Haven't seen a Kaiserreich thread in eons. What do you want after the China rework? Favorite country to play as?
Kaiserreich Thread
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Syndicalists are the good guys
How? They just want to crush any financial freedom
The KR devs are fucking retards who don't know how to make a well polished mod. They restrict SO MANY functions of the game like choosing a head of government, releasing countries, puppeting, etc and make EVERYTHING run through their broken ass event timing scripts.
KR would be 10x better if the people making road to 56 were the ones working on it.
Balancing the game with all those functions would be somewhat difficult IMO. I think that they could definitely make more options available but I don't see why you hate the system they have in place so much.
t. blobfag
>road to 56
also also
>implying that's a bad thing
I prefer TNO
tno is pure delusional schizophrenia but it looks comfy
Oh absolutely, it's completely out of wack and everythings fucked but that's why I like it. i was starting to like TWR for more realism until I found out about being able to Knight the NKVD
Balkans & Austria rework is a must. They're doing Ottomans it seems so I guess that's on the table.
Transamur was a fun campaign for me. Just remember to break free from Japan ASAP, you just have to hold out at Vladivostok for half a year. If you don't, they WILL join your war against Russia and fuck you.
USA democratic world police campaign where I recreate modern day borders was pretty fun too, but piss easy.
just because of how interesting of a position it is
Kaiserreich is fine, but I'm more hyped for other mods currently in production
Red flood is looking promising as well, but I haven't heard much of it yet.
not him but I got into a argument with Kallar (the guy in charge of most of the scripting) over the problem with volunteers returning to their country of origin after a save reload.
I screen shared it happening to him, with only Kaiserreich enabled, NOTHING else and he basically responded with "Yeah I don't think thats an 'us' problem", I eventually started a steam discussion on it and had at least 11 other people having the same issue and the fuckwad proceeded to deny it happening. This was persistent in all updates up until just before together for victory iirc when it finally just stopped happening
Road to 56 is the only good mod for vanilla
I like big overhaul mods like this but the writing SCREAMS prussiaboo and its very cringy.
What do you guys recommend?
>good mod for vanilla
It's just shitty bloated mess.
"what if Germany lost ww1"
What settings do you guys select at the start of a game?
Do you allow sending troops to different ideologies plus creating alliances etc?
Country guaranteeing is retarded, first off. But free sending of volunteers is fun because it can help further your interests. I feel like they should add forces for "mercenaries", like, pay 1 civilian factory for every 3 division from a different ideology to come help you fight
EaW is better
What the hell is EaW?
Equestria at war, that user is a faggot
lol no, what a silly mod
>dumb ACW 2.0
>Genghis Khan 2.0
>France holds onto colonies despite losing mainland
>France holds onto colonies despite losing mainland
that kind of did happen though, just the big ones that got booted
>lol no, what a silly mod
name a better mod
For GOI4? The uninstall mod.
>that kind of did happen though
Not for years and years outside of war
>For GOI4? The uninstall mod.
I unironically agree desu. Ponymod has more varied starts and geopolitical situations while KR is just cookie cutter shit with different colors
>country is shit
>insert_political_ideology_here takes power
>(optional) civil war
>new ruler magics away political problems in like 3-4 focuses
>new ruler magics away economic problems in 3-4 focuses
>new ruler magics in new army and battle doctrine
>weltkrieg kicks off and country joins whatever faction their ideology aligns with
>weltkrieg ends and the games over, nothing left to do.
during world war 2, I'm pretty sure France lost indochina and North africa but still had most of everything else, whatever was really left
Kaiserreich is just fiction no need to get your panties in a twist
Let's be honest, very little is more satisfying than subjugating the inferior races for the God-Empress.
Griffon fucking shits
>but still had most of everything else
During a war, Correct.
Kaissereich non-Syndicalist France is at peace in 1936.
Also what about Gengis Khan 2.0? The shit ACW 2.0?
I hope these posts are ironic and you fags are just incredibly good at bait
There was a guy actually crazy enough to proclaim himself gengis khan 2.0
it actually happened
as for ACW don't know but if there was ever going to be another ACW it would have been during the great depression where people were desperate for change
and as a Mexico player shit is fucking cash trying to defeat the Shattered US
>There was a guy actually crazy enough to proclaim himself gengis khan 2.0
I know, and there is a massive difference between him being a minor warlord of a slice of territory, to being a recognized leader of a nation, to being able to conquer all of asia
Kaiserreich is shit.
>him being a minor warlord of a slice of territory, to being a recognized leader of a nation, to being able to conquer all of asia
So there was this guy, his name was Napoleon, he kind of did the same thing, then there was this other guy named Fredrick the great who did the other same thing
again, it's just fiction
dh version is better
The whole point of acw in kr is to nerf America and make NA more fun.
>his name was Napoleon, he kind of did the same thing
You might be retarded
Have you ever played a video game?
AHEM, it's not like that new Khan even takes everything at once and blobs, IIRC, he makes alliances with other Chinese warlords
>one of the great powers of Europe with its own industrial and agricultural bases
>a broken uncivilized frontier state
Ah, thanks for proven Kaiserreich is shit
>a broken uncivilized frontier state
>Fighting another uncivilized frontier state
you also forget France was literally Syria but worse during the French Revolutionary wars and their economic was a literal fucking potato
I like it.
The second american civil war is a fun clusterfuck
I think Genghis Khan 2.0 is off the table in the China rework. The campaign was fun gameplay-wise but it's very unrealistic, like the joke Tapining Heavenly Kingdom 2.0 in the same place Communist China would be.
ACW 2.0 also isn't very realistic, but it adds gameplay and variety to North America. Better than a USA that does nothing until 1941 then joins the Entente.
>The second american civil war is a fun clusterfuck
>its dumb, the hoi4 combat is boring but iT wAs FuN
>ACW 2.0 also isn't very realistic
The problem isn't that it isn't realistic its how they did it
It's simple: Kill Argentina too.
>muh realism
Fuck off niggers
They are removing meme Khan sternberg
get out this thread fag
Uh, proof?
The thing is, i wanna be bros with them like stalin and hitler should've been but like in latin america you know
Please elaborate.
>h-h-hoi4 b-bad
>k-kaiserreich b-bad
Why are you wasting your time here, roastie?
oh the irony
I like how the ACW creates so many possibilities for who might get America's eventual support, if at all.
>ACW 2.0 but FIVE nations instead of 2
Very realistic
This is the new Mongolian tree. The Ungern path just has some stuff about claiming the trans-siberian railway. No more crazy conquests.
Should be in one of the dev diaries
But why though? That shit was fun as fuck, hundreds of horse divisions flooding into Europe was kino
because Khan always gets btfo
the dev team are all communists or weird nationalists of ethnicities no one has ever heard of