This is BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle. Find a flaw.
This is BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle. Find a flaw
Every word after "BlazBlue", this game is a sin
I can't 66C
check out my combo
I can’t. For a shitty cashgrab fanservice asset dump game, Babytag had absolutely no business being as good as it turned out to be. Easily the best fightan of 2018, and it is probably the best tag fighting game of the decade. Mori is unironically a genius.
no litchi/rise
It's pretty good. The patch really help diversify the the teams. Top 8 was great as well. To bad it's gonna be a side game next year.
Murakumo/Adler/Fritz/Elektrosoldat haven't been announced yet.
Daidouji Senran isn't in the game.
Damage is way too fucking high, only real complaint.
Only one AH character
Terumi isn't in
no crossplay
Tsubaki isn't in it.
daidouji arcana heart is gonna be better
No ABK cha-nevermind flawless
No Eltnum
tager/wald vs tager/wald is how boys become men
>Playing fighting games on Switch.
Leave this board, Heretic. Either give us both or give us death. There is no other option.
Don't worry Arcanafriend, we're going to get one more with the Expansion Pass. We're gonna make it.
They can easily remove the Kira from the announcer file and then Senran's Daidouji can get in.
RWBY, the game look cheap as shit due to reused assets, damage is ridiculously high.
That's a lot of work to keep Daidouji hidden from the datamine.
Nah SC6 came out in 2018. But I agree with bbtag being the best tag fighter this gen, fuck DBFZ
No Eltnum, yet.
Why can't we purchase music and stages through the game's shop already. I'm pretty sure BBCF allowed players to do that.
so mori's shit taste basically
I'll do you one better
I'd love it if they revisited the idea but everyone was fleshed out with thier full movesets.
Why is roosterteeh still a thing? Thought they died a long time again along with machinima
Blitztank hasn't released yet.
Shit last boss
RWBY shit
Spelled Aegis instead of Aigis
No Taokaka
They could have gone on with that low effort, high return RedvsBlue shit indefinitely, jumping to different games as time went on.
RoosterTeeth exploded into money thanks to RWBY. They had enough money to keep growing and adding more stupid projects. With Oum's death, they have very quickly squandered RWBY and saw a rapid decline in the recent two years (a massive tanking in just the past few months). They'll probably be completely dead within the next two years.
pyrrha isn't playable
>No Taokaka
You're the one at fault for remembering her. Literally the rest of the world has moved on, Tao is irrelevant and obsolete.
>A bunch of characters have a Pyrrha palette
God damn it just add in the real deal.
Considering he's in as a guest from ABK instead of UNI, I hope they give a remix of his own killer theme.
I expect
Can only hope they die off completely
The assist mechanics ruined it for me. It was fun for a while but I would've preferred if it was 1v1
You're going to get the uni theme ported straight over and you're going to like it, you chimp
The assist mechanic is this entire game's saving grace. It'd be garbage if it was 1 vs. 1 with these controls
>(a massive tanking in just the past few months)
is this true? I thought it seemed more popular than ever even if the soul is gone
Nips only like one season, it's anywhere near as popular there as people make it seem
I used to be a staunch supporter of Blazblue but now they are on my shitlist.
time to make a rwby show bad post i'm very original give me all the ( you ) you have i need them NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
bought it for senrans
you put in as much effort as necessary.
Why does no one call her Sion anymore?
Seething Yea Forumsumblr fag, go back to /trash/
The recent seasons of RWBY are total shitshows of an already shitty series. They pissed off Japan after Season 4, they pissed off pretty much everyone else by Season 5, and have relegated themselves to pandering to the tiny vocal fanbase of yuri freaks.
Worst of all, RoosterTeeth has been doing a ton of other retarded shit that is outright alienating their entire viewerbase. They keep tacking on more and more dumb high-production yet low-quality shows that nobody cares about bloating up their site. and they most recently increased the price of their subscription fee. That price hike had pretty much everyone bail over the past few months.
I don't follow RWBY, what'd they do to piss people off?
Cope retard
It made incels seethe and the hardcore fans too. There are already people bitching about "muh Monty's vision is being ruined" and shit like that and the writers priotizing ship faggotry. It made theory, power scale, and lore autismos all want to commit suicide
Found it
The fuck tons of re-used sprites, it feels like MUGEN or a fangame
Its funny this is quite a common complaint for this game but I never see people complaining about 2008 Ragna sprite in "actual" Blazblue games being a deal breaker.
Of course they reused sprites, every crossover game reuses sprites. That's the only reason they're able to have that many characters.
Because UNIST didn't for some reason.
2008 Ragna is still the same scale as the rest of the BB cast. It doesn't look completely fucked.
Meanwhile, P4A/BB sprite resolutions are scaled up horribly by about 1.5x to be the same size as the new RWBY sprites.
UNIB sprites scaled up about 1.66x to be the same as the former three.
RWBY sucks, should have just used Arcana or AB early.
The game should have cost more and included the early DLC characters.
No Bang or ultimax.
I want to get into BBTAG since FighterZ has worn out its welcome, but I'm worried the ranked community on PC is next to nonexistent. I prefer fighting someone at my rank than fighting random, learned opponents in player lobbies. I want my progress to be somewhat incremental.
A superior game exists in the same console.
ruby's voice
20% of the still playing will be markedly better than yo
40% of the game will be worse than you even after all this time
The remaining 40% will just be emoting and chatting in the lobby
>no junpei
>no adachi
>no elizabest
At least blitstank a thing anyone got any tips for starting out and which is more alive ps4 or switch?
no zwei
>Anything alive
>on switch
No Bang. No Buy
Meanwhile Heart's sprite is of an even higher quality than the RWBY cast, far higher color count and her linework has anti-aliasing instead of being solid pixels.
How's the switch port of this game?
My wife won't be in it. Akatsuki and Blitztank almost make up for it though.
RWBY bruv
Fuck RoosterTeeth
I have had way more fun with this game then I thought I would when I bought it near release. It essentially got me into fighting games.
I ended up buying UNIST and BBCF cause of it, they are both great games. I still end up having more fun with this game though.
The fact that the sprites look out of place with each other is part of the charm for me
At least it's not Capcom Fighting Jam. SF Alpha and 3, Darkstalkers, CvS and fucking Red Earth sprites don't really mash up well with each other.
Cross Tag Assault blenders are some grimey unga bunga shit. It’s not the worst thing in the world but it should probably cost true meter to use in neutral
>Homura probably getting in using the Nitro+ sprites
>probably means leak list with Saber Fatenite Grand Order is getting in
Very good. It's my most played version of the game. During the launch period, it was an invaluable tool for labbing setups
didn't mean to quote the first part of the post
i mean yeah there is a lot of people saying that but that doesn't make it not bad
I wish we could have gotten a fate as controversial as RWBY again
>Homura probably getting in using the Nitro+ sprites
Heart had a whole new sprite
>Homura probably getting in using the Nitro+ sprites
Heart sprite is new, doubt they'll reuse the same as Nitroplus if Homura gets in.
What will be the astral theme for Senran kagura and Blitzkampf?
I think blitzank is pretty controversial. I mentioned in a different thread that I think BT is some MUGEN meme and I don't want that for this game I really like. Akatsuki is cool and I'm glad he's in.
I love it! It runs great, and looks as good as it can be. Of course, the main question is: "How's the online?". I can't answer that for you at the current moment.
Although, I've been thinking of getting an NSO recently, now that I've been chatting with some anons on here and coming into threads. It would be great to make some Switch lobbies and show that there are actually people that play on the system. Sorry for my tangent lol. The game's good on the Switch as well. All of ArcSys' releases on it have been desu.
Hoes Mad
Hi dinner breaker
it's worse than every other game it draws characters from, even persona
Blitztank has always been a "meme" even within Akatsuki Blitzkampf fans, but never in a negative way, everyone loves it for how ridiculous it is.
I'm also curious about what this, as well as what AH, SK, and AB's same series match themes will be.
Speaking of finishing moves, does anyone know what the "proper name" is for those hailing from Arcana Heart? Like how BlazBlue uses Astral Heats, Persona uses Instant Kills, and UNiB uses Infinite Worth EXS. Based on Heart's, and assuming the rest will follow suit, Arcana Heart's finishing moves in BBTAG are basically a combination of the Maiden's Critical Heart, and her Arcana's Arcana Blaze, right?
Can't wait to see the fully automated neo deadly rave from Saki
Ougon musou kyoku as 8th fate
Give me Lucifer and I'm in.
Matches are too quick
Thats it, i love how it makes the fgc purist retards wriggle in rage at how it handles combos and how you dont actually need those retarded triple 360 star Z forward inputs to have a good fighting game
Honestly, why people still needs to express their distaste with RWBY being in the game, is already being like two years, I though people moved on, isn't like they are trying to shill it to our throat.
>B-but muh RT boogeyman
You don't have to like the show or the company to even play the characters in the game,
The global MLP ban has been in effect for 10 YEARS. If there's one thing about Yea Forums is that it cannot move on from anything.
I wonder if that ban is ever going to be lifted because MLP is dead and nobody cares anymore
Except for the porn, of course
I might be the only person on this planet who thought that the GG and BBTAG 2.0 trailers were equal in hype
>They pissed off Japan after Season 4
While the rest is true, Japan isn't pissed off with the series, they liked V6, they are more annoyed with WB Japan for not dubbing more episodes because of creative differences with RT, to some extend this also has to do with RT not releasing more subbed episodes on different platforms at the moment.
The trailer was pretty hype but Daisuke's email and some of ArcSys Twitter posts are concerning.
If they're cutting out half of the roster AGAIN fuck them i'm not buying it
I mostly laughed at Blitztank and that was my entire reaction to the trailer
One thing: No TMNT.
>Yumi was announced first
Getting the titty ninja and seeing Akatsuki featured in another game was great but Blitztank and the music was icing on the cake
tag games simply aren't for you. I bet you're the one who shaked their head on MvCI but never liked the series as a whole anyway
Who here actually knows how to make a Cross Combo?
When i'm labbing i can sort of create a cross combo but when i try to start one in an actual game my brain dies and i start mashing and then extend whatever i mashed out of it
Usually you can get away with repeating 2 moves like 3 times each. Ex.
Mitsuru + orie: thrust -> assist thrust -> thrust -> assist thrust
Honestly I don't use CC much outside of mixups since I find the more difficult combos annoying to do since you have to be constantly holding the assist button to prevent them from attacking on every button press.
I prefer other titty ninjas, I don't care for akat aside from Adler and Murakumo, but Blitztank was just so ridiculous that I had to laugh as soon as I saw his treads rolling.
Didn't make it all too exciting of a trailer honestly, I don't care for the mute either
This game might be fun, but I'll never find out because it crosses over my least favorite franchises of all time.
>Arcana Shart
>Senran Kagura
You couldn't craft a worse crossover were trying. Might as well add some fucking Homestuck characters
I can play volleyball with Orie and Hyde
Because it's funny you bitch
The original Tag reveal in 2017 was an obscene amount of hype that dwarfed pretty much everything else. When Narukami and Hyde jumped into frame, the EVO stadium roared for ninety solid seconds. The way they called in Mori in between it and the Jubei trailer was the perfect move to make the beginning of the Tag trailer even more curious before the impact.
I'm more hype for Tag 2.0 just because I prefer BB and UNIB over what GG has become (looking forward to seeing what exactly they'll do to the mechanics with the new one, hopefully it cuts out a lot of the bloat without actually removing any fundamental elements), but I think both of their reveals were near equal as well at this point.
One thing that would put Tag way above GG for me is if Hilda is among of the remaining five so I can have all of my mains in.
Since Arcana and Senran are in now, I'd like to see Clarice di Lanza and Rin, the two characters I gravitated towards for the short time I tried their games. Of course the two of them are nowhere near the mainstays nor popular characters, as far as I know, so them getting in is virtually nil.
When will my boy finally come and slap some ass?
Well for one thing the switch version is fucking region locked and dead online.
Biggest waste of £40 in my life.
>The original Tag reveal in 2017 was an obscene amount of hype
I remember the constant threads talking about how the potential for fanservice would be through the roof.
Hahaha, if only we fucking knew that we wouldn't even get a fraction of what we imagined
You should have known better, you dunce
Why the fuck would you buy a fighting game for switch and not take it with you to play locally with people? Nintendo online services are fucking garbo
This game is a fucking paid mugen. It managed to be worse than MvC2 in terms of recycling.
The intros to Lust SIN and Armed and Ready were cut out. Also, no Susanoo, yet.
>fightan on switch
I love my switch, but i have to bought a ps4 just for fightan (ang MHW)
Its literaaly the tournament platform
Never. A character who denies the ability to jump would go against the flow of how BBTAG likes it's movement.
So will Kill La Kill be in? i'd like to play as my waifu in a 2D setting as well.
But when will our Nazi party come in?
You'll get Battler and Beatrice and you will like it
Every character is super dumbed down and unfun compared to how they in their source games
Locking useful normals behind autocombos
Delay based netcode
Balanced by literal retards
Calling this game mugen is honestly an insult to mugen because at least the mugen devs put effort into their game.
It's a lazy no effort mugen asset rip with no effort made to soften the impact of the clash of the different artstyles. Absolute lowest of the low efforts, and I'll never touch this even with a 12 feet pole.
Desu personally the only franchises I dislike are Persona (Persona 5 was a mistake) and that waifushit game
Everything else is cool or I'm indifferent towards
Adler will be fourth as such because his reich will be the Fourth.
Obviously Mycale/Kanae/Perfecti will be third because we've gotten the other two genders of Male and Tank.
Jesus, Neo. That hand is suspiciously close to Hazama's Ouroboros. NOL probably has laws against that, ya know.
Is now a good time to get into the game?
Wait til November
Did Examu make the new sprite? It clearly isn't the same style of pixel art as the rest of the sprites in the game at all.
God this game would looks so much better if the sprites had an uniform look, and scaling them all to fit into one game makes most of them look horrible too.
>you're fighting a normal Blazblue battle
>some nigger transforms into a fucking TANK
What the fuck is this bullshit? What do you do?
Bruh they say he's coming from ABK but his sprites are literally his UNI sprite sheet
>>probably means leak list with Saber Fatenite Grand Order is getting in
I doubt, but I want.
If in some crazy world we got both Saber and Selvaria (using her DBFC sprite) I'd be so fucking happy.
I can't wait for Blitztank, but I know he's also going to completely retarded and either broken or worthless and probably overall have a negative impact on the game
Still looking forward to him
I just want to see Blitztank in a top 8.
So, what even IS RWBY anyways? I've heard the name and what not, but never actually bothered to look into it at all, is it worth watching at all?
I give em a paunchi.
A weeb who made the "Dead Fantasy" and "Haloid" videos in Poser made up his own bunch of anime waifus using some randomly swiped MMD model parts and threw them into a not-Final Fantasy 8 setting. It's terrible in virtually every way (especially in animation because he forced his little team given to him after he got a deal with the fags who make the Halo machinima RedVsBlue to use janky ass Poser) except for some nice character designs and a couple of neat fights he directed.
After that weeb died because of a hostile reaction to some medication, the fags at RoosterTeeth kept it going and have somehow made it all even worse, slightly better animation quality but all the fights are lame as fuck and most redesigns pale in comparison to the originals.
Imagine a western anime that's nothing but bad cg.
Bunch of kids go to a school to learn to be warriors. They get training and then shit happens. The story beats will be familiar if you've seen a lot of shonen anime, but if you enjoy that stuff it's fun. Fantasy setting with characters based on fairy tales (eg Ruby is based on Red Riding Hood).
>is it worth watching?
That honestly depends on why you're interested. I picked it up after CTB got announced and thought it was interesting as it's clearly attempting to be like shonen anime but being a web show and an experimental one for the west at that, it clearly didn't have a particularly big budget. I find animation in general interesting and Monty Oum's choreography was great so it was interesting to see what they could do with it.
Eventually I grew attached to the characters, and the animation and general visual quality of the show got significantly better over time so I just like it for its cast and visuals at this point.
It's free to watch on Youtube, just keep in mind season 1 is VERY rough visually.
You know, people like to give RWBY shit for being "bad CG", but even among actual anime you'd struggle to find a better animated 3DCG web show. For the new RWBY seasons, anyway, obviously not for the early seasons.
I just want to believe that SEGA overdoses on crack one day and asks ArcSys to put in Kiryu in TAG.
No need to even make a new moveset for him since he got a pretty good one in X ZONE
Web show, user. You posted a TV show. A great one, don't get me wrong.
Also even then, that show is special among anime for making such great use of 3D by embracing it properly and having designs that apply to it well, on top of good animation in general.
Why would you? Not only she's not from Melty Blood but she's a completely unrelated character, you're confusing things.
Did you not play her arcade mode
Lies and slander.
Don't like auto combos and rwby and the entire two button gameplay
It doesn't play like BlazBlue.
what's with the hot pink timer
>Mori in interviews saying it wouldn't be BlazBlue gameplay as it's a new IP
>Release day comes along
Sometimes I wonder why people are so retarded.
2.0 is overhauling the top half of the UI.
Sleeker and simpler without all those random fleurs de lis surrounding the portraits and timer. Clock has a dark background and popping numbers instead of the original light back and slim black numbers.
>overhauled UI
>all they did was flip the lifebars horizontally and made the timer a triangle.
It doesn't look better or more functional, just a different shade of the same shit. In fact the original looked nicer because the elements fit nicely against each other. Now you get all these edges poking each other
I just want to say the fgc is in a dire state when arcsys games are what people are mostly excited for. Literally the most low budget, half assed unbalanced games on the market.
Did you start fighting games with SF4?
Giving him too much credit; he hasn't even started.
When's Kokopuffs
Wagner and Hilda ain't in it
Ruined now with senrangarbage
No Bang, Arakune, Carl, or Kagura
Its fine
man why is the announcer so good in this game
Literally everyone is Carl in the new game
Bang would be fine but has since been forgotten
You’ll just complain about the lack of charging for Kagura
It's a better game though desu
>You’ll just complain about the lack of charging for Kagura
No I wouldn't I actually really like bbtag since I'm shit at most actual fighters
Costs a fortune to get the complete roster, which mostly consists of recycled assets, making this total bullshit.
Vatista doesn't have her crystals
But aside from that I don't understand the rhyme or reason of what moves make it in, which ones don't and what gets in as an assist.
Isnt it just the price of a normal game?
Most themes didn't get ported over. They did remixes and revamped intros because the matches go so quick.
Some bland psuedo-anime characters from a shitty psuedo-anime webtoon nobody likes over Kill La Kill and some stupid karate bitch and a titty ninja over Neptune.
>No charge inputs
How the fuck would Hilda work then?
>inb4 removing lynchpins like they removed Vatista's crystals
>implying blazblue isn't the second worst franchise involved in the game
>No auto-combo's
>How the fuck would Hilda work then?
Just like mitsuru
The sprites don't filter properly on pc like ps4 so they REALLY stand out in terms of clashing.
Just for the DLC alone? Yeah probably, haven't check though.
He sucked in his original release. Lets hope this time he doesn't.
I don't know about anyone else but I got the deluxe version of this game for 25 dollars.
No the game is like 40 and the dlc is 20 so it's not really a fortune
>Someone got Jubei into top 8 at EVO
Eh he'll be fine.
Jubei is workable compared to blitztank and his mechanics work in a tag game. Lets hope tank can do something new in this.
>adding literally everything but meltan/gg reps
Wouldn't be surprised if gets GBFV and FGO reps instead at this point
GG isnt getting in
I don't get it
But FGO doesn't have its own fighting game unless you count that arcade shit
Fate/Unlimited Codes reps are more likely though
Does senran kagura?
>character that can't talk has no voice lines
imagine my shock
I don't think so but if homura is a sign of anything in nitro+ senrans will have very good gameplay in any fighting game.
yeah when you buy the DLC's one by one you spend way more than if you buy them as a pack or together with the game in Deluxe Edition package
Has some kind of 3D one subtitled Versus or whatever.
blazblue and not guilty gear
Thats a party game. About as much of a "fighting game" as those one piece and naruto games
Not enough fan-servicey crossover stuff.
It's a $40 game with $50 of DLC.
It's currently $30 for the game and $20 for the DLC though?
Rwby, dumbed down gameplay, upback and assists, boring, """Neutral"""
Cant you just DP that?
Yoi dont play guilty gear
Prove it.
It launched as a $40 game with $20 of DLC, but nice try.
this shit looks like mugen because of differing styles and i hate it
Because no one here actually plays it they just complain about blazblue
Prove it.
Probably one of the most fun kusoges i've played. The screen can become an unreadable really mess fast though
GG's gonna have their own Cross Tag game with GG, DBZ, GBF, KLK, and maybe P5 if they go 3d for P5A
that's bullshit
playing Yuzu in this game feels like cheating
its so fucking simple
not that guy but make a lobby for xrd and we'll play
if you play guilty gear you'd make a lobby, if you don't you'll make some excuse about being an AC+R purist or something, or would just dodge entirely
So one guy not playing means literally nobody here plays it? Amazing, how will I ever recover?
everybody on Yea Forums dodges games like you did just now. it really is amazing how consistent it is, whenever someone is dared to make a lobby or show up in another they have a convenient excuse to ignore the request because they're a shitposter and not a player
>everybody on Yea Forums
Prove it :^)
It's not ArcSys vs. Capcom.
search the archives, you'll find ~5 actually un-dodged matches in the last 2 years vs ~9000 dodges.
Shinovi and Estival are musous, not fighting games.
Astral theme for the ABK characters will be the UNI rendition of Open War/War Start.
The most consistent culprits for matches never going through seem to be "oh you're on X platform, but I'm on Y" (something I got a lot from people who dodged me) or "we're on opposite sides of the planet, no thanks" more than anything else.
In fact, that second one is pretty common, as it's always a pussy from some shithole country talking shit and then dodging (or just claiming to be from there in order to have an easy excuse to dodge).
To me it's a flaw. I don't like the new mechanics.
It's not BlazBlue vs Guilty Gear and there's no fucking excuse that can justify why
You have to pay extra to unlock the other half of the roster
Are there no plans on a ultimate extra definitive edition that makes it so you have to pay only once?
That second excuse sucks, I live in Australia and have garbage internet on top of being on the other side of the world from most anons and I'd still be down for a round of fightan almost any time.
Half of the characters' movesets are locked behind autocombos, universal overhead, sweep and dp, characters play nothing like in their own game, individual character depth and variety is dumbed down to shit in favor of team synergy, neutral and pressure is entirely based on cross combo, you will never play careful footsies as orie because you have an assist that wins neutral for you and makes all your thrusts safe.
As a fanservice game it is trash but cross combos and active switches are pretty fun, it's really like you're playing two characters at once sometimes.
Fuck people who force the dub on me tho, just let me choose what voices I hear.
There already is one for the game + already released DLC, there's also something about a 'special edition' on their website but we don't know if that's going to be released outside of JAP yet.
Babytag is literally MUGEN except you can't rape your opponent mid-fight. On top of having less and less interesting characters.
I'm just waiting for a complete version. This game has too much fucking DLC. Isn't over half the roster DLC?
Missing Rise and Byakuya
I have nothing to do with this argument, but I'll play Xrd with you if you're on PS4.
I don't think it's an unreasonable excuse really, generally speaking I'm open to trying and seeing if the connection is okay, but I don't really want to play if I'm going to be playing with a double digit frame delay.
anons....more dlc is coming to bbtag
the price will increase
There's also a chance that the base game's price will lower though.
If they're going to make that game more production value and effort should go into it than went into this. Besides, Daisuke was and is working on GG itself while BBTAG was being made, he's not going to spare time to go make a crossover game when a main game is on the way, and they're not going to make GGxBB without the involvement of Daisuke and Mori.
This DLC plan of announce new characters are coming and then radio silence for half a fucking year and then show off who it is only to then say "coming soon" once again for another half a year
22 characters in the base game when it was $50 on release.
18 characters as day one DLC for an extra $20 for the whole bundle.
4 characters added later, the package including Heart. $10.
44 characters total now. Price for the Deluxe edition that has them all is just $50 now.
9 characters from 2.0. Allegedly going to be another $20.
53 characters in total then.
She slaughters. The path she has carved herself, and those who follow in it.
The potential hidden within the have-nots, she has come to witness for herself.
The threads of fate play a trick, and the actress must once more perform.
The perfect distraction from certain boredom. Until the curtains rise on her stage once more.
is she shorter than vatista, platinum or linne?
>22 characters in the base game when it was $50 on release.
the game was 39.99 and 59.99 with the entire season pass, including up to the latest character released.
>145 people ingame
>yet there's only 3 people in a lobby and can't find a ranked match
am i missing something, is everyone just idling or playing the SP content?
ASW is basically done doing that.
>9 characters from 2.0
we don't know if they'll stop at those 9 or if it'll be another season of dlc packs like dlc 1~7 were, so it may be more than 53 in total
probably labbing
with niche games you use a chat program like discord or IRC to find matches. i know it's retarded but that's how it is
>Paying money for DLC that's just reused assets
Not false.
You can check the prices of the game as it originally was, both on Steam (using steamdb) and in stores (countless news articles detailed its pricing across all platforms and major regions). Basic Edition was $49.99 on launch. The bundle for the characters was an extra $20.
The same went for stores. There was a big upset because of the price tag being $70 total when adding on all the day one character packs, which the devs had to do some damage control over.
They don't know how to spread out information through the year regarding new characters or the new fate for shit. I'll be pissed if they go silent again.
That's because Heart's is from the next Arcana Heart update coming out.
Holy shit this. I can understand wanting to save your announcements for events where there will be a good turnout of viewers, like both EVOs and ArcRevo Finals, but NO ONE will be around if they keep starving everyone for information like this.
>EVO 2018
>radio silence until EVO Japan 2019
>radio silence until mid-May for DLC Pack Vol. 7, and even more until EVO 2019
>probably going to be another three months of silence until ArcRevo Finals in November
Just... say something, let people know things are happening. They have five more characters to reveal for the 2.0 Expansion Pass, and I already know they're not going to put out anything about them until November.
They've already said we're getting new info in the upcoming Arc Nama streams
would buying deluxe include future dlcs or just current dlcs and you buy the rest as they come?
its coming out November 21st is it not? thats the date in the trailer
>4 way cross combo mixups are too commonplace
>Everyone is forced to play stylish mode
>Akihiko ToD combos
when i played i couple of days ago there were 0 people in the ranked lobby (eu). however, the game has ranking colors, so even in a casual lobby you can see the players rank.
Because Nasu would sue French Bread
I'm one of those 145 right now, just finished a set, now idling in Training and fucking around with the custom palette editor while posting here.
How do they fix her? It's a miracle she didn't win EVO.
How did I miss that. That's something to look forward to.
Yes, the 21st of November. It's not a long time to be waiting, thankfully. But my real complaint was that they never keep anyone updated on changes for the game. They just announce it and run away until next time.
>Skullgirls gets in
>it's Robo-Fortune
How would you react
good backup for blitztank
Working as intended
They left the game with no character announcements for months on end
To be fair, no one expects an Ex move into super deleting 60% health
>game has cross in the title
>game expects you to keep both characters on the screen as often as possible
>boxer with garbage range has a mechanic that’s built to do tons of damage
hell yeah, more robots!
Yang 5B isnt a big deal when you can 2A
>purchasing the Digital Deluxe Edition on PS4, Switch, or PC right now will net you: the game itself, DLC Packs Vol. 1-7, and automatically download Blake and Yang for you (even though they're free forever), adding 24 characters total to your game
>Version 2.0 Expansion Pass releases in November. This will be the only purchase necessary at that point if you wish to have a fully updated roster, as well as other bells and whistles
>it is currently unknown if they will release a new physical and/or digital deluxe bundle that contains all DLC content for the global audience
On the topic of DLC, I'm actually impressed by how much ArcSys wanted Pack 7 to be a free download.
I never got into ruby but the franchise has cute grills
am i the only one who finds combos in central fiction much easier than DBFZ/Cross tag? Autocombos always ruin the flow for these big flashy combos that i'm doing that are actually dirt fucking easy to pull off.
Even though I only keep up with it once in a while, I've always liked the character designs, weapons, and abilities. But considering I like BlazBlue as well, it isn't surprising.
No Tao
They feel the same to me.
There is truly no fundamental difference between pressing AAABB into the usual jump cancel air combo, and something like 2A 5AA 2B 5B jump combo. One just involves you wiggling your stick down a couple times.
Honestly, the "Smart Combos" are a big positive for me because of the nature of the game's input buffering - they absolutely demand you do not mash lest you just end up finishing the Smart which hard-ends your combo opportunities.
Even in link-based fighters like SF where mashing may still allow you to hit that link, BB's buffering style means mashers get fucked.
What series were you introduced to because of BBTAG? I ended up purchasing Arcana Heart 3: LMSS and Chaos Code: NAoC, although the latter wasn't actually confirmed for the aforementioned crossover. Also does anyone know the name of Petra's theme from AH? I absolutely cannot find it.
Not a single one, I already knew/played them before they were in this game
I hope people stick with Central Fiction. Tag is the worst modern fighting game I've played
I hadn't really heard of Undernight before BBTAG and I only saw glimpses of RWBY and Akatsuki
Speaking of Chaos Code, I hope characters like Bravo, Kagari, Catherine and Cait-sith get invited. The true shinobi should join, unlike Yumi.
The quality of the sprite art for each franchise is so WILDLY different, it really bothers me. The UNIST characters look amazing, the RWBY characters look like deviantart OC; flat and boring
The Persona 4 faggot. Literally any Persona protagonist is better than that literal cuck.
CC's artstyle is a mix between ban and the guy who draws Taimanin Asagi
i only knew of under night because of its shitty name, i ended up buying it though because i really liked waldstein, orie, merkava and vatista in BBTag.
I remember that feeling, it was a good one. Felt great knowing what all four franchises were unlike a lot of other people... then Arcana Heart was added, then Senran Kagura, and then Akatsuki Blitzkampf.
They'd all be great, Bravo especially. I can't play him, but he's such a colourful character. Cait and Sith are cute too.
Oh wow, you and I have really similar tastes in Under Night characters!
Normalize Mitsuru, Yuzu, and Akihiko a bit. They're already adding new moves in the 2.0 patch.
I love this stupid game and it's by far the best tag fighter this gen.
They are?
Carmine used his 214[X] from UNIST in the trailer.
no nep-nep
Is she... dare I say it... based?
>priotizing ship faggotry
Always the main cause of death in a show.
How is a titty ninja better?
That's a plus
>Mai in BBCF is introduced coming from Variable Heart; cheerful, confident, and at one with herself
>Mai in BBTAG is back to the "Uwah how do I fix this!?" thing she did at the beginning of Remix Heart
>Es in BBCF and BBTAG lost all of her development from throughout XBlaze
Someone that's a little more acquainted with the side material of BlazBlue, could you please explain this? Why did Mori just drop everything the two girls had been through?
It's a tag ganet
Nobody cares since there's no story or meaningful interaction to warrant development
I can't but then again I started playing when Naoto came out. Apparently the game was unplayable before the patch in May.
It was a terrible time. PC port happened and the guy who did it went on vacation soon after.
because he's too lazy to make new sprites and voicelines that reflect the character development.
>No Es and Nine interactions/xblaze reference
This is the biggest crime.
I knew of and played at least one game from each series that has been added so far
Started BB with Chrono, played a lot of Centralfiction. Wish Kokonoe were added.
Played P4A vanilla, never went on to Ultimax.
Played UNIST a bunch. Wish they would add Hilda.
Heard of Blitzkampf through UNIB.
Really liked Arcana Heart for the short time I played it many years ago. Heart ended up as one of my mains in Tag.
Senran tits are spammed on Yea Forums every day so who couldn't miss that.
Know about RWBY through a friend who is a waifufag for Yang. The two characters I liked the look of are apparently dead/gone.
dumb babu
Thank god for the additional intros coming in 2.0
>ArcSys plot and story telling
ArcSys stories in general are alright, this was pretty shitty, though
Nice gets
Tag's story was horrendous
>two characters I liked the look of are apparently Dead/Gone
which ones?
I mean, what did you expect out of the story?
Has any crossover game ever had a good story? The entire point is "what if these guys meet" which isn't exactly good writing, just a bit of fun.
An actual crossover plot would have been serviceable.
But if you were going to be a meta and self-aware about it, then it's a lot harder to be funny unless you really prod at the inconsistencies of the world and had a decent villain. But you just had floating machine with corresponding color and fighting because lmao you have to dude
Smash Bros Brawl and Ultimate have pretty kino stories but that's mainly because they're super minimalist and don't actually try to make sense of why these characters are here, they just take it for granted.
Pyrrha (friend also waifufagged her) and the blonde teacher Goodwitch who was in the first few episodes.
Blitztank and Neo are both mute right?
Blitztank/Neo intro when?
Byakuya isn't in it.
But Si- Eltnum has the Type-Moon seal of approval!
>Find a flaw.
I can't, the fact that this game flooded with nipshit garbage and yet it's the two or three Western characters who dominate and make weebs seethe eternally makes it one of the greatest fighting games ever. Western Chads just can't stop winning.
No Wagner
Lies and Slander. They never directly reference a certain Mushroom in Eltnum's arcade mode which would definitively prove your statement and since you cannot reference this made-up event that didn't happen in her arcade mode we cannot accept your statement as fact.
Nothing personal, kid. That's just how these things work.
I was expecting a lot more interactions. A less quirky villain would've been nice as well. A "race to the finish and whoever gets there fights the final boss" would have been nicer than "fill up and protect this fight crystal assigned to your universe and take other's". It would have been way more flexible and you would have gotten a lot more crossover interactions and team-ups that make sense.
Also there was no HMPK or TMML segments which would have been fucking kino with all these series
i'd rather blitztank with another tank like tager
I'm sure that'll be a thing but an intro made entirely out of interactions without words would be interesting.
I never got why Eltnum is so popular. Like all the characters in UNIST and people play this guest character instead.
Melty Blood fags
4th wall break fags
"everyone in this game looks too anime so i'll play the guest characters to pretend i don't like the game" fags
I mean, I know it's nitpicking, and it really doesn't affect my overall enjoyment of either game. But considering how much side material is written and developed for the sake of expanding BB's lore and universe(s), you would think they would handle things with just a bit more care.
>no Es/Konoe interaction
>no Team Remix Heart quad interaction
2.0 Expansion better fix that shit.
At least regarding interactions, seems it is something they want to fix with the new story scenerio, mostly since they are adding the gag reels which everyone wanted, I think the issue with the base game was clearly releasing the game with the roster for each series being so incomplete that I cripple any potential for interactions they had, like the investigation crew being incomplete or RWBY's team being off-screen for like the whole game.
Also I think they should just drop the whole episode system they had for each series and just do everything straightlined with diffrente branches or endings, it was pretty strange to have stuff like Blake and Makoto's interactions in Hyde story mode out of all people.
>everyone (understandably) bitches about how dlc was handled
>its now looking to be expansion-based
>port issues have mostly been addressed
>more series covered
2.0 is looking pretty good right now boys.
Yeah, the episode system is kinda murder on the whole idea of a bunch of characters from different series interacting with each other, but something like the older BB games with branches isn't going to happen, unfortunately
If arcsys does things right I think there is a decent chace for the game to cover at least up to 3.0, the interest in the game revived and there is much more people playing it again or getting the game after so long.
There is also the arcade release which is sparking more interest in the japanese side fo things, just hope for the physical release that covers up all of the content until now.
How is Rachel in crosstag? I hear most of the blazblue characters are kinda not great but is it possible to build a team around her? Does the wind do much or anything interesting?
>but everyone was fleshed out with thier full movesets.
Oh gee i sure would love Nine's CF blockstrings plus assists!
She eats anyone who doesn't care for neutral alive. Wind can still push people back or make them float a bit to combo off of the downside is that its tied to combos and moves rather than being its own button.
This game would be fucking impossible to balance with everyone's full movesets
I just hope for more stages of each series to be added into the game, i understand some of then need to be made from the ground up but it's weird how RWBY, AH3 or AB are going to have just like one stage each.
the game is already unbalanced as fuck might as well go all the way
Let's talk about something productive.
What new interactions are you looking forward to? Aside from the obvious god tier interactions that Blitztank will get.
What leak list?
None of the new characters are interesting additions in the interaction department so nothing
Heart/Azreal or Akihiko
Yumi with the other ice characters
Teddie will most likely be hitting on female characters but I expect something with Merkava
Neo having mute shenanigans with other characters
Everyone reacting to Blitztank, also interaction with other machine characters of course.
Heart and Ragna having a reference to their date
>HnK posting
Ah, a gentleman of taste i see
>Japanese Steven Universe
lmao weeblets
Speaking of new interactions, what are the odds for the old characters to get more than a few ones?
Considering we are getting a new story mode, and they are scheduling the VAs for record new stuff, it's perfect opportunity to cover any of the stuff the most likely missed.
Not likely
rwby, shit is garbage and brought the worst fanbase.
>I'm just pretending to be retarded
Heart and Ruby.
Imagine the pure genki.
My friends got me cave in recently and buy it to play with them. I've been playing for a month or so I don't feel like I've improved much outside of fundamentals.
Anyone mind giving tips to a guy who's just starting out with 2D fighters? I've been using Merkava and Jubei.
What do you feel you're having trouble with exactly? What do you keep losing to? What systems are not using?
>ctrl+f rwby
>30 matches
The wapanese seethe is real
>just finished Volume 4
Does Cinder ever become a glorious dom goddess again? I like this arc of her wanting revenge on Ruby despite her weakened state, but I miss that dark haired, heel clacking sexy confidence of hers.
No, she's the bitch of the bad guy group and gets constantly mocked
I hope we get the tournament arena from RWBY with changing biomes in the background
Speaking of Chaos Code, when will the sequel finally release?
My biggest hurdle to overcome is my weakness high pressure rushdown. I can usually fair well when I have the free range to do whatever want, but I end up crumpling once the gap is closed. It feels like blocking is a death sentence because they'll eventually catch you slipping up, but it really hard to consider another option when there's noticeable no gap between their attacks for a safe counter attack. I do know about the mechanic where you can push your opponent away at the cost of some meter, but I don't want to use meter whenever I get cornered.
More or less, she goes to her old self quite fast in V5, she will cause more trouble but also suffer a heavy loss, they are shapping her up to not follow orders anymore and do shit on her own.
no cross play.
Dang. I mean she technically deserves it but man, I just like seeing bitches be bitches so it's a shame. I always love a good, smug, dark haired, high heel wearing villainess.
Oh okay, that sounds fun.
She tries to be smug but keeps getting her ass handed to her by her colleagues and enemies
Why the fuck did they add RWBY characters?
All of them are wasted slots, and they should have added more Guilty Gear/Persona/BlazBlue characters instead.
There's a thing called chicken blocking which works in this and others games that have aerial blocking. If you block by holding up+back, whenever there's a gap your character will jump and block overheads and make lows whiff. This doesn't work if the gap is too small, but it's still worth doing now and then. Don't be afraid to pushblock, your meter is worth nothing if you can't go on offense anyways. Pushblock to make your opponent whiff and then punish them to send the message that they'll get fucked for completely commiting to pressure against you. If they get the message, you won't have to pushblock as much after.
You are going to both enjoy and suffer for her in V5 and V6, she is going throw some changes of her characters, does a lot of her usual stuff thought, and the fact she isn't with the rest of Salem's crew, for better or for worse, but her smugness also get on the way of her plans a lot too.
Because they like RWBY, they even said they wanted to make a game in the IP long before Cross Tag was in development.
Also, RWBY fits right in with the other IPs. Persona, Uni and BlazBlue are all super chuuni battle fantasy stuff driven by appealing character design and personality, just like RWBY.
Tag Battle.
Because, as much you don't like it, a lot of people jumped on this game for the RWBY characters and have been asking for then even after the main four got added in the game, is not like they are adding many of then at once.
That sounds good honestly. I don't expect her to just magically become the main villain again with no one to rival her. As long as she gets some of that confidence and fire back, it's good. So this sounds good. Maybe even anger fueled will make it sexier.
Should I get this game or Omega Labyrinth Life?
If they can add Pyrrha then I'd be perfectly content with the RWBY cast. As garbage as her character is, her kit would be so good her and I'm sure ASW would go crazy with it.
I'd be fine with Jaune only if he has Ren/Nora as strikers.
aren't they making it big with the new series mecha series? They got the GoT actors to voice act.
If you're stuck with a switch, omega labyrinth
Pyrrha has been one of the most requested characters in the game, so it would be surprise to not see her coming, the problem is how they would handle the rest of JNPR though, that said I think they are putting priority on getting some villains for the RWBY side at the moment, Neo was an easy addition as a mute but also huge fan favorite, a lot of people also have been waiting for Cinder too
>appealing [...] personality
Sure but she's a pawn.
In fact, a pawn's pawn
appealing to Mori, the main director guy for this game and blazblue series
Role on the show aside, doesn't change the fact she is probably one of the biggest fan favorites, even to people outside the fanbase they talk about her.
this is a fighting game and it's fast.
omega labyrinth is a singleplayer dungeon crawler and grind game, and it's slow
Does it still have three different buttons with auto combos and butchered under night in birth characters? Because if yes then it's still a hard pass for me.
The franchise popularity rides on its casts designs and likability. Funny meme greentext or not, people enjoy it.
I don't understand the appeal but still. Her role in the game's plot won't change since she'll just be attached to someone else's will
>game's plot
to be fair, is not like anyone cares that much about the story of the game, they just want to play as her and have cute mute shenanigans.
The whole game
Oh god, i love BlazBlue (Under Night and P4 Arena too), but oh god, how awful is this Cross Tag, i fucking hate it.
Thanks for the advice, I'll keep it in mind next time I play with my friends.
Also, is there an option to change difficulties on the AI outside of training mode? Default AI is far too easy to practice on and I want to try to practice stuff from training mode in the context of a real match.
There are AI difficulty settings in the options menu.
Kanae when?
so i've been hearing apparently the sprites of Yumi come from the mobile Senran Kagura games, but apparently heavily edited or reworked to work in this game, has anyone looked if that is the case?
It wouldn't surprise me if they used also the 3ds Senran games as reference considering they were more or less 2.5d
It got a switch port giving that shit console yet another game to fucking taint.
More like abandon after two weeks
The only Senran Kagura game I know that uses sprites is the korean mobile game, and I doubt it was ripped from there. If we go with the same logic then Heart's sprite might as well be a "heavily edited" version of an old one.
considering this Then the best explanation is not only "heavily edited" but literall remade from the ground up using the original ones as reference, the Heart sprite while new also has a similar style and outline to the ones she had to AH3 so yeah kind of the same thing, Bliztank too.
The virgin waifus vs the BLITZCHADS
>the waifufaggots vs. the scrub dodgers who mash when caught
Agreed Dinner breaker, fuck Mori and fuck waifus
hoes mad Tank and edgelords based
>still have a chance to get my glorious Nu/Hilda dream team
Please ASW. I need this.
>in a robotic voice
This better not be Squidshark
I know this was from 16h ago but it definitely isn't region locked, there's a button you can press before the lobby selection menu to change region. I forgot what it was though, you'll have to check for the prompts at the bottom in case it's there
I'm hoping for more as well. I'm not sure RWBY would get anymore, since I'm assuming they need to be designed from the ground-up. Same with Senran Kagura? But there should definitely be more from all applicable series.
There's a sequel in development? That's good to know!
Is this game worth getting on PC? Is it totally dead? Is PS4 even alive?
Literally called The Next Chaos Code.
They parry. All of them do.
It's not Guilty Gear.
But that's the best part
Meltychads our time is coming.
Heh, I like it. Whenever it comes about, I'll be looking forward to it.
Kurogane/Naoto S
Blitztank/Labrys, Aigis, Nu, Vatista, etc.
give my boy some new intros as well.
Let them bring Kouma, then we'll talk.
Looking forward to how they do Asuka desu.
>Heart/Ragna referencing their date
>Heart/Yu going on about the Power of Love and Friendship
>Heart/Hyde would probably be something sweet
>Heart/Ruby being extremely cute together
>Heart/Es, with the former possibly trying to help the latter recall her memories and feelings
>Es/Konoe for the XBlaze
>Team Remix Heart quad interaction (Noel/Tsubaki/Makoto/Mai)
>an interaction where Merkava doesn't get bullied
>Yumi with other ice characters
>android and cyborg characters actually having a conversation with Blitztank
>Implying his interaction with Akihiko isn't the best in the game.
That alone is enough.
is it just me or is her artwork drawn in a different style than the rest of the RWBY characters? She looks like she's been drawn more closely to the show's artstyle rather than just borrowing Blazblue's.
It’s mostly the bust size being consistent with the show
Her sprite or her art? If you mean the art, I think it's just that they really wanted to nail that side smirk she always does.
The face looks way different though, I wish she was drawn more closely to how they did the other RWBY characters. Ruby and especially Yang look a lot better in Tag than they ever did in the show.
Yes I mean the art, I'm really not a fan of the faces in the show so I was a bit disappointed they made her art to look more like it.
With Neo especially, expression is everything though. Her character is entirely conveyed through movement, design and expression since she's mute. So getting her expressions accurate to the show is important.
Unist is terrible.
>Find a flaw
The only good RWBY characters (that isn't Weiss) isn't there
Nobody likes Bayonetta with Chernobog
Nobody likes Yellow Tifa
and Ironically, nobody definitely likes Black Catgrill with boyfriend issues so bad, they decided to ship her with Yellow Tiffa
I don't think anything stops them from making her face expressive while still in line with the way the other RWBY characters were drawn so far, she just sorta clashes now and RWBY's characters in the show have looked terrible for the most part anyway.
Now that I take another look at her in Tag it's almost like they literally traced her art over her own model to make it look as close as possible to how she looks in the show.
What the hell changed between these two?
The second one looks like it was made by someone who actually spent more than two seconds studying animation.
Wasn't the RWBY cast done by an ex French Bread artist? Neo is probably made by someone else which is why it looks different
The series got more funding and staff and the staff got better as it went on. Every Volume has a pretty clear visual upgrade on the last as the franchise gained more and more popularity
The first webm is from Volume 2 which is basically still when they were using the early assets but could actually start spending more time/money on more fight sequences. The second is from Volume 5 or 6 (6 being what the series is at so far), by which point they'd switched to newer models, the animation was a lot less awkward, all locations were fully 3D modelled, and the animators were just better from them being more experienced and there being more of them.
they should have just let the same person take care of the artwork for them, at least for the sake of consistency.
Oh and they changed the entire program they were animating in as well IIRC.
Why is this happy face physically unsettling to look at
predator eyes
I have a feeling they are going to give her awakened mode as an install, it's pretty easy to do with the whole green aura visual effects and more serious voice lines.
post your lewdest noels before thread is kill
It's the look of "all my buttons are better than yours"
>stolen Miku Miku Dance assets
Whaddaya know, it's almost like your whole weeb series got wanked all over by O U M
Where's my Rise, Elizabeth, Arakune and Taokaka at?
grapplers bad
Well regarding P4 characters, they are running out of vanilla P4A characters to add with only Elizabeth still missing, and they need to complete the investigation group, so after her Rise is pretty much guaranteed.
>he doesn't know (about Ultimax)
Shitty fauxime characters from a shitty fauxime webtoon nobody likes shoved in.
Fuck I'd rather have Rick and Morty in CTB instead seeing they debut in a webtoon.
Literally seething
Tao never
I don't play BBTag but the EVO announcement drove me to go download Akatsuki Blitzkampf since it's freeware. Really enjoying myself; the game wears its Third Strike influence on its sleeve but manages to feel like its own game by combining it with that distinct early-mid 00s doujin fighter feel and distinct character design/setting. Despite having a small roster there's 4 characters I enjoy playing as, and Kanae in particular feels great once I got her gameplan down; 6C loops off of her neutral jump C are a ton of fun.
I tried watching some of RWBY. Holy fucking shit it's like if the guys behind My Life Me made a shounen.
The early parts where they are trying to be an xD anime wannabe is actually its best part.
I tried to watch the first season/volume/whatever with a friend over drinks and we stopped after 45 minutes; there was one good group fight scene with Ruby's theme playing and that was it. I've heard that the character animation improves while the fight scenes suffered around the time Monty died, which in itself is part of why I don't want to watch further. I'll stick to occasionally listening to the music.
Eyes should not be located at the bottom 1/3 of her face. Fucking alien lookin ass
I've once won a set literally only spamming buzzsaw.
It's a real shame with SK being in now. Tao would be in hooter heaven
True. I stopped watching after volume 4 but I still like rewatching the first three seasons occasionally for the goofy humor and character interaction
>I've heard that the character animation improves while the fight scenes suffered around the time Monty died
This mostly applies to some parts of season 4 and 5, there are still some good fights in those seasons though, the problem is that didn't had more than just a few group of animators, so they made up with less "good enough" fights, they improved a lot in 6 and the leaked footage of 7.
It's a tag fighting game, it's a 2 button fighter, and all the characters I want are DLC.
All this in game cash and nothing to spend it on
no bonus artwork from other artist, no buyable music
characters that fit each other don't even have lines together (hopefully they fix this in the 2.0 patch)
Yumi was announced before Asuka
No Pakuman avatar even tho its data is right the game
prs undastandu
we need evo position
prs ignore rushu
There's literally nothing wrong with Tag fighters. They're among the most enjoyable in the genre, and team-building metas are often fascinating layers to a game's competitive scene. The #1 problem with DBFZ is that it has a way more rigid team structure meta than Marvel 3 did.
And took 3 years to actually make good fight scenes
Whoa hey user, let me correct that for you
Jubei is shit in it
He got 4th at EVO.
This. People complain how he’s also low tier when he’s one of the better tag partners thanks to his weird attacks
This, I'll take garbage janky xd bullshit with some soul over something trying so hard to be taken seriously and failing
Found the meleefag
*Used to enjoy it
Is this game worth the 15 bucks?
I enjoyed the demo when it was available
That'd be pretty neat. An install gimmick could definitely help Asuka stick out in BBTAG.
Then yes. If you can get it on sale, then do. If you want to get the all in one, wait for a sale unless you really fall in love with the game.
When will Adler get in?
Dead game.
buy it on pc
use cheats to unlock dlc
>Dead game
>Has a 24 hour thread
only because this games threads give rwbyniggers an excuse to discuss their show on Yea Forums
Took hella long to get any decent conversation.
Most of it is RWBY to begin with
Tried searching the soundtracks for you but it looks like AH doesn't do character themes. They do stage themes, conversation event themes(?) and stuff. They also do some location themes but I'm guessing those are just stage themes. Best chance is to just find what stage or whatever you're hearing the theme and looking for it.
In case you can't read moon just search this アルカナハート サウンドコレクション and it'll give you the OSTs for each game in a list. gl
Hopefully, I mean, I really like Asuka a lot despite being the average one, but she is going to have a really hard time to stand out compared to the other Senran girls with their gimmicks and more appealing awakenings and supers, at least she has the whole main character factor going for her, another thing isalso the fact most likely all of then are going to share mechanics like the aerial raves and what not, so they will resort on their unique abilities instead.
>Only Senran is YUMI
theres 3?of them
I had played BB, P4A/U, and UNIEL before, and I had played Arcana Heart III as well. I tried to watch Volume 1 of RWBY after the game was announced but just couldn't get into it. Never played Senran and likely never will. I'd heard of Akatsuki Blitzkampf and had watched gameplay but I only recently decided to download it because of the BBTag announcement.
Granted I don't own BBTag and only played the demo. This year's EVO Top 8 is the only significant amount of tournament footage I've seen.
Senran Kagura was literally added while ago recently and we don't even know the rest of the 2.0 expansion characters.
Also the lack of GG in the game has been explained tons of times already.
We did see Yumi use Aerial Rave in the trailer so there's that. I'm not a big fan of Senran Estival Versus was a dumb fun musou with charming characters but that's really my experience with the franchise but you could do worse then Asuka and Yumi for a crossover game. I would've liked Katsuragi or Haruka but I imagine Homura would get priority if a 3.0 update had a new Senran rep.
It's obvious we are going to get more senran girls, at least the main four leaders are guranteed, the problem is which other girls would come along the ride, I know there is the whole new assets need to be made from the ground up, but it would be just too late to series join when some of the girls were already leaked for a long while.
Why is Shiki so hot. Also based.
>4 main leaders
I doubt this
Why? Homura and Miyabi already were in the datamining.
honestly, why would Senran with just two out of four main characters, that would be pretty much a waste, considering all the time it took then to confirm just Yumi and Asuka wouldn't surprise me if they were done with then already.
So where a bunch of other characters
Yeah, like Blitztank, and nobody seriously thought it would actually happen either, yet here we are.
You're giving Arcsys too much credit
That's almost like saying Weiss and Minori would show up to rep AH's Love Max and Six Star versions