Trump is using video games to deflect from more gun control (which is a good thing). Anita just wants to scam SJWs out of money.
Fuck you OP
gun control is a good thingg you dolt.
How would you like it if your kid or parent got shotup by an autist
t. ESL
My half-sister was killed by a home invader with a gun. After he got caught it turns out he stole the gun from someone who stole the gun from someone else. I didn't know her very well as I only met her a few months before she was killed, but she was an incredibly nice woman who didn't deserve to be killed.
Why should I (a law abiding citizen with no criminal record) not be able to own a gun?
Probably the same way I'd feel if they got stranged, or stabbed, or poisoned, or run over, or any of the other hundreds of ways to murder someone, by an autist.
What are you going todo with your gun? Why do you need it? What purpose could it serve?
A gun can spray out bullet. a shooting spree is more deadly than a knife spree
To protect myself from a situation like my half-sister was involved in. Unfortunately she had no means to defend herself and even though she called the cops she was dead before they arrived.
Intentional Firearms deaths are an incredibly small percentage of deaths in the US anyways. Mass shootings are even smaller. Large Scale mass shootings are even tinier. Soda control would save more lives than gun control.
Good job acknowledging less than 20% of the argument, dickhead.
omg ANOTHER Anita thread?!?!
man i wonder what jack thompson is up to nowadays
Why do Americans want to get shot so badly?
How many of those methods are as easy to kill someone as shooting someone, or nearly as practical?
>Guns are the only way people can die.
>videogames contain sexists tropes which may contribute to a toxic culture
>videogames literally turn you into an insane murderer who will shoot up a walmart
these seem like the exact same thing
Yet someone set a building on fire killing more than 30 people while a shooting spree killed 20.
Guess we should ban fire too.
I await for the day for violent video games to be banned, so the only things left are walking simulators and porn games, and since SJWs hate porn games, we wil all be left with walking simulators.
And then we can all have the video game crash that is so long overdue
Anita's actually done a fair amount of complaining about violence in video games as well. I don't think in the full on moral panic that boomer republicans do, but she's definitely not a fan.
We need to impeach President Anita Sarkeesian
In the end, the guy got thw gone from someone who legally ownes it, right?
Thing is, with guns it's easier as they are long range and lethal, bet my ass any random autist fucker would think twice to go on an invasion or killing spree with a knife.
yeah he's just virtue signaling (which is a good thing)
>To protect myself from a situation like my half-sister was involved in. Unfortunately she had no means to defend herself and even though she called the cops she was dead before they arrived.
Whats the chance you would survive if you had a gun and you were protecting yourself from someone with a gun?
>Intentional Firearms deaths are an incredibly small percentage of deaths in the US anyways. Mass shootings are even smaller. Large Scale mass shootings are even tinier.
We should look into all causes of death, disease, poverty, suicide and gun death, who cares if its tiny? If a building collapses and kills three people investigations happen and regulations are made
>Soda control would save more lives than gun control.
Soda consumption is voluntary, being shot is not. Also there are a lot of people out there who have opinions about taxing soda/not taxing soda. Why when it comes to a gun discussion do the pro gun people always change the topic to other causes of death "there are more road traffic accidents than gun deaths, should we ban cars? there are more drownings than gun deaths, should we ban swimming pools?". Consumption of sugar, driving and swimming pools all have debates about how they should be regulated, this isn't about those.
*blocks your path*
>relative's home was broken into and she was murdered
>what purpose could owning a gun serve?
Running people over with a car seems much easier to plan and harder to stop.
Poisoning a large number of people would take very little time or effort.
Let's not forget bombings.
Planning a shooting to kill as many people as possible is pretty damn inefficient if your goal is a body count.
post moar feminist false-flagging cumslut pls
t. SJW
It's a good thing it does neither, retard.
a perfect society has no gun control, accept that abortion is murder but kept them legal and put the worse criminals under the guillotine or a long drop hanging.
>Whats the chance you would survive if you had a gun and you were protecting yourself from someone with a gun?
Greater than if he was unarmed. That’s all that matters.
i wanna cum on that face so bad
At least Anita knows how to string a coherent sentence together.
Everyone should just learn to wield a gun at this point. Fuck it. Carry and conceal in case a maniac arrives to shoot.
Given the chance, Anita will ban all games that are "problematic" or not regressive SJW propaganda, that includes violence and everything with tits or loli.
>Anita's actually done a fair amount of complaining about violence in video games
you mean violence against females in video games
Only women, disabled, and old people should have gun. If you're a men, lose some weight, train, and fight like nature intended faggot.
We need to make a large compound in the Arizona desert to detain ALL social conservatives.
Only if it includes the word "patriarchy". Otherwise it's all babble.
Wouldn't a perfect society not have crime you fucking moron?
It's not, these people are just inept social retards so they don't understand where people gather. Fall's coming up, if you waited until around kickoff time when you got thousands trying to get into stadiums right before kick offs you could probably hit double digits before the security in the area closed in around you.
Again, thankfully most of these people are retards chimping out
I'd like Anita to string my penis and her cervix together
This. Proper firearm handling and safety should be mandatory instruction in schools. The threat of violence will deter almost all crime, the threat of a firearm even more so. An armed society is a polite society.
Trump only cares about money. He'll blame it on mental health so he can put more people on drugs and keep selling guns. Kill 2 birds with one stone.
Yeah teaching children how to shoot people will have no bad consequences
impeach orange man NOW
Yes, with gloves, in a padded arena, complete with referee and people with cameras.
Exactly how nature intended.
Most people on the right agree games don't cause violence and trump is being retarded.
The same isn't true for the left, who will put trump on blast for saying games make you violent but then scream about how loli is turning people into pedophiles.
>The left have been pushing and believe that video games make you a sexist, misogynist, racist, rapist
>Until Trump says it, then suddenly it's not true anymore