>number 8 on most deployed list
It's happening hufflepuff bros
>number 8 on most deployed list
It's happening hufflepuff bros
Other urls found in this thread:
why does this game not have a dumbledore
You are the Dumbledore
>Not joining Ravenclaw
I love Claude he's so handsome bros
But I did
>panda salesman on twitch finished red route and started yellow route
Hmm i wonder why
I cant wait to kill him for lady edelgard
>not joining FemHitler
lmao @ the Rapier weapon, absolutely busted for something that requires a few normal stones to upgrade and repair
>effective against heavy armor and cav
>high might
>low ass weight
>20 crit
compelling argument
she's only evil in dimitris route, in her own route she's proven 100% right
I havent finished it but she's looking like a dickhead in Claude's route as well
it works both ways, in the BE route claude is a sceaming dick and dimiti is an absolute idiot. basically the house head is the hero in their own respective routes
BL claude is a based retard and GD dimitri is too chad to live. Edelgard gets the idiot stick in both routes.
Give Felix a Rapier+ and you’ve won the game.
How much should I focus my efforts on building support with the students I plan on cross-recruiting? Should I just ignore dining and whatnot with the people from my house and just focus on characters from others?
this game is just harry potter and the order of the phoenix 2 electric jigaboo
eaglechads rise up
She didn’t accomplished anything in her own route. Nobles still rule over commoners, there’s just a lot less commoners because she killed millions of them
She's pure evil in every route. You just see why she is in her route. Killed her ASAP in the church route.
Yes. You can build up relationships with your house super easily later. Or if you're playing Normal, you could grind out Support through the free battle maps.
Just be aware that sometimes your Supports will be temporarily maxed out when you get one that will "take some time to develop." So for example, you might be wasting food and gifts on Ferdinand even though his support can't go any higher until after the time skip. No ! icon will show up on the main menu, so you actually need to open up the Support submenu to check it.
His VA is a pretty alright guy.
with the power of loading screens Byleth single handedly resurrected disco
Would that make the church Gryffindor?
Black Eagles are definitely Slytherin and Blue Lions are Ravenclaw for sure.
Hey that guy's skin tone is slightly lighter than Claude's. I didn't realize Nintendo were a bunch of racists who would hire wh*tes for POC rolls.
So I did FemHitler's route first.
I have a save file from right before the choice to join here.
Should I load that file and do church route as BE or go back and start church route as BL?
Nice 8 you got there. Maybe I'll get a 4?
I was in the same boat and I'm just going to do the Church route on NG+. The benefits from NG+ are too good for me to go back to an old save file that doesn't have them.
Yeah, that makes sense.
I guess I should do BL in NG+?
That's what I'm doing. I'm planning on Edelgard, then Blue Lions, then Golden Deer, then back to Black Eagles for the Church route.
I've yet to beat the game, what kind of benefits are we talking here?
I’m doing NG+ solely because fuck Nintendo and limited save slots for a long ass game with multiple routes
how many orbs are you gonna use for her?
You can spend renown (which you get much more frequently in NG+) to unlock any Support or Skill that you had in the previous game(s). So if you already had Petra at A rank and C Riding Skill, you can pretty much recruit Petra instantly.
You can also change the look of any character in your class to School or War model, and you get a bunch of items that can basically give any Crest to any character, plus the ability to purchase more with Renown. You also have pretty much full access to Seals in the shop at the beginning of the game.
The VAs in this game are pretty based
>20 crit
Sounds awful
W-why can't I pick a guy to go with me to the ball?
its retarded for a weapon with the might and weight it has, if you just want full on crit meme sure its bad for that
literally nothing, objectively shittiest house, also 10+ points for griffindor
Oh shit, and you can also buy back your A+ professor level, so you can start the game out with 10 actions in the monastery and 3 for battle. Plus getting 5k per month, and full gardening and forging abilities.
Shes evil in 3/4 routes wtf are you talking about.
Where the fuck do you even get a rapier? I'm stuck trying to decide what class to run in NG+ I wanted to make a Crit heal set with Nosferatu but after thinking about it might not work that well to the changes to magic.
enough to eat her
You need B support
Oh fuck, I can actually take the time to figure out how to get the stat boosting herbs and shit
gays ONLY
>distant cry of “I have nothing against white nationalism” can be heard
because the game still knows you're a man
You should be doing lions first. The flame emperor reveal and the return of the professor after the time skip aren't done as well in the other routes.
How do you get the 5* seed for the garden? I had one on my second playthrough but I fucked up and planted it alongside flowers and lost it.
Different user, but similar question: is there a week-to-week guide for gardening and harvesting?
god we need some bernie vore
Man, the power of anime pussy and homophobia/racism is strong. Claude is based af.
Where do I get the FE4 style dance battalion? Still can't find it and I'm already at Fort Merceus.
No, we just need variants of Hiroyuki Saber where it’s Bernie instead.
Literally only house not filled with psychos
Marianne is literally mentally ill, she's fucking suicidal before the time skip.
does she kill herself if she isn't in your house?
cause i didn't see her at all post timeskip BL
No you retard
and i love her for it
Probably, she doesn't appear in any of the other routes and talks about wanting to die in some supports.
>pick a guy to go with me to the ball
HOLD THE FUCK UP, I thought your only option was to sperg out and meet your highest support rank at the tower for a brief scene.
>he doesnt talk to every npc every month
Can you switch from casual to classic on ng+? I really regret picking casual, makes the time reverse ability completely useless and makes combat completely risk free.
>makes the time reverse ability completely useless and makes combat completely risk free.
No idea on your question but if you have literally any sort of self control your problem could be fixed as well, just pretend you are playing on classic.
Its really easy considering you get 38493473 uses of time rewind if you were playing on classic anyway to ever lose a unit.
I know I'm a little late to the party but which faction should I choose? I've been described as having big shield dick energy if that helps with your suggestion.
blue lions retainer is canon meant to be big shield dick class
>that final boss on BL route
jesus christ we full SMT now, any tips?
Always have Dimitri in the attack radius, she'll target him once per turn. Kill the scary mage on the right to remove a bunch of mages from the map.
Hit it until it dies.
the one with the name? cause i did notice one had a name.
How many Rapiers can you get in the game?
Golden CHADS, our time is now
I think you can buy them from people online so infinite if someone is dumb enough to sell
Pretty sure you don't lose items that sell, it just gives a copy to whoever offers gold until you summon that character back.
No? It takes the item from your inventory when you send the person off and you don't get it back, even if you don't get a single buy.
Otherwise is it just the one?
lol fag
i think you get one in the claude paralogue
Blue Lions are the best story to start out as. Black Eagles almost seems like a New Game Plus mode.
antagonistic =/ evil
How the fuck do I beat grampa Nemesis? And why did he suddenly decide to wake up?
Do you actually need the paid nintendo online subscription to get the online features?