Checkmate you violent video game enthusiasts
Checkmate you violent video game enthusiasts
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Source for that tweet?
fake and gay
fuck off back to /pol/
gratuitous violence isn't that popular in japan actually
There ain't no video games in japan because all they shoot over there is cum inside of chidlren. At least here we done shoot our babies with bullets, God bless.
trigger the libs own the libs
Have gay sex to own the libs
Have you seen or read Bezerk? Or Goblin Slayer? Or Fist Of The North Star?
Gratuitous violence is definitely popular.
nice source you got there
oh wait
Why are old, senile, out of touch old men still allowed to say stupid shit?
Gacha aren't real games, so he's not wrong.
>they don't cause shootings
>but actually they do
Person that tweeted that is a satire account, but nice try OP
very sad demon possessed individual many such cases
Is this real? Please tell me it is.
He meant to say bad video games
nah Japs just light buildings on fire or release sarin in the subways
none of those are popular in japan though
they're peak westaboo shit
>200 iq journalist realises that video games, software written by game developers cannot commit crimes, but it is in fact the humans that play them which do
holy FUCKING shit
>video game violence doesn't cause mass shootings but somehow sexy video game women cause sexism
Can someone please explain lib logic
*200 iq tranny hack game dev hack politician
If you want to stop shootings, stop broadcasting them and making them have a cultural impact.
Most shooters are depressed, suicidal or angry people that want to make a change.
If you ridicule the shooters and their family this shit wont happen as frequent.
If you broadcast to your country 24/7 how scared you are and how we must change our world because of them, then more people will see that shootings are effective and will make them feel relevant.
>none of those are popular in japan
This is a lie.
Because acquiring a gun is insanely difficult in Japan compared to the US, otherwise those crazies would've shot up those trains and building.
I see he's a WRPG enthusiast.
Didn't a guy just burn down a moeshit factory and kill like 30 other nips?
> tranny
> hack
> game dev
> politician
Pick two, and only the first two
Because they have a lot of power and money.
Just wait for them to die out. That is really the solution for most of our problems, wait for the baby boomers to go away.
This isnt wrong.
Japan has less to none efo shooter games or fangroup.
But they have many sex games and feminism is much lower than the US!
For the love of god, don't start giving this person attention again.
i basically did...? described the last 2 with the second as a descriptor
Are the latz 90 early 2000 back on the menu? Will we jave anither bush-tier zra of edgy and retardation?
Yeah they just set buildings full of people on fire.
This. These mass shootings are because we live in a society that treats celebrities as modern Egyptian pharoahs. If you get right down to it, past all the pseudo-political bullshit, it's just a drive to ve famous no matter what.
We would, but they're taking us down with them. They are literally dooming the human race.
Soros literally can't die.
Even when he dies all his assets go to his son/grandson who have virtually the same views as him. He's in it for the long haul.
This is what most don't get. All those boomers that got into educational positions and such, they propagated their views to a couple of generations.
This shit will be passed on and on it will never end.