When are we gonna get a game that feels like this?
When are we gonna get a game that feels like this?
right now
*suddenly pulls out new fantasy video game that feel exactly like OP's pic*
how much do you want, OP?
*undoes my belt and pulls my pants down*
i'll get it to you.... now on your knees....
>Dark hand
Who made this? 3D animations are my jam.
damn sauce?
dilate immediately
Dark Souls.
/tg/ sucks now
Depends on what you mean by "feels like this". Do you mean feels like you have one massive tower dungeon that you need to climb up? That you are wandering to abandoned ruins still standing? A game with towering fortresses an architecture? That's the issue with your request. You could have vastly different games in mind depending on how someone might interpret the drawing, and so it isn't helpful without some direction.
The other problem is that you have a drawing of a doorway. Not even an action scene, just a doorway. It's really, really hard to pair that with a game style because (obviously) most video games are not going to focus on a doorway. They'll involve you walking through the door to the rest of the game. So if, say, I recommend Ico as a game where you are climbing a tower of ancient architecture with mystery and unknown origin, does it fit well with your drawing? It has some aspects, but it obviously doesn't take on the focus of the lone adventurer and the torches alongside the doorway. Because of course it doesn't - no game is going to be all about getting through an open doorway. It'll be about the journey there or the journey inside.
this is literally darksiders 2
Shadow of the Colossus
I feel like I might have made a post like this but with more subtlety and less in your face homosexuality
here’s a you
5 years ago
you walk all the way down this entire structure, though to be fair, its mostly linear with a few off-the-beaten-path secrets
you mean
>right now
>*suddenly pulls out new fantasy video game that feel exactly like OP's pic*
>OP ignores it
>or maybe he doesnt
>maybe OP is grateful and plays it
>OP posts the same thread tomorrow regardless
This is what Depth was supposed to be but it ended up a shitty survivalist with no proper lore.
>what is Below
wasn't killzone 4 like this
games with bad perspective?
baldur's gate 2's watcher's keep
Literally Runescape F2P world and Falador gates.
>mfw I find an old archived thread on sup/tg/ from 2007 and it says "alas that screepcap is from a time when /tg/ was decent, but not good, for /tg/ was never good"
Nice, thanks. That's one I was following so it was pretty easy to find their current stuff.
I was just a Night Elf that needed his weapon skills. Making it to those gates, that was the home stretch.
T. Ubisoft and blizz devs