Why do people set their profiles to private?
Why do people set their profiles to private?
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hoes mad
Why not?
Why do people use Steam of all things as a social network?
Not everyone uses steam as a socialization platform
Rare Hat
Herro my friend want trade you (Steam error). Please click link: Stearncommunlity.ru
I played to much TF2 and assume every private profile is either a hacker or some turbo noobie.
I just want to see what games my friend plays, what's so wrong about that?
Because it doesn't matter.
Some people don’t want to be bothered by others.
because it's naturally full of likeminded people with similar tastes that you can have fun playing with, in addition to anyone you know IRL that plays
I was getting like 5 bots adding me a day once, it got tiring.
I don't want people going into my friends list. That's the only thing I want to leave private. Of course, Steam forces me to hide fucking everything else, even what game I'm currently playing.
so that weirdos like you can't stalk them
like it or not he really hit it on the head here. Now I see why companies consult these kids for shit.
so people don't bother me
VAC bans still show
Howdy howdy howdy.
I don't do this retarded shit but I frequently play games in invisible mode if I don't wanna talk to anyone.
>badges 297
i don't even want to click
Because I don't want a bunch of creepy fuckers, russians, brazilians, and random corporations grabbing everything they can find there and annoying the fuck out of me.
Better question is why the fuck would you care if you're not in one of the above group?
>people set their profiles to private
They don't.
The ONLY reason you see so many private profiles is because Valve made it the default option.
Public used to be default but they changed it.
Protip for life: Default selections are ALWAYS going to be vastly more "popular" than any alternatives.
>barely ever reach 20 hours
>feel ashamed anytime I see it
I hide my inventory because I have old items in TF2 and people find out and harass me since I don't play the game anymore but I'll never trade them on principle.
in b4... oh you ;)
i have a 300 dollar knife that russian fucks kept adding me for, also i hate people looking at my stuff.
What does my steam profile look like if I've not actually set one up?
>le 1 gorillion hours in a VN meme
>these comments on the profile
>see someone you hate has private profile
>put on Yea Forums
op here, just waiting on my personal army
To deter creepy stalkers like you.
add me up losers
It's not a real profile I posted, it's shopped.
I don't want people to see my embarrassing weeb games. I have some sense of dignity. It doesn't let you hide certain games, does it?
Oh nice, better leave it like that then
>get a friend request
>check their profile
Into the trash it goes. Its always a fucking anime profile with a QUIRKY name like 'alcohol' or 'i want to die'
Every time I open this guy's profile I notice something new about it. This time I realized he uses SAM.
ask them you gigantic pussy. you have words.
Why not?
Why do you need to see what they play?
I lived with someone last year who used to look at what I played all the time. It was fucking weird. I'd bump in to him in the kitchen when I went for my morning coffee and he'd ask how the game I played the night before was. It felt like an invasion of privacy.
i set it to private except for friends. If you aren't on my friends list I don't have any interest in anything about youand it keeps bots and faggots 3rd world scammers from sending me garbage
>Yume Nikki 4,749 Hours played
add me user
They don't, it's private by default now. Presumably because devs didn't like the website that gave accurate information on how well a game sold based on steam profiles.
>4,749 house in yume nikki
I'll take what is idle master for $100
Wait, is it really that weird? I have my friend at work added and I asked him how a game he played recently is.
he doesn't talk to me as much anymore.
Why is it always these three profiles?
Unadulterated, unfiltered, and untained autism, user.
If you hide your play time in a game, you are a coward. No exceptions.
because leaking information about yourself online is dumb
Because I dont need the possibility of my students finding it
I set mine to private about 5 years ago because every single time I would make an argument/post on the forums, some 12 y/o would go scour my profile and tell me I can't have an opinion about the mechanics in some GS game like CK2 or TBG like XCOM or whatever else, because I didn't have 100% achievements in CS:GO or TF2 or Call of Duty, or some other random FPS in my library I got during a sale and don't even play.
I have started to put everything in private or invisible because people are fucking clingy and want too much attention. I just want to play vidya with no strings attached and then delete people when I get bored of them
>I don't want people to see my embarrassing weeb games.
that's why you have a second account specifically for anime tiddies and house party
Feeling like you're being monitored and judged by someone when you're just trying to unwind at home with a game is rather unnerving, yeah.
I deleted all my friends who set their profile to private even irl friends, it felt same as ghosting. Even tho I never annoy anyone or even write them at all it just feels wrong that they can see that I'm doing and I can't.
For me friend means equall. Why ppl add 1000 friends and never talk to them idk
How old is your steam profile?
This is the correct answer.
There are many things you CAN do but don't do.
When evaluating whether or not to take an action, you don't start with reasons to remain inert because inertia is the default state. You are already not taking that action.
The foundation of evaluating any action always begins with reasons why the action is valuable ("What are the benefits of the action? Why should I bother putting in the effort to do it?").
no it isn't. profiles just don't list games by default. they still let you mine people's friends lists and which groups they are in, which is very helpful for correlating other social media connections for doxing, so i commend them for their service.
Maybe they don't want you to see what degenerate crap they play
Only reason I keep my profile private outside of avoiding people I ditched is because it keeps the majority of people away.
hey man, my friend and I ask that all the time and we have good ass discussions about different vidya, it's also time that we use to recommend what we played or tell the other to stay away
but I guess it's different depending on your relationship with the person
>casual conversation about a mutual hobby is unnerving
fucking autists
>Why do people set their profiles to private?
my NDA demands it
I don't, I set it to friends.
Damn user, you're a fucking autismo.
more than once I've been irritated when friends comment on what I've been playing and offer unsolicited opinions
it's just easier this way
>constantly get added by tf2 traders because i have a rare unusual (even after the crate bug)
>don't want to hide my inventory because i trade my weapon drops to bots for cheap hats
There is a difference between asking "hey, what games have you been enjoying lately?" and saying "I was checking at your profile again and saw you played that game last night."
The second one sounds far more autistic to me.
It's not your fault you're a fucking idiot, user. It's your mother's.
14 going on 15 this november. No invites, please. I already have too many by being a mod in a steam group.
retard what makes you think anyone wants to add you
You'd be surprised, dude.
they're scammers
People who disable comments for their review should be forbidden to ever get refunds.
Nice fanfic. Nobody adds frogposters.
A bit
iirc it does have an option to hide library and playtime stats from friends. Of course it'll still show what you are currently playing if you are online.
>Add people online to play vidya with
>Either are shitty assholes who tell me to play a flavor of the month game or people who ghost me
What's the fucking point of you adding me if you don't even wanna play? I'm not even that autistic about it since I only message people once or twice, but I stopped caring playing online because of that shit.
>This category includes the list of all games on your Steam account, games you’ve wishlisted, your achievements and your playtime. This setting also controls whether you’re seen as "in-game" and the title of the game you are playing.
So that slavic fucks like SteamSpy can't steal my profile data and sell it to the chinks at Tencent and Epic Games, which was how he got hired on to their platform.
also so the chink and russian bots won't spam me while "dude this is your father remind me what our steam password is" messages.
I'm 28. I'm not interested in having internet friends.
Steam "Community" was a mistake.
You can't set your friends list to private only, it changes the rest too. It's retarded. At least, you couldn't a few months ago.
Hey, good joke. Youd be right, if I hadnt blocked every one of their sorry asses. Now I can show you.
The ones I was referring to are "=c" and probably "Weird".
desu I don't ask anyone to play things because every time I've asked in the past they said they had plans to play with someone else, so I gave up
Last MP game I bought was Vermintide 2 because I was badgered into it, ended up playing damn near every game with randoms who can't actually play or get mad when you make a mistake
>play csgo
>go in competitive
>literally everyone has the exact same profile with only one game owned/games hidden, and level
>has to specify that their 'pet name' or whatever the fuck, is just their screen name without the extra three letters at the end
>"read before adding"
>"add conditions"
This guy doesn't, but I really think he should.
the usual suspects
I don't want people to see how much time I put into TF2
My profile is private to make things that much harder for tradefaggots
He should kill himself tbqh
honestly don't know why people use STEAM of all places as a social platform, get IRL friends lmao
if you're friends then you would already know what he plays
Why do people set their profiles to public?
Why do people chimp out when someone has a private profile?
Here you go user, I will post mine to break the cycle
why the fuck would anyone want to add you?
I posted a bunch on the forum for a game I used to like, and I don't need any retards snooping around and saying shit because I no longer have the mouse icon by my name.
because i don't want niggers checking out my shit and i only use it to play online with my best bud
I joined to buy games. I have real life friends to talk to and Yea Forums and Yea Forums to be a twat to.
No one uses the fucking activity feed, nigger.
There's no networking outside of people leaving comments.
it used to be VAC banned script kiddies and gopnik con men
now its brain dead anime avatar fucktards and furries who use private
>main language is english
>grammar of a 7 year old
that's a lie my friends autistic 12 year old brother uses it to post memes and references
I can't imagine what this "person" is like irl
>VAC ban
literally who even cares about VAC bans?
they dont actually ban you from anything and half of the people who have a VAC ban got them from having had their account stolen by a russian hacker.
>b-but muh TF2 Official servers!
no-one plays on those, my dude.
Looks like the average BPD fag gone off the deep end.
>pyro main
>gold ugc hl
these are the pyros I actively hunt down in pubs and casuals wherever I see them and make them question ever installing tf2 in the first place, I literally get hard airshotting and meatshotting them, these pyro mains are easy as shit to spot, too
Why only I get banned
Lots of kids trying to act cool and pretend they're oldfags, at least in 1.6 and DoD:S.
I just have my inventory set to friends only because I have literally dozens of completely unique items that are impossible to get anymore for any amount of money that a lot of people want. I've been offered hundreds of dollars for a lot of the stuff I have.
DoD:S was my shit man, I was sad when that game died, I even played it competitively for a while, I was also in a realism unit and everything
I used to keep myself in offline mode because I was tired of my "friends" greentexting me whenever I started up a game they didn't like. Eventually I realized I could just set my profile to private and keep myself online and not have to deal with it, though now they never bother messaging me for any reason. Oh well, not much was lost.
the brain drains with vac bans know exactly why their dumbass got it.
by being retarded kids in css and gmod 15 years ago
The original Day of Defeat was better, in my opinion.
my reason?
once went to school and heard random no one saying "user did all the achievements for game x, just imagine what his grades will look like lol"
now niggers have to dig for something other than my steam profile if they want to say retarded bullshit about me
no it was due to the GDPR
for long companies didn't give shit about privacy and now they are forced to, they can't even save your shit anymore, they are forced to comply to any requests
what can you possibly have that's not possible to get for any amount of money? community items? aren't those not tradeable?
Alright, where's the cute boys with cute profiles? I'm in the bullying mood.
>when your whole life is a steam profile
I have genuines, stranges, and vintages signed by old invite players that haven't logged into steam for over 6 years. Even stuff signed by b4nny can be worth a bit, I don't think he does signings anymore.
Shut up, fag.
Say it louder user
So tradefags stop adding them.
add me pls
>tfw no bf
>gdpr good
gdpr is a meme. its literally a standardization of data harvesting between EU and US corporations. now rather than have a dozen competing bots mining data, they can just pool it with no one asking any questions because you all accepted the terms of service and willingly want all your private data processed by marketing/CIA/interpol
because I don't know you and I don't care to know you
I've been banned from so many servers because of this.
I lost all my friends besides one. Even though they already know they're the only one left, I don't want them to be able to see that they're literally the only one left.
Because people treat game hours like an e-peen and harass you for it.
>play MW2 mp
>get into hacked lobby
>VAC banned
>now every retard in an online match thinks I'm a hacker
Because the amount of people who actually post on Yea Forums are a fraction of a fraction of the total user base. In reality, you're just talking to the same psychos everyday, only obscured by anonymity.
Try asking
Anyone have 9Sanons/Steven’s steam profile? I know he used to be Glass but I can’t find him now.
Less than a month.
>Why do people set their profiles to private?
To prevent faggots like you from looking at them? The question you should be asking is why do some people NOT do that. People should strive for maximum online privacy and not allow people to know anything about them if it can be avoided.
because I'm a grumpy old man who doesn't want to talk to anybody
fuck you
My friend forgot he added me on twitch and now I can see which streams he's watching
sub 100 viewer cam girls
>game stats not set to public after steam changed the standard options
My only add condition is that you at least make an attempt to tell me why you did because i play enough online games I easily lose track of people i played with. Also that i dont RP because people apparently do that on steam.
Every time I add one of you Yea Forumsirgins on Steam you all become weird clingy flirty trans idiots who give me their life story, why can't we just play games and leave it at that
Because autistic faggots like OP have no social abilities and spend their time facebook stalking steam accounts.
The question doesn't really need to be asked. Steam forums are full of faggots like OP, whining about private profiles and calling them shady people and thieves to try to "shame" people into making shit public.
Without exception, every single one of these faggots are traders who only want public profiles so they can see what you've got in hopes of rooking you for good shit.
OP and everyone like him can eat a whole wheelbarrow full of shitting dickpitchfords.
I have enough friends. There's no reason to have your profile on public mode unless you're trying to make friends.
You can't hide porn game activity on steam without making it private.