Do you like how the Nintendo Switch library is shaping up so far?
Do you like how the Nintendo Switch library is shaping up so far?
>Yea Forums official rankings
so, your opinions? if it was Yea Forums's official rankings they would all be shit tier and there would be goldface and basedjacks all over the pic
>Wii U ports
Not at all.
Call me when we get some SOUL like Endless Ocean 3, or trauma center, or Story of Seasons
Worst bait post ever
Anybody have a good version of one of these? I'd like to know where Three Houses falls.
>need to call it console/platform exclusives to even call it a list
Bad library.
what the hell is dragon marked for death doing in shit tier, it's castlevania harmony of despair + mega man zero
Why do all of these covers look exactly the same?
>Shit thread
checks out
First year was great, second year was shit, and third year has really started shaping up since the release of Mario Maker. Lots of good stuff in the pipeline.
>base XBC2
>not shit tier
i don't even like DMFD yet that game manages to be better than those two piles of shit
>wii u ports
Mines a pathetic Smash Screen
But hey at least Smash nets me as much playtime as a well rounded exclusive library would. Even though Nintendo consoles usually give me both.
How is Dark Souls?
go back to discord faggot
I wish it was like HoD. The issue is the lack of weapon design variety, the humongous difficulty spikes, and abysmal content. There's a reason its a dead game after a week since launch
Why the FUCK isn't Three Houses in God Tier? Faggot.
Im afraid to buy Mario Kart 8 Deluxe because I'm not sure if they'll announce 9 for the switch some day...
>dragon marked for death is shit
really? I was hoping that'd be worth playing. Also that Cadence of Hyrule would be higher.
>shit tier
Shouldn't shit tier not be listed at all since the whole image is a list of significant switch games? Meaning shit tier is not significant at all so they don't belong.
Or is this just a list of exclusives with a tier ranking?
>Do you like 50 different rehashes of Mario/Zelda/Pokemon/Donkey Kong?