>indie game
>it's actually good
What's her name, Yea Forums?
>indie game
>it's actually good
What's her name, Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
made by one guy and it's one of the best beat'em ups out there.
kudos to him to start actual videogame discussion on Yea Forums
Also Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is great
>kudos to him
>4 posts
>3 IPs
And its on sale on the switch right now!
Except Crosscode is pretty fucking mediocre. Clocked in 40hr, forgot about it, don't care enough to go back to it
Now that's a good indie game
I'll throw in pic related
Yeah I'm posting good indie games just like OP asked, what are you going to do about it faggot
Worship the Big Black Cock simulator
A game published by Her Majesty's Department for Diversity aren't considered indie
is this that dreamcast kickstarter game made by a asshat?
an asshat*
Couldn't get into dead cells not matter how hard I tried.
Hades is better imh, sadly it's not finished yet.
>game looks enjoyable and exactly the type of genre you'd like to play
>main character is a girl
there are at least 5 games like this, crosscode being one of them. most female MC games are absolute trash though like the entire tomb raider series
Do not believe OP's lies or be fooled by pretty screenshots.
This game is just Zelda platforming and block puzzles.
Super Cyborg is a decent Contra clone
Jet Gunner is a nice 8-bit styled platformer
Bot Vice is great but it's pretty shallow and not for everybody as 2D gallery shooters go.
I sank way too much time on Ubermosh, it's barebones arcade game but it has great atmosphere and soundtrack.
A also enjoyed Bloodbath Kavkaz but it's just a worse version of Hotline Miami.
I really like everything Supergiant has put out so far, but I'll wait the year for Hades to wind up on Steam before I bother with it. Darren Korb's a fucking boss tho
>ebin store exclusive
it will be on steam after they finish it somewhere in 2020.
Check out Ronin OP, it's super cheap and offers unique, arcade turn-based combat
That artstyle reminds me of Summon Night. Is the game any good?
the only good one
Into za breach
>>ebin store exclusive
epic subhumans are in charge of beta testing it for the rest of us.
thanks for shilling cross code
Our lad paid them so they can finish the game and put it on steam in a year.
I enjoyed it quite a bit, had an enjoyable simplicity/pureness to it too compared to a lot of the other stuff I'd played in a while.
Like this, which I enjoyed a lot also. Although I think they got onto the wrong track a bit with some of the recent updates, cool content granted but I don't approve of nerfing everything fun and wild in a single player game and "balancing" around autistic utubers to an extent that the devs themselves can't actually play it. There is a fine line between "yeah this is pretty damn tough to get going with and you'll need to work to git gud with the mechanics and knowledge, but it's rewarding and eventually you can rape shit" vs "HAHA SO H4RDC0RE EPIC LIKE THAT ONE DARK SOULS" tryhard.
BallisticNG, game's so good it gave me autism. Can't stop playing time attack
This is the only new game I've been compelled to play right through in years
Reassembly is fun, you build 2D spaceships and fight other factions that also build spaceships that's it
any other anons play pathologic? didn't know what to expect and it had plenty of weirdness but damn if it wasn't memorable and a wild ride.
my favorite things about crosscode puzzles is that it filters out brainlet retards like you
Volgarr The Viking is awesome, actually feels like the games it's inspired by while adding unique stuff. If only it had better graphics
still fun
Name one flaw
Takes three hours to get movement tech that you have at the start of Super Metroid.
>utterly forgettable atmosphere, characters, and mechanics
>durr must be 2deep4u!!!
To be fair, I don't like fortnite that much either, so maybe our tastes just diverge that much?
Can't fuck Hornet
I wanna all over Lea desu
Does croteam still count as indy? They've been around awhile but as far as I know are still fully independent and small and I love their crazy shit. Talos was an interesting take on post-apoc too.
Bit subjective m8
Streets of Rogue. This game really deserves more attention. Every character changes the way you play the game and every run feels different. I just beat the last boss by using a tool to make him my ally and asked him to give me his hat (half of the win condition of the game).
Feel free to tell me how to wall jump without the Mantis Claw.
Golf Story is fantastic
always and forever
If Croteam (pub by Devolver) counts as indie, then I wanna include this gem
Can't really recommend it to everyone, but I'm so glad games like this exist
I wish you could give delicate flowers to more bugs
Mato, Midwife, and Hornet's mom deserve one
Bernd und das rätsel um unteralterbach
1000 hours and still enjoying it
CrossCode is also fucking fantastic, easily my GotY last year
I meant it being a flaw or not m90
thread should've ended here this faggot has been shilling his shitty game for weeks.
I was absolutely terrible at this game. Kept running out of fuel.
>pub by Devolver
ah right, I forgot for some reason they seem to leave publishing exclusively to devolve these days. probably no then good taste though on that one anyway
Reddit also enjoys food, guess you better kill yourself
He might be a shill but the game is anything but shitty.
But nobody actually cares about that, this has always been a thread for posting your favorite indies even for the people that aren't newfags and already know he posts this exact same thread every time.
I eventually just said fuck it and edited my save to have a bunch of echo
fucking leddits and their always breathing air real independent gamers like ourselves won't do normie shit like normie atmosphere rite
Joke's on you, I only drink onions.
Stop pretending you're not OP
It is a flaw.
imagine liking a crapass generic pixel art game just because it has a waifu in it
Having a lot of fun with Grim Dawn.
Avoided Freedom Planet for a long time due to furry shit. Eventually bit the bullet and had a lot of fun with the game.
Not as if there is a single soul on Yea Forums who doesn't know this one long since but yeah.
Had a great time playing it with Yea Forums, do people here still play 1?
Start the thread with a different game next time.
No one likes your shilling. Game isn't even that great.
Duskers and Heat Signature both immediately come to mind.
I dunno, it's okay for the most part and then the last level just throws out any amount of goodwill I have
Too many mobs on screen, too reliant on psychic parries for survivability because it's the only way to stay alive while commiting to actually killing enemies
lol this dude serious?
>avoiding games because of anthropomorphic animals
Did you also avoid watching Looney Tunes?
This game is really just you going slightly left and right while it drives itself. What is the point?
It's a good thread to discuss indie games. Just ignore obvious shills like everybody else here.
For instance, how about pic related?
You posted it
Indie can also be "indie developed". Just because a game is tossed on a larger publisher doesn't mean it isn't indie.
I would buy it if the art didn't suck ass.
CrossCode is pure trash
QUICK! Recommend me your best horror hidden indie gems! I already have stuff like Darkwood and Lost in Vivo.
no, your favorite game is pure trash
Depends on your definition of indie, as well as the level of publisher interaction. I'd say that a lot of the stuff the Devolver pumps out could be considered indie, whereas anything that, say, Paradox gets their mitts on wouldn't be considered indie
stop responding to yourself loser
best post
deviantArt wasn't a thing when Looney Tunes was at peak popularity
Stop shilling your game here loser
It's not, not even remotely. Basic steering is difficult because ships don't turn instantly, they have weight and wobble so slight mistakes will be severely punished, on top of that you have air brakes that let you steer sharper at the cost of speed while sliding you into different directions and pitching your ship's nose to match the track, or using flight when you need to. Have you never played Wipeout? The games are infamous for being hard to learn and very punishing.
what game
what does that even matter?
no doubt you fapped to Lola Bunny at one point anyway
>Only 1000 hours
You are like a little baby. Watch this.
Terraria is the best game ever made. Fight me.
>no u
go away man and take your shitty taste in videogames with you
I wonder if these guys think they're intelligent, looking behind the falsehoods to find the hidden truth.
Because they're not. Go back to the Wojak threads.
Also: Play BallisticNG. Personally I'm only just getting the hang of it, but I appreciated people continuing to mention the game, I really feel something remarkable about it.
Fuck off, furfag. The terrible art and furfaggotry is what's kept me from even trying out Dust
Don't play a lot of horror games, sorry user. Pic related just dropped
the only thing that kept you from playing it is your hypocrisy you brainlet
go fap to your MLP porn you degenerate
Your 5 favorite indie games (any order) GO
1. Terraria
2. Hollow Knight
3. Grim Dawn
4. Rabi Ribi
5. Binding of Isaac
aka EU simulator 2019
Just leave
>what does that even matter?
first day on the internet? or are you a furry in denial?
not a bad game...
...for a prole
only if you delete yourself
>Implying ponies aren't also furries
Check out the potato nigger trying it out on a lower speed class for a showcase of more average gameplay, can't even hold a decent line despite playing Wipeouts before
>i dont like thing because antro
>but looney tunes is fine because it was antro before deviantart
listen to yourself
>implying you aren't a closet-horsefucker
I can't, it's too fun
I'm not. My fetishes are based.
I wouldn't have cared if he hadn't said 'kudos to him' while secretly referring to himself
I like Foxtail
I realy adored this game
>its fine as long as they look more like cartoon animals
okay, retard
Crosscode had grindy side-content which was made to waste your time and jumping puzzles in a game with fucked perspective. The actual puzzles are piss-easy. I wanted to like the game more, but combat was waaaaaaaaay more about stats than anything else, so it could make fights either mash a few times and autowin or just a slog of chipping away at something.
>intentionally avoiding the point this hard
yiff in hell furfag
1. Hollow Knight
2. Stardew Valley
3. Cities: Skylines
4. Cuphead
5. Firewatch
I’d put Shovel Knight in there but the more I think about it the less good it actually seems, the soundtrack is fun at least. I hope with the success of Stardew Valley we get a sequel with an actual art direction instead of the bit graphics. Hollow Knight is already getting a sequel so I’m happy there.
The second one is furry as shit
Spelunky 2 when?
Reccomend any game by ska studios which is like a guy and his wife. Vharlie murder and the dishwasher games are solid as fuck. Have not played salt and sanctuary yet
Cute char, but kinda expensive
>combat was waaaaaaaaay more about stats than anything else
Jesus christ you're a brainlet
Unless you're seriously overleveled or have a godly build you won't be able to kill anything without dodging a good amount of their attacks
Just admit you don't know what you're talking about
Rabi Ribi
Name an indie game with a better soundtrack pro-tip: you can't
not gonna buy a switch for it tho
>Name an indie game with a better soundtrack
Already posted buddy
Rabi Rabi is patrician tier tho
Have you tried Graveyard Keeper? I thought it would scratch the SDV itch but the user reviews are pretty disappointing so I passed
the only time the perspective fucked with me was in the first area when you tried to get the chest near the pillars and waterfall, where the NPC tells you you need to find a different route to reach it but if you can do a Jump Dash Cancel, you can land on them just fine
The perspective is fine. The gameplay was also fine. The puzzles were fine aswell, the only thing that sucked were those Rube Goldberg puzzles that required you to do 10-20 things in a chain with almost zero fuck ups.
space beast terror fright
dusk and amid evil
devil daggers
most generally discussed rpg maker games are worth playing, naming ib, off, mogeko games, the lisa trilogy, hylics. many many more out there
100% orange juice
bastard bonds
battle brothers
Rabi Ribi > Hollow Knight (in the music department, I love both of them dearly)
>100% OJ
Muh nigga
1.- Terraria
2.- Hollow Knight
3.- Recettear
4.- Minecraft
5.- 100% Orange Juice
>bastard bonds
Fucking this.
If you ignore the bara-artstyle you'll get a pretty decent game.
I'm a brainlet for realizing that a game which weighs combat with stats and tons of side content ends up struggling with balance? The game suffers from Xenoblade syndrome, user. It's okay to critique a game you like.
Pic easily related, though I prefer the original MSX-styled tracks. Cave Story also has a superior OST.
Undertale's soundtrack is also really good, but doesn't have as many tracks. I stand by Megalovania being one of the best songs in all of vidya this decade. It's really hard to compete with it. Shame about the game getting meme'd to death, though.
ah fuck, forgot hotline miami
You probably aren't going to have issues with the jumping puzzles if you're using the attack dash cancel to clear larger gaps. Nearly every negative about the game in its otherwise glowing reviews will cite the sometimes wonky perspective.
As far as indie-game-final-bosses go, I think Miru from Rabi-Ribi has the best theme. I enjoy it far more than Radiance/Asgore/etc. Though Cave Story's music is more iconic, I'll agree to that. It pretty much defined indie game music when it came out, and for a solid 6 - 7 years after that.
Post the soundtrack to your favorite indie bossfight.
Is it bad that I actually like this game? It was pretty damn decent
There's better shmups out there but no, why in the world would it be bad?
It's the new Dude Sex as a Side Scroller
Some systems (melee combat in particular) are janky as all hell but if you can get it for
i knew i would forget something
where they cremate the roadkill, middens and gingiva
I guess I wouldn't necessarily argue it's better then these, but the Dead Cells soundtrack was actually one of the things that got me farther into the game and I think it's still really solid, great atmosphere for each area. I particularly fucking love The Temple (renamed to the sanctuary area I think), though partly that's because I'm a total fucking sucker for even the most absolutely minimal reactive music in my vidya. I don't know why that's not more of thing because it can create really kino moments.
forgot, for those who haven't played the game when you're actually in the level it loops the more relaxed mysterious first part of that song, the high energy part mid-way (at like 2:11 or so) activates when you flip a switch and activate the temple awakening all its ancient defenders and shit. It's a minor thing but it was a fun detail.
genuinely fun
Man I still love these games too bad Cave is fucking dead though. Not even mobage shit could save them apparently, and all their awesome ports don't even work anymore. What a shame.
meh it's full of mixels & filters. and the move variety is pretty small.
Forgot about Dex. It was bretty good.
Also, pic related is an oldie but a goodie, with an awesome soundtrack
For a single playthrough, maybe two if you do both extreme endings
>Binding of Issac Rebirth
Before they added fan mods in after their dlcs
>Pony Island
Much much more opinionated desu
>Explosion Man
>Sanctuary RPG
I enjoy the simple man's DF
>Doki Doki Literature Club
>bit Dungeon II
I'm pretty sure Tripwire was small indie back then but I don't entirely recall.
>Paper Sorcerer
>A Story About My Uncle
>The Stanley Parable
>Pokemon Showdown
as far as nsfw and furfag shit
Book of Lust, CoC, Monster girl Island, that game Mantis-X is making, TiTs, and maybe Slablands but that is pretty low tier and will never have enough content to be worth looking at.
That is all I can think of off the top of my head. Plenty of great indie games, just proportionally there is next to fucking none.
But the fan mods are legitimately good in Binding of Isaac.
As for the lewd games, Degrees of Lewdity is still the best.
>any other anons play pathologic
safe indy fun for the whole family about a girl following her dreams.
I too have been paying that as my go to fap and fun game. I just completely forgot to put it in my list. Too bad the nigga is just slowly remaking how things work and whatnot instead of adding more characters and the ability to legitimately be the raper instead of this half assed stuff we have now.
The soundtrack really is 10/10
I keep the FLAC version on my phone
Two steps forward, one step back. I have yet to get the dock workers to like me, and I pretty much avoid all the dangerous areas where all the content is, so it's just a life simulator at that point. I wish you didn't have to get fucked into a coma, fucked awake, and then fucked into a hallucinogenic stupor to get to see everything, and I wish Eden wasn't such a bitch.
>Pokemon Showdown
>Story About My Ankle
>Meta Island
please tell me you are trolling
every sex scene plays out the same
Pokemon Showdown is great, though. It's not an indie game though.
They could possibly be considered not indie but it doesn't detract from them being great. Showdown is literally the product of cutting out all the shit that isn't directly combat in the series and for what it is it is great.
Only answer.
Only if you let it do so.
I had legit forgotten about the game/ soundtrack until this thread. Time to get a copy of the FLAC myself
somehow had never heard of this before, from the site at least actually looks kind of neat. is it actually good though? any platform have any particularly advantages over the others? user reviews seem kind of mixed but dunno if that's because it's so-so or just the type of game where it's really niche, great if you're into that not so much otherwise.
If it's so good why can't i play it digitally on switch!
At its core, it's Hotline Miami with a cyberpunk polish. There's a lot of differences, such as skill trees (can relocate points at will), multiple abilities, shields, and such; but it seems that those that enjoy one will enjoy the other.
Also, the soundtrack is badass if you're a fan of the genre
oh yeah, I've got it on GOG with no issues. Can't speak to the other plats tho
Comfiest game out there.
Kim is best girl
that game isn't that great but its just innocent joy
friendly reminder that ss2 is better than bfe
This. I wish Pixel didn't sell out.
I want to fuck That goat
do you mean SE, or are you baiting?
got just the game for you, Mohamed
Kinda wanna get back into playing more Katana Zero now that they've apparently added in an actual speedrun mode.
CrossCode is a game I keep picking up, playing an hour or two, and then forgetting about it for another couple of months. I don't dislike the game at all but for some reason I can't put into words it just doesn't grip me. I think I just find the world/characters uninteresting, love the gameplay though.
>game is good and has good gameplay
>hurrdurr it has furfags in it so I won't play it
You don't play Sonic because he's a furry too?
This game is really something special. It just makes me happy.
What are the best indie metroidvanias? I've only really played Hollow Knight. I hear Risk of Rain and Dead Cells mentioned here a lot.
Why does Lea have bigger tits than Shizuka?
Environmental Station Alpha is a fantastic Metroidvania by the Baba is You developer. make sure to 100%+ it
Dead Cells is good, but difficult. It'll take some work to beat the game the first time on normal, then there's 5 more difficulties to go.
Haven't played Risk of Rain so I can't say.
Valdis Story is pretty good if you don't mind some RPG mechanics in your vanias, and is currently on sale on GOG for $5 and change. Pic related
Touhou Luna Nights
Only problem is that its only about 5-6 hours long.
>Euro Truck Simulator
>can't mow down pedestrians
>Retarded AI drivers
I would say is has some basis in reality.
They released the final content update in June iirc. It's really good for what it is. There's also speedrun and boss rush modes. My main complaint is that 1CC is too easy
Thanks. I'll try those.
Man, that looks aesthetic af
Fran Bow
Obligatory Cross Code shill post
Personally I got burnt out during the desert section, it just became tedious rather than fun, however every other facet of it was adorable and endearing.
>Dungeon of the endless
Dungeon game, fun, really pretty
Fast, fun, good game.
>Orion prelude
Cheap, old meme, dumb fucking game, fun for a few hours
>Muse dash
Not really indie because they have a publisher with some bank, but it's cute and not triple A.
One Step from Eden
Abyss Odyssey
Fairy Bloom Freesia
hades is the first of their games I could actually get into
>One Step from Eden
Game isn't even out?
>It'll take some work to beat the game the first time on normal
dude rapier lmao
I like Epic Battle fantasy
The rapier's not a default weapon, you gotta get it to drop, complete the level, get the needed cells. I'm not saying that normal's super hard, just that you're not going to stroll through it
Just do a custom run
Hollow Knight
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Thimbleweed Park
best game in the tread. doubling this patrician.
>Cross Code
game has atrocious pacing. It goes from fun to tedious chore very fast. Dropped during desert area in the second dungeon.
even the shitty indie games are better than BFE
Factorio all day, every day
>Valdis Story
My nigga. I'm surprised not more people know about that game, it's really solid and combat is actually fun. Gilda a cute
Guacamelee barely gets metioned in these kinds of threads but it deserves it
I like ubermosh but i just don't seem to have the reaction speed anymore. I struggle to reach 100 kills consistently.
Nutcracker with Wolf Trap is stupidly OP at the start. Carried me through my 4th run for my first win
I disagree, I found it dismal, nose-leading and fundamentally incapable of carrying itself with its own combat.
That most lategame enemies ignore combos and every boss is just a puzzle boss is enough proof of that.
looks like a good snes game i might have played 30 years ago. im not kidding either. why are modern day faggots so willing to accept ancient technology.
this game is trash, the developers are uncompetitive in an overcrowded market . and at best will get undeserved praise and cashout . like every other dev that got a small amount of success. they want enough money to retire on then you and every other faggot on this board can fuck off.
i hope this game fails, i hoe they have to sell their wives, sisters mothers, or selves to make ends meet.
and next developer that pops up goes,... hmm we have a shitty pixel game 30 years outdated. maybe we should get real jobs untill we can actually compete.
Love it
Ultra Fight Da! Kyanta 2
If you figure it out, let me know.
Read these words and let it sink in user:
There has not been a game that needs the technology we have in a decade.
There has not been a new type of game in the past 20.
The pixel indie games are no more derivative than The Witcher.
I don't agree with most of his premise, but I'm bored of indie devs focusing on only a few genres or styles and ignoring everything else.
>not appreciating pixel art
Get a load of this philistine.
Trends are like that unfortunately, and the desire to see fresh mechanics is something I can get behind. But since this is not like the Freeware scene of old, what sells actually is a factor now, and certain types of games become off-limits because they aren't trending.
Just out of curiosity, what sore of genres would you like to see more of? Or do you want something no one has ever thought of before, as difficult as that may be? Personally, I want more first person platformers, even with how janky they are, I find them cool.
Cave Story
The Binding of Isaac
Slay the Spire
Golf Story
Steamworld Dig 2
Hollow Knight
Shovel Knight
Darkest Dungeon
Dust: An Elysian Tale
Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass
why? what logic makes that a flaw more than any other locked away move tech?
>200+ posts
>No Shovel Knight
Fags the lot of you
>Tumblr filename
>Doesn't know how to ctrl+F
Makes sense.
i've actually been playing crosscode lately myself and it's great
an untitled story is good. it's a metroidvania by the dev who later went on to direct celeste. lots of platforming challenges in it. it's very mspaint which you may find charming or annoying. runman: race around the world is also a good mspaint gamemaker game.
Wizard of Legend seen left. Action Rouge-lite with a lot of well animated spells.
Chronicon, a solid Diablo-like game.
Wings of Vi if you're into platformer hells.It doesn't pull any hidden block Kaizo traps, or auto-deaths if you haven't played a part before. But it asks for incredibly tight platforming ontop of some brutal bosses.
Red Rouge is a simple buf fun Rouge-like using platformer like movement, free on flash.
Data Wing, Unity Chan's action shooting, and Dangerous Dungeon are good free mobile games that won't shove adds in your face every five seconds. Data wing is a unique but intuitive take on racing games. Unity-Chan is a mega-man rip off. And DD is a Gamboy-like mini metroidvania.
Hotline Miami: Gory overhead shooter with great atmosphere and music.
Hyper Light Drifter see above but less gore.
osu! for rythm games and training mouse accuracy.
Hyuketigyoden based on RoA
Jigoku Kisetsukan: Sense of the Seasons if you ran out of Touhou games to play. Plus it's free.
Pixel Legion another Flash Game that makes creative use of simple mechanics but uses them their it's fullest.
Devil engine
Dungeons are too long.
sell me on this game
looks like a meme
people say this game is like alundra but i dont see it. looks uninspired as fuck, basic anime shit
have sex
Seethe and dilate
isaac rebirth
zeno clash
hollow knight
Update killed it for me
The Messenger
I enjoyed Brigador.
ror isn't metroid vania at all, Dead Cells is more like one, but I wouldn't call it one either necessarily.
sequel fuckin where
Rogue Legacy
AM2R, if that counts
but is it actually good or are you just saying that cuz you can look right up this girl's bootycheeks
It's alright.
Most indie games have a perpetual dearth of memorable screenshots, people just tend to gravitate to the first few.
My negro
Brigador is a gem
>Replying to the same post 5 times
show me one indie game that looks like this
By that logic, it is a flaw that in Super Metroid you can't slide down walls or grip corners.
Katana Zero is top tier.