Any games I should play under the influence of drugs?
Any games I should play under the influence of drugs?
Audiosurf or the polynomial.
Stay away from multiplayer games, nobody fucking cares how high you are
>powder drugs
Cocaine is the most alpha drug a person can do, weed is up there as one of the most faggy
I bet you never had to deal with coked out motherfuckers.
play Russian roulette
I've only done blow at parties where everyone else is on it too, who the fuck does it without having everyone else partake?
Is this picture really yours or just an example of drugs?
If it is real, its interesting to see that you purchased DPT! I'm part of a church that uses it as a Holy Sacrament but before that I had NEVER heard of it.
Doing stims cocaine socially at a party
Russia Roulette
unironically rp-walking and just exploring the world in WoW
*Leo Gura wants to know your location*
Russian roulette with five cylinders loaded.
>drugs stronger than weed
Enjoy you're ruined life.
Try Thumper
But if you're real fugged up, I don't know.
tried DMT once, it was very worth it
Both are great
Donkey Konga 2
Kek where I come from the only people that do cocaine are papa's boys who only buy some because they think it's unique and makes them like the wolf of wall street in their head.
Announcing you do cocaine will make people cringe, not even joking, doesnt seem very alpha to me.
Coke's shit though. You pay a few hundred dollars just to feel like you chugged 5 red bulls.
What's the most profound life changing drug out there? DMT?
hard work and kindness
how are you supposed to use that without the powder blowing away?
shut the fuck up boomer
why would you take any of these shitty tryptamine analogs
Shrooms are great for helping with a shitty attitude in my experience.
So angry.