>next game chances party member gender
Next game chances party member gender
WTF I hate frogs now?!?
Based Nickelodeon for not wanting to air this trash after they saw the finished product
You know, considering the humor of Rocco being about the weirdness of modern society and the characters being weird individuals, someone getting a sex change is actually pretty fitting
Too bad we're in the era of people not shutting the fuck up about progressive agenda bullshit
Wait, didn't frogs have the ability to change gender if the situation needed it (not enough males/females in the group)?
It would’ve been alright if it wasn’t the whole center of the entire movie
Not to mention they don't even change the voice.
It's not even a plot point, it's just something that happens and is quickly passed through.
Is her voice the same
The new Rocco's Modern Life movie boldly tackles the issue of pesticides affecting the environment by highlighting that pesticides have been linked to male frogs spontaneously growing female reproductive organs. An issue that's gone unnoticed in these turbulent political times, remains pressing none the less
Rocko always fucking sucked by the way
Rocko's modern life was never good.
So they are making the frogs gay?
But the sex change isn't the primary focus of the movie, the primary focus is Rocko and Ed having to encounter change in modern day society, Ralph getting a sex change is one out of many changes they have to face.
I only found it odd because Ralph Bighead IS based on Joe Murray, the creator of the show
What did he means by this?
The Bigheads are TOADS you fucking shitty tiny brained nonces
It has a lot of attention towards it, but it's not really the main focus. The drama for the son being transgender only really happens in like the last 20 minutes. Besides, the focus is how society has changed, and making jabs at it. Also obviously has the "change is a good thing" message at the end.
Why did nobody age in 20 years
Also fun fact Heffer is literally actually truly seriously a character in the Cartoon Network show Camp Lazlo
Fuck off, frog. No one here cares about the differences between you and toads. You're both the niggers of the amphibian branch of the animal kingdom. Go back to your cesspool of dumped chemicals and grow some more ovaries and stay off my board, faggot.
I completely agree with this. It helps that they didn't really mention it was a thing until the week of the premiere and no one really draws attention to it.
The reactions Rocko and crew have to learning he is trans are the following quotes
>That's so cool
dilation day is a very dangerous day
Based, fuck fr*gs
I’m not lying.
Its also the biggest and most prominent one they focus on given how much of the plot has to do with Ralph
Almost like Rocko and Lazlo were made by the same guy