What the fuck is going on with the USA and the vidya banning?
What the fuck is going on with the USA and the vidya banning?
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literally nothing
it's just political scapegoating, nothing is changing
we momentarily sacrificed our right to play video games to remove a bunch of niggers
another shooting but the shooter played a video game once or something so they're obviously at fault
Jews deflecting
It's just a scapegoat because the current administration has to do SOMETHING, but republicans are so in bed with the NRA that they can't do something about the actual problem
It happens every so often, there's some mass shooting and republicans blame it on video games, so as to not anger their inbred gun-toting voters.
These people could be using chemical weapons and hurting more people. We can't even red flag people effectively for it, how are you going to justify marking anyone buying cleaning supplies? What if they buy them 6 months or more apart? We need to really work to mediate the root causes of the social problems that result in people feeling like they should be harming others en mass.
NRA is too powerful, so it must be that damned bible study skipping... err... jazz... err... phonographs... err... rock & roll... err... dancing... err... radio... err... comic books... err... television... err... movies... err... rock & roll again... err... marijuana... err... disco... err... rap... err... video games... err... no wait we're still fixated on video games Ooga Booga!
Republicans gotta protect the gun manufacturers on account of all that money they donate to them.
Lmao not as good as the original but it was pretty funny
ironic boomers elected an unironic boomer, forgetting that he's horribly out of touch and hates new fangled gizmos and the like.
I agree with that entirely, although I don't think that the switch to chemical weapons would be as easy as you and some of my other friends claim. I don't think some kind of gun regulation would totally stop these types of acts, but I do think it might make them more difficult. The United States absolutely has a gun violence problem, and we've had one for decades now.
The republican legislature is just so in bed with big money donors like the NRA and oil lobbies that they will never budge on these agendas. Mitch McConnel and all of his cronies are terrible, terrible people.
Other countries have social problems. Only America has gun deaths on this scale compared to developed nations. Fuck off you actual shill.
The guns aren't the cause.
Burgers are retards with low mental constitution plain and simple. Meanwhile the administration and retail stores are cowards who will bend over backwards to not admit that guns are the reason why """"""mass shootings"""""" happen in the first place and enforce thorough background checks.
Easier and cheaper to scapegoat vidya rather than violent Hollywood movies, mental health issues, and US gun culture.
Doesn't matter.
Both vidya and guns will remain unbanned
But nobody will talk about banned loli
Video games are just a scapegoat, like Marilyn Manson, and horror movies.
You're never getting the guns. Cry more.
none of you retards understand u.s. politics
nearly half of households own guns
Remove the niggers shooting each other over drug turf and America's gun violence would be on par with Luxembourg. It only gets attention when some white guy goes nuts and offs a bunch of people but more people get shot in Chicago in a single night then are shot in 'mass shootings' in a year.
I feel bad for the retard last thread that claimed New Mexico was safer than WV because of gun control, despite nearly double the homicide rate.
Must suck being an incel
>compared to developed nations
America is slowly becoming more like Brazil, and despite the media attention a mass murder gets gun violence is still mostly gang members killing each other.
I don't want to put a target on my back for pointing it out, but there was a /k/ thread about a guy mixing chemicals to test a gas mask, everyone else was worried that if this guy was doing it in an apartment building, that the building would need to be evacuated. The guy mixed the stuff in a Dixie cup. Someone with untoward intentions could mix these same common chemicals in a container and hide it behind a clothing rack or grocery shelf and leave without even being noticed before a large section of the store is filled with poison gas that burns skin.
Nothing, it was a move to kneecap gun ban fighting.
It worked.
>violent Hollywood movies
What is the difference? Why try and shift blame to another form of entertainment?
Okay this is frikkin epic! Upvoted my fellow redditbro.
Could somebody please put this post in the screencap?
Meanwhile the anti gun lobby outspends the 'gun lobby' 3:1, to the point where in the past 5 years every rural Democrat in the country that used to be pro gun is now pro banning of most types of firearms since Bloomberg and friends have literally bought and paid for their new ideology.
I wish Republicans actually cared about the 2nd amendment
Nigger don't use clipboard posting.
Probably 10x as many people died within those 48 hours of other causes than died in those shootings. The shootings were a tragedy, but just going by bodycount, it was a barely noticeable figure when out up against, say, car accidents.
Shootings have been generally down outside of gang violence areas where it's mostly just gangs shooting at other gangs. People only think mass shootings are on the rise because the mass media has news about them airing for weeks after they happen because there's fuck all else for them to talk about.
Blaming video games is old news though. It used to be the radio, then it was rock music, then it was television, then it was Harry Potter, then it was Pokemon, then it was video games, then Im sure something else came up, and now it's back to video games. Anything to deny that it was probably their own shitty parenting that caused their kid to snap and shoot up a school or gas station.
Yes we will sweetie. Congress will be majority minority in your lifetime. Texas is turning purple and it will make the Republican party irrelevant in national elections for a generation. EZ
>Liberals think that the Military should be the only ones with guns
American society as a whole is degenerating so they're trying to slap a bandaid on it instead of going after the actual problem because it's easier that way.
Because loli is shit tier.
Unless you're forming a militia the second amendment doesn't apply to you
Toronto has 'gun control' too and has had shootings every couple days these last few weeks. Criminals unsurprisingly don't care about gun control and even some parents of shooting victims there have been calling the mayor out on the futility of the handgun ban he's pushing. What matters is Toronto cops aren't allowed to randomly stop young black guys anymore since the city bent over and took it up the ass from BLM.
Sure, but if we make it harder for people to get the guns that killed 9 people and injured 27 others in THIRTY SECONDS. The police got to the guy in less than a minute.
>Gun rights groups flexed their influence during the 2016 election, spending nearly $55 million on media and advertisements, including nearly $20 million in opposition to Hillary Clinton and more than $11 million in support of Donald Trump.
Meanwhile, gun control groups had less of an impact, shelling out less than $3 million in outside spending.
In one of the biggest surprises of the 2018 midterms, gun control groups are actually outspending pro-gun groups. Gun control groups are spending more than in previous cycles, but the stunning shift has more to do with a precipitous drop-off in spending from gun rights groups — namely the National Rifle Association (NRA).
assuming this information is accurate the NRA just doesn't feel the need to spend as much (probably because of the current administration)
The gun lobbyists donations are pitiful compared to anti gun lobbyists. The idea that the NRA owns Washington is a fucking joke to trick soccer moms, if you did any research on the topic you'd realize that Democrats have been bought and paid for by Bloomberg since the mid 2000s
That's idiotic reasoning, they're not the inherent cause, they're the vehicle used to perform these shootings. And no, chemical weapons aren't easier to procure.
When did you realize you were legally retarded?
how did school fail you so totally, chunk
Define "the actual problem." There's a metric shitton of things that could cause someone to snap and start shooting people that trying to narrow down and point out one specific thing that's causing the violence is just an exercise in futility.
Not much difference except that Hollywood makes millions on violent action movies and has a lot of influence politically. No one cares about incels losing their vidya
Scapegoating because everyone knows it's the fuckton of guns that is why we have all these gun deaths, but the gun lobby has the Republicans and corporate democrats by the balls that pile of dead children wouldn't move them.
based Trump is cracking down on video games, that's what
Heller vs DC affirmed that it did.
Literally all evidence in US history suggests that it applies to individuals. The first piece of gun control legislation in the country wasn't even passed until 1934, and it was touted as the last gun control the US would ever need. A tax stamp on some firearms.
>whites ruin the world
Is she right?
>how are you going to justify marking anyone buying cleaning supplies
The same way we justify limiting the amount of Robitussin that someone can buy.
Where did they ban video games again?
Oh yeah. Nowhere.
I am a militia
you sound really self-conscious moshie
We don't have asylums anymore, and the closest things to them are actually reflective of the old stereotypes of asylums being grisly fronts for medical experimentation.
Despite the obvious fact that medical experimentation on a crazy person would yield mostly useless data for the general populace.
>the right of the people to keep and bear Arms
Does it say the right of the state?
Of the government?
The right of militias?
No, it's the right of the people. Militias being necessary for a free state is the pre-emptive. It is suggesting that an armed populace is necessary in case there ever be a time where enemies foreign or domestic prove to require a response from the people, and they are thusly equipped and able to form militias.
It's literally to allow people to stand up to the government you dumb fuck.
This might be the first time I agree with that murderer.
Australia does a lot of it
Plenty of countries have guns too. The problem is obviously something else.
no matter what is seen as causing mass shootings, being guns, mental health, video games, etc, the one thing you can count on is absolutely nothing being done about any of them in the US
so this
>/pol/tards think muh gun rights is going to protect them from a U.S. military equipped with drones, nukes, sonic weapons and railguns.
At this point the military might as well be the only one with guns. It's not like a civilian is going to do shit against stuff like sonic weapons that can scramble your brains.
So when is he going to crack down on violent rap music that promotes murder, burglary, gangs, rape and indolence?
No videogames have been banned, M-rated games have had their signage taken down at Wal-Marts.
What’s your point? One party is paid to vote for guns, the other party is paid to vote against. It amounts to the same blockade where nobody does anything because their paid votes match
There are literally more guns in America than people, lmao. There are no other countries on the planet like that
wtf i love hillary now
You will never see someone a man with a family, who makes 100k year commit a mass shooting. It is only guys who are directionless in life, and see that other mass shooters are still talked about long after their death, Columbine was 20 years ago and people still obsess over it. America treats celebrities like demigods, it is a quick way for them to go down in history because they couldn't achieve anything.
The context is for a militia, which is now irrelevant
This was also written in a time where it took several minutes to prep and fire a single shot
The US military is made of US citizens, retard.
Yes and that will never change, so get over it
New York had an assault weapon ban and the compliance rate was around 3%
Here's conservacuck logic I don't get
>We need guns, what if the military goes crazy, government tyranny, etc.
>Oh Trump just spent 700 billion on the military we're supposed to be protecting ourselves from? BASED
If you're so paranoid about tyranny from the government why do you keep pumping RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS OF MONEY to the military you supposedly fear?
imagine being this fucking stupid
There are towns with no full time police officers, meaning sometimes in some places it takes potentially 45 minutes to an hour for an officer to arrive.
>hurr durr tha fondin farters could never bercieve a better gun
Bitch if you actually think that's case I legally have the right to shoot you with an artillery cannon, you gun grabbing little faggot
For context its just walmart saying they aren't advertising vidya, they are still selling it so its just a bunch of boomers doing boomer things and within a few weeks everybody will forget about it
Get home ASAP, A$AP!
Thanks for proving my point
Why the fuck do you keep posting the same posts in multiple threads.
I have seen you make this exact post fucking ten times already.