Project Brutality or Brutal Doom?
>Brutal Doom
Project Brutality or Brutal Doom?
>Brutal Doom
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Vanilla Doom with smooth weapons and ketchup mod.
everything else is just cringy and shit.
Doom 2
that's a pretty good game
you can run both at the same time
>hurr i want ultraviolence
Russian Overkill, stop pussyfooting you faggot
I don't even hate the concept of brutal doom, but its objectively worse and generally thieving.
Project Brutality with 64 maps.
Smooth Doom for classic doom made new
or Hideous Destructor for over the top shit.
Vanilla doom is boring as shit.
Dead Marine is also really, really satisfying.
And completely vanilla friendly.
Man Plutonia 2 is kicking my ass
why are you playing on easy?
Vanilla Doom on VR >>>>>>>>> Project Cringeality.
>a simple question is being asked
>hurr vanilla Doom
I fucking hate you you Doomfags are the worst
>Dead Marine
it looks pretty fun, it has some good gore effects and it looks like it doesn't have those fucking stupid fatalities and cringe as fuck taunts.
cry more, bitch boy.
also get some better taste.
About to start my yearly Plutonia Ultra Violence run. Wish me luck.
good luck bro
>Dude, DOOM is so moddable, its amazing!
>NO you cannot play those mods!
>Community built around modding hates a modder that takes assets from other mods and has a sub community that demands that every other mod should be compatible with the spaghetti coded mess hates said modder and mod.
No fucking shit.
good luck
>implying anybody but the mentally handicapped want to play those shitty "epik" wads
>purposefully trying to convince yourself that you're not having fun
PB is literally just more BD than BD. There is no choice if you're going for a Brutal Doom experience.
What is the purpose of Brutal Doom then?
you don't really need convincing to not find something like BD fun to be honest
Enjoy not having any topic to talk to at your next night out. Oh wait...
On one hanfd project brutality adds some AMAZING weapons and enemy types however brutal doom is a more tightly crafted experience. They both excel at what they set out to do to be honest
>dissing on GMOTA
reconsider existence
you go out at night to talk to topics about doom mods? user you're weird
For Seargent Mark Faggot to jerk himself off over.
Haven't tried either. Guncaster is usually my go-to mod if I want to play DOOM with a little excess.
there is no wrong way to play Doom and you should play whatever the fuck you want
unless you play with texture filtering
you should be shot if you do that
That was the most masturbatory bullshit ive ever read. Please considerthe beverage in the image
>Okay, let's take a breeather real quick, because that was a lot of words. Wow. My hands are probably going to be sore in the morning.
>Okay. Ready? We're going back in.
I am so glad I stopped going to forums
Yeah even if some parts of his post are dead on, the way it is written is the most self fellating way you could write something like that. If it was just a list of things done wrong with the mod and what the mod has done to the community, for better or worse, it could be a good post.
As is it is the OP jerking himself off for being "the light to make Mark see the errors of his ways".
Project Brutality is good. Has cool new toys and monster variants while giving you some different options in how it's played. Haven't played Brutal Doom. Guncaster/Russian Overkill, Hideous Destructor, and Babel are all worth checking out as well.
Brutal Doom would be good if the mod dev would get off his ass and stop streaming Fallout 76 and Star Citizen.
yes he unironically streams both those games.
>he didn't respond to this post
problem is that either turn the game into a weird game of headclicker and cover cowering pace, because not only is the Y axis of your aim not automated, but most of the levels are rife with zombie niggers with super accurate guns that eat down your health instantly. So instead of partaking in what the game was designed to be: going fast while strafing into demon ass, it is now a "pop goes the weasel" in which you're weasel.
The sprite work is absolutely immaculate though, I sincerely wish someone takes away the gay ass gameplay changes and keeps the amazing dismemberment and whatnot they made.
shut up furfag
tranny faggot
Project Brutality
Just play Eviternity without any gameplay mods.
The last part is absolutely true and is the worst thing about the whole situation BD created. It introduced a ton of players to the Doom modding scene who play BD exclusively and then complain when level sets are impossible because they don't take BD's absolutely broken balance into account, or they complain that they're not compatible with BD.
BD is fun in its own right but it was a blight on the community.