Pseudo intellectual neckbeard does a three hour long videogame "critique" on YouTube

>pseudo intellectual neckbeard does a three hour long videogame "critique" on YouTube
When will this fucking trend die?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who made one this time?

Based normalfag Facebook frog poster

the guy who welcomes you into gamestop is responsible for these videos


kek, imagine watching a review longer than playthrough length.
Do Americans really do this?


Why ____ Is A Perfectly Written _____: A Breakdown: A Youtube Thesis: A Video Essay

>watching a playthrough length review
Maybe that's excusable if it's a ten minute speedrun

the day ___ died

Does anyone remember all those rant videos in late 00s Youtube where people would talk massive shit about anything popular and insult people who were fans of it?

>three hour long
You are like little baby. Watch.

>Scotsman does a seven hour long pokemon analysis on YouTube
this trend is based

Matthewmatosis and Noah Gervais are great but jesus christ the rest of these video game """"analysis""""" people suck especially Joseph "I hate Silent Hill 2" Anderson.

>it's a 30 minute "analysis" of a literal children's show

whats worse; these """critics""" or unedited playthroughs?

The critics create more pompous idiots, so they take the cake.

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I hate youtubers

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>watch review
>confidently states that subjective is true because subjective
I hate all of them.

what's wrong with this nigga? he seems okay?

damn it I was gonna come in and post this

How did these 10 hour video essays start becoming a thread. How empty do you have to be to listen to that for 10 hours? Even if you split it up, you're listening to someone rant about media for 10+ hours.

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GVMERS videos are good you froggot

It's not that hard if you listen in the background. It's just background noise you periodically pick up on if it says something interesting.

Post based gaming youtubers

>Worth a Buy
>hard8times (now hard8gaming)
>thekingofhatevlogs (DSP's vlog channel)
>Weapon Wheel Podcast
>Joseph Anderson
>SNES drunk
>Skill Up

>Paul Harrel
>The Wolfe Pit
>Donut Operator
>Graham Stephan
>Doug Polk
>Harald Baldr
>bald and bankrupt

Hot takes

No fucking good games are out so people want to go back and relive old experiences, they also want people to parrot their thoughts on these experiences

im pretty sure most people dont actually listen to these kinds of things... more more of a background noise while you do something else like cleaning, or homework or grinding another game.

>Shill Up

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This. None of them hold a candle to Joseph Anderson. Speaking of which, anyone know where he's been/got updates on him?

Watching a few for some nostalgia to reaffirm your opinion and remind you what a game was like

Once you've watched a few that's good enough though, everyone's trying to cash in on it, one video I thought was actually pretty good was about how fallout 3 actually had a lot of player choice contrary to what many people misrepresent it as

They're more like documentaries about specific series, which is different but also better, it's always nice to see the struggles and behind the scenes of game making


>Watching all these dumb nigger boomers so they can tell you what to think
Can't imagine a more stupid way to spend my time

But then you aren't even paying attention

How does he fill 7 hours? Fuck I think I'd run out of things to say in 15 minutes

>liking fallout 3
We don't want you here.

>open video
>10:01 minutes

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Steak Bentley was right you know.

It was pretty good, why are you asshurt

>The _____ that killed [video game]

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this is most youtube videos for me anyway
and streams

I agree why watch that many youtubers, but on the flipside realize boomers have better taste than you and higher iq, you have Fortnite and skyrim, see the difference

youtube is the zoomers equivalent of boomers sitting on their ass watching tv

no they're both trash

it's unironically better than new vegas and 4

>how x does y: a video game retrospective

I think 1 hour is acceptable, when some of these autists push it to 4 hours I'm gone, ideally 20 to 30 minutes tops

it's true though if you're capable of thinking

Hello newfriend, it appears you are lost, but there is a great board where you and like minded people can share great content like this, follow the link

rent free

Fuck off obshitter. This was never a board for you to circlejerk over how much you love JSawyers cock, no matter how much you want it to be.

As someone who has done a lot of literary critique and analysis in a professional sense, being clear and concise is equally if not more important than being thorough.
A good thesis statement presents its points and expounds upon them in a way that get's the point across effectively and without wasting the readers time with needless retreading or explaining.
If you need to fill 3 hours worth of time explaining a point, then you're approach at constructing an argument is flawed in it's entirety.
Evidence presented should be meaningful enough that what is given to the reader/viewer is relevant and poignant to stand on its own rather than flood them with information.
Fat needs to be trimmed in an essay so that what is there can stand on its own and not get lost in a rambling mess.

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Add Angryjoe to based
And pewdiepie

God i fuckin hate this pseudo-intellectual faggots, they always appear on my fuckin recommended videos with their obnoxious titles like
>__Didn't died, it was murdered

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It's slowly happening. Pic related; The World of Wolf/Dishonored Wolf, who is one of these, almost became an hero recently. Police stopped him though.

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Noah is maximum comfy, even his travelogues that are nothing to do with vidya. Also the fact that he's fat now fucking cracks me up for some reason.


Never even heard of this loser

someone post the image of several different videos from the same guy with this title

My problem with these is only when they treat their perspective as objective and refuse to consider how their experience with something might be different from other people's (for example because they're mildly autistic). It's pretty obnoxious when they suggest a game that sold massive numbers and had amazing reviews is shit because it doesn't appeal to them.

what a nightmare, why don't any of these retarded psued gaymer youtubers have any comprehension of brevity? they are saying so fucking much they might as well not say anything at all, and they do it in the most monotone boring way possible.

this kind of lazy ineptitude triggers me so much, and the worst part is people somehow enjoy it.

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>120k+ people choose to see his content
>waah everybody hate me
What a fag