LAST TIME >after destroying the life and career of an innocent, beautiful sage who only wanted to take control of a subhuman, Ike was 'promoted' >we then began to progress into Daein, where Ike effortlessly cut down Shinon >Then we tried taking on the ravens of kilvas, who betrayed us >and then got fucked up
What's going on? >I'm playing Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, using a randomizer to shuffle everything in the game >except for skills, because the randomizer is unbeatable if Ike doesn't have a certain flag that's removed when he's not his base >who gets boosters and gets used will be up to you
FAQs >Are there any hacks worth playing? Most hacks are WIP in perpetuity. Those that aren't are largely just lazy art swaps(like Tales of the Emblem), or are hilariously bad rewrites(like MK404 emblem). Then there's horrible, HORRIBLE hacks that had potential(the last promise), or are just bad(gheb). I don't really recommend any other hacks that I've actually played, with a single exception: Order of the Crimson Arm, AKA tacthack. It's got fantastic writing, fantastic spritework, great characters, and awesome maps. >What's the best starting point for Fire Emblem? blazing sword(Fire Emblem) or the Sacred stones are both fantastic starting points. >What happened to you? health issues and extensive computer issues. I'm back now.
Current party: Ike - Myrmidon(Lucia) Titania - Raven Soren - Fighter Rhys - Lance Paladin(Axes) Mordecai - Pegasus Knight Lethe - Fighter Mist - Soldier Kieran - Tiger Nephenee - Bow Knight Jill - Cat(Lethe) Sothe - Priest Astrid - Archer Gatrie - Armorknight Muarim - Armorknight Tormod - wyvern rider Stefan - White Dragon
Currently Dead: Oscar - Mage(Ilyana) Ilyana - Bandit Rolf - Archer Zihark - Mage Volke - Myrmidon(Mia) Shinon since Rolf is dead - Sage Mia - Cat Marcia - Soldier Makalov - Dragon(Ena) Devdan(not danved) - Thunder Sage Brom - Soldier Boyd - Soldier(Nephenee)
Take a shot every time: >daein is shown as a shitty place to live >'medallion' >conspiracy theories >someone gets a shit level >someone gets more than 6 points in a single level >subhuman/human
Take a larger shot >every time I rage at RD's writing >a unit dies
Finish my glass >game over
I'll be streaming this. As per global rules, I can't post my twitch name or a link to it. You can search by game.
Yeah, sorry, just haven't been making much progress lately busy playing actual FE games but I have been planning out a lot of the game and deciding what I want and don't want to include. I'll probably start actual work on it again today since I have a lot of free time now if I decide to stop being addicted to three houses
Benjamin Cox
how's thec provgress?
Dominic Perry
Haven't done much actual work on it recently, here's the planning of the first 5 chapters that I've started actual work on:
>Chapter 1, starts off with Nigger as the main "lord", with Boomer jeigan and Hilter and Stalin as Cain and Abel (Will probably change these, they're mostly just placeholders. Meg is recruitable >Chapter 2, Doctor Piccolo joins, Samto appears as an enemy, Feena and MARTY appear as recruitable allies >Chapter 3, SWOLESLAV joins, a /x/ user causes shit to go down (webm related), and raymond appears >Chapter 4, Tails Gets Trolled and Last Promise based map where two edgelords and two stoners will join you >Chapter 5, Second and last of the TGT maps, Rob joins you and a certain pedo killing punk teenager joins you that'll be useful in a map based off him later >Chapter 6, Siggy appears with Kevin and I'm still deciding what to do with this map
That's all I want to say for now. Once I started seeing just how many units I started adding I've started to take a Kaga-like approach to the game, I'm going to give you a fuckload of units and expect the player to get at least some of them killed, so there will be dialogue differences depending on who lives and dies. I also plan on making it decently difficult so it isn't cakewalk like most Kaga games.
Still taking suggestions on what to add, mainly basing it off of Yea Forums plays and Yea Forums culture, specifically Yea Forums.