is alphinaud a boy? lol
either way i don't care he/she's cute
is alphinaud a boy? lol
either way i don't care he/she's cute
god i hope so
Alf - a - nod? Is that how you say it?
He's a pretty cute girl.
user i know he has a photocopy face of his sister that makes him look like a girl, but his literally a boy
I want to mating press him while his sister teases him because he slowly begins to like it
trans boy uwu
nigger do you even french
He has an identical twin sister.
In ARR's dub, everyone pronounces it differently. It annoys the shit out of me. Cid's first actor fucks his name up a lot.
Switching to the Bonglander voices was an unironic improvement
Alphinaud is too cute though.
Alisaie is pretty lucky to have such a cute sister
I wish you cunts would just be contained in your general. There was 2 fucking threads of your shitty watered down WoW on the first page.
Silence, furry.
I bet you like to kiss girls too you faggot
yes but i'll make him a girl
I love my husband Alphinaud!
I want my fem lala to get knocked up by Alphinaud! then ignore him, marry Alisaie and raise the child with her
have sex incel
They're both pretty nice.
He's a dude, but he has a twin sister so you won't feel too gay
You get to smash his boipussy while taking a shower in that one part in Shadowbringers, what do you think?
Why does he keep wearing thigh highs?
There's like a billion FE threads since it came ouy but nooo delete FF14 threads
They make consistent jokes even in shadowbringers where people mix him and his sister up because despite having more defining outfits now, they refuse to have different hairstyles.
Alisae should let her hair down and be your beautiful girlfriend of light
Take a shower, stinky. I'll be busy with the cat girls.
I wish you would too.
post rare alphs
Smash is the most hated series to flood the board and only gets a pass because Japan time is a part of Yea Forums's heritage. Meanwhile you fags have threads up at damn near the same rate and no such vale to Yea Forums's culture.
Why shouldn't you be forced into your general like every other cancerous MMO?
Yeah he is. He's so cute! I wanna bully his cute cock with mine while touching his butthole
Based lmao final trannies mad, the game is shit
how are you liking the new mounts wowbro
>We will never get a race like this.
Eternally seething.
Just had the fastest and most efficent run of the Twinning I've ever had. Having a healer that understands how Living Dead actually works is such a rare phenomenon I would have commed them twice if the game would let me.
King's honor friend
Every time I use living dead and the healer is anything but a WHM I just resign to my fate.
Blame the degenerate ERPers
Post Ilberds.
Tickle his prostate
God, I love doing dungeons on my black mage now. Mopping up the trash with friends and randos feels so damn good.
"Having character models based on a 16 year old character? That would be immoral!" - man who plays a slutty toddler
We need a team for a raid, you guys know anyone who could lend us a hand?
Does it notify the free company if you leave it?
based Ilberdposter
sup bros.
>Illberd crosses the rift of death itself to help because he's just that cool a guy
Bbut u dead
Thanks, guess ill do it when they all log off
You need to go back. /vg/ exists for a reason.
fucking gay. give me his sister.
>not both
Replaying through ARR because I'm leveling on a new server, and I forgot how much of a twat Alphinaud was early on. By ShB, he's actually a pretty alright dude. Weird to have character growth in an MMO.
Too much
That basically why everyone loves him, he has proper development
Are there any AST mains here?
How does Horoscope work??
>That part just before the shit started going down in the bloody banquet where he says that he'll just sic the Warrior of Light on his enemies
Fuck you little shit.
Doesn't anyone else think it's a tragedy that an amazing 24 man raid like Orbonne Monastery is now dead content that nobody ever does?
It only takes several in-game years of failure before he's humble and levelheaded enough to be normal
I'm glad Sharlayan is gone if everyone from there is like that
What should a healer do during living dead ?
It's even worse how when you actually do get Orbonne people just leave immediately because they actually have to try unlike the afkfest crystal tower.
>Implying anyone raids
Maybe 10% of the playerbase at best saw it
>use horoscope
>use helios or aspected helios
>wait for further aoe damage
>pop horoscope again for an oGCD aoe heal
It's a little cllunky, but it's also good enough to use raw, though you dont get the 30 extra seconds for it to be used when convenient, only the default 10
It really is, I only just got around to doing the Ivalice series, and it took like three tries to fucking finish Orbonne because people would abandon after one wipe if not leave as soon as they see it is Orbonne in the roulette.
Pretty sure most people do the 24 man raids since they’re face roll as fuck.
11>>>>. Kill all trannies and gays.
How living dead works is that when your HP drops down to 1 your status is now Walking Dead that makes it so your health cannot drop below 1 but your HP must be healed to 100% before the timer runs out or else you drop dead. It's shitty because the other invulns don't just outright kill you despite everyone shitting on superbolide for dropping you down to 1.
Newgame+ can't get here soon enough. Gearing jobs as they level is impossible without crafting or side quests
What do you think?
Will the ARR compression come with or after NG+?
>tfw no prissy, diplomatic bf witha good heart who has unconventional fear of common things like swimming that you can tease him about
Why does he have to be so perfect?
Put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger you mentally ill faggot.
Can I play as him?
For like 5 minutes in 4.3.
Actually yes, at least temporarily.
cumskull pedophiles
He's a boy who got more pussy in his school days than the WoL ever will.
just rework Castrum Meridianum and Praetorium please holy shit
I apologize for taking it too far but please stop being gay.
They're already considering reworking them into 4-player dungeons or possibly be run with NPCs.
They really should be. 8 players seems superfluous and only justified for Ultima Weapon which you could just make Gaius the "Final boss" for Praetorium and then follow up immediately with Ultima Weapon trial, just like how Mt Gulg leads straight into Innocence or Amarout into Hades.
Is it true that Superbolide actually drop you to 1 HP and then give you the invulnerability?
Meaning that if you use it in a pack of mob you could be killed right there if you're unlucky?
>Alphinaud feet
>In thigh highs
I heard it's possible but it never happened to me.
>Keeps interrupting people in HW when they're about the bring up embarrassing shit from his past
I want to be in the know dammit
I've never seen a case where Superbolide kills you from using it a nanosecond before you're hit
Isn't that the premise of the pilot of some sitcom?
Those dungeons are also a victim of being launched with 2.0, where where they weren't solidly sure what features the game would have moving forward. They're a relic of old and obsolete game design, like long ass cutscenes during trials and dungeons.
Besides, I love running Praetorium every day because it gives massive amounts of EXP regardless of what level you're running it at.
AH thanks im quite new to this
>don't mind doing praetorium for massive XP
>get castrum meridianum for the 10th time in a row
IS alphinaud a granny chaser ?
This game does such a good job when it comes to making you care about the little people. Every single questline has you meet someone, understand their life and what they go trough and have them have a nice little character arc. It's really effective when it comes to making you care about the world you're constantly saving
Krile isn't that old.
it's fine because living dead is the worst invuln move, simply because you're not actually invulnerable at all, just...unkillable. So mirroring it with Superbolide which drops your HP to 1 but makes you totally invulnerable, Superbolide is easily dealt with by healing you to full in the 8 seconds that it's active. the GNB isn't taking any additional damage either. However for Living Dead, the DRK has to constantly be healed because he's still taking damage after his health drops to 1. You only have to heal 100% worth of his HP (so he doesn't have to hit his actual cap, just heal that amount in total) but still. an argument for example is that WHM's Benediction has to be timed to right before Living Dead wears off so the DRK doesn't die and is healed to full, where with GNB the WHM can use benediction the second his HP drops to 1 and not worry about it.
So hot
You get only one, cherish it.
teenage elfs are androgenous
When the FUCk are we gonna get a dyable version of the following gear
>ivalician holy knight's armor
>plague bringer's coat
never ever
Purease understando
>Still can’t glamour some DoH/DoL pieces onto DoW classes even though there are other regions where this restriction doesn’t exist
isn't DoH/L being glamourable on anything a Korean/Chinese thing which is where all this shit keeps coming from too
>>ivalician holy knight's armor
6.x or 7.x
>plague bringer's coat
in AOE do i just use freeze in place of B4 now?
T4 -> Flare -> Freeze -> Flare -> Flare is your AoE rotation. Throw in an occasional convert and potion for a quadflare
thanks lads
>cold flare
Flare doesn't care about how many umbral hearts you have and Freeze gives one after level 68, so freeze double flare ends up being your new AoE rotation, which is simple but so much better than smelly old Fire 2.
>Let's try Eden Savage
>Brainlet DPS players cannot understand the concept of "stand here when you see this spell being cast"
How are people this retarded? I'm starting to think changing to DPS from Tank would actually improve my odds of clearing.
I think they mentioned they wanted to do that, something about Raubahn tagging along for the instance
It’s more dps, casting F3 isn’t worth it
Tanks have a way easier time than DPS in savage content. They get to ignore half of the mechanics, and for the ones they gotta do their rotations are so simple anyway so it's easy. DPS rotations are so convoluted that people end up messing up whenever they need to deal with a mechanic.
>queue for 50/60/70 roulette
>get Hullbreaker Isle
>everyone there is a sprout, whatever
>the tank takes about 30s before he starts moving
>does the first pull, only does an AoE once every 5-10 seconds at best, often spends time standing around doing nothing, letting everyone else rip aggro
>reach the boss, he continues doing nothing but occasional AoEs, forcing the DPS to tank the boss
>ask him to use his single-target combo
>he pauses for about 20 seconds
>and then starts using Shield Bash exclusively, again, once every 5-10 seconds at best
>this continues through the whole dungeon, I never see him use even one single-target combo, literally only AoEs, shield bash and an oGCD or two
>get to the Kraken fight, it takes 7 minutes because the tank and other DPS spent the whole time dead
I almost feel bad calling him out like this since i'm convinced he's severely disabled and has almost no motor skills, but holy fuck that was one of the top 5 worst dungeon experiences i've ever had.
I feel bad for whoever gets that fucker in a leveling dungeon.
So would you say the stress in savage content is Healers > DPS > Tanks
Healers just have it harder in shadowbringers in general because everyone has more HP, everyone takes more damage but they're literally healing the exact same numbers at level 80 that they were doing in Stormblood at ilvl 410 because I don't fucking know why.
Tanks have an easier time in any content in the history of any MMO. Other people keep you alive and all you have to do is brainlessly mash buttons with no consequence like a monkey, the only real mechanic for tanks is generally tank swapping in encounters or picking up adds. Not that healing is any harder in XIV, in other games it's actually fairly stressful because the encounters aren't so lax that you can just stand there DPSing 24/7.
I dont play MMO games but I love albino elfs. Please post more if you can? For the record how badly Square fucks with the game?
So this is why I felt like I was spending a lot more time healing than I used to.
Will you get the new cock?
let me guess, China exclusive for a while right
Well they DID say they wanted to shift healing from DPSing to healing more
they say it several times throughout the games how the fuck have you not caught up yet
>that one pic of him worshiping three mega dicks while wearing a tank top and having a queen of spades tattoo
Oh lord
Yoshi wanted to make healing more intense. In a way he did.
but I'm not healing more, I'm healing LESS (than I should be)
>We need to make healer heal
>So let's not touch it at all!
It just works.
I'm not sure if they need to stress with savage any more than DPS needs to, they have no rotation to speak of but at least they need to know the fight intimately to have their heals prepared and are always forced to do mechanics since healer DPS upkeep isn't as crucial as DPS' DPS upkeep.
more like
>hmm how do we make healers heal
>I know, let's make them functionally heal less than they used to so they have to spend more time healing
I actually used Dissipate as a SCH.
The bombs on Titan are
Not gay if it's an elf
Whats the ign so ppl can votekick lol
>cure 2 healing for like 25k at 80 when tanks have 100k hp
is Emet actually dead? He broke the white auricite before getting light bladed
Reaver One on Diabolos
to make healers spend more time healing, simple as that. The numbers are the same but with everything taking more damage and having higher HP caps, you have to do more healing outright. As that post from earlier demonstrated, a guy's lustrate used to equal about 38% HP in heals almost universally depending on the ilvl. But level 80 content has it where it's only healing about 26% of his health with Lustrate instead. Same actual number, but with bigger health pools it's a lower percentage.
have a shower
The stress factor of playing a healer is directly proportional to how retarded your group is
Assuming your group knows how to handle the fight's mechanics you will always know exactly where and when you have to actually bother doing something. On top of that you get a free party slot since literally no one wants to play a healslut
I knew this without even needing to check
>the tank takes about 30s before he starts moving
This shit drive me up the fucking wall, and I don't give a fuck wether it's the tank, the heal, or one of the two free loaders, you just fucking accepted the big ass message telling you you're about to get in a dungeon with 3 other random fucks so move your god damn ass
There are some goobers here but that guy was one of the worst.
top 5 worst anime dungeons
>20s pass
>Tank has initated a ready check
>hit the ready check
>tank starts a 20 second countdown
>pull the boss anyway
>tank doesn't take the boss, instead lets everybody die for pulling before him, and makes sure to let you know he did it on purpose
Post. It. Please.
>Join trial
>Put stance on
>Second tank put his on 15 seconds later
>Keep try to nab the aggro during the entire fight
>Same shit
>Except say fuck this and just shirk his ass and OT
>He fuck everything up
>Zone into duty
>Other tank pops tank stance first
>A healer laughs at me
Well okay fuck you then.
>other tank puts on stance
>let him mt
>fails mechanics, dies
>provoke and stance, I'm the Mt now
>He keeps on his stance and keeps trying to swap back
>complains at me in the end after I saved the fight
I miss being a dps
I play GNB so OT is able to steal aggro from me feels good man
You really don't, at least as a tank you can thwart the retard tanks attempt to fuck everything up.
Unable to I meant
>Shirk OT because he keep insisting on trying to MT
>Stay at an ass hair from taking the aggro back without even trying during the fight
Artist is Octoboy, you can find it with that.
I ain't posting it. Enjoy though.
That was kind of a let down.
It looks cute and I want to kiss it, so yeah it's probably a boy.
was he against racist?
Is there something wrong with not being main tank but keeping stance on to make sure you're second in line for aggro if shit hits the fan?
God doing the "secret" jumping puzzle for the event really just reminds me of how fucking bad the games physics system is. It is so clearly not designed for such fine maneuvering that the puzzle demands. I can't count the times I've made a jump only to watch my character sail off the tower into the stratosphere because I held W 0.05 seconds too long.
Still going to get the top of that thing though fuck you I can consistently make it to the second to last jumping area.