounds or rain hitting mud and rooftops in Hirata Estate or the whistling you hear between Ninghjar Ninjas coordinating on the rooftops of Ashina.l Castle
Ok bud
Korra is trash, like most platinum games. Play Magatama and anticipate Sakuna.
Can't wait for based matosis to btfo Sekirofags
>Not DMC1
If you think Skyrim combat is better than sekiro kys
Every other game posted in this thread has pretty shitty combat to be quite honest fám
nice theme faggot, go back to tumblr.
he's not making a video.
dmc1 is more of a button masher than 3 though, which completely goes against the point i was trying to make
won't deny it's a good game but it wasn't what he said
>it's skyrim combat because it's first person
Sekiro is Blades of Time combat because it's third person.
Most of the climactic story fights with human characters have music which seems intentionally derived to loosely follow the rhythm of battle. Really enhanced the experience of trading blows with genichiro for instance
Delusional suckiro fag, how are you coping with that shit game being forgotten in record time? Not even Dark Souls 2 was that bad.
>Tomorrow is now tumblr grade.
Spot the new fag. Summer is ending soon, you ready to go back to school?
disregard my post i'm illiterate and thought he put a 3
>Sekiro was utter shi-
lol imagine caring about ecelebs
Tomorrow was always a tumblr theme. If you ever used anything but yotsuba b, yotsuba or futaba, burichan, you literally don't belong here.
>muh easy on the eyes theme
faggots with weak eyes will be purged first. Kill yourself and your f.lux profiles.
Pretty sure it's just two guys trying to bait action game fans. It's always the same webms
I find some other games more fun but the fucking sound of swords clashing is unrivaled in Sekiro
why the hell didnt they give this game multiplayer like the souls games
Reminder that you're a pussy if you mikiri Owl's shadowrush instead of deflecting every hit.
How the fuck does using a built in dark theme make him Tumblr?
I like sekiro but webms like these don't really represent the average play.
All games have shit combat
Because multiplayer has never been good in Souls and only fun to mess around with goofy stuff in.
Sekiro is a legitimate contender and in my opinion the best one. The more I play it the more I realize it. I’m on NG+3 now
Not true, fighting games exist
No shit, I don't even think the posters believe them
is this what the cool kids call kino?
because it's not needed
they should've rather focused on making the revive mechanic/dragonrot more meaningful and fix the weird timetravel shenanigans
Doesn't really look like sword fighting.
newfag theme for tumblr refugees.
I really don't understand your life, does it hurt to just constantly manufacture pointless shit to be angry about? This is literally zero significance to anything and you are finding a way to be mad about to. Please go to counseling and please talk to your doctor about your blood pressure, because your heart is so fucked if this is the kind of shit that you are choosing to be furious about
Combos are a horrible game mechanic because they remove interactivity from one of the players short of a burst mechanic. The only fighting game to get this right is killer instinct because both players are still doing things even when one is getting combo'd.
They do for me
Parry and counter, ending the fight.
What, you think you're going to survive more than a couple hits in real life?
you didn't post a webm of kenshi
>implying Isshin isn’t the best character in all From games
You know you can take screenshots on the console, right?
Its been there for years you neanderthal. Seek help if that is the kind of shit you get assblased about.
prove him wrong
posting twitter memes isn't an argument
They look better and it’s easier to post and play
>Its been there for years
funny I only ever see faggots and cock suckers use it.
>they look better
Removing interactivity is the point of combos. You’re supposed to avoid getting caught in them, and you’re supposed to be rewarded if you can pull them off.
Are boomers the most stuck up spoiled shitstains?
Did not know you could light him on fire. It makes sense. Pretty based.
All I've seen from this game is a shit attack animation leading to a head flying off. I've seen this shit in so many other games, am I supposed to be impressed by this dogshit?
How do you prove an opinion wrong user? I could argue that KIs system for breaking combos sucks since it involves visual memorization thats locked behind a pay way if you did not buy the complete edition until I'm blue in the face. It would still be correct to boot.
Help. I'm serious. No one gets this blasted about color preferences. You might be on the spectrum if this upsets you so much. Suicide is also always an option.
the brown ape is so fucking weak to fire I managed to kill it only using oil and fire on him, didn't even hit it with anything else
sure, it took all my emblems, but I didn't need that for the guardian ape anyway, realizing that made the whole fight a lot more easier desu
some games have worse combat than others.
webm related, the "combat" of a game that was worked on for 10 years and this is all we get because the director wants to pander to casuals
>This motherfucker actually takes pictures of his screen in 2019
You won't be getting any. Not today or ᵗᵒᵐᵒʳʳᵒʷ
Sekiro was awesome, but I still prefer Bloodborne.
The funny thing is, it wasn't worked on for 10 years. It sat around being restarted, no progress being made or planning acted on for 10 years. Square has terrible internal management and their internal teams really struggle with it. A real shame because past the incompetent management, they've got some real talent.
Its mash buttons till you see kill feed text and repeat. Literal braindead bullshit
>combos are useless
>spam r1 to parry everything
>only one way to attack
>enemies kill you in 2 hits
Classic case of you just suck
What's with the bad phone shots when you can use the screenshot?
The guy is literally autistic. Its legit just some snowflake shit.
Best sword fighting games are Die By the Sword, Exanima, and Bushido Blade.
this is sekiro-kun. he blindly praises sekiro and spams his threads with low quality unremarkable pictures like a lonely boomer who found his way onto instagram. i have a feeling he's going to be doing this for a good couple of years at least.
>B B B B B
>A A
>B B B B B B B
Pretty sure Bushido Blade did it better 20 years ago.
>PVE game
just kys
Wait a minute I think I recognize this retard. I think this is the same guy who takes STALKER: CS shots. The only difference is where why did he omit his namefagging..
Sekiro is GOTY and one of the best games of all time.
>push buttan
>videogaen happen
WOOOW how could this be happening?
>this is what nu-Yea Forums considers "good"
God Sekiro was so fucking good
Who could possibly get mad at Sekiro being as good as it is? It's literally on every platfo-
Sekiro has a way better swordfighting system than dmc5. Dmc5 doesn't even have one. It's just an action game. Doesn't focus on any ring in particular.
rent free
>All I've seen from this game is a shit attack animation leading to a head flying off.
You can chop someone's arm off, pick up the arm, and the beat them to death with it.
Right on cue.
t. has not played Red Steel 2
Cringe multiplayer nigger
L1 is the button for soiboys and libshits, that's why sekiro is SJW.
What the hell is this? I don't remember leaping so high or being so close to the dragons face
>/pol/brains don’t like Sekiro
Not surprised
not sure but I'm guessing he holds the lightning longer than needed to get that close
Just lucky timing. There’s little upswells or air you can jump into and when he did that the lightning also struck there giving him another boost up to catch it and he got extra air from that
you clearly never played the game
cringe onions gamer
“DMCV is way better than Sekiro” every fucking thread I see some retard saying this, their not even comparable in any way other than that their action games, their both great games but Jesus Christ when will this shitty comparison stop
I love both of them, but they are super different games, they arent really comparable.
Based retard, the mikiri counter does more posture damage and is easier to time than a deflect. Also, the counter gives atleast a single r1 window for most fights.
Sekiro was inspired by Nioh, which in turn was inspired by Dark Souls
it's fucking gold
Fromsoft went from R1 spam to L1 spam. What what amazing sword combat.
Spamming isn’t a good tactic in either games. Git gud.
Who’s the phone posting weirdo?
At least he’s posting something
>It's mash buttons till you see kill feed text and repeat.
The same can be said for Dark Souls if you and your friends go tanky enough :^)
I've played all of them and beat em by spamming r1 with estoc just to prove a point.
But it’s not the most efficient method and some people enjoy finding the best way to dispense of enemies (aka getting gud)
cope harder fag
Is this webm supposed to prove something?
Thats not mordhau
what the FUCK was this thing?
That wasn't even the same character, you fucking retard.
I've seen this shit posted a hundred times in these threads, and while it is somewhat true on NG, you get absolutely destroyed by most regular enemies if you do this on a no charm run, and why wouldn't you play the game that way? I actually believe that's the way the game should've been by default desu
It's not as cool if you do it that way, and that's all that matters.
>those completely unnatural mid-air pauses
hate that shit so much
Download boss rush mod bruh. I just dabbed on Genichiro 5 times in a row
It's so weird when the game first came out i got my shit pushed in and dropped it after ashina castle. I restarted the game today and i'm having a blast. Haven't died once and almost got Genichiro in the tutorial.
>prof is right in his face
you only need to parry when needed