How many people are going to be playing this that haven't played it before?
Looks fun but I cbf playing if everyone is going to be some autist tryhard who already knows everything.
How many people are going to be playing this that haven't played it before?
Looks fun but I cbf playing if everyone is going to be some autist tryhard who already knows everything.
I'm gonna be new to the game.
rolling a dwarf hunter, i love dwarves, i love complicated rotations and having utility.
Just play and see if you enjoy it, if you don't, then you will at least know you gave it a solid try.
The Vanilla meta is Warrior/Mage/Rogue. Get used to seeing them constantly.
Also anything with a heal spell is expected to do nothing but heal 24/7. Enjoy
What else can you tell us about the game?
Lots of past players never even reached max level back then. Everyone on the internet likes to talk like they know shit but really Blizzard mentioned over and over at the time that only a tiny % of players raided. Most knowitalls... are full of shit
People talk up classic a lot but rotations were never complicated in it.
I am not expecting it to be 200 APM, I just like it to be more than 2 skills.
Hyper private server autists are going to enforce their min max bullshit into every corner of the game and completely suck the fun out of everything, and then complain that "blizzard fucked it up" when people lose interest in the game in droves.
I am talking about the game, not the community.
What else can you tell me about the meta and shit?
Why are warriors/rogues/mages so good at everything in comparison to other classes?
Go play bfa lol
Nah, I just find it funny that when you start asking questions to people that talk like that, they just never reply back.
maybe they want to change that this time around you fucken nigger cuz they were kids at the time.
>the best tanks in the game and come out of the box with all the tools required to tank 99% of the games content
>don't even need to spend a single point in the prot tree unless you're main tanking a raid
>fury is god tier dps thanks to how broken rage is
>arms always has a place because mortal strike is bonkers and with enough gear they hit like trucks. also lots of tools to stay on targets and apply pressure
>since tanking requires a bit of leadership, most warrior players won't opt to tank and instead want to dps, so any warrior who wants to tank can have their pick of what classes to take to dungeons and what loot they want to keep (within reason)
>stealth is the single most broken and strongest ability in the entire game
>being able to pick and choose what and when to engage is seriously that good
>have a functional pve dps tree and great tier itemization
>they can also global clothies in a stunlock
>their stunlocks have no diminishing returns
>for some reason Blizzard sought fit to flip the "glass cannon" thing entirely on it's head, and give mages a bunch of ways to not only absorb incoming damage, but also keep people at a distance almost indefinitely while pumping out the highest rdps in the game
>if that wasn't enough, they have some of the best quality of life utility out there, with portals, food and a short range teleport to cover distance
>polymorph has no diminishing returns
>other classes have a mishmash of shit that makes them strong at a few particular things, but comes with glaring weaknesses
>like warlock has insane crowd control and dots, but have to hard cast most of their shit
>hunters are just tranq shot bots
>any class that can heal can't do much else
>The Vanilla meta is Warrior/Mage/Rogue.
best races for these?
human, tauren/orc
gnome, undead
human > gnome/ne, undead > orc
Each -class- is good at something in PvE (kind of, see later for note on Hunters/Druids), but not every spec is. People recommend Warrior/Rogue/Mage a lot because you'll be doing exactly what you expected to do and be good at it. They're good for new people to pick because you can't fuck it up. Doesn't mean the other classes are bad, just that you need to know what you're getting yourself into before playing one or you might be disappointed.
Speaking PvE only,
Great in later tiers, but they take a long time to kick in, and you might feel underpowered at first. You will wreck shit once later tiers come out, though.
Fantastic class. Only thing is that Shadow is not really viable - most tryhard guilds will just have a healing Priest dip a bit into Shadow tree to pick up shadow weaving. Also, people have fond memories of 'face melting' in PvP, but really Shadowpriest is just a poor man's warlock in later tiers. Roll Warlock if you want to DPS. If you want to heal, Priest is amazing. Pick Dwarf for Alliance, do not fuck this up.
You will be healing and dropping totems, not pewpewing or swinging weapons in melee. That said, you will be in huge demand, because most raids stack as many Shaman as they can and it's not played as much as the ratio people want to bring, so it's an easy raid slot. Elemental is great in PvP if you don't feel like healing all the time, but in PvE you'll be healing.
You'll be wearing mostly cloth and leather, and healing. Fantastic healers, amazing raid-wide buffs that give Alliance faction a big advantage, guilds want to take at least 4 preferably 5 per raid so finding a spot shouldn't be too hard since half the pop will be retards who think they'll be accepted as DPS or tanks
Mediocre DPS, and mostly just brought for tranquilizing shot. High competition for raid spots since a lot of competitive guilds only bring 2-3 per 40 man raid, but it's a popular class.
In a really shabby state overall in vanilla. Most tryhard guilds will only bring one or two. One healer, and maybe one feral if they feel like easing up warrior loot distribution but don't count on it (and the feral needs to know a lot of esoteric tricks and shit itemization that new players won't want to deal with). Overall I'd say Druid is the shittiest class in vanilla, only really shining as flag carriers in WSG and outperformed by other classes in every other aspect of the game. You bring one for Mark of the Wild buff and to ease up loot distribution if you want to, that's it really.
So the reason Warrior/Mage/Rogue are recommended for new players is that they're great from the very beginning to the very end, and great at everything you'd expect them to be able to do.
lmfao. tldr.
Is this PvP only?
Because trolls make excellent warriors, and are possibly the best horde side in the tryhard guilds, and they are the best mages too.
Its clearly pve, otherwise there would be no reason to say humans make good warriors or rogues.
He's just wrong and not trollpilled, if you're boss enough to expect to get Thunderfury then troll tank is the way to go for sure.
I played Vanilla/BC in a top end guild, one of the first to do MC, then BWL, opened the AQ gates with our server and completed Naxx 40. I justd on't see myself being hype to do any of this over again. I'll never be able to catch that magic again.
The answer to all three is Troll.
it's probably going to be the last hoorah for the mmo genre so i'm determined to stick with it for a little while
Naxx cleared hunter here. You only use Aimed Shot and Multishot. That's literally it.