Watch this video and tell me, with a straight face, video games do not cause violence
Protip: you can't
Watch this video and tell me, with a straight face, video games do not cause violence
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video games do not cause violence
You're a fucking idiot.
I remember Boon being disappointed when he found out MK didn't make the video
can i not watch it and tell you video games are gay?
>video games become more violent
>society becomes less violent
How about you explain this.
You didn't have to kill Malcom Latimer in Fallout 4 the White house did that shit on purpose
how many mass shootings has america had this month? remind me
Sharterica has always been crap since they set their niggers loose.
Ameriburgerlandia turning into a nanny state? or is this another regular scapegoating like what they did with the music industry, to distract burgerlanders from the real issue, gun culture
tell me, burgers, are the NRA controlled by jews or something?
Mass shootings are statistically insignificant.
The media focusing on them is pure distraction.
The real violence is in the ghettos. And it's a lot related to drugs.
Watched it and no one died as a result. Check mate faggot.
>Look it snowed! Climate change is a hoax!
t. (You)
oh am I laughing
Why does the media focus on mass shootings and this instead of gang violence where the majority of gun deaths come from?
didn't gamer gate die pretty quickly?
cya later Trump
Because most of the victims are blacks and they don't care about them clearly.
yea okay whitey don't you got a school to shoot up?
*blocks your path*
well if Videogames can turn males in to misogynist rapist.
i suppose they can turn people into murderers massive shooters as well.
Switzerland has the most guns in Europe and one of the lowest crime rates
It's pretty fucking funny that the GGfags who migrated to ShooterChan are now refugees coming back here after the 4th mass shooting inspired there.
Reminder gun nuts are just another brand of furries because they turned a fetish into a life style.
It did but it still makes game journos lost their absolute shit when brought up. They still use it as a boogeyman
>dumb manjawed neoliberal troop sucker
it wouldn't be much better
Switzerland has mandatory military service where all able-bodied young men (the likeliest demographic for a mass shooter) are require to be trained in shooting and proper storage of guns. And they're also required to have a license before purchasing a firearm. And they do not have more guns than people.
Reminder that anti gun nuts are incel cucks that are afraid of a tool
Thats fucking rich considering her pervious war on video games.
but all mass shooters are white.
>Projecting conservative fetishes onto people you don't like
Because most of the victims are black and conservatives would sextouple down on rifles4tots
Statistically insignificant to what?
>shooter actively confesses that he wanted to murder mexicans
>faglords still try to blame videogames
>on the fucking videogames board
Get the fuck out /pol/ tourists.
>inspired there.
The shooter didn't post his manifesto on 4*2ch
he posted it on instagram first and some other user posted the manifesto to denounce him.
Video games definitely cause violence for mentally unstable individuals.
I don’t believe so, but I do believe people with violent tendencies flock to video games as a means of escape.
>it's not the glorification of violence in entertainment and news media!
>It's merely a coincidence that these mass shootings didn't happen from the 1800s to the mid 1980s despite guns being cheaper, more easily accessible, full autos being legal to buy (and affordable starting in the 50s) and explosive hand grenades being legal until the mid 60s!
>GamerGate is the basis of our current political climate.
Oh shut the fuck up, it's not all about you.
Mass shootings always happen when the Democrat party needs talking points for an election. Literally all of them coincide.
Soon to be terrorist.
Enjoy getting infringed and BLACKED
A tool for killing people
Fearmongering should be a bannable offense.
They have the most guns in Europe and one of the lowest crime rates. Ammo is easy to purchase and storage laws don't prevent a mad lad from going out and shooting people
It's a people problem not a gun problem
The bitch flip flops her views for votes, she's literally a political whore.
Prove it.
>picking Trump over vidya
never go full /pol/lack
>all mass shooters the media focuses on are white
Both of you are retards.
I'd put that on bumper sticker.
I thought Switzerland and Norway both had extremely high firearm murder rates when compared to other first world countries like Italy, Poland, Lithuania etc.
Obviously not when compared to countries like US, Senegal etc.
Video games also cause mental instability
Yeah so is a serrated knife faggot
Stop being scared of a piece of metal
>full /pol/ppet
Lefties are now for video games just to go against Trump. This whole thing makes me laugh so hard.
Reminder that large amounts of guns dont result in higher crimerates, large amounts if shitskins do
how so
>Ammo is easy to purchase
Not if it's army-issued (i.e. 5.56mm rounds)
>Storage laws don't prevent a mad lad
Yes they do, they prevent some dumbfuck 16 year old from grabbing a gun from his dad's closet and going on a shooting spree
>Firearm murder rates
Switzerland it's not high but this statistic is fucking meaningless. Murder rate is what matters
interesting language
how about by casualties?
Actually a serrated knife is a tool for cutting meat
Now imagine all that money spent on burger shooty sticks but instead on video games.
Neither video games nor gun ownership cause violence.
Trump has been consistently anti-video games since 2012. If you thought his stance on this was recent you're a retard. Lefties are criticizing him using it as a scapegoat to avoid dealing with guns.
>literally every country in the world plays video games
>america is the ONLY country in the world with daily mass shootings
epic lmao
whereas trump doesn't flip flop on video games
at least he's consistent
>Military rounds
Lol who fucking cares faggot. If you're going after unarmed people even .22lr would probably have the same effect as .223 with some double tapping
They merely make it easier and more palatable to incels
>More pointless /pol/ charts
Into the trash.
>5.56mm rounds
Wow, slightly overpowered .223 with a steel core; they don't even have hollow points like normal .223 hunting ammo
>video games do not cause violence
Nothing's going to happen to vidyas. He'll meet with "industry leaders" and tell them to stop mass shootings and they'll go "huh ok sure" and then he'll say he did something.
And looks like they'll be passing their "common sense gun legislation" that both parties have been talking about since forever so that should calm down some of the hysteria.
The 8fag infestation is real, huh?
Hardly. You get a van and a busy sidewalk and you can beat every mass shooter's record. Plus incels? Most mass shooters aren't virgins.
prove it
Oi no it's not you loony now bin day knife or I'm calling the coppas
I agree. I'd much rather have her hate video games consistently than change her mind. I'd much rather have someone in a position of power be wrong consistently for over 20 years than realize they're wrong and change their opinion
Are americans for fucking real?
I'm telling you, it is not a good idea to pursue it
t. korean
>we get to have big tiddy girls in our games again, but we lose the ability to have guns and swords in games.
Was this the future you wanted Yea Forums?
You know, maybe.
But not all mentally unstable people are dangerous ok.
>Video Games cause violence
>no other developed country has anywhere near as much violence as America despite also having them
>Change her mind.
She hasn't changed her mind. She still hates video games, she's just trying not to allign with Trump. Both Hillary and Trump are fuckers on this issue, is it so hard to get through your fucking partisan mind?
>The 8fag infestation is real, huh?
If guns were illegal you wouldn't have to worry about armed robbers or burglars because guns are illegal and this it's impossible for them to have guns
Checkmate atheists
Damn you're right. It could have made VR not just a meme.
You can take my guns and my video games from my cold dead hands.
>same effect
I thought gunfags whined on and on about guns with 22lr rounds being banned with the Assault Weapons Ban, because they aren't lethal and are frequently used for varmints and small game? Now you're telling me they're lethal?
>Hey my friend is about to do a columbine
>Officers show up to temporarily confiscate guns and investigate
>Dude would rather try and murder them than temporarily give up his bigboytoys
>Gets what he literally asked for
What's the problem? This moron wanted to start a gunfight, you don't get to bitch about how it ended.
lol okay Shlomo we'll just go back to be quiet good goys
If you replaced gun violence in media with vehicular violence, you would start seeing a rise in vehicular violence in real life.
>grifters personally involved with gamergate are always the only people bringing it up or get hired to write articles about how it is the thing that changed the world
truly lol
Watched it the entire way through. I have not been motivated to incite violence, nor do I have any desire to do so. But hey, nice bait,
>Guns cause violence
>no other developed country has anywhere near as much violence as America despite also having them.
No an argument :3
Game journalists were literally just throwing a hissy fit over new Mortal Kombat for supposedly giving animators PTSD due to the gore. The complete 180 to them saying violent media can't affect a person mentally in literally any capacity is hilarious.
No other country glorifies Hollywood and television news media that has week long coverage of mass shooters either.
This all got kicked off with Columbine after people wouldn't shut up about it for a month.
It's been 15 years, stop obsessing over Hillary Clinton. What were your fucking political opinions
>2nd ammendment
>1st ammendment
LOL who needs video games. Censorship is great! Make Israel Great again!
Vehicular violence is huge in media. You're dumb as fuck.
>the only difference is guns
so there's nothing wrong with far right ideology, racism, or misogyny? that's everywhere around the world too.
>Br**nn* W* has an editorial in the Washington Post on the toxicity of vidya culture
>is probably going to be elected to Congress next year
well, fuuuuuuck
No civilized country has as many nonwhites either.
15 years ago? You probably weren't even born then, lmao
Please don't tell me Brianna Wu is filtered
Of course they're fucking lethal you retard.
They're horrible for self defense because generally you want an attacker going down in a single round or two, but if you're just spraying into a panicking crowd and shooting the bodies on the floor new zealand style you'll rack up the same kill count
Virtually all developed countries have gun regulations, including on who can sell them.
>is probably going to be elected to Congress next year
He got his ass kicked last election cycle handedly.
I was wondering why this entire website was shittier than normal. Now I know. A bunch of prepubescent liberal suburbia children who think they're edgy.
Damn, so I guess the Assault Weapons Ban WAS justified, those rifles WERE lethal. Alright then.
I just don't like mentioning that name here. brings back bad memories.
TL;DW lol
>Danger Hairs ever getting elected
America is full of small-brained people who should not have guns, which is why access to guns should be more difficult and only reserved to those who can be trusted with them. Sha'la-a DaCyrus Brooks III and his criminal record stretching back to 2 years old, Bobby D. Nyseguy and his autistic virginity, and the pink-haired rot-thot should get instant bans.
>Do a manifesto about how Mcdonalds and burger king bullied me.
>go shoot somewhere.
>Burgers are now banned because they are facist.
You realize the AWB didn't ban them or even the private sale of them right?
1. Had no effect on crime rate
2. Was just an annoyance pre internet.
Not as huge as gun violence. Imagine if you substituted every gunshot in a movie with a deliberate car crash. You don't think society would view guns and vehicles differently?
I'm American, in Portland at that, and I have absolutely no idea.
But hey, Antifa will be out protesting & murdering people on the streets again tomorrow and the mayor will be masturbating while watching them beat people's heads in again. As usual.
says the faggot with pictures of kids on his computer lol
please follow the example of that sign in the background and death drop off a cliff
t. future school shooter
>500 death drop alley
>8 year old drag queens
Starting early with the suicide?
Grabbed off Google for a quick rename and immediately deleted & Crap Cleaned.
>t.leftist cocksucker
First and second amendment shall not be infringed. Games and guns. Long Live the Republic.
>Antifa will be murdering people
Lel are they pussified trannies or fascist boogeymen?
Delete /pol/. They'll flood out for a few days but once they get stamped out, they'll run away back to their home board of reddit or some other shitty chan clone.
Why are gun control supporters so obsessed with dicks?
Stop projecting your own insecurities onto other people.
t. current school molester
>Literal safespace snowflake
>Write a manifesto about wanting to exterminate spics to prevent Texas from becoming Dem
>Shoot up Walmart
>Vidya gets the blame
I don't fucking get it. What the hell are they doing? This isn't even good damage control, not even actual boomers are on board with the idea.
>muh Antifa
I don't because I'm not an idiot who thinks so little of his fellow man to imagine that fictional media affects his mind so much. Gun control is a myth, it's not constitutional and it's never done good for any nation, not even my own poor Britain.
Now Tyrone has a gun and he got your GF, whatcha gonna do now?
Hello, summerfag
>I don't fucking get it. What the hell are they doing?
There's a big pressure for guns legislation right now.
So they'll blame anything they can.
>Laws now being drawn up to infringe on your faggy lifestyle
Reminder to give your daily thanks to based Scalia, patron saint of liberty, for writing the opinions which solidified individual right of gun ownership and the protections of the 1st amendment extending to video games
If anyone disses on Scalia remember they're probably a Californian soiboi that wants games censored and guns banned
Enact justice.
Ask the guy whose head they nearly cracked open like an egg.
>I disagree with your opinion here's a wojack to back up my argument
Which white supremacist shot up a school?
>dont like person
>call police
>"Hey they're about to shoot up a place"
>free assassination
That's a false flag group created by right wingers so they have a boogyman.
Thanks for you input gladium, always welcome
> He doesn't think fiction can affect people's minds
Why do you niggers keep using this argument? It means nothing when it comes to policy because the Constitution can be changed. The Constitution even acknowledges this as well. That's what an amendment is.
Gook Moot is too scared to delete /pol/ because;
1. Will loose shekels
B. frogfags will use their mom's credit card to buy Ruski DDOS bots to take down Yea Forums which again means no yens for Mandarin Moot
Professional retard.
>violence in video games doesn't cause violence!
>what's this? lootboxes?
>one guy
What a bunch of limpdick losers
>and he got your GF
Gee I dunno. You could have used a more relatable hypothetical desu.
Doesn't matter. It's just funny seeing everyone go VIDEO GAMES ARENT THAT BADDDD
Omg wow almost cracked his head, that's really comparable to the mass shootings committed by their opposition
uh oh, someone forgot to lock the reddit door again
Please. I still have porn, saved on CD-R's, from when /l/ was a thing and "bestiality vs beastiality" was an argument commonly had.
Based, trumptards are honestly mentally ill
Do you have a counterpoint or are you just going to cry like a baby some more?
go away forever burgers
take the russians and the chinese and the jewstate with you
big fags
>Yea Forums unironically supports the idea that video games lead to mass shootings now
>just because they want to defend muh orange man
Oh my. Random attack isn't the same as a random attack! Stop the presses!
By the way, the Ohio shooter was a Democrat.
>No arguments
Classic deflection
>The constitution can be changed.
I'm British and the US Constitution is the best crystalisation of the two greatest forces for human liberty in the last thousand years; English Radicalism, and Common Law; the US stands alone as one of the last bastions of the right to bear arms, something once held so solid and dear that one could be fined for refusing to bear arms in 1500s Germany. The idea that you would want to remove such a glorious transcendent piece of legislation only proves my own personal theory; that constitution alone, whether statute or convention, cannot stand against traitors or enemies who want to see it defiled. I am thankful everyday that it has been elevated in the US to an almost religious level, so that the torch of human liberty still stands.
I don't
I support using them as a scapegoat because nothing will happen and I don't want my video games or my guns fucked with
I've been here since 2005 and I don't know what that board is
And yet you act as if this place had never been full of
>prepubescent liberal suburbia children who think they're edgy
More like /pol/ tourists know they can get a few (You)s by going to the videogame board and claiming Vidya is the reason for mass shootings despite the shooter's manifesto. It's just to make people mad
Only a retard argues with idiocy. Just pointing that out to you.
>no russian
No not all random attacks are the same, or as frequent. Use your brain, try to look objectively at things
Shooterchan refugees pls go
Why should criminals and the mentally ill have the right to bear arms?
Yea Forums has been poisoned from /pol/onium for years now
/vg/ and /vr/ is where all the real Yea Forumsirgins escaped to
>professional flipflopper
Oh that's what you're calling facts now? Idiocy? Makes sense
>Head cracked open like an egg
>Out of the hospital with no bandages within 24 hours
Must be an ubermensch
Didn't >we had this argument years ago?
Also it's lag and getting fucked over by RNG that'll make people tilt instead of the violent content in vidya. Getting stuck in the same level for too long does the trick too.
Yeah I guess I never really looked around the smaller boards much
Because not all mental illness is the same, and someone shouldn't be prevented from protecting their home because of ADD.
Non violent criminals also shouldn't be barred.
Looks like Hilldawg is back on the menu boys.
The 2nd amendment says nothing about the right to bear arms to defend your home.
True. In one instance, one deranged person who didn't hide hide his identity attacked a lot of people by himself. In the other, a bunch of deranged people wearing masks to hide their idea had to work together to attack one person.
Antifa sure isn't nothing but limp dicked cowards!
Jesus Christ, it's literally the exact same tactic they did after Columbine
Oh, wait, you’re right. There’s so many mass shootings in China, Japan, and Korea.
It was a pretty major board, mate.
The 2nd amendment is about protecting the citizens of the US from enemies foreign or domestic. The home is as sacred as the free state
If you use a weapon in a way that is illegal you forfeit your right to bear arms. Non-violent offenders arguably shouldn't have their rights forfeit but that is up to the states to decide I think at the moment.
Mental illness varies but for the most part mental health experts have concluded people suffering from mental illness are less dangerous than the general population and actually are more likely to be victims of violence than the other way around.
Why shouldn't they be allowed to protect themselves?
Maybe he just decided not be a pussy about burning his hands a little bit while he FUCKING MURDERS PEOPLE. I dunno.
It wasn't random, Ngo is known for doxxing anti fascist protesters and exposing them to violence from fascist thugs. Snitches get stitches, don't go in trying to expose people to violence and whine like a pussy when they don't put up with it.
Oh that's what you're calling idiocy now? Facts? Makes sense.
I wish more of you incel shooters attacked individuals who are obviously bad, instead of random people minding their own business.
Violence isn't glorified in Asia nearly as much.
Sex is, not violence.
/pol/fags really are suburban moms from the 90's lol
>Forgot his gloves or pressed for time
Take your pills
DBD is hilariously tame and out of place in that video.
video games were never good. thank god orangeman finally told us it's ok to hate them
Oh, so a bunch of masked cowards had to band together to psyche each other up to track down and assault someone they disagree with. GG
You're grasping at straws now
>More deflection
More evidence right-wingers are all chemically imbalanced
oof lol
I know you are going to cum out of your boy pussy as soon as you get to say Straw Man
Imagine being young and having so little soul and respect for the means of entertainment of your generation that you use them as a scapegoat whenever things look bad for you and your political stance.
Imagine doing it because you've been brainwashed by trolls on an anime forum and boomer media.
To the violent video game playing future mass shooters on this board.
When you are gunning down innocents like the incels you are, please ask yourself. What is the price OF A MILE?
Yeah, if only they had mass murdered random people
James Madison told a trader that the 2nd amendment protected that trader's right to put a cannon on his trading vessel to defend from pirates.
So no, I'm not.
Well, the "incels" could always kidnap you and your family, drop you off in the forests outside a posh resort on an island surrounded by high cliffs, and hunt you and yours down, yeah?
Lootboxes dont cause gambling addiction, they are literal gambling
Two derringers. Every citizen is required to open carry two derringers. That will actually make this country more safe. No other guns are legal but derringers. You have the right to bear arms (two of them). Freedom is saved. You're welcome.
>Mass shooting
>Punching a dude
What equivalence. They wear masks because people (including Ngo) expose their identities and addresses to white supremacist gangs who show up at their homes with guns.
>Straw man
What? Did you see the word 'straw' and that popped into your head? Nice projection kid
>More deflection
More evidence left-wingers are all chemically imbalanced
>posting the shit version
I think GG did it's job if people are still THIS triggered over it five years later.
>Semi automatic rifle literally designed to kill large amounts of people in a short period of time
No lol you can't blame guns for people getting shot.
>A fucking video game with flashing pixels
Pirates are foreign entities
The constitution contains specific measures to edit it. Why do you post as if it is some document that cannot under any circumstances be amended even though the direct intent of the founding fathers was the opposite? There are dozens of amendments, faggot.
>No lol you can't blame guns for people getting shot.
Also true
I've seeing that they keep blaming videos games but what about the other media that also shows violence like movies tv shows hell even youtube videos. also what the fuck happened to the age rating did everyone forgot about that?
Go ahead and amend it then.
And the 70-something-year-old man who was just driving along trying to avoid the antifa protesters who they nearly murdered for "being in their way"? Riiiiiiiiiiight.
Only out of swearing off loyalty to their host country.
The point was, a founder agreed that defending yourself and your wares from criminals is justification for firearm ownership
My favorite part is when they go to Dead By Daylight
Yeah, the US has a severe issue with 7 foot Russian amazon's tossing hatchets at people.
That's retarded. video games clearly teach children to shoot. having more bullets or a faster gun doesn't make kids shooters.
Next you'll say faster cars encourage drunk driving.
>"editing" the Second Amendment
May as well "edit" the entire Constitution out of existence. You know, the thing people in Hong Kong are literally fighting the police for.
Boomers watch those so they're ok in their eyes
Was he right?
Did you quote the wrong post, user? That picture is just showing off guns.
Its stupid of Trump to alienate his incel gamer voters with this bullahit, he could just ignore the shootings entirely and lose 0 support
>majority of clips are MW2
No lies detected
Try it.
Good luck getting 3/4 of the states, 3/4 of the house, and 2/3 of the Senate. There's good reason why the bill of rights has never been touched
Yes unironically
He's only accelerating the gamers uprising.
No one says that except your retarded straw man. Yes, days upon days of looking at real life, not make believe, records (not depictions) of violence can have a negative impact on someone.
And it STILL doesn't cause violence.
>Wow, pussies wont even make it easy for me to show up at their house at 3 am with my militia LARPer white supremacist pals
>Don't even have the courage and integrity to murder their political opponents
And they didn't track down Ngo, he showed up at their protest with the intent of exposing them to militia LARPer white supremacists
Defending them from foreign entities you mean. Are you allowed to put cannons on private vessels in American waters these days????
What, don't like the storyline behind the upcoming extremist-left Hollywood studio company Universal movie "The Hunt"? Oh...wait. That movie is about leftists kidnapping and murdering suspected Trump supporters. My bad, totally different kettle of fish.
Of course they do. Just like movies. But the shit-sucking retards here will never admit it.
hes forcing retards to debate the violent video game angle so they don't chide on about thoughts and prayers.
They're like ravenous dogs, if they don't have anything to attack, they'll go for anything in their path. Trump just gave them a bone.
No I knew exactly what I was posting that for, jizznoggins aren't exclusively vidya related faggot
>Trump supporters
Right, because pressing Square is how you load a gun in real life, and pressing R2 is how you undo the safety and fire the rounds.
Holy shit this post is retarded
If you're gonna protest then don't wear a mask. And when you protest don't break everything around you like common thugs. DUH.
Why do leftist complain that sexist video games cause people to be sexist but then also say violent video games don't cause people to be violent.
No because the government are pussies and scared of the populace.
Vietnam war protests are literally why explosives are illegal. You could own a hand grenade legally until the 60s
What about soldiers coming back from war?
Yup and Antia and whoever the other slut is are literal who's
Why do you assume that Anita Sarkeesian = the entire DNC?
>sexual video games cause men to rape and objectify women
>perfectly fine to ban them
>video games cause mass murders
>n-no don't take my shooty tooty games, I need to take my anger out ;-;
why is Yea Forums so hypocritical.
Because they have smegma on the brain.
Literally what are you talking about, are you off your pills?
Todd could learn a thing or two from lies like that.
Only a true semencranium would even notice the 3DPD thot in that picture. You just played yourself, fa.m.
Name a single Democrat who wanted to ban games for being "sexist".
Thank God some people had sense and decided hand grenades weren't protected by the 2nd amendment then...
You're right user. slaughtering hundreds in video games leaves zero impression on young developing minds.
Literally prove it, fascist. Was that anything like the old man that got attacked by a Trump supporter outside of a rally last week?
>perfectly fine to ban them
Whoever said that deserves to be drug out into the middle of the street and shot.
By the way, THAT quote is from the Garfield SatAM cartoon from the early 90's.
t. bootlicker
Not him, but just go watch the trailer for "The Hunt" you plebeian. It's that easy.
>500 death drop
Is that their goal for how many gay people they want to throw off rooftops?
"The Hunt", you braindead moron. Upcoming movie, about exactly what I wrote. But it's okay, because suddenly it's a "satire" overnight.
All of ResetEra
>N-No! I mean senato-
No you didn't.
>Waaaaah don't worry about the fascist thugs who will show up your residence at 3 am with guns, it's not faaaaaiiirr!!!!!!!!
>That's a lie! No I won't substantiate that claim!!!HMPHH!!!!!!
Again what does that have to do with anything?
Movies and tv shows have been blamed in different decades. They're scapegoats so nobody attempts actual solutions like improving mental healthcare or making background checks matter.
>Why yes, I think that video games are too violent for young children. How could you tell?
Poor widdle baby wants to shoot someone like he saw in the video game
Why are you comparing resetera, who are effectively nobodies on the internet, to the president of the United States, someone who is actually in a position of power?
>conservacuck BOTH SIDES logic
>cannons and rotor guns are protected
>yeah but those tiny handguns or varment guns need to be banned
>tightly packed gunpowder? they would have never come up with such an idea.
never change americans, everyone needs a good laugh
How does that have any relevance to the argument at all?
>Yea Forums literally, unironically agrees with Jack Thompson now
Gas this place
criminals don't.
mentally ill don't.
She's not going to get in, the media will throw her under the bus and she'll be overshadowed by the other insane candidates wanting to waste billions on retarded immoral shit like "reparations".
your country is fucking mental by the way. how the fuck did you let this happen?
I dunno, was the man "attacked by Trumf suppositories" stopped in the middle of the street, terrorized by banging and trying to flip his car with him in it, before they broke his drivers' window, dragged him out of his own car, and beset upon by a pack of ravenous masked animals before the decided that "they really showed him!" and ran away hooting and howling like apes?
what a nice meme senpai
>He doesn't understand the power that social media mobs have
Remember when Snoy said their recent censorship was due to #MeToo? A hashtag of all things?
A lot of video games are too violent for young children but it's the parents' responsibility to deal with that. I don't think that this ESRB stupidity ever actually helped much with that though.
But another problem is that there aren't enough less-violent games that are actually good. Most parents don't want to prevent their children from playing the good games. They don't want to be dicks.
Follow the quote line, dumbass.
It's the free market user
Fine! then ban slapstick comedy then
>Muh Video Games
>gambling is bad
>because you'll be addicted to it
>so you're saying gambling causes gambling addiction?
>no its just gambling
>why is that bad?
I agree, we should waste billions on subsidizing farmers over a pointless trade war instead
Yes I'm the one who you're responding to. What does your comment about a movie yet to be released have to do with anything?
Trump just lost the gamer vote, and the 2020 elections.
>Reminder that violent video games are distributed worldwide
>America with its mass shootings for some reason dictates what the worldwide view of violent videogames should be.
>Seems like an American problem to me.
We can at least try to ban violent video games. what harm would come from it?
>muh guns
Here's another thing to blame instead of video games.
A lot of parents pretty much don't raise their children.
They don't have time.
So they're raised by TV, the Internet and vidyas and it influences them more than it should.
good boy letting the orange ogre tell you what you should belive
Yea Forums never disagreed with jack thompson.
Gambling is degenerate.
That's not what the argument is, the argument is that games are too violent for EVERYONE, and that mentally ill manchildren are the ones that consume such violent messages and do the shootings
And y'know what, it's completely true
Hmm that's quite a yarn, got any proof? How about proof that doesn't come from Breitbart?
The video game shit is just a meme, it's to throw a wrench in the anti-gun narrative.
Trump will never actually touch vidya. Trump is still based.
I didn't realize you loved boots so much.
>Trump will never actually touch vidya. Trump is still based.
not it's not. the media is interfering.
your choice is vote republican or vote for insane 'woke' fucks who support reparations & sharia law shit.
that's fucked. there's no option for normal left wingers.
Because they're the same as you and I. If a criminal has paid his due to society, he has the right to bear arms. If someone is mentally ill, he still has human rights.
This is how American politics works.
>Something bad happens
>Distract people with a red herring
I think he genuinely thinks that they're too violent though. Not just vidya, everything in the media.
But yeah, it's not like he's going to ban anything, it would be incredibly unpopular.
Ironically with the bump stock ban, Trump has done more gun control than Obama.
Does he get credit for it either way? As a useless bastard or a hero for the left? Fuck no he doesn't.
Fuck Trump, fuck censorship, guns and games.
>it would be incredibly unpopular.
Are you seriously implying he cares
Trump is a 90s democrat from New York. For fuck's sake why haven't you Americans realised this? HE'S LITERALLY JUST DOING WHAT CLINTON SAID HE'D DO IN 1992. FUCK.
>pointless trade war
You have really not been paying attention to what globalization has done to the working class these last decades.
And agri demand is going to skyrocket in the following decade, for many reasons. He can bail them out a few years while China throws a hissy fit and then they'll be fine.
go back to
49% approval despite the most hostile media approach in human history.
>Implying people here were born before 1992
Trump wants a free market; his "trade war" which is nonsensical to even suggest, is just trying to force China onto EU grounds.
>Ironically with the bump stock ban, Trump has done more gun control than Obama.
did it go through?
I was born in 1990, that doesn't mean you can't go back and read the damn manifestos and policies. I'm not even American.
Yes, it did. Of course, it's the US, so try banning shit. Not gonna work.
>49% approval
To some extent yeah, he doesn't have much of a choice.
Fucking this.
I keep pointing this out.
His agenda is pretty much a mid 90s democrats agenda. Before they went batshit insane. They didn't want him in their club so he ran for the "reform" party but that was pointless, and then he ran for the republicans because they were dead in the water so why not.
Yet they all act as if he's literally Hitler. It's ridiculous.
Someone who's already planning on doing something terrible should at least make it comical
49 accordig to Rasmussen which is higher than the last three presidents at this point in time in their career. And that's with polls which are to be treated with a pinch of salt because they are unironically useless.
How do you expect me to prove that something didn't happen?
In my days trolling used to mean something.
That's how we do things around here, and you lost because of your lack of wojack.
Yo can we NOW start giving /pol/tards the same disdain we give redditors and tumblrites? This is literally (figuratively) their fault, and the fault of their drama loving cousins.
I just want a gaming board free of anti-SJWs and twitter threads...
Nonsense, some of the world's greatest scholars and writers are Americans. I'm British and to ignore that is to ignore reality. In a nation of over 300 million people, the Americans are blessed with those who hit the higher marks.
The US is *extremely* competitive on pretty much anything. That's why no one actually wants free trade with them.
Right now everyone else is protectionist except the US.
If he can fix that, then globalization might actually make sense for the working class (in the US).
But it's probably not going to work.
So the US will become more protectionist to make up for it, and that will be OK.
>degenerate adhominem is an arguement
>posts failed game designer to try and appear like hes from Yea Forums
not gonna work /pol/
The age of /pol/ is over
/pol/acks don't want to ban anime or video games you fucking retard, that would be conservative boomers, the same people who always use them as a scapegoat.
Btw, /pol/ack is the correct demonym you fucking redditor.
Only if you damn leftypol too. I hate both of them, but if we let only one side on, we'll just get the same shit.
It's quite simple. GUNS AND GAMES OKAY?
Then why are they so fucking stupid?
Which works for them; Trump has actually prepared the American continent for the Eurozone downturn inducing global depression quite well.
They're not, you're just focused on the extremes.
A lot of the neo-nazi types are literally NO FUN ALLOWED because of muh degeneracy.
>Trump is a 90s Democrat
Then why does he do all the generic conservative policies?
>pass Paul Ryan tax cuts that are permanent for corporations
>remove 83 environmental regulations while claiming climate change is a hoax
>spend 700 billion dollars on the military
>appoint conservative Supreme Court justices
>appoint Goldman Sachs and Exxonmobil, as well as other Republicans to his cabinet
He's going to go through with it, absolutely, because it would be very popular with his base who'd consider it a lesser evil to gun control
>hating our greatest ally
go back to lefty /pol/
Well here's some proof that Ngo does in fact engage in the doxxing of anti fascist protesters, fascist.
all of those are democrat policies.
He's not an syndicalist. Don't turn against your bakunin bretheren.
He's not going to go through with it because it's such an easy twist to make himself seem moderate compared to the dems who have been calling for media censorship for decades.
Red flag laws, expanding the definition of hate speech, and advocating for expressed execution for those who commit hate crimes. Trump is the evil dictator morons thought Obama was. Going after video games is just the cherry on top.
I feel bad for the smug Europeons desu.
Most of them seem to have absolutely no idea what the US withdraw actually means for them.
They do but your society has to promote and celebrate violence and only subsaharian guerrillas do this.
Check the midwest, kids wanted to be "cowboys"
In the 90s? Then what are 90s republican values?
>expressed execution for those who commit hate crimes.
Uh oh, better watch out, /pol/ and shooterchan refugees
>Watch this video
>you tube
fuck off retard
poor healthcare causes violence
>acting like trump doesn’t also want media censorship whenever they say anything he doesn’t like.
>Trump is the evil dictator morons thought Obama was.
And here's some more proof of Ngo's complicity in compiling antifascist protesters into convenient lists for fascist thugs. It also shows that Ngo (and likely you, going by the reaction I anticipate) don't actually care about nonviolent protest, you just sympathize with fascists.
You just don't get it user. Somehow despite Trump being President, it's the Democrats running America into the ground.
this, like what the fuck is going on?
Trump has literally been demanding for libel laws to be changed so the media will stop criticizing him
And one more for the muh 2nd amendment fags, he also said he wants to change birthright citizenship guaranteed in the 14th amendment
>muh shall not be infringed, don’t change muh constitution
>oh the 14th amendment? Yeah change that
More like poverty, but poor healthcare is related.
read who they're replying to user.
He is
American education, conflating one article on Kotaku to mainstream media outlets and Congressmen
They don’t care about any amendment but the second because propoganda made them emotionally attached to their shoot toys.
>don't actually care about nonviolent protest
Wait I'm confused, who are the fascists? And who are the nonviolent ones?
Guess what, that was their job. If they didn’t want to look at gore, they probably shouldn’t work at netherrealm.
How deranged must one be to reach this conclusion in the face of overwhelming evidence?
>SJWs are still utterly, uncontrollably seething about Gamergate FIVE FUCKING YEARS LATER
It really is the gift that keeps on giving.
>Whenever I ask someone why they think Trump is bad, they can never give me a reason why
>Just shout buzzwords everywhere
Personally I'd rather be emotionally attatched to actual property I own and freedom to protect myself and my family than have media propaganda trying to make me emotional over some caravan of third-worlders trying to break international law just so they can eat Buffalo Wild Wings and sell drugs.
It's all true. Defenders are struggling to find an equivalent of what Obama did to what transpired in El Paso. The gun grabbing, video game grabbing president tried to liken it to Sandy Hook. Fucking retarded.
>when you intentionally obfuscate the message and terminology until nobody can accurately define or discuss anything anymore
Guns dont kill people
Niggers do
Can you guys name one city or state in the country where liberal policies work and create a stable and functioning society? Just one?
So you're saying that leftists are right and it's good that Trump agrees with them?
>your political party has to have a member be president to pass legislation
The fascists are the ones pushing for the enclosure of state power around a racial identity, who have committed the vast majority of politically motivated murders, and antifa are the one's who sometimes try and beat them up while not getting doxxed in the process.
The thing about gamergate is that it shows the priories of gamers. What's happening in the GOP is much more serious than what happened when Nathan fucked Zoe, but there's no high energy outrage campaign. Why?
You're part of a domestic terrorist group. you are a direct enemy to us all and you know it. citizens who identify you are doing a service to the country.
>spouting more propoganda
The cartel does nearly all its drug trafficking through checkpoints. Do some research and stop being so emotional.
stupid mutt
Republicans controlled Congress for 2 years and now they currently control the Senate and the Supreme Court
>gang violence counts as mass shootings
Why is it unlisted?
The question is can you name just one where they don't?
They really never do report on black-on-black violence, huh? Same with black-on-white.
What about them? They're seeing the real thing, and we know damn well that fucks people up. Turns out we can accept things as makebelieve that we can't process as easily when it's real. Who'da thunk they were totally different.
Is that a pokemon?
El Paso is pretty liberal and it's one of the safest cities in America. In 2010 there were only 5 homicides. The shooter came from out of town so even though he probably committed half the year's murders, the city itself is still very safe.
Yea Forums literally agrees with Jack Thompson now, holy shit this place is far gone
Video game neither manufacturer nor sell guns.
>TFW I literally just had a conversation with my father where he said Trump "speaks and sounds like Hitler" and when asked for specifics it was literally just the one media soundbyte about "they're not sending their best" and the fact that he bloviates on Twitter a lot.
The irony is, when you talk to someone who actually listens, and you break past their initial Orange Man Bad indoctrination and explain to them shit like the border situation, our foreign policy footing, and how Trump has literally been right about all the shit he's saying about the media and the Democratic government in all these cities and states, you can actually get people to see that their emotional manipulation is vapid and empty AND devoid of any sort of counterpoint or solution.
Nigga I'm Gen X
some accountability when it comes to the media would be good
>muh leftypol
It's probably because gang violence isn't the same as school shootings, political murders, and an orchestrated hate crime that left 22 dead.
for liberals and lefties, blacks lives don't matter at all
Why is no one talking about the fact that it's on the verified White House channel?
Can vidya inspire you to do good things?
doesn't fit the narrative ignore this
Republicans have been in control and they didn't do shit.
>a driveby between gangs counts as mass shootings
>a shootout of any kind between gangs counts as mass shootings
Imagine having this image downloaded in your hard drive, kill yourself
Congratulations, you got the literal point of the thread
>The fascists are the ones pushing for the enclosure of state power around a racial identity
I'm still confused, can you name any names and point to any specific policies, laws, or bills that would support this? Or is it just "some people kinda sound like they want something like this"?
>and antifa are the one's who sometimes try and beat them up while not getting doxxed in the process.
Isn't the whole point of Antifa that they're a small group o people who have decided that they and only they get to say who and what is allowed in "their community" and so they riot and smash windows and cars and property and assault innocent bystanders all so they can get the "facists" to stop speaking where they live, but they just label everyone fascist and Nazi so their violence is justified in their minds?
>Calling Atomwaffen "fascist thugs" is obfuscation
>Calling publishing an article full of antifa-sympathizers "compiling a list" is obfuscation
I don't understand what else you could have tripped up on, are complicity and sympathize too big for you to understand? Do you know what an editor does at a news organization? Honestly user if you're really having trouble keeping up you need to sit down and lurk more.
This right here.
Heck that exact scenario happened last year and it was all over Yea Forums. Some retard got mad over an online vidya so he SWATTED the kid he was playing with, except he got the address wrong so the cops went to some other person's house, who got shot dead by cops because I guess they thought the TV remote he was carrying looked like a gun.
TL;DR fuck Americops.
I don't want to sound like a communist, but its a side effect of capitalism. Here in America, news reporters exist so they can make money. The steps go like this:
1. Find sensational stories, stories that make people mad or angry, or both, and report them, because things get remembered more if a emotional connection is established with them.
2. Cannot find these? Then you are fired. could...exaggerate moderate basic be sensational or to incite anger so they get remembered?
3. But this news, this impact, only works when spread out over many different people so that many people are blamed. This is the step American news stations do not understand.
4. The more negative news you report on pertaining to the same person, real or fake does not matter, the more it becomes just static, white noise that starts to be forgotten and ignored completely by most people.
Trump spend half of the amount on advertising that Hillary did for her campaign, but milked the media for over a billion dollars of free advertising by having them repeat his name over and over and over. All the negativity eventually just became background noise that could not be taken seriously.
And this is still happening right now. Because the more controversial and insane Trump can be in what he says, the more his name gets repeated by the news, so that he can use them to get re-elected in 2020. Trump is basically the emperor from star wars, the more the news hates him, the stronger he becomes. If they ignored him, they would take his powers away, but that would just cause Trump to say even more batshit insane things to get them to talk about him.
And for conservatives calling blacks an “infestation”?
By definition, yes.
A mass shooting by definition isn`t just a spic shooting up a Walmart, tard.
All republicans did was cut taxes on the wealthy because anyone with a brain can see that that is all they really care about. Same with most of the democrats in the senate.
I'm just watching some sperg on Yea Forums call people fascists and basic journalism work doxxing.
What is the first and the second game called?
media is far left but nobody cares to hear about lefties or they won't report bad stuff on the left but orange man bad gets so much clicks
All of California
New York
St. Louis
Should I keep going? These are some of the worst places to live in the country, burned-out, crime-infested slums of poverty and misery. All run by entirely Democratic governments for decades.
"Orange Man Bad" doesn't come out of nowhere though. Policy aside, it's fair to say that he's a divisive bully and unusual. He's been good for most jobs, but he didn't do anything special, nothing unusual a republican president would do. What is out of the ordinary is the tariff debacle which ended in billions in bailouts and farmers losing their livelihoods as they lost clientele. Then there's the pointless shitstorm of the government shutdown, but that fell into the background noise of all the other shit.
>Cultivation theory
This is a theory that was debunked to hell over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...
But it always return when its politically advantageous.
>guy calls city known for rats 'rat infested'
>lefties immediately associate rats with blacks
How are you even real.
Trump is a racist and if you don’t believe so you’re mentally retarded
>Was sued by the DoJ for discriminating against black people for housing
>had to pay a 200k fine because his casinos were removing black dealers whenever racist highrollers came in
>has said that Mexicans are rapists and criminals and *some* are good people
>claimed that there were good people at the Charlottesville rally (the night of the tiki torch march) even though they were chanting Blood and Soil and Jews will not replace us while flashing Nazi iconography
>doubled down and said there are bad people on “many sides” drawing a false moral equivalency
>demanded a Mexican American judge to recuse himself from the Trump university scandal simply because he had Mexican heritage
>told Congresswoman to “go back” to their countries because they’re brown even though they were born in America
so gangs shoot each other, got it. in other breaking news the sky is blue.
Gambling makes kids lose real money you bastard mongoloid fucking retarded piece of shit, maybe I am retarded for replying to you and your shitty fucking bait or maybe you are an actual fucking moron, I don't know, either way kill yourself
You work for a Chinese think tank or something? What do you think these tariffs are for?
>Gang violence, a situation where multiple people are shot and end up injured or dead isn't a mass shooting
Trump said the city was "rat infested". It literally is, West Baltimore is a demolished hellhole of empty buildings, trash overflowing in the streets, rats, homelessness, and the highest murder rate in the country.
The irony is, 100% of the people in the city agree with Trump. Literally ask any of them if they fucking like living there, I dare you.
why is it unlisted?
If comments are disabled, will the press freak out about the white house taking down the press?
Also it’s funny that you bring up “foreign policy footing” since Trump was literally a laughingstock in the UN
Back when Trump first announced that he would run, even Fox News tried to tear him apart and make fun of him. And he used them too. No news outlet is safe, Trump either uses them to repeat his name, or they repeat his name in praising him. Its a game, and the only way to win is not to play, but that won't work.
>Orange Man Bad" doesn't come out of nowhere though.
yeah, it comes from falling for propaganda
Video games do not cause real-world violence, this has been proven time and time again because politicians keep blaming them as a scapegoat.
Every country that has access to violent video games does not come close to the gun crime seen in America.
America has problems with gun crime because it's easier to get an AR-15 in Walmart than it is to buy cutlery in other countries.
>guy calls gansters/drugdealers/cartels 'not their best'
>lefties immediately associate latinos as criminals
I have just discovered that it is in fact a year old.
even if what you said wasn't grossly misinterpreted or outright false, Trump's 'racism' would be in good company with what the left has become.
>pink-haired rot thot
Ah, yes. The statistically most likely to abuse their weapon.
If you're going to go down this path of logic you may as well become some kind variant of SJW you hate and ban men from guns.
The shutdown was 100% on the Democrats
>Hey, I'll reopen the government if you simply let me build my wall
Not the first time I've seen you cut and paste this no matter how many times it gets pointed out as bullshit.
Scaring off Chinese buyers? They don't have to trade with us at all and get their own money while manipulating their own currency. And these are the guys we are indebted to. It's a poor fight to pick and he went about it the wrong way. Bad move.
>random mentally ill noises
>Boomers are out of touch retards
WE'VE GOT BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Trump is a racist
No fucking shit that's why I voted for him
Games have the whole ESRB for a reason you know
ironic in the age of information; propaganda is super effective - people will just go along without checking anything
>completely missing the point
He called them rapists and criminals and said that “some” of them are good people
>The Trump defense force has arrived and are spouting conservative talking points (Which are very different from when the libs spout their talking points)
I wish they would go away already.
>I can't have an ideology if I don't currently have a political representative who openly agrees with me, hurdurdur
Antifa exists to call out shiteaters like you, and they haven't killed anyone unlike far-right extremists. You can't say "I'm not sure if there are REALLY fascistic groups in this country" when they march down the street chanting blood and soil.
I wish people would actually fight for what they believe in rather than just bitch and cry about it. A civil war is desperately needed.
>simply let me build my wall
How? He said he'd proudly own the shut down on camera and walked out of the negotiation room not a minute into into talks.
>empty buildings
It’s almost like this place has an impoverishment problem and could be improved upon over time by increasing wages, but thinking long term isn’t for smoothbrains..
Reminder that antifa firebombed an ICE facility and was shot dead before he could open fire
>Mental illness varies but for the most part mental health experts have concluded people suffering from mental illness are less dangerous than the general population and actually are more likely to be victims of violence than the other way around.
Most important post in the thread.
>muh fee fees and muh headcanon say he isn’t racist
Standard conservacuck logic
There's not legal definition but it is commonly assumed that 4+ injured or dead people count as a mass shooting.
Lefties will twist the definition so white people can get the blame tho.
>>Was sued by the DoJ for discriminating against black people for housing
He was also given awards at the time by all the black activist groups alongside fucking Rosa Parks.
>>has said that Mexicans are rapists and criminals and *some* are good people
He said Mexico isn't sending their best, they're sending their undesirables, the ones they want out of their country, and in the mix are rapists and criminals (which is objectively true). 70% of women crossing the Mexican border get raped. I guess they're ghosts doing it?
>>claimed that there were good people at the Charlottesville rally (the night of the tiki torch march) even though they were chanting Blood and Soil and Jews will not replace us while flashing Nazi iconography
Yeah he said there were good people on both sides, and denounced those racists. There were also violent Antifa assholes assaulting bystanders. The point is you choose to attribute what he said uncharitably to make a disingenuous point.
>>doubled down and said there are bad people on “many sides” drawing a false moral equivalency
How the fuck is it false?
>>told Congresswoman to “go back” to their countries because they’re brown even though they were born in America
That's not what he said and you're clearly intentionally being dishonest. Also the people he referred to literally are anti-semetic, have ties to terrorist organizations, and have been on record stating that they have more loyalty to their original nationality than America. He told them to go fix up their countries with their liberal ideas, rather than pushing them here.
Literally just parroting CNN talking points and being dishonest.
Get fucked, the wall is a stupid idea and in no one in their right mind should hold the country hostage if they didn't get their way. Then have the audacity to claim that you will take full responsibility one day, then only to flip it around to becoming the victim the day after.
Maybe he should tell it to his Baltimore slumlord son in law
4D chess
I hope America bans video games, it'll be the best thing Trump does in office
You're pretty dense are you. What does it mean to China if it exports more to the US than the US exports to them? It's like you are just fine letting an authoritarian regime grow economically without impedance until it overtakes America economically within a couple decades.
The Chinese count on people like yourself to be afraid of political consequences and short term pain, better vote for Biden I guess.
Because walls don't work in any other country, right?
Does it matter now? Conservatives are nazis and concentration camp runners apparently. It's the end of conversation and the beginning of violence.
you know they're not actually enforced?
in fact this is why they're actually getting their shit kicked in years later?
boomers btfo
>70% of women coming over the border are willing to go through rape to get to the United States
They sound like they must really love our country to be willing to go through that. Almost patriotic.
Why do you think China devalues their currency and still trade with the US despite the tariffs?
Why do they want to trade with the US so damn much?
There are actually explanations for that and they're very fundamental to understanding what is going on with China and globalization.
I could make a compilation of action movie kills too so who gives a fuck
Shut the fuck up
# of people or intelligent aliens ive killed in graphic games 1oo million plus (not an exaggeration i play games constantly and always have)
#of innocent animals and wolves (aka untamed dogs) ive killed and more recently skinned 5000+
#of people IRL i want to kill 5000+
#of violent and graphic games ive played200+
#of real people killed 0
im not saying videogames dont spark violence i just wanna know why im such a dud if they do.
>It’s almost like this place has an impoverishment problem and could be improved upon over time by increasing wages, but thinking long term isn’t for smoothbrains..
They've had the same Representatives for 25 years, and the same mayor for nearly 10. Their entire government is Democrats, most are black.
Who exactly is keeping Baltimore poor and shitty? Is it the Republicans? Trump? Who's keeping wages down here?
The hilarious part is that a lot of Trump's online fanbase are these 13-30 somethings who are hip Yea Forums users. They love porn and games but hate muslimes and blacks. They were even making the case that Hillary was the anti-game candidate and Trump was pro-game.
Try making an argument commie
Now THAT's the can-do attitude we're looking for.
Americans are violent even without guns.
you talking about the fat antifa chick who died of a heart attack and never actually got hit by the car?
you're a domestic terrorist group who've assaulted thousands of innocent men woman and children, nearly burned a arab immigrant alive in his car. just recently you shot up an immigration center and killed 20 people. you've cost the taxpayers millions in damages.
we should torture you all do death with a hot iron.
They don't
Sure, lets name some:
Berlin Wall
Great Wall of China
They sure protected people and created stability in the countries around them
The federal government keeps wages down. The minimum wage was created with the intention of being a living wage. If that were fixed, so many other problems would be also.
So you are bad at killing people like with the scalise shooting that was supposed to take out a dozen republicans, so somehow your group is innocent?
Go try firebombing an ICE facility comrade, maybe you'll scuff some paint this time haha.
>governement has a youtube channel
Oh yeah, tons of research on the subject are wrong, better believe some random youtuber starved for views.
Are trumpanzees all mentally retarded? please respond.
Who here doesn't give a shit about any of this but loves watching maximum butthurt ensue on all sides? Keep the threads coming op
>we should torture you all do death with a hot iron
And they say right wingers aren't violent
>They sound like they must really love our country to be willing to go through that. Almost patriotic.
I mean, they're in love with the idea of living in a first-world country, making more money and being able to have kids here. They're in love with the idea of bringing their families and not paying taxes.
I don't think I'd call it patriotic because patriotism implies they do it out of a love or admiration for America and it's values, and that certainly isn't the case if they're breaking the law to get here. You can't love a country and also ignore it's laws.
>Source: Dude, trust me
>Mass shootings are statistically insignificant.
They aren't in the proportion you have them, amerifriend. Ignoring problems doesn't make them go away.
Those who enact violence on the innocent die a violent and just death.
Will Anita make her glorious comeback, now that video games are apparently powerful enough to cause people to become violent murderers? Surely it logically follows it can make them misogynist as well, what a volatile and evil piece of entertainment.
>believing the heart attack meme
You're going to believe whatever you want. I hope you choose a good reality.
I’m fine with the government creating work visas for these people so that they can start paying taxes.
Rich people love not paying taxes, too.
>The federal government keeps wages down.
That's not how the economy works, bro.
>The minimum wage was created with the intention of being a living wage. If that were fixed, so many other problems would be also.
Where do companies get the money to pay this increased minimum wage from? Magic? If they're paying more in wages, they're making less in profit, meaning they have to increase their prices to break even which means the increased wage has less buying power anyway. Or they just lay people off so they can pay the new minimum and still make their bottom line. Either way, just increasing the minimum wage doesn't help anyone.
Why stop at $15? Why not $20 or $30? Why not $50? It'll help everyone, right?
>look up the wikipedia article used as a source
>gang-related shootings were included
There's a reason why the FBI deliberately excludes gang violence from the study of active shooter instances, it's a completely different situation with already well-studied and straightforward causes and motivations. Not to mention that gang violence has been on the decline for years now in the US. Putting gangbangers and young trigger-happy white-nationalists that have no criminal record on the same frame brings little to compare.
it's starting up. Antifa members keep splattering themselves against ICE facilities are by shooting up entertainment districts for roughly 20 seconds before being taken out by 'pigs'.
>my cousins go into shootin sprees cuz of le democrats talkingf poins
How do you manage to tie your own shoelaces?
It's funny, she actually said that playing video games won't turn you into a raging misogynist. It's almost like people got mad at shit they don't understand.
So am I actually. I'm all for immigration reform, and even making it easier to immigrate.
I just also want it controlled and the flow of undocumented migrants halted, and enforcement of the laws we already have.
>He was also given awards at the time by all the black activist groups alongside fucking Rosa Parks.
So? The DoJ still went after him and he settled. Are you saying that they're wrong?
>He said Mexico isn't sending their best, they're sending their undesirables, the ones they want out of their country, and in the mix are rapists and criminals (which is objectively true). 70% of women crossing the Mexican border get raped. I guess they're ghosts doing it?
This is a disingenuous standard NPC Trumpfag argument. He said that they're rapists and "some, I assume, are good people". Do you know what "some" means? Trump is implying that the majority of Mexicans are rapists and criminals and only some of them (he assumes) are not. Immigrants, undocumented or otherwise commit less crime than native-born Americans.
>Yeah he said there were good people on both sides, and denounced those racists. There were also violent Antifa assholes assaulting bystanders. The point is you choose to attribute what he said uncharitably to make a disingenuous point.
No, he said that there were good people "last night" (i.e. the night of the tiki torch march) and also said there are bad people on "many sides"
>muh Antifa
Antifa didn't commit a hate crime or murder anyone. Comparing an anecdotal, unfalsifiable story of some guy maybe possibly beating you up is not equivalent to running over a crowd of people with a car.
>How the fuck is it false?
Because he is pretending that Antifa and white supremacists are morally equivalent when they are not. See . Almost all actual domestic terrorism is associated with white supremacy and white nationalism. And this all happened in 2017 so you can't even include the attempted arson of the ICE facility
>That's not what he said and you're clearly intentionally being dishones
It is, he told them to go back from where they came from and fix their own countries, even though they are American born, simply because muh brown people.
>He fell for the white nationalist meme
This fell completely off the mark. Good job, you retarded fuckstain.
>Where do companies get the money to pay this increased minimum wage from?
Their profits, which have been rising for decades.
>They aren't in the proportion you have them
Yeah but 99% of them happen in ghetto shitholes and never get any screen time because it's black on black and in super gun-control land like Chicago
Incorrect. This also wouldn't make them any less reprehensible.
You argued yourself into a hole.
Not for small businesses.
You're essentially fucking over small business owners hard as fuck
New thread where?
Cause accusing games of indirectly creating sexism in order to create work for yourself and your colleagues is so much better and something people didn't immediately pick up on.
Smart patreon donor you are.
I think you underestimate how wealthy these businesses are.
Wow you really owned me there
>Heather Hayer didn't get hit by the car! Ignore all the video evidence of the car plowing through the crowd as bodies flew through the air!!!
>Thousands of people that live in my ass for me to pull out!!!!
>Nearly hurt somebody!!!!! (Unlike all of the right-wing terrorists who have killed dozens in the past couple years alone)
>Killed 20 people!!! I mean, nobody was actually KILLED, know in my head!!!!!
>Millions in damages to my ass after pulling out those thousands of injured people!!!!
>we should torture you all do death with a hot iron.
I guess you got tired of pretending you're not a violent sicko, user...
The Ohio shooter supported antifa and specifically targeted a cop bar, which is what got him killed by carrying off duty cops
i saw the footage.
70% of women get raped travelling from Central America you dipshit. As in they get raped on their way over, not that they're being raped up into America and they're with this katamari of rape that just spills into America. Holy fucking shit how do you function?
Muzzies and dipshit whites doing mass shootings wouldn't be reported much if they had the decency to kill each other only and in their own neighborhoods like blacks. You can recite your gay as fuck manifestos there as well, just leave the rest of us alone.
Not him, but wages rise by themselves when there's demand for labor (without increasing unemployment). If you're for policies that increase labor demand, you don't have to raise the minimum wage (and this way it doesn't have to be the same everywhere and it doesn't fuck over (some) small businesses).
I'm not against raising the minimum wage personally (and indexing it with inflation) but it HAS to go with policies that increase demand for labor and do this long-term.
Right now, many of those who promote raising the minimum wage have opposite policies (pro-immigration (more than we already have now, which is A LOT), pro-offshoring) and that's very suspicious.
People have done the calculations and Walmart could only raise all of their minimum wage employees to like $11.50/hr nation wide assuming the same number of employees, same hours, and same prices and break exactly even as is.
If you raise the minimum wage people will be fired and hours will be cut.
So did I. It's amazing how you have some sort of x-ray vision so you can see a heart attack in all that vehicular manslaughter.
Did you also see the footage of Obama’s second eyelids?
You don't even know what you are saying. Proportion? Look it up on websters. Suicides, blacks killing whites and themselves are much bigger problems numbers wise.
People being bored enough to kill for a political statement or just for exhibitionism is a symptom of media creating a polarized atmosphere, leaders doing much the same thing, and a lack of purpose on the part of young people.
>I just also want it controlled and the flow of undocumented migrants halted,
You mean the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 30 years? Wish granted. Stop eating up the breibart horseshit and trying to be subversive.
>Heather Hayer didn't get hit by the car!
This but unironically
They're on borrowed time anyway, since Amazon and other megacorporations like Wal-Mart have been swallowing up every small business out there for the past couple of decades. No one seems to give much of a shit about small businesses when the bigger fish ravenously consumes them, at least with this approach the working class would stop eating shit with little to no upward mobility at best, and at worst the guillotine factories could finally get some work.
Stop posting incorrect information because it makes you feel better. This discussion isn't about your feelings.
>Trump is implying that the majority of Mexicans are rapists and criminals
The majority crossing the border, yeah. Definitionally, all are criminals and a good majority are rapists and child traffickers. Sort of like how we're supposed to believe mass migration is a family thing, when in reality it's 90% males age 16 to 40.
>Antifa didn't commit a hate crime or murder anyone.
Bike lock bandit? Andy Ngo? Yvette Felarca? I could dig up a hundred instances of antifa attacking people in the streets, a good number against old people, jews, and minorities. By liberal logic those are all hate crimes. Also no "crowd of people" was run over with a car. Some dudes with guns chased one guy in one car which turned through a group of protesters blocking a street and hit one girl who died of a heart problem hours later.
>Because he is pretending that Antifa and white supremacists are morally equivalent when they are not
They kinda are. Both are fringe extremist groups trying to rile up the base and gain support for their fringe extremist views. The difference is one riots and smashes shit too.
>It is, he told them to go back from where they came from and fix their own countries, even though they are American born, simply because muh brown people.
It's actually because muh wackjob socialist retard trying to use racism to swing support and hide their illicit election tactics and campaign finance crimes, while also supporting terrorism and racism in the form of BDS, Palestinian and Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and all kinds of other radical shit.
>Muzzies and dipshit whites doing mass shootings wouldn't be reported much if they had the decency to kill each other only
Well you're in luck, black on white shooting and mass shooting is also exceptionally high but never reported because it doesnt yield as much race-baiting
Now of course shooting people is bad, but that doesnt mean you should drink the kool aid of "white incel supremacist killing america through mass shooting and video games"
>People being bored
You're either dishonest or uninformed.
Does this also calculate the money the businesses wouldn’t have to cut from their employees pay for healthcare under a single payer plan.
He can believe that rape turns the women into rapist rearing humans, and you can believe Trump is running concentration camps. How is that not a fair exchange?
Just accept you'll have to kill each other pretty soon, as genuine debate is going extinct everywhere.
I saw the fat fuck never got hit by the car she's too big not to see, fell down off to the side and the media lied saying the thin women on the hood of the car who walked off and is still alive today was heather.
Those aren't hate crimes or murders. Wow you're bad at this.
>This discussion isn't about your feelings.
Well you sure are trying to make it about yours
Try posting a single fact before taking it upon yourself to define what this conversation is about for us mate
There are people who care if a fat roastie got rolled over?
Maybe for huge megacorps, but all that means is they're just going to cut some of their thousands of staff so they can make payroll without hurting their profits.
You have literally no way of making it so wages increase AND no one loses their job. You can't force a company to cut into their profits, and you have the downside of destroying every small and medium business period.
>a majority are rapists
Lost you there, unless you’re definition of rape is the hardcore feminists’ “he smiled at me”
If you raise taxes on the wealthy and force them to actually pay, they won’t be as incentivised to siphon more money.
I don't think he's running concentration camps, but go ahead and enjoy being uselessly cynical.
I know exactly what I'm saying, that's why you're clumsily trying to discredit it with nothing.
>The majority crossing the border, yeah.
They statistically commit less crimes than native citizens, they're all coming to work. This nonsense originated at Trump's rallies and isn't based on anything remotely link to reality.
What's baffling is how much shit the republiniggers make up to justify their hatred of coloreds. If you're a racist inbred shitbag, own up to it. Stop trying to justify it.
Why not?
Expertly put, this line of conversation sure is going places. Mass shootings have happened in all kinds of neighborhoods, and them happening to poor people doesn't make them any less of a problem. Now continue embarrassing yourself with off topic ramblings.
So you force them to pay an arbitrary amount, and they'll make it up in some other way which ends up creating a net zero benefit.
It's almost like you should deal with labor demand and the way H1B's and immigration laws/loopholes (legal or illegal) are abused
The results of banning video games would be more entertaining than any game released in the past 5 years. I don't care one way or the other. Even just laws restricting firearms in games would force devs to produce something interesting for a change.
>They're on borrowed time anyway, since Amazon and other megacorporations like Wal-Mart have been swallowing up every small business out there for the past couple of decades. No one seems to give much of a shit about small businesses when the bigger fish ravenously consumes them, at least with this approach the working class would stop eating shit with little to no upward mobility at best, and at worst the guillotine factories could finally get some work.
That's not even close to the case, holy fuck are you stupid.
If you just go full accelerationist and raise the minimum wage so all the small and medium businesses die off and Amazon takes over, the only thing that's going to happen is Amazon is gonna fire everyone and replace them all with robots as soon as possible and then no one has a job.
How are you gonna whine about a living wage then?
Trump is racis-
Motive. Gang violence is generally criminals against criminals. What happened in El Paso was a planned attack on random people just shopping at Walmart while looking Mexican.
>Admits that a white supremacist drove his car through a group of pedestrians and sent them flying through the air
>Defends him because of a smoothbrain conspiracy theory claiming blunt force injury to the chest is just heart problems