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Give it time. Chances are that if there is an interest it will get its port.

There is a possibility that Sony payed for the exclusivity. If the game was a multi plat before but now isn't it's possible that they payed for it to be either an exclusive or timed.

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So, is that third girl just shoehorned in to sell the game again or? I don't know how they could squeeze in another girl in that love triangle story wise without it feeling forced

oh no i cant play the gay route!

She might not be a he she might be packing both. I've avoided spoilers so I don't know but if she is an angel in ancient scripture angels were said to be hermaphroditic.

so...she has a dick?

She has neither apparently. Like a Barbie doll

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Pretty sure. And she's a pianist. Make whatever jokes you want with that.

No, he a alien, and true form is a pink minion.

Is it worth it? I've never played the original, steam version 10$ in my region while ps4 full body 60$

I don't know if it's worth it, the game isn't out. I can tell you that the original was. For $10 it's worth checking out and if you don't want to spend $70 on the one game you can always wait till a price drop while you play it on PC and see if you find it worth it.

I think its funny that instead of porting it to the X1, they just made the original game BC.

I'm gonna pick up the japanese version of full body, because apparently the american dub is going to pander to the tranny crowd because of erica even though that's never been a problem in the first place. Fuck sony, fuck their censorship, and fuck Atlus for being cucks.


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Play original it isn’t censored

>no panties
why bother

Because Atlus is run by actual retards.


100% a male's body, even if she's an angelmao
yes, you're dealing with a dick and those balls
worth it since she's the best girl regardless though

Thats atlus answer to making people rebuy the same game again by shoe horning in another character for people to jerk off over.
Persona 4 golden, Strange Journey, Persona 5, Catherine, ect


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it's actually done pretty well
she's not a romantic interest at first, it develops into what's basically the "extra" theme for full body
which is sort of tied into the original freedom end