You haven't forgotten about Gravity Rush, have you user?
You haven't forgotten about Gravity Rush, have you user?
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Fuck it, here's a Spikat gallery
You sure?
dont forget the soundtracks!
GR 1
GR 2
Gravity Rush 2 sold well enough.
are you sure?
Prove it.
If Sony's own tracker is any indication, then yes. Not to mention the past two years of unaccounted sales from digital.
Dumb communist game
Weeb cringe
what does it mean?
It was a different time...
I was already bitter inside, but the GR2 servers going offline so quickly really broke my heart.
First time in years I even remotely cared about online stuff.
For The Players my ass.
its fucked up how much fun treasure hunts were
How could I ever forget my wife's games?
Kat didn't get enough anal porn. Put this shit on PC for we can rip her model. Thx snoy
What other kinds of porn does she need?
There's a thread on /3/ and models were indeed ripped.
The problem is making them useful.
I can imagine the only solution being commissioning someone into doing that.
Stinky hobos deserve to get beat up
Not this one
I hate how the raven dlc ruined the entire series
What the fuck were they thinking?
i still havent played it and i really dont want to with how bad everyone says it is
GR3 when?
I guess soon :
Even the sharing photos thing was fun.
kat pusy
kat futa
I actually forgot what happens in the dlc. I think Raven saves the kids but makes a time paradox? I remember seeing little Raven with the rest of the kids safe
shota is fucking disgusting mate.
everysingle shotafag I know is socially retarded or a furry
why does kat's porn suck so much?
only few people draw her for desperation
because kat is too pure to be lewded
t. porn artist
show me your work
I haven't forgotten about the still-high price for both games.
so satisfying
Who is prettier, Kat or Raven?
imagine that shantae animation by peachypop34 where she fucks risky with a dick while it's animated to we love burning gown's beat but instead with kat and raven and the background song is pleasure quarter
okay but imagine zone making a 20 minute long animation with kat and raven without tentacles except as a bonus scene
Raven, but Kat's cuter.
imagine birdway making a 3d animation of kat and raven
I bought both 1 and 2 for PS4 this month, but ahvent found the time to paly them yet.
What i will be into?
cute feet
>hate blond hair
>have a thing for red hair
Raven all the way, user
This but they also exist in video formats because i just remembered Flash is dying.
I can't forget one of my most favorite capeshit vidya
Holy based
flash is only dying if you want it to
my dick
A cute MC, weird plots and gameplay that's fun as long as you're not fighting things.
>Hating blonde girls
At least you're secure enough to admit your homosexuality, potato nigger.
imagine a minus8 animation of kat and raven haha
imagine an interactive flash game by creambee of kat and raven
possibly stuck in a pipe
I wish she was playable
we should have known sony was fucked when they started trying to erase her from existence
>as you're not fighting things
I don't care about fighting thoings onestly, i prefer the explorationa dn the platforming, is fighting mandatory or you can avoid it?
>liking hoes
justremember to play them after, or their pimp will breack your bones
Aside from scripted sections and boss fights you can avoid it. It's not even that bad, just kinda boring although the second game's combat is somewhat better.
Best song?
hell yeah
these threads give me life. thank you
I'm sad that they shut down GR2. I loved to just relax with treasure hunts after a long day at work. No game fills that void now.
that whole rich vs. poor theme felt really forced and cliche, and didn't really add anything
Can you imagine if a bunch of video game girls did a futa/dickgirl x female party and they came in pairs?
>Peach and Daisy
>Chun-li and Cammy
>2B and A2
>Bayonetta and Jeanne
>Marina and Pearl
>Kat and Raven
>Shantae and Risky Boots
>Fio and Eri
>Ivy and Taki
>Jill and Rebecca
Imagine a bunch of vidya girls on a sex party and some have dicks to fuck others haha
I do the same but with bloodborne or minecraft.
i did I bought it and love 2b kat
>>Marina and Pearl
>Not Callie and Marie
No and yes because I finished those games and don't remember much of it. Especially Remastered since I played it first and deleted them for free space for other games.
>ywn take Raven out for a meal at a fancy restaurant and have her rack up a million in gems
What would touching Elektricitie's butt feel like? asking for a friend haha
doggy pleasure
>artstyle comfy
>Music comfy
>Characters and story comfy
>Concept comfy
>Gameplay fucking shit
I played through both of them but wanted to kms at times
>>Gameplay fucking shit
what didn't you like about it
Anyone have the webm where kat moon jumped into the stratosphere?
I got a warning from Sony once due to uploading a bunch of Kat upskirt shots to the online thing
you're a better man than most
Gameplay is awesome, is the best superman game ever.
>Gameplay fucking shit
I don't mind the message, but it was objectively hamfisted and poorly written.
I think the point that it was hamfisted. You can argue it just doesn't work regardless though.
>the whole concept of the game is gravity
>the whole world is constructed arround a pillar
>the whole society is about who is up and who is down
I dont think it was hamfisted at all. Kat was always an outcast on the first game, I think the idea is undeveloped, but it fits on the narrative.
Give it to me straight user, how much better is 2 over the remaster.
Don't hold back, I can take it.
user they literally burn oil for fun and laugh about it. I don't think they could have gotten any more hamfisted with it unless they had literal money-burning parties.
2 is a much, much better game than 1
1's not bad or anything but it is a vita game so it has some pretty glaring and obvious limitations
The rich people are comically greedy but Kat doesn't hesitate to save them when their region gets attacked.
It's more about Kat's character arc and how she is willing to save the poor from the rich but also save the rich too by becoming a truly selfless hero while Lisa hesitated both times.
yes im too lazy to do the challenges
I don't really think that's a character arc for kat I think that's just a "good people will save assholes even if they're assholes", it's not like she had some massive issue prior about not saving a rich person's life because they were just a dick.
I personally liked how over the top and hokey it was.
>I personally liked how over the top and hokey it was.
I liked it too.
That area had some great music at least
Project Siren should just make another Siren game already
How could I forget the smell?
>I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer
Soft Ryona