Why does this exist in old school runescape?
Wasn't that the whole point of old school runescape, to not have the GE?
Why does this exist in old school runescape?
Wasn't that the whole point of old school runescape, to not have the GE?
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right, then reddit hijacked the game
Because only autists play old school.
the game needs the casual audience to stay alive since it's no longer their main product, although it should be
because it's played be depressed twenty-somethings whose brains are geared towards working as efficiently as possible and not kids who want to immerse themselves in a fantasy world.
Because I want to buy a bond, sell it, and be a level 8 walking around with gold encrusted trimmed armor, that's why, bitch.
hey that's me
but also whine and moan that they need a cheat code to play the game. Not so efficiently brained I guess.
>Wasn't that the whole point of old school runescape, to not have the GE?
No. The point was to have a playable pre-EOC version with content additions voted on by the players.
The point was to have a preRS3 version but Zoomies didn't like RS2 so they had to shit it up with bloated features that ruin the game entirely
Jagex made the mistake of asking the community what it wanted. And what the majority of the community wanted was every obstacle or inconvenience removed so they could maximise efficiency grinding skills. while semi-AFK. This is how we ended up with shit like splashing and nightmare zone exploits left in the game for years
Players are really bad at designing video games
It wasn't pre-EOC people (like me) wanted, it was pre-wilderness update where they took out trading and added the G.E
I honestly fucking hate posting on a forum every time I want to make a transaction, but fuck GE.
As much as I don't like the addition of GE, I don't miss having to constantly type BUYING RUNE SCIMMY 25K every few seconds next to Varrock's west bank either.
The worst part was they spent months designing an in-game zybez market equivalent that worked great. You put up an notice to sell or look for somebody selling, message them, haggle the price then meet them in person to trade.
Actual 2005fag here
I played osrs on release and after a while no GE becomes unbearable. It's a fun novelty on a fresh server, but when the hardcore merchfags and clans have literal monopolies over coal and shit and you can't get basic quest items the game becomes pretty cancerous. You'll quickly miss the GE.
Maybe what they should do is make totally new items only transferable through trade and not have them on the GE at release to keep trading alive.
You didn't have to do either of those though. From OSRS's start people used zybez's live market thing to post buy/sell offers. It was literally
>open zybez
>search for what you wanted to buy/sell
>look for a good price put up recently
>message the player
>haggle over price (optional)
>meet in person and trade
I forgot to mention this was in the game for like a month and then people asked for G.E to be polled despite it already having lost earlier
>OSRS's start
Nigga I'm talking RS2 at the age of 16. If Zybez was around I hadn't heard of it.
I started in 2002, and the G.E definitely makes the game worse.
How are there monopolies with no G.E? There's nothing stopping anybody mining more coal and selling it. There was also a huge market for quest kits, people selling everything you needed for a quest as a package deal for like 20-30k, that totally died with the GE
merching clans become far more of a problem with the G.E because all trade is being bottlenecked through one system, that was easy for larger groups of players to manipulate, inflate prices and crash markets to the point where jagex had to put artificial limits on prices to reduce it.
this is a thread about old school runescape. Not original RS. In original RS we all traded in the jungle markets varrock/falador garden because we didn't know any better.
>not kids who want to immerse themselves in a fantasy world.
This is why I resent the Runescape fanbase so much. The number one thing I love about Runescape is that it is a truly original, magical fantasy world. Yet most of the playerbase totally ignores this. The most I'll hear is "yeah, I thought it was magical as a child, but now I'm older and you can't recapture that". But people never say that about other retro RPGs, like Morrowind or Ultima or Baldur's Gate
I think the harsh truth is that most people playing the game nowadays do it out of compulsion
Oops, I forgot that GE only exists in OSRS and that other versions are not relevant to the discussion.
These ge ruined the game along with no consequences from death and op rs3 weapons (toxic blowpipe)
As questionable some of the update choices for OSRS have been, it's far better than RS3's development and progression.
I would honestly have enjoyed this content they've added if it were still the years between 2007-2012, but now I just crave a 100% accurate 2005-2006 personal/small host server/tools.
If I had the ability or the funds to pay someone to make it, it would fucking exist.
>Every bank used to be full of people buying and selling stuff
>There was an actual reason to use the forum
>Forced to interact with fellow players
>Could get into wacky situations from people trying to scam you or just wanting to get to know you
>Now everyone just sits at the grand exchange, not interacting with the same level as we once did all over Runescape
I was elated when Old School came back, and then heart broken a short time later.
Yea Forumsscape is still around as far as I'm aware, a bit of a small population but overall a nice server when you're in the mood for actual old runescape
>mad about the exchange?
>just make a snowflake Ironman, YouTube it, and make a fuckton of money
I've seen it posted around and it does look promising, but I guess I'm kinda after the ease of something like personal Minecraft server hosting.
Something for me and a small crowd of close friends.
It’s because the game was dying and had only like 10k players now it’s at like a constant 80k. Probably to save it otherwise it would probably be Dead by now rs is a very stale and boring game anyway I guess yah they could keep adding content with the 2005-7 feelbut u can only add so much before people don’t care or little tweaks. Game was always bad but yah I guess it kills off most of the social activity but half the player base is bots anyway but yah rs was always trash u thought was good because it was one of the first online games u played and just had fun messing around doing whatever. When u actually play it u just realize it’s just autisticly setting goals to reach ur other goals before u realize this sucks wtf and then stop
I'm fucking done with this game, massive autistic playerbase votes yes to bullshit, but is still indecisive about actual meaningful content
I'm hoping classic WoW gets better upon full launch
There’s a huge difference some people don’t want to spend tons of hours just to get a glory lmaoing at this fag
>tons of money and subscribers
No way fag only if ur really lucky besides that fad dropped off few years ago
So I haven't play RS since the GE was first introduced, but went up to the GE and bought some logs cheap then tried to sell and it said I couldn't sell until "my account is older." So now all my money is locked up in logs. Fucking lol. I love how they don't even put 1 second of effort into obscuring this immersion breaking BS behind any mechanic at all.
Bots keep old school alive since most people with alts just wanna bank stand on the cheap.
Without g.e. people just resorted to a kind of tradelist forum with faggots that would literally buyout every piece of coal and have stock of like 3m units of coal and sell it massively overpriced. Buying 1k at a time from some random was much cheaper but would take you literally days to get enough for a few smithing levels simply because so many people value the convenience of buying/selling with the one merch faggot.
GE and the fact that the game is in a later stage makes it so much harder for people to funnel all resources into themselves slowly overtime.
Happened with so many different vital items.
Yeah the quest package thing was cool, but people only bothered for major quests like desert treasure, anything else wasn't in demand enough.
undercutting wars were aids and selling stuff to buy upgrades could take like an entire day.
No GE did function much better back in REAL oldschool rs2, but with how much people changed it was a lot worse.
I stopped when I realized no point in playing
>doing rc nats in abyss
>everyone else has like 90 rc
>try talking
>no response
>oh there bots
>do what x amount I wanted
>come back like in few days decide to get like few more lvl
>same bots still there
Why would anyone play when u can just bot lmao and how aren’t they banned at this point
dude go back to school
Cry more gaylord
I'm fine with online shorthand but your post makes you sound stone cold retarded
they did several polls, people wanted GE with wilderness, deal with it
just because people want it doesn't mean it isn't shit
Came here to say this. It shouldnt be there but i dont think the game would be alive enough with player trade without it unfortunately.
The same players that were against EoC were the ones who voted for GE on OSRS. Just because you and a few more hoarders are against it, it doesn't meake it shit. Objectively, it's for the better, since so much end game content was to be added
Cry moar retard
Ironman fulfills my need. Fuck the economy. Way more fun unlocking shit on my own.
>The same players that were against EoC were the ones who voted for GE on OSRS
even if that were true, so what? I couldn't give a shit about EoC, I wanted the best era of RS, the pre-GE state of the game. I know more people said yes than no to the GE, but that doesn't make them right or the game not shit now.
>, it's for the better, since so much end game content was to be added
that's irrelevant, they could have added endgame content without adding the G.E
>Muh nostaliga
>Muh communcation
Like I want to wait 1 hour or more standing around trying to buy something.
>But muh forums
I'm not gonna go on forums to buy shit. I want to be in the game and buy shit when I'm ready to and need it right then and now.
I'm glad GE was put in.
I would have preferred an auction house, but Runescape has so many items coming in and going out, that would probably be infeasible.
as has been said before. nobody did that shit. everybody was using zybez or the in-game market system, which in many cases were quicker because you could meet to trade anywhere in the world without having to run to the G.E, while also being able to communicate and haggle
It may be shit for you, but you have no actual arguments to claim GE was a step in the wrong direction. The thing is what RS needed.
And about the high lvl content, it's a good thing to allow players to progress a bit faster if your game average lvl content increases
Yeah, I totally miss typing SELLING X over and over again in a crowded world filled with hundreds of players crammed in one spot, or god forbid I have some miscellaneous junk that is actually worth some GP but no one wants to buy. The GE is a massive quality of life upgrade and cuts out a lot of bullshit
remember when the general stores were filled to the brim with people and the shop was filled with all sorts of random interesting items and every once and a while someone would sell something rare or something that you really needed and it was a race to buy it first
shit was great, now there's literally no reason for any stores to exist in the game at all
Man I got some pretty good stuff like that back in the day, or thought so at the time. It's honestly something I really do miss.
The innocence of the 2004-2006 playerbase was peak kino RuneScape.
ironman accounts do have a use for stores
>my opinion has no arguments
Fuck off retard GE is dope.