What is your favorite comfy fighting game?
For me, its KOF '98.
What is your favorite comfy fighting game?
For me, its KOF '98.
Other urls found in this thread:
Marvel Super Heroes
Is that Mad Thad?
Pretty much any of the soul caliber games.
Also Brawls > Fisticuffs
Is it true that matt and pat are talking with each other again?
my favorite fighting game to watch is marvel 3 but I find that shit unplayably difficult
Soul Calibur 2 because it's the only one with a decent single player game
Fuck playing games with sweaty losers
It's been rumored but any kind of reunion is probably still far off.
3 is the one with that mode that had like a board game structure, right?
Pat mentioned Matt in a previous podcast but I doubt that they'll ever bring back the channel.
Heritage for the Future. It sucks that I'll be lumped in with jojobronies for this post though
Street fighter alpha 3 is about the only fighter i played recently
comfiest ever? soulcalibur 2, mvc2 or MAYBE powerstone if you're generous and want to count it the dreamcast was my childhood
remember to sage and report eceleb threads
This isn't an eceleb thread dipshit it's comfy fighting game thread can't you fucking read?
Don't speak to your emperor like that.
But Woolie IS fighting games
>soulcalibur 2, mvc2
So FUCKING based
Let's play videogames friend
I really should get around to playing that again. Had a lot of fun with that game, might have to emulate it though.
I will do as I please.
stop posting Woolie. don't give him or any e-celebs any attention. let him die or go back having to find a job.
I'm down. I'm over in /soul/ if you play 6. I'm also a regular on all the good games on fightcade. Non fight stuff I've been playing mhwi'm scared to post my sn on Yea Forums
Woolie is fighting games
go kill yourself pathetic tranny shill.
>go kill yourself pathetic tranny shill.
What's your name on fightcade, bud?
youtube com /watch?v=7s60QcKHjK8
why does everyone shit on this game? i know its unbalanced but half the people complaining about that dont even play top level. anyways this game is supremely based, best levels and music from any tekken
>I'm a fan of Woolie and Pat!
>almost 2 hours of shitty EVO recap
I miss when these cunts actually had a proper schedule
KOF 2k2UM and Last Blade
I usually play fighting games alone, so I'm not good enough to compete. I just enjoy them.
>doesn't tear into the Ooblets asshole the way they should've because "death threats"
Hey you, person reading this post. I'm going to kill you. Now you can post on your blog that you're getting death threats and nobody can touch you.
The simpsons wrestling
take your fucking meds you fucking backwater trash
I don't even make that stupid shit.
I'm saying that internet death threats are fucking nothing except a shield people hide behind to deflect genuine criticism by lumping it all together.
The past couple of podcasts have been shitty. There's just been nothing to talk about and giving Woolie two hours to talk about Evo is just death.
There was a segment last week where they were on a tangent about how many Gokus were in DB, but they kept on moving the goalposts, I just had to shut it off. I think at this point there needs to be a third man or they. Maybe not Matt, but someone. Either that or they cut it short.
I revisited a bunch of fighting games last weekend during EVO, and tried out some new ones. After all this time I still say that MB is my favorite fighting game. The creativity and speed of the game is perfect for me. My other current favorite games to play right now are DBFZ and UNIST. I'd probably spend more time with GG if I had more friends that played that. Looking forward to GG2020. I'm waiting for SamSho and GBV to come out on PC.
Or just stop listening to them and go to a better content creator
Everyone else has
I still like Woolie and Pat, but they need something to freshen up the podcast. Since neither of them can carry the show for 3-4 hours.
Bloody Roar 2
Hype music and easy to play
3 and 4 are kinda cringe
I wish someone would tell Woolie just how much of a goddamn fucking shitty-ass pleb he is.
God we really took for granted when they were 4 at least there was more variety to listen to that went away when liam left and matt started talking like a valley girl
Bloody Roar 1, Soul Calibur or Alpha 2. Those are legit relaxing to play for me.
if they gave other games a chance...
But is other genre like fighting game?
it had such a nice combat system
My best friend and I used to play the shit out of DOA 3, and Soul Caliber 2 in highschool.
no woolie not every thing has to be A FUCKING FIGHTING GAME
I couldn't believe they had explain fucking ACE COMBAT like a fighting game to him like a child
98 is comfy at a low level but it's nervewracking to me at my intermediate level because it's so stressful and punishing
I want to get good at 98 02 and a3 but shit is so hard
Ok but does it have jojos or punch girls?
A3 is kuso, I suggest playing A2 instead. A2 still has dumb shit but it's both much easier and much better balanced then A3.
Bullshit unless you mean Shadow Dio, no one on Yea Forums has tbe 10,000 IQ necessary to pull off Dio bnbs, he's one of tbe hardest characters in any fighting game I know of.
It's not very deep or even balanced, but it's fun to this day.
>two hours of JoJo talk
>two hours of EVO talk
I want to drop this shitty podcast so fucking bad but my mom wont let me
>I suggest playing A2 instead
I love this meme. Meanwhile the Japanese always knew alpha 2 was a shit scubby game for retards. BAS and Daigo knew the game was a joke when it came out.
>A2 still has dumb shit but it's both much easier
Yes exactly. The dumb shit is much easier to execute than the dumb shit in a3. Pop a valle cc and do sweep tatsu dp dp dp dp dp for 50%. Meanwhile "broken" visms actually take fucking skill and execution unlike the baby shit in a2.
>and much better balanced then A3.
Uh, hello? Chun, ken, and rose? Even the top tiers in a3, you can ac negate unblockables like v-akuma's. You cannot negate valle cc if you're standing and chun can do retarded damage. Balance doesn't really matter to me (as games like marvel show) as long as there's a varied and large enough top and high tier that are competitively viable.
alpha 3 is such a good game haha, I love getting juggled by a jumping jab in the corner 30 times
What's the best KoF? I loved 95 but never played anything after. I'm looking at 98 and 2000 but need to know what's best.
alpha 2 is such a good game haha, I love getting unblockable custom combo'd by lightning legs into a touch of death :^)
I haven't played HttF against an actual person in years. Back then I did well enough to be one of the better players among my friend group, which isn't much to brag about anyway. Nowadays I only remember enough to do the minimum.
yes a fighting game OG legend that dominated the alpha games and guilty gear and is the undisputed god of cvs2 is such a joke
kill yourself retard
why argue? they're both kusoge and custom combos are a fucking mistake
Generally vanilla 98 and 02UM are the best. I have heard XIV is actually pretty good but kind of dead and it looks like shit.
>they're both kusoge
uh huh unlike ST, turd strike, and 4 right bro?
4 is not kusoge, and the dumb shit in 3S and ST is not nearly as offensive as the alpha games
imagine that, a game with literal random damage and stun and TODs off of jump-ins is not as kusoge as alpha
see me in alpha 2 on fightcade bitch I'll even use sakura and make it easy on you
Why do retards here pretend to play fighting games? It's either faggots jerking off 3S and Garou because they're pretty or contrarians trying to act cool by calling them trash.
I'll go with this.
>best levels
Yeah ok.
I play them.
Thanks, user. Gonna call my coworker the n-word.
There's an open invitation for any a2 shill to get buttfucked by my sakura in that garbage kusoge on fightcade in the next 15 mins before I pass out and go to bed.
How can you call one alpha good and tbe other kusoge? The entire point of tbe alpha games were to be shitty anime lite.
>try sc6
>its too complex for a smoothbrain like me
>cant consistently KBD for tekken
>mk11 doesnt have cyrax as a playable character
>anime fightan is very execution heavy
>killer instinct, the only fightan I got good at and enjoyed is dead
link to make one of these?
SamSho just came out and is pretty east. Mostly comes down to good footsies and prediction. You can learn your characters combos in a day, combos are basically nonexistent.
Here's the template
>CvS2 on ps2
>friend would always bitch at me until I played him in it
>he would beat me every time
>would just do the same move over and over
>it was my first fighting game and I couldn't understand what the fuck was happening
>"haha user you suck"
>got so upset I bought my own copy and played it nonstop
>couple weeks later I'm at this bitch made faggots house and he pulls the same shit
>I start winning a couple matches
>can tell he's "getting serious" because no more shit talking
>about to win my third match in a row
>he puts down the controller
>rolls over to the console
>turns it off
>"Hey user let's go do something else. We haven't played basketball in a while."
Fuck you Doruk. Fuck you so much.
let's gooooooooooooo
>woolie: Dude just read the jojo manga. It's good and you wont' have to worry about spoilers anymore.
>also woolie: For the last goddamn time I will never read the Attack on Titan manga. It's an anime first and frankly you guys who do read the manga are just impatient.
what did he mean by this?
Woolie's a fucking pleb shitter desperate to disguise himself as someone with an actual opinion worth anything. He's a fake hype guy who only cares about whatever's popular and tries to jump on every bandwagon possible. He honestly believes that trash like TTGL is the best thing invented by mankind, but has such entry level taste and knowledge that even a place like /m/ shat on him hard.
Post character select themes
I can still find KI matches pretty easily. Fuck, I wish I had more webms of actual KI matches. Characters are insane in this game.
I found this EXACT same post in another thread. Good thing you don't charge for rent.
Cry more about it, Woolie. Stop trying to act like you're an actual nigger, you fucking whitoid.
KOF 95, Guilty gear AC and Street Fighter IV
The 3D games sucked, but they had some badass music, especially for the character selects.
Don't get me wrong, Woolie has shit taste to the utmost degree, but at least I don't copy and paste shit.
SC6's libra of souls is pretty much just a new weapon master map
Darkstalkers 3
You're a fucking retard if you think I copy and pasted what I said.
Well, someone did, because I saw it in the last Best Friends-related thread.
melty blood
why is woolie such a dick now?
cvs2 does it for me. early 2000s capcom and snk soul combined like a peanut butter jelly sandwich. this is truly true love making. also
Did he do anything specifically? He's sounding stupider and stupider the more I hear him talk, that's for sure.
I've stopped listening to their podcast after several episodes. Its just boring. They hit a joke that they think is funnier than it actually is and just go on so long on it, draaaaging.
Woolie and Pat got more real now. I still think the best SBFC were the early episodes where they were putting on more of an act.
how do I git gud? I keep thinking about gameplan and what I want to do when I get in a match but when a match starts I just become a sperg and miss every single confirm
Woolie is destined to fade away isnt he?
Killer Instinct, just because I have no reason to get angry when being combo'd
would shake hands with
but my all time favorite is Xrd