What book do you want to see adapted into a game?
What book do you want to see adapted into a game?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Epic of Gilgamesh
I don't want anything I like to be ruined by an adaptations of any kind.
Lord of the rings
Blood Meridian
this is one of my favorite novels, but i don't get what people want from a movie/show/i guess game. the writing is so vivid you feel the whole thing like you're seeing it anyway
Just an actually good stealth game or assassin-based RPG would be enough for me.
splinty cell
Genocidal Organ.
age of decadence was similar to book of new sun
How so? I'm nearly done with Urth of the New Sun and was looking for similar stuff.
Altered Carbon
Malazan Book of the Fallen
it's a dying earth setting where magic is actually just futuristic tech and takes multiple playthroughs from different characters to get the full scope of the story
Just took a look at it and it seems pretty cool. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll get it during a sale.
I used to read a lot as a teenager but when I went to college I stopped for some reason. I'm 29 now and havent read a (non college related) book since I was 18. Where do I start?
I think an open world RPG set in the world of Book of the New Sun would be better than an adaptation of the books themselves.
>tfw enjoyed the books but too dumb to fully appreciate gene wolfe
I was just about to post this.
The story is fantastic but would be a shit house game. Literally 'god did it but also you are god or something or maybe not who knows :^)"
The setting would be fantastic though. Like Morrowind combined with Thief and some other weird thing... Shadow of the Collosus maybe
I was sort of in the same situation. I started with Slaughterhouse Five then went to The Road, The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, Stoner by John Williams (it’s a meme over on Yea Forums but it’s great), Don Quixote, Metamorphosis and various Kafka, Book of the New Sun, Moby Dick, Woman in the Dunes, various HP Lovecraft and now the Wheel of Time series.
Just go over to Yea Forums and look at some charts and read whatever looks interesting to you.
I didn't understand a lot of what was going on either. But the whole point is that Severian is an unreliable narrator who knows very little about the high tech around him. Took me awhile to realize the "ships" were actually spacecraft.
Especially with all the expanded lore in the sequel novels
>this place is full of rats
>I can tell because of all the rat writing they left behind
Fuck you. What a waste of time.
Set in a far future, the Earth has locked rotation with the Sun, and is attached to the now-more-distant Moon, which resides at a Trojan point, with cobwebs spun by enormous spider-like plants. The Sun has swollen to fill half the sky and, with the increased light and heat, the plants are engaged in a constant frenzy of growth and decay, like a tropical forest enhanced a thousandfold. The plants – many now omnivores – have filled all the ecological niches on the land and in the air, many evolving primitive nervous systems and, in some cases, eyes; of the animals in the forest only the descendants of four species of social insects remain - tigerflies (evolved from wasps), tree-bees, plant-ants and termights (from termites) - along with small groups of humans (a fifth of the size they are now); all other land and air animals have been driven to extinction by the vegetable kingdom, apart from a few shore dwellers. The humans live on the edge of extinction, within the canopy layer of a giant banyan tree that covers the continent on the day side of the Earth.
>Just go over to Yea Forums and look at some charts and read whatever looks interesting to you.
Yea Forums is a shit board especially if you're into genre fiction
you just do what s.t.a.l.k.e.r. did and just loosely base it on the source material.
is lombardo any good
You can't adapt this book in a visual medium, it'll ruin everything. In text you can read a passage about a painting of a knight in white armor with his face covered by a golden helm in a desert at night, and later on a reread you realize - holy shit its actually a photo of neil armstrong in the moon landing. If you can just see the picture in the game you can see its the moon landing right away, so everything is spoiled.
The only way you could adapt this book and stay true to the source is as a text adventure, which isnt a particularly market viable genre in 2019.
why are games where you playing as a skellington so fucking rare?
Reading Book of the New Sun was a profound experience for me. I actually felt like going to church after finishing it (never actually went though).
They have lots of charts from years ago before the board went to shit
Theres actually been quite a few discworld games, some are quite good
Some day.
because skeletons don't exist lmao
Just wait until you have to read Soldier of the Mist.
Awake in the nightland is pretty good if you haven't read it my dood
no way it happens, because jews dont want to gilgamesh become mainstream because it will expose all abrahamic religions being no more than rip-offfs or ancient sumerian myths.
>tfw enjoyed the books but too dumb to fully appreciate gene wolfe
>anime reaction image
i believe you.
The fights against Szeth would be pretty rad
Colonel Kassad vs The Shrike is one of the best fights in sci-fi literature and would make for an amazing boss battle.
...That's really not true though. What it would do is expose that Judaism is indeed a Semitic religion and Semites have several myths in common. Just the Jews kinda dropped all the gods from their religion but one spastic one that has to act completely retarded at times in order to fill the gaps of a polytheistic legend left with only one god. The parts in common aren't even Sumerian, but Akkadian, who had a rather interwoven relationship with the (non-Semitic) Sumerians.
And Christians, Jews, and Muslims wouldn't care, they just see it as evidence supporting their faiths, and that those stories in common in other religions are corrupted myths, while their religion has the true, unaltered versions.
Read through the old urth mailing list archives and you should get a better understanding
Is this series any good? Ive heard conflicting opinions, and I don't really want to read it if its just some random dudes OC universe for his D&D campaign.
I found Severian's descriptions pretty confusing at times mainly because he would frequently spiral off into flowery tangents.
His motivations were difficult to understand at times too. Especially the way he as acting like his normal semi-autistic self and then would suddenly turn hyper aggressive, like when he went through the initiation thing with the mercenary company. He pulls the chick off the horse and then it's unclear whether or not he just fucked her, or if he murdered her. Either way he pretended to not be pissed off at her and then suddenly started making threats for no apparent reason.
nigga ur dum
They frequently call them "ships that sail between the stars" and he talks about How Jonas' ship crashed on some dude's farm and killed him.
Reading this book was like a dream.
Fuck no, I actually can't stand the books or the damn tv show because of how OP and boring the MC is, the world is fine, but the fucking character for your frame of reference sucks ass.
Terminus Est
Obligatory Snow Crash character action game by Platinum post
Smooth move exlax
Look, man. If Severian says he boned literally every semi-attractive female that came within 100 yards of him, I believe it. Why would he lie about that?
It's not identical, but Numenera is clearly heavily influenced by Urth.
I want a Snow Crash graphic novel.
Also I don't get people who dislike Snow Crash. They just can't appreciate the intentional cheesiness of the setting and characters.
>abrahamic religions being no more than rip-offfs or ancient sumerian myths
I've been reading a lot of historical theology lately and its pretty amazing that the same retarded arguments have been parroted over and over for the last 2000 years.
>adopt a kid
>Immediately dies
Great work asshole
Name of the Wind, but the second book has ruined all my interest since he does very little King Killing and more just fantasy wank over who he has fucked.
I would like to see a Wheel of Time Strategy game in the style of the Total War games, where you pick a faction like Tear, Illian, or whatnot and wage war and politics on the world with the Dark One's armies as a potential unifying threat or even the Seanchan. The White Tower would probably be a Neutral Faction that manipulates everyone else sort of like the Pope from Medieval 2 total war.
The self-narration in the early chapters made me laugh way more than it should have
The Dark Souls of fantasy series
Seriously though, the martial arts style and magic they use in the books are perfectly suited towards an action-RPG. You could learn and equip wards to your body or weapons, and there's a ton of different enemy variety.
PvB is definitely a gamer because he added "game mechanics" like healing from eating the Demons and "leveling up" the more that you eat/kill.
Tons of towns to visit, lots of ruins off the beaten path and away from the roads.
Fuck him for killing off all the Demons at the end so that the setting couldn't be expanded upon in this way, but I'm like 99% sure they're aliens to begin with so more could come to that world.
I am not a fan of grand strategy but that does sound pretty neat. It's a shame that the Seanchan homeland was never fleshed out more, and we never got to see much of whatever was beyond the waste.
Have you played the WoT FPS? It's nothing special but it's an interesting curiosity.
>retarded arguments
Just because you don't like it doesn't make it retarded. Everyone in and around the middle east was stealing myths from each other. That's just how it be.
>Just because you don't like it doesn't make it retarded. Everyone in and around the middle east was stealing myths from each other. That's just how it be.
That's the same stupid fedora shit the guys from 2000 years ago said. That isn't how Christianity works. Given what it presents itself as, its logically sound that everything preceding it would contain seeds of what it would later become. This has been discussed to death. Its like saying gravity is false because theories before it addressing the same questions contained similar elements.
Children of a Dead Earth.
CoaDE is nothing like it
The Turner Diaries
>That's the same stupid fedora shit
Opinion discarded.
> Its like saying gravity is false because theories before it addressing the same questions contained similar elements.
No,. it's like saying that Newton was wrong about a bunch of things but he put everyone else on the right track. That's often how research (and in religion, philosophy) works. Guy #1 coms up with an idea and guy #2 doesn't totally agrre with #1, but he does expand on his idea with some modifications.
If the fact that your religion didn't develop in an ecclesiastical vacuum makes you butthurt then I suggest you get some lidocaine cream, because you're going to be living with that forever.
>Everyone in and around the middle east was stealing myths from each other. That's just how it be.
Or perhaps these different cultures came up with these "myths" independently based on real events that they witnessed. With so many ancient civilizations across the world having a myth of a great flood isnt it more likely that there was some sort of global flood than these cultures somehow all agreeing to have the same flood story despite the language barrier and geographic distance?
Would you recommend lidocaine for hemorrhoids? My cream isn't doing anything
It would help but lidocaine is fairly short lived, so you would get about 45 mins of pain free butthole time at best. Better than nothing though.
Ibuprofen might help, but you have to be aware of dosage recommendations so you don't beat up your liver.
t. Internet doctor
Floods are the most lethal natural disasters today. It's unsurprising that flood myths were common.
>isn't it more likely that everyone just saw magic happening and wrote it down
Go ask Scientologists if they think it's likely that L Ron Hubbard was just a megalomaniac sci-fi writer rather than a prophet.
Didn't this already get an adventure game?
>Low iq weeb tranny
As usual
I'm not sure if there's a market for autism simulators.
>dark souls of fantasy
>not the most gloriously convoluted, in all the best ways, series out there.
You could make every genre of game out of Malazan.
Fine taste
ningen shikkaku
And The Fifth Head if Cerberus
The only way I can ever see any kind of adaption of the Urth series would have to be a unique story that's simply told in the same universe.
So much of the appeal and what makes the series works directly stems from Wolfe using the medium in a way that can't be replicated by film or videogames
Wow, I only just got that. Maybe because I read it in English even though that's not my mother tongue.
I'm still waiting for an Earthsea adaptation myself, but only for the setting as it was in the first three books.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
Gravity Fall's flying system could work.
This. Starring you, a lowly Mandate sorcerer on a one man crusade to remove the Dunyain from existence. The consult did nothing wrong so they’re secondary villains
Mein Kampf, either as a visual novel with anime girls or Telltale-styled adventure game.
Can I ask for a Lovecraft game with branching dialogue like old rpgs with top down view like Diablo or first person similar to deus ex?
The problem with Lovecraft games is always the same, the execution and the amount of jank present in it.
70iq take
Watched show, its trash.
>The Dark Souls of fantasy series
So what you'r saying is that it's badly written?
God I wish.
How about having the First and Second Age from Silmarillion adapted as a setting? Could work quite well for an adventure-action game or some sort of RTS.
If not that, I'd like to see the Black Company used in a similair manner. And yes, I've already played the Myth games.
Came here to post this.
Never going to happen and if it did faggots would call it "lovecraftian". Would also like a House On The Borderland game.
Explain this book to me.
Guy finds a book detailing a guy who moved into a weird ass house with his sister and dog, dog gets killed by pigmen, he has weird visions of his new dog melting like a candle and the universe ending from what I remember.
I wonder what it's like in the timeline where Hodgson didn't die in WW1.
Sounds fun. This was the same author as The Night Lands? Picked up.
He would go on to continue doing based shit. Hodgson was the ultimate chad author
>Gets picked on as a kid
>Wants to become a sailor
>Gets shredded to keep people from making fun of him
>Marries his childhood crush
>Bullies Harry Houdini to prove magic isn't real
>Starts his own /fit/ school
>Writes in his free time
>Dies saving countless men from artillery fire
>Chiseled as hell facial structure
isnt it strange that we humans have so many hopes and dreams and desires, minds filled with the most abstract and beautiful thoughts, and in a second it all ends and life continues for 100 years like you weren’t even there. yet, he lives on now in this thread. quite interesting
imagine welding stormbringer in the siege of melnibone lost in bloodlust and power killing your kin and hearing the menacing hum of the blade.
Takeshi is mad OP, but at least he has a canonical reason for being op, which I feel makes it better. Most op Mary Sues are just born as special snowflake princesses with magic powers. Takeshi is arguably the most experienced soldier ever with (usually) a custom combat clone body, wired with nanotech, it’d be dumb if he wasn’t OP.
Make it happen.
this is already a game you absolute fucking dumbass, like wtf?
Have you even read the Epic of Gilgamesh? Fuck off, you sound like a retard.
do you guys have any classic sci-fi recomms apart from the well known stuff like Clarke, Asimov, Wells?
>In text you can read a passage about a painting of a knight in white armor with his face covered by a golden helm in a desert at night, and later on a reread you realize - holy shit its actually a photo of neil armstrong in the moon landing. If you can just see the picture in the game you can see its the moon landing right away, so everything is spoiled.
References to our times obscured by Severian's lack of historical knowledge are only surface level stuff that a somehow observant reader can get even in their first reading. Severian and the picture cleaner even comment that the moon is no longer a desert in their time. "Urth is the far future" is something that you should realize before Severian leaves the Tower, not some massive plot twist that changes the meaning of the story.
What would be lost in a visual adaptation would be, for example, the ambiguity of maritime terminology. The realization that Severian considers space to be just another ocean completely recontextualizes every mention of words like "ship" and "shore", for example, the description of the coat of arms in the crypt he uses as his hideaway.
I find Morgan's inability to keep his clear biases and prejudices from leaking into characters that would not even make sense to have those same prejudices more of a problem, honestly.
Dick and Lem.
The Stars my Destination. Go read it right now.
Roadside Picnic is also considered a classic for good reason.
The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, sure Heinlein is well known but most people seem to have not read it.
First book was ok. Second book was shit when he introduced the "strong wamyn" with absolutely no background in conflict, who suddenly is mastering fighting and runes and doing better than the MC who has over a decade of experience.
Lyra: dialogue driven to collect clues while reading the alithiometer to determine truth and lies. Use Panthalimon to look around.
Will: sneaking mechanic with the knife - can create portals to go around.
Iorek - killing machine, kill as many enemies who side with the authority
Basically a good version of Harry Potter
The Elric Saga
nvm, thought i was on Yea Forums
Are the Dresdin Files worth reading? The concept seems cool since the idea of modern day wizards is always fun.
hunter x hunter
Just give me Hitman in space
Grab the first one and see for yourself, the fuck you want people here to say? To me it always seemed like run of the mill fantasy that I'd feel like I've wasted my time after I finished it, so didn't bother with any of it.
came here to post this
>Mein Kampf
>Not the superior Industrial Society and It's Future
It's multiple novels so I dunno if it jumps the shark later down the line and wondering if there's anything I should know like the author going insane.
>third sex
This is not what I think it is, isn't it.
Something akin to Kingdom Come would be nice.
Numenera was heavily inspired by Wolfe. Give it a try if you haven't yet.
what kind of name is "Bygone Wolf"?
Based and tedpilled
The whole point this works as a book is because gene plays with your imagination. It being turned into a videogame would just result in one person interpretation of it being realized and a lot of the mystery about it being in the distant future but feeling like a fantasy novel would be lost.
>Could work quite well for an adventure-action game or some sort of RTS.
>or some sort of RTS
BfMEs already exist, you just need to mod them.