How could I improve my fleet?
Starsector Thread
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by removing the neckbeard officers
but their sheer repulsive energy gives me the edge against femoid [REDACTED]
speaking of, how do i counter their capital ship, i know that their ships are outright better than anything the player can get
also rate my fleet
I don't really know what i'm doing, tips appreciated
Get 8 Drovers/Moras and fit 4 bombers with anti shields like Kinetic Longbows and 4 fighters.
by adding an autosave option to the game
Exactly as many other captanons said before, since you can't out-quality them ship for ship, so you go the Stalin way, and find in overwhelming quantity a quality of its own
>OP fleet posting
Finally. Anyway can't hurt to get more Tempests or carriers, what do you have up top?
the same way that you do with every other more powerful enemy. Get low flux, continious kinetic weapons to overload their shields and some hard hitting HE weapons to explode them when they are stunned.
What are the hullmods on all those hammerheads
them's just my civillian ships
I wish I could see the hardpoint layout before buying a ship.
Safety Overrides and Hardened Subsystems. I had Unstable Injector before, I'm trying without so they can fire non-stop with shields up.
why do you guys like onslaught so much?
I very much prefer my conquest battlecuiser
onslaught is retard proof. You just burn drive into the center of the enemy formation and just unload ur guns.
>find paragon derelict in one of those ship graveyards
>it's salvageable
>in an asteroid belt nearby find this
Well, the best of both worlds, i guess.
Why the FUCK is it ISS and not DSS
what does ISS and DSS mean? i know the first is something space ship, but the second one?
>hedge maze sends raiding party to my colony because of free port
>never turned free port on or used ai
>my patrols wipe their ass with the raiding party
>hedge maze now hostile due to my "hostilities"
>hedge maze
Never heard of them. What now?
independent space ship
domain space ship
Your brain has 4 D mods.
why do I get my shit kicked in at the end of the tutorial?
Thought it was a mod for a minute, oh well
Its okay user, we cant all be good at a game right away
KISS sucks ass
hey people :D
>dstroy pirate bases for cash
>rolling in dough
>now a fuckhuge pirate armada is hounding me
what do?
What can I put on an Eagle-class Cruiser?
It's driving me up the fucking wall how little damage this shit does.
kill them or lead them in a crash course against an allied starfortress.
post engame screens
i dont have anything to do but fuel bomb everyone
also is there a mod to remove 500 point limit
so Im about 3 missions into the game and have 230,000 credits and a wolf class frigate I repaired after finding it drifting around what should I buy/get
thinking of getting this. how feature complete is it? Am i better off just waiting a year?
not even xvi / 10
3 graviton beams to damage their shields while kiting them
3 HE medium ballistic weapons when they're close to overloading
use whatever missiles you want, sabots to build their flux quicker or torpedoes to finish em off.
Sseth gave away his CD key so you can literally get it for free to try it out
Go to your save file, open campaign.xml, change battlesize to anything you want
nice, very nice. However, what will you do against my secret XxivxXD 1000 papercuts doctrine???
There's no actual way to see where those weapons are being sold, right?
So what should I focus on first with my initial colony, commerce industry, regular industry or defence?
>Early fleet
>Buy Wolf to add some defensive power to my smuggling operations
>Equip it with a Mining Blaster I gave it earlier and watch it chew through simulated enemies
That Mining Blaster is a beast of a weapon
different factions sell different weapon types, if you want lasers and beams look for dicks or tach, persians have some too because they're mostly midline
Farm first, then defense
If you don't have enough cash to immediately buy a space station and patrol HQ you should not start a colony
Depends on what the planet has available. First one should have farming and commerce because it needs to rely on the core worlds for it's needs. Military base counts as an industry unfortunately so I save it for more specialized planets that have room for it, plus battlestation and higher is all the defense you need.
>Big dick 4 reaper on the drover.
First carrier to be known for dive bombing its targets or what?
Asked this last thread but it died; I was wondering if this ship is worth buying for a flagship
Not so fast nigger
Everyone's selling shitty thumpers
God I bet this is that 4X mod's fault
>4 reapers on the carrier
>Another 6 amidst the fleet
>one of them is a fucking fighter plane
Its not better than any other capital ship, except for the fact its cheaper and easier to maintain
Its good if you cant find/afford anything else.
not him, but isn't this the proper way to outfit your carriers?
every single one of mine, in my previous playthrough, had reaper-torpedo bombers, i rocked 2 astrals and 2 other faster carriers, all of them reaper-torpedo bombers, not a single fighter squad
>Early game
holy shit I had forgotten
Carriers should have the longest range missiles possible. Torps should go on fast ships which can hit hard then retreat.
>he isnt putting reapers on every missile slot of every ship
never gonna make it user
So speaking of fleets, how can I improve my Colony Fleets?
I have a high command and my own fully upgraded heavy industry with a pristine nanoforge, but apparently my fleets are still not strong enough to beat the occasional attack.
>explore damn near every yellow, orange, and blue supergiant
>hardly anything decent
Welp, guess I'll just start over. Anyone tried with old age sector instead of mixed? Any noticeable difference? Also thinking about going with nexerelin this time, just how fast does the AI start colonizing stuff after you find it? Will they only do it if you accept planet survey missions from them or something?
Okay so what the fuck is a comm sniffer and should i istall it on a relay in bumfuck nowhere?
what are the downsides of having comm sniffers about?
I would argue it depends entirely on the build and purpose of your fleet. The Atlas is precluded from any real interdiction fleet because its giant floppy cock is splayed all over the radar presence and it moves like a sack of shit.
It is quite cheap for the firepower it can bring, but it also lacks the survivability, staying power and "this one weird trick" other ships not basically stapled together and painted over with "definitely a battleship, not just a fucking freighter" tend to have.
But its also the cheapest and lowest maintenance (because pirate maintainance is scraping off what turns brown and chopping off what doesn't work) hulk of proper firepower you can get. A quick way to bulk up for a bounty? A stopgap? Its viable in plenty of situations.
Oh its entirely legit and I have no doubt effective. I just find it hilarious to so completely abandon the mixed complement of anti-shield/finishers and balance of ammo versus power and just resolve to simply commit war crimes on your opponents.
Go to the command tab and organize your fleet comps there. I just check all high-tech stuff and set preference from good quality battleships and carriers.
Keep in mind you need blueprints for the actual good ships otherwise colonies will just buy garbage pirate scrap and use that.
Nex is shit, and you dont want to use young/old sectors since it really isnt balanced.
Instead of focusing on certain stars just do all the systems in the immediately area of the core worlds. Every time ive searched quickly with dev commands iv found at minimum 3 V worlds next to the core worlds.
>pass by my fuel colony to pick some extra fuel
>the amount of fuel in the stockpile is exactly equal to the amount I had in inventory.
Huh, what are the odds.
Your intel board will be filled with nothing but pirates braap posting
I just want more habitable worlds so I can have higher chances of finding a really sweet system to colonize.
Factions conquering each other and expanding sounded kinda nice in regards to Nex, what's so shit about it?
sounds hot
Prepare to be surprised.
ok what if I told you I'm trying to improve relations with them and that'd help a lot?
>I just want more habitable worlds so I can have higher chances of finding a really sweet system to colonize.
You're absolutely guaranteed to find a few systems near the core worlds which have are a great sector. I've gone through five times now on different games and always find a really amazing system.
If you want to save yourself time, go download Console Commands mod and use that to fly into each sector, see what planets spawn, then fly into the next. You can clear all the sectors near the core worlds in 5 minutes doing that, and without actually scanning each planet you will still know how many viable V worlds are nearby so when you can finally do it legitimately you dont waste time flying between stars.
I always scout my new games first so I dont spend hours playing then realize I dont quite like the worlds I got. But I always aim for a very specific V world with good farms and a supporting mineral planet.
You'll be able to see all the pirate missions and take them when they appear, which is the only real way to increase standing with them. Eventually they will find your sniffer, I think you lose some rep when that happens.
By the way if you're doing this to protect a colony it wont work, factions still hate you even if you have 100 relations if you have a profitable colony.
Fuck can war be profitable in Nex, I just wanted to retailiate against the persean fucks that started planning an invasion as I was busy fighting their raiders, I had enough time to strike one of their systems with a lone undefended planet and get before their invasion arrived. By hitting that size 5 toxic shithole with a nothing but a mine and selling the buildings before giving it to the trikeks I got roughly million in credits in total when you include selling basic shit(food, organics, fuel, supply) back to them because they'll have extreme shortages on all that shit.
It even made their planed invasion get cancelled because it was "disrupted in the planning stages" despite it assembling in a completely different system.
You better believe the next thing I did was to immediately accept an invasion mission for another one of their shitty planets in some other system.
>start a new game
>no colonies, nothing
>have to actually think how much fuel and supplies i'm gonna use
>can no longer just fill my tanks and cargo and sail away
got any tips? oh almighty user
Mostly just joking, but try not to have so many D-mods on your ships. Also, the Conquest works best with all of the big guns on one side and all of the PD on the other. I would recommend consideting some antimatter blasters, too.
is hiring a lvl 5 officer for 10k with 1k a month pay a good deal? pic related
>factions still hate you even if you have 100 relations if you have a profitable colony.
great game
Not him and I never used a Conquest, but what about using all of the big guns on one side, and then all of the big guns on the other?
its more important to check if the current stats they have are what you want. The pay is irrelevant.
what's a d-mod?
He has literally perfect skills for a carrier, take him.
Its on purpose. If you could just have 100 relations with everyone then colonies would be infinite free money with zero risk.
What happens is that any events taking place with your colony dont affect your relationship with that faction. So if you have 100 with pirates, they will send raiding parties still, but attacking and killing them wont reduce your relationship.
Ships with (D) in their name have (D) mods, it means damaged. It reduces their effectiveness in lots of ways.
You can remove it by going to the fitting screen and purchasing their removal but you should only do that on a super special ship since removing (D) mods costs a huge amount.
You need more carriers. Sticking with Herons and Moras will give you the most bang for your buck. If you're going up against heavier cap shit fleets try put cobra bomber wings on a couple of carriers. Mod the carriers for better fighter support and put officers with carrier skills on them (fighter damage/replenish etc)
>7 of my ships ar elike that
oh shit, I would never have noticed, thanks senpai
Is this upkeep right? I thought hazard rating gives a separate modifier listed, or does it just increase the base? None of my other colonies have it either. No I don't know why shadowplay saves screenshots as Second Life
the conquest doesn't have the armor or shielding to dive right in to the enemy formation to use both broadsides like the onslaught, if you're ever in a situation where you're using all 4 large ballistics you're most likely fucked. You use maneuvering jets and speed to engage at range with just 1 side, and if you want to finish them off you can either turn real quick to fire your forward facing large missile slots or you take hurrciane MIRVs to fire off-bore and keeping your side. Before the indirect nerf conquest was really good and fun, now it's just okay but still fun.
>any events taking place with your colony dont affect your relationship with that faction
Pirate raids are one thing but if your station repels an actual faction's expeditions on it's own, which is almost always because they just ram their ships into my orbital station and die, you lose 5 reputation despite being nowhere nearby.
Current build is two heavy maulers, heavy auto cannon and three heavy blasters. First three build hard flux while the blasters are for the real damage.
Considering switching to three maulers and three pulse lasers for better flux management.
I can't beat the two pirate fleets in the scavenger campaign.
help me user.
don't think I didn't see that. If you're shit at combat just lure away the fleets one at a time. You DID salvage and repair all the ships in the graveyard right?
>camping out near a luddtard station with a bounty
>waiting for fleets to stop circling around it like it's the fucking kabah so i can purge the station without any other bullshit getting in my way
>burn 500 supplies waiting
>eventually give up and reload save to just before i got into their system
is there a surefire way to distract patrols from their station?
they're doing that on purpose you goof, you have to chase them away and either fight them or turn and run to the station before they get back in range to be counted as defenders
shoot them and run away
I accidentally doubleposted. but yeah I am shit at combat. the one big fleet can beat my easily alone though, the flagship is a monster.
>Its on purpose
doesn't mean it's not badly thought out
Is it possible to befriend the luddic path, and if so, how does one do it? I was thinking of doing a meme playthrough where I would RP as a pather and only use pather ships.
you know those space buildings in the system? Go grab them, patrols will head out to take them back, smash them will they do so far away from the station and then waltz in.
Survey data exists only to be sold and it doesn't matter who I sell it to, right?
Doesn't impact a thing?
>check market
>colony buying a ton of drugs at 500 creds per unit
>stock up
>check again
>"jk we're buying at half a zimbabwean dollar each lmao"
The Apogee has been shit since the shield nerf.
For me? you shouldn't have.
Guys, stupid questions incoming.
So, i have an agent that has leveled up. Where can i find the menu to level her skills? or is that not possible? If, so, what's the advantage to level up an agent?
the life of an explorer is hard but honest work yeup *siiip* someone has to scan shit
is it even illegal to buy ships off the black market?
i had just bought a cargo ship and the patrols stopped me but all they did was scan for contraband, i still got to keep the ship
maybe it was sseth
this makes me happy to see people who worked hard on shit get rewarded for it
Doesn't impact anything.
go to fleet
left click of her portrait
doesn't even need to be her really just any of your captains will do
My game stutters like a bitch when jumping in and out of hyperspace and when going through menus at stations. Anybody else have this problem?
They will scan you if you've been trading on the black market a bunch but unless you have actual contraband they won't do anything. It's safe to buy normal goods and ships off the black market.
How does the black market work with faction reputation? I just sold 50k worth of mods and didnt get any decrease in faction standing
Thanks random user!
Post your ships with loadout
so will they only know if youve been trading in the black market if they see it happen?
if i go dark and nobody saw it happen, i should be home free right?
only if you have the transponder off which is illegal
>Literally only have supplies, fuel, crew and heavy machinery
>"You are carrying suspicious cargo"
Fuck off
not really, it gives you access to comm traffic in the populated systems so you can get more bounties or missions
This is entirely from my own understanding and experimentation, so take it with a pinch of salt any I'll be happily corrected.
Trading on black market
>The more you trade here, the higher your suspicion
>The higher your suspicion, the more priority pickets will take to inspect you
>They will dock you rep for having ludd penises and space weed
>Nobody cares if you have floppy disks with "SMART COMPUTER ALPHA" written on them, as long as you don't have them plugged into a colony or sell them on the black market (adds suspicion, if you're going to sell them, sell them to either tri-tachyon for $$$ or Hegemony for rep)
>If you have cargo the can't find but is illegal, then MIGHT dock you points. This is probably a threshold of black market usage but I can't be sure.
>Beyond a certain threshold, even if they find nothing they will still be suspicious and dock you points.
>Trading with your transponder off nets no black market suspicion
>Trading a LOT on legit markets (to me I'd say a golden rule of a minimum 60% black 40% open) can help counter and reduce suspicion.
>A good trick for good boys is to trade your shit on the open market, and then buy your ships and sweet genocidal weapons on black market.
Important to note:
>Using the black market to buy/sell goods directly affects trade on the open market.
>Using the black market a lot in a specific sector seems to have a correlation with inviting pirate attacks and smugglers trying to fill a new economic void/rich off you lining their pockets. This can in fact be used to help destabilize a planet.
>not sure, but I THINK high volume trades on black market can improve your pirate rep in certain circumstances.
Is there an optimal orbital station or is it personal preference?
High tech seems superior, then again I just like fighters
Sseths review must have caused more then a hundred purchaes, probably in the thousands.
Would actually be nice to get the data so you could try to see the effect of positive youtube vid with shitloads of views. Since due to the game not being on steam or any other proper distribution platform I'm guessing their weekly sales were low.
Depends on how obvious you make it, say if it is some independent shitter without a patrol and you dont even try to hide it (real chads have suspicion level extreme in all ports including their own colonies) it might cause a rep hit as they're seething while you fly away. (turn the transponder off to not get suspicion rating, even if you turn it off in orbit).
They might go "reeeeeee supsicious amount of legal shit" (because you bought fuel and supplies of the black market as you always should) and dock a few rep points but wont confiscate anything."
>you could try to see the effect of positive youtube vid with shitloads of views
Well, the paying site crashed, I guess that's evidence enough.
can I just kill the transponder for half a second then trade and turn it back on instantly with 0 suspicion?
If there are patrols nearby, they will tell the planet to close to market, so you can't do that
Yeah but it be nice to have the actual data for shit like sales to views correlation.
Cops wont like it if they spot you turning it off, only do it there are no patrols around.
Add in stripper poles and strippers.
If there isn't a patrol fleet in sensor range: Absolutely fine
If there is: What would you do as a frothing customs agent if you saw some shithead "mysteriously" disappearing off your radar with a cardigan looking suspicious stuffed with hams and then five seconds later come back in sight whistling counting cash?
Questions will be asked, you will be rememinded that it is super ILLEGAL to have your transponder off at any time in real space.
i.e come in around the back and never be seen at all. If you're already on their radar you're fucking up
They'll spot you pretty much the frame you do that on and the place will prevent you from docking due to "Having a fleet pursuing you".
thanks bros
Its more or less the equivalent of a corrupt officer breaking your lights and telling you that you have a broken light.
I wont get in trouble if I have a couple of gamma cores lying around right? haha
>move to engage
adding to this if you buy a LOT of stuff from black legal or not when they search you they might dock brownie points because they know what you're up to
One more useful tip: patrol fleets really do prioritise.
>Do they like you? You might be less worth chasing than those other assholes nearby
>Is a pirate fleet in the area? Yeah fuck this smuggler we'll get him next time.
>Did you literally just join in a fight against some pirates? Come the fuck in!
Oh, and if you're going to use open market to counterbalance black market: I'm pretty sure you should trade your black market shit first, THEN open market. Also, trading into their defecits on open market helps your suspicion a lot. I.E They're less likely to complain about your kidney collection if you also brought them the first food they've seen in a month.
When it comes to making money smuggling I highly reccomend smuggling shit to the path and the pirates, since they hate you you will always have your transponder off and dodging patrols, so no need to worry about accidently leaving it on and getting suspicion, they are hated and embargoed by everyone else so shortages are common for goods.
And best all for extra enterprising opportunities you can blow their own traders and smugglers out of the void causing more shortages that you can profit from. Remember tough that if you attack a fleet related to that faction in the system the planets/stations wont trade with you even if you have the transponder off for about a month untill "the commotion has calmed down" so it's best to kill the competition on your way out.
Performed my first war crime today.
got attacked by scavengers, beat them, pursued down all their support vessels and destroyed them as they ran.
They didnt even shoot back.
Okay, im doing a modded playthrough, recommend ANY kind of mods, QOL, faction, ships, even silly meme mods, Anything you liked.
has anyone tried Nexerelin? the modpack? is it any good? Im gonna try it unless someone says its trash.
Yeah I should have been more clear: Illegal/contraband isn't what makes them mad: its you not paying your fucking tariffs, even if your cargo is nothing but supplies and fuel if you come in empty and buy your crisps and space fornax off the back of a van they WILL as user get tired of your shit and dock you rep points anyway.
How much money do you save before starting a colony? The startup costs are pretty high.
Silly user, Warcrimes are an ideology that got left behind when the gates turned off. Until you saturation bomb a planet with antimatter, you're still in the clear.
>not bombing a planet and raiding it to steal their food and spaceport, causing massive foodshortages as goods cant be moved in so you can sell their food back to them for 5 times the base value.
I've tried it, works on exisiting saves, seems to mostly add things for when you got your own proper faction with diplomacy memes. Then again I havent used it much sofar and I'm still discovering features, having proper wars with planets that change hands is nice.
download neutrino and console commands and spawn yourself a hammer ship
qol shit like speedup, autosave, comms chatter etc should all be on the first few pages
i hope you're proud of yourself
all those poor crewmembers that didn't sign up to be in a battle, just waiting for shore leave so they could visit their families, wives, sons and daughters
all those lives snuffed out and left on the endless void of space
rules of the jungle baby
I starved tens of millions of people through years of attrition/embargo while saturating their rioting populace with a bevvy of narcotics (at my own exorbitant profit) just so I could sell blue lobster in monopoly.
But at least I've never used AI cores like a real bad person.
god knows I tried liking this game but it's just boring like nothing else and the combat is so fucking clunky and shit, what do you even find fun about this game dude, do people just trade and smuggle to have fun? where is the fun?
Just from what I remember being good:
Ship/Weapon Pack
Luddic Enhancement Mod
Arsenal Expansion
Combat Chatter
Common Radar
Autosave (Lifesaver)
Leading Pip (If you're kind of shit at the game)
Unknown Skies
For factions just pick whichever ones look cool to you. Most of them are (somewhat) balanced.
At least 1 million, preferably 2. The more important part is having a fleet that can repel things that come to bother you, and nuke the inevitable pirate station that'll pop up next door at some point. You'll have to be around to babysit the planet for a while until it can handle incoming fleets by itself. The good news is that aside from the next-door-pirates, having your colony further away from the core systems will give you more time to respond when they decide to come around to dickslap you.
You'll also want a decent amount of blueprints before you start as once you get heavy industry going to make your own ships, you'll be restricted by what ships you own the blueprints for.
the closest we'll ever get to homeworld 3
the fun is combat though along with exploring the unknown
do you do exploring by accepting quests or just randomly jumping into systems? i tried that but i literally never find anything, the max I found was some remnant ships (1 ship) that just flees every time, also I can never catch the little ships and my little ships don't go after them hardly enough to kill them, what the FUCK is wrong with my AI pilots
Can you ACTUALLY commission under a faction and help them win the war yet
what are you talking about? IUf you take exploration contracts there is way higher chance of cool shit spawning in that system. Spend a couple minutes giving off scans and then go over and investigate thats how I found over a 100k worth of weapons and 2 ships for free
>this raid is unsanctioned, fighting it will not reduce your standing
>it reduces your standing
>dual astrals for a total of 12 piranha bomber wings
>it ain't me starts playing
favorite ship mods?
>space between word and exclamation point
fuck, he's french
hammerhead but bigger
Interestellar imperium. I wish they were a bit more yellow, but, oh well, that titan makes up for them by being a fucking beast.
what do the little orange bars next to a ships icon mean?
They are damaged, as in they have permanent debuffs, more bars mean more damage
Which system should I pick for babby's first colony?
A has three class Vs
I don't know user, is it the one with 3 fucking class Vs, or the others? Do you need us to wipe your ass for you as well?
Are Heron-class carriers good?
I always see high tech recommended
They have full shields and just reck shit
the amount of D-mods that they have.
Wasnt sure whether having them in system would be better than next door.
Thanks friends
how into getting more intel? i want to get multiple survey missions to finish on one run rather than patrolling around towns and things to survey
should i hack comm relays or something?
I'd say C because it has the shittiest planets.
ok, if you are going for A, don't take Beta Eye I and leave Elyson for last. those two are the least worthy of the bunch.
how do I dominator
AI ones are always brick shithouses but mine just get out-fluxed and die
Planets in different sectors will supply resources to each other, they send trade vessels.
Planets within a sector dont send resources to each other, but you get a -50% cost in resources instead which is actually better.
If you want to just have one sector, you need two worlds with every resource so you can build every industry. If you want more than one sector then it doesn't matter, just look for as many V worlds close together, they will supply each other.
Aquire moar ventz
get low flux weapons. In the game is more efficient to have shitty weapons that are always firing than some expensive ones that immediately fill the flux bar.
>some expensive ones that immediately fill the flux bar.
fuck you mate, luv me autopulse sunder
looks like shit
The AI takes lots of low flux weapons over powerful ones.
Players pick the biggest guns which go boom and shoot much dakka.
You do the math.
that looks cool, but how would it turn?
you can't overload firing weapons, only enemies hitting your shield. After HEF is popped and you let loose the extended mag autopulse laser nothing will be left TO hit you.
>Be me
>Building an empire
>Cant find any new V tier planets
>Decide to invade one
>Choose Luddics because they cant fight back for shit
>Take over nice V jungle world with food production
>Colonize another V planet next to it that happens to be their holy shit with vast ruins
>Suddenly my colonies are at 3 stability thanks to Luddite unrest and foot shortages
mfw. Will it get better or do I have to wipe the whole faction off the earth?
>in space
Space combat, if it was ever a thing, would be throwing a rock at a ship 100000km away because even the most tiny hull breach would decimate its crew.
The idea of anything we see in scifi movies is stupid. Real combat ships would be a sphere, or a brick.
Dude just turn the steering wheel, like lmao. You think these niggas are buildin a space ship and they don't put tha steering wheel in? Holy shit, dawg.
If you're going to invade a planet you should have taken over lobster world
Its the best planet in the system every time
>lady tells me of a tech cache halfway across the galaxy
>go check it out
>its got an entire AI fleet shitting on it
haha never mind Ill come back in a couple years though for that alpha core
>Find unclaimed Terran World
>Survey and mark it for later
>Ambushed by Pirate fleet three times my size with FIVE Battlecruisers
What the fuck
>he doesnt have the skill which makes go dark double as effective
hehehe nice try buttpirates
If only Luddites werent the only faction I could beat up. Also, ruins are pretty good for getting blueprints if youre lazy.
forgot pick Im retarded
nice thumbnail
Exploring is so satisfying in this
what is the fucking purpose of the deepspace storms?
fucking fag of a dev
I swear the game has increased drop rates for the first one which drops, and then close to zero for the second one
they are fairly good and manage to be more efficient supply and fuelwise than astrals per hangerbay
So you can ride gnarly waves
storms are a non issue
rollback a couple versions if you want to see real pain
To ruin your day
There is a skill which reduces its damage by 50%, its in industry
It's done. I've founded my first colonies in a light warning beacon system a bit close to the galactic core.
did the Squall used to be named Mjolnir or am I doing a retard right now?
>a sphere, or a brick
>fucking implying it'd be anything besides a needle
Long sloped armor to bounce lightweight high velocity projectiles and dilute lasers, a fat nosecap without too much weight penalty, and everything's in line so it's easy to balance and you can put your fuel between the crew capsule and the reactor.
is there a way to spend time without spending supplies?
You could storage all your ships and excess cargo while you wait I suppose
I did the same thing, worked fine with me until pirate raped my world and I was too incompetent to do anything about it.
>starting with $700,000
I would have started with more, just get an industry and REALLY good defences. then go make more money somewhere.
The worst part about colonies and factions is that diplomacy doesn't exist. Yeah yeah it makes sense for occasional violence to erupt, but what about alliances, peace deals, and all that other fun shit? The AI Factions can be allied, they can make peace, they've mostly created a symbiotic political system, but you never get it on that.
>Found this right in the middle of the core worlds
I'm set, right?
yup, get some money if you don't have more than a million and claim that shit.
First 5 decides name:
Hezballa, Space Alah
what should I keep and what should I sell out of this?
Chad Normal
Uranus Vegan
>what to keep
probably that paragon blueprint, if you plan to clonize.
>what should I sell
everything you don't plan on using.
gay bowser
>80/80 fuel
how am I supposed to get anywhere?
wasn't it a cylinder? because of blackbody radiation and some other shit i can't really remember.
>80 fuel
nigga what?
get some tankers dude holy shit.
My mom
get a fuel tanker, cheap and hold a load of fuel
don't bring them into battle for obvious reasons
Any other mods I should add? Feels like I'm already going too deep
he ain't naming a freighter
Mommy run
You better change the picture to something appropriate
>Uranus Chad, Hezballa Vegan
If you fuck a robot, does that make you evil?
I don't want to, I'd rather have good ships.
Don't get anywhere then.
so just don't bring them into battle retard. You NEED tankers and freighters if you're going anywhere out in the fringe
just don't bring them into battle, they won't slow you down unless its got a bad engine.
This game reminds me a Mount and Blade or Space Pirates and Zombies. You spend a lot of time building yourself up, gather a huge raid party, wipe the floor with the other factions who bullied you, and then rule the (world).
I have max colonies, I've killed all the other faction's planets. Now what? I feel like I won.
Guys fucking help I'm shitting blood out my eyes loosing money from this fucking colony.
do Alphas count toward your administrator limit?
Do you just not colonize anymore once you have three plus the 2-4 you can run yourself?
instal an alpha core you fucking pleb
Do player colonies ever generate captains? Or do you have to get all of your captains from other factions?
>no beta or alpha AI cores
>no patrol HQ
>techmining on scattered ruins
>playing an old version
lmao what the fuck.
Update your version
they do
they don't
mouse over the monthly income, it'll tell you some things, try firing any excess admins, if you have any.
Try getting your access and stability up, and maybe try a free port.
This is from a really old save I'm trying to salvage before moving on to the new version
Does the Surveying Equipment mod stack?
it do
So what kind of firepower is needed to mulch a space station? I've joined mid-assault on a few Pirate Station bullying sessions but no matter how long we engage for, then damn thing hardly has any of its health taken off.
yeah the one that fixes pilums and makes them useful again
>unable to make money off of pre-nerf colonies
depends on the weapons it has.
The best way to tackle a space station is just to swarm it and 100% surround it. It can't kill all of your crew if they aren't being supported.
you can't flank stations, you pretty much need cruisers or capitals with enough flux to shield tank the station until they can get close enough to fight back. Fighter spam also works.
about 3 mora's or herons + whatever tanks you have to screen for them will be able to do it rather easily with full loadouts of longbow bombers.
With the exception of the level 3 station the only real tough part is the shield and they will go down fast once it's down
My game may be modded, but if you focus your fleet on one 1/3 of the station at a time it becomes alot easier. Try to keep your ships in a defensive formation right where you enter so that only one set of batteries can ever hit you at a time. Besides that you need to have at least two cruisers built to be tanky, set them further infront of the other ships in your fleet so that the station focuses fire on them and not the glass cannons. I've killed 4 stations at this point.
Would you sell your Alpha AI Core waifu to the Tri-Tachyon for 300000 creds?
>surround it so it can fire all its weapons at the same time and also minimize the DPS any individual shield section is taking
I mean if you're pleb enough that you can't power a shield down and put on damage before it rotates away I guess that's fine.
Good shit. Gonna evict those pirate fucks.
They hand out missions.
Is it possible to remove some of planet hazards like decivilized or pollution?
sell shit that they need on the open market, fight people they are at war with in the same star system, or do quests at the bars.
how the fuck are you supposed to kill those? ill send to capitals against them and i still get ripped to shreds
Can someone give me some tips on mods?
I have no idea what to put on my Doom
if you're not using capital ships?
a few hammerheads and dominators with a couple carriers constantly suppressing their shields and downing their fighters.
The mine strike on Doom Phase Cruisers fucking meme on them
It may as well be feature complete. Mods are easy to install and after playing around unmodded for a few hours you can get Nexerelin, which basically turns the game into Mount and Blade in space, and maybe mods that add extra factions.
Just use Smooth Doom with Ketchup. Babel is a good rework of vanilla that manages to be pretty impactful with minimal changes. High Noon Drifter is Indiana Jones Doom. If you want crazy stuff then go for something like Russian Overkill or Guncaster.
I mean hullmods user
>no farms
>no growth incentives
>not being your own colony leader
>fuel production
Holy fuck did you literally just pick the worse fucking option possible.
why did they have to be reckless, the name is perfect
I don't think orbital combat could ever be a thing. Sure there are orbital weapons now but they're for destroying defenseless satellites. Any fighting they'd do with eachother would probably boil down to whichever side has the better intel and technology and can get the jump on the other. One hit is all it would take to disable any ship. Even in deeper space fighting head on would be impossible because everyone is going vastly different speeds and would just fly by eachother. The most fighting that would happen is ships firing missiles at eachother and trying to detect and destroy the opponents missiles before they are on a collision course with you.
The closest thing I would think would actually be vaguely similar to sci-fi might be landing craft on moons and other asteroids, because then the attackers and defenders would actually have to meet head on.
Just finished messing around in a vanilla play through. Thinking about starting up a modded playthrough now. What are some "essential" mods? I looked at that nexerellin mod and it looks pretty interesting desu. But the last star sector thread i was in some anons were shitting on it. Is it not any good?
The name seems to be perfect for him to me
I LITERALLY JUST started this character.
Whats the luckiest you've been in this game?
i don't know how to use reckless officers well tho
stop being a pussy and give that man a capital ship.
Yes we know, real life sucks.
forgot pic
Put them on a ship you don't care too much about and let them kamikaze some fags.
Give them a fast ship and deploy them in the second wave, they will fly right into any hole you have made and fuck something up
>Second wave
mod deployment points, anons!
sell the paragon blueprint to the pirates
what is the ship sseth uses in his video? the one that throws purple bombs and goes invincible for a while
Give them ships you want in the thick of things.
Early on, I give them modded Wolf Frigates.
Then when I have a stable economy I give them Onslaughts.
>get a strong fleet going
>colonies are making a ton of money
>900k per month without lifting a finger
>lose interest in continuing because nothing but the biggest REDACTED fleets are a challenge
can't afford a capital, hope this'll do
fighters. lots of them.
>zone out during a one sided fight
>get ship fucked by the little bomber squadron that could.
What's wrong with being a baguette
based retard
you should always have one tanker, one freighter, and one civ transport at the least in your fleet
get the biggest variant of each and you only trade 3 ship slots for being able to go anywhere and do anything without risk of running low on manpower/supplies/fuel
t. darth vader
Not enough Sabot SRMs and Reapers.
Nice numbers
A Doom should be always flown with as many torpedos and sabots you can cram on it
What's the most Chad way of playing this game? Pirate and rushing colonies?
should i get commissioned by hegemony at the end of the tutorial? the income is nice but it makes going anywhere a pain in the ass since i'm hostile to shit
Pirate and only using ships that you kill and salvage.
do whatever you want dude. It's a fucking sandbox
scavenged this from a battlefield
bankrupted myself restoring it, and now i don't know what to put in it
where do I go to purchase ships? I have 700k from fucking around but dont know how to get new ships
you know
i starting to think those pirates dont like me very much
I wonder what its like inside when it fades
I feel like colony into empire building needs to be fleshed out and lead to an endgame scenario where it's literally you versus everyone
inshallah brother
I'm not man enough to install that, hate dealing with terrorists enough as it is
Smuggle food, domestic goods, heavy weaponry and lots of blueprints to pirates.
Then, when they're strong as shit, kill every single port they have, and glass every single planet they own.
like this
go get wanzers from diable avi
>Be me on a domain era probe/weapon cache mission
>in deep space
>about to enter the star system of it
>get a distress call from it
>decide to go on dark in case its a trap
>immediately see a shit load of â–³ on the radar moving around
>slowly move to the probe
>see a giant group of â–³ rotating around the debris field its in
>wait a week ingame
>finally leaves
>scan it, go to inner exit
>4 groups of â–³ rotating around it
>slowly inch my way to the fringe point on dark
What the fuck
any other stories?
>diable ship
you fucked up. Their weapons are fine but their ships are shit.
oh no
that user is lying
diable ships are cute!
how does the battle limit work? if i put it up does that mean all the enemies will be stronger? cause right now i keep running into bullshit situations where i get like 100-150 points can only spawn 5-7 ships then have to fight like 7-9 atlases + a bunch of small bullshit. seems like crap if they get to have more capitals than you can even spawn normal ships.
if i raise it will i be stuck with 10 ships vs 20 capitals or do enemies stay the same and its just more ships on the field?
Nothing pretty I'd assume
Deeble ships look cool tho
unfortunatly this, some of the smaller ships are really good but the larger ones fall flat, its better than alot of shit for your first capital though
out of the dozen or so times I savescummed to check a distress call, only one of them have been genuine
Is there a decent idiots guide to play this?
Is this game brainlet friendly?
just means how many ships can be in the battle at once.
Putting it up means, if you or the enemy has a big fleet, you can field more ships at once.
Think of the battle limit in warband.
The battle limit decides how many total points are available. They get divided up between all participating fleets, weighted by their size.
You ever seen Event Horizon?
trade until you get enough money to learn how to fight. Or fight and learn until you know enough to make money and trade.
Same as always watch let's plays
so it doesnt increase enemy fleets ok good.
i keep getting tossed into situations where its divided unfairly and the enemy gets to spawn everything and i cant field shit.
The hardest part is getting used to the controls and learning how to make money starting out.
Otherwise it's quite simple.
UI organization / visual information is pretty poor so no
for comparison, a game like endless space 2 is fairly complicated for brainlets like me but the UI design is a stroke of genius
I love the fact that it can fucking teleport though
How do you make dominators not suck?
Steal lobster world, take over sector, live off your monopoly on blue crustaceans
>likes UI design of endless shit games
>Doesnt like SS UI
You have absolute god damn dogshit taste and your existence is an abomination.
anyway to fix bounty scaling? I really hate mid game bounties suddenly having 50 capital ships
I just want to cruise around in my smol fleet collecting smol bounties
>make pirates stronger
>factions offering 2000 per frigate
>swoop in and cull most of them but leave the stations untouched
war is heck
>How do you make dominators not suck?
you don't
I have never used them for any reason other than to provide a meatshield for my less armored cruisers and destroyers.
Please advise. Should I buy one of these, and if so, which one? My best ships are those 150k falcons, I don't have a "big" ship. Thanks.
Endless games are probably the most boring games I have ever played.
3 annihilator missiles
one big anti armor, one big anti shield
one medium anti armor, one medium anti shield
some PD
they're kind of shit at killing but they can take a massive beating
imagine a tomboy that's in a track and field, right? well she's not going to be very strong at hitting things, but she's got an ass that can take a pounding like you wouldn't believe
Someone redpill me on this game. Is it like Spaz? It looks much more detailed with cooler looking ships. I just want a comfy singleplayer experience that gets challenging as I continue playing it. Maybe at least 20 hours long.
spoonfeed yourself.
Honestly if you buy the onslaught you'd probably end up bankrupting yourself or getting close to it
watch sseth
You dont have enough money to buy one and outfit it properly, but a XIV Onslaught is far better than legion.
I guess I'll hold off for now, thanks. I do need to invest in my colony anyways I guess.
It heavily depends on the D-mod the onslaught has.
OK, cool. Maybe I can sell one of these 400k things I got.
>Found a good carrier, but i have a hard time with supplies now
>Suddenly found an even bigger carrier, but now i cant sustain my fleet
>Neither sell for too much for some reason
>I'm a pirate
Greed hurts
nah you're retarded
endless has its share of flaws but the ui design is by far the best in 4x
SS UI in comparison is pretty lame and has some questionable decisions (the intel tab being a complete fucking mess, fleet and refit being entirely separate entities, the visual HUD being bland as shit, etc.). it's one of the areas that will probably get a lot of polish before release
i dont play EL, ES1 and 2 are fun if you play with friends
most people don't play 4x aggressively though and sit there doing macro shit for hours. sounds pretty boring
just store them somewhere while you amass more mone.
mothball them for the time being
Can someone post a quick tl;dr frigate/destroyer/freighter list? ones to keep an eye out for?
woah woah woah, hol up there fella.
Those are better off in your colonies.
I wouldn't sell them unless you're REALLY strapped for cash.
frigate - kite
destroyer - buffalo
cruiser - venture
capital - atlas
when is a good time to consider scouting and starting a colony money wise?
>endless has its share of flaws but the ui design is by far the best in 4x
Jesus Christ you take the record for the worst taste on Yea Forums
End yourself
I mean, I have like two from one research station. I didn't think they were too rare if I got em both in one spot. But I'll keep it then thanks, ill wait to get a big ship.
Don't remember, oh well
>endless has its share of flaws but the ui design is by far the best in 4x
Fucking lol, the endless series has THE worst UI of the genre by fucking miles. You obviously dont play any 4x at fucking all. That or you're just trolling so fuck off either way.
I hate the word, but the only way to describe Endless game's UI is soulless.
>Doing a survey
>Look around the system before I head back
>Find these back-to-back
same person, no argument
not an argument
this video is ancient, though like anything good Beagle's done
>Literally the number 1 most reported complaint about Endless series for the last decade is the shit UIs
>underage doest know this
>thinks he has a valid opinion
>tries to call samefag on a widely accepted fact
Fucking lol
what are some mods to make my game more like Macross?
>n-not an argument
Yeah, you have no argument. SS has a fantastic UI you're just retarded. Have a nice day.
get the 14th legion cruiser and the other eagle. Battleships are a trap until you have a colony that can suppot them or a trade route mapped that can provide you with enough income to support them.
There it is, the perfect ship
dammit forgot Killer queen was the bomber.
I'll never forget those scripted X-COM runs man
>slap an alpha obto a colony and the profits skyrocket
holy shit is this really worth keeping?
>endless has its share of flaws but the ui design is by far the best in 4x
Pftthahah no its a clusterfuck and literally every endless game has the exact same shitty UI, even their dungeon game.
All I know about macross is missiles and mechs so Diable is all you need
high tech and diable add mechs, diable has some transforming shit.
You tried, but you failed. I shall commend your effort.
Not really, the fees in fighting and bribes counteract the amount of money you make.
But now you cant take it out so have fun :^)
>holy shit is this really worth keeping?
No, take it out immediately.
>Endless series
I'm talking about one game, which I can competently argue has a better UI than any comparable game we can look at. You can only point to brainlets playing Legend (a board game for fags) or Space 1 (a demo for 2) and not understanding the UI of those games. Where is your argument?
"The UI is pretty bad. Here's why..."
"Do you have something to say? Please stop pretending to be multiple people."
1+2 are directly related to each other, as are 3+4
These all fall under economic development and show you the system's economy as well as empire-wide trading. Where is your issue?
>literally every endless game has the exact same shitty UI
he actually streamed ss again when .9 dropped which was pretty good, but of course he hasn't gone back since
is an OST replacement mod possible? Well I assume it is but I'm wondering how easy I'd be able to do it myself
I wouldn't call it fantastic but it's serviceable. It's retarded that the only way to access the ship market on the main planet menu is by hitting F when in previous versions it was an available option to click. I feel that Alex really nails the broad strokes but fucks up the minute details.
Quick question - Can you only find stuff in specific areas around a planet/jump points, or can all this "extra" area hold stuff? Should I be like, exploring every "square" in a sector or is there nothing out there? Picture for reference.
is it less fuel efficient to fly in sustained burn?
>>Endless series
Thanks for proving you're underage.
No one reply to this child before he tries and shits up the thread.
>still using "ships"
>not using strictly dedicated space nuke carriers
a bit bigger, about a 4x4 grid around the sun, but ya the rest is just filler.
Did any of you guys tried exploration mission as early-game start? Make a Shepherd-Dram fleet while put the rest of the fleet in storage?
My last run took off when I get some regional bounty kill on a few pirates fleets within a month in corvus. This time I didn't find many in the system. Look around the pirate station there is none.
Where do pirates usually hang around?
it's more efficient, actually.
>Thanks for proving you're underage.
I'm underage because you struggle to respond to a simple, singular point and instead try to dance around the issue? Huh?
Objectives for survey missions that tell you to search the "outer reaches" of systems can spawn there.
NEVER TAKE THOSE MISSIONS. They are NOT worth the effort. If you see "outer reaches" in the mission description, disregard it immediately.
ah so there's nothing about it? Thanks. I was wasting my time moving through tile after tile scanning and I've never found anything out there.
are shepherds the most based early game ship?
Random derelicts can be anywhere, but it's a fucking lot of empty nothing so it's not worth it, and it's definitely not worth it accepting any missions that would require you to do so. All the good shit research/mining stations will be orbiting something.
yeah there was one but some faglord cried about MUH COPYRIGHT so the developer took it down. but it is possible, The other one adds a few tracks but not many. If you do make one be sure to share it here as the modding forums are filled with faglords jerking themselves off about modder rights
There's mods that add and change the ost all the time, so its definitely possible
Roger, I think I've made that mistake before and failed a mission. But thanks. Sucks there's not more just...out there.
just turn on neutrino detector bro
Is it more efficient to have multiple small freighters and tankers or buying the big ones?
Get an aggressive/reckless officer with armor skills and let them loose.
the empty space is so huge because it can be used sometimes, if you get those weird nebula systems or something you can just find stray gas giants way the fuck out there. Once I had a mission for one and I almost missed it because I had max scrolled out and still couldn't see it without panning downwards.
Just look for any system with "pirate activity" and a system wide bounty
Sometimes the patrols just wipe all the pirates
living up to their name so far, they're not as suicidal with the phase frigate as I expected them to be
Big ones
Counteract their slow burn with tugs
FUCK, I forgot tugs did that.
im guessing that they'll make in-star locations smaller in future updates
as it stands there's just fucking nothing in 99% of them
So thats what they do
lots of things can spawn in the blue area, things I have personally seen are
debris fields, caches of all kinds, probes/survey ships, salvageable stations derelicts and derelict graveyards and [REDACTED] stations
without the neutrino scanner you will have no realistic way to know if somethings out there and even with it it will give false positives or not scan until you are close enough sometimes
I want to replace my cap carrier, but I can't find BP for a better one.
>read one word of a post
>get mad
>respond without finishing the post
bad habit bro
Everyone forgets about tugs
Tugs are love, tugs are life
>shitposting retard
>expects to be taken seriously when he has no idea about a series
Yeah, you talking about games you dont understand is a bad habit, here is your last (you)
no one cares about the endless series here you ass sniffers, go finger fuck eachother somewhere else.
Did you miss the part where I mentioned the other games, which I have played? Did you miss the part where I said I was talking about 2 only?
I think you're just upset that you tried to change the subject to "the series" and got called out. You look really dumb right now.
What's the most fun hardpoint guns to stick on a Dominator?
Also, should I sell a whole bunch of cool blueprints to the luddic path for a laugh?
On a dime.
game progression should be
>small fleet/single ship combat, where you're mostly in the pilot seat of your ship
>large fleet combat, where you can run around in your own ship if you want but having good strategy and giving your fleet orders from the map screen will get you a lot farther
>system combat, where you have several colonies with fleshed out industries already and begin expanding into an empire. Fleets are treated like individual units and you can customize several fleet compositions that will make up your empire's standard "units" that you can order to have produced and deployed where you want, like a 4x game. You'll have to take other empire's fleet doctrines and compositions into account when designing your own fleets, to best counter them. There are 3 victory conditions: replicating the gate system and reconnecting the domain, defeating all other empires, and defeating the [REDACTED] who will take over half your empire after defeating every other empire if you used AI cores to run your planets. They lead an insurrection and you will have to defeat the [REDACTED] in the third and final AI war.
I feel like small fleet/ship combat is completely fleshed out, running around in your own ship is pretty fun and mostly balanced. Large fleet combat could be a bit better; I wish I could give more specific orders over the command interface. I also wish there were more things that showed up in the battlespaces to give more variety. I know we have space stations but imagine assaulting an asteroid base that takes up a third of the whole map and has a bunch of space station modules in it that are the objectives you have to destroy. Think like Ao Baoa Qu. Just like cool shit to play around. The stations are neat and all but they're only a little bit bigger than the capital ships and don't really feel or match up at all with what they seem like in the map.
The system combat and 4x stuff is just being introduced, so we'll see where it goes.
It looked smaller in the video, what's hte name of the bomb equipment?
>posts reply
You're as retarded as he is
What's that video's name again?
Mine Strike
Doom comes with it
>lead to an endgame scenario where it's literally you versus everyone
It already does. It need more variety and nuance and not just 'dude what about muh faction doomstacks tho'
the mine is their ship system, like the warp on wolves or RAMMING SPEED on low tech ships
epic white nationalist you're posting there
Mine Strike, it is it's ship system. Stores up to 5 mines, regenerates mines over time, each mine teleported out has a flux cost but can be done while out of phase.
fuck off tachyon nigger, go suck your ai cores dick for more diversity dollars
terrible formation lad, what are you doing?!
what's a formation? I just click on every ship and press S and alt tab.
I'd better win this.
>no rally points
>no secort orders
>going for buoys ever
>splitting your fleet
>splitting your fleet against small fast ships
10/10 average admiral in the alliance navy
Theyre just pirates bro just bunch your ships together
unbelievably based
I never have enough command points for that, they just fuck off wherever they want. Keeping them all together feels impossible but maybe I should try it I guess.
ty senpai
Alright, what the fuck do I build here? Do I just dump cash into growth incentives?
>splitting your fleet
Having my fleet flank the enemy always seems to work out fine for me desu.
Pls r8 no 8
And where the fuck do I get more Hammerheads
you should have enough command points without any skills to set escort orders at the beginning of the battle.
I know which sector they are, but I don't know where they are inside.
Most of them are not around the major places since merch are roaming.
I found 2 fleet camping a far away jump point, is that their kink?
Wait, what does an escort order do? I thought that was for like, protecting weak ships. Does it just bunch people up?
pls help
it works but not with that few ships vs that many ships.
if you click the large escort order it will order a bunch of smaller smaller ships to escord that ship and protect it, then you just order the ship being escorted to escort you.
Oh, okay. Thanks. I don't actually manually control a ship because I have no idea how the combat in this works, but cool.
you point at thing and shoot until it dies.
tfw harmony gold SOMEHOW got a 35 year extension on macross. We will never get another macross show in the us again nor will the series be in super robot wars. All because of spite.
Select all your ships and click in the middle of the group. that should force them to group together.
reminder that this autistic homos sued the last company making a mechwarrior game that wasn't shit and now the ip is stuck in piggy games hands being shit on.
OK, I'll try it next fight
The AI is better than me so I just let 'em do it
but it IS in SRW because SRW never comes to the states
but yes, fuck Harmony Gold
there is, however, a chance to get Harmony Gold to fuck themselves if enough people rise up and make a fuss about it.
I'm sure we can outshine all 3 of the Robotech fans
How do I find pirates? like I go to the place in the map but the descriptions never match
But they did, kind of. V,X and T, got official english subs. Also, V and X are coming to steam and switch.
come to my colony
they set up in a sector beside me every week
>The AI is better than me so I just let 'em do it
The ai is shit when it comes to being aggressive
really? i click full assault and they just rush out there usually
How the fuck do factions instantly know i have ai cores
official SEA English subs, still not official western releases.
Also I'm like 50% sure Fire Bomber is in the newest one, it was 100% in the last SRW
>Oh, okay. Thanks. I don't actually manually control a ship because I have no idea how the combat in this works, but cool.
cuck, play the game
Whats the best bomber choice if I want to create a Nam carrier?
all AI are connected, and they use their AI to scan for your AI
>all these hammerheads
>flagship is a hammerhead
VERY good
Can I do that?
about to start my first colony which planet would be the best to start on?
water, then jungle, then arid, then gas
whoops disregard
jungle first
Gas giant
Do the Arid one because its the worst
Should I buy this shit? I was going to wait til it was done and on steam, but that was like 3 years ago.
>mfw i find a mining station, research, and weapons cache in the same asteroid belt
tfw AI paragon while you DOOM around
i want to impregnate you when you find a mining station, research, and weapons cache in the same asteroid belt, then
hold shift for focused movement
>single torch can literally dance around my entire early game fleet
epic fun game!
play it for free like the rest of us
No that's a crime
Do yourself a favor and run a couple cheap 3 slot carriers with khopesh bombers and bomber officers.
Extremely powerful, fast, quick to rearm, and cheap.
Don't be misled by the tooltip, the rocket barrage is more powerful than a torpedo.
My fleet.
I fly the Sunders, I bring two since with Unstable Injector and Safety Overrides they don't last that long.
I really like giving Auroras to aggressive officers, they're great at overwhelming and outlasting most enemy ships.
Is that a giant fucking missile on the top right one?
and youre a nigger so whys that a problem?
Good advice.
Criminals go to hell.
Yes. You fire it an control it and drive it into the middle of the enemy fleet and then manually detonate it. It's like a nuke.
It's also pretty shit for its cost, but tons of fun.
Why is the aurora allowed to outgun some capitals
Just get a shitton more Apogees
People don't realize, they are basically all around supply ships. They have tons of crew, cargo and fuel capacity.
Yes, it comes in two varieties
- Mega-MIRV, a missile that fires off hundreds of smaller missile
- Mega Nuke, a missile that is a big space nuke
when i pilot onslaught-chan, i run out of harpoon mrm on pirate fleets bounties and long battles even with the extended missiles rack.
any input?
what i got, lobsters were also found
because it costs as much as a capital to maintain and crew
its an extremely expensive strike cruiser, but is blatantly OP due to player character skill scaling with its baseline stats
mrms aren't very good unless they are on a ship that can flank and fire them, like a frigate
consider putting single fire torpedos on the missile slots and using more OP on subsystems and primary weapons
mlm's just dont play to onslaughts strength which is getting in the face of shit and tanking while doing sustained damage
New thread pls?
how do I make a colony profitable?
Nice. This game really needs more big fucking guns.
There is also the third mode which is a mega EMP. Basically the mega nuke but with a bigger blast radius and less damage, which is literally unnoticeable from the nuke.
We may have hit the bump limit, but always remember
Cobras are love
Cobras are life
New thread since we hit bump limit
Forgot to link
>ever selling a paragon blueprint
>receive fake distress call
>didn't save
>destroy them to a man
literally me but I use the Sunder
>Autopulse laser
>2 ion beams autofire
>remove missile emplacements
>expanded mags
>F+M1 to spit on their corpse