Mods are asleep, Post tf2 memes.
Mods are asleep, Post tf2 memes
Other urls found in this thread:
are we being raided by 8gag?
So what happened to the free unusuals? did they hit the market yet? if yes, how much of an impact?
they're being sold for a lot more than they were bought for.
so how cheap are unusuals these days?
Who is that image talking about?
starting lowest is currently 21$
This image will always be the best summation of modern TF2
uncle dane the guy thats dogshit at tf2
its funny how accurate this is. but its missing
>if remove random crits, and push the esports scene, the game will get a lot more players that respect it
Anybody got that what I played/expect/got TF2 image where the "what I got" section has a solider with an unusual next to babies and covered in lenny faces?
raise ur paw if u was here for the buds scam. took them shits right out those little apple niggers.
>Dad, dad I didn’t say nigger I said nigga
>Well the difference being one is a slavery reference and the other is a casual greeting
I sold mine like a week before the bud scam for max.
got like 50 fucking keys
are the unusuals tradable yet?
okay here is a big meme
tf2 is officially dead just like half life 3 is, but no one realizes it yet.
yeah but only the first ones.
The funny part about Uncle Dane is that he only talks about Engie, which is the class that even though you need to have a lot of strategy for placement, you don't actually need that much skill to play
man u dont even know dog. them shits raised hard during the scam. it honestly was best years of my gaming life.
The fuck is 8gag, 9gag had a retarded brother?
>we're not transparent because retard youtubers misrepresent what they hear
>wonder who that could be
This doesn't feel like an interview, more like questions that he sent in with generic answers.
If anything I wonder if the tf2 team dislike him.
>inb4 the dane defence force shows up
watch the whole thing instead of the start retard
the hotwheels site.
Kek, and this is the guy pushing for e-sports?
watched like 10 minutes of it.
Think its funny how they say they don't actually get messages about fucked up balance. I know for a fact I sent them a message about the problems with each major update.
>redditards being moralcucks and not taking their FREE steam bucks
kek, at least they got some upvotes
>watched like 10 minutes of it.
maybe. was saving it for when i have something else to do.
This fucking nigger ruined b4nny videos
wojacks not allowed in here
>3 kills on the board
>comp match
>is getting completely carried by his team
>plays engie in sixes
>wants casual mode to die
>is still considered a leading figure in the tf2 community
I like his videos talking about placement and engie strats, but my god, really? I guarantee I have probably a tenth of the hours he does, how the hell can he be so bad at comp?
How did he make this his full-time job?
What happened to you dane?
What happened?
>how the hell can he be so bad at comp?
Why do you fucking think he plays engineer?
No joke, the guy can't aim.
I can't aim either but I can still play decently and have the sense not to play engie.
Dane please
Imagine your main class being the problem in CTF then make a rage video about how much CTF sucks and pretend to care about new players.
he was trying to prove that engy could be successful in comp. He doesn't realise that comp isn't "serious 6 vs 6 tf2" its a different game entirely.
Honestly he came down under the weight of the thing he was trying to hold up.
god i wish that were me.
yeah same.
There's one guy who travels around trade servers who peddles cheap, pre-made conscientious objectors with hentai signs that are always high quality.
He's the hero we didn't deserve
But its a boomer not a wojack
source for the gobbo?
boomer is a brainlet wojack retard
I don't know why this image even needed go be made. Dane was always shit at TF2 he didn't need to play for b4nny's unrestricted 6's team to show that. Watch more than 4 minutes of his engineer background footage and you'll see how medocre he is.
He can't play without a pocket medic, the guy can't aim for shit, he also probably doesn't know how to rocket jump or do it very well. Watch him anytime he tries to rocket jump with the wrangler, his air strafes are fucking terrible I dont know how he can strafe so awkwardly. He was always shit.
>it's not a wojack it's a SPECIFIC wojack so it's okay"
like 90% sure it's incase
a lot of Yea Forumsermin likes to praise him as the 2nd messiah in alot of other tf2 threads
yes it is, thanks.
ah fuck, tumblr killed porn didn't they
I should update that url
No, everyone here hates tf2 e-celebs
the only people tolerable is b4nny and Jerma
r/tf2 worships them because every reddit community needs a figure head to bootlick
Not really. No one cared about him or even acknowledged/hated him until that random crit video.
many thanks
go fuck yourself b4nny, you nearly killed the game with your horrible input
>Say fuck it
>Start queueing for Valve Competitive
>It's more fun than casual
Would you look at that?
and to think that it only took you six months to queue for a match so that you could actually make this post
>notices more than 5 people are queuing for competitive
>hop on my alt and join the queue
nothing personal,
>fall for the comp is fun meme
>queue up
>get in
>someone quits
>queue up again
>20 minutes later get in
>it's fucking turbine
post em
bros... can we agree that out of all the TF2ubers, Lazy Purple is the most based?
too bad his server is absolute cancer.
so when's the bugged unusual update going to drop? I thought it was today
Man, I wish Yea Forums would discuss rocketjumping or stickyjumping sometimes.
Jump community feels so isolated.
My love for explosive jumping largely died when faggots like b4nny got the sticky jumper needlessly nerfed. What did lowering the count to 2 even accomplish?
Did b4nny ever say something about the sticky launcher? I mean obviously it's fun to have 2+ explosives ob maps like highertower but you average tf2 map only requires 2 to go through the whole map, and airpogo doesn't require more than 2 at a time.
Also why don't you just jump on dedicated servers?
which is exactly why it was such a pointless nerf. It only matters on maps no one takes seriously anyways, and made huge maps like mario kart and whacky races more fun.
Fuck all compfag ecelebs who talked the TF2 team into making all these horrible changes for a competitive scene that nobody plays anyway
>Fuck all compfag ecelebs who talked the TF2 team into making all these horrible changes for a competitive scene that nobody plays anyway
You are silly if you think ecelebs and compfags have any influence on the tf2 team.
And in particular, b4nny always says he doesn't agree with the way comp currently is or with every weapon change.
The tf2 team literally took suggestions from compfags for a period of time, mostly because the esports meme was at a peak and overwatch was close. Thank god they've stopped.
B4nny also championed the sticky and caber nerfs.
Comfy thread
That's why the crusader's crossbow is so strong
Post dem american freedom fighters.
So when do we start posting Gmod/SFM?
I'll start:
This is the part where you dance.
But medic I'm standing right next to you and you can't spare 3 seconds from pocketing the full health heavy you fucking tranny
You stole a healthpack from me to heal your paper cut a minute ago and I also saw you fire your scattergun once and grab the large ammo pack right in front of our engy when the round started.
Scouts deserve to burn
Anyone know the gmod video that had a scene on 2fort where a team led by heavy were attacking the intel room? Their plan went south and heavy had to watch his team die and leave them before he died in the fire too, I think the medic was stuck under something and told heavy to leave him. It was a bit more dramatic than comedic, and I think the heavy had a team captain on.
It's been on my mind for a while and I can't fucking find it.
they didnt change
fuck you got me, I literally do all of those things
bros... I
I want
to fuck fem pyro
Wasn't there a sfm animator that had a huge fetish for fempyro and said it was destroying his life?
wait really? what the fuck I need to know more about this lmao
what does she smell like, bros?
I remember reading it on his blog years ago and it felt fucking surreal how he typed about talking to his fucking psychiatrist about it, can't remember who it was though.
>tfw on one of those losing streaks where every class I switch to I get annihilated and I can't land anything suddenly
This is the dark time
>friendly heavy
Unironically go out of my way to kill them every time. Fuck le ebin friendly players.
>valve will never admit they were wrong and rollback casual matchmaking
I played with a few friendlies and a furry today. Every single vote kick I called against them passed and it felt great.
link maybe?
Same but sometimes practically the entire server is up for it so I spare them, continuing to kill them at that point is just autistic.
>only place I can complete contracts are on Casual Matchmade servers
>they're full of pubstompers and endless 2Fort Friendlies
Why did I even come back
Was it MaxOf2DS?
>playing anything other than payload or CP
Like I said, it was many years ago and I don't have the link anymore.
Not very familiar with the SFM scene, so I can't tell you for sure.
>only pick contracts for weapons you know how to use/could conceivably learn
>only go on AD and PL
>use your mic
>get good
And the contracts will come. I got literally everything from contracts like over a year ago and the only one I farmed was the Thermal Thruster one before Valve fixed it. It's very easily doable if you're patient and also not terrible.
None of the keyless stuff will be strange or unusual, don't even bother with contract shit
Any conceivable weapon you want in any paint will be 20 cents or (likely) 3 cents
tf2 had a strong and stable natural lifespan and without a massive upheaval and rebalancing of most of the game it's not going to be an ~esports classic~ least of all this far in
the reason tf2 was so popular for so long is that it's like the perfect casual shooter, a big chunk of the reason Overwatch is seeing a lot of hostility from TF2 fans is that Overwatch is that Overwatch is extremely competitive at its core. Playing it to relax and unwind just isn't going to work out. There's no downtime, no defensive stalemates, no carries, no engineer that allows you to completely turn your brain off, it's you and five other guys and those guys are going to be relying directly on you to carry your weight or they're gonna get PISSED.
>implying overwatch does competitive right
it's neither skill-rewarding nor enjoyable. It's as bad a competitive game as TF2 is a good casual game.
>comments disabled
fuck him
>not skill-rewarding
having tried to get back into OW recently I ahve to disagree
OW demands absurd levels of consistency especially from DPS, you can't have "a bad life" like you might in another shooter or you're basically throwing. You're expected to take every single pick offered to you.
>TF2 has a gorgeous art style
>want to buy a shirt
>everything in the Valve store is literal fanmade meme shit wirh loads of words and catchphrases or lol exaggerated funny face babby art
Why can't I have just a nice understated shirt with like Saxton Hale or the Heavy or some Scream Fortress stuff on it?
You're mistaking skillful engaging gameplay with
>do you have the patience to do your job for 8 minutes
All you have to do to reach grandmaster is stay with your team and not rush in like a retard. The entire game is like an easy WoW raid, something which is already easy enough to begin with but retards consider it hard because they don't understand basic concepts like "don't stand in the red circle of fire".
If you mean competitive as in they attract retards with flashy competitive promises and keep them suckered in with masterfully designed frustrating addiction gameplay, then I have to agree. But from a gameplay standpoint instead of a player retention one, it's shit. There are plenty of other games to cite as good competitive games.
Competitive can be pretty good, i had way more fun than in overwatch compet. Shame it's hard to find a game.
>always wanted shirts with the class emblems on the sleeves to rep my favorites
>never been made, even by fans
when the fuck did they buff butterknifing to do 40 damage?
I understand making him faster, but holy shit. Do you have any idea how confusing it is to take a break, come back, then die was FOS heavy with 70 hp?
>player retention
Isn't overwatch dying even faster than WoW? Last I checked average queue times were commonly hitting 10 minutes. I wish Blizzard was forced to show playercount, I'd love to see how many people are actually in-game.
Man, comp is fucking great if you're lucky enough to actually get two decent teams with mics trying to communicate and work together. I just had a CP game that was a total back-and-forth for like half an hour, everyone trying their best, strategizing, and I eventually managed to get in there and cap the winning point with everyone covering me. Definitely give it a shot despite the long queue times.
is that nigga really responsible for the caber nerf? if so, he should kys himself
Will I get bitched at if I insist on playing Heavy so long as we're not being totally rolled?
spy is gabe's favorite class, he phoned in the dev team to help him in pubs
Nah, individual skill doesn't matter in overwatch. It's a game about bringing more ults and shields on the point than your opponent.
You can do everything right but still have a bad day because one of your teammates made a mistake that snowballed into a team wipe.
Game is a pavlovian nightmare. In tf2 i can consistently do good and be sure about my skill level, overwatch constantly makes me question my abilities and makes me feel insecure even in fucking quickplay. Overwatch is good only when you are playing six stack. But none of my friends will touch that shit ever again.
I stopped playing meta builds and actually started using the weapons I like and am having more fun
Nah, having a Heavy can be totally useful and practical in a 6vs6 format, especially in defensive situations. You'll only get asked to switch if you have too many or not enough of something.
>Straight upgrades your path
>can't quickly kill a heavy like the syringe gun
obviously that makes it a sidegrade
>how the hell can he be so bad at comp?
Competitive is not about playing tf2
It's about jerking eachother's dicks and taking money from people dumb enough to buy tickets
The fact that he's a shit performing troglodyte among shit performing troglodytes should tell you about how little they think of him
The best way to balance this shit is
>-100% damage
>bolts heal enemies
Makes the weapon really more about skill while balancing an op as fuck concept (ranged healing) with a strong downside which fits the theme of the game
>pocket heals enemy soldier
>check in late 2019
>the rewards mechanism for the contract is giving shit from 2017 that's worth absolutely nothing
Oh no
Buy an iron on you baby
Don't forget you also get the great present of an unremovable (without custom huds) notification until you 100% the fucking thing. EVEN IN MVM SERVERS.
Idling was one hell of a bloater
99% of those hours were 2012 and back
80% of those before the mannconomy existed
I have a cheater's lament too
Type in console tf_contract and set the result to 0.
It's gone, forever until you bring it back!
tf_contract_progress_show 0
>play any community server
>Burch terrible acting comes out every time I respawn
What was the command to mute that bitch?
5k hours, most of it was pre matchmaking a good portion of it pre quickplay.
Fuck matchmaking and quickplay
enginiggers can't meme
makin bacon
Scout literally has the zoomer meme haircut + glasses?
why did the legendary pootis bird video get deleted?
>when you use your dad's credit card for an unusual but you get scammed on a russian site gambling it for juul pods
>twitch streamer also doesn't read your donation
Yea Forums might disagree but I think neutering the crossbow's damage would actually be a pretty good idea
personally I'd also opt for making Medic's entire lineup crossbows instead of syringe guns
Didn't have to look that hard, user
The crossbow gets way less useful the more players you have
And ironically it's the objective worst medic primary in mvm. The only real point to it is being the medic girlfriend distance pocketer for when your soldier jumps away, or irritating snipers in which case
>standing where a sniper can see you as medic
do people even play this shit anymore
Technically still the best class based multiplayer FPS there is, even in it's ridiculously neutered custom servers are practically dead state, it's better than all alternatives.
nobody plays, don't bother installing. Install overwatch instead, it has 75 million players worldwide
>75 million
It's around 40 million, placing tf2 still above at 50 million
Post your favourite "obscure" TF2 lore
>Before stairs, people rocket jumped everywhere.
>50 million
you mean 50k LMAO
kek pcbro, nice dead game
Shakespearicles invented the rocket launcher and could bench 700 pounds.
> (OP)
>Post cats
Who cares.
Ignoring the tard rage and controlled market that is mann up, Mvm is a perfectly fine side mode.
>bethshill maze
>not mandrill
Sure, I like mvm but weapons are balanced for normal gameplay then mvm. Sidenote but I hate you cant use some fun but not meta builds in mvm without all fags going batshit insane
That's why you avoid mann up if possible or play with a pre arranged party.
Literally nobody likes the Mann Up speds or their controlled market of shitty skins that were rendered redundant when warpaints were released.
random crits are shit in a game like tf2, you only defend them because some e-celeb said they're bad.
>being a compfag
kill yourself nigger
They're funny
are tradefags still seething?
Reminder to bully your local Scout.
No high jewlord Geel redphoned Valve to get all the unusuals tradelocked and then proceeded to price hike keys by 5 more refined.
Enjoy your zoomer hat and medic's chest hair
>go into a cp_orange server
>go demo with sticky jumper and caber
>suicide bomb snipers with 3/4x sticky jumps from spawn
>occasionally hit that perfectly timed midair caber so i can fly back to spawn immediately after instagibbing a sniper
why are tf2 threads always the greatest
Because TF2 will always be as it was in 2007-10
Before this esports faggotry.
In spite of everything, esports retards, drooling f2ps, valve haphazardly trying to steer the community.
TF2 will still remain.
Even now, someone could get the source mod for something like, fortwars and toss together a server.
What even is the OW meta nowadays?
I know they introduced forced role queue, what was before and after that?
Have Reinhardt and Lucio ever stopped being mandatory?
Is max's head and blighted beak a tranny staple? I like how it looks.
>those random pubbies that team up with you without a word
>you practically win the match with just the two of you
>feel a pain in my soul when we eventually part ways
all those bros, gone. If TF2 ever dies this suffering will just be worse, because no other game can capture something like this so well.
I'll regret not adding them, but it's not like I can add them all without becoming a friend collector.
“Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
[John 15:13]
>That one Pybro that helps escort your level 2 175/200 upgraded sentry into the enemy base
Godspeed you magnificent deflecting bastard
controversial opinion: I think TF2, or at least a new gamemode, could be really fun with some environmental destruction/building mechanics. imagine blowing down a wall as soldier or burning a little barricade as pyro
Sounds fun!
Zombie Fortress and Fort Wars used a lot of that. It was fun.
A shame no regular maps take advantage of destructible walls and +use able objects. At most you get glass that takes a shot to break
I play engineer 90% of the time simply because I like helping my team but without being as much of a tardwrangler as medic
>stairs were invented by Abraham Lincoln
What do you mean.
images attached to items like the objector are always heavily compressed and color filtered by default. There's a way around it but it's too much for the average brainlet to do.
Similar to how sprays will always look ugly if the viewer has their texture quality set to low, yet there's still a way to force them to load your spray in all its HD glory
thanks doc
I couldn't stand this any longer.
>Love medic
>Love the kritz
>tfw the random sniper you gave the kritz got more kills than the unusual packed soldier
>favorite class
>still won't fix basic shit to make his core mechanic of being a SPY better
No. Just buff the other syringe guns a bit. Buff stock in a way that doesn't need to go in the description and then carry those buffs over to the other two.
Make the normal syringes faster, at least half the speed of the crossbow bolt. Then make them reload when holstered.
Also, make them proper projectiles which Pyro can reflect.
>public shitposting
completely ruining the point of doing this shit anonymously, you know?
>75 mil players
You're about 50 million too high, and steadily falling
This is literally me
I just play engineer in pubs to slap down a mini and get 50 kills while waiting for some spy to come along so I can get my million crits
help i'm dumb
what is different
remember Team Fortress 2 Classic?
Fuck me, wish it wasnt dead.
Original had the kill feed as Medic + Demo, implying Medic did the killing with Demo assisting instead if vice versa
thank you
What strange parts do I put on my scattergun? I have a scouts killed one but I feel it's a tryhard one and I don't mge at all
Demomen killed and crit kills
I wouldn't go as far as to say TF2 in general but it'd be interesting as a gamemode at the very least. Although you'd likely end up with a perfectly flat terrain by the end.
hello r*ddit
Do you think it's fair that people who abused of a glitch got FREE UNUSUALS while those who decided to not screw the economy are left with NOTHING? I urge everyone to message the TF Team (
Thank you.
Hello TF Team,
I understand why you decided to not punish the people who profited of the "Guaranteed Unusual" glitch: because after all it was all your fault and make people pay for your mistakes would have not been fair. But what about those who decided to not take advantage of this crazy situation and got NOTHING? I, like many other people, decided to not abuse this glitch to get easy unusuals because it was an UNETHICAL thing to do, out of respect for Valve and the game economy.
Some people made a massive profit by selling a very expensive unusual they got at the first try. Moreover, even if the rest of their hats are untradeable, those are still luxury items, which normally you wouldn't get so easily.
So, what's the lesson to be learned here?
"You found a cool bug? Abuse the shit out of it, since you'll actually be rewarded for it! Be a nice guy and not fuck the system? Lol, you get nothing! Try next time, friend."
Nice move guys, very appreciated. It seems that being an honest person doesn't pay off these days.
Frankly, get your shit together.
- A disappointed player
Here is your (You)
Now fuck off
Guaranteed replies
why do people say brass beast is bad? i personally like it the most.
its pretty much minmaxing you to tank and deal damage and i often mitigate the spin up delay by just jumping or falling from high ground.
Do you think its a bad weapon? if yes, how would you fix it?
if i could buff it i would make the bonus damage reduction be always active when the brass beast is spun up instead of you needing to have below 50% health
>how would you fix it?
remove the wind up penalty, and give him that damage reduction at all times and not just under 50% health because its useless at that point
add a -20 max over heal then your good
did you guys stop posting cause the mods are awake?
That's honestly the one I was thinking of getting.
The Heavy/Medic yinyang one isn't bad either.
>medic's chest hair
Why the fuck is Burly Beast so expensive still
Any thoughts on that recent interview with the TF2 team? There was some interesting clarification on some stuff.
Cause it looks good and everyone wants it.
Remove the movement speed penalty
Heavy is already the easiest target in the game and there's only so much positioning can do. Allowing BB Heavies to be more mobile opens up way more possibilities for engagements and would increase the skill ceiling, as they'd have to plan ahead and know when to spin up before engaging.
absolute kino 10/10 video
the art's nice, but that looks awkward as fuck on a shirt.
I looked, and apparently they don't sell the best shirts anymore. There was a soldier equivalent, as well. Pardon the wrinkles, I don't get to wear t shirts much anymore
>kill spawncamping faggot demo
>kill one of the scouts who keeps targeting the medic
>kill the bitchass sniper on a massive killstreak
>utterly shit out damage on the other one and am about to kill him
>medic crits and kills me when i have full health
fuck this shitty gimmick
can you still get easy unusuals?
No, that was fixed within the day.
The thumbnail looks like Demo is wearing a black Max's Severed Head.
>procrits are redditfags
Now this is hilarious, you love him so much you need to bring him up every single tf2 thread don't you?
The red variant is pretty kino, since it resembles the classic DND monster manual.
one of my favourite images
Always makes me smile.
>Love medic
>Also love kritz
>Heavy runs to frontlines as i get full charge
>Is 1v1ing enemy heavy
>LOSES even though i'm healing and kritzing him while they're both in eachothers guts
>give up all hope when i get next uber
>Random soldier
>Think fuck it, he's the only one trying to not be a retard lets see how this goes
>they dunk on fools every other uber i have whenever we cross paths
>Thanks me everytime
>Tfw feel satisfied as medic again
>Tfw probably made that match fun af for them
sometimes life is good as a med
This is brilliant because it's not even that dumb of an assumption.
John lennon beat his wife
Give me a gun where the pills can't explode on contact but have an increased splash range
Playing spy is playing a combination of tag and the waiting game
>Tf2 streamers
>your team’s spy
>dead in a minute after respawn
>enemy team’s spy
>stars in his own trickstab montage
The Nuclear Scrumpy
>no one plays district anymore
Even though passtime is weird and kind of gay, that map looks so fucking good
the spray n pray
He's a shit, but he's as faggotish as SoundSmith at least
>Install overwatch instead
>this fag joined later than you
He joined in 2013, who else here joined earlier than him?
>nobody plays snowplow
Why did it have to be this way? It's unbalanced but I love it why can't more people play alt. modes reeeeeeeeee
>uhhhh TF2 shouldn't be interesting or have anything to differentiate itself from other games
>Nuh uh I don't want Random Crits at all even though it's been a staple of TF2 for over a decade and all competitive modes already have them disabled
>Wow you think that a feature that's been a staple of the game for years SHOULDN'T be removed for superficial reasons? Guess you're just opposing Uncle Dane even though his rabid fanbase are the ones who instigate the same 3 arguments
Next you'll say "Why yes, i AM a pyro main"!
What's wrong with SoundSmith?
What video?
His ego. I still don't get the r*ddit part of this image because those fags worship him
At least have the option to join servers that have them turned off.
>2 minute intro where he asks people to please not get mad at the video because not ALL stereotypes apply to EVERYONE please don't be upset it's just a joke I'm sorry in advance it's just a joke look at me conga please don't be mad also I only play Hightower and 2Fort but also take my opinions on the game seriously
If you don't want to listen to him, he's basically reading off a document in the description. It's mostly paraphrased since the interview wasn't actually recorded but there's some interesting tidbits, like an explanation for no support for community updates.
Yeah, I see where you're coming from. All the praise he gets is fucking ridiculous. I never took shit he said about the game seriously though and the rocket jump and trolldier tuts he made are not that bad though.
wow this sucks
Team Fortress 2 Classic
With 0 pity, was completely missing the point.
>the stereotype videos are ironic commentary on how we view other players loadouts
Lmao what a lying retard
Shouldn't the killfeed indicate crit kills too
>i-it's ironic!
Why do people always say this when they get called out? Why not be honest and say "I enjoy making videos talking about stereotypes in the community and just making jokes" and then improving from criticism? Why do people have to be so adamant about defending their pride?
Fuckin' classic
no longer a tf2 personality, still very likeable nonetheless.
they should shove it in attack and defend since that's what it is
Is this Gravel Pit? I thought it was turbine until I saw the control points
Let's do one of these
7 names it
You are such a fucking faggot lol
*shits profusely on street*
gotcha faggot
I can't believe you died to that
7 names it
i suck the willy
better than stock
shit nevermind don't name it that, that sucks
Off to a good start
8 describes it
too late
8 describes it
shouldve made it strange you fucking nigger -user
welcome to 4channel!
High impact diodorerizor
the fuck is a diodorerizor
>better than literally anything
Man are you serious? It's literally the worst option for Pyro. Using the taunt will either be right in front of people and get you killed by a demo stickied for as soon as you get the crits, and if you're far away enough to NOT die, then you'll be too far to get a kill within the crit time.
you know, like good stank spray
I never fail to point out to anti-crit fags that their position is a whiny redditor one and they should go back to posting there.
Thank you.
le epic doge destroyer (very cool)
Having your own kritz charge is good and flamethrower crits are scary.
Worst option for pyro is the backburner.
deodorizer, bro
Not gonna lie, I'm a little retarded, thanks dude.
i named this weapon on Yea Forums!!!!
Download Lmaobox, best TF2 cheats
Flamethrower crits are good for intimidation but you don't get enough time to make the lack of airblast worth it. Pyro's best attributes are objective control and countering explosives, without airblast you take away the second entirely.
Also using the "Mmph" literally just leaves you open to attack as soon as your invuln's over since people can just sticky you, shoot a rocket as it's finishing, or just have a heavy already aiming at you.
The backburner could at least be said to reward good positioning and flanking, while the phlog is literally just a suicide button because it doesn't give a single buff
Stinky Poopoo haha
sam and max hit the road
The Diaperfag's Weapon
Can't aim for shit
i'm very smelly
I can't believe no one got it yet
ABU Diaper Sniper
i'm fucking aids
my peenus weenus of course
kebab remover
Nigger killer
Only good one there is the weapon spread. Everyone knows random crits are just a burst of skill.
im aimbotting, please kick me
For the Sniper in Need:
sorry guys I have to go my mom's picking me up
Lil B the BasedGod, Viper the Rapper, Kanye West, Merzbow, Boredoms, Gerogerigegege, Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Whitehouse, Nurse with Wound, Einstürzende Neubauten, Brainbombs, Egor Letov, Death in June, Current 93, La Monte Young, Moondog, Lou Harrison, Henry Cowell, Luigi Russolo, Popol Vuh, Fishmans, Jean Jacques Perrey, Les Rallizes Dénudés, Rainbow Caroliner, Taj Mahal Travellers, Fushitsusha, Peter Brötzmann, John Cage, Scott Walker, Unwound, Dead, Frank Zappa, Morton Feldman, Captain Beefh
talk dirty to me on chat
no hack ads jew
You're not supposed to just taunt out in the open with it, and you're not supposed to just run at people out in the open with it. If you can ambush a group of people with it from around a corner, you can often kill them all before they can really respond. Lack of airblast is a big downside, but it's strong enough to make up for that.
Meanwhile the backburner provides literally nothing for you if you aren't backburning, has a tiny angle of use that you'll likely lose immediately, has a prohibitively expensive airblast that's only slightly better than not having one at all, and relies on a skillset pyro just doesn't have in being able to get behind people.
>this wins
Oh sweet user stay ignorant and keep believing its a hack link
it's 40% though
if it's not hacks the what can abuniverse even be? sounds so much like a hack site
It's a site for Diapers for Diaperfags
I love cum
oh right
remember everyone to press Z + 2
oh fuck lmao. fine whatever
It's definitely not hacks user but clear your cookies or open it in incognito
>worrying about hack ads when asking for a description on Yea Forums of all places
Jerma is such a great figurehead for a game. I remember when I used to play someone told me I was in his video and it blew my mind.
>rat movie 3 never
there any good TF2 x Splatoon crossover pics?
no, sorry that's what i meant to say of the few games to carry the spirit of TF2's FUNplay and nobody seems to recognize it...
>Text is left to right
>is a weeb
>posts a soldier picture
2010. I miss those simpler times.
2009. I hate being a badgelet.
As a medic main I feel that it should be said
There's a few. This is a personal favorite.
how is this fixed? the kill icons still don't have the red background like crit kills would have
>and i often mitigate the spin up delay by just jumping or falling from high ground
no you don't, miniguns are garbage until 1 second has passed since spinning up
jump spinning is something you should be doing sporadically. 90% of your time as heavy you should be spun up, and that's hard to do with a brass beast
Can someone explain to me how paints work? I can apply them to any legal weapon even if it's strange? Can I remove them afterwards or only replace them?
you can only apply them to cosmetic items like hats and miscs.
you can remove the paint any time you want after it's been applied, but you won't get the paint back ever.
2008 but haven’t played it since almost. Will I get some kind of specialboy rewards for actually paying for this garbage
what's wrong with b4nny? I'd fuck him
if you had any unlocks from ages ago then they should all be vintage.
you get the proof of purchase as well but that's it i think.
If you had any of the 7 original hats they become limited edition because they were disabled from dropping a few years ago
Some of your things might become vintage IIRC
You also get a WW1 helmet to show that you're an OG buyfag
I meant weapon skins, I'm retarded
please post the webm of that demoman getting autobalanced after destroying the sentry nest
war paints can't be applied to prexisting weapons, they basically turn into a new weapon when you redeem the war paint and select which weapon you want.
you can't turn a weapon with a skin back into a war paint, so you're basically stuck with it.
Ok but is there a way for the weapon that comes out to be strange?
ty btw the wiki was a little vague
the ww1 hat looks pretty cool, thanks, I’ll give it a shot again
>Ok but is there a way for the weapon that comes out to be strange?
only if the war paint itself is strange.
Always makes me laugh.
probably near 2010
fuck my wife
>random crits are bad
>remove weapon spread
Unless you have brain damage it should be apparent why these things should be removed.
>friendly party
>go demo
>place stickies
>everyone try to vote kick you because you killed the whole enemy team
imagine reposting an incredibly compressed and downsized version of a dumb meme.
The best discussions on this board always get deleted but /pol/bait thread #56753491205 goes to archive with 600 posts.
/pol/posters tend to be the idiots browsing on their phone or on desktop but with no adblock or scriptblockers. They're more valuable to hiroshima, so hiroshima gets jannies that will promote that shit.
>straight upgrade to already the best class in the game
Hilarious when you think it was only added for medieval mode.
How the fuck do you get colored signs?
The item is called conscientious objector, you can use a decal tool to apply any pic you want.
omg u KNOW this dude browses Yea Forums LOL! watch out, 4channeler comin through!!!
there's a program that is technically a memory hack that will force it to be colored
you'll get superbanned if you run the program while or after connected to a VAC server, but all you have to do is run it once and the color stays forever
Thanks r/tf2 :D
I don't know why Valve doesn't just allow the colors. I'm sure they know about this but the process is still overly complicated.
A classic.
1: they used to have a 256 color option, but they got rid of that for...some reason? maybe copyright or maybe someone on the team said "muh artstyle" as he was wearing a pirate hat with an octopus on it
2: while they could probably re-enable the above feature at any time...that'd require valve to update tf2, which we both know won't happen
Yeah. I'm sure their priority list is a mile high and this is not really a problem for them. Also I just remembered a story.
>Guy in spawn is using voice chat
>A couple of us are gathered around him
>He tells some joke with a pun about jews, I forget what it was
>Heavy that was listening just pulls out his conscientious objector with the Yikes symbol
>I'm laughing so much at the comedic timing that I didn't notice we were about to lose the match
Yeah but he said nigger in one of iDubbz videos so that makes him BASED.
>Watching Jerma play Monster Rancher 2
Honestly? It isn't possible to become more comfy.
dew it
Fart beam
Fag enabler
"Because it's been in the game for years" is a fucking awful argument.
Well that was fast.
thanks fag
>people who have played since release are in the minority now
Does explain why so many shits are so fast to give pyro crap. They don't realise just how bad he had it at the beginning.
We live in a so-spy-ety
Ghostbusters 2016
Is it safe to say the only good thing to come out of meet your match is auto-balances are strictly speaking rarer now?
>not putting you are waifu on it and bludgeoning her into everyone's hearts
This gun is pretty neat. I wonder why more people don't use it.
Fort Grips
Pyros are infinitely NOIDED
ur waifu is shit
It looks like the only shit here... is ur opinion
>Mad Milk
What melee should I use?
fan of war because people underestimate how useful mini-crits are
>get a fan swipe on someone being pocketed
>kill him in 1-3 shots depending on their class
>plus bonus points for actually killing someone with the fan itself
It's bad in scenarios where you need to do crowd control, which is sort of Demo's thing. 8 stickies goes a long way to making people take a bunch of damage and potentially retreat. 4 is going to keep you alive long enough to bother the pocketed Heavy before you have to reload and you get turned into Swiss cheese. Demo is by nature a spam class who is offset by long reload times. A weapon that removes half of your potential to spam is a huge waste. Kritz and Uber Meds won't really bother with you because you are like a Black Box soldier: completely useless in an actual push that needs to break up the enemy defense.
>playing scout
>about half health and no one near me
>see a medium med kit and check around if anyone needs it
>pick it up and the exact second I do a burning low health medic runs towards me out of nowhere
>my mad milk is on recharge so the medic dies right next to me
Even though my medic and scout play times are almost identical I still both of them are purposely created to give each other pain without even realizing it.
there is waifu(boy) in one of those so quota filled
>literal years later
>your favorite loadout is still ruined
>the escape plan
puff and sting nerfed for their abortive competitive attempts
loch dead
caber dead
who knows what iteration of nerf the escape plan is on
All tears in the rain, as TF2 is dead
I'll always be amazed that compfags thought puff n sting was overpowered, or even that it made pyro itself overpowered. It's even more retarded than locking the reserve shooter from pyro.
>inb4 it's to stop soldier from using it
They can lock items from specific classes.
Tftards have reddit-tier humor.
>Playing Med
>Everyone I was healing dies or leaves
>Run away
>Scout automatically chases me around a corner like he's on some Pavlovian response expecting an easy kill because every Medic these days runs Crossbow
>Pull out my Big Long Syringe Gun instead and kill the Scout in a second
>Proceed to do my job as usual
What did they do to the caber, just straight up damage nerf? How much damage does it do now?
Tf2 doesn't really require much individual skill unless we're talking movement techniques like trimping, rocket-jumping, etc, since the classes operate in a rock-paper-scissors manner so matches come down to team comp most of the time. Overwatch is more consistent in that you have no random crits, there is no insta-kill mechanic (you can juke most ults), and no random spread. With the maneuverability and design philosophy differences of OW, and TF2, you cannot play one like the other. OW is more honest when it comes to skill ceilings since the game is all chokepoints.
A shitty player in TF2 will have his occasional wins, a shitty OW player won't.
It's the safe choice.
Even with the wacky humor, it's still funny how Russia and Germany acted no different from their real-life counterparts during WW2.
Yes and no.
They increased the melee damage a bit and decreased the explosion damage enough so that it doesn't kill low HP classes anymore on impact. You also hit slower and it takes twice aslong to deploy.
OW was designed for comp, TF2 had it bolted on.
What is the best cowboy/other hats to pair with Engi's ponchos?
I did the first part.
You do the second part.
Could be part of TF3.