MM > OoT >>> WW > SS > TP

MM > OoT >>> WW > SS > TP
BotW isn't comparable with those, like LttP and ALBW.

Attached: zelda_windwaker_600.jpg (610x343, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>mm first

Attached: 1547078072101.png (960x540, 641K)

>WW anywhere but the bottom with SS

Attached: Explain this WWcucks.webm (640x360, 2.52M)

MM > OoT >>> TP > SS > WW



I bet if you search this gif you on Fireden will find at least 100 images spammed from the exact same person

>Zelda II is the black sheep of the franchise
>Majoras Mask is the black sheep of the franchise
>Wind Waker is the black sheep of the franchise
>Skyward Sword is the black sheep of the franchise
>BotW is the black sheep of the franchise
Which is it you fucking retards? What constitutes a "mainline" zelda game

Attached: images.jpg (217x232, 6K)

>Triforce shards?
>Tetra -> Zelda?
>I know I'll post the same webm again and again.

>the exact same person
Or it's the exact same webm used by eveyone.

BoTW isn't a black sheep, its a piece of shit.

Majora's Mask > Ocarina of Time > Breath of the Wild > Twilight Princess > Wind Waker > Skyward Sword

Attached: 1519102479073.jpg (1920x1080, 197K)

Skyward Sword and Wind Waker are shit games, BotW is a shit Zelda.

Changes with time. Majora used to be, but it's gotten a lot of love in recent years. I'd say Zelda II; it really needs a remake.

Zelda 2 is the only true example.

Cope more, everyone knows it's you TP-Kun

BASED wwfag poster

>BOTW not even listed
based. let the zoomers seethe in rage. SS above TP though, that is a yikes from me OP.

>What constitutes a "mainline" zelda game
a link to the past

Why does everyone online just bitch and whine about games
And nitpick and act like little bitches

Jsut today I saw someone bitching about Snowpeak in Twilight Princess because it's "slippery" and you get frozen.

And then I see people fucking bitching because Skyward Sword's sky is "empty."



>hurr da Sky in Skyward Sword sure is empty guys!! hehehehe!! Fuck da Skytward Swordddd!! Uuirrr!!



Attached: ijj1aSW.png (485x443, 22K)

Is that the dude who spams his wikipedia page about most awarded games of all times?

I agree. The Last of Us is a masterpiece. Dumb Zelda brainlets.

Attached: 1560566800643.jpg (386x573, 74K)

OP here. Twilight Princess is terrible, and almost entirely improved upon in Skyward Sword.

based this is why i make smashthread

Actually I'm the guy who started the WW webm trend and this, along with the most recent threads, were not me. Face it, people are starting to take off the nostalgia glasses and realize WW was shit

BOTW is comparable. T. played the games on my N64 and gamecube.

OP here. Minish Cap is better than WW.

>Highly rated game is bad
>Average rated game is good

Attached: Change-My-Mind.jpg (482x361, 87K)

No, it's the guy who constantly spams the same exact Webm in every Zelda thread & always cries about how superior TP is

The Last of Us sucks DICK and you're a stupid dumbass

3D Zelda was never good.

Most of Wind Waker was fine

I genuinely don't understand you fucking morons half the time in your complaints.

There are only 3 bad Zelda games. None of which were made playable on a Nintendo system. Even that Triforce game on the 3DS is decent with other human players.

name a single Zelda that's rated "average"

It's literally just MM & TP fags jealous about how WW was the 2nd most popular 3D Zelda until BOTW came out

You don't need a webm to know TP is better than WW.

Please post your wikipedia links WW-Kun.

95/100 on meta, that is like, higher than half the zelda games user. last of us 2 even more progressive and graphics, its probably going to easily be 98 or 99/100, which will trump every other zelda games score user.
can't you sense sarcasm you dumb retard, the last of us is fucking garbage

Attached: dab.webm (1280x720, 203K)

Reddit's favorite Zelda game is Wind Waker, therefore it's the most popular Zelda game
> So fucking horrible it lost GOTY to Gears of War & Oblivion despite the media's massive Zelda bias & the fact that it was the 2nd most hyped game of all time
> Wind Waker on the other hand actually won GOTY despite recieving huge amounts of media backlash

TP is for wiping your ass, nothing more.

Literally only contrarian shitheads place MM over OoT
>I want to like OoT, but everyone else does too! I need to be different!
>I know, I'll like this inferior version that plays basically the same, but a bit worse! Close enough!

>WW is reddit's favorite Zelda game
Wait I'm confused: are you getting to defend or shit on WW?


>Wind Waker on the other hand actually won GOTY
user, there's more than one GOTY.

Wind Waker was perfectly fine though. Battles were fun, puzzles were too easy admittedly, sailing was a breeze, Tingle was a scam artist, visuals and music were beautiful, we were gypped out of at least 2 dungeons and an explorable Hyrule due to time & cost overruns. Yep, perfectly fine.


>media backlash
The media sucked it off for looking pretty and overlooked the actual flaws of the game.

The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes

When all you can do is nitpick a game, you know it's good.

That's why all anyone can ever do is produce low effort lists of shit saying stupid stuff like
>Sea is empty
>Triforce shards take a while
>my ass hurts

>The sky is empty
>It's disconnected
>The tutorial is too long
>I'm bored
>I wonder what I can eat later for dinner. God my lunch is delicious... I'll make another lunchable for dinner maybe

And add in some random other shit that makes the person sound less retarded in their attempt to "accurately" review the game they have no clue about

Plays the same but has better controls, a far more compelling atmosphere, and better dungeons, as well as the most unqiue take on exploration in video games probably ever.

>guy spams webm of wind waker showing you where to light the candles
>Still no explanation as to why this is bad
>"It's pointless!"
>"f-fuck you it's pointless and insults the players intelligence!"
>So? What actually happens due to it?
>"FUCK YOU!!!"

>if you criticize a game, that means it's good
Holy retarded logic, batman

TP is better than OOT but I don't respect it as much, so I never know how to rate them.

>>Sea is empty
>>Triforce shards take a while
These are actual flaws with the game considering the game and the series as a whole puts so much emphasis on adventure, and the map is little islands scattered across the map. Triforce Hunt needs no explanation in why it's bad and Aonuma knows it was bad.

> Better Dungeons
> Better Controls

""""""""""criticize""""""""" a game does not mean nitpick the shit out of it

MM is much more interesting than OoT and builds upon its mechanics directly. The tension of the 3 day cycle and scheduled routines of NPCs pull ahead of OoT, but just barely. Also, adult Link's nose and adult Zelda's hairline are incredibly distracting when OoT puts so much focus on its cinematic cutscenes.

>>Still no explanation as to why this is bad
Last map and the game still wipes my ass foe me. Sir, I can wipe my ass just fine.

How did you honestly write out all those complaints and then say it was perfectly fine?

They aren't flaws. To you, maybe. But they work fine in the game and while they aren't overly fun, there's nothing inherently wrong with them.

Yeah we all know how fuckin difficult the last maps of 3D Zeldas are.

They definitely aren't all usually just fucking walking through a tunnel or up a hallway or across a courtyard.

>They aren't flaws. To you, maybe.
Aonuma said they were bad, and if fucking AONUMA said it was bad, then it was bad.

You do your examples of nitpicking are retarded as hell and totally subjective, right? Like the sea being empty is a legit complaint to people who find it boring, you idiot.

Nitpicking means to in purpose find a negative about something you would normally enjoy. Stop being a retard

>Fire Temple, Shadow Temple, and N64 Water Temple
>holding a fucking candle to any MM dungeon

The Sea "being empty" is not a legitimate complaint. It's dumb as hell. It's like saying the hub world of Mario is empty

I only just beat BotW for the first time last night. Game was okay, but without those shrines the game would've been stupidly dull & the exploration of Hyrule pointless..

Was there a Zelda general on /vg/ or have I lost my marbles?

WW was different, it took what was already easy and asked "how can we we make this even easier."

Shit was so inactive they basically decided to close it until the next Zelda came out.

Wait, you can't be this retarded.

You do know Mario is a level based game, right? The hub world is just a clever menu for level selecting. Zelda is an exploration game. The point is to have an adventure through exploration. They are two major different types of games. So yes, there's a big issue with Zelda being empty and not an issue with Mario's hub world being empty.

Holy hell I knew ww fags were stupid but not fucking down syndrome tier.

Majora's Mask's dungeons are forgettable pieces of shit, literally the only thing people ever praise the game for is "Le Dark Atmosphere" nobody gives a shit about the dungeons in the game because of how tedious & mediocre all of them are. Same with the music, Majora's Mask only has 3 memorable songs & everything else is a lazy rehash from OOT. Anyone who praises Majora's Mask but cries about OOT is a hypocrite because they are the same game except Majora's Mask sacrifices worthwile dungeons, music & bosses for the sake of atmosphere & side quests. Any flaw you pretend OOT has, is 10x worse in Majora's Mask

Aonuma doesn't know dick. The ways he broke the MM remake makes me believe that the original was good by complete accident.

Did you miss the compliments, user?

Is it really that hard to see why at least a plurality of people wouldn't enjoy either one of those. If we're juat going to sit here and argue semantics than nothing's a flaw. ever. And any one that has the audacity to not like anything is just shitposting

>broke the MM remake
You mean the fuck-up with the Zora form?

People who complain about the Big Sea were too underaged to have played Wind Waker when it came out, it was an upgrade from MM in every concievable way and the graphics & sheer exploration at the time were mindblowing. People will never understand the feeling of leaving outset island for the first time & hitting the Great Sea

No but that's part of the problem. You can't call something perfectly fine when you list good and bad things.

>Aonuma doesn't know dick.
He really doesn't which is why he repeated WW's flaws in TP despite having time and budget for that one.

>Waahh!! Let me bitch and whine some more about wind wakers sea!!! It's emptyy!! Mommy my bottle is empty!! What a retard!!!

You sound like a fucking tool, dude. The game has some puzzles and a few cool pieces in a pretty big open sea. It could have been shrunk down and everything could have been compacted into a smaller "sea" so it was more full, and then it wouldn't feel like sailing an open ocean anymore.

Either way there's no pleasing faggots like you except adding "more, more, more"

You can't be happy with the few cool elements there were and move on, you have to remind everyone for eternity

Here's your theme

>Coban as playername
Prepare to get DOXXED

>Le Dark Atmosphere
Can you grow up for like five seconds you meme spouting intellectual midget? For fucksake, great job making yourself looking like a complete moron with absolutely nothing of worth to contribute

You do realize that the Triforce hunt was a glorified forced fishing game from a director who loves fishing minigames, right? I mean you DID expect to go fishing in the game considering the entire world was covered in water... right?

>People will never understand the feeling of leaving outset island for the first time & hitting the Great Sea
And then the immense disappointment that came afterwards when the game puts your through a stealth dungeon and Windfall Island before the actual exploration.

>cries about OOT
Unironically who does this? Most people acknowledge that the two are more or less neck and neck in overall quality. The only memorable flaw in OoT is switching to the iron boots, which was slightly better in MM.

WWFag fragility at its finest.

>You do realize that the Triforce hunt was a glorified forced fishing game from a director who loves fishing minigames, right?
We can't even dive. WW was a fuckin joke.

Sure you can. It does great things. It does dumb things. It's perfectly fine, and not spectacular in one direction or the other. But in the end, for what the game does have, it does quite well.

Oh, you're just a shitposter. Well, have fun I guess

>But in the end, for what the game does have, it does quite well.
So just the art style. Got it.

Except they literally fucking don't you delusional retard

Attached: See that, 20,000.jpg (1200x1200, 207K)

And Deku water skipping momentum.
And all the boss fights.
These were fine in the N64 version.

Sure. You also couldn't dive in Eryth Sea to reach the Nopon Tree in Xenoblade either, but you don't see people bitching about that either.


>Blah blah blah
You guys don't actually have any original opinions. You just repeat nitpicky stuff non-stop.

You basically want infinite everything. Amazingly full, open sea, full of things to do, and explore, full dungeons, 8 of them to be precise, all amazing puzzles, no hand holding ever, but just the right amount of guidance, total freedom but a good, clear story etc.

There is no pleasing you people and you will bitch and whine about the same things in Zelda forever

You suck your dick with that mouth?

> Bbbbut doesnt' count even though IGN themselves isn't even voting on the list
Cope more

Who gives a fuck about Xenoblade in a Zelda thread.

> BTFO'd so badly that he can only respond with buzzwords

Some of us have standards and don't want to willingly overlook incredibly mediocre game design.
Sorry that offends you.

Yeah but your "standards" are basically just repeating whining bullshit about all 3D Zelda games and then never actually being happy with anything

>IGN is most people

It deserves to spammed, anybody who gives this shit a pass should be shamed and ostracized

>Battles were fun...
>...sailing was a breeze...
>...visuals and music were beautiful...
>But in the end, for what the game does have, it does quite well.
>>It was pretty and that's it.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I mean, let's not forget the great dungeon designs, the hidden secrets, the entertaining minigames, the cannon battles that were straight-up Cannon Fodder throwbacks, the interesting exploration, the fun NPCs...

who cares

Who ever called any of those other than 2 a black sheep?

Nah dude, I'm just having a legitmately hard time discerning whether or not you're genuinely autistic or just acting horribly obnoxious for the sake of replies. Considering there's only like 19 posters given that there's 93 replies I'm going to guess the latter.


Zelda II is as mainline as it gets, there wasn't a series of games for it to be a black sheep of, it was literally the second entry in the series.

>the great dungeon designs,

Well obviously there is no convincing you.
Have fun deluding yourself into believing its unfair to expect a minimum level of quality in a mainline Zelda game.

> How dare people enjoy a beloved & iconic game instead of spamming buzzwords like a massive contrarian faggot

Oh, just comparing apples to apples.


This is downright offensive

Fun Fact: The best dungeons in Twilight Princess were the dungeons that they ran out of time to implement in Wind Waker.

>>...sailing was a breeze...
Only when you get the version that makes it quicker because Nintendo listened to the complaints of the original's sailing taking to slow. Also the battle sucks. Parry to win.


I'll play your game!


Just WHAT 3D Mainline Zelda game
Is the standard for you

Tell me which one.

Attached: EerieProfile.jpg (250x224, 15K)

Ocarina was the black sheep of the franchise.

Literally everything you wrote here is the opposite of reality, it's not even worth responding point by point because you're such a delusional fanboy to write stuff like "great battles" "great dungeon design" "sailing was a breeze" that you're borderline deranged.

Please. The Game Cube original had fine sailing speed, and once you took on and took out the giant octorocks in the sea mini-boss fights, you had instant warps.

OoT obviously.

That's every Zelda user. Every game has recycled content intended for another Zelda. TP pulled it off better then we would've gotten in WW anyway.

OoT is empty as fuck

>The Game Cube original had fine sailing speed
If that were true there wouldn't have been an upgraded sail in the first place.

Just like BotW

Not even comparable to the barren and pointless ocean full of filler content of Wind Waker

And WW

my favorite part of ocarina is the creepy atmosphere of the woods and forest temple.
Majoras is just that but the entire game.

And TP

almost right please put TP above SS. SS is easily the fucking worst. At least in TP you get to be a cool wolf and get midna the best familiar. SS has no redeeming qualities

Attached: 1538534699941.jpg (2224x1800, 878K)


Frail ass bitch

>cool wolf
spam B and hold B to open up warp points
The presentation in TP is fucking atrocious. The tutorial lasts for 12 hours and you can finally change from the awful and restrictive wolf form whenever you want. Your introduction to each region is the twilight realm bug hunt which was such a mistake for exploration that they directly fixed this in SS's Silent Realm. The story shits its pants at the end of the Twilight Palace. Worst Zelda and Ganondorf who were entirely unnecessary and make the plot worse by being focus of it but only at the very end. The ring map annoyingly restricts your available paths until the lategame.
TP's only decent qualities are the dungeons and midna, and SS's best dungeons are better.

Twilight princess emos BTFO

Wind Waker was the first game to implement sword fighting beyond "stab & spin". This forced the player to consider positioning vs an enemy differently than past games while giving the player the tools needed to take on mobs that no other Zelda allowed (beyond a risky charged spin-slash)
The dungeons were designed around the items found within, while ensuring that those same items were immensely useful outside the dungeons - the dungeons also went a step beyond & referenced past games (example: the Forbidden Woods was the Kokiri Forest).
Sailing was simple. You pointed yourself in a direction you wanted to go and you went. Each of the 49 "tiles" that make-up the map has something to find, be it a minigame, island, enemies to train your cannons on, combinations thereof, etc. Sailing was designed as a cerebral experience based on the idea of giving the player a chance to relax between traditional exploration & enemy encounters while ensuring that threats can pop-up at any moment to force either evasive maneuvers or ship battles.

You can hate on the game all you want, and WW has a lot of shortcomings (of which I touched on earlier), but it is a perfectly fine game. And if "perfectly fine" is your definition of "delusional fanboy", then you're not at all ready to deal with people outside your bubble who have opinions which don't exactly match your own.

>The tutorial lasts for 12 hours
How shit do you have to be stuck in Ordon for twelve fucking hours.

at this point, whatever the fuck they say it is

Bitches be complaining.

ben drowned

>any 3d Zelda
The original LoZ is by far the best game and you kids need to understand and accept this if gaming is going to survive.

Less triforce shards to hunt, that's good.

I’ve never played WW. What am I looking at


TP pulled it off better then we would've gotten in WW anyway.
The Forest Temple's entire design fit the WW ascetic far better.

Fully agreed. Also meant less Tingle.


>What constitutes a "mainline" zelda game
OoT, OoX, LA, LttP

You're looking at WW holding the player's hand in the very last dungeon of the game.

fucking this , are you actually retarded? It's maybe two hours if you're really fucking stupid and it's your first game ever you tard

Attached: 1555426456605.png (987x669, 739K)

No dipshit the WHOLE tutorial is only over once Zelda "sacrifices" herself to save Midna after the 3rd dungeon. Then you can actually choose when to be wolf link. You've been introduced (poorly) to each region and have done all the bug hunts. The game feels annoyingly hands on until that point.

A fairly simple but entertaining Zelda romp, with some great music, good boss battles, and a well-written Ganondorf from out of no-where.


Why do westerners hate Tingle so god damn much

Shit I guess Ocarina of Time's first three dungeons are all just tutorials because you can't time travel until you get the MS.

All this thread shows is ww millennials literally can't take people criticizing their precious Zelda game.


>good boss battles, and a well-written Ganondorf from out of no-where.
None of this is true, especially the last part. Fucker steals children and had two sages put to death.

He's a fat little loser who thinks he's a fairy, loves sparkles balloons, and wears speedos over his unitard. Hew's what happens when a brony and a barneyfag mate.

MM tingle is better. WW tingle is a fucking jew scumbag.

Twilight Princess is miles better than the shitshow that was Skyward Sword. My favorite ones are ALttP and Minish Cap so I don't how I'd rank the rest.

I love how you two didn't address how he unequivocally BTFO out of whichever retard that was that had the autism to compare Mario's hub world to Zeldas

I'm not going to give my opinion because it's honestly been a long time since I've played thru TP but I don't feel like you're right.

Attached: 1551463735772.jpg (1080x1080, 705K)

>no small keys at all
Technically they were tutorial dungeons.

First part is a matter of opinion true, but what you pointed out about Ganondorf proves otherwise.

it’s hyperbole by assblasted zeldafags

TP's first thee dungeons are baller and all have small keys, so I guess it's better

>Minish Cap
Based. Best handheld Zelda.

Attached: il_570xN.312150438.jpg (570x766, 105K)

Mad because nobody likes Skyward Sword?

You were talking about the first 3 Ocarina dungeons. Comparatively, I'd say that OoT really opens up either before you meet Zelda or right after. It doesn't feel like the path forward is as restrictive. TP doesn't really open up until after the Lakebed Temple.

>Best handheld Zelda.
And Toon Zelda game. EVER.

>better than the oracle games
Woah bro. Woah

I respect your opinion even though I didn't like it.

Well that's a given, when you look at the other toon Zelda games. They're all shit

This. Minish Cap is nice but I prefer OoA/S and LA.

They're pretty good but MC's ost is godlike.

I did. Of course, my Wiimote didn't fuck-up like other peoples' did when playing it. Fights were easy, motion controls were smooth and responsive. Flying sucked because of all the waggling (though TP Wii was far worse in regards to waggle), first time through ground areas had the player organically open-up shortcuts to the end of the area and new areas in subsequent visits. And it was damned pretty to look at, too.

Thse Zelda threads jsut attract a bunch of fucking goobers
all the bitching and complaining about the same things that are presnt in ALL the zelda games

>WW > SS > TP

Attached: 1549731729060.jpg (480x640, 12K)

Ah yes, remember that part in OoT where it was missing two dungeons and had the player do a shitty treasure quest for his triforce?

>You can do the part of the game that's easier and worse than the comparable part in TP in any order, so it's not actually a tutorial!

Yeah TP is more linear, but it still has more to do overall and almost every major story even also unlocks something new to do on the side. Liking the comparative openness of OoT is a valid preference, but it's not objectively better. TP is able to keep a more complex and coherent narrative and pacing as you go through dungeons without sacrificing the individual stories in each.

every major story event*

Fun Fact: You had no idea the game was missing dungeons & that the designers originally intended for Hyrule to be explorable until someone at Nintendo told everyone - people thought it was just short.

Almost as bad as
>look around the room for an obvious switch to shoot
>play specific song at obviously marked spot for that song to be played

I also enjoyed SS. I didn't have much room for the wiimote setup, but it was fine. Some of the combat felt like the remote was fucking up, until I noticed that I almost never had the wiimote at a 90 degree angle for the skyward strike. After that, it seemed like any issues I had were caused by me not having 100% subconcious awareness of my wrist position. Once I accounted for this, I don't think I had issues with combat. It was other applications of the motion control that fucked up. The pumpkin shooting minigame and FUCK FUCK ISLAND are the reasons I will NEVER get all the heart pieces again. I honestly felt like SS's artstyle in SD looked better than BotW's artstyle in HD.

Incorrect, brainlet. It's pretty fucking obvious the triforce treasure hunt was a rushed attempt to replace real content. Only an idiot wouldn't realize it.

Ladies and gentlemen; a proposition.

Let us sit away from our desktop computers and ensure that we are drinking water and doing exercises that benefit our overall health.

Nah, even as a dumb kid I thought it was dumb that Link's big quest before Ganondorf was a treasure hunt while OoT had five dungeons.

BASED /fit/ poster.

This is now a push up thread

You mean that island with the clown? The one I wanted to murder? I hated that fucking clown. Had to find a video tutorial on how to cheese the landing.

Something missing? Yes. THAT much was obvious. Two full dungeons (if not potentially more) AND a fully realized Hyrule? No you did not, don't even kid yourselves.

Take that shiney newfangled peacekeeping prostituting mumbo-jumbo and smoke it out your aileron.
/cantankerous old fart

>SS before anything
Listen up, subhuman.
OOT = MM >>> TP > WW >>>>>> liquid shit >>>>> SS

>TP is able to keep a more complex and coherent narrative
I keep hearing this from people who enjoy TP and I just don't see it. I thought the plot in TP was pretty weak even before the Zant twist. Whether it was focusing on characters I didn't think mattered (like Colin) or underdeveloping characters that ought to have mattered more (like Zelda), I felt like the only elements even close to carrying the plot were Midna's smart ass and Zant's cool presence; everything else felt like filler and bloat. It probably just comes down to personal preference but I enjoyed the story and characters in SS a lot more than anything in TP. I felt like SS was an overall better attempt at what TP tried to do.

>It probably just comes down to personal preference but I enjoyed the story and characters in SS a lot more than anything in TP.
Glad I'll never have taste this shit, and I'm a WWfag.

the one that got released before the new one
before botw ss was the black sheep and not in a good way
before ss tp was the black sheep and not in a good way
before tp ww was the black sheep and not in a good way

>felt like SS was an overall better attempt at what TP tried to do.
It was even more linear, ugly, awful companion and ruined Link by making him an eternal slave to Hylia and turning Ganondorf into Literally Satan.

>dances and blows horn at you when you lose
>can't ever skip it
>if you land on the gray spots, he takes more rupees from you
It's the worst minigame in Zelda.

Attached: zelda ss clown.jpg (935x594, 106K)

93 bitch. cope

Colin's plot thread is dropped after you rescue him. He mattered because he's part of the reason why Link even set out in the first place.

The correct answer would be Ilia whose plot thread far outlasts its welcome and amounts to fucking nothing in the end.

>couldn't even beat an unfinished game

>he correct answer would be Ilia whose plot thread far outlasts its welcome and amounts to fucking nothing in the end.
You can literally finish the game without fully restoring her memory.

Fully restoring her memory isn't mandatory? Seriously?

>Despite the importance of this quest to the game's plot, it is possible to finish the game without fully recovering Ilia's memory. All Link needs to do is not show the Ilia's Charm to Ilia; the main quest can be continued by showing Impaz the Dominion Rod on the first visit to Hidden Village to obtain the Ancient Sky Book and immediately embarking on that part of the adventure. Nothing is permanently missable in this way; Link can go back and complete this part of the quest at any time. There is no alternate ending attainable by not completing this objective; the same credits sequence plays at the end regardless of whether Link fully restores Ilia's memory or not.
Ilia is a better character in the manga.

patrician opinion incoming
1. Majora's mask
2. twilight princess
3. ocarina of time
4. wind waker
5. breath of the wild
6. skyward sword

They're all equal
Enjoy them for being different and good in their own ways
Only legit complaint I have is WW's Triforce hunt

Not even Nintendo gave a fuck about Ilia holy shit. What a half-assed character.


>better dungeons

Attached: 1551064694037.jpg (689x720, 297K)

Let's be real
Who was retarded enough to actually play the Wii version of TP?
I had it on the gamecube and played it like every other 3D Zelda game made up until that point

>It was even more linear
I don't really think so, at least in regards to physical space. The road to the dungeon is a hallway, but it felt just as linear as TP without the illusion of openness.
Pure opinion, but I hated TP's look. Not even the artstyle. The realistic look is fine, but the dull, bleak color palette saps any kind of joy any moment could've had, which just cripples a Zelda game.
>awful companion
>ruined Link by making him an eternal slave to Hylia and turning Ganondorf into Literally Satan
Didn't feel inconsistent with the simplistic archetypes that Link and Ganon have always been.
Not gonna lie. I 100% forgot that Ilia existed.

Most people who played TP at launch.

the gamecube was based because you could play
>original LoZ
>Adventure of Link
(all part of the zelda collector's edition)
>wind waker (without bloom)
>twilight princess (Without wagglan)
shit was a zelda goldmine yo

>Didn't feel inconsistent with the simplistic archetypes that Link and Ganon have always been.
Nah, it explained shit that didn't need to be explained. Nobody needed Hylia or Demise, and the series would've been better off without them.

>Not gonna lie. I 100% forgot that Ilia existed.
I don't think anybody will blame you.

Lets not forget the Master Quest version of OOT that came on its own disk too

I bit the bullet on the Wii version and frankly at the time it felt fine. Few years ago I got the HD version for Wii U if I want to replay it without the wagglan.

Did they at least flip the map back and make Link left handed as he should be?

Ahh... OoT had 9 dungeons, and 3 mini-dungeons.
But I don't see how that matters, since MM had 4 full dungeons and 6 mini-dungeons (counting the 4 "trap rooms" on the Moon as 1 dungeon).
Compared to MM, WW's full dungeon count of 7 and 4 mini-dungeons isn't that odd of a count.

Fully agreed. Game lost 15 score points with me for that faggot alone. First time I ever wanted to fly to Japan just so I could punch Fujibayashi & Aonuma in their fucking face.


>explained shit that didn't need to be explained
Perhaps, but the only parts that I questioned were when Zelda starts acting like she IS Hylia now and not just a reincarnation (that was strange and made me think of Tetra's worst aspect) and how Zelda's soul was used to restore Demise but then Groose snuck in how "she still has her soul though, she's fine". Kinda rolled my eyes at that. I mostly like SS's story for how Zelda and Link play off eachother. The Zelda's Lullaby tune, as well as Zelda and Link's meeting in OoT has sentimental significance to my best friend and I outside of the games. The way those two were portrayed in the intro and when Zelda went to sleep in the past was perfect for me.

You forgot OoT Master Quest & Four Swords Adventures.

Attached: d9fsw41.png (1464x1080, 1.09M)

That was easily the biggest crime about the Wii TP and SS

>Nobody needed Hylia or Demise
Mostly fan appeasement. Everyone was guessing at the idea that there was a fourth goddess (especially after Zelda's little line about the "Goddess of Time" protecting Link in MM) and was trying to claim a fourth piece of the TRIforce existed somehow. But then there was The Minish Cap & Four Swords (that came with ALttP GBA), which seemed to take place before OoT as there was no Ganon but we still had Zelda & Link, so Nintendo knew the timeline faggots would start bitching if they didn't resolve those ideas pronto.

Metacritic scores are shit. All the critics get paid by publishers to give good reviews so you can't trust critic scores at all. It also doesn't help that said "critics" are game journalists who likely just watched a youtube video on it. User scores are shit too because they're also subject to review bombing, both good and bad. The only thing you can actually trust is yourself and other anons (and they're all contrarians).

GC had
>Zelda 1
>Zelda 2
>LttP with GB Player
>Links Awakening with GB Player
>Oracle of Ages and Seasons with GB Player
>Minish Cap with GB Player
>Ocarina of Time
>OOT Master Quest
>Majora's Mask
>Wind Waker
>Twilight Princess
>Four Swords Adventures