MGSV takes place in 1979

Is it completely retarded? Yes, but here are two things I've noticed:
1) Doctors ID is issued in 1979.
2) The Russian soldiers state that 1984 was written thirty years ago. It was written in 1949.
I don't have the time to compile anymore evidence, so please see if there are any more references to 1979, particularly in the prologue.

Attached: 1974.jpg (750x904, 322K)

Other urls found in this thread:

shit game

more like 69

What significance does this have to Metal Gear as a whole and MGSV specifically?

nah it was the 80's

Attached: I was posted in a small image.png (69x42, 7K)

>I don't have the time to compile anymore evidence, so please see if there are any more
fuck you man

Attached: 4b23b983dd13e9b4ba5c5179bee4fbbf--middle-fingers-school.jpg (500x500, 32K)

Considering the soviet invasion of afghanistan happened in late december of 1979 then no, it doesn't take place in 79.

Pretty sure one of the first tapes you get is about Ocelot and Venom watching the news about the 1984 Olympics, user.

MGSV takes place in 1984

You're tasked with retrieving a stinger, which places the game some time during or after 1986

Attached: Stinger.jpg (735x490, 117K)

Ground Zeroes takes places in 1975. The Phantom Pain takes place nine years later in 1984.


The 1979 stuff is likely leftovers from earlier in development.

>ID card made in 1979
>saves budget and doesnt issue any new cards to already existing workers every year
>run by the chiper jews
Checks out,they just needed to save budget

Other oddities:
- The medic's passport was issued in 1980
- It was used in 1978 by an unknown person
- The song "Friday I'm in Love", which is featured on a cassette in game, came out in 1992
- Rebel Yell is the 1999 Remaster

>I don't have the time to compile anymore evidence, so please see if there are any more
>continues to browse Yea Forums

>cassette tapes have REMASTER 1999 VERSION
>takes places in 84

>youre tasked with fighting a huge robot

It's packed full of discontinuities and anachronisms. The plot was almost entirely rewritten in the last few months of development (after the schism).

slightly off topic, but is multiplayer even alive on any of the platforms? I imagine PC is completely fucked due to the hacks I heard about. It's on sale on ps4 so not sure if it's worth picking up the inferior version

It starts in late 70's but picks up during the early 80's.

Attached: Didn't exist yet.jpg (229x177, 58K)

This can't possibly be true. "I'm afraid it's been 9 years" was in the very first trailer a year before even Ground Zeroes came out, and Ground Zeroes from the very start took play after Peace Walker which took place in 1974.

how are they gonna make this work? If they do a kojima then it'll be shit

The doctor's bullshitting you, or, you're hallucinating. MGSV begins with a flashback after all.

Attached: メタルギア.jpg (1000x1337, 449K)