tasteful vidya tattoo thread
Tasteful vidya tattoo thread
ITT: Le edgefaggots.
That shit is lame as a tattoo that must be so embarrassing for you. I love HK too
These should be anti-tattoo adverts, like how the anti-smoking campaigns are on the front of packets.
Okay. At least post a picture next time!
Imagine becoming a billboard for a corperate product.
it's a temporary stick-on tattoo idiot
And just like that tattoo, billboards are often temporary.
That actually good
Of all the cool HK shit he gets this crap as a tattoo? What a fag.
Came here to post this EXACTLY. Based
>what is sarcasm
I want to know if anyone actually has this tattoo.
>not a newfag
Weird, I thought jews were adverse to getting tattoos
you retard
I'm not sure what this is exactly, but an example of a vidya tat done well. Unrecognizable to the majority, but noticed by those who get it. It's not like getting a Super Mushroom on your arm that makes you look like a fag.
I don't get these people, just get a cheap decal and throw it on the side of your car. It's literally the same shit but not permanent and way cheaper, people will still know you're an le nerd or whatever and you won't look as retarded.
What’s the best kind of tattoo to get be honest?
Imagine getting an anime or video game tattoo. I know a guy that got the berserk brand tattoo from the anime on his chest or some shit, apparently that's a popular anime tattoo. I just...I just couldn't walk around with something like that on my skin for the rest of my life. You get a tattoo and it's a lifetime commitment. I just can't dedicate myself to going in and getting some anime reference tattoo'd on my body, ya know? Or getting some video game reference tattoo'd on me. You think people will regret it 10 years down the road? Fucking hell, I knew a guy that had an anime sleeve on his arm and another guy got the akatsuki cloud on his shoulder. When I went to an anime convention last month I met this guy that had the fucking Fairy Tail guild symbol on his shoulder and so did his girlfriend and his other friend, like they all got the same fucking tattoo.
Just drives me crazy, like I enjoyed Fairy Tail but I'm not going to walk around with the guild symbol tattoo'd on my fucking shoulder.
It's not the star of david. it's a heartagram, symbol of the famous Finnish gothic rock band HIM
Cool blog bro nobody cares
>Enjoyed Fairy Tale
That's how I know you're a faggot.
Something symbolic that means a lot to you as a small tattoo in a non-exposed area
Cared enough to respond :^)
It was trash, but it was also my guilty pleasure anime. At least I didn't get the fucking symbol tattoo'd on my shoulder like the 3-4 people I saw at an anime convention I went to last month.
i don't have any and don't plan to but if i did i'd get an arm done. not a full sleeve because i don't think it looks good to have every inch inked, but i also think that getting a tiny tattoo on your left hip is some gay shit too
Fair enough. Respectable that you recognize it as trash, not many people can't admit that.
this i love.
Mine, go ahead and call me a faggot.
kino choice in pokemon user
And HIM literally means his infernal majesty so it might as well be a pentagram
do you summerfags even know what kino means jesus christ
Yeah, but it's a fucking band, you dingus.
lmao dumbass
kino response, user
I'd marry anyone who does, man or woman.
to be fair, -fag has lost all meaning too
Begone, vermin.
Mfw dragon Quest is my favorite game series yet I have NO clue which tattoo of DQ to get. I was thinking just a blue slime but that’s too easy and kinda lame.
DQ8 is my favorite by the way.
I don't understand why anyone would want a tattoo. I can understand a temporary decoration, but permanent? Obviously it is not a rational decision.
a satanic band
>liking a gothic band equates to being a devil worshiper
You're either 12 or old enough to belong in a senior home. Which is it?
they're literally called his infernal majesty. Don't pretend the guys are not satanists
Maybe Munchie or Loto's Crest?
DQ 1, 2 and 3 I’ve acrually never played. (Tried 3 but it’s pretty bad) though I know most of the characters and plot.
I was thinking munchie too but he didn’t really play a huge role in the game.
>I like this band that promotes satanic imagery and tattoo the same images onto my body
>some of the band members claim to be satanists
3 Bad? Which version did you play that's one of the best ones.
Yeah but he's still pretty iconic for DQ8. Whatever you get don't make it a 1:1 for it. Have the artist change it into their own style so it's subtle and you don't look like a faggot.
>shock value artist lies
wow who saw that coming
Music is literally a form of expression dumbass. You think a band being satanic doesn't mean anything just because it's music?
I tried to but no one i know can do it well.
great game btw.
play forsaken X works on win7/win10 with no problem 1080p etc.
>I'm a big fan of [thing]
>I get a tattoo of [thing] somewhere on my body
>implying it runs deeper than that
>implying you aren't trolling/autistic
the forsaken are the real Kingdom of Lordaeron, LARPers out
Anyone have the recent pic of him with even more tats?
1 quick google search later.
If you're tattooing something on yourself and it doesn't "run deeper than that" then you're autistic who's out to get irl (you)'s.
If it DOES "run deeper" then yeah, you're supporting satan you delinquent.
Alright that was good. Thanks for the laugh user.
Is that a no?
You didn't post the picture I asked for, faggot.
you are so fucking it hurts.
I don't have any tattoos. But there are plenty of people who get them for just those reasons, and don't try to pretend there aren't. These threads alone are evidence of that. Ironic image choice you have there.
Thanks. I'm glad one of us is fucking.
Bitch dont pretend to be me.
slayer fans tattoo slayer pentagrams on themselves and yet the vast majority aren't satanists, they just like slayer
I got to give props to the artist. That's some steady hand work. I find it amazing how these people have the patience for such work.
Tom Araya is actually a catholic.
wow bro so deep *rips bong*
And yet he was totally fine with ramping up the satanic aesthetics to their limits
I have the Santa Destroy star and that's about as niche/subtle as I'm willing to get.
Pretty fugin sweet if you ask me
his cellmate will be very happy
Not too bad. Theres definitely way worse in this thread. I cant stand fags that get one little arm tattoo. At least you covered the whole upper part man.