>fantasy game
>characters have american accents
Fantasy game
>modern game
>characters have fantasy accents
>fantasy game
>characters have english accents
>User posts the same image every single day all the time constantly.
>Sometimes he edits his frog to look slightly different.
t. redditor
> fantasy game with many races
> faggots choose to play as human
t. Le ironic Anime poster
>fantasy game with many races
>all of them are recolored humans, sometimes with differently shaped ears
>fantasy game
>character have a magical device to take pictures
>use it to take selfies
>> fantasy game with many races
>> people choose to play as humans because their racial traits are OP as fuck
The american accent was originally what British people sounded like but overtime americans kept the accent and British people changed
There is no American accent. Americans are the primary users of the English language, therefore their way of speaking it is the normal one. Accents are a deviation from correct pronunciations caused by adopting a second language.
>Accents are a deviation from correct pronunciations caused by adopting a second language.
Factually untrue. There can be a "most common/primary/default" accent, but it is still an accent nonetheless.
>fantasy game with many races
>they all look stupid except for humans
Create a new completely original accent for fantasy then
>game is set in France
>everyone has English accents
>fantasy game with many “races”
>faggots choose to play skinny humans with pointy ears, short and fat humans, green humans with bad teeth, or furries
Fantasy mainly comes from Tolkien, he is based on british folklore, fag.
Okay. That doesn't make English accents any less shit. Scottish is absolutely top-tier though.
>autistic furfag plays a game
>screeches incessantly on image boards when others aren't as huge failed abortions as they are
>any dubbed movie
>characters have british accents
Gee, this is fun!
Want me to play one of your dumb races, don't make it some anthro shit
you mean Germanic folklore, disgusting anglo user
>fantasy game
>characters speak an existing language
Lmao fucking retard
t. uptight meme police
>elves, dwarves, human golden age
Whew, lad
As it should be. Furfags yiff in hell.
>game set in a different universe
>regular earth animals running around
>fantasy game
>in-game Christianity is bad
>game set in a different universe
>mammals, reptiles, fish, insects, fungi, flowers
Not him but I probably hate furniggers a lot more than you do because I love playing as animals in games (not anthros though) and too many people call me a furry for it. It's maddening that those subhumans have completely ruined something I enjoy.
this guys right, though i agree american is most valued accent
>Fantasy game
>Characters use shitty memes
are there pokemon microbes and single-celled organisms in the Pokeuniverse, or is there a point where Pokemon biology crosses over into Earth biology?
We know already that there are pokemon based on Earth fauna, flora and fungi, as well as inanimate objects like rocks, ice creams or sacks of rubbish. Are they the Pokemon universe analog to their Earth counterpart, or do those species coexist in the Pokemon ecosystem with everything we have?
I'm not too invested in the series so I don't know how deep the games cover this, but do we ever see real animals in the Pokemon canon? I don't know if food is brought up, but we can't assume they're all vegetarians/vegans. Do they eat Pokemon (or their products, like Exeggcute)?
In the games there are restaurants where they do serve cooked pokemons iirc.
There are no real-life animals.
Also slowpoke tails are considered a delicacy
>fantasy game
stupid twat