Literally the most hype I've been for a videogame in years, why does Yea Forums hate it?

Literally the most hype I've been for a videogame in years, why does Yea Forums hate it?

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I must admit that the character trailers are pretty bland and shit save for Zanes. Just watch Kriegs then the new ones. Uncomparable.

because I played 2 and remember how shit it was

>Just watch Kriegs then the new ones. Uncomparable.

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Why is there so many shill threads for this shit series today

>i'm hype for a videogame
>therefore everyone else should be
you are such a fucking faggot shill

Not even once

Character trailer for FL4K dropped a day ago

Attached: 3518971-borderlands-3-promo-04.jpg (1214x933, 1.5M)

>tfw was hype when I first saw it, but all the Yea Forums negativity lately has started to kill my hype
Thanks. Can't help but be annoyed when I replay through BL2. It was even worse with friends because they keep saying how annoying everything is.

>A random mob of nameless and faceless people which only entertainment is shitposting is ruining a game for me
Can't even begin to imagine the amount of soi you drink daily.

because Yea Forums hates everything

to be fair, the devs seem like total dicks

This game's graphics looks exactly the same.

objectively wrong

Borderlands series:
>Unfunny shitty "humor"
>Grindy and tedious
>Boring missions/quests
Fuck this game and all like it.

>Shit series


That just means it's a shit year.

i was looking forward to it before it became an epic exclusive and now i will never play it

>steamcuck can't even pirate

>why does Yea Forums hate it
Pattern recognition.

It wasn't worth pirating borderlands 2 or the prequel, this is no different.

Fucking where?
Where is the hype, at all?
One screenshot, if you please.
Just one, is all I ask.

Would probably enjoy games more to be honest. Can't even stick to one.

Because they care more about CEO and streamer drama than if the game itself is actually good or not


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I get tired of every single line of dialogue being sarcastic, ironic, or self-referential

>epic shills out in full force

>to be fair, the devs seem like total dicks

exactly, Yea Forums should be hyped to death over this game and declare that 2K is based

They look how you remember the old ones looking. If you check them now the textures are all blurry as fuck, and everything is rather lowpoly. It was a hackjob then, and this one is probably too, its not really pushing any boundaries

fuck off randy

This is why you should avoid Yea Forums, it makes everything worse

Ok randy bo bandy

Yea Forums doesn't like video games.

I think Borderlands and Call of Duty are in the running for most shilled game on Yea Forums.

Good series, unbelievably shit company

Every time a borderlands game is coming out of gets shilled, I fucking fell for it already and never again.

Go back to your "magic tricks" Randy Pitch-ing-a-tent-ford

this reads like forum post

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So what does it matter as long as the game it's good?

borderlands has always been reddit garbage.

Every game is Reddit according to Yea Forums.