So, it looks like we won't be able to know which server to avoid until after Classic WoW is released. How many of you are still going to play?
Classic WoW Servers
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Ah fuck this guy and his refusal to understand why streamers are going to be fucking disruptive as hell for classic
I know he sees their point of view, but he just won't admit it because he's just a massive vanity princess
>I myself am more important than dozens of thousands of people that make the community of the game I've played my entire life and gave me a career
I used to think he was only ironically a cunt.
The thing is, he can reserve his name on fucking Monday, yet still won't announce until Aug 27 or whenever it's released.
God speed to all the glorious bastards rolling on streamer servers with the intent of ganking them into oblivion.
Fuck these faggots.
>The thing is, he can reserve his name on fucking Monday
if hes fast enough
you know there is going to be a shit ton of people trying to take his name and other streamers names
I doubt the game will run at all when they launch. They have like what? 10 servers? It will be like diablo 3 launch. God forbid some kid DDOS's the servers as well.
fuck this stupid faggot I just want to play on a server without streamer cancer
>Ganking that many people
That's some Teutoburg forest shit.
Blizzard protecting streamers with layering technology.
He won't get 'Asmongold' unless Blizzard give it to him. Other people will be too quick and cybersquat it with hopes of selling it.
Lmao you can't gank people who have 30 bodyguards following them everywhere
Then just get more people to gank those too, the wold is your oister.
I can't remember if mind control helmets still worked at 60, but I'd love to roll a rogue and mind control these fucks into the lava at Blackrock Mountain.
Everybody that says this shit is clueless or some zoomer nigger pretending they're untouchable. Actually consider suicide faggot.
This isn't retail where healers can top him off instantly for free on a 2 minute cooldown, He'll be pinked dead with 3 good hunters training him.
how did this bottom of the barrel player ever get famous again?
I won't be making my character until Monday night and who knows if I'll get to play at all so no real big deal for me.
Alright this actually pisses me off. I thought it was just asmon’s legion of retards we wanted to avoid. But it turns out he himself is also a huge asshole. He is singlehandedly ruining the entire name reservation process. Not only that but guilds and friend groups are actively trying to avoid his server. Not announcing it is such a colossal douche thing to do god damn.
Autistic retard makes videos about WoW for years and years so that pretty much every WoWfag has heard of him, then goes to twitch, and has enough viewers there from youtube days that he's got the "critical mass" of having enough people watching him that braindead twitch users think he must be good because other people are watching him, and as long as he stays active will only accumulate more viewers until people lose interest in WoW.
In other words, he got lucky, same with every other popular streamer. Honestly, if you look at fucking ANY giant twitch streamer none of them are particularly skilled, good looking, funny or interesting, they just got lucky enough to be "popular", and consistent enough to continue being so.
is that really it? i'd believe it after seeing that dumbfuck esfand popular now too.
twitch was a mistake
He was also the king of mogsmountscheevos back in cata/MoP before people realized how ridiculous chasing those things are.
Asmongold will 100% have gank squads constantly fucking with him.
friendly reminder
he is barely a top 1000 world collector, he just has a youtube and stream
I'd choose Thalnos, but I need to go Grobbulus to be with my people.
Im so fucking glad that im from the eu
american showing their strength really in every field
Does anyone else hyperbole his "legions" of followers? I've never seen this guy but how many retarded follwers does this guy have? And why do people "avoid" servers w/ streamers on them? Can anyone explain? Last time I played WoW was Cataclysm and that was before I tuned into streams and twitch.
ah yes the mighty E "2 pvp servers, one must host Method" U
I'm rolling Thalnos even though it's going to be the unofficial south american server. It probably won't be all that bad. I'll take spics over streamers.
This is your server in 20 days
imagine being such a pathetic fuck that you only roll on the server of an e-celeb
He has around 20k+ viewers on average on his wow streams
Hes without a doubt the current biggest STREAMER for WoW and his fanbase insits of ONLY emote spamming braindeads
If you watch even a single stream of this guy for 15 minutes, youll find out pretty quickly that he has a god complex because of how much attention (and money) he gets, while pretending to know absolutley everything about wow and being a good player (which he isnt)
He is pushing his nostalgiafagging tinted ideas and views onto his viewers, and those are just spreading his agenda all over the internet
hes the definition of a neet and the real life mirror image of the fat guy from the south park episode (just not fat)
School starts right as classic does so I'm not going to be playing. Would be a massive trap. If I dont make something of myself I'm gonna have a shit life and wow classic will just fuck me over.
>mfw taking a week vacation at launch
>tfw the week off in early September, but going yankland so can't play classic anyway
What's wrong with him and his reaction? He's like a kid.
I've never heard of him till I made the mistake of clicking the classic server wow announcement on youtube and this guy's videos keep popping up on my recommended.
So our choices might be Herod or Thalnos? Also fuck Asmon.
10 mages with sapper charges can kill any number of people
BR's and spics are going Thalnos so avoid that shit like the plague
>implying Asmoncuck will agree to this
Most people are concerned about their toxic communities shitting the server up with their epic twitch meme culture. The real concern however is having a server/ faction's population be inflated by the presence of a streamer, and then when the streamer moves on from the game, the server/ faction will be dead and effectively kill the server.
That's why I'm glad Blizz went with less and not more servers so we won't end up with an Asmongold server, a Sodapoppin server etc. It looks like that majority of big streamers are rolling on the same server. Still concerned with that server though, as Alliance will be heavily skewed. Asmongold will move back to retail well before anyone else, as he's said so himself, and will potentially fuck up the server.
They absolutely will give it to him, he's the biggest wow streamer and they cater to him constantly.
what are the odds that the likes of asmongold will try a 200IQ move and roll on EU servers?
better chance of claiming his name if thats all he cares about
Let's see:
Faerlina - trannies
Herod - probably streamers
Thalnos - BRs
We're fucked east coast bros, unironically might have to roll on the tranny realm
They absolutely will give it to him. At this point he could claim he's a "celebrity" and other people are impersonating him.
Source for the BR thing? Or what's the title of that poll.
Source on Faerlina being the tranny realm?
0% , and it would be pretty stupid sine they would have to blame lag every time they get fucked
Just a probable guess based on the fact that it's the only female server name available and that Faerlina is cute
Blizzard hate Asmongold and almost kicked him out of Blizzcon last year for trying to get on one of their streams.
>gank someone on Faerlina
>get banned for hate harassment
The errant firings of his obsessed brain.
Blizzard hate Asmongold however I can still see them giving it to him.
Faerlina is higher chance of being the streamer pick. Was leaked on Sodapoppin's discord.
Playing on the US stress test server from Australia with 200+ms, it's actually not that noticeable and perfectly playable. Wouldm't even hinder high-end pvp that much to be honest. EU beta testers had to play on US with lower ping than mine and no one complained.
That poll is in HUE so they are going to thalnos but mexicans wont play with them.
Is there going to be Australian servers or are they going to wait 8 years again?
I hope they ban asmon how they banned reckful. I'm sure he will slip up soon and get the axe
still wouldn't stop them blaming it on lag, also americucks are too proud to play on EU servers
I guess that's the power of spell batching
Hopefully that's the case, but I heard some of the streamer clique, like Mcconnell, really want to play on Herod
There's two Oceanic servers. One PVP, one PVE
I doubt asmongold account shares, he just plays the game 20 hours a day and is still garbage
Reckful thought he was untouchable and kept pushing it meanwhile Asmongol is scared shitless of getting banned and plays it really safe
Unless Soda is doing some 200iq move it doesn't matter what he thinks.
is telling 30k+ viewers to /spit on store mount owners potential harassment/ brigading and against wow or twitch's ToS?
>buy store mount
>ride it around asmonbald
> /say "I love buying mounts that are unobtainable otherwise"
>people worried about the streamer sever when it will be the most active with the best world PvP
Enjoy your dead sever just because you think you're better than "streamer culture" on Yea Forums of all places you sad pathetic fucks
I'll play on Magtheridon and join Kungen fanclub just like the old times
rp-pvp... home....
Yeah the other servers are going to be dead as fuck but people refuse to accept it because DUDE VANILLA IS GOING TO BE MASSIVE AND IT WILL HAVE 15 MILLION PLAYERS!!!!
imagine being this angry because people want to avoid your favorite eceleb
>n-no streamer means it'll be a dead server!!
stop talking about shit you clearly know nothing about, you fucking idiot
He could at least announce east or west so I can pick the opposite. Also, why does he think there won't be people trying to do this on EVERY server?
I'm going whitemane no matter what
Enjoy YOUR dead server, because the moment those streamers leave (and they will), all their fucking followers will leave the server in droves.
There are only 9 non-RP servers for him to roll on. All it takes is literally 3 people to take his name on all servers, 9 people if they want to coordinate to reserve it the moment character creation is open.
He also never played Vanilla
Ganking them doesn't acomplish anything, they jsut get rezzed, most you can do is kill a flightmaster or some quest npcs, but preferably ignore them. By giving them attention all you're doing is feeding their status, the more you talk about them or even think about the better they're career is doing, that's all they care about, being in people's minds and leech from them their money and energy.
feels good to be Oceanic and not have to worry about any of this
Godspeed to all stream-snipers killing these entitled babies who think PvP on a PvP server is a reportable offense when they could have just picked a PvE server
Why should anyone cuck to anyone else for any reason?
It's no more your game than it is his.
It's gonna be fun ganking quinn
enjoy being quin62'd
Not if you have a legion of paladin all lay on handing in perfect coordination
If he has to reserve his name the same way as the general public there's absolutely no way he's getting it.
But he's a blizzard cuck and I'm sure he will be given his name ahead of time.
he isn't just lucky, he studied trends and content creators for years, and decided to fuse everything he learned in his brand, he managed to create content out of nothing, he learned how to create controversy out of the most stupid things and act like they matter, it's like that old Pure Pwnage Jeremy character, but he actually lives like that and pretends to care about everything he says. If he was just lucky he would be like Forzen and never break 5k viewers, he constantly breaks 10k and sits comfortably around 20k during prime time, goes up to 30k depending on the day and who else is streaming.
He is not a prodigy, but he managed to cautivate an audience of kids and bang a hot ecelebrity thott, non of this was pure luck, you don't just randomly get those numbers and get your dick inside a 9/10 by playing mmos and drinking mountain dew in an attic with webcam.
I don't know of streamers that don't get spammed on Yea Forums, give me the quinnpill
quin is rolling on the US streamer server
Autistic New Zealander but he doesn't have a fanbase big enough to ruin a server alone
Venruki beat Asmon's army with half the people in the beta
>actually no streamers on oceanic
this is amazing
There's that retard chinglish but he barely gets 400 viewers and there's a good chance he goes on US to bottom feed off the big boys
so what? he's big enough to ask blizzard to just give the name to him,
and if not, stop being a bitch and make a different name.
I want to be part of the ooga gang
Does he not understand? I'm pretty sure he just doesn't care.
>hes the definition of a neet and the real life mirror image of the fat guy from the south park episode (just not fat)
>just not fat
And also not good at the game, 2bh family.
>blaming lag
>in a tab targeting game
WoW is anything but fast paced.
Which streamer do you think will actually play classic the longest? Seems like most of these fags just want to cash in on the hype, then the moment their views start dropping a bit, they'll quit and go back to whatever they were playing before.
Literally the work of seconds to reserve his name on all the servers
Gonna be real fun ransoming it back to him
I love how Reckful acted like he was above everything, and then tried to keep some kind of rl stream going, obviously no one gave a fuck about him after that
somewhat scummy streamer who insulates himself in his echo chamber but is fairly entertaining. he calls himself a rat because it was the only way for him to hide it from newer viewers who don't know his behaviour.
Buying inv to Asmon layer
most of them are losers that can't cut it on retail so they are going to stay on classic until they are bis naxx so 2 years max
I was planning on going pve anyway never really cared much for world pvp. All the streamers will be on pvp servers.
Only way that will happen is if they just pull a reason out of their ass to ban him. Assmongloid goes through great pains to not break any rules or cross any lines.
wow feels like half the game without world pvp in classic.
idgi why don't people want to play on the same server as a streamer? What's the reputation?
But he is more important because he makes blizzard more money via exposure
>Why yes, I am going to roll on an RP-PvP server so I can avoid all the streamers. What gave it away?
>Gift him goldfarmer gold
Glorious banning
Not going to play Classic at all but I'm look forward to the greifing/ganking of steamers vids.
wow user, if only someone had thought of that.
yes they do work, watch vurtne vid
Blizard will just give it to him, they basically made the beta streamers and their lackeys only.
Esfand, Staysafe, Tipsout and definitely Sodapoppin. They're the biggest names I can think of that will stay for the whole run.
there wont be any greifing/ganking of streamers if you gank one guess what? they tell their zoomer army to report you and since reports are handled by bots you will get banned if you get enough reports
Blizzard betas have been media+top raiders since BC
is there a release date yet? haven't checked news on this in like a year
whelp hordebros we have a mission, we need to roll into his shitty server in mass and make a damn holy war too destroy this faggot and his hoard of 12 year old casualfaggots.
I got into the BC beta
Depends on 8.3, if that patch is good, they will go back to BFA
yes cause asmonfag is a god damn alliancebabby.
not even close to being true though. look at the videos of them getting ganked on the beta, they were salty as fuck
oh damn that is genuinely soon. fuck knows what I'm gonna roll
>going on a flight 1 hour before the name reservations happen
just my fucking luck. is in-plane wifi any good?
its as good as you would expect from an aircraft a few kms up. you might be able to hold a connection long enough to get your name
Depends, if your on some shit airline then no, otherwise yes.
pilot, this is an emergency, can't let someone else take Legolas
jesus fuck I'm glad runescape never had to deal with any of this autismo servers bullshit
that's exactly what they want, that's fucking content, OMG I GOT KILLED! FUCKING BASTARD INCEL 4CHANNER! GRRRRR IAM LE MAD, donations subs and clips shared on wow subreddit.
hopefully. this airline charges $8 for the day. gonna pay $8 to try and reserve name I can't believe this.
>Yea Forums thinks it can gank this
Esfand and Staysafe mentioned that the streamers had agreed not to play on 2 particular servers, to allow people to avoid them. I can't remember what they're called, I'm not NA. Whether or not that includes Asmonbald or not I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure wherever he goes the smaller streamers will follow to leech content.
streamers are going pve server for sure, they aren't going to play with gankers its a swerve, probably atiesh
no chance asmongolds viewerbase will stick through and actually level a character to 60. big difference between a bunch of lvl 1s following him around
you will NEVER gank him
>reddit thinks it can survive sustained pissed off shamans nuking these low level fags in masse.
East coast is practically fucked.
>thalnos going to be BR server, unplayable
>herod and faerlina are probably going to have an equal split of awful streamers and awful pserver guilds like grizzly/progress if they go NA to stomp people
Fairbanks and Whitemane are probably the play.
what the fuck is this shit? i just wanna play classic wow and meet people. I couldn't give 2 fucks in what stream is playing on which server
Nah I will. Along with my group form
No need to gank if he cant play because of that many people
we already made an agreement to have the Yea Forums streamers go to those servers so no one is safe from streamers
Apes and all of them are going EU. Enjoy playing with that cancer.
They already confirmed PvP only
lol, you're one of those deluded idiots who think literally everything they do is scripted right? these guys were genuinely salty nerds before they became streamers. they get salty like most other people who play this game. them sperging out and mass reporting does the opposite of helping their stream
that's cheap as shit. last time I had to pay $5 for a few minutes
that would be boring, you don't get to 20k viewers without constant drama
>find streamer who is farming all the world buffs
>wait until he has everything
>kill him when he tries to go for the instance
>die to his 500 zoomer bodyguards
I guess Southwest has a good price then. Unless I'm missing some fine print somewhere.
Well then he's double the asshole, especially after all this big talk-up he did for months or so about how classic was so much better. Yeah not with you it ain't Asmon you fucking toxic shit. Just announce the server bro...
the dramas going to be between the streamers where its controllable, they want to run their content, contests, battleground each other, and race raids
wow you killed some dude who was questing, his life is ruined! his career is now in danger! his over reaction was totally not to entertain his audience! if he wasn't expecting that to happen he would be playing on a pve realm...
Thanks to that mentality people like asmonbald are set for life, so whatever, keep wasting your wow hours thinking you're le epic ganker ruiner of streamers by playing their own game.
>Blizz finally gives in and makes a RP-PVP server
>It is immediately ruined before it even launches as a fuckton of PvP roll in and every RPer once interested decides to peace out
Blizz should have just stuck to their guns.
lol holy shit that server will be crazy
nah its probably just gotten better since I last used it
>Not building an army of pom pyroblast mages
staysafe is a faggot from grizzly and esfand is known to masterloot everything to himself, what makes you think their word means anything?
calm down tranny pve rp exist too
ausbros where u at? frostmourne fag here will be moving to based ARUGAL pvp
why no ERP-PVP server?
You know which boards you should avoid but this doesn't stop you from spamming "skinner box....................ecelebs..........home....................................." shit outside of your contamination thread in /vg/.
Is that even a question? Arugal is our only choice, who even plays on PvE servers?
you ARE actually going to rp on the rp-pvp server.... right?
Blizzard will NOT go this far for a Streamer. Mark my words. If they do there will be a massive shitshow.
Being very conservative, that's two servers for 200k+ players.
What in the ever loving fuck are they thinking?
There's no way in the world that these severs can exist without indefinite sharding.
most likely rolling there even though I don't wanna play with fellow aussies
but man the ping is gonna be so fucking awesome it may outweigh not being able to shit post on Americans
will swiftly neck myself
Ah yes.... I remember this classic experience... Really does feel like home right? :^)
The game will be dead in a month so don't worry
*unzips dick*
Tip's in, baby
cope retailcuck
all streamers are cunts
you can't be a millionaire taking donations and not be one
Yes, of course.
sittin pretty boys, bought at 45
friendly reminder that /ourguy/ was right about classic
I honestly can't understand the people that cheerlead for the failure of classic.
It won't fail and I'm not worried in the slightest, but I'm genuinely curious what tree the stick up your asses came from. Is it retailfags mad that it might take some attention away? Is it poorfags who can't afford a subscription? Or most likely it's just the typical contrarian attitude here
>It won't fail
Classicfags have shat up Yea Forums for years.
a pve realm goes against their goals for the game and who they advertise themselves as streamers. this isn't about ruining their life, no idea why you're going full retard. its about getting a reaction. I'm not even going to bother spending time trying to gank streamers. I probably won't even roll a streamer server since I don't live in the US. you sound like a triggered stream watcher grasping at straws. asmongold being set for life has nothing to do with people ganking him on vanilla wow, the majority of his content is about raiding, collecting vanity shit and "going big dick". like I said, them having a negative reaction to getting sniped and getting genuinely salty does the opposite of helping their stream and all it does is makes their stream laugh at them rather than with them
daily reminder that this asshole can't kill players 8 levels lower than him
EU PvP has two servers. it's completely fucked
they are going to layer the shit out of these servers and then make up an excuse as to why they need to keep layering in
would of been more confident if it was released 2 months ago, but it does feel like hillary clinton echo chamber on how big some people think this is going to be - the server list shows blizz still isn't even that confident by their metrics
Actually, he's wrong. He's bitching and moaning about layering even though Blizzard devs said it was temporary. If layering still exists after phase 1, then he'll be right.
do you think blizzard knows what is PR? did you see the last blizzcon?
I'm a retailfag and am perfectly happy with Classic.
A lot of the people that I know are going to Classic were retailfags too but didn't have a reason to sub to the game since BFA is shit. I already know some will come do some very casual shit in BFA too while focusing on Classic since they don't see a reason not to now - they'll already being paying the sub.
I sorta think that's Blizz's plan all along honestly. It adds more "value" to whatever the modern WoW expansion is, meaning they get to hook people in two ways.
alexensual is a massive turd that contradicts himself constantly
EU English*
The TORtanic crowd is probably still around hoping anything Acitivision Blizzard fails or jilted Diablo fans still mad after last Blizzcon - I could understand that honestly. Personally I don't care for classic and I'd more interested if retail unfucks itself or just plains moves on from BFA.
Blizzard haven't made a good game since D2, imagine thinking this time will be different
people with power need to know not to misuse it. he literally has to do nothing but announce which server he will "claim" and that's it.
Seeing how it's twitch, they could be trying THE BIGGEST JEBAITED IN HISTORY PEPELAUGH and try to seem FIVEHEAD OMEGALUL by using reverse psychology
Who else going Nat Pagle is my dad?
D2 isn't even that good. Diablo 1 was last good game Blizzard put out.
i never played wow. what actually is happening here?
*is ok with other guys fucking his girlfriend because hes not insecure*
Bigbrain user. People focus too much on how long classic will last, and ignore the fact Classic will bring millions of old Blizzard players back into the client ecosystem.
I want to roll on Grobbulus because I like RP. My main realms on retail were WrA and ED. I don't give a shit about e-celeb faggotry.
How does he get that many viewers on such a dead game? Other wow streamers struggle to get past 1k.
>using a health pot is cheesing even when the other guy is 8 levels higher than you
cast roots you moonfire spamming retard
*unzips sapper charge*
Nothin personnel assmonglers
because he makes content out of thin air, he keeps his audience entertained with made up drama, and has his sideshow bob acting offended and salty, the viewers are played like fools but people don't realize he is just doing his fucking job and becoming rich by manipulating the audience.
Everybody does it in 50m raid, good luck.
Mb they should add temporal character boosts and fly mounts aswell
>and bang a hot ecelebrity thott
>chinglish rolls horde oce
>BoK camp the fuck out of him
>rolls alliance
>Honestly camp the fuck out of him
it'd be fun too because his viewers are literally the worst players of WoW on the planet and won't be able to help him
Is name reservation the reason why they aren't telling the streamer server? You can reserve names beforehand on monday so announcing the server before launch shouldn't be an issue
they watch for him obviously and mcconnell, it's more like a podcast, the game sucks
i fully expect twitch partners to be given their names ahead of time by blizz. they are deliberating telling people which server they're going on because they're drama queens
so basically
>hey faggots tune in to my stream on launch if you want to see which realm to avoid. thanks for the add money btw
Why don't faggot streamers understand reasonable people don't want anything to do with them?
They will ruin the community in the server let others enjoy the fucking game for fucks sake.
Wow this is actually pretty based.
In fact this makes me _want_ to play classic, goddamn it
They're killing streamers.
I wouldn't be surprised if he view bots these days. He starts and finishes at 400 viewers, never dipping below or going much over, and his chat is just the same 3 subs talking between each other. He's also hidden his viewer list outside of mods and VIPs. BIG red flag there.
I got perma-banned from his chat back in WoD because I said he was using his stream layout to hide CLCret. Now he openly uses rotation addons and can barely follow those, and still calls himself a "mythic raider".
It's also so obvious he bought his mythic Jaina mount, but pointing that out is an instant ban.
sorry for sperging out, I just really hate that fat cunt
when it comes to entertainment, that is content, talking about meaningless shit, instead of showing you how to clear MC 15 years later for the 50,000th time with the most tryhard min maxed race/class spec possible, he makes drama that keeps his viewers entertained, people like Athene understood this perfectly, but asmonbald became a master at it. It's explicit, but subtle at the same time, he wouldn't be as successful if he didn't perform his act so well just by talking nonstop about anything and thin linking it all with the average donation and sub thanking process.
Who /bloodsail buccboys/ here? Should be relatively safe from streamers I think.
some of them do like sodapoppin. I dont like the guy but I have to give him credit for openly dropping streaming just to play classic in a way it's played the best.
The videos will be hilarious.
A group of players heading towards the streamfag + his followers then when they get close POOF layering time!
He understands completely.
Pretty much guarantees I'm going to stream snipe this asshat if he rolls PVP
I just can't stomach the thought of playing on a PvE realm in classic WoW. PvP is half of the fun.
I'm not too worried about Grobb, streamers have 0 interest in RP and the tourists will be chased away eventually.
everyone does i'm pretty sure. i also think that he (and towellie for that matter) viewbot the fuck out of themselves. he's actually such a fucking degenerate pussy while also acting like such a hard cunt. him getting kicked from content when that guild was already shit was one of the funniest things i've ever seen. oceanic top 5 guilds is literally fucking free and this fat cunt who plays ALL fucking day can't do it
the moment when you realize that the streamer epidemic is only a problem for NA servers
Guess I'm of the carebear breed. Started playing on a PvE server since BC since I had friends playing there. Never bothered me and PvP still happened but not to an obnoxious degree. Only PvE RP server is east coast so that works for me.
Also, what streamer wants to play on an RP PvE server...should be a streamer-free server for the most part.
I dont give a fuck
And considering he's said he refuses to play on PvP servers...
asmongold is going to be on a pvp server with all his friends
yess good goy
pay for that sub to be that epic hero that kills all the ecelebs
Streamers are the pinnacle of entitlement. Ruining any server they happen upon and getting uppity when people say they don't want to deal with them. Fuck these people.
Based response. Shitting on shitty some faggots is ALWAYS the right move.
This guy looks like a real life advertisement for autism.
>implying all those idiots know how to play the game
we should sub just to show them whos boss and teach em a less for pulling up our wow armory then making fun of it!
I'm going to roll undead mage on this "streamer server"
I think I'll name myself redridgelol
Is there a website I can look at to avoid Yea Forums eceleb drama fags? I guess it's not this one.
Should be fun for a bit until the Stormwind Defense Force comes with an army to hunt you down
back to your home website
Nah, alliancefags don't care about protecting their own, they'll be too busy with PvE
Streamers won't be disruptive. You're over blowing it.
You seem confused.
Cue sodapoppin warglaive video
Any advice for someone who has never played WoW before?
It's a free fucking country, he can do whatever the hell he wants. That said, fuck streamers and fuck wowfags
Just get some popcorn. This is going to be a hell of a ride.
it won't be bad if there is a strong counter streamer group on the server.
This is kind of why they are keeping it on the down low.
Pick Alliance unless you want to live in a mudhut.
Make way everyone, the Chad server is coming through
Pick Horde unless you're on HRT.
I need horde filth to leave.
Fun fact: The only trannies I've known played horde. Only degenerate edgelords pick horde and trannies fit that that to the a T
spotted the femnelf resto druids
Don't, it's not made for you.
>picking anything but human
I thought APES was going EU? It's a shame really. Only weaponized autism can combat the streamers
doesn't all that buying and selling just get eaten up by commissions?
Where does he say that? All he's saying is that he's not gonna announce the server he wants to play on. You have the same right as him, if anything he's literally saying that you shouldn't have any special expectations about him.
>be in multiple wow guilds
>guilds starting to pick out classic server
>might be different faction same server
I use the same name for every game and if some faggot took it just so I couldn't have it and I had the opportunity to potentially ruin the game for him and everyone else, I would absolutely do it.
Yeah it's going to be a dumpster fire.
Yet you don't cry when people throw grenades, summon whelps or reflectors, faggot.
Will Bloodsail Buccaneers [RP] be the most comfy server?
>RP server
Generally a more immersive experience with people who want to enjoy the game and not min/max the fuck out of an already easy game
>Streamer dead-zone
They don't care about RP. They want the misery simulator that is WPVP streamer (with 500 fans) vs streamer (with 500 fans) lagging the fuck out of everything
>WPVP still happens
Players will still attack cities and cause skirmishes. Armistice and peacetime can still be enjoyed in between this so that you're not corpse camped 24/7 with all quest NPCs dead 24/7 (so fun)
>BGs are a thing
Yeah, they exist on PvE servers and are arguably more enjoyable than mindless WPVP.
>Stable realm/realm pop
When these streamers come and go, they will leave a server dead: devastated by faction imbalances, destroyed economies and twitch meme chat
>>BGs are a thing
>not going west coast, least number of streamers
>not going fairbanks, guaranteed to not have any streamers
its fucking easy to avoid the cancer
I would've figured most vidya streamers are commiefornians
>Yea Forums rolls on streamer server
>heads to blackrock mountain with full world buffs
>gets obliterated by Asmon or Soda's zoomer death squad
>humiliated in front of thousands live on stream
this is what you're afraid of, be honest.
they are. but for some reason they all want to play on an east coast server
Actually most streamers are in Texas or Vegas because of taxes.
I was surprised too when 90% went east coast, then the remaining 10% are following
there is still a possibility for whitemane to get some streamers though, but it shouldnt be any huge ones
>US servers fucked by hues and gibs me dats streamers
>EU fucked with server amounts
>OCE perfectly fine
This is bizarro world shit, I can finally enjoy vanilla without lagging like balls and have the best experience out of all the regions.
im not gonna play on pve realm in a game that has 2 factions in war with each others.
I played on Emerald Dream the first rp-pvp server since it was released and all they way to Cata, and the rp encouragement was minimal to non existant, it was a huge meme server with people shitposting on every channel like it was barrens chat, the only thing gms encouraged was rp names, and even then you could get away with shit like "Futanari" until someone reported you because you harassed him enough to report you.
bruh theres people itt rolling ally on fairbanks LOL
Pretty funny isnt it? Usually OCE gets fucked the most but this time EU is getting this one, its like they want it to fail.
>have loads of countries that speak different language
>give germans two servers for some reason
>give french two servers for some reason
>give russians two servers for some reason
>not just giving every country a server
Yeah, really looking foward for the country wars on each server because people sure wont get along with others. Servers will be split into countrey sites and devided
This will be Stormwind 24/7 by the way....
>this guy's videos keep popping up on my recommended
Video Blocker > Put his name (or another name you want to block) > No more shit
honestly I want more people rolling alliance on fairbanks
more murder
I'm gonna spend $500 in donations just to tell them how much they suck and they'll have to read it on stream! it's gonna be so embarassing! I can't wait to show those losers who is the boss.
Last I played during Legion even the main RP realms seemed to be that way.
On Wyrmrest Accord I only saw ever a bit of activity in that one tavern in Orgrimmar. There were probably people in Silvermoon but who gives a shit about SMC RP?
alliance hunter main on oceanic pvp for that ping
horde warrior alt on rppvp for squad ganking fun
or maybe I switch the factions around... idk
Honestly you are making me actually want to sub to the game just to kill these streamer faggots and his kiddie brigade for fun.
rp is more popular on alliance
even still all chat is ooc unless an event is happening
so there's more than one major streamer?
Can I count on these sorts of guilds to keep streamfags in check if I unfortunately end up on a fucked server?
You are probably too young to remember how much everyone loved to play with russians on Warsong.
US Alliance RP is mostly on Moon Guard, right?
I never played there but I imagine they have to put up with even more meme bullshit and tourists because of Goldshire.
if you end up on a streamer server the population is probably really large anyway and it wouldn't matter
you'd only see occasional talk in trade chat until the hype dies down
You can't fly in stormwind, tard.
Tourists confine themselves to goldshire. The only alliance rp I'd see on moonguard was basic military rp, college rp and random shit like that
Apparently alliance wyrmrest is more serious
You're kidding right. It will be nonstop twitch bullshit. Refer to for what the chat channels might look like.
this is memeing during beta when the hype is near max level
after a few weeks shit will pretty much be nonexistent. do you know what streamer servers are like in retail atm? no one cares about the classicast retards in private servers either
A few mages spamming improved blizzard, a Druid, a rogue and a hunter could obliterate him and his zoomer brigade
there's like 3 big big streamers 20k+ viewers each, one of them definetly won't stick very long, then there's a bunch of veterans with anywhere between 3-12k viewers depending on the game and content, and the rest are just moderate 1k and titty streamers, but the launch might attract even more because twitch snowballs with launches like this, so it wouldn't be surprising if we have an even bigger influx of variety streamers with a big following.from other games because they're on content hiatus or whatever.
I want to think all this won't be an issue, in 3 months only 2 of the big streamers will remain and the rest are gonna fade into nothingness when they don't have anything to show, but it's gonna be 3 long months for those in streamer servers and might not endure it.
His "gf" is not a 9/10
>not going to help the same community that is trying to reserve my name out of spite
Uhhhh so people who don't want to deal with streamer garbage are a "community" now? How fucking up his own asshole is he?
>making your character name your streamer name/gamertag or whatever
that's fucking gay
Yeah, before but now not really.
I wish I was born a qt girl so I can be s titty streamer.
i wish all streamers an herod
time to roll thanos
I just hope only having 2 servers doesn't end up fucking us later. Either they'll use population as an excuse to leave layering on, or they'll have to create more servers and migrate, which will be awkward. If 'Oceanic' was just Australia then 2 servers would probably be fine, but usually we get plenty of Asian folks and New Zealand.
enjoy BRs
based asmon dabbing on incels
A EU streamer you fucking dork.
I find I’m so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it’s the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it to launch day. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Great Sea is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope
yes my based bong, gonna roll dorf hunter, and if i see any streamer il kill him
When the FUCK are they going to consolidate servers for the real game?
They never have and never will have enough players to justify 240 NA realms
imagine how crushing it would be for this idiot if his name got stolen. he literally doesnt play other games.
You should see him sperg out over that "10 Reasons to Avoid Streamer Servers" video. He has an autistic fit over it and proves literally every point correct. Even the comments in the reacts video are his own fans calling him retarded in the way he handled it.
It's all crossrealm anyway. People that care about hall of fame raiding moved years ago.
I mean there's only 11 realms. It can't be that hard to take the name Assmongoloid 11 times.
based asmon dabbing on name reserving retail trannies
It's easy, just co-ordinate a few people to reserve every single variation of his name on a server, then he'll have to pick a different one. We'd need to secure every variation, such as Àsmongold.
it's 3 reserves per account
nah, my service has 0% brokerage. Pay 0.07% on the currency conversion and that's it.
I always wonder how much of an neckbeard you have to be to get this fucking stupid. His clearly playing a character and you can find it out just by looking a few videos of him not streaming.
Him having a god complex is funny because when he fails it feels saltier and mcconnel or who ever he was laughing at him is peak asmongold.
This thread has the same amount of retards than his twitch chat, piece out.
Throw around a few grand and a $6 commission doesn't mean anything.
All streamers and their followers should be banned from the internet.
They should not be allowed to mingle with the good people.
You have to admit, the retards who will cry about this are the stupidest fuckers on earth. Let the streamers have their names and literally everyone is happier in the end.
If you're trading regularly you want to improve your probability of success and reduce your cost basis by using option strategies rather than just having a 50:50 shot with stock alone.
Sell a call against that stock to create a covered call. It's will reduce your long delta a bit and reduce risk.
for some reason those youtube compilations keep getting recommended despite my search history being off and never watchin WoW videos
I still regret heavily not investing literally everything I owned into CDProjektRED back in like 2013. It was already obvious back then TW3 was going to be huge, by the time TW3 came out their stocks had quadrapuled from the starting point, and fuck if you kept them till today they've increased in value like 36-fold.
AcitivionBlizzard is a little harder though, because they're so massive one release, like Classic WoW, might not just shoot them up a ton. Although they did hit a pretty big low recently, and are climbing again so they'll probably keep climbing over the next 6 months.
yeah and they probably played belfs which wont be in classic so most of them will go alliance now
never heard of her
Home.... Pepehands
This is so pathetic. Look at the way she talks and that body language. It's just like a job to her, she doesn't give a single fuck. Also she is playing as a black male character lel.
Why didn't he just date an ugly qt nerd girl who actually likes WoW instead of some tittystreamer slut?
with name reservations can you reserve names on all the servers? or is it only per server?
What server are (You) going to play on Yea Forums
Probably Herod since I'm east coast and it's a cool name.
Herod or Whitemane
Three reservations across all servers
No you're not, you can only reserve three characters total across all server.
I quoted wrong post, meant but yea, that's what i said you dumb cunt
Can't wait to camp these stupid niggers.
ah okay thanks. since I'm not into alts guess I'll try to grab my name on 3 different servers just in case
Can we talk about how shitty the EU server name are? NA gets Whitemane and Herod, we get Golemagg and Mirage Raceway. So, so shit.
>but yea, that's what i said you dumb cunt
No you said three across all servers, this could imply three on each. You were vague, it's three total across all servers. Learn how to English.
That's either an obvious bait or they're risking a ban for ruining the RP-PVP realm after Blizz went out of their way to put one up
>Gonna form the anti-bully rangers and kill Out of Character Zoomers and griefers alike.
Fuck off, idiot. Your English is garbo-tier.
Soda will apparently be taking the first week or two off from streaming, and won't reveal his username.
Props to him, he seems like the only streamer that gives a shit about the effect he's going to have on the game.
Three total across all realms, don't forget that next time.
>Props to him, he seems like the only streamer that gives a shit about the effect he's going to have on the game.
No he doesn't you cock sucking cuck. He's doing it because he was ganked endlessly in the beta.
thart would be a good reason to play wow
screw the fuck out of shit streamers
he doesn't want HIS experience to be affected. he wants to give up his life for vanilla wow
please no
My first character will be a male nelf warrior on Grobbulus 100% for the initial shitshow but I'm gonna have four alts
>Male human pally
>Female Nelf Druid
>Male Undead Warrior
>Female Undead Priest
On Bloodsail Buccaneers for serious RP/dressing in cute outfits and fapping (I don't ERP I just fap to the idea of cute girls existing)
>the most interesting thing for wowfags is e-celeb drama
APES is going EU. Along with all the other notable guilds from private servers
That's what happens when streamers are allowed to hold servers hostage.
So form a guild in NA for ganking streamers, even the WoW forums hates them wont be hard to find people to join.
I am honestly depressed, I wanted to roll on rp pvp server but apparently some streamer fags are going there.
Are EU servers safe? Is streaming/killing the game pretty much NA only issue?
What difference does it make?
Every other streamer will just hire their legion to protect them.
unironically rolling on the streamer server because the events are going to be fun and they have the power to mobilize giant world PvP fights. there's also the added bonus of partying up with some bros to go out and gank one.
Blizzard almost never enforces RP rules.
Yeah that's not how a zoomer army operates, they're all autistic spergs. They will run around and often grief their master for air time. How are they going to farm mobs with 50+ zoomers running around doing their own thing? The answer is they're not, there is a reason Asmongold progresses off stream, it's because he can't do shit with his orbiters always on him.
EUfags seem to mostly be in the clear.
You're pretty much fucked if you're rolling US. Just pray none of the big name ones roll on whichever one you do.
>streamers will be forced into dungeons for their entire 15-60 leveling experience because they risk the high chance of being spawn camped and mob tagged
That's going to be a miserable time for them
>nooo I don't want to play with stinky old amsongold >__i-it's not like I talk about celebs all day because I care about them, i-idiot
>which server is he playing on though? I need to know...
the tsundere relationship that you guys have for him is getting creepy
fuck cUckmongold
>forced to play with all the private server degenerates
I rather play on a streamer server
>caring about streamers
>following a streamers twitter
I'll be rolling whitemane because she's my waifu
I remember when Yea Forums called assmongoloid /ourguy/ before vanilla servers were announced. Now go unironically kill yourself.
>Yea Forums is a single person
who else reserving name but not playing at launch? I plan on waiting 1-2 weeks before starting. phase 1 will last a long time so there's 0 reason to rush to 60 since there's fuck all to do
There are discord groups organising for the simple task of denying asmongay his purple battle tank.
Nice try Zoomer.
Reminder to EU that Shazz is your jazz.
Do you need an active sub to reserve a name?
>Props to him, he seems like the only streamer that gives a shit about the effect he's going to have on the game.
He unironically started this recent round of streamer targetting with his faggoty whinging and claiming to make blacklists. Now he's walking it back because he's realised just how big a world it is and how many people now currently dislike him.
yea. the jews will get 1 extra month out of us. it's honestly clever.
How do I reserve a character?
Whichever the supposed only Oceania PvP server is.
Don't worry I'm going to be the biggest, most disgruntled soccer mom physically possible if a single thing goes ignored. Nothing brings more joy than the deranged monkey struggle of someone realizing they can't get away with being a human garbage cockroach.
>Blizzard devs said it was temporary
They have not they've said they'll keep for as long as it's necessary, enjoy your layers after phase one
Oh well. I planned on subbing later on for both 8.3 and a casual look at classic. I'm not too chuffed over a name.
godspeed bully hunter
See you there, buddy.
Never implied that. But people claiming assmongold or rektful of whatever streamer they're watching to be anything but cancerous faggots are the same underage faggots.
I dunno this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to try and grab a name you really love. Who knows how big Classic will be. It can even advance to TBC or Classic+. To me the name is extremely important.
I really don't see how it'll be possible to deny him Scarab Lord. He won't be able to hold it and wait for other streamers to get their hammers so he'll just open the gates ASAP and take it for himself.
Why are you jelly Yea Forums?
>Thalnos is Ragnaros 2.0
That asmongold fucks a blow up doll? No.
I would enjoy it so fucking much
just make a streamers only server or no streamers server
naaahhh mate, no layering post phase-1 because it will destroy world bosses. they've been saying this since they announced layering
No I'm glad that he has a healthy relationship and also I have a actual BF I'll be playing with
For me it's the RP-PVP realm.
LMAO its hilarious reading you faggots getting upset over a dude who plays video games all day for a living and letting it ruin your experience.
Imagine being this anti-socially autistic
Jesus christ
Thinking like this invites suffering IMO. The name I pick will be the one I love. The class I pick will be the one I play. The experience I have organically is more important than one I try to force myself into.
If they ruin my rppvp server imma be so upset, so so so upset. Emerald Dream was my first home and when I rerolled alliance on maelstrom I made friends on there I still talk to today
Explain how Blizzard intends to run two oceanic servers with around 200k active players without layering..
Not at all
>look at these loosers living off welfare lmao
>wow thx for the 100 dollars xXsodafanXx
>Blizzard will NOT go this far for a Streamer
There's no reason they wouldn't they already gives streamers priority on queues, this isn't just shitposting either multiple people proved it on BfA launch when they were on the same servers as streamers and proceeded to get stuck in queues while streamers instaconnected. Just luck though I'm sure :^)
>common blonde whore you see everywhere
i dont pay for sex
she's so fucking air headed
I'm jealous of the fact that he gets to play a video game he enjoys and get paid ridiculous amounts of money for it. Definitely not jealous of the fake 0 personality goblin next to him. Her looks have reached their peak years ago and it's going to be a free fall from here highetend by the fact that she has bolt on tits, face, lips etc. She literally does nothing for me and that says a lot since I can see some instagram girls and think they are actually pretty.
>imagine missing the point this hard and STILL thinking yourself mentally superior
200k? yea nah mate. they've already said in regards to EU servers that it's a lot easier to add servers as they go than take them away. stop catastrophising
user, you know that they have no fucking idea. That's the best part.
Post the other one, user....
how can a girl be in such nice lingerie but still do nothing for me?
>200k active players
Where's that statistic coming from?
Oh man you mean to tell me frequenters of this website are social-able creatures that will learn to get along with other people?
So how does the name reservation process go? Never actually had to care before but I would like to get names that'll cause asspain.
rough as guts guess mate.
the stats are 1.5million oceanic accounts.
I think 200k is a pretty conservative estimate.
his arse
cause she's got that superfacial plastic face, you just know she's in it for the money, which speaks for itself, who finds golddiggers sexy?
Grob is gonna be full of a lot of non-RPers just trying to get away from the streamers, that much is already obviously.
Hopefully the RP aspect won't be dead on arrival because of that.
>EU English*
EU Populated*
>no streamers on Oceanic
>but all the chinks will roll there
Feels bad mates.
how many years will it take these followers, who get no finance incentives for said following of some random person on the internet, to get a grip on their selves and stop the obsession over a greasy, balding guy who is pseudo-authentic in order to make himself seem like them, the common man, when it's all done to monetize through methods every other streamer does which is mostly reactions and feigning being dumb/angry, proving they are just unoriginal like the rest?
>imagine playing literally any video game on oceanic servers
What's the appeal of asmon bros?
>attempting to set up a strong RP community in Classic before everything goes to shit
>RP/PVP servers are the only real option
>forum leaders and organizers just now realizing how much fucking hassle it is going to be with this streamer epidemic
eew back hair
how bored are you that you're spending this much time being upset about literally nothing
90% of streamers will jump back to retail after a few months of classic, this is all just marketing
They already said which servers are safe you're just gay and can't read.
Does someone streaming a video game really shatter your experience that much? Just out level the people following asmongold's character around.
>that chat
launch is going to be a mess but all of this shit is gonna blow over in a few months when the streamerfags move on to something else
once the zoomers are weeded out it will just be the genuinely dedicated and invested players
what are some good classic addons and where can I find them?
>oh no a whole 100 people watching a streamer are going to ruin everything XD
You're delusional if you think there weren't bigger raids on RP servers than this in the past
I don't know I'm a boomer
>Lvl 2
lol, user..
>Not rolling on a streamer server and absolutely terrorizing them
What the fuck happened to this place, are you guys really scared of these pussies that much?
>why do you care that a massive and growing industry that perpetuates unauthentic behavior on a grand scale is brainwashing tens of millions, and also growing, minds which is more than just a small cultural phenomenon?
also, is taking a little over a minute to write a post too much effort for you?
he's a dummy, don't bother
>He doesn't know
most streamers are just gonna spam dungeons anyway
> unauthentic behavior on a grand scale is brainwashing tens of millions, and also growing, minds which is more than just a small cultural phenomenon?
did you even read that sentence before you posted? makes sense someone of your intelligence is scared of some dude on the internet playing video games in front of people
Yeah, you get to deal with huemonkeys instead.
>Be big time streamer
>Announce early what server I'll be on
>Date of release look up what servers are streamer free
>Last second switch to one of those servers
>Drown in delicious tears
I noticed all streamers use the oldest sociotechnic in existence to attract drones.
"We". "We" will do everything. "We" will do that. Even though he is doing everything, he will be getting all the items, it's "we" to make others feel part of it. Streamers are vipers.
It's the reason I wont be playing classic. There's going to be a streamer on every single server.
its amazing to me that the retards on this board dont realize that this is exactly whats gonna happen
>rolling on streamer servers
>11 servers
>25+ streamers
What is math?
this is next level autism congratulations you passed
It's more the idea of server load and having potential events or general community inconvenienced as hell because some streamer decided they wanted to jerk off in the middle of stormwind for two hours while they talk about mounts and 200 people mill around them shouting bullshit so chat sees the giant red text. Or general concerns about even completely innocuous scenes or roleplay suddenly shoved in the faces of thousands of viewers because one guy decided to troll around for a few hours out of boredom. Plenty of roleplayers are by their nature somewhat shy, and having no private dimensions or areas means either taking everything to groupchat, which is boring as all hell, or having some inherent worries about something you say suddenly overheard by a guy streaming to thousands of people and taking it out of context or blowing it out of proportions and assuming the player, not the character, is a lunatic.
how is he wrong? Streamviewers will do anything to get their daddy that precious item
zoom zoom time to pay up to your streamer
>no response made other than "did you read what you wrote hurr" and more ad hominem
>Valid criticism
>'wow how autistic'
Quick, claim you were merely pretending to be retarded. That'll show 'em.
i hope angwe fucking revives himself from the dead and starts ganking the shit out of his fanboy army
because this is Yea Forums's mmo crowd in 2019, instead of plotting cool plans to absolutely fuck these streamers over they sit and whine about it being "unfair" because they're likely wageslaves or going to grow up to be ones
its sad reddit has better plans to fuck streamers over than this autism central
Didn't know Yea Forums was full of such lowtest males. Imagine letting another man bully you out of playing a video game.
>another "superior mind" completely missing the point
what's wrong with zoomers? What makes them so dumb?
Streamer money
Is blood money
so thats exactly what it is huh you faggots, you're jealous that people will sit in these retards groups filled with ret pallies and feral druid meme specs and hand them gear after clearing MC in 2-3 hours because most popular WoW streamers are hot garbage at the game
that's definitely something thats going to ruin this game huh not like that happened in classic either you fucking faggots
spend your time being upset at blizzard about layering or some shit and let the stream sniper guilds handle the streamers and laugh at their expense of streaming their POV.
asmongold watching zoomer detected
first he acted smug, now he's seething, like pottery
I saw the rp-pvp server gonna have a pretty balanced horde to ally ratio. Unlike other servers.
Is it total crap and full of lonely fags trying to RP or can you just play like normal?
>because someone disagrees with me I need to label them and then call them young children all while spending time whining about people playing the same game they're playing with a crowd of followers
I hope you're trolling or at least understand how pathetic your life is you retarded fucking faggot.
as far as I know the only RP rule that is enforced is lore breaking names like xxxlegolas69
>Bring up concerns involved with trying to put something together
>This is equivalent to saying 'I can't have fun because someone is being a poopy head' now
I don't think a single person in this thread has said 'I am not going to be playing classic because streamers', or anything even remotely similar. What we are doing here is voicing concerns about why many areas of the game feel like they will be disrupted because of WoW streamers who cater to oversized fanbases while doing nothing themselves. And either just venting out frustration, or trying to tell eachother why we are overreacting or how best to handle it. I am sorry this concept is either foreign or difficult to grasp for you.
wouldn't streamer servers have the biggest drop off in terms of players? i can't see classic wow keeping the attention of the average twitch viewer.
>Didn't know Yea Forums was full of such lowtest males. Imagine letting another man bully you out of playing a video game.
Quoting yourself in case you forgot, zoomie, still missing the point
>US world of warcraft
Who /streamnuker/ here?
wrong again, although he is right you are a massive fucking pussy.
I didn't post that though? Lmao are you mentally ill or some shit?
>Better server names
>All english speaking
Stay mad welfarefag
>people posting trash and nonsense getting instantly leapt on and called out for being faggots within seconds of them posting
Has anyone noticed the post-quality markedly fucking improving since the 8s have been camping out here or is it just me? Normally this would be a 50/50 split on the shitflinging but the last few days on /pol/, /jp/, Yea Forums, etc, have felt like conversations are actually progressing for once.
aww no he's samefagging, you sly nugget, you
nice samefag you dumbass
New thread let's organize this shit
>Better server names
>No Chromie
Look at this dumb capitalist pig
I haven't played this game for 12 years. I think I played a private server for about two days with my friends in 2010 but that's it.
I did play Overwatch a couple years ago through and judging by nu-Blizzard's behavior, there's no way Classic WoW will really be anything like classic WoW. Expect people to get banned for "harassing" this retard because it upsets their shillboy and makes the game look frustrating in front of thousands of viewers.
>implying this isn't a ploy that only feeds them more attention and money
yeah it's so sad, they'll have to sacrifice like 25% slower leveling and not experiencing the world, just to get paid for playing a 15yo game, and also saying names after every donation, such a drama for them.
yeah as if 5 threads a day complaining about them aren't giving them any more attention you dumb fucking retard holy shit
I sincerely hope you have nothing of worth going on in your life because to your parents you're probably a massive fucking failure
Layering will be temporary, just like captcha here haha.
>I sincerely hope you have nothing of worth going on in your life because to your parents you're probably a massive fucking failure
80% of the population on rp realms don't even know what rp stands for.
She actually looks retarded, like not dumb or slow or anything but actually mentally handicapped
she managed to get Asmongold (the most successful wow streamer with mad dosh) to pay for everything without giving him sex or real love while streaming herself and making fat dosh
she's actually pretty smart
Her butt is the most perfect thing that has ever existed in this earth, having her sit on his face must feel like a $10,000 donation everytime she rubs those massive soft cheeks against his nose.
That's funny considering how shamelessly and cluelessly zoomer trash like you act in public, until someone has enough of your shit and hopefully bashes your head in
>fuck streamers
it's not like they can't just dungeon grind all the way and every meaningful progression item comes from instanced content as well... yeah let's fuck streamers and waste all day camping his dungeon entrance! that will show them! we are the power! we will make a difference! we will give them importance so they can get more donations and subscriptions! we are teh anonymoose!
yes, that's a given
I'm a French user.
Should I go on the European server or the French server? I'm afraid my country server will die very quickly...
Greetings from Hydraxian Waterlords [RP]!