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Most frustrating gaming moments of all time
Recently I played Shadow of War, and in the beginning of the game you make the New Ring. However, you immediately have to give it to Spider Bitch Shelob and do missions for her for like the next 3 hours. I don’t know why, but that really fucking pissed me off
Fighting this piece of shit 3 times is the reason why Skyward Sword is arguably the worst AAA game Nintendo has ever made
Hmmmm, I wonder what his weak points are....
Doesn't matter, the controls are so horrible that it makes you want to smash your wiimote into the wall
final boss in borderlands
i defy anyone to find a bigger letdown
I had no problem with protecting Natalya. Xenia in those fucking woods was harder. I swear, escort missions being hard are a meme.
The Yacht dungeon in Persona 5
hyper light drifter
the whole thing
Firewatch is the biggest let down ending there is I'd say aside from pic
I know the Water Temple will be on this list, but Great Bay Temple was infinitely worse & i'm convinced that people who don't shit on that level didn't actually play Majora's Mask past the opening level
looks like you didn't play borderlands 2
Did people actually expect Firewatch to be good?
i did
i quitted half way through because it was complete shit
at least borderlands 1 was kind of fun while playing it with friends
none of my friends wanted to play that shit after 2 hours
The vidya equivalent of the chef spitting in your food
>i quitted half way through because it was complete shit
good, that's exactly why the final boss was even more of a letdown than the first game
Currently this faggot
9S route in NieR: Automata
Escorting survivors in Dead Rising.
Fuck that thing. I made myself do it all in one day, it was hot bullshit. It took at least an hour, maybe 2. As if the guy himself wasn't annoying enough. Seriously, Shido's pathetic. His fight's a Senator Armstrong ripoff, but with no end goals, no cultural philosophy backing him, and just a bunch of platitudes. Fuck this worm.