Did you preorder the FF7 remake, user?
Did you preorder the FF7 remake, user?
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>Buying movie games
Nah, it doesnt appeal to me. Its not what I remember and is just trying to get by with nostalgia.
A sequel would have been better than a "remake". It looks like all it has in common with the original is characters and setting.
>preordering for half of a game
Just checked her IG, she's dating a black guy.
Real woman are not even 1/10th as attractive as glorious 2D woman.
The guy is white or post proof
>we live in a world where we can get on model tifa porn pics and videos
this timeline isnt as cursed as i thought.
source with audio?
Nah i wont pre order it, but i will buy it on release day
i just dont believe in preorders.
i love this
Does it come with sex? Then why bother?
just look for it on paheal you lazy faggot.
Like I said yesterday, Ill pirate it just for her pits
OP you can't shill with Tifa anymore since she got her tifas nerfed
>Pirating a PS4 game
I dont buy games on any plat.
Don't think I did yet.
I will but I don't really like the idea of spending money that's just going to be spent for 6 months and not doing anything for me
>FF15 style "combat"
hard pass
No because they nerfed her body
Gamers rise up
Not that user but while it wasn't what I was expecting it was so much fucking better.
I'll wait 10 years when the full game is released.
>padded bra
>no biceps
>that face
7/10 still would bang but wouldn't brag about it
Not until they fix Tifa and fire Roberto Ferrari
I'll wait till it's fully released or laugh at the retards who buy it only to get future installments cancelled
Yes, of course. The Deluxe Edition. Can't wait.
Post your face.
Given there’s no fucking chance it will be finished within a decade, no. fuck no.
If im still alive in 2045 Ill play the complete ultimate edition or some shit.
I didn't. I like seriously hated the Midgar section of FF7, and a "game" that is 100% Midgar-focused isn't going to get my money.
What's going on here?
I've more aroused by her facial expression, than my wife's tits.
This. It's even one of my fetishes but I dunno, the voice and face are really nice.
imagine preordering an early access title for $180 minimun