He's right you know
He's right you know
I want a sequel to quake 4
The only reason people played Quake in the 90s was multiplayer and the game engine. Nowadays nobody wants to play a game thats Doom but without the cool aesthetics. Quake is generic as hell, theres better multiplayer FPS and the aren't the most technological advanced game anymore
Ditch the whole strogg crap and bring back Eldritch horrors in gothic/medieval settings
Agreed, they should go back to the weird future gothic medieval aesthetic from the original.
God I hope this never happens.
We need a new good Unreal Tournament.
No point in a Quake game when Doom exists.
with 3 shit ones wasn't enough for you?
Video games in general just need to be good again
99, 2003, 2004 were good. 3 was mediocre with a shit story and 4 was cancleled because of Fortnite.
unreal 2 , 3 and the shit thats on alpha
Ok, but who should develop it? And how will they not fuck it?
2003 wasn't really good. Hence why they had to release an improvement version (2004).
I still miss 99.
That's why I said "good"
>more stroggshit
no thanks
the last 3 ones were shit, that was my point
Quake's been rebooted like a dozen fucking times in the last decade, always fails. Nobody wants a hardcore arena shooter.
UT2 = UT 2003/2004
Unreal 2 is the sequel to Unreal, not UT.
4 wasn't even remotely finished but they did throw in improvements and it could've turned out well if they put more people on it.
4 was cancelled because nobody played it.
No, both Paragon and UT4 was canceled because of Fortnite BR blowing up. This is what came up during the EpicGame Fortnite crunch stories. To keep up the content and update flow they had to move everyone onto Fortnite BR because it was making so much money and they wanted to keep it going.
Well shit, a somewhat sensible article from a journo?
I'd rather have Quake 5 going back to its lovecraftian roots but I wont complain if Id takes a stab at a reboot
Honestly would be nice, I'd prefer it over constant attempts to recapture Quake 3. There's been a half dozen attempts at arena shooters, the audience for them is niche and satisfied with just having old Quake.
>Eldritch horror
Fuck that and fuck your Reddit-tier taste. We need an arena fps based on surrealism
The Quake aesthetic is garbage, the narrative is shit, there is no character to hook the player with (like doomguy), the weapons are uninteresting, niche is filled by doom, no one would want to touch a quake mp game after qc flopping and falling apart.
It would need to completely re-invent Quake, otherwise it wouldn't have a chance.
What they need to do is not censor the original female costumes
Fuck Quake and fuck you, Quake needs to die already.
All I want is the shooter that is fast as fuck with shit load of weapons, no slowdowns and no realoading, some crisp visuals and no class faggotry, but I will never get it again, because everything needs to be either "work as a team" bullshit or shitty fucking BR.
Fuck this shit I hate everything and everyone, god damn fucking cunts
Beyond Evil may be something you like. Made by the dudes that did DUSK
>It would need to completely re-invent Quake
like adding shit moba skills?
seems that worked perfectly!
Amid Evil I mean, sorry
I'd play a Quake 1 reboot ala D44M
I want to blow up armored knights in a Gothic castle with a grenade launcher in a Lovecraftian horror setting in HD dammit!
Every fucking arena shooter that came out died in obscurity and it's your fault
No one wants this shit
Remember Quake? Now THAT was a good game.
we got mods to keep the series alive
fuck these sort of faggots who think the mother 3 fan translation doesn't exist because "it's not official"
Singleplayer is shit, retards. Quake is a Multiplayer game.
A more traditional Quake game would be too similar to Doom and a MP Quake game would be too similar to QC.
So it can't be even remotely like either of these. It would need to stand out.
Without extensively re-inventing Quake it wouldn't work.
How is this my fucking fault you ape, not my fucking problem that they are trying to release Quake not Quake every fucking 4 years
I want a sequel to Quake (1)
Where do I go to learn about deep Quake lore?
They died because they kept making shitty Quake clones and never got the memo that people don't want that shit.
manuals and intermission texts in games?
>x needs y and here is why
name a dozen quake reboots
>We need an arena fps
we really don't, you arenaniggers don't even play the games that are out there
I feel like Doom Eternal will be a perfect blend between Doom and Quake. I wasn't so excited about Doom 2016 but fuck this new one is looks 10/10. I hope gameplay is decent too.
I'll check it out, thanks
Doom Eternal is even doing the grim gothic cathedral map style when it's not Hell and space maps. Quake lost its niche ages ago
how about we stop having infinite franchises that change hands to people that have never had any real connection to them while we all eagerly hold our hands out to get pissed in because of a label
no i have no need for anymore singleplayer multiplayer games. i already get my fill from zero player fighting games
I want a quake singler player that doesnt such and we havent had that since quake 1. Level design in 2 is aids
riddle me this arenacucks, what's the point of making another multiplayer Quake if noone is going to play it?
There isnt we need a good single player like the new wolfenstein and quake games
>Quake's been rebooted like a dozen fucking times in the last decade
>Quake 4 (2005, more than a decade ago)
>Quake Champions (still in EA)
Your picture applies to yourself, dipshit.
the only way it would be worthwhile is if it was full of gothic architecture with fantasy and horror mobs
if it's borg shit i would rather jump into a star
>We need an arena fps
You don't play arena shooters and nobody else does, stop pretending you want more. There have been a dozen arena/champion shooters that have failed in the past 2-3 years alone.
Borg shit is trash i agree. Full on gothic lovecraftian shit would sell. There is so much to work with
"Pre-order QUAKE to get guaranteed access to the QUAKE beta! :^)"
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I fixed Quake :)
Rocket jumping and strafe jumping are cool mechanics, especially when self damage is low or off so you can rocket jump all over the place.
The new Quake is extremely laggy and also it's a bit intense for my taste. Sometimes it's a lot of fun but it wears off pretty quickly.
IDK. I grew up playing Urban Terror and Assault Cube so this style of game is pretty much part of me.
It's just eternal war mate. I wouldn't mind like a mini-sequel to see how Kane got on after he got stroggified and all (besides kicking ass all day every day). Can't imagine the human military trusted him for very long.
someone get tront on the line.
I kind of wish they'd just start a new franchise with Doom SP and Quake MP. I wish they'd combine the aspects of the old and new Dooms and Quakes. i.e. old Doom's labyrinthine map design, new Doom's combat. Old Quake's crisp engine, new Quake's matchmaking. But also have more gamemodes, community servers, more than just 4v4 etc. Additionally I feel like they halfassed the abilities in QC. They could have designed some really cool characters rather than just making it Quake 3 with a few abilities and slightly updated maps.