What were the best games on it? Commencing webm dump.
Original Xbox Thread
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what's the best way to hook up an og xbox to a hdtv? i still only have the standard composite cable that came with it
is it just me or are the graphics on this better looking than the remaster?
Kingdom Under Fire Heroes/Crusaders
Super underrated genre mix of a musou game and an SRPG.
I use the official High Definition AV Pack, which are basically component cables. Looks great on a CRT.
Anyone gotten the MWCXD rom working properly on an OG Xbox?
Do we finallly have emulation for it? Xbox, Saturn, Dreamcast, are like the three amazing obscure arcade focused systems that we have bad emulation for. In many ways Xbox is Dreamcast 2. And Xbox had it worst emulation.
Would that game work with a mouse + keyboard? So many keys and buttons.
prob one of my favorite dreamcast game
Maybe I'm a brainlet but I could not get a grip on this fucking game.
Shit, didn't realize it was out already.
The controls are ridiculous but make more sense the more you play it. It's definitely tough on your hands, not to mention the poor controller.
Not sure if this the original Xbox release, I think it's the PC version that was ported 6 months later. Same game, just better graphics.
I'm sad they're no longer making backwards compatible OG Xbox games on the Xbone. At least they did the Splinter Cell games before they stopped. OG Xbox Double Agent is the shit, best version by far.
emulation still seems to be pretty much "you can play jsrf with shitty audio issues" and it doesn't seem to be progressing past that.
they seemed to imply they'd resume once xbox scarlett was out. might mean xbone isn't getting anymore BC games but the scarlett might. scarlett will play every BC game xbone can today right off the bat so that's a huge head start if they decide to continue updating the BC catalogue
Man. Did it only get that first wave of games?
Mecha porn.
Emulator when?
It got 3 waves. And I think its just on hold untill the new Xbox comes out, so that they work on making all that works now work on that one too, at least thats how they spin that story
I hope so, I've been salivating for JSRF and Rallisport Challenge 2.
Xbox had some great games.
Jet Set Radio Future
Phantom Dust
Phantom Crash
Steel Battalion
Fusion Frenzy
Crimson Skies
Panzer Dragoon
Shit I might find one now. I miss having it around.
>Phantom Crash
Great stuff, but holy shit they could have made at least 2 more arenas to fight in. I hear the PS2 sequel fixes that and has more, but worse everything else.
This game is begging for a remake/sequel.
Go for it. Don't forget about the clock capacitor if you happen to get that model.
what's it called?
i know it was on ps2 too but this game rocked my fucking cock.
Xbox port of Doom 3 was pretty good, all things considered. Co-op was fun, too
>Doom 3 coop
I remember playing it the first time with a friend and then playing the game alone only to realize coop is like 15% of the game.
I know, it's shockingly shortened, but still a good time.
Does it not have the best versions of Fatal Frame 1 & 2 and Timesplitters 2 & 3? It's too bad MGS2 and Silent Hill 2 are superior on PS2.
I remember being blown away by the snow.
wish i could play conker live and reloaded multiplayer again
Isn't that version censored? Like wtf why
>no Otogi
the remake's multiplayer is different from the originals, i like both but L&R has online multiplayer
BASED! this is what i came to post. this was the reason my friend and i got an original xbox in highschool. played that every goddamn day
iirc this game was one of the first to do dynamic resolution on consoles.
>Would that game work with a mouse + keyboard?
too many toggles to do well. mkb sucks for anything that doesn't involve pointing & clicking.
DMC 3.5 is on the Xbox to my own surprise. It's cheap now too, but the NTSC-U version has not been posted yet.
No wonder it looked like a jaggy mess sometimes in dialogue and cutscenes. Thankfully the PC version can look extremely smooth provided you jack up the AA.
Finally a reason to post this masterpiece.
Where is halo? I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aliens and doesnt afraid of anything.
I booted up the Xbox version right now. Looks incredible but at times a little blurry thanks to the res scaling. It's so smooth though. I think it uses some sort of frame buffer blurring for movement because at times it feels like 60 when it seems like the xbox should not be hitting that.
yeah the remaster looks like shit.
this is the coolest shit ive ever seen. and it was done on a 6th gen console. holy fuck developers have gotten lazy
Vin Diesel is based, but he needs to hurry up and finish the movie series once and for all or maybe give us another game like the first one.
Battle front 2 ez
its really not a good game at all but I was hoping so bad wed get Star Wars Obi Wan playable on backcompat
theres just nowhere else to play some of these og Xbox games
i burnt a ton of hours on doom 3 on the og xbox but didn't get to play coop until i found some dude to play it with in 2008 on the 360, we both finished it in like 2 hours. fun while it lasted
no one ever talks about the xbox port of resurrection of evil. i never really cared for the actual expansion too much but they must've known it was short so the xbox version came with ultimate doom, doom 2, and master levels for doom 2 which was pretty based despite shit controls
>Never owned any XBox console in my life
>REALLY want to play the Otogi series
>Metal Wolf Chaos remaster is one less reason to get an XBox
i wish i played that when it first came out
If Diesel just wanted to become a producer for inspired games and fun action movies, nobody would stop him.
Xboxes are among the easiest consoles to softmod, there's no reason not to get one unless you're just not into opening up plastic shells.
the remaster is inferior to the original, which has had a translation for a long time.
You missed out bro.
Why no one ever talks about Advent Rising? It was literally mass effect before mass effect.
This game was fucking sweet.
doesn't that game suck?
>doesn't that game suck?
No, that game is great. Fuck you.
we here boys?
>tfw the series unironically peaked here
Also, Stephen Dorff is best Jack.
Yup, my favorite Oddworld. Addicting gameplay.
Burnout 3 was the main reason I paid for Live.
what the fuck, there was a monkey ball for the xbox? am I retarded for not knowing this?
Yes, holy shit.
yeah xbox used to have games, bro
best console up until this gen
Xbox had a lot of things people didn't know about. It's a very under appreciated console.
a little. its 100 times better than the shitty ps2 version thats for sure. the dualshock is a laughably bad controller. i played call of duty on ps3 and 360 and ps3 players are so much worse because of their input device, its sad. so yeah, imagine that controller with monkey ball.
Especially when you compare it to the Kinect game.
>your save data gets wiped if you don't eject in time or run out of funds to buy more mechs
How is Capcom so based?
have a poster for this.
i have a copy of that. the classic doom ports on it are actually kinda shit and have cheats that are way too easy to input, meaning you'll accidentally do it by accident.
That's pretty cool, user.
There's better games on the xbox than those, Fromdrone.
That's a pretty scenic stage.
Mechassault master race
isn't this shit and severely unfinished?
Kind of like the Dreamcast, Xbox just had a lot of gems. Its just a shame they screwed up so hard this gen and 360 post 2011.
Never played any Souls games actually. I'm interested in Otogi for its combat mechanics specifically; they're deliberately floaty from what I've seen which leads to much of the combat being air-to-air, and there's also environmental destruction (not to mention 2 has 6 distinct playable characters, something I love in action games). Honestly based on what I know about Otogi, its gameplay is what I think the ideal single-player DBZ game should be like, but I want to actually play the games instead of watch footage.
Beyond Otogi & MWC, I'd also want to try out Gunvalkyrie, Breakdown, NG Black (even though I've played Sigma, just to feel the differences) and maybe Voodoo Vince. If I wanted to play multi-plats I'd get them for PS2.
Xbox got a great port of Max Payne 1. PS2 version even fucks up the cutscenes by having the comic panels all play at once instead of following the actors and having worse-looking text.
OG Xbox was an honorary SEGA console, pretty much. A Dreamcast 2 with Halo, barring the fact that the Gamecube got Sonic.
>Voodoo Vince.
You can get the remaster if you really want to it's even on PC
>Window store
I know. But still. it's there
Voodoo Vince is on Steam too, there's a bunch of racing games like Burnout, Project Gotham Racing, Outrun 2 which I thinbk has different physics than 2006 but 2006 has much more content and is also on PC with a bloom fix. Phantasy Star Online 2 which got DLC and you can play offline with a modded .xbe file is cool for splitscreen.
Yeah, the main reason I bought an Xbox (at midnight launch, no less) because it felt like it was the spiritual successor to the Dreamcast.
It's fucking bullshit that we haven't got a follow-up to Crimson Skies.
I remember playing the shit out of Fusion Frenzy with my friends, but it was the demo that was included on a re-print of Halo. Never got the full game for some reason but just played the shit out of the demo.
Started playing this for the first time a couple days ago. It's nice to have actual difficulty on normal compared to most games now.
This is some of the worst box art I've ever seen but I enjoyed the fuck out of the game. Surprised we've never had a more detailed limb-break system since.
The multiplayer in Double Agent was so much fun.
>that one map with the cable cars and everyone spammed grenades into the other car when they both pass by
Black is GOAT
Be sure to play the higher difficulties, too. There are enemy types, encounters, and even bits of story only accessible in Very Hard/Master Ninja.
Yea Forums usually hates on it but it's one of my all time favorites.
>Head developer Tomonobu Itagaki explains about his original opus, "In other action games, the enemies existed for you to kill. In Ninja Gaiden, the enemies existed to kill you."
Cookie Face needs to come back.
It's pretty fun. The boast system is really annoying to engage with early on, but becomes way too useful later on. It's nothing mind blowing or life changing, but it's a nice adventure for what it is. Don't forget TLC.
I'm going to get crucified for this, but while NGB is arguably the best action game ever made, Itagaki has never made a game anywhere near as good; NG2 has slightly better combat but notably worse everything else, and nothing else he's made is even close to NG2 quality. DOA has never been anything special, and Devil's Third speaks for itself. He made a masterpiece but he never will again.
Despite the lost potential, I still enjoyed it and remember being blown away by the bloom lighting. Also Danny Elfman's music.
TLC is definitely superior compared to the original release.
Yeah the soundtrack was amazing. Without it I wouldn't remember it as fondly for sure.
DOA is perfectly fine. It may not fill seats like Street Fighter but there's nothing wrong with it on a fundamental level.
NGII and Devil's Third are more the fault of his design philosophies not aligning with mainstream tastes and development (i.e. they're not shit). It isn't fair to blame him for Microdick or THQ not giving him the same respect as other, lesser developers.
He was a drunken shithead who has no hope of working in today's industry, but let's not pretend he didn't know how to make a game.
hold on there. devil's third multiplayer was top notch. if you enjoyed Timesplitters 2 you'd definitely have enjoyed the wacky multiplayer modes in DT. the base building mode was special too.
NGII was unfortunately rushed and it shows, particularly in its bosses, but I think it's still worthy of the Ninja Gaiden name. I feel it's better than the PS3 port which I think did more harm than good.
legit best game of that generation
Whenever the "NXE" came out for the 360 was pretty much the end. Of the Xbox line sure but also of like games in general.
It is the deepest third person shooter ever.
NG2 is a good game but it's definitely not the total package Black was is what I meant. DOA is also okay, but of the 3D fighting game subgenre I would call it my least favorite of the notable series; I prefer Tekken, VF, Soul Calibur, and even Bloody Roar. Especially VF, which feels the most similar to DOA, and I feel is just a lot more solid (and personally I much prefer Wolf Hawkfield to Bass).
Devils Third is unironically great.
Devil's Third worked better in terms of multiplayer, but it was basically dead on arrival. Even then it had some performance issues that really needed fixing. And the single player campaign while dumb fun was easily nowhere near as close as Ninja Gaiden Black or even games like Binary Domain for that matter. That game was too deep in dev hell to end up good and probably should've been scrapped or reworked.
I wonder what he's doing now though.
I want to give it another go, I half-assedly played a level or two when ti came out and uninstalled. Looks like a mid-tier action game, the kind you see tons of on PS2 but that all vanished after a year or two of the 7th gen for some reason.
It was always in English. It released that way.
That describes it pretty well. Moonman is stuck thoroughly in the 6th gen and I can appreciate that more than ever today.
The menu wasn't translated, it is with the patch.
I can definitely appreciate that obscure 6th gen action game vibe, but honestly most of the gems in that category are probably better than Devil's Third, at least as single-player games. I'd rather play Gungrave.
Apparently the MWC remaster looks worse.
Since this is an original Xbox thread, consider Magatama instead.
NGII doing its own thing is exactly why Itagaki was so great. He didn't just want to make Black 2, he wanted a sequel that built off of the foundation of its predecessor while having its own identity. It's a lesser game because he wasn't allowed to finish it, not because of any core design flaws.
That's the whole issue. Guys like Barlog and Itsuno are given carte blance to make vapid combo video bait or pretentious movie games, while Itagaki is much more deserving of auteur status.
I am a slut for action games
even if they fuckin suck
anyway OG xbox.
Itagaki isn't quite an auteur, but I can appreciate his vision. Futatsugi is someone far more ambitious and visionary and just as uncelebrated.
>Want to play Crimson Dragoon
>It's still stuck on Xbone
>Doesn't even have a PC port
I remembered loving this back when I played it originally. I got it a couple years back on GoG when they released a PC version. I don't know if it was the same as the original, but it was very underwhelming.
>invisible enemy placed in water to make it a fair fight as well as a cool visual effect
Literally Predator 2: The Game
This thread has a disturbing lack of Hueg images.
>Itagaki isn't quite an auteur
Only because of reasons beyond his control. He'd be the undisputed king of 3D action if he was given the same leeway as people with half his talent.
Futatsugi is a good pick, though, even if he wasn't involved in the best PD game
I've seen multiple people refer to DoA as "The best of the bad fighting games, and the worst of the good fighting games." to which I agree.
This game is a fucking treasure and it baffles me that no one talks about it.
I love that port, definitely prefer it over the 2006/C2C version.
Remember when MS announced a new Phantom Dust and then never mentioned it again? Remember when it was revealed that they cancelled the game BEFORE the announcement and only showed it because they had already made the trailer?
I've always wanted to play this but never had 3 other bros to play it with.
halo 2
actually what happened is they made a trailer that the devs weren't even aware about and looked nothing like the game itself and the devs suddenly had to make the game look like that.
what the fuck?
I remember them announcing it though
DOA is a much more grounded fighter with good balance and gameplay you dont see enough of in the FGC. Tiddies made it lose integrity though.
But yeah you're right, he peaked with NGB
I see. Sounds similar to all the bullshit MS told Kamiya to do to Scalebound (having it natively run at a high resolution that would hurt the framerate, adding co-op, etc.) only to cancel it 1 month out from release.
yes it was announced at e3 2014 and like most games there got cancelled.
it is similar to scalebound. it originally wasn't going to have a single player campaign, but MS suddenly demanded one without giving them more budget or time (budget was 5 million), and then they just kept demanding more without mercy, and when the devs said it's impossible, they pulled the plug.
it's a very different tune to today's ms/phil spencer saying "we are letting our new xbox games studios develop whatever they want and not forcing them to do shit." we have yet to see if this is true though.
>tfw Xbox could have gotten enhanced ports of RE4, DMC3, or God Hand
But instead it got a port of Onimusha 1 and... Dino Crisis 3
The graphics look great but what about the gameplay?
What game?
Breakdown, in the filename.
component cables, or the HD pack that you plug component cables into. good cables are expensive but if you can't afford or find them, the cheap chink ones are still better than composite.
probably not going to happen anywhere, definitely not going to happen as xbox BC.
>if you happen to get that model
only the final model, 1.6, DOESN'T have a garbage clock capacitor, all the other models do.
Otogi 1 and 2 were fucking amazing and Fromsoft kino well before BB and DeS existed
They should make a spiritual successor to that next, Sekiro was just a taste but I need my fucking air dashing and big sword
Fromsoft ripped off their own main character's design for it subtley in DaS3 for the Abyss Watchers
>Would that game work with a mouse + keyboard?
kids of the time thought bleeped swear words were funnier than swear words.
It's true. Xbox attracts low amounts of shitposting compare to PS2 and GameCube.
user delete the halo 2 map installer you don't need to keep it
I never had an xbawks, but it seems like one of those super cool consoles and kind of Dreamcast 2. Lots of Sega exclusives and ports.
God this was the best shit. I wish someone would make something similar
Well I definitely wasn't playing this game right.
Glad to know I'm not a total idiot.
hey user remember me
From made great games before souls shit took over. Armored core 1-3 were some of the best games i ever played
It was a Dreamcast 2. Microsoft had so much faith in the team, that they were given free leave to do what they wanted. Shame that did a 180 after the whole Live arcade debacel.
some seagate hard drives can be modded without even hotswapping because seagate put in a backdoor to unlock it without the password
did he sell the parts to anyone after? i know he put them on carpet and reformatted the hard drive but the GPU is worth a little if it still works
Don't post this webm ever again,you ruining my life and reminding me videogames suck.
Yes we have, search for CxBx-Reloaded.
Your info is outdated af user, this week we have reached 41 playable games. Jet Set Radio Future has been playable for more than a year now
>Would that game work with a mouse + keyboard? So many keys and buttons.
everything does.
>ctrl-f sega gt
>no results found
fuck you Yea Forums
i beat it on hard and stopped playing very hard around chapter 3 or so- what am missing? story content? wtf?
>Amnesia the dark descent does the same thing at "the water part" like a decade later and people praise it because they never fucking seen this game
less fans
Huh? OG Xbox didn't have a paid service back then.
Closest thing to a Dreamcast 2 we could get at the time.
Crazy Taxi, Panzer Dragoon, Jet Set Radio, Shenmue, and Project Gotham/Metropolis Street sequels all came out early on.
Other than the first 4 years or so of the 360, original Xbox is still my favorite console thing Microsoft has done. Year one of Xbox Live was a revelation to a guy that didn't do much PC gaming at the time. Still has the best custom soundtrack integration of any console.
Xbox Live existed back then and was $50 per year. Definitely worth it for Halo, Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six, etc, so many great games.
People underestimate Xbox because they largely forget about the unique games in its Library. When they think of it they just think it's a Halo machine. It doesn't help that a lot of the chance who bought it only got it for Halo. Honestly I wish more projects like the ones that were on the original Xbox what come out for Xbox One.
>at the time
Still is.
xbox felt futuristic back then, really eould be cool if current xbox rebranded and referenced some of the older xbox look and feel
It seems kinda unprofessional. The xbox one x and scarlett feel like very sleek and modern powerful machines. What youre thinking of is brand image. The brand seemed to have more grit back then, now it just feels like coke vs sonys pepsi.
OG Xbox is more like Dreamcast 1.5. DC and Xbox are technically same gen, but since the DC died so quickly the team was scooped up by the Xbox team, but the Xbox was so far in development they had little influence. Xbox 360 on the other hand was a Dreamcast 2 by heart. And I mean the first iteration of the 360 and until about the first dashboard redesign.
Sadly never going to happen due to music licenses.
>but since the DC died so quickly the team was scooped up by the Xbox team
What? Microsoft didnt scoop up any sega team. They had already been working with each other during dreamcast development.
Hunter: The Reckoning.
That game was was amazing.
Source? Everyone seems to blurt this out with no real reason behind it.
I never owned the full game but I used to play the shit out of the demo with friends that was on Halo 1.
When did this become a word? What's wrong with addictive?
No real reason or source? It’s always the reason holding back re-releases. Just fucking google it.
Glad to see og xbox love as of late. I feel like people that shit on it really just don't know. Xbox was a logical choice for me cuz I was a Sega fan and was heavy into Dreamcast especially online. I was looking at sone of my stuff the other day and found my first wave xbox live beta kit. The orange memory card sells for $100. Wtf
Ever heard of Peter Moore?
are you saying grit seems unprofessional? be more specific.
Then why does sega re-release JSR on nearly everything, yet leave future alone?
it's just how games with licensed music work. games like GTA are outliers because they never stop selling and have a very rich publisher, and even then they remove songs over time for being too expensive to relicense.
sega owns 14 of the 30 songs in the game and would have to pay a lot up front to other record labels to use the rest of it, more than they'd like after how JSR ports sold.
The demo has the only good mini games too
The story of how Steel Battalion is amazing got made. The lead designer wanted to have the eject button behind a set of sugar glass so the player had to smash it open to eject. He was eventually talked down. Also, Seamus Blackley (Who was the JP Dev liason) was going around Japan studios getting feedback on the new smaller controller to replace the Duke. Capcom took him into a room where he saw the prototype Steel Battalion controller and wanted him to sign off on it. He did after he played the game and thought it was amazing. The original Xbox is full of insane stories like that.
>behind a set of sugar glass so the player had to smash it open to eject
Absolute mad man
Xosvp or something like that, open source thing to output clean component video to your display
the ports all came out pretty close together, they've stopped porting it to new things and stopped patching the old ports
it's a different soundtrack, the money they poured into licensing it doesn't do them any good for rereleasing JSRF. they leave future alone because JSR, despite everyone singing praises of it and many people buying it, did not make enough money for them.
JSR was the number one most requested game to be rereleased in the new sega ages line just a year ago and it was passed over for less requested games that are cheaper to release.
Thats because jsr1 is a piece of fucking garbage. Jsrf is the only good one
Btw of your console is PAL you can’t output any res higher than 480p. Regardless component is still the best option.
If you really want 720p, you have to mod your console and switch it ntsc. That unlocks HDTV resolutions.
There isn’t really a special reason, Microsoft just software locked HDTV resolutions in PAL regions because they thought it wasn’t as widespread as it was in NTSC regions back then. But they forgot to unlock it later.
This is better animated than most games today.
>digital audio only
>lol just buy ur own DAC off amazon that will have higher latency than native analog
gosh you're right, just tell sega this and they'll spend hundreds of thousands of dollars so you can save about fifty from not buying an xbox
> At Sega of America, Moore gives MS Sega franchises.
> Gets job at MS.
These two things I am sure are totally coincidental.
I agree that the DAC thing is stupid. I just happened to have a home theater receiver that has an optical in, but it's bullshit that you have to buy a separate thing for audio. Other than that, it's one of the best sources devices for a high definition output
Now this game is underrated and forgotten. Hardly anyone remembers it anymore but it was quite the technical showcase for the OG Xbox back in the day. No one at the time had seen shaders and especially particles being used so extensively and was really showing off the brute strength it had over the competing consoles.
Actually it looked so good that PS2 players got majorly buttblasted that they had to port the game over (it was an exclusive to begin with), of course with MAJOR downgrades.
The prototype controller was bigger as well. Steel Battalion was just an insane game with tons of ideas. Capcom pitched it to Microsoft especially because they were the ones looking at riskier JP projects at the time and Capcom were surprised Microsoft went for it because it was so wild.
I was a little disappointed with Wreckless. It was kind of cool but got bored pretty quickly. I did buy it on release day tho.
Xbox has so many treasures. It totally stands out with racing titles. What it really lacked was a decent futuristic racer, but made up for it with the other titles.
>rallysport challenge 2
>test drive: eve of destruction
>burnout 3
>Outrun 2
Other good titles:
>Metal Arms
>Full Spectrum Warrior
>amped 2
>crimson skies
>crash twinsanity
It looked amazing but got repetitive very quickly. Tbh I never completed the game.
Sega GT was also a great racing game. Also quite underrated.
You couldn't be more wrong. JSR shits on Future. It had none of the challenge of the original. The stages and music were lacking in comparison. Still an enjoyable game, but it's too much of a breeze
Fuck yes how could I forget. Sadly most people bought it for JSRF and probably never touched GT
derp, XGRA was decent but quantum was subpar, should've left quantum out from that list.
>post 2011
I think you mean post-2008.
This is the first time I've seen a clip of someone actually playing the game right and not just running around on the ground like an idiot.
Both are good games. You prefer the arcade style and challenge of jsr but it doesn't shit on future at all.
I mean the combo was a pack in with consoles and id bet people played sega gt more desu
One of the only "sports" games I ever liked.
that's how the world works
"nostalgia" is a buzzword used by zoomers who are too lazy or afraid to find out how good the old games were
That unkillable flying doll Genma added can suck my dick.
Who thought that was a good idea.
sellout fuck
this absolute scum of the earth gave up while they were still selling 50,000 dreamcasts a day. complete bullshit. M$ paid him off and made $ega kill their own shit.
It made the game way harder than it was supposed to be, but it was a cool survival horror addition if you liked RE3's Nemesis stalking you from room to room.
>finished JSR multiple times but haven't finished JSRF once because muh open world and required graffiti souls
cant imagine someone being this fucking poor taste
Kingdoms under fire crusaders and heroes.
Some of the best examples of good high fantasy storytelling that actually uses the fact they are in a fantasy world to give unique scenarios.
Morene best vampfu
More like sega Japan being dicks poured fuel on the animosity between sega USA and sega japan.
JSRF is still a great game, but as a sequel to JSR it's highly disappointing. I really someone likening it to playing a doom level where someone had already killed all the demons and you just needed to find the final key on an empty map.
It's relaxing, it has style, good gameplay and excellent music. The exploration is probably the best part of it. But it somehow always lacked substance anyway.
The Zero 2 remake on Wii is the best version.
how tf do you do that move to gain altitude
the main problem i have is that i start losing altitude as soon as i start gaining boost combos
or is that an upgrade? game doesn't tell u sheeeeet in regards to controls besides the very basics
>I really someone likening it to playing a doom level where someone had already killed all the demons and you just needed to find the final key on an empty map.
Best description I've ever heard.
OG Xbox usually had superior ports of multi platform games. And the times a port was subpar, it was mostly devs being lazy and not using the hardware to its fullest (for example,the missing shaders in GTA:SA).
I recall someone*
SH2 is not entirely superior, the flashlight on the Xbox version is improved.
Xbox version has far worse fog effects though.
>ctrl+f WHACKED
>0 results
>ctrl+f Kung Fu
>0 results
Come on, now
the old NFG forums had an excellent tutorial before it closed down sadly
Kung fu chaos is the BEST party game with four players.
>tfw setting my sister's N.E.R.D and Sublime CDs to stages in King Fu Chaos and playing through all the missions
I miss custom soundtracks
was probably the best thing about og xbox
I remember that pic was in my PS2 version, in some unlockable gallery. I fapped to it like a million times whenever my parents were out. Good times.
ebbin great thread guys, thanks for the memories
I actually refurbished four broken og Xboxes for the soul purpose of hosting halo CE lan-parties. Had to get a new HDD for one, change the disk drive on another. Never got around to finding enough controllers though.
The Xbox had a lot of good games but Xbox live is probably the single worst thing to ever happen to the industry from a consumer perspective. Also I would argue Halo was never anything special, especially compared to Perfect Dark and Timesplitters or really any decent PC fps.
Yesss. Me and my buddy got it from blockbuster and had so much fun with it. Just classic beat em up action.
ugh i guess i will have to figure it out myself
i really like the game tho
Gladius was on Gamecube too.
JSR has a pretty shit camera that really hurts the gameplay until you memorize the level layouts. I still haven't played JSRF though so I can't comment on that one.
This. I used it heavily with midtown madness 3 because that game only had one annoying music track that looped over and over.
I will always associate the first Sum 41 album with Xbox.
i spent more time in the map maker than the main game on that, farcry instincts evolution
good fucking shit playing it with my group of friends all fucking weekend fuelled by junk food
i wanna go back
>also ctrl+f Blinx
>0 results
You haven't forgotten Xbox's original mascot character, are you?
nah, I've played almost all major FPS titles and Halo is still my fav, fołlowed by Doom and Q3.
You can prefer more adventurous, often objective-based games like Half-Life, NOLF, XIII, Perfect Dark and the like, but that's just like your opinion man. Halo had this as well, but it always feels more substantial with the weapon balance. Apart from the fucking pistol.
i was trying not to remember it, cunt
that game was an embarrasing failure
Halo has a few good maps and see great music, but the weapons are just boring there's barely any creativity to them. The only unique one was the needler. I did le the focus on vehicles that was a pretty cool hook that I hadn't seen in any other FPS. I enjoyed the first game well enough but I never understood the hype around it. I thought the sequels were just straight up awful outside of a few setpieces, mostly the scarab fights. I HATE Halo 2's level design.
i like the first one because afaik it's the only one with snowy levels
i am a simple man, i see snowy level in fps i like game
DOA 2 on on OG XBOX was the best game in the series. Tight gameplay, amazing graphics for it's time that still hold up, tons of stuff to unlock. Now DOA is a fucking DLC nightmare.
when i come to visit my parents i play DOA2U with my mom
Ok anons I need help in finding a game.I remember you fought gods i think and had an eastern influence.You had multiple weapons,mostly melee and some guns.I remeber there were like tiger claws in the first mission and i think a village was being invaded.You fight some metal guy,a water guy,and am air guy with an air staff.I think they were evil or something.
It was also third person by the way
Fun og xbox fact: if you hold both triggers and click both sticks in, the main xbox menu will switch from 480i to 480p
God I love breakdown, can't wait for cxbx to be able to run it.
Any OG Xbox exclusives than run well on Cxbx-Reloaded? I heard Jet Set Radio Future works.
VR was made for mech games and there isn't shit for them.
Is that how you're supposed to play? I tried it and it was awful.
Fun fact: Gunvalkyrie was supposed to be a Dreamcast game and the gimmick was, you'd be playing holding the controller on the left hand and a fucking LIGHTGUN on the right.
sounds like fun desu
What is going on at the end, invisible bj?
2 and 3 have snow levels as well. The control room is always in a snow biome.
>260 posts
>nobody has mentioned Brute Force yet
Took this picture just now, a small piece of my collection. I'd like to build it up more. I am lacking essentials such as PD Orta, Gunvalkyrie, a full version of Morrowind and Breakdown.
Whacked and Phantom Phantom Crash are my top 2 games. I played the Xbox Live demo of Whacked for what felt like thousands of hours. Had to buy the full game but, by then, it was kind of dead.
Just get any component cable
Sure most of them look worse than the official rare Microsoft component cable but it will still look a million times better than composite
Bro, you can buy one for like $20
>did this
>got an xbox
>modded & put a 2tb drive in it
>put all of the fucking games in it
>so many games dont know where to start
>havent touched xbox in a year now
I am a bad gamer
i tried 2 and it was extremely boring
i played through 3 in coop in one day with my sister and forgot everything about the game lol
NG2 is still my favorite action game to come back to thanks to the combat. I assure you I'm not going to replay a Ninja Gaiden game for the puzzles.
i'm still mad there's no other good first person beat em up
he started his own game studio. produced a remake of the first riddick(with a prequel i think) and wheelman. i guess it didn't bring any profits since it's dead now.
JSRF is missing half of its effects and has awful stuttering issues and halting framerate drops. The gulf between "playable" and actually playable is absurd when it comes to emulation. It's literally not worth it to poorly emulate a $20 machine.
God that game's soundtrack was amazing.
i had this as a lad and still remember the first time you face solus when he captured alyx and i was like aw yeah nigger im about to beat the game
he wipes my ass up and down the place like im nothing and when i think im going to lose a nuke randomly flies into the place and explodes
then i realized the game was over. KINO
also the real ending that lets you pick whether or not to go with your waifu to the future and fight with her together absolute kino
fuck these japs for never making a sequel
I feel you. Addicting would be the process of something becoming addictive. Using it makes one sound like an uneducated idiot.
Move aside best stealth game in existence coming through
>original xbox can do this
>DOAX3 on modern consoles cant even be bothered to have shifting sand physics during the volleyball
remember how faggots on Yea Forums have made a big deal about shifting snow in dad of war?
ngl i hate barlog and i don't like the direction gow went in but, i don't blame people for gushing about how good it looks visually
Your is not really an unpopular opinion.
I fucking despise Zelda and anything beyond a fuck off corridor for action games fills me with extreme disgust and triggers my brain that grew up with stuff like Final Fight or even Metal Slug.
Why the fuck do I have to waste my goddamn time with these shitty puzzles a mongoloid can solve. Why gate my fucking progress and kill forward momentum with backtracking to find a shitty key or pull a lever.
NG2 is completely fucked partly because the cookie monster got sued for sexual harassment mid development, but it's still a better experience to replay(once you memorize all of its bullshit to muscle memory).
I genuinely can't stomach Ninja Gaiden Black and Sigma to any degree, I was more than happy to completely frisbee the game once I beat it on Mustard Ninja.
>Implying they won't delay it 10 more years
Im pretty sure C2C 2006 is the same exact game but with updates.
Fucking hard game.
hope nobody else mentioned it yet
Anyone else hate fusion frenzy but everyone always wanted to play it so u had to
Don't mind me, just being the better looking game on Xbox
It's not hard in a classic sense and anyway you can grind (talking about Heroes: can't remember if you can grind in Crusaders). The main problem for me was figuring out what the fuck did the devs want me to do. It's too railroaded, like that stealth mission in Heroes.
WHY was this the last good console release? After this you get watered down trash that can't hold a candle to what PC hardware is available, and further you get worse and worse quality games with no passion or love poured into them. Nothing but shallow cash grabs. What a fucking nightmare.
Is this worth it anyway? I just wanted more of the first games, not an MMO.
Never played pic related but I need to get to it someday, looks like a decent game.
Worth it? Probably not, but I'll play it because there isn't another game wich can scratch that itchy
I have one lying around, collecting dust for years but never played it (my dad got it for like 5€ but without games).
Can I hack this thing or do something decent with it?
When I move to my own spot in March, I'd love to get an OG Xbox to softmod.
How hard is it to find one without that thermal paste issue?
You can hack it and install a hard drive to play games and other stuff. I recommend it.
Kinda tough but I just replaced the thermal paste myself. It's easy if you already know how to put your own computer together
it was always paid, and back then it wasnt for much, but the quality was way ahead of what Sony offered since they did it for free.
It did set a standard for online multiplayer on consoles, friends list, online chat, etc...
PS3 didnt have a mic by default for example, while the 360 had. That is why trash talking in public lobbies is mostly associated with Xbox Live. Private chat rooms are a blessing and a curse.
Anyway, its sucks that it was paid, but at least shit got pushed forward fast and hard, and now a basic subscription does bring plenty of bonus content, at least a full AAA game a month to play while subscribed is a nice touch, but that did bring issues to the market all over the place, with publishers now having their own subscription bonuses.
I want that fucking interactive snow back
I had my fun, but it was a messy game, a bit ahead of its time since the controls werent as tight as they needed to be.
fucking loved Kung Fu Chaos, really good concept for a party game and great setpieces.
Just a remaster with proper shooting mechanics would already be amazing.
I don't get why Sega never tried to revive this thing, it's a legit hidden gem that never got recognition due to really poor marketing.
>I don't get SEGA
No one does
>console fps
Original Xbox nevermind.
So much soul
>There will never be a new Crimson Skies game
Hold me bros
How do developers manage to mess up port-jobs?
I thought it was almost as easy as copy and pasting provided that you're not trying to get a game from 2010 to run on a PlaystationOne or something.
I loved Quantum Redshift. It was made by several former staff members who worked on Wipeout at Psygnosis. If there's any Microsoft IP that would work out today it would be QR.
Snoopy Flying Ace is close enough
post rare xbocks
they're dirt cheap bro you can probably find a decent one fopr 10 bux at a yard sale
Cant. Too expensive.
Hitomi looks so fucking cool in that costume. I wish she still had it in 6 but her character has become very hard to take seriously.
less nostalgia and brand attachment.
you can't grind in crusaders, makes it a lot harder
Back when Team Ninja gave a shit. There were crazy as fuck stories like how Itagaki wanted to license Aerosmith songs for the soundtrack and Microsoft went got three songs for the game.
The use of Dream On for the intro of DOA2 Ultimate was absolute Kino
You do realize the one on Xbox was a flop right? People keep wanting new iterations of games like Breakdown or Crimson Skies but don't remember there was a reason why they never did in the first place
>All those hours playing DOA and Soulcalibur after school
>tfw i still have my OG Xbox i got for my 8th birthday and it still works.
unfartunately i have no way of connecting it up to my TV right now tho.
Plus the green power ring on the front of the console flickers red a lot for some reason.
na its pretty shit
my xbox's disc drive sticks a lot. I have to manually open it with a paper clip through the little hole in the front. Love it aside from that
there's no way this is going to be good if it's been in a mix of development hell and beta asian/russian only servers for almost 12 years
the flickering sometimes happens if there's no video connection to the TV. so if you plugged it into the power but not the video connection that's probably why.
>Back when DOA had soul and wasn't a scheme to shake down the pockets of weeb jailbait fans.
Fuck, I miss it bros.
there's a capacitor in the xbox that you should absolutely remove before it gets destroyed
Fuck Japan for letting OG Xbox fail. It had some of the greatest Japanese games from that time
Oh right. No chance of me being able to hook it up to the video connection though, i need an Xbox HDMI mod thing.
could you go into more deets please?
not him but conventional wisdom says that many OG xboxes have bad capacitors that will eventually leak corrosive acid onto the motherboard. anecdotal but I opened 7 xboxes this year and none of them had leaky caps. Personally I will wait until I see symptoms of bad caps before I tear them out.
The 360 also had a massive library of japanese games, so many great games thanks for the XBLA.
Fuck i was planning on saving money to buy either a 3DS or Wii but those Xbox exclusives are looking really fucking sweet and i never owned one but remember playing it at my friend's house and having a shit load of fun
Should i go for the OG Xbox instead?
damn i thought i was the only one play this back in the day, its hard as fuck playing back then as a kid
Get the OG, fantastic library, and you can always just emulate 3DS or Wii.
They're dirt cheap ranging from 10-40 bucks and have superb image quality at 480p for most games. If you're gonna get one, get the original splinter cell disc so you can hack it and put 1TB harddrive.
every Xbox except for the last model that came out before the thing was discontinued has a capacitor that is used to keep the time while the machine is unplugged.
these particular capacitors were of astonishingly low quality and are now prone to leaking their corrosive acid all over the circuit board. thereby eating the traces and destroying the machine's circuitry, breaking it.
since even when they worked properly the capacitors only held charge for about an hour, if that it is perfect;y fine to just rip them off the board to save yourself the headache. you don't even need to know how to solder to do this as simply bending it back and forth will be enough to break it free. the only side-effect will be that you will have to set the time every time the console is unplugged, and softmodding the console will remove even this annoyance as it will auto set the clock to some time in 2007 by default on every boot.
make sure to find a video guide on how to identify your console version though, since the final 1.6 revision of the motherboard will not boot without the clock capacitor, thankfully those ones have an actual; acceptable quality one that you don't have to worry about
i've played TLC a couple dozen times. the game is just so easy and i probably do two runs a year
most fun is magic of course, the most variety, worst is strength because it's always the same fight. good/magic only is my favorite. when i do skill i put some into strength too so my character doesn't look like a freak
I've decided to get an OG Xbox instead, can you guys give me a list of pretty good exclusives and third party games i could play?
>that fucking AI
I swear I wouldn't be able to tell it was an AI if I didn't know. Moves like a player.
Hey, fuck you. Sega GT was fun but I didn't include it because I didn't want to just make a big ass wall of text with all the games I had.
>ctrl+f Otogi
>7 hits
Here's another. Game was fucking great and extremely SOUL, how come Sekiro didn't have half as much soul? The setting was nice but it wasn't as atmospheric as Otogi.
thanks for the info. i'll do some research on my version
This video what I use to identify my Xbox's versions.
Although it is mostly for those who want to hardmod their systems, as a beginner all you need to take away from it is whether yours is a 1.6 or not. Those shouldn't have their clock capacitors removed or else they wont boot successfully. All the other models are fine without them.
I figure because most of it's library of really good games are completely overlooked and pretty unique compared to everyone else just thinking it was a Halo box.
Gunvalkyrie is the main reason I still keep the OG Xbox around
These are my two favorite non-ngb games on xbox for sure. The multiplayer on Kung Fu Chaos especially was top notch at the time, such a shame its not backwards compatible with 360 or xbone. Whacked has a great singleplayer campaign, but the multiplayer is pretty lackluster.
This game was kino, like a mascot platformer version of Sands of Time.
The issue is with the clock capacitor specifically. Technically a lot of consoles have capacitors that could eventually pop, but the clock capacitor is a well documented case of internal damage done to Xbox's.
Also anecdotal for me, but I've opened 3 and they all had varying degrees electrolyte discharge on the board. 2 of them were fortunately just cosmetic and a quick clean got rid of it. The last one on the other hand suffered from typical trace issue problems caused by that capacitor: powers on automatically when plugged in, front panel buttons don't work, will eventually just turn off on its own at random times. That's a case of waiting too long, and the fix requires soldering a wire between two points on the motherboard, bypassing the damaged trace entirely. I really don't recommend you waiting for symptoms before removing it. The worst thing that happens is the internal clock is never saved, but if the console is modded you don't really have to worry about it.
Side note to the user who's inquiring, the very last Xbox revision (1.6) doesn't have the clock cap so you don't have to worry about internal damage
Xbox doesn't have anything else going for them right now. Might as well dip into the vault
Prototype Duke was cool.
NanoMED Plus: We treat you right when the world treats you rough!
Some fun facts about the Xbox hardware.
-It used a special version of a Pentium 3 CPU designed for laptops with half the cache (as much cache as Celerons had). However, it was still faster than Celeron because the cache was 8-way associative like P3 cache rather than 4-way associative like Celeron cache.
-It used a custom version of the GeForce 3 with some features of the then-unreleased GeForce 4 like a twin vertex shader. However, it was clocked at a lower speed than any released GeForce 3 card
-The sound chip was actually made by Nvidia - the Nvidia Soundstorm, which was also integrated onto a few PC motherboards of the era.
its not as easy as that. i dont know a lot about ports, but consoles have different architectures to eachother. for example, lets say a door key is a game, and the lock is the console - the key would need to be recut to fit another lock.
It's on the microsoft store, been there for a while. Pretty easy to get back into also.
God the original Xbox had so many unknown gems and weird games, it's a shame that most of them will never be ported to PC/modern platforms (beyond Xone retrocompat).
The online versus was the only time I spent friday to sunday playing one game without sleep.
I liked Brute Force.
I'm liking these graphics. It's not too realistic but it tries to be, much more distinctive compared to games in this day and age. It's makes you much more aware of the fact that you're playing a video game and not some interactive movie.
>it's a shame that most of them will never be ported to PC/modern platforms
Yup, and it's not guaranteed that the ones that are lucky enough to get a port will be good. Supposedly the Metal Wolf Chaos PC port looks worse.
>Kung Fu Chaos
Still blows my mind that FUCK YOU was behind it, but it almost makes sense.
>that reload
How the hell would that even be possible?
UC2 still holds up
Playing it in 4k and 60 FPS makes it look better than early gen 360 games even
They should just make an OG Xbox mini and set it up so you can buy more games digitally for it if you want.
Got this, still my favorite game case of any game I ever bought. Having the original Doom games was a fantastic bonus to.
I'd love an Xbox mini
mfw an xbox mini is just the size of any other regular-sized console
>Dino Crisis 3
What were they thinking?
Yeah thank fuck they got that one in before they ceased BC development.
Capcom might as well remake 1-3 in RE Engine and do 3 right this time.
What's wrong with it?
KOTOR 1 and 2 were originally Xbox exclusives.
Camera ruined it.
Why didn't Microsoft ever make a handheld?
holy shit this game looks like a fighting game but without the limited space. truly the king of the hack and slash games
i went to sleep last night, woke up, and this thread is still here. what a kino thread
Yea Forums was not a faggot for once
me too, user.
They said 360 and OG was on a break while they work on xbone to Scarlet compatibility and 360/OG would be back on the agenda once they had that finished because there's a good few games still in demand they want to get back to.
explain for a brainlet what this does? i always played no matter how bad something looked but as a result i dont know how to make my games look non shit
Oh shit I want both of those.
I liked that star wars game that came bundled with tetris.
>Canadians got to have this
It's not fair
shit man its sci-fi i aint gotta explain shit.
but seriously, maybe like a p90 smg? i dunno.
>Console FPS
>The most successful FPS games in the past 15 years have all been on console
No one gives a fuck about your shitty Quake/CS1.6 anymore, Boomer
this baby ran AT 60FPS on the XBOX while 30 on PS2 probably could've squeezed 720p from Xbox too, ngl.
This game looks decent. I'm always curious about predecessors of successful/popular games. I one day plan to play Just Cause 1 since 2 is one of my most played games.
Daily reminder that the retard who gutted a dev kit did not set back emulation in the slightest and that anybody getting mad about it for Yea Forums clout is a poser.
The dev kits come up on ebay several times a year.
If it really makes you mad, buy one and donate it to the guys at the forefront of Xbox emulation efforts.
Except they have had their hands on them already and have stated that there's nothing to be learned from poking around on them.
If you wanna play Xbox games, literally just mod an $15 original Xbox and load it with isos.
But let's be honest, Mercenaries is the best GTA clone you can play. Plus in 4K on Xbox One.
>Can't go through a Xbox thread without getting pissed about that retard that killed xbox emulation forever
Gone like tears in the rain
Sell me on it, user. I tried it when it was new and it just felt like a soulless sandbox where everywhere looks the same and you do the same few actions on repeat, kill the same guards and steal the same vehicles over and over.
This was about 15 years ago I think, not sure how accurately I remember it.
fucking redditards, man
Fuck the up
New enemies and bosses and remixed encounters.
Itagaki-era DOA had soul, though.
Gigadeath sure is a fun boss, huh?
>Thinking fake Xbox kits are like the real deal
>Defending reddltards
The only poser here is you, thinking a dev kit is going up on ebay every other month.
zoom zoom
without looking at the thread
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Midtown Madness 3
Halo CE/2
Splinter Cell
Conkers Live and Reloaded
Crimson Skies
Burnout 3
Ninja Gaiden
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Star Wars Battlefront II
Timesplitters 2
Ghost Recon
There are 3 mercenaries and three different factions operating there, every mercenary knows something from one faction a little more than the others, for example you have a dude that can speak russian and has a contact there. It's one of the small things in this game that makes it a blast for replaying. Other than that you have destructive environments and artillery on a phone.
I'm playing The Warriors on OG Xbox right now. It's basically a State of Emergency 1.5 with a proper story.
Go cry more about a machine you'd have no fucking clue how to operate, and the alexandria tier info stashed inside it that the wizards at emulation Inc will never get at, you fucking pseud.
>fake Xbox kits
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Have you even googled Xbox dev kits before? Have you read the threads where they confirm after months that nothing was done with these kits and they were sold on?
If it bothers you, learn to code and make some headway or stop crying about somebody elses lost potential work.
wtf this was also on OG xbox? I thought it was 360 only
It's on PS2, Xbox, 360, and PC but the 360 version was the last one to come out and looks the best.
fuck off you redtard. None of those are genuine, straight from the xbox devs themselves
Oh well if the Xbox devs themselves told you to tell me, I'll say nothing more, case closed faggot, I'm sorry
I bought myself the recreated one by hyperkin recently to use on PC and its very snug to hold despite how bulky it is
Once again, fuck off you reddtard.
>I need to be irrationally angry about frauds I read once five years ago, and none of your "facts" or "logic" will stop my shitposting
>Having no interest in making the specs or to upload the dump = not possible to do
Give it to somebody who cares you fucking faggot if the datas genuine. Upload that shit!
It's not a devkit, it's an alpha tower, it wasn't used to make games, it was used to prototype the OS. Also, even if it we're just a normal devkit, there have been a lot of source code leaks thanks to people acquiring old devkits that still have data. The Dark Engine source code was found on a Dreamcast devkit for instance.
>Metal Arms
My nigger
softmodded my xbox earlier in the year, just as i was got half the interesting japan only games, the 3rd nintendo rom-apocalypse. Can still can my hands on american isos at least. My disc stuff.
>tfw ruined my duke trying to follow a guide to painting the controller in OXM
i'm afraid thinner will ruin the plastic
ahead of its time.
And to think the popular choice is GameCube because of Link. I think Spawn fits the best out of all of them.
Yep, and Wheelman was gonna have a crossover/shared sequel with Stranglehold with massive destructible buildings. Shame.
That sounds amazing desu
Hey user, looks like you forgot to take a bunch of trash to Goodwill. Dump it off so it can stop cluttering your shelf space.
>Parents gave my OG Xbox away to my poorfag 3rd world cousins and all my games
>Except for my Clone Wars/Tetris Worlds dual disc
Fuck anyone that tries to take this disc away from me.
This was also the last good doa game. 4 was the start of the end due to rocky relationships and the rest just sucked balls even more and started the gachashit
Here's some of the test footage
i can't play it on 360, it crashes too much
Stubbs the Zombie was so fucking cool. I don't give a fuck, it was unique, and making your own horde of zombies every mission to steamroll the enemies was so satisfying.
Man, I forget the how powerful the Xbox was. That could pass as a PS3/360 game
This was an incredibly fun game and max level rank sneeker users were fucking terrifying
>tfw had a ps2 but loved reading about all the xbox exclusives in gaming magazines
i was jelly as fuck about panzer dragoon
They are better on the xbox yes. The remaster has some bugs as expected. Still a good localization but a lot of shaders outright don't work for some reason.
I remember reading they also disabled swap file support so that lazy devs couldn't over commit RAM. They were worried about half assed PC ports making the system look shit.
The Xbox team sound like they genuinely loved video games and wanted to make the best thing in the world. It's a shame they'll largely be remembered for introducing paid online and DLC.
came to post this, thank you for ending thread
being surprised by the differences as the difficulty ratcheted caught me completely off guard. got halfway through master ninja before tapping out. this unfinished business is the only reason I still have a classic xbox with dukes
You could unlock the beeping from cursing but the bleeps were in fact funnier so literally everyone turned them back on.
As resolution scales up, the hardware needed goes up exponentially. The OG only needed to render 720x480 @16bit, though many games would have gone for 24bit. The 360 standard was 1280x720 which is somewhere between 2.5 and 3 times the pixels for starters, and you'll have to increase texture and shader quality by this much again to keep it sharp on LCD/Plasma of the time.
It's the reason that only the very very top end PCs can do 4K60 reliably. Anyone who tells you their rig can do 4K60 is cherry picking as bad as those who say the PS3 can do 1080p.
This scared me because I too have every one of those games and a bed similar to that.
Don't play the mvc2 port on xbox or ps2. Only dreamcast arcade are acceptable along with xbl / ps3 for online
I'd like to add Xbox to the list of "full library available at any time" consoles I have.
For Super NES this was easy. Just buy a flash cart.
For Saturn, again, I just had to buy a cart and flash some software myself. Ezpz. Its not as elegant as a Rhea/Phoebe but I've only had 1 bad burn (Panzer Dragoon Saga disc 3, it kinda fucked my shit up) and I am tired of waiting for autism man to put preorders up only to not get them.
For PS2 I just had to put in a hard drive. I actually was already using the hard drive features of the console with the official FFXI hard drive but it died out. Got a friend to give me a copy of freemcboot. Done.
I look at some videos of Xbox, and it just looks like a complete and utter clusterfuck. You need to have two hard drives going at once and you need to read something from the disc and you need to swap cables but you only have a 5 second window etc. Is it easier than it looks?
>bought DOOK because fond memories
>used it twice and has lived in its box ever since
It's great I just don't know what to do with it.
720p on the original xbox no less. It's really a sight to behold.
People tell me. Till this day. That the Xbox version was "vastly inferior".
Now you can certainly argue taste for the exclusive character. Spawn is fucking shit. But in all other areas it is technically better 100%.
The worst possible way to play it and yet it's still the only way I can have fun playing it.
>Is it easier than it looks?
substantially. Just need a way to get the payload data over, run a compatible game, load up the save profile "linux" and you're basically done. Back up MS Dash, Back up EEPROM, install dash of your choice (I like UnleashX) and it takes care of itself.
Upgrading the hard drive isn't even hard. First transfer over chimp into e:/apps, and also transfer the chimp contents onto the root e:/, redundant but necessary. Restart your xbox, power the new hard drive, once in your dashboard unplug the dvd IDE cable, plug in to the new drive, run chimp, select fatX once it boots, clone from master to slave, lock slave to motherboard, set your new hdd jumpers to cable select, test and you're done.
It's not even hard, that's literally everything step by step. Feel free to add breathing in there.
>The worst possible way to play it
you can play the current steam version which is absolute fucking broken shit.
I should really get around to hacking mine.
My disc drive likes to fuck out after a few minutes. This is another reason why I want to mod it. I have the games but I can't read them when the drive doesn't want to spin. On games with a lengthy load bar like Unreal Championship 1 you can see the exact point where it gives up.
Do you think I'll be able to pull it off with this going on?
I'm gonna go ahead and order the necessary components now anyway. You can't win if you don't play and all that.
Western hack and slash that didn't take itself too seriously but had good mechanics. The perfect game to play over winter break or something.
>Do you think I'll be able to pull it off with this going on?
Probably, a successful clone takes less than 8 minutes. Your DVD drive probably is just dirty, it's unlikely it's dead. I'd recommend giving it a nice blow out once the system is open, remove the shield and clean it up.
I could appreciate the West trying to make some good action games. They never hit the same highs but they were damn fun.
Playing this 4p with my neighborhood friends was unforgettable.
god damn this game was amazing
Fantastic taste, Dark Legacy is great.
Someone did a walkthrough of this, but not a complete one. Could prove useful, though.
Actually agree. That fucking piece of shit killed the Dreamcast way too soon. When I showed up at Microsoft I couldn't wait for him to get the fuck out, regardless of how many stupid fake tattoos he got plaid before press conferences.
Fuck no. Spawn should stay in the 90's.
That would look so impressive if you didn't know that sniper in halo had auto aim.
That's okay. I'm at the point where I just don't care about auto aim in FPS games. I just want a fun game.
You can still play online with Xlink Kai. It's easy to set up. Halo 2 still has a nice amount of players.
this face blinx makes on the cover makes him look like an edgy little shit, he's more mellow in the game.
on most consoles this would yield a small difference in image quality, but on xbox the picture will be much darker and more vibrant because the xbox has unnaturally ass 480i output.
That's a blur filter used for 480i to reduce the visibility of the flickering lines in a 480i signal on some displays. With a softmod it can be disabled.
i wasn't talking about the flicker filter, 480i still looks worse than 480p even with it hacked out, but that may be my shit cables
i wonder if this is why the memory card ports have a sync signal, if the xbox lightgun would originally plug into the controller
480i is always going to look worse really...Consider getting high quality component cables. Avoid the HD "pack." Either get the 2nd rev. cables or those new ones coming out.
i'm thinking of going the VGA route instead
Never beat this on master ninja due to all the fucking catgirls and vigoorian berserkers they throw at you, i can only reliably beat them with either the black dragon sword or the fully upgraded wooden one and you don't get either until chapter 14 or so.
That's an option. I use a professional crt monitor that can display up to 1080i so I just stick with component.
i'm jealous
JSR is so annoying to play and I find it kind of janky. But maybe that't because I played JSRF first. The grinding and enemies really got me when I went back to play the original
>nearly at bump limit
>no mention of blood wake
does no one else like murder boats?
>Get secondhand Xbox as a gift along with a copy of Blinx and Project Gotham Racing
>PGR disc is too scratched to play
>Try to play Blinx only to realize the crappy third party controller I got with the Xbox has three non-functioning buttons (A, X, B)
Now every time I see this game I can only think of the disappointment
Epic thread. The current state of Xbox One is a waste. It's a shame that the Phantom Dust rerelease or Rare Replay are among the great Xbox One games. Hopefully things will turn around with the push for all these studios and the Xbox Game Studios rebranding.
I would have loved this game but the camera controls were sat inverted automatically and there was no way to change them. It was fucking me up so bad i got mad and stopped playing.
when did phil takeover again? the next year or two should be the first games with their complete dev cycle under his lead.
Phil has been with MS for a good while, but wasn't made head of Xbox until shortly after Don Mattrick left in 2013. After that he answered to Terry Myerson (who headed the Windows Division and was reportedly against major investments that wouldn't drive Windows growth, games included) until 2017 when he was promoted to Senior Leadership Division and now answers to the CEO
Because it plays like shit, most fromsoft games do now that you mention it, literally only chromehounds and sekiro avoid this fate, and even then sekiro plays like a shitty, dumbed down ninja gaiden.
This game looked so fucking good on the og xbox. I hate you can't emulate it on pc.
the game also had a japan only sequel, it's really good.
the japan-only sequel is also in english
Yeah I played double steal at an arcade, really wish I could play it again.
Thanks user, I didn't know there was a sequel.
Is it better than the original?
Double S.T.E.A.L is the name of the series in Japan and the second game is subtitled The Second Clash
Fuck I remember this, played it in ps2 and was completely floored when I played the Xbox version a year later. It looked so good and could've easily passed for a 7th gen game.
Can this be emualated?
It think it's better. It also has some really slick effects and runs in 720p.
Nothing can be emulated well on the xbox. The console costs like $20 so there is no real excuse.
Yeah the ps2 version was ass.
Dumb outdated user, download the latest DEVELOPMENT build and stop talking out of your ass for once
It's still awful, just as it has always been.
Wasn't the sequel only released in japan? Would it even work on the xbox without having to tamper with it?
Master Chief Collection, Below, and Sea of Thieves are garbage. This list is shit and probably only had input from one person put into it. Fuck off.
Still broken, but I'll let everyone know when it's at least in-game
soft mod it
It was a totally different game on xbox.
You'll need to softmod it but it's so worth it that every Xbox should be soft modded.
Welp, guess I gotta go find an xbox now.
We have 41 playable games right now, check the main developer Patreon (patreon.com
Well done, fellas.
kino thread
Yea Forums surprises me sometimes, and almost never in a positive manner
See you all in the next one.
It was good. It even had some mechanics that for some retarded reason werent used on the sequels
The scarface game is really, really good. The soundtrack is also absolutely bitchin'.
This is in-game
This thread is getting me right in the nostalgia.
Best games:
Ninja Gaiden Black
Oddworld Strangers Wrath
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Jet Set Radio Future
Shenmue 2
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Phantom Dust
Halo Combat Evolved
Outrun 2
Then all the superior mutliplat games:
Splinter Cell Trilogy
Prince of Persia Trilogy
Timesplitters 2&3
Tenchu games