Why are Dubfags on Twitter made up of literal children,
Why are Dubfags on Twitter made up of literal children
How is pic related to your post? It's just Schemmel complaining about being old, Linda Young had a similar problem with voicing Frieza. Also
This is currently the worst thread on Yea Forums. Congratulations.
Don't mind me, amigos. Just posting the best Goku VA
Why do people do this?
Why post fake arguments you had in your head on twitter? This has always given me cringe.
>user: listen dude, I'm a faggot
>user 2: yes, you are a faggot, lol, so am I
>user 3: wow, did someone say faggot? Because I totally am a faggot
>user 4: well, this is epic
What even is the point?
CastaƱeda is a hack, he doesn't act, that's literally his voice.
>tfw moved to Mexico City and now I can't stop noticing that all fucking "neutral Spanish" dubs are actually just Mexico City's normal accent.
Fuck you
funi about to get utter BTFO by broly
Basado y rojopildorado
No seas lloron
I thought they reused clips of Nozawa yelling due to her age
Dragon Ball is the only acceptable show. I remember being so hyped for DBZ and I had to drop it after the seven millionth episode of him running on the track in the afterworld or whatever.
Why the fuck is this on Yea Forums?
DBZ english voices are far better than the jap voices.
jap has one old lady who voices half the cast and they all sound like dying cats.
encogerse y azulpildorado
Ten sexo
t. retarded amerimutt
Dragon Ball had the exact same problem you idiot. You're just too stupid to realize.
based and truepilled. Anyone who says they like jap voices are legit mentally handicapped.
Silence, dog.
A mi me suena que simplemente eres un pendejo
>samefagging this hard
nice picture for ants dumb fuck
Q:How does it feel to finally beat broly?
Schemmel: it was only possible with the help of bulma
Pinche loleo.
What's the latest news on that shitfest anyway?
not really all that much akiva cohen filed a complaint against ty beard so ty beard is going full force on akiva cohen for being a faggot
Wrong, here is best Goku and Sponge Bob VA
Wtf am I even supposed to take away from this
Yeah no shit.
Weebs legit must have a problem in their brain to prefer the japanese voices for DBZ. DB, sure. NOT fucking DBZ.
Have you ever heard the broadcast audio? It's dramatically better.
Yeah ok nostalgiafag
The dub with the original score is so good. Too bad super fucked it up with schemmel going full retard trying to become goku and going full batman and british
db(z) is the only exception i make concerning sub vs dub.
Goku is so incredibly god awful in japanese that it makes the american dub sound good
Schemmel actually screams
Nozawa does an elderly screech and they likely recycle them from earlier in her career
I watched the entire DB jap dub first and I still hated granny Goku. I'm convinced that hardly anybody genuinely enjoys her performance and simply tolerates it at best since she is such a fixture for the series. And the 99% of retards that do claim to enjoy it are only doing so to fit in with the rest of the retards that claim the same thing.
I had to power through granny Goku once I caught up with the dub for Super, and this was after a binge of all of Z. It's goddamn grating.
Sean joined the #metoo against Broly's VA so he can choke on a dick, playing jap dub from now on in any game that supports it
100% agree. Dbz is the only anime where I actively avoid sub. Granny voices are fucking AWFUL.
>grandma Goku is always the dealbreaker
Goku isn't the only character in the series you know. But I wouldn't expect an American DB fan to even know who Wakamoto is.
can't wait for sabat to get fucking destroyed
Are you challenging me?
>mfw they probably are indoctrinating some young jap woman in some bunker somewhere so she can take over Masako's identity when she dies
Reminder, this thread is full of dubfags AND mall-kiosk quality Falconer music enthusiasts. His garbage sounds worse than a keyboard salesman showing you all the features of the Casio's beat presets.
Just watched the entire show in Japanese, those are their voices to me. Now I die laughing anytime I hear
yeah, granny gohan is shit too
Goku is the main character, meaning he gets the most screen time and the most speaking time. His japanese voice being insufferable is gonna be a fucking dealbreaker
She sounds pretty badass at times. And I started with DB so her voice is just Goku to me. English isn't bad but those clowns can't even shuffle into a recording booth without accusing each other of rape.
What about Granny Goten? She actually gives all 3 of the boys a different flair though a baka like you wouldn't understand.
Sopa de macaco.
Schemmel does better screams, but his emotional range is absolute dogshit compared to Nozawa.
yeah compared to
The original OST is ancient godzilla sounding shit, fucking embarassing. Kai has a better OST than either though.
>granny goku is sh-
anyone that likes dragonball isn't human
DB is a great litmus test for genuine weeaboos. Dub/sub is often just up to preference but the best way to find out if someone is a weeaboo is to see if they prefer subs for DBZ/S and Cowboy Bebop. The dubs for these shows are straight up massively better than the subtitled versions and the only ones who say otherwise are purist retards who can't accept anything that isn't Japanese.
As a rule though, most anime really is better subtitled. These are just exceptions.
>guy has a problem with screaming constantly as he gets older
>old lady has no problem doing an old lady voice she's been doing for the last 30 years
>delusional dubfag who's first anime were on american TV claims them to be good
There are no exceptions, all dubs are equal: equally trash. There are no less dirty spots in the garbage pile.
The funny thing is that grandma goku is really fucking great when she voices different types of Goku: One example being Goku Black as an arrogant sociopath, (literally made her get fanmail from horny jap women), the other being the eerily calm UI Goku.
But since Goku is a mentally retarded backwater hick manchild that's just how his voice is supposed to be.
But still a good example of what granny goku holds over Schemmel. The more decisive and controlled excitement fits a lot better into the style of what SSB is meant to be, compared to Schemmel just doing the usual shouting.
Nozawa is at her finest when she does "Goku gets fucking serious". Rest of the time she sounds way too goofy, even if we consider Goku is supposed to be a legitimate dumbass
Shut up EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHfag, nobody takes you seriously.
You say that, but Nozawa's voice work much better fits the comedic scenes of the show
Isn't Goku supposed to be in pain because of the amount of stress kaio-ken + Blue puts on his body? Schemmel definitely reflects this much better in his performance.
>Yea Forums now shills for literally SJW faggots because they're not Japanese
DBZ yes but Cowboy Bebop?
Get the fuck out of here, faggot
The writing makes Goku goofier with time. Especially in Japanese where they tend to exaggerate and flanderize his hillbilly speech style way too hard recently, which makes it come off in Nozawa's voice acting too.
Kaio-Ken + Blue is only possible due to the extreme discipline and ki control of SSB. Nozawa being much more decisive reflects this much better in her performance than Schemmel's chaotic shouting.
Fuck off granny
This. Being a jap voice puritan only makes sense when the voices fit.
Dubfags are delusional idiots who don't know anything about DB and think Goku is meant to be some paragon of manliness and The Best when really he's a naive hillbilly mountain farmer who happens to punch really well.
Dragon Ball fans are literal children
I'm about 60% for sub and 40% for dub in the sense that I'll watch sub if given the option but will still follow dub stuff out of interest and firmly believe it can be great most of the time.
But this is inexcusable.
DBZ is the only time in anime history dubs were better
It feels like it breaks this character progression to see him come back wiser and stronger for the world tournament during Buu's arc, even if still kinda silly, but then Super starts and he's a fucking retard again
Schemmel has an idea of what Goku is supposed to sound like. So he has a goal and tries to meet it, and says that meeting that goal gets harder as time goes on.
Nozawa on the other doesn't have an idea of what Goku sounds like, she just decides that she is Goku. If she can't scream as hard, well that just means Goku can't scream as hard. This is her line of thinking. She doesn't try to reach for a goal, whatever her capabilities are, that's as far as Goku can go.
You're a retard
>director has specific instructions for how characters should sound
>JP Spike seiyu is so fucking full of himself he decides to ignore direction because he feels like emulating Lupin would make Spike a better character
>English Spike VA follows direction to the letter and understands what makes Spike a great character in the context of the show instead of committing the VA equivalent of plagiarism
The JP dub of Cowboy Bebop is a travesty.
I dunno, retarded hilbilies are pretty manly.
They fucking butchered it
The only anime I've come across where I prefer the dub are DBZ, Cowboy Bebop and Baccano.
I read the entire manga in moonrunes. What you're saying is only half right. One of the most common criticisms for Super in Japan is that the writers have no idea how to handle Goku and they rely way too hard on the "he's a hillbilly!" shtick as his entire characterization even though in the manga that was only one part of it and he became significantly more serious when facing genuine threats to himself and his friends and even kept the accept to a minimum so that the reader won't think it's ridiculous during some scenes. Yes, he's a hillbilly by origin (arguably, he was mostly just sheltered and given that accent for uniqueness' sake, it's not actually even that analogous to American "hillbillies") and not a traditional superhero in the sense that he likes fighting a lot, but a lot of people who don't understand his character take it way too hard into that direction and turn him into a bumbling goofy sociopath yank because that's all he appears at a first glance.
Detras de ti, imbecil
isn't granny goku like 90 years old?
Are there people who take Super seriously? The whole thing has been a tongue in cheek joke from the very start.
>The original OST is ancient godzilla sounding shit, fucking embarassing. Kai has a better OST than either though.
>Existing in this unrefined state
What the fuck
Schemmel nailed it. How anyone can prefer Goku not sounding constipated 24/7 I will never know.
You're literally the fag he was talking about lol
You could take both DBZ and DB seriously despite the comedic elements. If you're too "nofunallowed dragonball was always dumb!!", you'd also find that the comedic elements in the past series (especially DB) were still genuinely entertaining. Super was not, even as a gag series. It actually shone the brightest when it was being serious and well animated on rare occasions.
we 4Kids now?
Name the season where pacing was as shit as DBZ's Saiyan-Buu sagas.
Hola onions Goku!
>muh weebs
You dubfags don't understand at all.
It's not about Japanese being better.
It's about Japanese being the original language.
The same applies to any foreign film or show.
t. voicelet
Your taste is shit and you should improve. She's objectively one of the best voice actresses in the world.
Is this real? Is that animation official?
Do you think the Japs watch Spongebob in English, dipshit? Fuck off.
All of Toei's animation budget goes to Precure.
The real reason to watch the subs is for the OST.
The Faulconer score is fucking shit and anyone that says otherwise is a retarded nostalgiafag.
Something about that animation is just disgusting even compared to the worst of their One Piece animation. Also who is Hiro's VA from Shin Chan voicing?
The Super dub feels like them shitposting at times, but overall it's not like Super is that good anyway.
>just children
I've learned that every retarded murrikan that is uncapable of even trying to read more than 2 lines of dialogues are the ones that keep demanding those shitty english dubs
Faulconer's OST itself was perfectly fine. How it was actually used in the show is where the real issues lie.
>Toei doesn't support that
yeah they don't support you backstabbing and causing drama in the anime scene you fucking retard
portuguese was dubbed by like 5 people for the entire cast
Adults shouldn't watch spongebob to begin with