Well, this is it. Nintendo finally overdid it. I have never seen a Smash character so blatantly overpowered until now. How did they think this was okay?
Pic unrelated, Corrin is unfair.
Well, this is it. Nintendo finally overdid it. I have never seen a Smash character so blatantly overpowered until now. How did they think this was okay?
Pic unrelated, Corrin is unfair.
Other urls found in this thread:
I genuinely do not understand why everyone is bitching about Hero. He's not that hard to fight.
He’s not anymore annoying than anyone else.
Did corrin get buffed or something? He was dogshit last I played
Why was Corrin nerfed so much?
Same reason people were screaming and crying about Joker when he released, they haven't gotten used to his bullshit yet
>play against someone as hero
>me and rando beat his team five games in a row
>uses the "lucky!" emote each time he loses
New generation of tryhards incoming.
Joker consistently makes S tier in the tier lists so that example does not exactly help your case.
I never said he's not good, but once people got used to him, they realized that he isn't broken or OP
git fucking gud.
corrin is like the worst character i play, i think i won against my friends with her one time only and im pretty sure i was just drunk and being unpredictable
Here's your problem
Does too much damage and knockback even before applying all the crazy random buffs. Just nerf the base output and they'd be fine.
Because you neckbeards were almost as annoying to fight as Puffniggers.
Just slap him around like a fly and watch him open his menu hoping for a projectile attack or other spells and then end up with Bounce, accelerate or fucking zoom so he can then continue to get slapped around by you
It's almost as if Hero had some winning aura, but where would it come from?
he serves as a reminder that smash is a casual party game for kids, not a serious competitive game. that makes the competitive autists seethe.
Bruh they keep losing in Spectate; it's a miracle that any of them have GSP above 2 mill with the terrible show they give.
Is his special attack "hentai fantasy rape?" Why do they allow these inappropriate characters into a game that is supposed to be for kids!
It's a better fighting game than SF5.
Let me get this straight. You turn the game on to watch it instead of playing it?
Smash players more than any other fighting game playerbase are extremely quick to complain and beg for nerfs rather than take the time to learn the matchup.
Because most people you talk to about it on the internet are casuals and wouldn't know what a competitive mindset is if it hit them in the face.
it's not a fighting game at all.
BTFO, I can't believe OP killed himself because of a kid's party game.
somehow smash won't get called a "movie game" by Yea Forumsintendogaf, though.
Wait im confused of the 4 changes theyre ll buffs aren't they. i dont play smash a ton but corn seemed fine why would they nerf
Bruh its a party game
Corrin's been buffed recently, but he's referring to them being massively nerfed between sm4sh and ultimate.
Hoes mad.
>Yea Forumsintendogaf
The more I browse this board, the more I come to lose faith every time I see buzzwords spliced together
"Hoes mad XD please don't nerf my character Mr. Sakurai it's the only way I can win"
I lost faith a long ago, and I know it's just going to get worse and worse as newfags from across the internet see this place as their only "refuge" and continue to flood in. The only reason I stick around is because I will never let them have a victory. I will always be here to fight them.
Dude, I'm waiting for Banjo Kazooie
This Hero drama is hilarious
>rather than take the time to learn the matchup.
Ussually it agree but this is smash. This game wasn't designed for one-on-one so it has a lot of bullshit. This game has very little recovery frames and people are able to throw random shit and you can't punish
fucking hate this nigger beyond what i thought was comprehensible to hate
He 100%, is all most all hos move are with combo extenders or kill moves once you get limit/persona thingy his combo extenders also kill. He has no weakness at all literally the worst thing about is that his boosted recover is kinda shitty lol even the teather is better.
The funny thing is this wouldn't have killed Snake if it didn't crit. There is no point to Hero having crits.
sup nigga worl starrrr XD sheeiiit
>H-Heros not OP!
>H-Heros op!
>H-Heros balanced!
I dont give a fuck about what your view here is, hes a bad character idea because he relies on RNG.
crits shouldnt do more damage against shield. they fix that and everythings gravy
Lol get rekt eveyone knows oomph and psych up stack is retard strong.
the critical is kinda dumb but like a 3rd of the cast can kill off a shield break at zero.
>playing Bayonetta
>can't edge guard him because his recovery leaves tornados that could kill me or has Zoom, invalidating any damage
>can't kill him with Witch Time because my big demon fists clank with his Nippon steel bradearu
>can't get back on stage because Side B or Vegeta Burst
>Le holmes angry exksdee
I'm mad, but I ain't no hoe.
I'll get your ass soon shitters.
>I have never seen a Smash character so blatantly overpowered until now.
Then you should have played Brawl or Sm4sh
Hero's a strong pub stomper, maybe the strongest pub stomper in the history of the franchise with his raw killing and zoning power. He's insanely good at what he does.
As it so happens, his weaknesses are as glaring as his strengths are overpowering but 90% of gamers are garbage at games, so he's just rolling over casual play while becoming deader by the day competitively.
All video games are toys for children, user.
I agree, it's like if Cloud got his limit break but instead of using it on move, it buffs all of his moves, and instead of charging his limit break he gets to hold counter and let it fill up so he can punk your ass even harder
>Isabelle Main
>Doing my cancer hooks and sling shots
>Hero Used Bounce
>My Kit and setups are neutered
Ahhhhh this should not be a fucking skill
>playing Bayonetta
>complaining about any other characters
From a guy who remembers Sm4sh, I hope you choke you die in a mass shooting and bleed out slowly you massive cunt
Bayonetta eats his ass completely your just shit.
Once you get him off the floor he should eat like 50 percent he has no combo breakers and a bullets are good enough to force his terrible approach just watch for bounce.
>le "all games are for children" maymay
pick a character that's play style isnt "run away and throw projectiles" then shitter
Whoa, that is WAY too much text. I thought liberals were supposed to be the unfunny ones? Maybe I was wrong...
>They are easy so they are easy
I don't humor the opinions of illiterate retards.
posting wojack is the reddit version of a downvote
Wouldn't the reddit version of a downvote be a downvote?
Bruh, have you tried playing her now?
I actually like her series.
I forget to use my bullets unless they're offstage. Ill keep this in mind.
I freak out whenever he's jumping around, I cant punish his aerials with ABK.
You have proof of that?
His moves are too slow to really be OP
But i like hitting on people that can't approach or Shield properly nigger
Seems like it would be useless on Hero since he has a shield that automatically blocks all projectiles cracker
Imagine caring about the balance in a party game
>holding a grudge against a fictional character
the state of smashfags
Is it true that Wario is actually godlike in this game? Any Wario players that can tell me? I don't play him because I don't like men who fart.
When you say shit like that, it's AS IF you want the FBI and the CIA knocking down Yea Forums's door and shutting it down SadPanda style
Fuck you, asshole. That's just wrong in every sense
And also, grow the fuck up if you're salty over a stupid character.
If not, then get the fuck out and do something productive
>Character is slow and deals large amounts of damage if he connects, effectively plays like a Heavy
>Is actually middle-weight, making him easier to KO than most Heavies
>Has some wild RNG that lets him steal wins, but not with any consistency
The very worst thing about Hero is the 15% damage on his dash attack. Calm down and try not to suck.
Based officer Ed
>reddit spacing
time to go back
Yep, time for you to go back.
I don't care
Wario's pretty great, just not easy. Skill ceiling is high but you gotta work at learning him.
*gives upvote*
Every time i get killed by a wario fart, I die a little inside
Crits don’t do extra shield damage, they just do extra shield stun. His shield broke because Hero had both oomph and psych up
Isn't it supposed to be his main finishing move?
Kinda. You can't use it for every stock, but it should get dropped once or twice per match.
>Two Heros Under Bounce
>The first one to use Kaswoosh automatically takes the stock
This is pretty funny tho.
What about games that are teen or mature rated?
At least he's more fun to fight against than fucking joker.
Omega Tiger woods is next
Why wouldn't Trunks be overpowered? You faggots cry for Dragon Ball characters and muh faithful representation and when you get it you fucking complain.
Grow up.
Trunks was a massive jobber though, got his ass kicked by Cell.
Rosterfaggotry in disguise, westerners are still mad about "anime swordsmen".
Joker is STILL a pain in the ass to fight, though.
FCorrin is shit too. Having a vagina does nothing for her gameplay
This, Plant can break a shield in two hits from range and kill you at zero. Doesn't mean plant is OP.
All of Hero's specials can be rushed down, just git gud and learn the match up.
To be fair this move also does literally nothing if the enemy is at a low percent.
here's my thoughts on the weeb mage swordsman
very creative design, but trades competitive consistency for faithfulness to the original series
not saying he's broken tho, but most of his highlights come from sheer luck, positive or negative
if i had to make any executive statements, i'd want people to lab him more, play with him more in casuals, anything to experiment with and learn more about him and his counters, as well as exactly how good he fares without relying on spells or rng
he'd be fuckin RAD to use if we had a subspace 2; that's where he'd shine the most
>Plays the most rush down, free damage character in the game
>Can't beat Hero
Get in his face, use your stupid down smash to spike him, and git gud.
>Has to use something other than slingshot spam for 10 seconds
Poor baby...
How do I win ANYTHING with Lucas goddamn
Literally the only thing that Hero is good at is having possibly the best side and neutral B specials in the game. That's about it. His Rng affects are worthless.
>mfw watching Salem’s Hero at smashcon yesterday
>gets shield broken
>gets hit with an Oomph-powered charged f-smash at the ledge
The only questionable thing here is the crit, and even so I think the smash would've killed or at least gotten really fucking close, this Snake is just ass
I mean the randomness of his down B isn't faithful to the original series. In the original series you have freedom to pick any move. He's just like Shulk in that Sakurai came up with some weird-ass mechanic for him that makes him an interesting fighter but is not at all faithful to his game.
But Panda's alive again, user
From what I can tell from fighting good ones, his Aerials are his main show. I had one short hop z-air into grab for a whole match, and it felt like I couldn't do anything about it because it was lightning fast.
They can rebalance Hero if
>increase charge time of neutral b
>decrease hitbix of side b
>decrease regular smash damage while keeping the crit hit modifier the same
>slightly decrease his mana cost for specials
>highly increase the mana costs of down b spells and drain mana to zero if you use a spell you don't have the mana for
This would make him pretty fair. Rng is often a detriment to a character, since consistency is superior. I'm more concerned about the rest of his kit though to be honest. Except crit hits, fuck that shit.
That's a frame-perfect move. How do people even do that online? Welp time to practice
>plays perfectly up to that point
>makes a SINGLE mistake
>"He deserved it, this Snake is just ass"
If you don't understand why people have a problem with this, you are beyond help.
>drain mana to zero if you use a spell you don't have the mana for
Jesus, calm down. The character should still be playable to the average joe.
>plays perfectly
Is that why the dipshit just stands there and let's him use his Down special whole making multiple mistakes?
i mean of course, but crits and other rng junk are well-ingrained in his home series; there's even some luck in getting the right stats when rolling up characters in games like 3
but in terms of the spells, they put a lot of work into getting them not only to work in an environment as active as smash, but to work in a way that's analogous if not identical to how they'd work in the home games
i'd say its spectacular how much work they did
Every fucking match.......Im so close to beating him and he gets Arsony.
Fuck Joker.
I agree with some of these but others are unnecessary
Side-b doesn't need a smaller hitbox, it's linear, telegraphed as fuck and requires a resource that also drains Hero's ability to use his other spells
Leave his smash the same and reduce crit modifier, as it stands it's already a slow fucking option that'll get you punished most of the time
Changing his mana costs would make him unplayable even if you reduced the cost of his up-b, you'll literally just turn him into Little Mac and get him so easily gimped off the stage it's not even funny
Other than that I kinda agree, the crits are stupid
This, he has the worst moves from Marth and Link. All of the worst aerials, the worst up smash, a useless dash attack. Even if he gets good rng AND his enemy is too illiterate to read his moves, he’s still inferior to Lucina.
It is unavoidable and it can kill at 0%.
>analogous if not identical
okay, that might be exaggerating
but still to include as many spells and skills as they did is no small feat
>makes a single mistake
>stands still for a full second and doesn't even try to spotdodge/roll the smash for a punish
That's how actual fighting games work faggot, you can and will get fucked up for a single mistake
He's the strongest fundamentals based zoner with a great recovery. The only real issue he has is that situations where he has low MP are very rare.
Based officer Ed.
Wario got to top 8 at Evo, with fart-confirms to boot. I say yes.
Yeah if you're braindead and just jump into it
Even if he blind picks it as the first thing on the menu you can dodge it by just jumping away, the only time people get caught with Thwack is when they don't pay attention and try to run up like retards bot expecting such a hard punish
Arsene, as in Arsene Lupin.
gotta kick some ass
I think it's random to force people to keep their eyes on the command prompt. And for balance purposes. If it was entirely set and you could use anything you wanted with just muscle memory he'd actually be broken.
>He doesn't know
He actually got killed because he was Bowser Jr., this wouldn't have worked on anyone else.
I play Kirby and have never lost to a hero as him. Completely and utterly cuck him with his own neutral special every time. Kafrizzle even seems to true combo for Kirby out of up tilt.
It's ironic because otherwise Kirby is a complete garbage character that can never get a win.
I'm at 5.1M GSP with Kirby and I think he's fantastic, he's the only character I can consistently win with or finish 1st place in tournaments with. His hammer is a near guaranteed kill if you can predict spacing swordies. Stone is an incredibly underrated recovery cucker, it's a Bowser bomb you can fucking cancel. 75% of the time it smashes people off the bottom of the stage for an instant kill, too fast and confusing to tech. Inhale is a straight up guaranteed kill against opponents at high percent with poor recovery. Final cutter is a beautiful 'no, you're doing that' communicator against fair/nair neutral spammers. He has a dair that can spike and its so easy to do because of how many jumps you have. Similarly his fair can chain combo all the way to the blast zone if you predict which way opponent will go. Absolutely love Kirby and think be will go up a tier one day just from sheer realization, like my other boy Mr Game & Watch did.
Every character deserves to be in smash more than Corrin. Literally every single one. Fuck Corrin, I will never not be mad that they got put in.
I'm a 5 million GSP Dark Samus scrub and the only Hero I've lost to was a faggot who had items and final smashes enabled as his preferences and AT'd the fuck out of me
Magic burst shouldn't be that strong of a move. It's supposed to act like a smart bomb, but I don't think smart bombs are even that strong.
Corrin is certainly more deserving than Roy whose game still hasn't even been fucking localized.
>Throw other fighter off stage
>PK Freeze
learn to use your aerials
Top 32 of EVO only had mkleo playing joker. Mkleo wins but maybe it’s mkleo and not joker that is “high tier”
>Inhale is a straight up guaranteed kill against opponents at high percent with poor recovery.
>high percent
Fuck that.
Hop off the side and B-reverse their recovery in midair.
It's hilariously easy on some characters like Cloud.
He may be a shit character but every win is undeserved because of RNG bullshit. When I lose I want to think "I got outplayed. Gotta play better next time" not "He got Magic Burst at ledge, hope I'm luckier next time".
What an odd picture to have on your computer.
What, you've never had anything to eat so good that you drooled a bit?
Good shit lad, I will start practicing it.
of course you would know, redditor
We all use reddit. If you don't use reddit you aren't welcome here.
speak for yourself faggot, I've never even made an account for that place
Then you are not welcome here.
I'm actually getting killed non-stop by Corrins now, this might be a rare case of a buff actually making a character not shit.
>That was 2011
GSP is a trash measuring system.
Joker doesn't break the game like previous Smash top tiers but it's still pretty obvious hes a cut above the rest. He's pretty cheap
Can anyone give me a proper tier list? Every place i look says completely different things.
Also learn to play. Corrin is balanced
There's no tier list for 4.0 yet, it just came out. I can give you a 3.1 tier list but it would be kind of worthless, wouldn't it?
He has literally some of the worst frame data in the entire game
with the range and Ganon-tier kill power to more than make up for it
He understands why people have a problem with it, he's just a shitter who uses Hero to compensate for being shit. All Hero apologists do, regardless of what they say.
Well, that's what I'm going to do with whoever #4 is, so more power to them. I don't even know who it is, I just know they're going to be ridiculously OP so I shall be playing them. Banjo will probably be the only one that won't be OP, because every time they put in some fan demanded character like Ridley and K. Rool they have turned out to be garbage.
Nothing wrong with using them for trolling, so long as you don't try to defend it. The people who say he's fair and his wins deserved are the ones who suck ass.
>Snake playing neutral
>Clearly knows what he's doing
>Hero flailing around like a spastic retard
>raw smash attacks in neutral, swinging at thin air and hoping something hits
>Uses a full retard fsmash he had zero hope of landing in time to punish a whiffed dash attack and guaranteed he'd get hard punished in return
>loljk, get fullshield broke and killed at zero with no set up
>Plant can break a shield in two hits from range
There's a fucking huge difference between one and two hits, user.
It is kind of insane that he broke the shield off an uncharged fsmash. I don't know why nobody is pointing that out. It was UNCHARGED and yet it broke the ENTIRE SHIELD.
Just use Charizard and firebreath the edge till they run out of mp, I've been doing this
i’ll never understand why folks think eating meat makes them extra badass or ¿? like that’s some peoples’ entire personalities.
Dont forgot lucina and chrom which are just skins for marth and ike who himself is just a copy of marth
He's a bullshit, unfair character. My problem at least is that he's not fun to fight, rather than hard to fight. When he does well, it's because he got lucky. When he does shit, it's because he got unlucky.
The case could be made that Lucina and Chrom are deserving since it barely took any work to add them and the game they're from is the game that saved Fire Emblem. But there are certainly many more characters in the roster who are more deserving than them.
It doesn't matter anyway, they're in and nothing is going to change that. Just gotta deal with it.
>consistently below pikachu in every tier list, even the ones made by top players
>Clearly knows what he's doing
>Dash attack dash attack dash attack whiff whiff whiff
>Hard shield against Psych up
That's not an achievement user
Pikachu is literally the best character in the game, just because he's also OP doesn't make Joker not OP.
>nigger doesnt know shutting Yea Forums down is the goal
Learn about the samson option, we take everything down with us
I dont really mind either way i just rather had they put in effort on other characters instead of 4 times the same that i dont play either way
>first DA connects
>second attempts to catch his landing, if he jumps to avoid it then he can't punish the DA so it's a perfectly safe option
>third DA doesn't come out until the very end of the webm to cover the roll and stand options with a safe option
>lol just don't ever shield against a character with one of the highest kill powers in the game until he hits you
Hero apologists are the worst.
>Just don't ever shield against a character with one of the highest kill powers in the game
No you tard, just respect psych up+oomph and don't try to hard shield a smash attack thrown out randomly in neutral.
There are only two things about him that need changed:
>Dial back the launch on his fully charged neutral special a little bit
>Dial back the range of his fully charged up special a little bit to make his recovery a bit worse
Other than that he's fine, and if you don't think so you're a casual crybaby faggot who has yet to git gud
I agree, they could have made any other echo with that time and for some ungodly reason they chose to make ANOTHER Marth. I'll accept Lucina since she was one of the first echoes but Chrom makes no fucking sense. They could have done something stupid like Dr. Luigi and it still would have made more sense.
His fully charged up special takes a million MP and has no combat benefit, I'm okay with it having that much recovery power.
>don't try to hard shield a smash attack thrown out randomly in neutral
>reacting to a 17 frame move
>reacting to a 17 frame move plus input lag
>reacting to a 17 frame move plus input and internet lag
That's like a hellsweep that one shots you.
>still waiting for glover and crash bandicoot
I would even be fine with raiden as snake mirror
Chrom is Roy not Marth and people begged for Chrom.
There's like a million character specific ways to deal with a character like Hero who has the bottom 5 worst aerials, average tilts and specials that are on a meter.
But Yea Forums is too casual to lab anything.
And Roy is Marth. Are you serious?
Did I wake into a Twilight realm where Joker and Hero are the best characters in the game?
You're in the normal realm where any character with a disjoint is a scrub stomper and Yea Forums are scrubs that whine about anime.
Nigga what, all his mvoes are unsafe on shield
Do you seriously want Glover? His game was not even considered good at the time it came out. It feels like an escort mission masquerading as a platformer. And speaking as someone who played his game he has no real moveset potential, his options were essentially 1) transform the ball for some puzzles, 2) smack or throw the ball, 3) bounce the ball. And I have no fucking clue why you could transform the ball into the crystal inside the stages, obviously the premise of the game is that the crystal is turned into a ball so that you can navigate it safely back to the castle, but there is no circumstance in which there is ever a point to the crystal form. The only thing you can do with it is shatter it and watch Glover scream, which is amusing but loses you a life. I will say this, it has some very good music.
I bet you cant even name why it would be only Bowser Jr. What about puff? G&W? Pichu? Let me guess:
>Those are garbage characters anyway so using them is invalid
Nah you dipshit. I'm pretty comfortable calling the game a party fighter at this point but if they are pushing 1v1 then shit is unacceptable.
The absolute state of dqfags
>all his moves are garbage and unsafe on shield
>command menu is 75% easily avoidable gimmick trash
>stuck with shitty midis
>all they can do to cope is post HOES MAD and the same five pics of gohan
Do you actually think scrubs on Yea Forums know what that means?
Calm down. It was a joke.
hero is nowhere near as broken as bayo was in sm4sh. No way he's getting banned
Ya caught me. I need more coffee
>caffeine addicts
No best DQ Hero
It's happening. We're starting to see it in tournaments.
I'm not sure if that link is going to work thanks to retards on this website. If so then change it accordingly I guess.
>jumps right into it
He was this close to timing out the command menu if he just held on the ledge a little longer
retards hovering over Kamikaze and THEN USING IT make me laff
His invincibility had timed out at that exact moment, Thwack would have hit him even if he hadn't jumped. There was literally no way to avoid that death.
>sincere reply to that post
>calling anyone else dipshit
>let go of ledge, side b to stall, jump, up b again
>There was literally no way to avoid that death.
drop down and regrab the ledge
>what is drop and regrab the ledge to stall longer
>what it moving backwards afrer jumping the ledge to avoid the hitbox
>what is using up b the moment you see hero activate twack to jump out of the way
Dude had a lot of options, he just had a brain fart
>There was literally no way to avoid that death.
Not considering ledge drops is a common sign of a shitter that's still new to the game.
Don't comment about things you barely understand yourself.
The cursor was on Thwack. Any move he could have made would have been immediately reacted to with Thwack and he would have died. It is quite literally impossible to have escaped that in time.
Alrighty then, DSP
thwack doesn't reach under the ledge if you let go
>see hero on twack
>move away from twack range
It's not that complicated user
Aren't his aerials slow and kinda trash?
Yes. His upair is fast but tiny hitbox above him, fair is poor man's version of Cloud's (smaller and no spike hitbox), nair is like Shulk's but 3 times as small. Bair has a delay but it's actually surprisingly good range and knockback with a timing that a lot of people don't seem to know.
I know it's not the point of the video, but as a snake player I can't help but feel how that Snake brought it upon himself.
>Can't react to a 17 frame attack with anything besides holding R
hahahahahahahaha ok grandpa
Honestly I haven't even touched Smash since before the update due to three houses.
Edelgard in Smash fucking WHEN?
He literally kills you at 0% in some cases and can kill you at 30% consistently without buff with his stupid lightning and fireball attack which are the strongest neutral bs in the game. The only thing that doesn't make him truly broken is the fact that he isn't consistent and rng based which you can argue is also bad. Rush down characters aren't the be all against him either despite what some retards will tell you any competent player with abuse the B neutral attacks and buff and one shot rushdown characters.
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>230 hours
Why, user?
Just wait until he's unbanned in major tourneys and evo the fucking hilarity that will ensue is going to be legendary I might just tune in next years evo just for this character. Expect to see 5 heros in top 8 Kamakaze. magic burst one stock crits the comedy will be endless!
>His Rng affects are worthless
This is one of the worst formed statements I’ve ever read, my God
He's killing power and neutral b among other things makes up for it
>can't rect to 17 frame smash attack.
Never play Guilty Gear where everyine has a 16-20 frame overhead mapped to 6K or King of Fighters where basic game mechanucs make it so you have con constatly react to high-low-throw mixups every 15-25 frames or so.
I wouldn't even be against a Three Houses rep but you need to prepare yourself for the fact that it's not going to happen. All five reps will be third parties.
It's a Musou.
>reacting to a 17 frame move
i mean, that's like a standard reaction time really
The best part about this characters is when you get bounce against projectile heavy characters. Their fucking brain literally shuts down and don't know what to do it's fucking hilarious
Go fuck yourself
He's right though top will be hero heavy
Just because critical hits are an RNG factor doesn’t mean he’s not beatable
The nigga’s weakness is literally pressure, what smash ultimate has been forcing you to do
Not him but it is that complicated. I've seen people use twack in split seconds it's not always telegraphed also there are other options to choose from and you could get baited
>Pressuring someone who can lighting your ass away at 35% or buffed up like crazy
Okay user whatever you say
Yikes. We don't welcome that kind of talk around here. Go back to wherever you came from.
The point of the pressure is to prevent him from fully charging his side B or letting him buff up. Staying away from him only lets him become stronger you dumbass.
I love getting Bounce against Ness niggers, they literally cannot fathom the idea of not spamming PK Fire
Honestly i barely played it, but the time i did simply left its mark on my mind making me associate it with classics of my childhood. I mean probably noone from the time into gaming does not remember the game. Its not always about the quality
As a ROB main I feel your pain.
>spin to win ROB main
Kill yourself
So the one thing I don't understand about hero's design is that you get all your mp back when you die. But why? Lucario doesn't keep his aura buff when he dies. Joker doesn't keep arsene and cloud doesn't keep limit.
It's really the only fix I'd give hero (that and fix how much shield damage he does)
Because he's a dragon quest character not FFTA2.
My guess is because you would have a lot of unusable moves if you return with no MP. Lucario's aura just makes it stronger, while Joker and Cloud get stronger and just one new move.
If you just kept the same mp from when you died you can still use hero's shitty version of his specials
>lucario doesn't keep the damage bonus that scales with high percent when hes at zero percent
Have him return with 50-60 MP instead of 100. Bam, fixed.
Why the fuck wouldn't you get MP back? Fucking retard.
> why should you be rewarded for dying
are you retarted? Hero's can just blow all their MP and die and they just get it all back
It doesn't make sense when every other character like him gets set back to 0 after death (like I mentioned cloud lucario etc)
>why should you be rewarded for dying
what did he mean by this
>rewarded for dying
Having full MP is his neutral state, not an advantage state like Cloud's limit you fucking retard. Even robin doesn't start out being unable to use his tomes. If he started with 0 then he literally wouldn't be able to use any of his specials.
I'm glad retards like you aren't in charge of game balance
>with a great recovery.
fucking kek
>It doesn't make sense when every other character like him gets set back to 0 after death (like I mentioned cloud lucario etc)
Inkling should start with no ink and Robin should start with no specials :)))))))
To be fair, Robin doesn't start with his Levin Sword like he did in 4.
Levin swords aren't tied to specials. And there was no reason for that change to levin sword, just makes Robin struggle.
And that was a terrible change that made a weak character even weaker.
Hero also doesn't need full MP to use his specials. Just have him start with half his MP bar and he's fixed.
we need to make Inkling start at half ink too because because say she's really good theoretically :)
Guys, does Magic Burst's damage and knockback scale with how much MP Hero has left?
No one likes loosing to an instant death, or to an attack that normally wouldn't kill, but happened to be a crit that time.
>An attack that normally wouldn't kill but happened to be a crit that time
Yeah but on the other end of the spectrum Hero's smash attacks are balanced around them critting so 80% of the time he just has bad smashes.
>>playing Bayonetta
Don't get hit with instant death and avoid his terrible Smashes. Get good.
user like big anime waifu and boobies!
Why is Hero so fucking boring? Some basic bitch medieval character in a purple tunic, no flair or pizazz.
Not him but musous are comfy timesinks if you can get into them.
I would have played FEW if the roster wasn't garbage.
>no flair or pizazz.
nigger what
The range also scales.
>Basic sword
>Boring purple tunic
He's so fucking boring looking.
Hero's flair and pizzaz comes from his animations, spells and pretty much everything about his menu
Sounds like you just need to get good faggot.
not enough hair spikes for you?
Hero is such a cutie.
Does Yea Forums really fall for obvious role play threads like this just so they can have a straw man to tear down?
Never have done so. Get the fuck out.
>be shit at game
>need excuses for why you're shit
It's pretty much this simple
But I'm from Yea Forums.
Nair is safe on shield and incredibly spam-able you tard.
I want a Three Houses rep too. A year ago I would've been pissed if we got another FE character but now I'm perfectly fine with it. Any of the lords or Byleth would be cool as fuck.
Still looks better than Joker, who dresses like a typical fedoralord
Nerf Stinkling
>Hitting you with a tiny ball of water true combos into a fully charged bite.
>Falling up air practically ignores shields
>F-smash has a hitbox that combos into itself when charging.
>Can cover every single ledge option at once.
>Stall and fall is disjointed so most characters in the game will just get hit by it if they try to juggle.
Corrin is really fun, he has a shitload of weird tools that you have to use to the fullest to win. If you approach him like Lucina you're gonna be doing no damage and wondering why you're never killing. You have to use everything.
Yeah let's make it so if you die as Ice Climbers you only get to have Popo come back alone for the rest of the match as well. Do you retards even understand half of the mindless gibberish you spew out of your dedicated semen drinking holes?
Because they have literally nothing else going on in their lives.
Instead of literally anything else, they came to Yea Forums to echo chamber complaints about one single character.
Joker didn't carry MKLeo, MKLeo carried Joker.
Is there a worse feeling than getting beaten by a retard?
Still better than the mouthbreather who did nothing but FSmash
He needs that much because he can't combo for shit and his moves are slow as fuck.
Joker is still high tier tho. He's not the best character in the game, but he's easily top 15.
It's like saying Peach/Jigglypuff aren't high tier in Melee because only one relevant top player plays them on a level unlike literally everyone else.
Inkling has the exact same system, Shortbus.
>"Wait till they get a load of me"-Jack Nicholson Joker(Tim Burton Batman, 1989)
Remember when people unironically were complaining about Ike?
I'm bad at smash but I'm interested, whats a B-reverse?
He means jump over and behind them, then press B+left at the same time so you inhale them from behind. You can do neutral B+turn around instead of a side B but the timing is specific.
robin also gets levin back on death i believe
They're probably gonna fix him in like, a month or two.
He's not OP. He's bullshit. But he's so funny to use. I won a match when I was at 1 stock vs a 2 stock by killing him with magic burst then hit him a few times and ended it with whack or thwack. I would have lost otherwise but rng. It was bullshit but it was funny.
Game and Watch can kill at 0% if he has good RNG. Do we need to nerf him too?
tap the stick away from the direction you're facing and then immediately press B as two distinct inputs
you'll immediately do your neutral B behind you
it also works with up and down specials, but those are a little harder to do with a second directional input involved
>This tired bullshit argument
Can G&W CHOOSE to use 9 at will, or is it purely chance? Can G&W manually select "9", and use it? Is G&W a heavyweight? Can G&W put opponents to sleep? Does G&W get random critical hits on his smash attacks? Can G&W put out a magical shield that makes projectiles useless while he can still move around and act? Does G&W have several large projectiles that can kill at 50%? Can G&W make himself bigger? Can G&W make his attacks stronger? Can G&W make himself faster? Can G&W make himself invisible? Can G&W make himself invincible?
People get really upset that there's a 0.01% chance of him instakilling you if you manage to get ganked by a telegraphed attack that he's unlikely to even have access to most of the time. Kids don't understand that "random chance" will always be a thing in games and this kind of tiny chance at getting fucked is just as low as the connection fucking you, a dropped input, or you having to sneeze at a bad time.
Why the fuck is being heavy a problem?
Hoes Mad
Bitch I play Ganon, I just enjoy fun.
Imagine being such as retard you think Joker is anything but B tier
Yeah man, why isn't he like every other JRPG hero wearing a retarded fucking outfit? What in g*d's name were they thinking, those bakas?
>tfw Foxfag and beat the shit out of Herofags easily
Pro tips: Keep your distance and when he checks for a spell, go beat the shit out of him before he choices one.
Why give Hero great endurance in addition to everything he already has?
Teens are children and anyone who plays mature games are Manchildren
>Can G&W CHOOSE to use 9 at will, or is it purely chance?
It's a chance, just like Joker pulling Thwack or Whack when he rolls his commands. Difference is Hero has several more attacks and a meter, so he gets limited control.
The other easy thing to keep in mind is to never stand directly in front of him. Most of his attacks are straight forward instead of diagonal and only a couple hit behind. You give him some good air game and he's fucked.
>just like Joker pulling Thwack or Whack when he rolls his commands
That aside, All Hero needs is to land a few of his fuckhuge aerials or tilts to get his MP right back up, and it already recharges itself automatically anyway.
>Salem and Zackary have already thwacked people at sub 80%
Haha I know, right? Who the fuck doesn't bring their lucky 4-leaf clovers and horseshoes to tourneys with them? Lucklets need to step their game up
>Game and Watch judge brings up 4 numbers for him to choose from.
Play Ness and succumb to cancer
>His Rng affects are worthless.
Why do Hero Apologist lie all the time, even when the lies are pretty obvious.
>Hero’s meter
>Mattering at any point besides 0
All four of them are.
Being beatable doesn’t mean you are not broken.
Hopefully next game they give Marth the Hero treatment so 8 FE boys can get in without anyone throwing a fit
He needs his real fighting outfit
I'd have worn this the entire time if you didn't run slow as fuck in it. Also the accents on Sylvando's troupe were amazing.
Not any more you aren't. This is Yea Forumseddit now. If you don't like it, you can leave.
Who /maining/ Hero here?
>loses an eye
>also loses his mind
White men are so vain.
>get thrown off the side for any reason
>hero just stands on the edge with that giant purple explosion ready
>literally can't do anything, either you eat it and die or fall and die because it's the side of half a stage
Why is this bullshit allowed? its literally in his menu ANY time you get pushed off
That would be a bit sad because I really like Lucina's alt colors but if that's what it takes to get more FE characters I suppose I'd accept it.
Oh, and no. You move. We aren't going anywhere.
Imagine having trouble over this idle simulator.
Just run and hit him dude
Who cares about some rng character when the truest echo fighter is 100% confirmed for the game already?
Pic unrelated of course
First off what on earth would confirm him?
Hero is only good online because of nintendo's shitty ass netcode
How do you recover from kamikaze or magic burst when they ledge guard? You can go anywhere
you hope you have a good recovery and simply either drop as low as possible or recover as high as possible.
If you're Ganondorf, you have to jump from the ledge and immediately start a Warlock Punch so you can tank through it.
Hero's rng magic is honestly the most retarded design decision Sakurai has ever made.
his PTSD was for other reasons and you know damn well
Ganondorf had invincibility on Warlock Punch?
I think it's just so big. Pretty move covers the entire map in competitive play.
>get hit
>does only 1 percent
That's why.
His Neutral B is way too strong, especially on wifi.
He needs buffs if anything, he’s not that good.
t. 5.2 million GSP
only if they're basically empty on mp
otherwise it kills pretty easy
Warlock Punch will tank through any move that does below I believe 18% damage, but the window for the super armor is only until Gandondorfs fist's hitbox is active.
Since Magic Burst does small damage very rapidly, he can typically super armor through all of it, but only if at the beginning as the animation for Warlock Punch won't last long enough otherwise.
>Competitive Hoes are Mad
Smash bros get in here QUICK*
Fuck off Tranny
When he gets nerfed I am going to create a thread laughing at you every day for two weeks.
He's still gonna be random and he still gonna be banned.
>villager main
>hero uses bounce
>camp behind tree and use my axe, nair, and tilts to keep him away till bounce wears off
The RNG magic would be fine if
>You couldn’t select the best of 4 spells and need to commit to 1 you get
>Shit like Magic Burst were toned down
>Magic only refills slowly instead of getting it all be in 1 string
The last point also fixes his Neutral and Side specials, which are ridiculous too.
>Game and Watch can kill at 0%
9 doesn’t kill at 0% (unless its like against Jigglypuff on WarioWare)
Thwack and Whack can kill at 0% on any stage against any character, has a much larger hitbox, and it isn’t the only way Hero can kill opponents that are 0% with 1 move.
G&W also doesn’t have 21 other Judge numbers with effects like covering half the stage with a kill move.
Hoes Mad
A skilled Roy I see.
The HOES MAD posting is BECAUSE he's not that good, but people are still seething and calling him OP
>>literally can't do anything, either you eat it and die or fall and die because it's the side of half a stage
Maybe it's because I'm a Pika Main but can't you just go under the stage and go for the other ledge side where he has to reset his downB to do this?
I can’t wait for Hero to win tours just by pulling out his broken shit at random, or better yet is banned from all major tours, and all the apologists that pretends he’s bad all damage control
See , the hero is fucked
I can't wait for Yea Forums to stop being shitters who cry OP at everything that beats them
>Immediately cancels out and puts fucking tornadoes on the ledge or charges up his Side B
Oh yeah, his regular specials are also extremely good, just in case the person playing him want to spin a slot machine that wins 90% of the time.
>It’s ANOTHER faggot that beat their friends who used Hero, then starts speaking out his ass as if he knows what he is talking about
Why is it only Nintendo games with casual elitists/skilled Roys?
>gets shield broken by a single uncharged smash attack
I think this is the main issue, although the kill at zero is pretty bad too.
Gee I don't know, why is it only Nintendo games where people play Roy, a character who is only in Nintendo games?
Joker doesn’t carry but let’s not pretend there isn’t such a thing as tiers. Joker is high tier so mkleo only had to meet joker some of the way instead of carrying
The crystal scored extra points when getting Garibs
hero isn't even that good, he's getting stomped in competitive and joker is still one of the tops
I'd let Joker top me BWAHAHAHA
Are you just gonna bump your garbage thread all day? Hero isn't going to be banned.
>long start up
>long end lag
>even longer end lag if canceled by the landing lag
its a shit version of ikes neutral
Sure he isn't, Hero main. Sure he isn't.
Literally the only nerf he needs is a slower MP gain to make it more of a weakness
>shit air attacks
>shit up smash
>cant move while deciding a move
>every move except hatchet man can be easily shielded when seeing the menu is open
he can turnaround all of his spells to hit behind him, kind of like a falcon punch turnaround, but instant
you sound like this hoe is mad
Wouldn't it be fucking funny if all this spam got the mod to filter hoes mad.
Smash bros you need to get in here RIGHT NOW-
>Hero OP
>every single pro player that has tried using him in a tourney gets shit on
>MK Leo can't even secure a fucking kill with him
Hero is shit
Shit characters have been nerfed before, see K. Rool.
>MK Leo
>Playing a charcater he's shit with
No surprise In fact has that guy gotten any evo wins without joker?
tick tock boomer
Why am I constantly assailed by people who both call me a boomer and a zoomer? What is wrong with you people?
>rush him
>he is done
You faggots are pathetic.
I actually gave up on this game and just decided to main kirby.
>Stopped caring if I win matches
>Just play Kirby, a shit character exclusively
>end up improving a lot.
even Hero is not an issue to me, a long as I play Kirby, I'll be fine.
Bzzt! You just got zapped.
Don't you wish he was added now instead?
Nope. I would take a second Hero over Steveposters getting an excuse to shitpost.
they were not going to let banjo, an america made character overshadow the glorious nippon made character
>banjo, an america made character
Good lord, are these the people who were asking for Banjo? People who know this little about him?
I don't think they will ever release a character as bad as Smash 4 Bayo
If the finals of a tournament can be a mirror match of a character that's at such a goddamn standstill that the TO's have to tell you to actually play the game or get DQed then A) you don't deserve whatever prize money you get but more importantly B) the developer should be fucking ashamed of themselves.
melee metaknight was worse than bayonetta ever was.
Melee Meta Knight was a nightmare. Almost as bad as Brawl Little Mac.
...Melee Metaknight? Metaknight wasn't in Melee.
>If the finals of a tournament can be a mirror match of a character that's at such a goddamn standstill that the TO's have to tell you to actually play the game or get DQed
I am pretty sure they just did that because the crowd was booing them for playing the best character.
>he doesn't remember
I understand man. Some days I wish it could have been erased from my memory as well.
>Even Reddit is spamming "hoes mad"
I guess we know who the Redditors are. Thanks for exposing yourselves.
The joke is that MetaKnight in brawl played liek a character in melee hence why he was so op
For me, the best Milky Holmes series was Futari wa Milky Holmes.
If a meme ever starts getting spammed an absolutely obnoxious amount, you can safely assume it caught on at Reddit, which leads to Redditors coming here to try and "get in on the fun." Incidentally, how exactly do you know that "Even Reddit is spamming" it? Perhaps because you browse Reddit?
I saw a popularish Youtube video that had "hoes mad" in it and whenever a kind of popular Youtube video has it, you can assume its being spammed on Reddit.
Well, this is true, but Reddit will spam anything they can get their hands on. I've lost count of the number of times I've made a truly excellent meme, headed over to Reddit, and some jackass has posted my meme there as if it's his own.
>Smash players more than any other fighting game playerbase are extremely quick to complain and beg for nerfs rather than take the time to learn the matchup.
-t. Stupid motherfucker who has never even played Smash Ult
With 70+ characters learning the matchups is the only way to win anymore.
Damn, how did you fuck it up this bad?
right, i did a dumb.
i meant ''western'' character
Cope harder
Well, respect for admitting it. A lesser man would have doubled down and tried to insist that Banjo is somehow an American character.
>Played Isabelle yesterday (vs Hero)
>Lost game 1, barely won game 2 because my eye got really itchy
I hope he doesn't mind
Whoa, this ho seems mad!
Excuse me, just the superior franchise passing through that will never be nerfed.
Even after so many updates, why are Wario and Mewtwo still horribly bad? Mewtwo floats through the air like a fucking soap bubble and can be comboed super easily and KO'd before reaching 100%.
I've only beaten DQ1. Should I play 2 next or jump to 3?
Just play the ebin nair spacing game my hombre
Agenda Andy
Didn't Salem just lose to Leffen using Hero?
>Yeah, b-but it was just for the memes bro!
It's a trilogy so you should go for 2.
I agree on Mewtwo but how the fuck is Wario bad?
Whoa, why is he so mad? Is Leffen gloating or what?
Nah, but that was the shit he was talking a few months before this happened.
Well, WAS Leffen gloating back then? I can't imagine the kind of person one would have to be to just say "You're a joke." with no provocation.
That tweet was from Feb. user. Basically they shit talked each other, they finally fought, set was tied, Salem tried to show Leffen up by using a new character and lost.
Are any of the DQ games worth playing? Some of the spell names gave me a sensible chuckle, and i'm curious to see the actual game
You didn't hear about the whole Salem saying Melee fans aren't true Smash fans based o his years of research?
Try to play Wario against a sword user. Good luck with that range game.
III, IV, V, VIII and XI are all pretty great. With III, V, and VIII being the more popular ones. I personally liked VI a lot too.
Buckle up buckaroo
Nigger I've been fighting sword users with ken and ryu since day 1. And they don't get a free stock with waft.
Wario is not Ken. He completely lacks range.
Yes, and the music is much better in the games than it is in Smash. Go with the other person's recommendations: VIII or IX if you want something more modern, III if you want something retro, IV or V if you want something in the middle.
V is considered by many fans to be the best Dragon Quest game ever but the protagonist doesn't use a sword which is why he's not one of the options in Smash.
Also, I meant to say XI here, but I guess there's nothing wrong with playing IX.
Do you think the Banjo pictures got filtered?
i switched images and it doesnt get banned as quick so maybe
Whoa, you're a human? That's surprising. I might give it a look if it's actually Smash-related.
>what's evade
Yeah you suck.
It was done that way for balance purposes. But it is also in the spirit of the Dragon Quest series do to Yuji Horii being a notorious gambler. Having a character with so much randomness is in the spirit of DQ.
The feel when Joker main are Mad afuck, priceless
The fuck? No one was crying about Joker on release. Fuck dude everyone thought he was mid tier at best on release. 99% of people suck dick at Smash and have no clue what they're talking about so taking the internet's opinion on a character is retarded.
I don't even play the game and even i know that Joker was broken on release and people were mad on release
How come Dragon Quest doesn't have any gambling mini games?
>No one was crying about Joker on release
That's just a flat out lie. People were crying about him being broken before he even came out.
That's because they were mad that an anime guy from a game they've never played was stealing their slot. Pity them, for they will never know true happiness.
The fucking audacity of that degenerate to crotch taunt after getting bodied like a nubling by Snake of all characters. Don't know where children/cunts get the nerve to main babymode characters then talk shit.
Well you can't use the taunt buttons online for some stupid reason so this is what people have to do. I think it's stupid, if they really wanted to stop "taunt parties" then they should have programmed it so you get three taunt usages per match, or something like that.
they did that for smash 4
Yeah, I know. Which makes it all the more absurd that they cut it out entirely. Like what the fuck are they worried about, considering people just started teabagging anyway and they don't seem to care about that?
they want you to play the game, not just fuck around and taunt and do nothing. there's even an afk and damage timer now
Random crits are fair and balanced.
I'm right.
Why do you have Ridley twice
For the same reason Captain Falcon appears thrice.
But a taunt limit would prevent you from fucking around. If you can only taunt three times the only time you would really want to taunt is after each kill.
I didn't notice that and now i'm even more confused
Not him, but are you stupid? The categories clearly aren't mutually exclusive, assuming you know what that phrase means.
What's the website to make these again? Also, what is rock crocking?
I could understand that but some categories request fixes while others say they don't need buffs at all, it seems like its contradictory
He's saying that Ridley and Falcon don't necessarily need buffs, but they could still use some bugfixes or QoL changes.
Let your inner autismo flow, my fellow user.
Rock crocking is a huge problem with both Ganondorf and Falcon's up b's. Here's an explanation.
>Choses to shield against an avoidable oomph and psych up'd fsmash instead of doing the 100000 things that he could've done to avoid it
This plus the fact that you probably still should've won the game because it was only 1 of 3 stocks
the fuck is rock crocking
Let this homosexual explain. youtube.com
Based Hero, fuck snake.
No chance. You might have a few high rollers finding success but the key to good results is consistency, which Hero will never have. Plus his most powerful tool, magic burst, is one of his rarest spells AND several of the most common top tiers can get around it.
the real tragedy is
>not a single good theme
all of it gay circus music
Have a shower
Adventure actually sounds pretty nice still despite being the inferior MIDI version. I guess it's one of those compositions that's so good even MIDI can't ruin it.
No you
literally the gayest character ever
Canonically that would be Ike.
what lol
There, all done.
At the end of Radiant Dawn, Ike doesn't get together with the princess as most FE protagonists do, and instead disappears mysteriously along with his fuckboy Soren.
Priam though
Ike is at least able to fuck a woman
Priam's status as a descendant of Ike is very vaguely defined to the extent it's not certain if he actually has any relation to him, but even if he is, there's no rule saying you can't be gay but still find a woman to pass on your bloodline. Also, Awakening and Radiant Dawn were made by different directors and teams so I hesitate to consider anything from Awakening canon to the intention of the Radiant Dawn writer.
Learn to rush him down you little zoomer faggots it isn't hard, unless you're that retard trying to challenge his fully charged side special when it has super armor
This picture reminds me, Kaclang should be able to damage people if you cast it from the air, like Kirby's stone.
>there's no rule saying you can't be gay but still find a woman to pass on your bloodline.
uh I wouldn't call that the gayest character then.
They had two buffs user, don't act retarded
I assumed the implication was gayest character in the Smash roster, in which case he'd still be gayest by the logic that nobody else in the roster is gay except for maybe Corrin.
imo Magic burst is overrated you're better off just fishing for kaboom when people are offstage.
Snake wins that title, MGS series is Top Gun gay
It does actually, I accidentally did that to a ridley when fucking around in an arena. It isn't much but it was like 10-17%
What does that mean? I've never seen Top Gun..
>I've never seen Top Gun..
I would post an appropriate reaction image but fucking gook won't let me.
ah fuck it let's do it like this
I mean, don't get me wrong, I've been meaning to see it for years, I just haven't gotten around to it for some reason. Just as well since there's a sequel coming up, this way I'll be able to watch it close to when the sequel is out.
alright zoom here you go
Bro I'm almost 30, I just never watched movies because I was busy playing video games. Now I don't have the motivation for video games so I have more time for movies. Thanks for the links though.
Here's the coolest possible way to reload a gun.
Zap arcs from his sword like a whip, kind of like ZSS' side-B. Maybe it's a bit much power-wise but functionally it makes sense that it's not treated as a projectile.