Lagibros ;_;
Monster Hunter Thread
Don't worry Lagi, I'll cuck Rathalos... For you.
Hoping the cookies will not betray doggo. He’s been waiting a long time to appear on another PlayStation.
His icon straight up leaked on /mhg/ and said leaked icon is identical to the one in the cookies, so don't worry, Breakdance doggo's in.
Please dont fuck it up with the Variant endgame please ichihara
Post your
>Favorite monster
>Favorite subspecies
>Favorite rare species
>Favorite Variant
and maybe your favorite deviant too if you have one.
Don't forget to shell your enemies!
>Nargacuga/Gore and Shaggy
>Lucent Narg
>Chaotic Gore
Sand barioth
Molten tigrex or abyssal lagy, hard to choose
Chaotic gore
Deviant is bloodbath, btw
I want a human-sized plushie of Dodogama for me to snuggle with like a beanbag
S. Queen
Furious Raj
You ARE buying my game, right user?
Steve is a real bro. Forgotten flagships have gotta look out for one another.
Don’t forget the Iceborne merch (I think it was a towel or cushion or something like that) on the JP Capcom store that had Zinogre on it, which was later removed from the site. He’s practically confirmed, we all know he’s in and they’re probably just saving his announcement til last since he’s the most popular monster in the entire series according to the most recent polls.
>Stygian Zinogre
>Molten Tigrex
>Bloodbath Diablos
I just like big, brutal and flashy Monsters.
Tigerstripe Zamtrios (Peepee Pukei might dethrone it though)
Abyssal Lagiacrus
Savage Deviljho
Haven’t played Gen or GenU but I like the look of a lot of them, no clue about their fights though.
You ARE playing her game, right user?
I actually am. The armor system is kind of confusing for me cause I'm new to this format
I am playing her game AND World to prepare for Iceborne.
>tidal Naj
>molten tigrex
>Chaotic gore? maybe the mega roided one horned diablos from FU
>Long Sword really fun
>know I'm being an ass and ruining everyone else's fun by using it
He's in, right?
Howdy, user?
Use what you want. I'd rather get tripped by a LS than get sent flying by a GS whiff
Nibelsnarf has grown on me
what's his fight like?
It's ok, user. As long as you're not slapping your teammates with it, you're doing great.
If you are hitting your teammates with it, that's okay too, as long as you're working to avoid doing that in the future.
Nibelsnarf is chad
Ehh, I'd rather keep Valfalk away from World, for fear they'll butcher her gameplay into Nerg 2.0
If you and the rest of your team are half decent it shouldn’t be a problem.
I think most people like a good LS user because it speeds up the hunt. Just don't chop up your teammates
I hope he gets into World so that I could see this beauty in high definition
Don't be stupid
he's an autist from /mhg/, let him be.
>Amatsu (Just perfect)
>Oroshi Kirin (managed to improve a monster I hate into one I vaguely enjoyed)
>Molten Tigrex (self-explanatory)
>Chaotic Gore (I like Gore/Shagaru a lot in the first place, this just adds that bit of difficulty to the fight)
>Boltreaver Astalos (Bloodbath is probably the best one objectively, but Boltreaver is really fun, very difficult, and very satisfying)
/mhg/ only plays world and will make fun of you for playing gu
When MH6 comes, do you think they'll give Lagi a new varient of subspecies?
Lagi already has a sub and a rare sub. He's not a rath, you know.
The guides online for MH3U say to not go for combos with the GS and only go for charged attacks, is this right?
Totally new to the series and picked up World to play with a buddy whose also never played before. What's a good started weapon to use to get familiar with monster movesets that won't land me in trouble too terribly much?
>Funlance is really fun
>Turns the entire franchise into a joke
I can't help but feel guilty, but I can't bring myself to play other weapons, they seem bland in comparison
Anything that sheathes quickly. The best way to learn to play the game is with hit and run tactics as a learning tool.
So, the opposite of what this user suggests - Lance is a terrible starter weapon. Capcom was completely correct to give it a 1 star rating for beginner friendliness. Hell, one of it's moves is essentially locked behind green sharpness so you can't even use it at the start.
that picture really reminds me of what it looks like when i hug my dog
I'd be fine with the jetdragon being in if it leads us to get an Ace Combat crossover
>tfw quality MH/Metal Gear Solid/Rising crossover never again
It's even more painful knowing how high quality recent crossovers are, like Capcom going out of their way to add dialog options to MH cutscenes.
Hammer, Greatsword, Longsword, Dual Blades, and Lance are probably the simplest overall, but try everything.
The fuck is going on the Normal 5's Burst damage?
That's pretty much the case for GS in any game since MH2. The other attacks are mostly legacy holdovers.
Use normal attacks when you're trying to get hard to reach spots and you have almost no time and you can get in a good cheap shot. For every other situation, charge attacks are a good choice
Go for charged draw attacks as much as possible, do your second charge if you have enough time or get a flinch
Other moves are situationally useful, round slash is good for getting small monsters off your ass.
It's ok, user
There's no shame in being a GLchad
Probably a typo, should be 26
>Goldbeard Ceadeus
>Molten Tigrex
>Furious Rajang, honorary mention Chaotic Gore Magala and Raging Brachy
>Bloodbath Diablos, honorary mention Silverwind Narga
>Cranking out Lavasioth kills
>Got that shit down to 2 minutes
>Gives me nothing but trash
I miss Great Jagras. He gave me a bunch of great decos before he was rotated out. Fuck Lava bitch.
Gunlance is like a Pool Noodle filled with water, it doesn't matter if you wack or blow whatever is loaded inside it at the monster; you aren't doing shit
Are the weapons in World shallow or is that a meme?
>Play Gunlance
>Best way to do damage is not use the gun part
Your hyperbole won't stop me
use the gun part when the monster falls
Use the gun part anyway
>Muh deeps
Enough faggotry, this isn't what MH is about
How do I get good at lance? Been a greatsword main for years now, trying to branch out more.
Poke the monster
If the monster attacks and you're playing world use counter, otherwise evade, then keep poking
Monster Hunter died with World. The casuals won.
poke the monster, stay behind shield when attacks. sheath and unsheathe your weapon if you have to reach long distance though lance has a charge attack that lets you run in one direction
Counter and powerguard everything. Don't time a poke just as a monster is starting to attack, it's easy to get hit by the quicker ones before you can counter.
Thank you for your input. Capcom cancelled Iceborne
Gotcha, thanks.
Should they make ammo not devour sharpness but rebalance it so that more frequent usability doesn’t become too strong? I think that would make Gunlance more enjoyable at the early game too, and incentivize playstyles that don’t benefit ignoring its gimmick.
How about they just making shelling scale?
>use hammer
>hammer is a blunt weapon
>still needs to be sharped
>not P3rd when it dumbed down the AI
>not 4U when it introduced mounting and gacha
>not GU when it introduced hunter arts and styles
3U was the last classic MH game. Or you could stop being a little bitch and have fun, but hey its your life, not mine
Thanks for the feedback. Now Capcom's HQ is in cinders.
They should just make shelling scale into G-rank better, otherwise it's fine
>Not when hunting monsters was relegated to video games instead of you and the boys hunting mammoths
whats the best HBG for kulve?
>hunter arts and styles
Literally optional features. Striker is just another classic style based on past game movesets.
so are the mantles, pods and booster yet people complain for having them
same can be applied to World, my man
Nope, World's problems run deeper than special tools and environmental traps.
Exactly, it's new therefore bad
I run two points of Flinch Free, because of you guys and Dual Blades anyway
Well mostly Dual Blades, those guys piss me off the most
Abbysal lagiacrus
No favorite variant funny enough
I dont get what the complaint is here
>World's big issue is stunlock
This isn't new to Monster Hunter.
What did he mean by this?
MH died with 4.
No, but lower stagger limits and gimped monsters along with buffed hunters makes it the easiest it's ever been by several times. Did you already forget about Nergigante?
>MH was a hard series
MH gacha when
Handler phone app when
LS being a detriment is a meme run out of control. Just use what feels best and be nice to each other.
what was wrong with gobul armor
I guess that it lets you move faster underwater or something?
its not as bad now
I remember in tri though it was worse then hitler
>enter room
>full rath set
>wyvern blade [flame]
>mashes attack against a small enemy keeping everyone as far from the monster as possible
that shit was impossible to play with
Add another shitty reddit meme to the filter
Don't forget to hunt the most elusive monster.
Your fellow hunters.
First of all, how do you fuck up replying to someones post this hard?
Second of all "le reddit" boogeyman for a meme that originated here just goes to show how /new/ you really are
Kys retard
>The newfag redditor is pissed I'm not giving him a (you).
Your tears almost make up for your cancer.
I'll be sure to fling you with my GS when you try to carve.
>>Favorite monster
Odo, will likely change to ebony odo when I fight him (say what you will, yes it's edgy as fuck but a fun fight)
>>Favorite subspecies
Ivory lagi
>>Favorite rare species
Abyssal lagi
>>Favorite Variant
Furious Anal Rapejang
>muh you's
you're still replying to me even if you haven't figured out how to reply
keep trying autist
>Being this mad still
>Still giving me the (you)'s
I'm just laughing at your inferior intellect, redditor.
World was marketed for a larger audience so they had to be more beginner friendly. The way most modern gamers tend to react to anything not only slightly challenging means that they have to ease players into things rather than fling them face first into the meat grinder like the old days. Can you imagine how new players would've reacted to an old school rath fight? They'd die of dehydration and be mummified due to the salt.
>World was marketed for a larger audience so they had to be more beginner friendly.
That was the intent since the start of World's development.
>muh you's
let's hope someone send's you 4chin gold!
LMAO'ing at your life redditor
anyone wanna do Ancient Lesh (PC)? I just need one more Antler drop
With Greatest Jagras gone, what's the current best way to farm decos?
I'm too lazy to deco snipe, and I actually enjoy playing the game and want to do so.
Also, I noticed that I unlocked only about half of the ingredients, what are you supposed to do to unlock more?
The Lavasioth quest obviously.
Run the Lavasioth Event quest going on right now. It's a lot more grindy but you have higher chances for rarer gems.
You unlock ingredients by harvesting special gathering points when there is an upsurge. There are also a few optional quests which explicitly unlock new ingredients
I would gladly fight every Baezelguse imaginable than fight one more fucking Laviasloth
Jesus fuck why is he the most annoying monster?
It's either the Lavasioth quest or tedious deco sniping.
your choice man.
Tfw no HH gf
Anyone want to play Generation Ultimate?
I'm not even him, I just hate fighting Laviasloth
Good. Handholding is cancer and helps no one. Worldbabs get BTFO by tutorial monsters in older games all the time when they decide to try and move on from World.
Let's not make things up, ok?
>Missing your great sword’s true charged slash on a sleeping monster
>Not Bow
>Missing your GS true charge on a sleeping monster in front of 3 other hunters
>Missing your TSC in multi while other people are watching
To be fair, my first run in with Monster Hunter, was Monster Hunter Tri when I bought it for the Wii
I struggled to kill the Great Jaggi, but I'm going to partly blame it on the fact that I was playing with a Wiimote+Numchuck.
As a charge blade user, it always seems to be that I never have vials stored when a monster goes to sleep.
Getting an amped elemental overcharge on 8 mega barrel bombs on a Nergi head is the stuff wet dreams are made of
>Implying older games didn't have a godawful long tutorial
Yeah I remember those numerous and really fun and challenging sub-3 star missions, where we had to collect 20 popo tongues, kill 10 hard as nails Vespoids, or 10 terrifying velocipreys.
If you were dense enough to not properly handle your character, weapons and mechanics by the end of the forced 10 hours tutorial, you don't deserve to play MH.
I bet you didn't even kill the tsundere Tigrex that comes for you at the mountain top during the first mission
question, are these monhun threads organic? or is this capcom outsourcing influencers to drum up sales before iceborne release?
I love monhun, and I've been enjoying these threads, but i'm curious how many of you are actual humans, and how many are just filler.
hey, i'm about to fight a teostra in world, should i bring fire resist, blast resist or elemental blight resist?
>Missing your TCS on a sleeping monsters in front of 3 other hunters 4 times in a row and the monster wakes up by itself, walking away from bombs
I honestly don't get the hate for AT nergigante. I'm a worldbab and i remember watching a video when i started playing MHW on how "he is unfair" or that "he just has a lot of artificial difficulty" but at the end of the day you can react to most of his moves and the only moves that actually oneshot you are super telegraphed and give you a lot of time to be ready ( divebomb, the pseudo dive bomb that you just dodge on the right, and the tail sweep).
I love fighting nergigante and I love him!
>how many are just filler
Half of these threads are scale and furry bait retards posting their porn folders. You tell me user
we like monster hunter and are patiently waiting for next the trailer, nobody wants to go to /mhg/ because that place is a dumpster fire
Fire resist is all you need desu
Charge it on smaller monsters or make do with 3 phial-red shield.
Sometimes there arent small monsters to use it on
I usually just let someone else pop them since there's almost always a GS user in the squad
As long as you have Health Boost 3, augmented and upgraded armor (~500 armor after buffs) and a melee weapon, even these shouldn't one-shot you. When I did my first AT Nergigante run, I wanted to just scout out its new attacks, but ended up clearing with a single cart in the last room. Just play defensively and only attack when it's in an attack, not when it's about to do a new attack.
>have phials
>shield buff too
>8 bombs
>mfw I hit the first SAED hit too early, it sets off the bombs and the SAED doesn't go through
Oh I agree with you, I fucking hate generals and the people who populate them. The best content comes from medium levels of exposure, only engage interesting threads, and as often as you want without being burned out. Generals are just instant burnout
I'd still call those posters legitimate. There are too many obvious promotion threads on Yea Forums for larger newer games, but I don't know if monhun really sinks that low. The fanbase is pretty dedicated since I joined.
You can build phials on dead monsters IIRC
That's wrong though. You absolutely should be shelling and I don't care what faggot youtube video or meta guide told you otherwise.
It's not a meme, worldbabs cart to the tutorial monster in Gen.
I wish Capcom paid me for posting cute monsters but sadly they don't, i just like MH and these threads.
Just use a fire weapon and when he leaves the zone where he drops decos, use shit to make him go back, it goes down fast.
Being a CB user is suffering
I used to run getting my SAED cancelled by teammates until I got mad and used Flinch Free decorations
The virgin GS
>has to do a complicated setup to get big damage on sleeping monsters
The chad GL
>takes artillery and is ready to blow his load on the monster at every possible opportunity
Yea Forums has always loved MH, so the threads are legit.
maybe only stuff like WoW need the shill threads to keep going. All the asmondgold and classic posting seemed too regular and too forced to be real. Same whenever overwatch needs a player boost
>guy in a hunt i'm in misses the true charged slash on the sleeping monster
Should crit draw increase damage instead?
I've been thinking of ways to make it relevant again for GS. I just miss her so much bros.
Yeah I know, there's just a few monsters whose nests are no where remotely close to anything to hit
Coral Highlands(Legiana, Kirin and Pink Rathian) and Elder Recess(Kushala) come to mind
Name one monster who can defeat furious Rajang.
>we need a collab with a famous franchise to get even more normies in the game
Yeah i've noticed, a few companies believe that shilling on Yea Forums is a viable tactic (and it might be) but i doubt we got actual shills in these threasa
Savage Deviljho just tard rages through everything
Block your teammate's attacks
Try waking a monster up with SA's elemental discharge. That shit is annoying to space properly so that the final explosion hits.
Rajang will rip Savage Jho in half vertically by just grabbing his jaws.
About as plausible as a collab with Pokemon where they let us kill and carve Charizard
Fatalis > all
That thing only works in shitty movies like Hackson's King Kong
Ukanlos and Akantor
Why would you even want to?
Just let someone else do it at that point
As a kid I had an enormous frog plushy and not gonna lie it was comfy. Dodogama one would be mint.
The second swing of wild swing does more damage iirc
I was. Got a bit distracted by Okami HD though.
Not him but I'm certain Furious Rajang would break the fucking jaws of Deviljho and then toss him around, it isn't called furious for nothing, it truly is fucking apeshit mad and want to kill whatever cross it's way.
I wonder if the Listfag will also invade this
Solo or it depends on what other weapons everyone else is using.
Trying to pry open the jaws of a monster that is essentially a super t-rex is the most retarded thing you could do, Deviljho's bite is probably several tons
Rajang's best bet would be to try and keep his mouth closed
what's wrong with crit draw on GS? that's what i've been using for some of the quicker ATs and it does pretty ok damage.
Rajang can slice him in two with his mouth laser.
Same, he will shove his own dragonator up his ass.
Rajang is physically stronger and immune to lightning.
Both are weak to thunder. They are fucked.
Rajang is physically stronger. Only ice has some chance to damage him.
Obsolete now that GS just comes down to getting to the true charge
>slice in two a monster that is kilometers long
I know it's not easy to understand but this isn't Dragon Ball
I can't spam TCS against nergi, jho, teostra, and many other monsters who move around and stagger you a lot though. I know I'm not a good player but crit draw has been doing wonders for me
>Rajang shoots a laser at Dalamadur
>it gets mad and destroys the entire mountain range Rajang is on
Yea Forums definitely carries some influence. I've made threads here that gained traction a few times, and some of the shit I posted would later her repeated word for word months later on multiple boards. Maybe everyone here is just impressionable.
Honestly if he legitimately complain and "Care" about MH, then he should do it on Twitter or Reddit rather than anonymous thread on Yea Forums.
Awakened Great Jaggi
Is World still worth buying at this point? I'm bored.
The Hunter
Wait till IB comes out so you can buy the double package
That's just the nature of anonymous boards i guess.
Ah, sure, the fucking ape that can pull out of the ground a massive several tons boulder, lift it and then throw it across the fucking map like if it was a pebble, cannot break the jaws of an angery t-rex.
Massive autism coming through
>Ojou flavored
>Showers you with money, items and affection at leisure
>Musclegirl Amazon
>Smothers you with True Charge
>Lithe and slim Asian housewife
>Massive fucking weaboo, will Spirit Finisher into a hug
>Chuunibyou, has differently colored irises
>Shouts out all her Demon Dance moves
>Lance GF
>Mommy GF
>Shelters and coddles you from everything
>Prefers taking it, can unload on you but suboptimal
>Literally jumps around
>Interested in your fluids
>Prefers staying in one mode, wishes you would access the other one more
>Ice queen with a very affectionate interior, probably weak to anal
>Very defensive to most things but passionate when releasing phials
>Bow GF
>Vanilla flavored on the outside
>Likes when you switch up coatings, but mostly prefers power
Rajang can just jump into the stratosphere by sheer strength and bring himself down upon Dalamadur, destroying both him and the mountain range.
Can anyone confirm for me if guard up exists as a decoration in world? I've found bow charge up
Half of Frontier Z.
yes it does
Yes it does.
Deviljho's muscles are basically steel so no, he can't
He also can't make the hunter explode when he hits him so
I've always wanted to try this, does it work with the gamma armor?
Great -ggis > Great Maccao > Great Jagras, Girros and Dodo >>>>>>>>> Literal shit >>>>>>> Dromes
Yep. Geralt's set also has the effect.
Girros is one tier above the other 2 faggots because he actually has somewhat of a fight
I'm grouping them by gen but you're right
Does recovery up also affect the regen outside of the red portion of the healthbar?
>I can't spam TCS against nergi, jho, teostra
Uh what?
Literally just do normal slashes and tackles whenever they do an attack. More often than not, they'll place themselves in the path of TCS.
Now, if you said Kirin, you'd have had a point.
Maybe I should switch to a female character...
I just die even through tackles
Play longsword solo, and something else for multiplayer. Problem solved.
Health augment. Though I do agree that AT Nergigante is a bit hard to properly tackle into TCS against.
Upgrade your armor numnuts
I have almost 500 armor and health boost 3, it's just a skill issue
I'm going to stick with crit draw for now
Health augment heals you when you deal damage. A single TCS hit can easily heal you for over 50.
Deviljho is also weak to thunder, something which Rajang excels at, his muscles will be tenderized by Rajang's fists.
Rajang is faster, stronger, have element advantage, and is really fucking pissed even more so than Deviljho, Rajang is the Asura of MH.
The great fanged wyverns needs a proper name for their kind, I can't keep calling them great Jobbers forever.
I don't know, never really built a super recovery without rec up. That pic is also not mine, I got it in like 10s of google search
You are not invincible during tackles. AT Nergi minislams can tear through your health even with augments and half damage reduction. Same with AT Teo/Luna, they will quickly melt you with their aura.
I'd kill for a Ivalice judge layered armor.
>flops and flails around like a faggot
>calls in his pack so they die from the collateral damage
>occasionally will spit para at you
>somewhat of a fight
Dodo has the best fight out of all of them imo, fighting the one in the arena is actually somewhat challenging
Deviljho's entire gimmick is that he's weak to almost every element but just powers through it because he has more hp than most elder dragons
good point, I only recently got the streamstones for that. it still feels really risky but I will try it once I know I'm able to solo the ATs for sure.
Does it matter which level of charge i put into my hammer or any of the charge levels give the same bonus?
>AT Nergi
Yeah, that one is a pain. Good positioning is extremely important there even if you're decent at tackling stuff.
>AT Teo/Luna
If you have fireproof mantle or aren't fighting in the lava rooms, you should be fine against the aura. Normal attacks mostly aren't so painful or frequent, though.
why do you hate fun?
charge level doesn't matter
>Currently Desert Seltas Queen, but Acidic Glavenus looks great
>Molten Tigrex
>Furious Rajang
>Rustrazor Ceanataur aesthetic-wise, Soulseer Mizutsune fight-wise
Do it.
Still better than the other 2
Dodo's fight is just him getting flinched because you make his face explode, also Girros is the only one with an actual pack mechanic
Weapons for this feel?
And Rajang gimmick is that he fucking eats Kirins for breakfast and will cart you in less than 10 seconds because he is a freak of nature not even elders can stop and will evade if possible, I will go as far as to say that Rajang can overpower Nerg with ease and make him it's little bitch.
>trying to find someone to do challenge quests
Tigerstripe, Fulgur Anjanath and Acidic Glavenus might replace it when i fight them
Molten Tigrex
Furious Rajang
Deadeye Garuga
Weakest elder in the series, it's literally Rathalos tier
Just solo them, it takes ~10-15 minutes for each, less if you're good at the weapon you pick.
I know this pain, I was trying to get Divine Slasher and every single time I play the uragaan/radobaan and double diablos mission I want to fucking die
Bro have you fought Rajang recently? He's pretty easy honestly.
Fatalis Blanco > Fatty Rojo > Fatty Uno Porciento > Other High Tier Elders > Nerg >= Rajang (Forma del Furioso) > Rajang = Savage Jho > Lower Tier Elders > Regular Jho = Bazel
Prove me wrong
>glacial agnaktor
>a. lagi
>savage jho
t. tribabby
I just cheesed the double Diablos one with Lance.
Lance is what I use most for that but how are you cheesing it?
Nerg is fairly low tier, he just preys on shitters
assume he let them fight each other before picking them off
well they don't activate aggro until you're in range/in the arena so I don't think that works that well
Also that'd take a ton of time and lower ranks give fewer rewards
got a question for lavasioth farming, is it really a good idea to bring a fire weapon for the purpose of softening his armor or was i lied to?
Hunters are overpowered and will win even against Fatalis, we are talking monster vs monster and Rajang is at the top of the food chain, even higher than mid tier or even some high tier elders, no other normal monster can come close, not even Ukanlos and Akantor, the only "normal" monster that I can see giving Furious Rajang a run for his money is Bloodbath Diablos, Amatsu tier or higher elders will start to win against it tho.
Mostly playing it safe with my pokes and guards, i don't really know how to use lance but it was easy enough.
well that's pretty much how I play it jankiness of that quest nowithstanding. It's nice that they give you full guard for that at least
Bring a water weapon, it's super-weak to it
>Shagaru Magala
>Ash Kecha Wacha
>Lucent Nargacuga
>Furious Rajang
>Dreadqueen, the bitch
You can tackle through AT shit9you can even block an AT divebomb with GS block with no guard skills), it just becomes more and more impractical as the damage numbers grow. Even lance occasionally gets in trouble because of insane chip damage. Evasion and positioning become a priority.
There's no point in guarding against the firebomb unless you really can't belly flop in time.
As long as your name doesn't give off any weab vibes then chances are you're actually decent with Long Sword.
Meant divebomb, typo
Yeah, it is pointless, I just decided to add that you can do it successfully. Maybe evade lancing will actually be a better option than counters if guarding will not scale into master rank.
where is the huge internal strife at capcom?
People trying to stop Ryozo from adding piscine wyverns
That's racist tigrex, you can't do that!
How are those play times possible?
MHW - 559hours.
I don't know, i don't know how it happened. I don't remember what i did.
Damn, stylized text has made a fool out of me once again
You'd be surprised how fast time flies. I've only played MHW for like a week straight and am already at 105 hours. Same with MHGU at 150 hours.
Fatalis Blanco > Fatalis Rojo > Fatalis = Alatreon = Dalamadur (Forma pelado) >Gigante (extremo) > Dalamadur = Xeno'jiiva (???) = Gogmazios (Volando) = Miralis nefasto = Gigante > Gogmazios = Amatsu = Ceadeus dorado = Zorah magdaros = Lao shan lung (Palido) = Jhen mohran (Santificado) > Ceadeus = Yama tsukami = Nakarkos (forma verdadera) = Lao shan lung = Jhen mohran = Dahren mohran > Nakarkos = Gore magala Dorado = Valstrax = Nergigante (Ruina) = Velkhana = Kulve taroth (Desatada) > Kushala daora (Oxidado) = Kulve taroth > Nergigante = Kushala daora = Teostra = Lunastra = Chameleos = Vaal hazak > Kirin = Kirin (mayorista)
>Forgetting Cwealis, Cantios Sombreado and Muerte
here braindead have a (you)
hopefully by the end of the year you killyourself
>defending arts
BRUH, get a load of this faggot
>Gore Magala Dorado
>Not Blanco when he's white
Teo is also canonically stronger than Luna. Xeno is probably around or a bit above Gore Magala (Forma de Shagaru Fusado) and Nerg mostly due to the fact that he's still undergrown but has the power of BIOENERGY.
We're only up to S Tier. Seeth and co. are SSSSSSS already with Frontier Fatalis
Weaknesses: None
>Type in "Death" in the Cwealis page
>61 results
They really know what are they doing...
You are not the only one Yea Forumsro, Monster Hunter tri was kino
unironically this
My bad, MHW threw me off with Lunastra wanking and I actually forgot about the fusion. Maybe we'll see Xeno'jiiva (perfection) topping the fatalis in iceborne, or some other unknown elder making its debut as a black dragon.
>overrides the lobby music
>get 4th attack jewel from Lavasioth
>already got all layered armors
>guild card finished
>finished all ATs solo
>pretty much all weapons I want from Kulve are in my inventory
The only grind left is the autistic grind for the last 3 attack decos, and then wait for Iceborne for 5 fucking months
>the final boss uses generic metal weapons with plastered scales on them
same, guess i'll play play XX on citra until then.
Just the fire resist should set you straight. If you get around to it the fireproof mantle makes things even easier. Teostra is a bit irksome with his insistence on running around and fleeing nonfuckingstop but ultimately he's a pushover. Luna star on the other hand is horseshit.
>Luna star on the other hand is horseshit
I thought this too then until i tried out hh and played windproof.
It turns even AT luna into a baby fight
That's a hammer chad if i ever seen one
Most of the bigger elder dragons could probably manhandle a furious rajang. I don't exactly see one walking away from a fight with Dire Miralis or Dalamadur.
For g rank deviant monsters, what level does the armor need to be to get the x skill? Can only find info on the high rank deviants
I'm a dual blade boy so it's just annoying having to chug a cool drink and resign myself to jamming myself into her armpit for most of the fight and scrambling either to avoid the supernova or get at her wings or tail when she falls. With Teostra I could move around a bit more.
>tfw too retarded to emulate
Navirou stickers when
>And Rajang gimmick is that he fucking eats Kirins for breakfast
I've been seeing a lot this regular monster can beat elder dragons nonsense. Is it just one guy is there a group out there who actually believes that from watching 10 seconds of a cutscene from Monster Hunter Online.
Rajang literally eats Kirin, it's from the ""lore""
besides Rajang and Jho really cannot be classified as normal monsters when they're on the same level of danger as minor EDs
Rajang eats the weakest of elders while Nergigante prey purely on and hunt whatever Elders it can come across. The fucker was nuts enough to try and eat Zorah and strong enough to beat a Teostra so badly that it retreated to the hunter's arena where it's much more aggressive mate had to come to its aid. Lore wise Nergigante sounds like the kind of thing that Rajang and Jho would do their best to avoid.
>Lore wise Nergigante sounds like the kind of thing that Rajang and Jho would do their best to avoid.
The drivel you guys spew...
>The fucker was nuts enough to try and eat Zorah
No? he was waiting for Zorah to die and following him like a vulture, whenever Zorah acknowledges Nergigante's presence he just vomits a fireball in his face making him run for his life
Nergigante preys exclusively on shitters(and he's been getting kicked around all game and is on the point of starvation, they tell you this after you repel Zorah for the last time i think), even then Teostra is one of the weakest elders in the series outside of the obvious Kirin
Even Kulve Taroth is completely and utterly out of Nergigante's league since his entire gimmick is relying on brute strenght and she's just physically superior.
>abyssal lagiacrus
>chaotic gore
Nergitard would be limping to his nest already if he tries to parry Valfalk's divebomb. Even without the divebomb, Nerg is simply too slow to keep up with Valfalk's hyperaggression. A backjump wing blast alone would shave a patch of spikes.
these pictures are gay
just like the faggot who posts them in every mh thread
Floor's yours to explain why something that exclusively feeds on elder dragons shouldn't be of concern to things that don't prey on them for a living.
He was willing to jump onto Zorah to fight off the hunters that appeared to be contesting his claim. I doubt Nergi wouldn't be tempted to take a bite or two from the still living Zorah even if it didn't amount to much. Keep in mind that Zorah is a mobile fresh food source while alive, albeit one that could crush anything bugging it to a smear. Nergigante was likely acting as the world's prickliest mosquito.
I'm not saying he's the end all be all, but he's definitely not something most monsters should mess with. Anything strong enough to force two elder dragons out of their territories just to avoid it is something you should maybe consider a threat.
>He was willing to jump onto Zorah to fight off the hunters that appeared to be contesting his claim.
He was protecting his lunch, he thought the commision wanted to eat Zorah like him, he was basically an angsty vulture
Besides Nergigante probably is smart enough to realise how dangerous Zorah is when agitated
>Nergigante preys exclusively on shitters
Ah yes, shitters like two of the handful of elder dragons actually in the game, the others being the weakest stated elder dragon, an event monster made after the initial release, an afterthought add in to complete a set, an end game monster strong enough to attract a living mountain, and said living mountain. We can't rightly grasp the scope of a monster's abilities to hunt specific prey if there's no real interactions between the predator and most of its potential prey items.
Nergigante doesn't prey on Xeno'jiiva, he probably didin't even know it existed
Besides strenght has nothing to do with Xeno'jiiva luring dragons, it's just constantly shitting pheromones
>AT Nergi solo lance with no health augments
>block at 50% hp
why do people like to pretend ballstrax isn't kush/teo tier?
the only thing remotely strong about it is it's comet which is just a divebomb from a really high height, even jho could slap it's shit
It constantly vomits dragon element so it could bitchslap most other low tier EDs, the wings are also much more dangerous than anything physical kush/teo have
I'ts slightly stronger than them but still lower than say Shagaru
A reminder that "Elder Dragon" classification doesnt mean its the most powerful monster, it just means that the monster is way too fucking weird and is outside the normal ecosystem
It also means something that can cause incredible damage to the surrounding enviroment
It's why Gore is not an elder dragon, it still isn't destructive enough
Yea but keep in mind that a large chunk of elder dragons are pretty much forces of nature.
except Kirin. Its just a cum sock
It more ways than one
A cum sock that can call lightning bolts from the sky.
Please tell me where I can read up on this 'lore'.
still a rajang cum sock
Technically it's less a cumsock and more a dildo concidering Rajang hunt Kirin for their horns. Only the finest electrical unicorn horns can hope to properly stimulate a prostate that furious.
I only finished the story and did Pink Rathian, how much do I have to do from here if I want to play Iceborne?
>I only finished the story and did Pink Rathian
If you've only reached pink you haven't completed the story.
Why would the story use recolours though, user. I thought this was a AAA game?
Also isn't credits roll after Zorah?
They are not just recolours, they have different patterns, moves, stats etc.
>Also isn't credits roll after Zorah?
Pink Rathian has 1(one) additional move
Either way the Raths and their variations are a horrible relic from the past
>Pink Rathian has 1(one) additional move
Pinky can shoot 3 fireballs at once and has a diagonal tail flip and has harder scales
HR rathian also uses the three shot fireball
Shooting 3 fireballs is something every single Rathian can do
>has a diagonal tail flip
Yeah, the only new move
>harder scales
Really doesn't matter when the best place to hit is always the head
>Really doesn't matter when the best place to hit is always the head
Only after removing the tail
Capcom should just put Deviants as G rank only fights.
Eh kinda, when you learn to dodge it reliably it doesn't really matter
It's not with Rathalos where breaking his wings is now a godsent
>All these sets
>All these overpowered shit from kulve, behemoth and arch-tempered monsters
>Almost none of them matters because I'll just grab my faithful Purgation's Atrocity and Nergigante full set and plow through the snow when iceborne launches
Feels good seeing that axe and set again after so much time using that fucking cool rocket sword and whatever layered I had covering up the clownsuit. Can't wait to see Capcom fuck up the axe's design for G rank.
>Why would the story use recolours though, user. I thought this was a AAA game?
Gotta bloat the monster list since World is low on skeletons for actual monster variety. It's why so many low rank monsters felt exactly the same and will feel even more so in high rank except for Nergigante. But yeah if you're just fighting Pink now then you're 3/5 through I'd say. Enjoy Azure Rathalos and the Elder Dragon run at the end.
Where's HAMMER
Deviants in general could've been handled a lot better than they were. Sometimes I see some comparisons with Pokemon when it comes to Monster Hunter, mostly with how new content could be handled. They say 'hey look at this cool shit we put time into! Now enjoy it over here in the corner if you want, it's not that important and honestly pretty limited.'
It would be awesome if Deviants were part of the actual ecosystem and regular hunts instead of some optional thing you never have to bother with. Also they need to completely overhaul how getting their weapons and armors works because nobody should have to grind one ticket 3-4 times to make one set and a weapon to go with it before moving to the follow up grind 3-4 times for the next ticket. I'd rather they show up more than the subspecies because they'd add in armor and skill variety instead going 'here's Rathian's armor only now it's pink and a slightly different skill set'.
Seeing World's obsession with tickets if Deviants came back they'd probably also bring the ticket autism back
If they must then at least ease up on it somewhat. I shouldn't have to do the same damn fight 40+ times to make decent gear. That's just padding on an absurd level.
They should give you the ability to "create" deviants, like if you fail a quest with a specific monster there's a chance it might pop up later as a deviant
Question, is maximum might deco mire rare then its other conditional counterpartsb(potential, throttle, challenger)
Also game should stop giving me critical decos and mighty bows, have 14 and 6 respectively, give me instead at least 1 pierce, and not 6 spreads
That wouldn't really work because if you're seasoned enough then chances are you'll almost never faint to anything outside of late game. Should probably just go the Gore Magala route of having some other hunter or the pig Handler get caught up with some monster you have to fight until a cutscene yoinks you out of it as it's near dead. Then sometime later they'll report back to you saying 'remember that son of a bitch you didn't kill? It's back and wrecking havoc.' From there they can bring up that several monsters which have survived being hunted are returning and more stronger than ever, thus leading into Deviants.
Don't you guys love all the normies who have latched on this series and think they know everything because they brought the switch game after playing world?
Tickets only showed up for festivals and ATs though? That's all post launch.
I'll just GRUG my way through early MR with my trusty Diablos Tyrannis
Yeah but it's still irritating to get some shitty piece of paper with a doodle of Nergigante instead of even a single new material for the AT
How do they even explain it, do ATs vomit paper when they die?
That's a victory because the more normalfags deserting World, the better.
The commission gives you the ticket. Or have you forgotten that quest rewards always come from the guild after they're done carving up the monster?
How did the guild get a hold of Xeno'jiiva materials when you first fight it if the body was entombed
There's always the next game, right?
The Admiral was the one that rescued you when you were unconscious.
>sheath and unsheathe your weapon if you have to reach long distance
Unless you mean another map zone, absolutely not.
for what it's worth, rajang eat Kirin horns, not Kirin.
There's always classic MH
Should IB have the material trading system of 4U, where you trade monster parts for the equivalent of those from other monsters not in the game? It would help expand the amount of equipment and encourage more interesting sets
In order to get a Kirin horn you still have to rip it off the Kirin's skull
>Ceadeus' best weapon is from a game where he wasn't even present
Didin't he channel his inner Rajang with his wife?
This image makes me very uncomfortable
I loved diving after this asshole while this music was playing.
>Lagi's best weapon is from a game where you cant swim
Worth it
>after breaking up with his wife he became a zoophile
it's not fair
Remember when Gaijin used Brutal Big Bang on his TV?
It's either 2 things
Sony's jewish plot of forcing people to double dip or their utter incompetence with PC ports
yeah, though it also means that a hunter heading home with a broken off kirin horn in their pouch is rajang bait.
>there are lowly LR hunters who got mauled by a Rajang after finishing their very first Kirin hunt
What a world
Why did they start the autumn festival in August
so people can catch up on all festivals before iceborne, dummy
Because they did summer this past week and spring two weeks ago? It's essentially a month long looting spree before Iceborne launching in a few weeks.
It's back-to-back festivals every week until late August.
Why are nips so fucking bad at MH?
In World, I've came to the conclusion that the more western names there is in a multiplayer quest, the more it's likely to be a successful, flawless hunt, and the more moonrunes in a quest, the more susceptible to find some shitter triplecarting.
I'm legit curious, is there a reason? Shit japanese ping, harder version on their end or something?
Nips are garbage at every game, the super autists who can kill 140 Apex Zinogre with their eyes closed are the rare exception when a nip has too much time on his hands
Nergigante seems strong enough to beat most low level and mid level EDs, but the stronger EDs and the Black Dragon family would be too much for him. Ruiner Nerg might be able to go toe to toe with strong EDs but I don’t think his odds against Black Dragons would improve much. Basically I’m saying Nergigante is a solid mid tier Elder Dragon. His saving grace is his retard strength and fast regeneration, which lets him just go ham against things he’d otherwise be better off avoiding.
You were alteady gonna cuck him either way though.
He's still low tier
Mid tier is something like Kulve who towers over him in both size and strenght
pc room?
>Online shitters talking about skill
If you had any you would be soloing.
Nergi probably doesn't even straight hunt EDs
He probably just harasses them and runs away and let's his super regen heal all the damage he took before doing it again
He was aiming for Zorah which was old and dying instead of hunting for fresh meat
You mean the falseflagger who pretends he dies to Maccao?
>tfw 5th tempered Kush quest failed by nips carting
Stay seething Horatoru
I've seen at least one e-celeb doing it live and then spending 49 minutes killing fucking cephadrome before quitting forever.
Nerg actually eats anything btw. He wants to eat elder dragons because they have more bio energy. But he'll make do with whatever. The one you fight in the game is starving, so it's probably trying to eat you. Also they mention that the reason he was after Zorah was because of the whole asexual reproductive mechanism. Nerg's need a massive amount of bio energy to do the whole budding thing. So, suicidally pursuing Zorah was more about having a kid than anything else.
That makes me wonder if MR Xeno weapons would have their own unique designs since the HR version were just iron+monster materials shit
>Charm-farming-tier random bullshit is more fun and faster solo guys!
can't say I've seen these nicknames in 20 million years
Oh man i always get this guy's ugly ass thumbnails in my homepage
I always got the feeling he was meant to be a carrion feeder.
>Needing to grind to win
You keep digging yourself deeper. Never reply to me again, you filthy casual.
Empress shell styx
friendless faggot
So you never beat the same monster several times to craft a set piece or weapon and played the entire playtime in the starting default armor and weapon?
Stop posting fetish garbage of my wife please.
Delete this while you can.
>Enjoy Azure Rathalos
No one enjoys Azure rathalos.
I don't remember giving you permission to post shitty fetish art of my property
MHfags eat up all the cheap subspecies and variant bullshit. Recolor a monster, make it a little faster, give it one (1) new move and the "series veterans" go maximum soiface. Pathetic.
MH is the CoD of japan.
You get the 95% scrubs then the remaining 5% are actual gods at the game
>Rathalos is supposedly the one of the two that is better with fireballs since by flying all the time ranged combat would be his thing
>but only Rathian is intelligent enough to shoot 3 fireballs in a row
Rathian doesn't belong to you you absolute pushover
Master Rank Rathalos does triple fireball attack too, you dumb HR-only poster.
It's just a trick he stole from Kushala
You're confusing chinks with Japanese players.
I had weird dream last night where Rajang was added to world as a monster where you had to fight it like the Kulve seige.
Wanna know another trick he stole from Kushala? Flash bomb immunity.
That's just a trick he stole from his Old World cousin
Thank God he has trouble taking off if you break his wings now, G-rank Rathalos was always aids since he would enrage at the slightest thing
I once had a dream where i was fighting AT Nergigante but he moved more like a mix between Gore Magala and Vaal Hazak
That was a weird fucking dream
I had a weird dream where i was fighting MR Vaal Hazak but he morphed into Magala skeleton at Phase 2 and could control effluvium clouds with wind pressure.
>doesn't have a variant
>doesn't have a sub
>lost his gimmick
>only exists in a mobage
>won't even be in World
NTRing the NTR kino.
Not really Monster Hunter related but once i dreamt of Godzilla fighting against King Ghidorah who this time could talk and had a monologue on how his plan to destroy the planet was to infect humanity with a virus that turns everyone gay
I still don't know how i feel about that dream
But this leak is complete bull.
Stevefags are living in denial
>>won't even be in World
He has a good chance of making it, besides there's a bone weapon with scales that look like his
what's fun about MHWorld? Killing every monster in 10 minutes with non optimised gear while they flinch every 4 hits is NOT fun. They made the game way too easy in my opinion. The only thing it's going for it is le ebin graphics and even then it runs like shit on ps4
Just like there was a weapon tree that looked like Khezu's right?
is monster hunter gen ultimate worth it?
No, Khezu has no shells
>not P3rd when it dumbed down the AI
I doubt this is true.
Yeah, they only dumbed down the damage
And Steve isn't in World. Glad you accepted it.
If you emulate it, probably.
It's easier than World though
I had an awesome dream where Starbacked Xenojiiva is real, and you fight it across the five maps of the New World, ending at Area 1 of the Ancient Forest with Pride of the Nameless Hunter blaring at full volume.
We'll see, we'll see
Even if he can't make it Glavenus will finish what he started
Xeno really needed a good dose of Kino, nothing in the fight is good, even the music is absolutely goofy and non threatening
I dont wanna brick my switch
monster hunter died with tri, fanbase went to shit when we got the nintod.dler extension. i only and exclusivly play world with friends and it´s the best experience i´ve gotten in my 13+years mh
Don't worry. Gore will show up to represent 4th gen, and fill vacant Elder spots.
>3 monsters in one
Impossible, they will never work that much
Gore will be the first update monster
>No one enjoys Azure rathalos.
I enjoyed it in 3U. I'm not sure why, but I was so good at fighting it in that game.
>When you're the GS and your team places bombs all over the place over the sleeping monster
>They probably think you're retarded for not being able to land the TCS
>fight him in 4u
>"what the fuck he's just a normal Rathalos nothing's changed"
>fight him in World
>he's a living tumor
user please... this amount of cooperation doesn't exist in a modern online game
Are there any mods that help with performance?
Other games I haven o problem with framerate but with denuvo on this game, the performance hit is huge.
>do work on one monster
>have 75% already finished for two more
Sounds exactly like Capcom. You know, as opposed to
>do work on one monster
>have nothing else to use cause Steve is a fucking cuck that would need a brand new variant or sub made
You have to admit the slam into aoe move is pretty sick
Seregios is perfect as he is, but either way they went through the trouble of giving Glavenus a subspecies instead of remaking Hellblade so
It would look cooler if it wasn't restricted to just his underbelly, hell Xeno would be improved immensely if he could create exploding trails like Brachydios' horns but instead they home onto you
Hellblade is a Deviant which is quite a bit different from a Sub or Variant. They probably chose to go the Sub route to diversify the weapon tree some more.
Asians in general even, after my experience on both MHF servers. Do Japs in MHW love their paralysis?
Consider this.
None of the fated four have variants or subs, only Deviants.
Deviants are a Gen thing.
Mizu, the most popular one, requires the Leviathan skeleton to be fixed.
Glav runs on a working skeleton already.
They wanted a rep from X.
Now consider this.
Steve has no subs, variants, or rares in mainline.
The magala skeleton is in base World.
Gore comes with an upgrade, and a variant and requires less work to make those a thing than giving Steve a brand new variant or sub.
I mean you also have to consider these are the guys that put Tigrex in which also got them Nargacuga and Barioth.
Espinas? More like DEATHpenis because he’s got four more months left! Haha!
Goodnight, sweet prince.
Calm down poisontits, you’re basically guaranteed a spot in MH6 for being the de facto flagship of Frontier.
Delete this.
Mizu's neck isn't ridiculously long like Lagi, but outside of the hotsprings in Hoarfrost there isn't anywhere in World that would be a good place to fight it. Ancient Forest is too cramped for that moveset.
My dick is getting hard ngl
World's biggest issue is that not all of the monsters are design for the new QA improvements. For example, Great Jagras is supposed to be the Drome for world,but unlike drome that can rock a rookie, GJ is nothing but a punching bag. his attacks barely does any damage, especially his sad little arm swing. also Barroth, in old MH, he was a wall. but now thanks to the vertical levels, and running while healing just makes him easier than ever. not to mention hitbox on things like tail swipe hilariously easy to miss. I really hope they fix all this in MH6 since they know players do want more challenge.
Jesus, why does anyone like Tigrex? Such a garbage monster
Nostalgia and love for tards
What's worse is people pretending he's Rajang or something
True, but generally the monsters in World have gotten a hell of a size increase. It might just be a fidelity thing where monsters had to be smaller on PSP and 3DS screens so you could see them, but Tigrex and Narga are way fucking bigger than their older versions.
is this why I can't see shit when fighting things because their bodies fill up the entire screen
It's also why it's harder to knock out monsters without mounting or using aerials. They're larger all around which means their heads tend to be just outside of range for shit like hammers.
MH6 probably won't be any different from the past. HR games are the mass consumer game and have been since Portable 2nd. Then they ramp it up in G for the people that keep playing.
Lavasioth is a manlet compared to what they used to be, though.
Lavasioth got smaller, he used to tower over wyverns
>piscines become midgets in the new world while everyone else has massive gains
>no remorse, no surrender with one random guy
>teostra down, guy has carted twice so one life left
>bowfag joins
>see that he's fighting despite being at half health
>hesitate to kick him right there and then, surely he will heal
literally the last time I play with randoms goddamn fuck
I’m gonna KILL Tigrex and SKIN his CORPSE to make a HAT!
>Play with friends when available
>Play solo otherwise to git gud
The enjoyable way to play MH
Is MHW a soft reboot
Tigrex would make some killer boots
I have literally seen randoms cart to regular HR Zorah.
Someone should draw Espinas in a hospital bed on life support.
nah, mainline according to devs
Kind of, but every new MH is a soft reboot. World is just the biggest shift in the status sup in ages.
Imagine eating some Tigrex drumsticks.
more like DUMsticks haha
Haha yeah Tigrex is STUPID and I hope he feels BAD haha!
Wonder how it would taste
still a soft reboot my dude. soft reboot means an in-universe fresh start. there's a reason why the story is all about moving to a new land and you are called "The Fivers"
I guess you could call it that, but Monster Hunter can’t really be soft rebooted since there’s very little story to carry over and every game has a mix of old and new monsters. World is nothing out of the ordinary compared to how much past sequels changed things up, about the only thing that could make it a soft reboot is that it’s set on a brand new unexplored continent from the other games.
Like chicken and low IQ.
You're fivers because you're fifth generation. Literally. It's a meta-joke.
yes, that's what i said. a soft-reboot acknowledges the fact that it's a story in an established universe.
That's not a soft reboot. Otherwise every monster hunter except for Gen is a soft reboot cause they keep moving to new places.
Nightshade Paolumu looks like an absolute ass to fight, interesting mechanic to direct the flow of clouds with his attacks but fuck spamming Sleep status
It's okay Lagi and Zinogre bros, the stockholders at Capcom haven't taken your favorite monster and babified them for the masses. You are always welcome to fight them (and superior versions of the ones returning in World) in the REAL monster hunter game.
soft-reboot is not just for narrative, it could also mean metawise as in for the franchise. Star Wars Episode 7 is a soft-reboot, not just a sequel because it's intended for a whole new generation of audience, not just old fans.
go back to /vg/
>Go to worldbaby general
For what purpose?
Don't care, go back. Flamewar is flamewar
By that metric you'd consider the shift from PS2 to PSP as a home console to portable a soft reboot too
yea that's apples and oranges buddy
>prefers taking it
Now i can't really tell if that would be gay or not.
I want to adopt Zino!
So every generation of monhun is a soft reboot.