What Went Wrong?
What Went Wrong?
Hilariously low budget
Gamefreak is sick and tired of being forced to churn out a new pokemon game every 2 years so they’re phoning it in and giving it minimal effort.
yes, that and laziness. I just dont get why they felt the need to make excuses about it all. This will probably be the worst selling pokemon game of all time. Hype has dropped like a rock, not even choclatefu could save this fucking dumpster fire.
Why put money and resources into something if it's gaureented to sell millions of copies off of brand name recognition anyways
>pokemon game
>not selling well
lmao. The opinion of imageboards or some few eceleb faggot reviewer has almost to no influence on how well a pokemon game is going to sell.
Because it hurts the franchise in the long run? But I do agree with you that will sell.
who here pirating swsh
This is probably why Town is being made. Game Freak is going to phone it in more and more until Nintendo finally pulls it from their fingers and when they do they'll have another series to fall back on.
>left - a beta
>right - a released game
Why would gamefreak purposely sabotage their golden goose? This makes no sense.
the new fire emblem looks way worse, why nobody made a fuzz about it?
They're tired of doing the same thing for the past 20 years
They know the writing is on the wall. More and more pokemon games are being developed without GF at all, like PoGO and all the other mobile games. They're trying to develop some other IPs before nintendo pulls pokemon away from them.
>some company is tired of being in charge of a machine that literally prints money
I don't know if I buy that.
I get all this, but I still don't understand why would they deliberately fuck up here. Pokemon is still very profitable and fucking up will only hurt their credibility if nintendo tells them to fuck off after this.
It's clear something is happening when everything GF doesn't make grows more and more high quality in comparison to the main series. GF is getting flexed on by PHONE GAMES now. There is less than zero excuses.
Reminder that the entire Pokemon FRANCHISE is only 2 years older than Ocarina of Time, and they've only just now caught up.
The pokemon company isn't, but gamefreak is.
Has there been a series that's been suffocated by the first iteration/entries success as much as Pokemon?
Nintendo probably takes a majority of the profits
Jesus Christ, it's just a fucking tree.
And it's not like the shittendo switch is known for having good graphics.
This just tells how Nintendo is so used to have shit-eating fans.
I fucking hate pokefaggots, they eat pile of shit after pile of shit.... But somehow they care when their some travestiste pokemon won't be in this game.
I'm starting to wonder if they might see surprisingly little of the profits from the franchise. Game Freak may very well not see a cent from stuff like merch and Pokemon GO microtransactions and Nintendo could take a HUGE cut of the main game's sales.
Nintendo only has 31% share of its parent company. It's more likely that at this point the Pokemon games are only advertisements for kids to buy other merchandise.
>Nintendo only has 31% share of its parent company.
"The Pokemon Company" is a bit of a misnomer, it's not Game Freak's "parent company" (Game Freak also has a 1/3 stake in it) and it doesn't own the Pokemon IP either, it just manages it for advertising/merchandising/etc. Basically Game Freak was too small to do that part themselves, and Nintendo didn't want to do it since it wasn't one of their in-house franchises, so they formed TPCi to do all that for them. So TPCi is basically Nintendo's secretary, but don't be confused; Nintendo owns the franchise.
This is what nintendo fags deserve desu
Ah. Thanks for clearing that up user.
If that was so, tpc could have and should have given much more. No excuses. The games are what created the franchise, treat it with respect.
Gamefreak learned that they can get away with being lazy and incompetent and people will still lap up their shit because it's Pokemon. Pokemon hasn't been good since Gen 5
I think TPC is getting plenty of money, it's just they never delegate enough money for the video game division. I don't want to believe it's true, but it feels like a situation where they have actually grown fat and happy on success. The numbers coming in are simply too high and numbers going out won't increase until they need to, which considering how little of their actual income comes from the video games will most probably never happen.
It's still a bad look for the flagship of a business to be such an embarrassment. This was one of the WiiU's major problems. Of Nintendo's two main flagships, Zelda didn't arrive till the consoles literal dying breath and Mario 3D World is great but was too simple and limited in scope to impress people as a flagship title.
The main difference, even maybe ahead of the night and day marketing shift, between Switch and WiiU is that Switch got the most impressive flagship title since Halo and Mario64 on it's first day.
>I though I was the only one who noticed 64 tree sama
>mfw I wasn't the only one
>reading comprehension
Yeah it's a big case of pic related this time.
This. Why not just sell it to Nintendo if they're that tired of it? The simple reality is that Gamefreak is fucking incompetent. Town is also going to suck as further evidence of this.
With pokemon I see it more like a snowball effect.
post the floating wall from the trailer
Small indie dev team. Prease understandu.
Nah, for real though. Just laziness. Game Freak is just coasting, and has been for some time now. But all the retards will eat that shit right up. So, they've no reason to improve. Until they get a real flop on their hands, the games will get more and more half-assed.
Pic related. It's the very model of the current Pokemon consumer.
GF doesn't give a fuck anymore. They told us to "please understand" when we shat on let's go pee, told us the game for us hardcore fans was coming. What do they do? Cut corners, lie to us, give the game to the B team while they develop a different game. I hope this game bombs, I hope the fucking franchise dies so these blind faggots understand why they hubris brought them down.
>>I though I was the only one who noticed 64 tree sama
>>mfw I wasn't the only one
I literally went to /vp/ with my own edit immediately after seeing the trailer and saw a few other threads with people thinking the same thing
I basically had the same reaction, glad I wasn't the only one noticing how shitty the 3DS assets look scaled up like that
Did you know that (pic related) was made in just 9 MONTHS? If Factor 5 could make a gamecube LAUNCH TITLE that looks better than a Switch game, it's time to stop buying Pokemon games until someone else makes them. The money the PCI has is absurd and they can't hire competent people? Don't support this shit.
I hate that I'm going to buy it anyway because I genuinely love Pokemon. One day it's going to be too much even for me, like with Sonic. One day...
Bullshit. It has to be bullshit user. I remember the awe I felt when I first played this game. It's got the best graphics and game play of the franchise... 9 months. I'm speechless. Fuck GF.