I honestly hate steam so much it makes me so fucking angry like nothing else
Shit never downloads, or when it does, rapes all my modded files and saved games with unsolicited updates.
Also ghost updates which stay at 0/0 bytes indefinitely
Seriously considering suicide at this point
I honestly hate steam so much it makes me so fucking angry like nothing else
You should try not living in a third world country and buying a computer you didnt find at a flea market.
You can turn updates for games off, retard.
>trying to download on steam
>excellent download speed on browsers
>computer runs all games besides Ark on highest graphics setting with chrome open
>pic related
I was going to kill myself but I might kill you faggots for being so dense instead
idk what to tell you, works on my machine
This just one fat embarrassing post because the only person at fault is yourself for being computer illiterate. There are a number of problems with your computer and Steam's configuration that have nothing to do with Steam's culpability.
It's driving me fucking nuts
For the love of god if someone knows how to make it stop
Listen here, smartass. If you line up 100 people, and everything works fine for 99 of them, then there's a really good fucking chance you YOU'RE the problem. Find it. Fix it. Or go to Epic. Actually, that's a great idea. Please, go to Epic. Be with your own kind.
There's no drive activity. Steam will not download if it's not able to write data. There is a problem with your computer that is causing a bottleneck on writing to the drive. I've seen it before, and it's not Steam. The last time this happened to me, it was Windows Update and the computer needing to be restarted. For some reason it was blocking hard disk activity. It's basically impossible for you to download faster than your disk can write. That should never happen.
or his hard drive is full, which is more likely. Steam might not be able to pre-allocate the space needed.
Ganbatte user
>wow I fucking hate steam look at this problem
>nah actually my computer is fine and I've done whatever I know to fix it and it still does this retarded shit that you obviously overlooked in pic rel because you are handicapped
All I want to do is fix this problem faggatron
I can confirm, I have a shit laptop that can't download games because of the garbage hard drive. OP should try capping his download speed on Steam and try to make sure there isn't anything using the hard drive like Windows Update.
I have an external hard dive specifically for gaming.
I will look into this bottleneck issue, where should I start? Updates are all good as of right now and a restart earlier didn't seem to help.
Also, the Steam Client shows hard drive activity, but no network?
See Go on settings, downloads and limit bandwidth to something very low to see if downloading works. If it works then increase the bandwidth until it stops downloading.
Uh, dude, you're the one that started crying about Steam when your computer was at fault. It's right there in the OP. Feel free to check.
Just make sure it's connected, working, and that there's space on it. What is the actual problem, in detail? Is it a patch or update? Can you install some small game like Angry Birds or some shit just to see if that works? Did you disconnect the drive recently? Did the drive letter change? Give us some details.
If it's a USB drive, try a different bus. If you have 4 ports in the back of your PC, and 2 in the front, move it from the back to the front. If you only 4 have ports in the back, move to a port that's not adjacent to the one it's in. Like, if it's in the top row, move it to the bottom. That will rule out USB issues.
>better make another useless whining faggot thread about it on Yea Forums!!!!!!!!!
hang yourself you stupid retard
no you can't
even if you turn it off, the game will show Updated Needed and you can't launch the game until you update it. this is why I pirate games.
Its ridiculous desu
For example, steam just downloaded an update for HOI, but struggled for the hour before that to download an Ark update at 0/0bytes with no network movement (pic rel). With HOI opened/closed, the Ark update was not affected. This pattern occurs with other games. Steam, the computer, and everything else was left unchanged, I just gave up on Ark and hit the 'play' button on HOI.
Also, with updates turned off, games 'update' without prompt and overwrite my files or generally change configurations. I typically save enough backups to overcome this but it's still irritating. It doesn't seem to actually 'update' anything since HOI3/HOI:DH haven't been updated in years and still get these. I mostly play old map games which I like to mod, but also Arma, Ark, BeamNG, and MOWAS2.
drive is connected, has space, is working, and the drive letter has never changed. Tried to move the usb port with no affect.
Ark devs don't know how to compress their shit. Their downloads and updates have and will always be shit
Last month steam decided to completely delete my steamapps folder. All game data and saves gone without my permission. I had cloud saves enabled, so I redownloaded the games and had no progress in anything.
I put in a support ticket but "lul your hard drive is dead bro!". It's an SSD, not even a year old, and literally nothing else has ever disappeared or corrupted besides these few steam games.
>ghost updates that stay at 0 bytes
>Seriously considering suicide at this point
That's not going to make Steam not suck. Try just not using it.
Hah! You use steam to play games? I download all my games onto usbs which I connect to my phone via power cord after which I sent all the code via text to my loyal worker in Cameroon where he converts it into binary which gets sent to my specially made terminal which then converts it into text so I can play.
The thing is, I don't even think it's an actual update. Just a passing wind through the interwebs, uncertain of its destination, neither a playable update nor an unseen exe. silently doing its duty, but rather a phantom stuck in purgatory for eternity, making its way to my screen, crying out for salvation by not letting me download anything on steam whatsoever, and ruining my Friday night in a vain attempt to claw its way back to reality.
But no, I say
As I load up a game where I will make the dream of the Third Reich a reality, slaughtering millions of encircled Soviet troops in the process, creating a future of which I can only dream, where Steamniggers are violently and without remorse exterminated, leaving a world free of datamining tricks and demoralization via unsolicited downloads in its wake
A single tear runs from my face as I smile
So, it seems I get the last laugh after all
I finish my gin as I prepare for another day