Now that the dust has settled, why are the new jobs so shitty?
Now that the dust has settled, why are the new jobs so shitty?
I really like dancer
The only thing wrong with GNB is the sound effects are fucking weak. That aside it's my favourite tank.
recolorization of the same button mashing
>It's another lames and badders fighting each other while we cap an S rank for free and win the game.
Ah cozy.
A login campaign already? I'm not too fussed about slogging through Savage pugs, so all I'd really do is level hand/land some more.
My only level 80 class is SMN, what do I level next?
Did they fix NIN yet?
Does anybody else have an issue on DRG where a random target gets selected before a jump skill sometimes?
It’s like the only one that can actually do both roles as the developers intended.
Can I EB Alisaie yet?
They're both great though
Unless you can pay more commissions than that Au Ra faggot.
>tfw you stun the Rubricatus on Castrum Meridianum perfectly so that it can't do invuln
Feels good
There's nothing wrong with gnb.
The main issue is that it attracted people who have never played tank before and then play like apes who just discovered eating utensils.
>Paying for deviantart tier illustrations
We've got a better chance of putting every user ITT through a month of LOOMIS and getting at least one decent drawfag
the entire game is shitty, user. the developers actively hate you and designed their game to be as painful and excruciating to play as possible. of course, fffags will defend it all day long because they can't possibly bear to admit their favorite videogame series is a pale shadow of its former self.
Play NIN
I want to give that cat a litter
Bitch I hate most FF games and enjoy XIV.
Whats the fastest way to get a new class from 1 to 80?
Im just saying how it is.
That dude payed way too much money.
How hard would it to find people to run unsynced Coil? I have no plans to do so at the moment but I'd like to experience it once.
but the people who rag on XV the most are people who play FF
I just played a game around the time you posted this and it was Mael and adders fighting each other while flames won.
In adders defense, they were really fucking fed. They could've won against us if they just went for the nodes.
What mods are these
Playing the game.
Good luck, fucker.
Dungeons if you're a healer or tank. There's a guide out there where a dude lists exactly how many dungeons you would have to do each day in order to get to 70 in 5 days, and then there's probably a similar stratagem to get to 80
i've tried it so many times and always walked away from it to go to other MMOs. the 3second gcd makes even the most complex class boring, and healers are a slog to level thanks to having the simplest and weakest dps rotation.
Gunbreaker is based
Same thing happened with DRK. The issue is some will probably remain like they did on DRK.
I want to be her litter.
bullshit, your not gonna "that kid" me.
>get person with titania weapon in group
>plays below average
Why is this so common? Are people getting these clears on pure half assedry?
You think they'll ever address how much worse it is to level as a DPS? I want to try out BRD, but those queue times are atrocious.
i just unlocked dancer and equipped the gear it gave me, then went to stormblood to do a level 60 quest and pulling just one monster at a time either gets me down to
Yeah, they'll add three more DPS next expac. Enjoy.
maybe if they made healers more fun to level you would have more than sixteen healers on any server at a given time
I'm more appalled by his OC's fanfic and selfie album desu
If you stun it and around 82%, it can't use the shield
Get shire gear dumbo
what's a shire
You can't say that and not posting it.
All tanks can MT or OT viably, what?
The Rowena gear.
Consider a brown bag to vomit into
Should I take the elezen pill or the lala pill? Im male midlander
Who was in the wrong here?
thanks m80's
I made a learning group for a friend (with 3 other friends who have cleared) that we ended up making into a clear despite the 3 retards. It's easy as fuck now if people at least stand in puddles because DPS is just so much higher.
Both tanks should always be in tank stance in case the healers fall asleep or the current MT fucks up.
It’s the only one that actually has both good gcds for MT’ing and good dps and helpful utility for OT. Alternatively, PLD is still skewed toward OT and WAR is still skewed toward MT. DRK is also better as a MT.
Shirk is useful because you don't have to worry about being at the end of a combo line to maintain aggro for a few seconds after a swap. Its less useful, but still useful.
To add to this, a PLD can stunlock it pretty well. WHM is a good alternative.
roulette and dungeon spam. Unless you're a dps. Then it's potd/hoh spam. Or you could just buy a boost.
Every FF game after 7 was a slow crash and burn downhill, it isn't even my favorite JRPG series when it was good, but doesn't change the fact I like XIV.
He could just have gotten carried and have the weapon drop for him. Loot in this game generally goes to shitters first.
is there an easy way to get tomestones?
>I believe Xeno is completely wrong here
>lists all the reasons he's "right"
Like, Shirk obvioiusly still has places like these anons say, but what is his point here?
Aetherochemical Research Facility
Do you not already have 2000/2000 from the MSQ?
MSQ roulette gives 500 a run and 600 if there's a newbie
just shirk after the OT provokes so you can go back to mindlessly dpsing ezpz
anyone have bikini ryne/minfilia
Tank stance is ridiculously OP and provoke gives plenty of aggro as it is. Shirk is unneeded and will likely get pruned. Someone in Tank stance will never lose aggro so all you have to to is drop the stance and that would be enough for a tankswap.
>it's a shitters can't adapt to the new expansion episode.
Newsflash faggots. Shirk is was only ever good in SB and even back then it was unnecessary and only used by tryhards.
I've had times where
>Other tank provokes
>I drop tank stance on the same GCD
>I steal back aggro because I used a combo finisher while they were using a starter
Calm down, Ranier. Just do the tank swap, bro
Because the game is being dumbed down, all the classes are being made easier, homogenized or both.
It's what happened with WoW, and will happen to all successful MMO's over time because balance is a constant thing and developers wish to make it easier by removing key elements that allow for that class a "mandatory" raid spot due to utility and class fantasy.
The only reason to play XIV is to enjoy the story content and then quit. It will only get worse. Look forward to it.
It could also have something to do with them having more jobs than people who work on said jobs
The levelling in this game is atrocious, period. Unless you have a 4 man group constantly running shit, DPS queue's are dog shite. Playing healers and tanks is mind numbing. The only way to level up is through dungeons/deep dungeons.
It gets so boring and stale, so fast, I want to vomit.
DNC is a ton of fun even if it's not the strongest job. I don't even do any of the savage raids anyways so job balance means less than nothing to me anyways.
and they'll never do anything about it because of jump potions.
>if you do more dps, you should OT
What the fuck is this nonsense? So PLD was MT in HW, WAR was OT in Stormblood? Your DPS output has nothing to do with if you should MT or OT. Previously, you would MT or OT based on which tank lost the least amount of DPS from pulling. Now, it doesn't matter. Any tank can pull or OT.
The only tank I personally dislike MTing on is GNB because its annoying to move bosses while trying to do continuation. WAR feels good as MT because of Equilibrium and the others are good at other niche things but all tanks can MT or OT just fine.
Shirk now only has situational usage. So far, I have only found use for it in e3s, shirking the OT so that they get one of the beams if I'm unable to handle both for rip current and they didnt realise and so havent provoked. Other than that, I literally never use it.
For sure, that's another aspect of it. But it's not like they'll hire more more people to work on weak parts of the game, if anything, they want to cut costs and pour resources into other projects.
They keep making piss easy classes
I didn't quit dancer because of the damage, the draw to it was that you're buffing up other people. A DPS class so easy that it has no rotation? Did they not learn that RNG proc classes aren't fun with MCH being such a shit show? I don't want every class to be summoner levels of thinking, but these wow-tier easy classes are pissing me off. I quit RDM for the same reason.
Then why are NIN and SMN somehow even more autistic to play than before
I legitimately miss FATE trains from ARR and every expansion launch. After the first month, they're always dead though and it's obnoxious.
>join static
>e1s on day one
>WHM is still in i430
>"whatever I'm sure we'll be fine since SCH healing is so OP"
>notice something is off
>SCH is always bottomed out of MP, no stacks
>tanks sometimes die to the bleed in phase 1
>realize no one has Medica 2 or Regen, ever
>ranged/healers sometimes die to DS>FM during the phase change
>we're barely killing adds before enrage because of these preventable deaths
>decide to turn ACT on
>WHM is doing 2k dps and 5k hps
>focus target them during a few pulls
>they're literally standing still doing nothing half the time
>no Dia, Regen Medica 2, or even oGCDs
>ask what the deal is
>"I'm nervous"
>"Do something. Anything. Spam Cure 2. It's better than standing still."
>next few pulls
>they're spamming Medica 1 (one)
How does this happen? How do these people make it this far into the game with zero inkling of how their jobs function at their most basic levels? I'd even settle for a Healers Only Heal healer than one that's "too nervous" to press a button.
Not him but, PLD loses a little dps as MT (spirits within), and clemency is a big dps loss if you ever hsve to use it
For SAM, what comes first: Shifu or Jinpu?
Sure I believe it happened to you back in sb.
What job lets me crush my foes with overwhelming power?
>why are the new jobs so shitty?
>Because the game is being dumbed down
>Both new jobs are extremely unique in playstyle
Shifu, need those 2.06 GCD's
First that shitty cat that looks like the ROG NPC takes Y'shtola and now this
I can't keep getting cucked like this bros
You being OT as PLD doesn't mean everyone of your spirits within is at 100% either. Also, clemency is a damn good reason to have PLD MT during prog. Post prog you dont use it as MT or OT unless someone is 100% going to die without it.
DNC is even more of a snoozefest to play than red mage and a pain to level. Change my mind
Are they? Thought people liked Gunbreaker.
There are exceptions to every rule, but my guessing would be time constraints. It's not like there aren't holes in other aspects this expansion. That being said, look what they've already said about NIN and SMN in the Liveletter. They'll be changed to fit the rest.
Here's a redpill I picked up from another user here for ya. Statics are just pugs except you can't kick the shitters
>Takes her last name
>Self-given monikers galore
>Paying shit tier artists for lewds of himself and a girl
No matter how you slice it, he sounds like an unhinged stalker
lack of resources maybe 5.1, please look forward to it!
What was up with the birds showing up at random spots during the MSQ? I saw one during a couple of the “Search for this thing” segments, and when I was at the dwarf settlement i shot at one and it didn’t flinch but instead stated right into my fucking soul. One was also in Tempest. I thought maybe it was tied to some achievement like if you found all of them and interacted with them but I didn’t see one like that. Is there some meme I’m missing? Or was it just the devs fucking around.
How could you possibly think this? GNB feels like a better WAR and DNC has all the proc based bullshit of SB MCH which got changed because it was so shitty.
I leveled BRD from 30-70 before Shadowbringers launched and I leveled Dancer from 60-70 the day that Shadowbringers launched and I wanted to kill myself while playing Bard but Dancer was so fun I didn't care that I was stuck in HoH for the first 10 hours of the new expansion.
NIN is getting its mudras turned into GCD actions so they won’t have to be weaved. So mudras will basically be like DNC dancing.
Quite simple
>Design rdps ranged DD
>Make him the actual worst rdps DD
>Have adps caster DD
>Make him both the best adps and rdps DD
What even is the point of a dancer? Buff my party for 500 dps? Amazing. He's singlehandly fucking us over in any savage dps check after E1S due to his fucking 5k dps difference. All you need to do, to make this class balanced is slap on aditional 1000 potency on the kit and call it a day.
Gunbreaker on the other hand is decent but there's no point in taking one over PLD. PLD is just the superior tank, superior selfhealer and superior damage dealer from the two. There is absolutely nothing a Gundbreaker brings to the table that isn't shit compared.
It's Emet
>Loot in this game generally goes to shitters first.
You know that's by design, there's a lot of bullshit going on with the games match making and loot drops if you start to pay attention to it
You mean the shoebills? So far it's just a meme. Like those frog suits devs are just fucking around as you said
Why couldn't DRK have been DPS? I want to play one because it's what I played in XI but i hate tanking.
DNC is absolutely brain dead it has so few buttons, its kit is so ridiculously mind numbingly simple a child could do it and it’s more proc based bullshit. I legit don’t understand how people can have fun with that job.
Ya well, maybe sometimes people just wanna play the class they like, ya ever think of that man?
Wait is this true? Det is a better than DH since you can't get enough DH and Crit for this patch.
XI is still running so you could always go back to it?
>Non target AOE allowing for fast runby gameplay
>3 fucking dashes probably the most mobile class in the game
>1500 potency crits are just fun to watch
Dancer is designwise the best class so far simply because it finally goes a little further away from tabtarget slow garbage. It's just incredible underpowered to the point of being useless as fuck.
Well you play the class you like and I want to clear E2S and E4S with the incredible tight 72 and 74k dps checks that feel fucking impossible with a fucking DNC in my party. The class is such utter garbage it shouldn't even qualify as a DPS. It deals 4k less than a good BLM and additionally is also worthless raid dps. The absolute literal worst raid dps class you can have - statistically.
Because it's actually fun to have to hold procs for burst windows instead of just mindlessly pressing a "rotation" like a drone. The actual dances are fun to use and it feels amazing when you get more procs then you can hold back to back and are frantically spamming just to not overcap.
Holy shit this is blowing my mind right now. I actually think one of the times I saw the bird it was looking in the direction of the Exarch when he ran away. And it’s also a drop in the Amarout dungeon. Holy fuck, that’s how he was keeping an eye on us...even if it’s a theory in adopting this as truth in my head
Dancer feels loads better than Machinist.
This shouldn't happen anymore as provoke now generates additional enmity
>Quit a little after Heavensward came out due to housing situation and job required me to move
>Come back to launch at Shadowbringers
>My friend's FC is abandoned
>Almost all my friends moved servers or data centers
>Only have a 60 WAR and MNK
>Can kiss doing savage and ex goodbye until next patch easily
And if you get a streak of no procs your numbers go straight down the shitter and you continue to press your 123 rotation until you fish for one
Something being braindead easy doesn't make it fun or well designed.
DNC numbers are down the shitter regardless, it's the worst dps in the entire game what difference does it make if you get noprocs for 7k damage or fullprocs for 8,8k. Shit with golden paint is still shit.
Unironically this. I don't have much qualms with current SMN right now and I unironically hope they don't balance it around the new classes so much they turn it into another RDM
Emet was a shit villain and I'm glad we're done with him
> Stormblood storyline is so shit I'm struggling to get through it.
I don't know if I should just start cutscene skipping at this point or not.
If you don't like Stormblood how did you get through the rest of the game? It's the same shit.
You know how you had little first person segments? The bird was in single one of those
>The game is shit because I said so, don't even bother defending it
Ah, good point.
That's what Provoke is for.
>the twitter is gone
Stormblood so far has been following some dumb blonde woman around whilst she complains about everything.
And yet the amount of dps I do does not eqaul the amount of fun I have. DNC is more fun to play, which is far more important, than the pathetic dps increase I would theoretically get by playing DRG.
Every class in this game is braindead. You are not a genius because you can click 4 buttons more in a set order. DNC makes the process behind that more fun tho, like I said: It moves designwise away from tabtarget and gets a sneakpeak in proper combat without targeting (AOE) and hypermobility.
>dwarf one where you are shooting rocks
>shoebill tanks it to the face and keeps glaring at you
>SB is the same shit as heavensward and end of ARR bridge quests
Nice B8
Nah he was great. The only downside was that xiv community turned homosexual for him. Can't really go anywhere related to xiv without seeing him. Iilberd was better though
The trannies mass reported it to have it taken down. I'm not just saying tranny as a derogatory term either, all their profiles had that "he/him" "xe/xer" bullshit.
Ah a cut scene skipper in disguise as a cut scene watcher. So this is what mental retardation looks like, sasuga user.
Stormblood is filler and has the most forgettable story out of all the expansions
No but have this as consolation
Stick with it, Lyse never gets any better but other good characters do come in, and she doesn't appear once in Shadowbringers
So you have no understanding of the story and are claiming it's boring.
Yep, It's just as fun and interesting and I loved every second of it. Your point?
>queue in progress
>get into raid
>just me and one other dps
>they immediately leave
>quit and start up another 15 minute wait
this game is great
>3k real dps more
>even in raid dps a massive increase over dancer
You can have all the fun you want your class is still bottom tier garbage without a spot in savage content.
>combat without targeting (AOE) and hypermobility.
So play nin for those same things and be more effective
>T-T-There's exceptions!
>I-It's just shitty user! take my word for it!
Literally end your life, nobody will miss you and your jaded ass will finally be at rest.
It has a dance which is a radial AoE based on your location and a dodge, call the fuck down. It’s REALLY not that different from anything else, NIN, BLM, RSM all have mobility options, and if having two actions that do damage around your position (with some of the worst job complexity in the game, in a game that already has piss poor job complexity) is all that it takes to get you to think DNC is something special then I don’t know wtf is wrong with you.
>How hard would it to find people to run unsynced Coil?
There are FCs that exist to do this kind of thing, running unsynced older raids, and some even do it using gear available at the time. You'll have to find those groups outside of the game, I know it's boogeyman but try the XIV subreddit, LFG there, and expect to have to change servers.
DRG is literally is shitting numbers right now that "pathetic" increase is literally 3-4k not 300.
Only literal autists actually care about this.
>b-b-but dancer is fun for me
And it's not fun for others to carry your worthless ass
Nin doesn't have the mobility of a dancer and also not the fluid action AOE.
Only retards call over 3k dps difference pathethic.
The difference is that while MCH's RNG was at best for 300 prot attacks, DNC's got fucking 900+ Proc attacks. The damage is just far better for the RNG stuff.
My biggest problem with GNB is that it's just 1-2-3 and then alt 1-alt 2-alt 3 and then mashing it's other attack whenever you get shells and the alt's still on cooldown. Sure it kinda shits out damage, but honestly as a tank it doesn't do anything directly -new- either, and I kinda hate how limited it's midigation and healing is in earnest as far as tanks go. Half the time you feel like a Dragoon in how you take blows, hell I'm shocked they don't just use dragoon's armor at this point, and that's just bad for a tank.
Why is this game so full of class elitism? It's a fucking MMO it's all braindead and if you can't figure out a class just by reading the skills you are a fucking idiot
Yikes, how much is Square paying you?
Cringe and dancerpilled
>no one doing E2S weekly during Friday prime time
>make party
>never completely fills for the full hour
who cares what others think, they don't pay my sub
And none of them compares to the fluid action of dancer + the mobility it has. Just give it up. Also there is no fucking complexity in this game. It's a fucking tabtarget MMO. You can literally have simple macros, working down a batch of commands in the dumbest way possible without conditionals, automating the entire rotation of every single class. It doesn't matter if you press 3 buttons or 50 in a row every class is equally dumb. Play a real combo action combat game with proper PvP if you want class combat complexity.
Some niggers had a place they used to live in called Ala Mhigo, the empire came and took it and now they literally live in caves because all the white people joined the empire I guess.
Some random woman who lied to you about who she was for 6 years and has never been to this place in her life decides it's now her life's goal to free this place.
You, the protagonist are stuck doing all the heavy lifting whilst all the support characters just get BTFO'd. Cat woman saves Lyse's life, and the dumb bitch doesn't even run away. Cat woman disappears for rest of expansion.
You get BTFO so bad, you decide to go to china and proceed to spend like 50 quests doing bullshit whilst learning about the new land you're in.
Basically just copy-paste the storyline you learnt about at the start of the expansion but with chinese aesthetics. Help the ninja turtles for a bit. Go free some village, eventually find some dumb ass on a cliff who's the king or something, continue doing all the heavy lifting for these assholes until you eventually liberate the entire nation on their behalf, all the while dumb blonde woman complains about stuff and feels bad about Ala Mhigo.
Return to Ala Mhigo, Mary Sue commander of the masks or whatever is now Neo or whatever, fortunately Shakespearean Elf has the McGuffin to defeat her.
Old man dies, Lyse becomes ruler because he wanted to fuck her or something, Shiyru is just chilling at the top of the palace, which nobody saw (?), proceed to fight and liberate that place on your own or whatever.
All good players cleared it already and casuals realized it's too much for them
Better luck next tier
>Will be making large changes to Disciples of the Hand and Land-related systems in 5.1. Desynthesis rates will be changed to be 100% guaranteed, no need to level up skills. Desynthesis will be something used when you have a surplus of something. That’s the plan we have in mind. I’ll provide more details on this when we’ve solidified the details.
Hahahaha holy shit I’m laughing so hard right now. You are so deluded, having one move the does damage around you suddenly makes DNC amazing. Holy fuck you are something else
>20% higher movement speed active at all times
>teleport with 2 charges
>death blossom an instant radial aoe that doesn't have animation lock
>follow up aoe also instant, radial, and with no animation lock
Why does dancer appeal to retards?
People do everything beyond E1S in statics m8. In partyfinder you run into the risk of DNC's joining your party :^).
But seriously, the strict lootrules just make you benefit so much more from a communicating closed group. We will not see a significant increase of PF clears until they rework loot distribution or chill it down a bit.
Nice do a "it's shit trust me" summary of shadowbringers and heavensward next
So both tanks tank stance or not? I've been hearing this online but everyone just provokes and toggles tank stance.
Wow, what an amazing response by a yikes poster, nobody could have seen the same response that's in these threads every time.
My interest for FFXIV isn't that strong right now but people like you push other potential players away by posting your jaded fucking opinions that hold no baring or weight to them at all, only for you to respond like that.
It exposes you for how stupid you think you really are and the fact that people have to come into these threads and be bombarded with jaded gamer posters is sad.
Refrain from spouting your weightless opinions and following the hivemind of jaded posters that always pop into these threads.
Do you pay theirs?
>fluid action AOE
Literally what?
I already cleared it last week though
>proceed to fight and liberate that place on your own or whatever.
You forgot the part where Lyse takes full credit
Honestly how deluded are you? You can find flaws in a game and still enjoy it. That other user who's complaining is taking these flaws as much more than they are. If he wants to quit over it, so be it, but he's obsessing over nothing.
yeah that's the shtick
It gets better once you meet characters who aren't her.
I noticed that with GNB too. It feels like a DPS masquerading as a Tank. Like how old WAR used to feel. The animations aren't all that bad, the sounds were made worse for some reason and the rotation is quite mind numbing like you said. It also brings nothing new to the table nor does it excel at anything. The best word to describe it is lackluster.
He means an aoe you dont have to target to use, like nin, sam, pld, drk, and so on have
That's an unfair comparison because RDM is constantly busy and transitioning between DPS, to clutch heals, to carrying idiots.
She actually says it was all thanks to you and everyone in the world knows it was all thanks to you
"oh but she walked in front of us at the end" for real nigger? it was quite clearly a conscious character choice by the warrior of light to let her walk ahead, as a symbol of her people.
>Movement speed
Literally not instant positionals and therefore worthless mobility.
>Teleport with 2 charges
Only 2 charges with slower regen and specify position target unless bound to macro which makes it obviously worse.
>death blossom an instant radial aoe that doesn't have animation lock follow up aoe also instant, radial, and with no animation lock
Compared to DNC 8 no animlock AOE's including two high potency singletargets and OGCD's instants.
>Gunbreaker on the other hand is decent but there's no point in taking one over PLD.
Why not take both? Do you truly /need/ WAR or DRK?
You know what grinds my fucking gears? Two out of three of Monk's AoE rotation skills don't require a target, and neither does its AoE oGCD. But for some fucking reason the third skill does, and it fucks me up EVERY TIME.
AOE's that unlike all the other retarded tabtarget crap don't need a target, are not animationlocked and can be canceled.
That’s what I was thinking but he said NIN doesn’t have it, so I have no clue what he’s rambling on about.
>This meme still going on in 2019
Nigga, she literally says you deserve all of the credit after that cutscene. You literally have quest objectives after that to talk to all of the GC leaders to get your praise. And in 4.1, the Mhiggers recognize you as the Liberator.
>not instant
>dash only moves you forward
>have to orient yourself to reach the place you want
You're a fucking retard espousing the absolute dumbest shit
>i-it doesn't matter how many buttons you press
>l-look at how many aoe buttons dancer has
Can't even keep your story straight
So...what a lot of the other classes have?
You can tell who all the shitters are in this thread claiming DNC isn't savage viable. DNC is a class that succeeds or fails based on the other players. The more people in your raid that are doing poorly the worse overall contribution DNC has. If your raid isn't full of terribads then DNC is more worthwhile to bring than MCH or BRD.
Why not take 2 PLD? There's nothing wrong with Gunbreaker but currently there is absolutely no reason to take anything but PLD in your party. It doesn't matter as much as a dancer compared to a real damage dealer but for optimization GNB is currently at the bottom.
Settle down parsey.
Did you save some of them user?
>no clue what he’s rambling on about.
He's probably some semen noggin trying to justify his faggotry by making it about gameplay stuff he clearly doesn't understand, most dancer players seem like masturbation addicts
>No arguments: The Post
I literally just told you that DNC does every single of these points better than any other class and therefore offers the objectively most action based gameplay currently available.
Who was in the wrong here
And? I would rather do 3-4k less in dps than switch to a more boring rigid job like DRG.
>DNC is a class that succeeds or fails based on the other players.
>DNC is a job that needs to be carried
>Buhu why is he kicking me for doing 4k dps less than anyone else I need someone to carry me!
>Creates Partyfinder
>Kill for friend haha!
Yes it's very easy to tell you're a salty ass dancer main who is frustrated by getting shit on 24/7.
The teleport is useless. I've never used it outside of PVP.
t. level 80 NIN
I responded with the same effort it took for someone who responds with a gamer wojak and telling someone else to kill themselves.
My interest for XIV is quite strong right now, which is why I'm criticising it and if my coming into a thread and sharing an opinion is enough to sway somebody else's, I take pity on that individual and you for that matter for thinking so many people are that idiotic that they'd use one persons anecdotal opinion to quit/play a game.
Your emotional outburst is humorous, and you definitely fit in with most of this games community. I will continue to post in these threads and your autistic outburst can't change that. Eat shit.
Having 20% movement increase benefits you more than a dash in actual content because you’re not locked in an animation.
The rest of your post makes zero sense so I’m not gonna address it.
They genuinely think her walking in front of everyone at the end of SB is her taking credit rather than your character welcoming her to walk forward to represent her people. Despite all the shit you said being extremely obvious.
>point out the flaws in his logic and arguments
>t-that's not an argument
DNC isn't worth bringing at all regardless of comp right now. Its buffs just aren't worth the personal DPS loss.
Allthough being designed as a rdps dancer is currently the class with the worst contribution to the raid overall. No, you are not viable and always replaceable by literally every other class in the game.
You're doing it wrong then my son, that teleport is your gap closer when shit forces your out of range, if you aren't using it then you are reducing your uptime and objectively playing worse
hey settle down parsey
So is every serious raid party just PLD, PLD, DRG, DRG, DRG, DRG, WHM, WHM?
Because thats what this thread is telling me.
here's the new RDM in your FC bro
Mobility that is not instant is worthless in this kind of game. You are literally just dodging my simply factual statements because you can't form a coherent sentence that isn't retarded in content. 8 > 2.
Nah people just do t like DNCs you pansy cuz they suck at their one job.
No LB gain then, retard.
No which is why they are free to leave any party with a DNC in it if they are such an autist. I let you in on a secret, not every person even has act installed! I know quite a shock and you know something else? DNC has already been in parties that have cleared savage. Oh no the look on your face is too priceless, yes your shock is justified in response to your own stupidity.
>Why not take 2 PLD?
Iirc, dupes are now disallowed in Savage. Correct me if I'm wrong
No, you lose out on a bonus if you don't bring along people of different roles, that's why BRD is still relevant, its rdps is nothing special but you need a ranged physical dps for that bonus and it's better than bringing a mch and miles better than bringing a dnc
PLD PLD WHM WHM is the most optimized setup you can have for these two roles. No Idea who told you to take 4 DRG. Just don't take DNC. You can even make a spot for a good NIN in a well cordinated static with burstphases and 4,5 elix.
More than half the people who cleared Titan within 48hrs had SMN/BRD/DRG/MNK as their DPS and only one AST clear showed up after 4 days.
>everyone says MNK is overtuned/OP
>rarely see people play it
>the ones barely leveling it are pretty awful
>most people playing it are mediocre at best
Whatever you say pal
Nothing is disallowed with a full party except no DoH/DoL.
Why did the Exarch lie in the cutscene after Crown of the Immaculate, saying he wanted to take the WoL's power to travel to other worlds?
Why did the Exarch think absorbing the all the Warderns' light would kill him and not release the light imediately after? Or not transform him into a sin eater?
What was the Aumarotine implying when he said that "A seat in the Convocation is soon to be left vacant"?
Who were the people that summoned Hydaelyn? Were they Ascians too? Where are they?
Ah, very good point. Upvoted!
>Mobility that is not instant is worthless
Good thing that 20% increase in movement is active at all times, has no cool down, and literally can't be turned off
I want to EB her!
And is not instant and therefore worthless.
>Why did the Exarch lie in the cutscene after Crown of the Immaculate, saying he wanted to take the WoL's power to travel to other worlds?
So that they wouldn't cry for him when he was gone. He wanted to sacrifice himself without making his friends mourn him.
>Why did the Exarch think absorbing the all the Warderns' light would kill him and not release the light imediately after? Or not transform him into a sin eater?
Because he was more than likely charging a teleport in the same instance he was draining us, I guess.
>Who were the people that summoned Hydaelyn? Were they Ascians too? Where are they?
They were, presumably sundered into shards just like the rest of them.
Aaand more evidence of people who haven't even cleared ES1.
The Dragoon for not taking the initiative
You don't need act installed to see a run take noticably longer with a dnc in the party and that applies to all content
Now have you cleared savage?
>playing with your hotbar unlocked
>DRG didn't do it anyway
Both of them. Nice to know they cleared the pull RIGHT after though.
Imagine being warrior of light in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Lyse, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and obnoxious fucking voice. I would totally fight side by side with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is have another Leveilleur twin threesome in his lavender bed mansion. Like seriously imagine having to be the warrior of light and not only sit in that chair while Lyse clenches her scrawny fist in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing your immense rage, and just sit there, lie after lie, hour after hour, while she perfected that speech. Not only having to tolerate her complete bullshit but her haughty attitude as all the scions tell her she's AN ASSET TO THE TEAM and DAMN, LYSE DID ALL *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her exaggerate and outright lie about how much shit she actually did to help free Doma and Ala Mhigo, making up battles you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of prime elezen teenagers and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE ADVENTURING CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Gridania. You've never experienced anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can smell the hot breath that's coming out on her lying mouth as she smiles and turns to you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to sit there and revel in her retelling her “Massive Contributions” to the war effort, the contributions she worked so hard for by calling starving peasants cowards for not fighting heavily armed Garleans and then shaking her fist at said Garleans. And then Raubahn asks for another tale, and you know you could kill every single person in this room and Hydaelyn herself couldn’t put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're the fucking warrior of light. You hide your face and bear it.
>Literal proof on fflogs
>Somehow your leveling dungeon run is more accurate in your opinion
What did you mean by this?
>retard doesn't know what instant means
That speed boost on ninja doesn't require a button press, dancers does, but the only way you're this stupid is if your trolling so here's the last bit of attention that your parents never gave you
>Who were the people that summoned Hydaelyn? Were they Ascians too?
There was a faction of the ascians left after summoning Zodiark who disliked the idea of a powerful god king acting unchecked, so they created Hydaelyn to balance him out. Only problem is she went overboard in doing so
>you deal a microscopic amount of damage quicker!
Not worth it.
>Mobility that is not instant is worthless in this kind of game.
The absolute state of your brain right now. NIN has an instant teleport AND 20% movement speed boost. With DNC’s dash you dash in the direction you are facing so you must orient yourself in the direction you want. With Shukuchi you can click ANYWHERE around the range of you character and they will go there. You can ground target fast enough on keyboard and mouse to where bringing that up as a con tells me you play controller. Nothing wrong with that, but hating on ground targeting cause it’s cumbersome for you when it’s extremely fast is stupid.
>Imagine being warrior of light in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Lyse, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body
You had me there. Unfortunate that her character model lost the tiddies. Never had a problem with Lyse because I skipped all the cutscenes and therefore don't end up bootyblasted that the flavour of generic fetch quests had somehow been spoiled by some weird narrative lol.
Well your 3rd point is answered by your 4th point. The 14th seat left the convocation specifically because they wanted to summon Hydealyn to stop Zodiark. And the Exarch was planning on taking the light he absorbed and jumping between shards, like how you were pulled through at the beginning, but staying in between when he died and thus the aether would be lost forever.
Numbers don't lie, what you're seeing while leveling is probably all the people jumping on the bandwagon that heard mnk was so strong and wanted the job to carry them
Is it true that Alisaie fucks au'ras?
>You don't like the job I play therefore you are bad at the game
Stellar argument is expect nothing less from a DNC
Pretty sure the WoL doesn't think, just shrugs and thirsts for blood.
Been monitoring this conversation with mild interest and all I have to say is that DNC dash is not instant. Not sure why you keep saying it is.
Of course not, why would I want to do content that DNC is objectively the worst at? I just do normals my point is that no amount of dps increase will ever make me care about normal fights, the (yous)'s I get from parse trannies are just too priceless though.
You know you can look this up on fflogs right?
>You can ground target fast enough on keyboard and mouse to where bringing that up as a con tells me you play controller.
Nah theyre just bad, with a controller the teleport aims itself wherever your camera is pointed so activating it is as fast as a double click
some faggot pays too much money for shit art?
name for science?
pic unrelated
I'm progging Titan right now, does that frustrate you're little brain?
You literally provided no more of an argument other than "DNC sucks lol" so sure pal, enjoy your clears in a few expansions.
>Retard pretens the doesn't understand what Instant means
Let me say it simple for your simple mind:
Passive Movement speed is not an instantaneous positional displacement on button press while a dash, a blink, a charge are all on the spot switch of positional coordinates that are more valuable do to the design of the game where IMS is not giving you any noticeable dps boost on mechanics while instant displacement allows for last second moves with maximal dps uptime.
why does every single bunny thot have glasses. literally just a composite of meme fetishes
>dnc faggot deserves to get rectal cancer
It checks out, whatever you need to tell yourself so you can sleep at night
I feel that way even not skipping the cutscenes because I understood her character development instead of being autistic
Yeah I understand that, what I was wondering is where the Ascians that summoned Hydaelyn are, since the ones that summoned Zodiark are still around being pests.
>MrNappy gets carried by his streamer friends through Titan Savage for the 2nd week in a row
Ain't my job to use FF logs for ya
Pretends to listen while plotting out how to spend their tomestones
Just imagine
>classes have the same abilities, just slightly different name and different side of the monster you use it on
>combat is color by numbers and shapes
>just repeatedly mash buttons in a predetermined order all fight every fight
>wonder why a new class is shit
MMOs are built to be grindy and take forever so you keep buying cash shop shit and paying subs, but it only works if it’s fun to play. Xiv combat is so incredibly boring, repetitive, and painful that only the most autistic survive. These people literally cope by believing that the faster you press buttons, the better the game is
>a blink
So ninjas teleport that's a button press and has better control than a dash you need to orient yourself for
user... you missed something crucial story wise, it would seem. The races of the worlds are hinted to be parts of ascians who were split just like their world was.
3 > 2 and you are literally a retarded slowfaggot third worlder with a ping over 30ms if you can't cameratrick the DNC dashes.
She only fucks one Au'ra
I've .. already cleared Titan so no?
Complete shitter detected
Yes Ninja has a teleport, nice that you picked that up. Also: the movement speed is worthless mobility and furthermore: no the controls are far worse.
I heard about this, and honestly, I can't hate the player here. Basically paid the god damn mafia for a clear. I can only wish I had connections or pull that tight
>gray parser retard
Of course.
He could put his superpowered autism to good use and actually be good at the game
But no.
How do I play AST now bros?
I'm leveling my DRG and I noticed that I'm doing less damage then some of the ranged classes in AoEs and it takes me a while to top them in single target.
Is that normal? MCH/BRDs seem to school me.
I'm better than you, so whatever.
..Right, because people all play an MMO to do the same thing.
Don't get me wrong, he's a pathetic fucking autist. But he's doing what he wants in an MMO.
why did they make every card of this job do the same fucking thing wtf, there's no reason for me to use the free time to level it anymore
>the movement speed is worthless mobility and furthermore: no the controls are far worse.
Nah, you're wrong, scroll up to see why
Dancer has nothing worthwhile and neither do you
I have a bit of movement issues in the game if you can help me figure it out.
1) Sometimes when I'll run away from the enemy because of an AoE, I'll want to use a quick attack to get some extra DPS but my character will walk towards back to the enemy. Is there a way to turn this off? if I miss and I'm not able to hit it, I don't wanna run into the AoE.
2) i've noticed sometimes I'll use a move and I see the animation go off but then it'll act like I never used the move. Is it just lag?
How do i join an FC bros? I'm unironically doomed, im on crystal and EVERY FC is ERP or RP friendly. god fuck me, im cursed to be alone forever
So having a single charge more to their mobility option makes DNC stand out that much to you? What is actually wrong with you.
You fucking don't.
If they're gonna remove all the variety and dumb it down so that Urianger-bot can play it, then just let him play it.
Yes, she fucks black scaled guys.
You switch to whm or sch
You can do whatever the fuck you want in your spare time, it's not too much to expect you to not be a burden to people you play with. They fucking simplified this game to absolute barebones, only a complete retard should be unable to play at least 80% of jobs with absolute ease, and yet. Don't make an excuse for those retards.
>She went overboard
No. She did literally exactly what she was summoned to do
You play it.
Community request.
You’re actually delusional. Get help.
Ranged has better uptime than you and faster initial engagement. It depends entirely on the fight when and how fast and if you can beat their dps. E1S is a ranged partybus while E2S has enough close quarter engagements for you to shine and compete. Compare your dps with current parses for your class, if you can't match the adjusted dps you are probably geared suboptimal or failing your combo.
its the only head gear they can wear.
w-why does everyone hate DNC
Quit being a pathetic sperg and join one? I was without one for years and I just joined a pretty chill one with people who do a variety of content.
Also on Crystal.
Become what you must, become the warrior of degenerates.
>Split world into multiple shards and also kill literally everyone except 3 people
>Not overboard
are you being serious? the gimmick of this healer was extremely cool even if two cards were rarely useful and only two of them were good for lategame stuff
this is really crappy, everything just "does damage" now
Yoshida told you support jobs would be shit in his trinity based MMORPG. You didn't listen.
Nah you are wrong. Scroll up to see why.
Nin has nothing worthwhile and neither do you.
Truly great post, I'm gonna steal it and hope you maybe notice how retarded you sound.
It's just some sperg.
Yes it does, combined with the better controls, more untarget AOE with actual viable single target burst. You'd have picked that up if you weren't illiterate.
Yea Forums has this weird problem where they try to institute a pecking order over the pettiest shit.
There isn't anything wrong with DNC outside of the few autists that want to shit on it.
They even admitted it in the liveletter. Blame people who demanded spread balance be available at every buff window opportunity to get the best parses and thus created the environment that every other card was pointless.
Because every other dps does more pdps and rdps, and not even by just a small amount, it's a significant gap between dnc and rdm which is the second worst dps job right now iirc
I hate it because the same expac Yoshi p told us he wanted to really muddle and reduce class synergy he added a job that lives and dies by sucking other jobs dicks.
You're acting retarded, get your meds or just euthanasia. Also low quality post from you and absolute brainlet argument.
Unfortunately people who play this game are extremely obcessed about efficiency, to the point where they'd rather have a job completely robbed of its identity and then rendered trash to play than having it be 1% more efficient than the others
>n-no u
Should have used that extra charge to make a decent come back
>people only want balance for the dps gain (rightfully so)
>"wtf half the cards are useless"
>SE makes every card a balance
>"wtf why are all the cards the same"
ASTs are literally braindead.
Anyone? :( I keep running into phantom rune because I'll buffer an attack and my dumbass dude decides to run towards Titania instead of running away.
Passive movement buff is not useless do you care to elaborate how it is? It helps get out of aoes fast then you can shukuchi right back to the boss. NIN is actually way more mobile than DNC when played right
Because support jobs shouldn't be able to join as dps especially not if they deal significantly less dps than any other class and also have worse buffs than any other class and also make already difficult content even more difficult because their players don't understand that they are a burden to the raid and completely carried.
> Lie about who you are for 6 years.
> Expect everyone to be completely cool with it.
> Expect the most powerful being in existence to be your BFF.
Is lyse secretly trans?
>created the environment that every other card was pointless.
The game design created the environment in which every other card was pointless. You're a fucking delusional retard if you think it's some kind of community push rather than just the obvious outcome. I bet you're the kind of idiot that thought AOE bole was a good investment then casted aspected benefic on full HP party.
OP is retarded. GNB is seen as strong. Though, as the new hot thing, it drew bad dps to it like DRK did.
Anybody have any tips for GNB? Kind of new to tanking but don't want to burden my team. I seem to be a bit squishier than the other tanks.
If they buff DNC to even middle of the pack, Yea Forums will whine even harder that a support class is doing any DPS.
Everyone was cool with it (because they already knew, but still) and you DO be her BFF, so I don't know what your point is.
>I seem to be a bit squishier than the other tanks.
Don't wear trash gear, retard.
>get cruise chaser in roulette
>Party disbands after three wipes
What the fuck?
And how come Dancers are always the first ones to die attack markets when they can just glider away?
You should get 50% more tomes for doing content if you are a healer or tank
I don't understand why Yea Forums has to bring up trannies constantly
Dancer would actually be cooler if it did almost zero damage by itself but instead made it so another player dealt double damage to make up for it
>Prune most jobs contributions to group damage
>Claim that people shouldn't bring a job for that
>Then makes one job have so much group damage they become guaranteed picks
>Make it brainless and unfun to play
>Everyone wants to ride its dick to get big parses
So I decided to give this game a try since you fags wouldn't shut up a bout it. Got to level 50 and kept on trucking because as you guys say "I gets better". But holy shit the combat in this game is fucking awful.
Just to point out how shitty the combat in this game is, I went and played fucking DMC3 (A GAME FROM 2005!) again just to see the difference. WOW, the speed, the combo variety, The difference is incredible. This game doesn't even have fucking double jumps! What kind of action game is this?! You guys are fucking retards who wouldn't know good gameplay if it bit you one the ass. Chad out.
user are you okay?
Alphinaud and Alisiae need new hair styles. They both look retarded.
Mechanics and AOE's are designed to be avoidable by every class with every little amount of mobility. The 20% passive movement are a incredible little timesave for your repositioning as you still have to walk away especially as a melee. If you take an instant positional displacement such as your blink or a dash or everything else really you can maximise your dps uptime uninterrupted and then evade last moment with the press of a single button. Which is in some mechanics nor a neglectible bonus.
Square couldn't even balance ranged physical when it was just BRD and MCH. They fucking brought this on themselves to add a third and still struggle to keep BRD and MCH far enough apart.
Yeah, let's fuck up queue times even more.
>remove all the variety
Yeah bro, rolling dice over and over took so much skill. They really dumbed it down from "play good card, redraw bad card".
Some fag who clearly like to avatarfag as Emet has a vendetta against it.
Are you Barry trying to stir up shit again or is this a copy pasta I slept over.
Alphinaud and Alisaie need to become real and join me in my bedroom
>people only want balance for the dps gain (rightfully so)
No one that actually played AST held this dogshit opinion. Just DPS memeing youtubers. Extended Ewer + Lightspeed Gravity spam alone was more enjoyable then any of the post 70 Astro shit.
And the idea of wanting all the cards to be like Balance is as smoothbrain as wanting all the hands in poker to be the same value and expecting it to still be an enjoyable game of chance.
I'm fine with the new cards, I think stuff like Spear/Arrow could've been expanded upon to create better per class interactions. As a BRD with the crit % proc chance I fucking loved getting Spear. I get that's more complicated to balance so now we have flat damage buffs instead.
>DPS is doing DPS oh no!
>DPS is doing worst DPS ingame and also with the raidbuffs still the worst board DPS ingame.
You should be taken out back and shot
So if I dump my outsider's gear set, will I be able to get it again from the Calamity Scavenger, or is this some one time "fuck off never again" gear?
They’re not squishier. Camoflauge is practically always up to combine with rampart, nebula, or heart of stone.
No one who played AST said that I fucking promise you that.
Get better gear. Tanks and healers have the most noticeable performance issues in bad gear.
Know when to use which CD. You are tied with WAR for having the most self-defensive CDs: no excuse for not having one up at all times. Don't forget Arm's Length now offers a Slow debuff on mobs, making it a pseudo defensive CD.
This has been a thing since ARR. Warrior could of been an interesting high hp and lifesteal style of tank, which it was originally. They could of tried to make it work but instead it just got changed into a better Paladin.
The only AF you can't ever buy again is AF2 from HW.
People didn't just want Balance, they were just sick of getting Arrow and Spear, and Spire is now useless. If they just made the cards Bole, Ewer and Balance with the one symbol means these character roles get the buff, this other symbol means everyone else gets the buff system, it'd be fine.
Rember to
You do want to support Yoshi right? Well get ready to buy his long anticipated Y'shtola outfit which will be modeled by none other but his FemLala looking from below
Listen up DPS-maining fuckstick. The idea of what a constituted a "good card" used to actually be situational and engaging and require at least a shred of situational awareness, when the class was played correctly. Now it fucking isn't.
Even a random Bole or Ewer could make a difference and have value, given the context.
Nah you can buy it with centurio seals in the forgotten knight.
No because I'm still dumbfounded on how people can't finish an old and simple boss
fucking manlet
Use heart of stone on CD, 15% mitigation for 7s every 25s is mad good.
>being so shit at MP management you wasted extend on Ewering yourself while you have Lightspeed up
>enjoyable game of chance
Go play Hearthstone and stop shitting up my dungeons. Even WHM is too hard for you
Outsider gear counts as an AF? But you can't even store it in the armoire.
Also you can absolutely rebuy those, just with Centurio seals.
I meant from an easy to get place, I actually forgot you get it from doing HW job quests now.
kill yourself
Yeah, only AF1 can be stored.
Things that will 100% chance always fucking wipe on the first try if you get them for a roulette :
>Cruise Chaser
>First boss of Pharos Sirius
>Nidhogg because nobody seems to know what a stack marker is
>Tsukuyomi because nobody seems to know what a stack marker is
>Fist of the Son because nobody remembers the mechanics
Feel free to add more, i'm sure i'm forgetting something
Failstroms are embarassing
I want one of them to give up on the rat tail braid thing they do and let their hair go free.
It probably would be Alphinaud trying to emulate Estinien's long hair he magically fits in a helmet.
You’re the only person I’ve ever heard have that problem so if you google it and don’t see a fix you’re fucked.
I also know that. That doesn't answer my question though.
Ok parsey.
No one in the party was happy to see a Bole, or a Spire, and only BLM was happy to see an Arrow.
Not getting a Balance meant actively doing less damage, which meant fights taking longer. XIV is a pure numbers game where you either meet the dps requirement and win, or you don't and lose. There is no fight who's requirement is "survive X minutes", where defensive play and smart resource management is required. The goal of each fight is to do the most damage in the shortest amount of time. You'd be an idiot to want anything other than Spread Balance.
Turn this option off
I don’t think I’ve ever had a run of Titania where dps didn’t fail the add phase dps check. So I’ve wiped every time I’ve gotten Dancing Plague in roulette.
The first boss in tam tara hard because no one remembers to not fuck with the adds.
The ruins with the killer bees if tank doesn't remember the OHK and the cactuar boss
I should've mentioned that that use was in a solo leveling context, a solo leveling experience which is a fucking slog now thanks to these garbage reworks. But even in dungeons, the other cards had their uses, uses that were 10000 times more engaging than fitting star shaped blocks in to star shaped holes. Crit buffs for Bards, attack speed buffs for Monks, extended Ewer on freshly rezzed co-healers.
I'd rather do all of that shit than RP as an Urianger healbot.
I really hate how they killed off Emet-Selch so quickly. Just tells me the writers were completely lucky when they designed his character narrative concept. I can't believe we're going back to edgelord suit Elidibus and his clown troupe. Hell even Emet-Selch himself got pretty edgy and arrogant at the end.
When the class was played correctly? You mean when you drew Ewer > Spear > Bole > Spear > Bole > Ewer then threw Ewer on yourself because you got tired of getting fucked by RNG and wanted to feel like you were doing something? Sorry dipshit, drawing a Bole and throwing it on the tank when a buster hit wasn't "making a difference" because you rocked the old system, you just made the best use of what RNG fucked you with. You know what would be fucking great? If I went to hit Enochian on Black Mage and 1/2 the time it did what it said, 1/3 of the time it casted Manaward, 1/3 of the time it casted Lucid Dreaming, and 1/3 of the time it did fucking nothing. Yeah, I'll have to adjust based on "situational awareness" of getting fucked, but why the fuck would you wish that upon yourself?
Some of you guys are alright, don't go to Eorzea tomorrow.
Thanks user.
Shut up Ranier
It really didn't. Use big dps card on big dps. That's all bitch.
Do poor people really play this game?
It's like the writers suddenly realized they accidentally made another villain who was right so they had to asspull a reason to actually kill him at the end before he turned into the second coming of Gaius.
All ERP degenerates need to be gassed. If you can't pass basic stone sky sea you actually do not deserve to live IRL.
It's not about "wanting" something other than Spread Balance. The fun of the class came from doing the best with what you had, and managing the risk v reward of a redraw. When they're all actively building to a guaranteed Spread Balance, all of your decision making up to that point matters much much less. That's what I mean by less engaging.
When there's no such thing as a wrong card, there's no such thing as a right card. It's just fucking bland.
Why would I buy furniture when I can't even get a house
You know for certain that man's life is entirely centered around FFXIV at this point.
>spending money half-hazardly means your rich
Rich people are frugal my boy, just the scale of frugality differs between your spending range and theirs.
I feel like I'm having to just stop and spam benefic as AST compared to white mage and scholar. Any tips? I'm using all my gcd's but it doesn't feel like they keep up. In fact I had a tank die in malika's well trying to do dps and heals when all my ogcd's ran out, I was trying to spam heal them back up from really low. I'd like to get better.
Who the fuck plays mmos when there's real games to play
of course they do, I bet they can't even afford extra retainers to hold stuff.
Emet around for the entire goddamn expansion and his death was a perfect end to his character arc. I don’t know if he could’ve been executed any better, his characterization and impact would’ve been diluted if they kept him around. I do agree that he was a fluke though, the fight autist Zenos and the bumbling dumbass Elidibus aren’t looking too appealing right now after Emet.
Good let him have his moment in the sunlight and die in the sunlight, all good things need to come to an end. Everything will wear out it's welcome eventually.
I know they did this for auto attacks but did they change it to make it so you can use damage skills when not facing the enemy? if not I would never turn this off
it would be better just to use the mouse to move forward then having a dedicated button towards it
>tsukiyomi in trial
>sprout healer keeps standing behind the tank and die to cleave
>asks "what killed me!" everytime
That person is probably starting to do titania / innocence EX by now.
Braindead DPS opinions of my class are worth less than dogshit. You can keep typing if you want though.
I'd tell them to come and take it but, you know, they get their asses beaten in a fate of all things lmao
>imagine not having a subscription to the game, max retainers and a sub to the app itself
Poor fags leave
I main AST now because they made it fun.
I do savage raiding and have not even unlocked Stone Sea Sky. AND I erp in my free time. I probably have more clears than you, bite me
It's not like there's anything good that released recently.
> First pull.
> Use Superbolide to dab on the healer.
This, he was a perfect villain for the expansion and he died the perfect villain for the expansion.
I disagree about Zenos not looking fun though.
DRK doesn't care about being MT or OT at all, what are you smoking?
T.G.C easily
Leviathan because sprouts don't know to time the force field with the bubble dropping
Based as fuck.
>watching Netflix and don't even notice anything you do
Joke's on you
What was Emet-Selch's plan with the First specifically? Like supposedly he wants to destroy it i think but how does having the sin eater/Vauthry status quo help achieve that goal? He wasn't even the one to bring the WoL to that world to use him as a vessel for all the light, so I don't really understand what his plan was if the WoL hadn't shown up
Fire Emblem, Judgment, and Turok 2 have my time atm
Better raise me before the party wipes and blames you for being unable to heal the first pull. :^)
Zenos should’ve stayed dead. It’s retarded to kill him as the big bad for StB and then have him immediately, and I literally mean IMMEDIATELY, come back. He’s not even interesting as a character to begin with.
The Chrysalis
The Steps of Faith
>What was the Aumarotine implying when he said that "A seat in the Convocation is soon to be left vacant"?
One of them didn't want to summon Zodiark and left the Convocation. You are his reincarnation.
I view TBN as less of a resource risk as MT.
wow you sure dabbed on me
I like dancer because I suck at bard and mch scares me
What? He wanted it to create another calamity. This would absorb the First into our world, bringing the Ascian goal of bringing all the worlds together closer.
Calamities are caused by an excess of aether in a world overflowing into our world.
If you need to really save someone Synastry + Benefic 2 is huge as it'll give a 40% buff to itself.
Make sure you are using Earthly Star and try not to whiff it, if you really want more breathing room before Celestial Intersection you can swap to Nocturnal and throw a shield on the tank then back to Diurnal with enough time between leaving and entering combat.
After Celestial Intersection you can actually run Nocturnal in dungeons if you are more worried about the Tank as the regen got buffed by a lot in 5.05 and is very strong. You will burn MP faster and your AoE healing is somewhat weaker so keep that in mind.
>>First boss of Pharos Sirius
nah, maybe back in arr and hw, but this fag dies too fast now for you to get more than 1-2 crystal shard stacks
Always have your cards on cooldown.
After you get enough to use Divination slap Lady/Crown on the correct targets.
Use Diurnal in dungeons, play appropriately when doing 8 man content with another healer.
Pop Synastry on your MT for big pulls/big dick damage, squeeze in Aspected Benefic when you got comfort zone time.
Always keep using Lucid Dream.
Buff your DPS jobs asap, the faster things die the faster you clear pulls and heal less.
Hold Lightspeed if you think you'll need to panic heal, never forget you have Essential Dignity on OGCD.
Use Earthly Star pre-pull or when you think a shit ton of damage will be incoming partywide for later mechanics.
Coordinate with your tank and be on their ass to use cooldowns/tell them there's no shame in popping tank invulns.
I've always been tempted to buy merch (namely the ARR artbook, even if it's now codeless) but I genuinely can't imagine being the sort of person to buy so much shit on the Mogstation.
MNK went from least logs to top 5 in just one patch, its unfuckingbelievable howamy metafags ate touching it now. Even when it was "good" from 4.3-4.5, no one played it
so the plan was to just keep vauthry in his seat eating shit all day and not really doing anything?
Is this the picture you guys are talking about?
Diabolos in Amdapour
Physical Merch is understandable user.You're getting something Physical that you can enjoy outside of the game.
If WoL hasn’t shown up the First would’ve been engulfed in light and would’ve rejoined with the source. He caused sin eaters to flourish to spread chaos, and he gave Vauthry the ability to control them so people would revere him and live under his rule in safety, complacent and unwilling to take action as the world dies basically. WoL showing up and killing Lightwardens threw a big ass wrench in this plan but Ef-Selch observed so he could see if sundered beings were capable of coming anywhere close to the power of unsundered beings.
Containment Bays are a coin flip on whether you'll clear in record time or if you'll vote disband after 6 wipes
I don't mind him being around as long as he's there just to fuck up Elidibus' plans.
>before and after her slut phase in college
Is it too late to join a static? I cant deal with people who got carried through E2S
Red hair with bright sapphire eyes would be the ideal combination. But as it stands now, Ryne > Minfilia
That's exactly it. He says the First being complacent and letting it happen will mean it dies faster.
It's never too late, just look around.
>what are we gunna do on the bed
>is it in yet
>Tornado Kick rotation
The casual filter
>mfw Tornado Kick and 6SS are borderline useless now in most cases
>asking for more buffs or tweaks causes a shitstorm from metafags or niggers saying I'm a whiner/bitch
If you want to nerf Monk, remove no positionals buff in RoE, nerf their potencies when not landing positionals, or drop Leaden Fist potency to 250.
Curious. That's not how I interpreted it. I thought the Flood was successfully stopped by the Oracle and now they only had to hold back the Sin Eaters. As for Emet-Selch, he didn't mind the WoL going around killing Lightwardens because he had the suspicion that he wouldn't be able to take it, and would transform into the most powerful Sin Eater imaginable, thus serving his purpose anyway.
based and highly factual, don't forget unrestricted loot rolls too
If your static "leader" can't kick the shitties out you're not even in a pug you're in something magically worse.
I see. I failed to use Synastry even once, so that may have helped. But a lot of the other stuff I'm glad I was doing, by popping cards and damage buffs on the aoe pulls. The other tips are quite good as well. I'll be trying to improve.
One other question, say you have two melee or two caster dps. How do you handle cards? Fish for their cards, or do you go for the quick stack of 6% then fish for appropriate cards?
You have it quite backwards. The Oracle only halted it, but made Minfillias keep being born to help fight it.
Emet-Selch actually did see you as a hope that maybe the splintered people were actually on par with Ascians, but once you absorb Innocence and start to falter without help, he sees you as just as weak as anyone else.
Never too late. Just because you're getting a late start doesn't mean you can't have fun.
>Creator is my first raid tier
>pug A9S and A10S
>get walled by A11S
>decide to put myself out there and look for a static
>a month before 3.5
>finally find a group, but they're only up to A10S
>decide to go back and re-prog, since I'm not making any progress on pugging A11S
>group is mostly new to raiding as well, but all really chill
>go on to make it all the way to A12S
>clear the week after echo
>decide to stick together into 4.0
>now more experienced, we clear O1S-O2S on day one and O3S within the first couple of weeks
Eventually disbanded because of time commitments, but to this day it was the most enjoyable group I ran with.
Synastry is a very undervalued cooldown because people think its used to heal OTHER people and thus also heal the tank when in reality its much better used to superheal the tank or heal two tanks.
If you have 2 of one kind it's up to you, I might fish a bit but if divination is getting close I'll throw the "wrong" buff on someone if it means getting the right seal for divination. I'm sure there's some math breakdown of whether that's really better or not but I'm mostly thinking ease of use.
Like the other user said, Emet legitimately had hope that you could contain the light. It was a test. He wanted to see if you were truly worthy of being the Ascians' successors. If you could contain the light you would prove yourself capable and he would pass the mantle to you.
However we couldn't contain the light. We succumbed to it, thus proving to him that the lesser races were, indeed, lesser. So he stuck to the original plan. Everything rested on our shoulders but we were too weak to handle it, so Emet kept marching forward.
Yeah, I thought the Oracle was reborn as a super saiyan warrior just to help fight sin eaters, not actually deal with the wall of light. You're probably right on that.
As for Emet-Selch, I really don't remember anything that hints at him ever seeing potential in you to be equal to Ascians.
Sin eaters spread the proliferation of light, and yes while they are a danger themselves, their bigger purpose was to spread enough light to cause a rejoining. Before the WoL arrived at the First, the First was already teetering on the edge of rejoining, this is why aether started to “stagnate” in the source. Light aether was spilling over. The flood was stopped by the oracle, but Emet was basically trying to cause another one.
In regards to the WoL, he was genuinely hopeful that maybe you could absorb and contain the light. Either way, it’s a win for him. Either you contain it and show him that there is hope for sundered beings, or you let it overcome you and you become the most powerful lightwarden in existence which would basically guarantee a rejoining.
Never too late. Even in the middle of progression season there're people scrambling to fill in their last slots or running into internal problems week 3 because someone sperged and had to be kicked.
It's the entire reason he's doing literally nothing to further his own goals and just pals around with you during the expansion until Innocence. This user wraps it up nicely. Either way, his people live on. Either through "weaker" ones, or legitimately coming back.
>Either way, it’s a win for him. Either you contain it and show him that there is hope for sundered beings
Yeah but this doesn't really make sense. Assume the WoL contains it and Emet-Selch sees worth in them, what then? He'd still want/have to kill the WoL
He never says that you can be equal, but he does try to see if you can come anywhere close. It’s why he’s somewhat crestfallen when he sees you succumb to the light, you were his way of “testing” the strength of sundered brings, and you failed.
“I GENUINELY considered taking you on as allies, provided that (s)he could contain the light.”
I can't believe MNK got TWO GL management skills in ShB and then two patches later they decide to make GL management irrelevant.
Why would he need to do that? You proved yourself to him, and even one person, no matter how strong, pulling it off obviously means a lot to him.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that futa catgirl faggot. Does anyone know if he had aneurysm after all that implied romance between yshtola and that lion man?
Because he wants to bring about the rejoining at any cost and the WoL and the dumbass scions are against it. Conflict is inevitable no matter the outcome.
It makes no sense other than some asinine taunt. There can be no alignment of our goals at all.
form shift doesnt make anatman and SSS useless, though
>literally worst class, even accounting for Rdps contribution
Turn your brain on retard
He doesn't need to do the rejoining if you can prove yourself.
Yeah, it doesn't, but it's still fucking weird.
SSS is still useful for when you have to break off from melee range to do mechanics for longer than a couple seconds.
When will 5.08 be? I want those SAM buffs.
He said he’d try to find a way to accomplish his goal without bloodshed. Emet-Selch was a piece of shit but if you notice, he didn’t tell single lie during the whole MSQ.
It’s why he took G’raha Tia as a hostage and didn’t kill him. At the end of the day, the rejoinings are a means to an end, but what he really wants is knowledge. The people of Amourot, in all their power, couldn’t find a way to travel through time OR hop to their worlds while keeping their bodies, which the Exarch managed to find a way to do. Emet wanted that knowledge. He’s constantly asking you what you know about the Exarch. If these sundered creatures, who are so inferior to him, could find a way to do what his people couldn’t, surely there’s potential in them? And so he decided to test you, and you failed, and so he gave up.
what implied romance?
What about the creatures that Amdapor met that were very clearly Sin Eaters? How did they get to the Source? Why didn't they turn people into Sin Eaters then? I know the actual reason but I wonder if they'll even acknowledge this in-universe.
>Takes literally a weekend to catch up on story
>That will basically cap you in level anyway if you're doing blue quests and roulette
>only Goetia needed for savage for most classes
>Monk literally best DPS in the game right now
What are you talking about, you could be running Eden Savage in like a week.
How different is the EU playerbase from NA? There's an alt on Odin that I haven't touched in years.
>think Exarch has some big secret to time and space travel
>it's just Madlad Cid fusion dancing Alexander and Omega Weapon
Well, those were statues of sin eaters.
Okay I have MIN/BTN to 56 and I'd like to get them to 63 to farm HQ mats easier for my lower level crafters.
What are my best options?
Just as retarded but with the added benefit of most players not understanding basic English
>I know the actual reason but I wonder if they'll even acknowledge this in-universe.
..Do you? They're statues made in the likeness of Sin Eaters. They're not actually Sin Eaters. We don't know how Amdapor saw them, but since the calamaties have all been Ascian fuckery, and the Amdapori were part of the War of the Magi before the Sixth Umbral Calamity, we can assume they did something.
The real meme is the actual Sin Eater in Eureka.
Sin Eaters are just a nickname for beings of light. There aren't very many in the source outside of the isolated Amdapor shenanigans.
Holy shit why are the adders bullying maels in Aether?
Collectables and leves.
>How did they get to the Source?
Sin Eaters aren't exclusive to the First, they're just the most numerous there. Any living being on any shard that is exposed to too much light runs the risk of becoming one.
no seriously, they're not even planning on winning the game.
GNB plays like HW MCH without the procs and with wildfire on a 30 second CD instead of 90
Good, fuck the Maels for winning all their fucking games last few weeks.
How so? He says himself that the rejoining is all his heart wants no matter what and that the party shouldn't be surprised he turned on them.
Yes I realize that he was attempting a peaceful solution (and that's what makes him so alluring as a villain) but what solution would that be if their core interests are diametrically opposed? The wol will never accept what the ascians want to do.
The reason I'm so insistent on this is that if it doesn't get an answer Emet's test is completely useless to the narrative and it hurts his character a bit, since tests have 2 possible outcomes that each have a consequence, but in his test it seems it literally wouldn't matter what the result was because the consequence would still be conflict.
>The real meme is the actual Sin Eater in Eureka.
Anything interesting about it?
would fug.
Redpill me on bard - is it fun?
I like bow classes but the songs look like a gay
>How so? He says himself that the rejoining is all his heart wants
Because he doesn't see another option. Seeing a glimmer of another choice makes him give you a shot. But you fail.
Not of our goals, you idiot, of HIS goals. Try to think about his character more than not at all. What did Emet really wanted? Was his goal, as a person (not as a follower of Zodiark), to revive the Ascian civilization, or was that a means to an end? Do remember his last words to us.
>do savage practice parties
>good enough to get to rotating orb phase
>party usually wipes before that
>don't want to join clear party since I have very little experience with orbs
>practice parties are to frustrating to deal with
I don't know anyone who is even attempting savage, should I just give up or bite the bullet and join a clear group and hope for the best?
The absolute fastest way is levequests. Boring, put on music, podcast, whatever, and just go to town and burn your GP on evaluation scores.
>Emet-Selch has been lonely for an obscene amount of time and has the biggest case of survivor’s guilt I’ve ever seen
>Takes it upon himself to do whatever it takes to bring his people back and restore the world to how it was before what was basically the apocalypse
>He has a noticeable slouch throughout the entire MSQ because he feels like he (literally) has the weight of the world on his shoulders
>When you defeat him and talk to him right before he dies, and he realizes he’s able to finally let go, he’s standing up straight
It’s the small things. Fuck I love this character. Easily my favorite FF villain.
Cursed image.
Technically it actually does make antman useless for its original intended purpose. However antman's original intended purpose was shit and its current use is much better, though they need to change it so that it ticks instantly
But why would the WoL succeeding make emet give up on the rejoining?
If you don't to sing songs why would you want to play bard.
>>When you defeat him and talk to him right before he dies, and he realizes he’s able to finally let go, he’s standing up straight
>Stand Taaaaaaaaaaaaalllll my friend
Disguises himself as a cow until you weaken him, but also actually says lines unlike every eater besides Innocence and Titania.
The biggest lie is that of omission. We'll eventually find out whatever he left out. Ultimately, he had a sappy goodbye, but was in the end, a tempered being with the goal of bringing zodiark back into the hood
>GNB plays like HW MCH without the procs and with wildfire on a 30 second CD instead of 90
So it's nothing like HW MCH at all.
I love how learning his backstory changes everything about how you view his character design, even though nothing has actually changed.
Because he just wants his people back. If the lesser races can prove they're just as good as his people, why would he need to get them back?
Because it's the only bow class and we have no ranger or hunter.
I'm gonna remove my bard crystal and play as archer then?
Wait what, so he just misses strong/perfect beings, not actually his people?
Look at it like this, yes Emet’s goal and the WoL’s goal are inherently incompatible. But Emet was trying to convince himself that maybe you were worth something. It was really him trying to cope if anything, because it’s heavily implied that the WoL is a sundered part of the soul of the XIVth convocation member, who was his friend. He likely saw a piece of them and you and that is probably what prompted him to “give you a shot”. However, even if the WoL had passed, he probably would’ve found some other bullshit reason to try to dismiss you as not worth it. He was basically at war with himself for most of the MSQ trying to determine if you could live up to the ancients at all, in anyway.
It's exactly like HW MCH but not fucking boring.
>He has a noticeable slouch throughout the entire MSQ because he feels like he (literally) has the weight of the world on his shoulders
Shit posture is now a positive character trait? You inebriate retards get even more ridiculous with each passing day
oh no no no, this manlet have the size of a fem midlander with 65 on height slider
Finish reading the post, sperg.
you have autism
It's funny because most of the time we have 3 bases up and adders are just massacring whatever base maels are at.
Do you have adhd? Finish reading the post
he's lived countless lifetimes. he has good posture for a old fart.
golem get ye gone
I don't think the first part is true because he seems genuinely surprised when he sees the 14th ascian before him in your place right before you fight him, unless I misunderstood something.
I don't wanna sound combative or mean but that second part of the post just kinda sounds like you're rephrasing what I said, and idk how to reply to that.
>Retard can’t into symbolism or visual storytelling
Loving every laugh
That's part of it. He misses people he considered his equal. He wants his genuine Ascian people back, sure. But he's been trying for thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years. He's a person too, he feels completely and utterly alone, and if he can find people to take their place, he's willing to if they can prove they're worth it.
As long as he's not lying, of course.
The guy from the nights blessed. There was some romantic tension there, I thought.
Like you said, in the end we don't know what he would have done if we could contain the light, but the most likely answer is to keep trying to bring Zodiark back, as he was tempered. But my interpretation, as based on his character, is that if we proved to him that we could be as great as the Ascians of old, he would have abandoned his plan and let us inherit the planet. All he wanted, I think, was for the people that rule the star to be worthy of the position.
But he would had failed in that as he was tempered.
Minifillia was so much better looking than Ryne. Please let her revert during the raid series story.
That kinda makes him not as relatable imo.
Might have to do with the lack of a Lightwarden in Eureka then.
Or it's just that strong a will to begin with. Even Tesleen was able to hold on to the barest amount of agency.
so, whos this?
she needs a new outfit, her white dress clashes with her red hair where as it looked good with the blonde hair.
>he's just like me!
>implying emet selch is dead
kek. They didn't destroy his soul and the writers have an irritating aversion to killing anyone. He'll be back.
Which is why it sucks when the class you like to play is horribly under tuned. I /like/ MCH and I'm still going to play it regardless of all ranged DPS doing mediocre numbers, but it also feels beyond shitty seeing a 1% enrage and knowing that it would've been a clear if I was playing any other class.
He wasn't supposed to, at least not entirely. Are you one of the top 14 smartest and most capable person of the planet? Have you lived for 12000 years? We are suppose to sympathize with him, not relate with him. Why do modern people think that we have to be able to relate with every character in a story?
How? It makes him more relatable to me if anything. He views unsundered beings as not even people, but he’s been trying forever to get his people back, and this entire time he’s basically been a depressed sack of shit. It makes sense for him to at least try something different and see if unsundered people could live up to any of his expectations, as opposed to being a killing machine who doesn’t even give them a shot.
He's stabbed with auracite.
both tanks having tank stance on provides the only problem with aggro generation in which one tank would have to 'control' their damage and both going hogwild runs the risk of one just randomly overtaking the other.But then again I guess all you have to do is use provoke every once in a while since it produces a retarded amount of aggro on top of putting you on top of emnity.
anyways tank stance is fucking retarded because it just naturally shits out so much emnity that controlling it in any way is not necessary. I was doing synced farms but we needed a tank and my only tank was 70 something and despite that I didn't have to worry about the BLM catching up with me or anything.
But they did. That was the point of the device that Thancred used.
Because being relatable is one of the pre requisites for caring. If you don't care about the villain what is even the point of the story?
>mfw Immortal Flames clutch win just now
You mean that auracite that he pulled out of his body and destroyed
>They didn't destroy his soul
Yes, yes they did. All that ether energy from the lightwardens was used as a massive weapon of light
I care about Y'shtola but I don't find her relatable in most ways.
Are you a retard? He's dead the same way Lahabrea died, he got nuked by a shitton of light that literally burned away his soul before he could possess another body
That's karma for all the times you called us the immortal lames. Not so funny when you're losing huh?
Why do adder and flames always seem to have a secret alliance? more so flames just mindlessly attack mael and let adders get easy points.
That's just the shitty english translation, I think. That dude just admired Y'shtola in a big sister kind of way (anego in japanese), is just that's since there's no direct equivalent in english they didn't even try.
Just like Thancred not even once showing romantic interest in Minfilia, and explicitly referring to her as her little sister/daughter, so that the scene after his fight was supposed to come off as surprising, but they changed that for some reason on the english translation.
I agree with that but that has nothing to do with the post that user is replying to.
The Ascian known as Emet-Selch is most likely dead after the Scions used a combination of auracite and the WoL's lightwarden axe. We'll see one of his now sundered selves if anything.
>>asking for more buffs or tweaks causes a shitstorm
Because MNK is currently the strongest class in the game by a wide fucking margin AND brings defensive utility; they're right for calling you retarded.
They game has been very clear with its rules regarding killing Ascians, you must defeat them and destroy their soul using auracite, which is not what the WoL and co did. Emet was able to destroy the auracite before being “killed”.
Don’t be surprised when he pops up later down the line.
You care about her body of work
>Why did the Exarch lie in the cutscene after Crown of the Immaculate, saying he wanted to take the WoL's power to travel to other worlds?
Thats explained the SAME cutscene literally THIRTY SECONDS LATER
Thancred still doesn't show romantic interest towards Minfilia, he just doesn't call her his sister/daughter.
I typed an explanation of how you're wrong before realizing I care too much about this shit so I'll just call you a retard and tell you to go rewatch 2.4 cutscenes instead.
Again, there's a difference between sympathizing and relating with someone. I take you have never read anything written before 1920? In my experience this is a problem with how characters are portrayed in the modern era, particularly in the west.
I don't think they'd show Elidibus going "EMET IS FUCKING DEAD WHAT NOW" if he wasn't dead.
It literally isn't
DNC's dash moves them like 2 feet and still snapshots location so you can't use it reliably to dodge shit. If you need to use En Avant you were probably going to get hit anyways. Shit like Shikuchi and Aetherial Manipulation allow for more flexible dodging as opposed to En Avant.
Metafag reason? DNCs do horrible dps and their support doesn't even come close to making up for it, you have zero reason to take one. Personal reason? 99% of DNCs are lobotomized mouthbreathers who dance partner their equally lobotomized fuckbuddy who proceeds to get out damaged by the tank.
>This makes him not as relatable
>I explain how it makes him more relatable
>Nothing to do with the post
Not even trying to be a dick I’m just genuinely confused.
I'm sorry to hear about your autism, user.
>Why did the Exarch lie in the cutscene after Crown of the Immaculate, saying he wanted to take the WoL's power to travel to other worlds?
So you wouldn't mourn.
>Why did the Exarch think absorbing the all the Warderns' light would kill him and not release the light imediately after? Or not transform him into a sin eater?
The Exarch was seconds from teleporting into the void. Whatever happens to him there doesn't matter.
Didn't he just leave the posts in private?
I have. The villains are generally not relatable but the heroes are, which in turn enhances the villain (like moby dick for example). This technique is also used in planescape torment curiously enough.
In ff14 the hero is literally a blank slate with no characterization options, so the villain has to be relatable.
Autism and incorrect to boot, what a one two combo of degeneracy you are.
He could’ve just retired to the Fuck Off Dinension where Elidibus is unable to detect his aether.
That's not the implication when he refers to her as "My Minfilia". I worded my post badly, I didn't meant to say that he showed her romantic interest, but that when he talked of her the dialogue (in the english translation) implied that he was in love with her in a very heavy handed way, which was not at all what the original japanese dialogue implied.
You don't need auracite. Light is anathema to shadow. One of the reasons why Emet was helping you in the first place because primal light magic was flooding the world, which you absorbed and used to spear him.
>I hope he comes back as a good guy with his sense of humor and personality intact, just like in my animes!
Neck your fucking self. I liked him but bringing him back would bring ShB down several points by absolving all dramatic tension from the plot. His death was kino and ShB was 9.5/10. Let it be.
and chances are since it's confirmed you were an Ascian, you were that 14th member because why wouldn't you be.
You disemboweled a being of darkness with pure light. He's not coming back.
It has nothing to do with the post that spurned the discussion.
I don't disagree with anything you said there.
>If I call him autistic it'll seem like I have the upper hand?
I still think that you are confusing sympathizing with relating. I think Moby Dick is a bad example with being one of the first actual novels as we know them today. Just for thoroughness sake, with which character did you "related"?
>you must defeat them and destroy their soul using auracite
Wrong. To kill an Ascian to need to complete destroy and snuff out their aether, the auracite is merely used to absord and contain said aether so it can be destroyed through traditional means. It's entirely possible to eliminate an Ascians aether through other means; see King Thordan drinking two Ascians to death like a smoothie.
You're deluded if you actually think shadowbringers and particularly emet wasn't a total fluke. The writers are still retarded and most of the characters are still the same drab dung they've been since ARR.
>That's not the implication when he refers to her as "My Minfilia".
How does that at all imply romantic interest? It's not remotely weird for a parent to call their child "my X".
It’s a fantasy world where they are dealing with literal calamities and magic beings and shit, it’s pretty hard to relate to anyone of import in ffxiv. That doesn’t mean you can’t empathize with their feelings, motivations, desires etc.
Nobody relates to Alphinaud but we all love him cause he’s a well written, likeable character who has ideals we resonate with.
Captain Ahab is a very relatable guy despite being generally a dick head.
Alphinaud has 0 character. How can you relate to him? He's literally a good boy does nothing wrong like the entirety of the scions.
There's plenty of games that present great villains in a fantasy setting with world ending calamities at stake.
It had nothing to do with the original post but it started a new discussion based on his post about Emet’s relatability. That’s how the flow of a conversation works user
>irritating aversion to killing anyone
not Ascians.
Nabriales: Killed by you via white auracite
Igeyohrm: Killed by you via white auracite
Lahabrea: Killed by Thordan via sucking him into Nidhogg's eye
Emmeleroth: Killed by Galuf Baldesion by teleporting him into the aetherial sea
Mitron: Killed by Ardbert
Loghrif: Killed by Ardbert
Emet Selch: Killed by you Gurren Lagann style
and on top of that, Gaius has some red ascian masks meaning he's killed a couple, which some people assume might include Fanadiel. Hell, they might all be dead except for Elidibus at this point.
But you can that on the MT if you're OT.
He wasn't referring to loli Minfilia in that line I gave as an example, but the old one. He does not refer to any other character, present or absent, in that way, nor does anyone else refer to Minfilia in that way. Also, Thancred refers to old Minfilia in different ways through the story (in the english translation) when he is calm or when he is angry, watch the cut scenes again. When he is calm he is very careful to refer to her in a neutral way, as a colleague would, or at most in a brotherly kind of way, but when he is agitated he refers to her with completely different words, this happens like 3 times if I'm remembering right. It's kind of neat actually, if only it wasn't complete fanfiction from the translating team.
Believable up until that point
The woman who wrote ShB also wrote HW, both of which are kino. I can’t chalk that up to being a fluke.
he only killed Lahabrea this way, but Galuf killed Emmeleroth in a similar way by X-zoning him into the aetherial sea which basically just caused his existence to dissipate into nothingness.
She was also in charge of the best individual stories, such as DRK 30-50 and 60-70.
Hw was shit though. Only an improvement over arr because it was shorter.
galuf fucking rules
True that. That doesn't mean that EVERY character in a story HAS to be relatable or you won't be able to like him. Take Aragorn, from LotR (the books). He is about as unrelatable as possible from the characters we are suppose to relate to (the Hobbits, or Boromir). Same with the Elfs. Doesn't mean I don't sympathize with them or that I don't like the characters.
The ones that are still around being pests are just the ones from the council and their shards more or less from what I understand. the ones that summoned zodiark mostly gave their life to him to save the world just like the other half gave their lives to hydaelyn so no the ones that summoned Zodiark are not around still, being pests (generally) since they died to Zodiark. Wanting to resurrect those summoners with the lifeforce of the new people of eorzea and Zodiark's power was the reason Emet&co wanted to bring the world together again remember?
>How can you relate to him?
I just said nobody relates to him, but people still like him. Jesus, can you learn to read please.
As to your second point, Emet is a great villain. He’s multi layered and enjoyable to see on screen. You can disagree of course, but you’d be wrong.
>also wrote HW
not all of it. she wrote the following for xiv
>rog quests
>1-50 alc quests
>drk quests
>crystal tower
>binding coil
>coerthas central highlands
>warriors of darkness msq
>azim steppe
also matoya's sidequests
I fucking hate Holminster Switch so much, I honestly don't think I'll level anymore jobs any time soon because of how much I loathe this dungeon
No wonder Azim Steppe was the only part of Stormblood that I enjoyed. Also, it's like people here can't conceive that different areas and questlines are written by different people. It doesn't surprise me at all that the whole Zenos shit was written by someone else.
Emet has too many holes to be a great villain. He starts out extremely interesting though, but that's just because every other ascian is a total bore.
>still love Alphinaud
Yeah if you're a fucking faggot. Guy had 0 personality. Can't even name a character trait.
Was that the part with the moon and sun fags? Holy fuck that was the biggest slog in the game by far. I almost quit. What the fuck were they thinking. Literally the worst padding in stormblood
So all the good shit basically.
To be fair our only extended interactions with ascians is shit like:
Igeyorhm: I'm girl :) also I'm going to kill you
Elidibus: What was I supposed to do he came at me with a Katana
the rest that we know of were just working behind the scenes and are probably dead now
>Playing Seal rock
>Flmaes literally have 25 points
>Mael has four nodes up
>Push the single adder node with all three alliances.
What the fuck is wrong with lames.
>He's literally a good boy does nothing wrong like the entirety of the scions.
I'm going to assume you bought a story skip and want to pretend like you know what the fuck you're talking about
>Elidibus: What was I supposed to do he came at me with a Katana
This is the best summary of Elidibus I’ve ever heard. Fucking incompetent moron
>Playing pvp
>He's literally a good boy does nothing wrong like the entirety of the scions.
So are you just going to gloss over the fact that he's responsible for the single biggest fuck up in the entire MSQ or?