Videogames need more transwomen representation, discuss
Videogames need more transwomen representation, discuss
I agree
no way fag
But astolfo isnt a tranny
post butt pls
As long as they look like Astolfo or Poison then I'm okay with more trannies
we already have too many trannies, we need more futas
No one needs any representation, fuck off and just play whatever the hell you want.
Yes she is /pol/cel
no he isnt...he even says so
Stop being gay
you will never pass as a woman
Traps aren't the same as trannies.
Crossdresser ≠ tranny
Cringe kys
Liking either one means you're gay.
how does one acquire a gf (male) ?
Indeed my friend, transgirls rise up!
How many times do we have to go over this. Traps and trannies are not the same.
Trap: Boy that looks convincingly like a girl
Tranny: mentally ill man who believes he's a woman
why people keep forcing this shit anyway ?
he said numerous of times he is a dude
>need more transwomen representation
>posts a straight male
There are already many games that allow you to kill your own character somehow.
Astolfo is crazy and like to dress up as a girl, but doesn't think of themselves as a girl.
Try D'Eon.
Gamers rise up
Trannies trying to hijack our cute boys for their disgusting agenda
Not really. Fuckin loser. Trannies take disgusting drugs and have to actively try and look feminine.
Illya is the cutest but Kuros delicious brown butt is also great
Astolfo is a male name you retard.
Is this a new epic meme? Astolfo indentifies herself as a woman and is therefore trans like any of other you incels masturbate to
gay bar or pride parade.
>They think she's being serious
In game, Astolfo gets affected by female only skills.
i need more traps in my games...for representation of course
Dilate tranny faggot clearly dont follow the games he is in, even in the anime he said he just like to dress "cute" when asked if he was a girl he said he was a dude, in the game and out of the game
This image always makes me laugh considering how 90% of the relationships in that series is gay. And Kobayashi grows a fucking dick.
Video games need more OP representation. It's hard to immerse yourself when there isn't someone sucking cock nearby at all times.
rollin for thicc husbando
Trannies are the scum of the earth, I will protect the boypussy with my life
Astolfo is just a shameless crossdresser.
You want , Da Vinci got to choose his appearance and intentionally came back looking like the Mona Lisa with a bigger rack.
Astolfo identifies as male and says so himself. Fuck off.
>still not translated
I sleep
Astolfo doesn't even fucking pretend, he's so retarded that in a series where Servants don't reveal their identity (lest you learn all their weaknesses on the spot and this shit is so guarded even though they were technically on the same team for the time at least no one else gave theirs) he gave his name and gender in his introduction.
cope nigger
Astolfo is PROUDLY trans, the Japanese are mongoloids that didn't developed a word for his case yet and so are you
Also if she was real she would give her life to support the lgbtqiapk+ movement
The only thing worse than a tranny is anime fags who enable this sort of shit.
If you're going to be gay, at least do it right.
You’ll never be a woman
Seething tranny
>boy pussy
>draw girl call it le boy meme
i mean...i dont know why people keep forcing him as tranny, he isnt, there are other servants that fill that spot, even on his BIO it says he used to be really popular between girls
buddy I hate to tell you this, but traps irl are just as insane as you thinks trannies are. Usually moreso actually, because they have all the mental problems of normal trans people plus the added layer of repression and self-loathing.
>still not transITIONED
I sleep
Haha, great bait, right? Right guys!?!? It's bait right?
sure, people like poison so why not make more poisons
>still not translated
Post her feet
Got a problem with that faggot?
her (his) feet is so cute!!
Reality does not care about your feelings, Astolfo is trans and you are retarded women hating incels in eternal cope
Shitposting meme, that way they get to piss off the dumbass who created and people who keep posting and start the whole transsexual wars bullshit.
Haven't been in them but I won't be surprised if it ruined the Poison threads too. I'm seriously ready for this place to just go, it's been ready to die for going on a decade now.
I don’t hate women I hate men who will never be women
oh alright, i can see people getting angry because of that, i was just like "but there are other servants that can be considered as trans"
Ahaha keep seething fags
i want to kiss femboys
roll ing
Da Vinci has a fucking meme about whether or not he went full female, has both, or is legitimately a tranny for fuck's sake, and the comic version of MC hopes for the latter two.
what an awful thread holy shit
Because you’re lying to yourself and others and coping and it’s obnoxious. Just say you’re gay. You don’t need to go through all these hoops and present yourself as a girl (which you’re not)
>posts astolfo
Holy freaking, unironicall yikity yikes!
imagine the smell under the scrotum
I'm a woman tho
i wish i was batman
>he rushes to post this pic without realizing that it was posted already
Keep seething
pic unrelated
Why is this thread still up?
why would you say that?
Because the janitors are dead. RIP.
give me
When will they ever learn
im just gonna bump this thread dont mind me
Why promote a legitimate mental illness?
>jannies remove ffxiv posts and normal porn
>doesn't remove cunny shit even after reporting
Fucking pedo jannies are fucking degenerates
I like to think of gender confused "people" as weak.
The change seems to occur most in "people" between the age of 8 and 20, when the human body is most into it's stage of growth, when hormones are surging and the mind is most unstable.
The desire to switch gender usually comes from the idea that the grass is greener on the other side, for the majority it is that they wish to become a woman, so they never have to grow up, so that they can remain childish and mothered by other people - so that they never have to go through adulthood. Lazy, selfish. I find most traps are incredibly narcissistic too, victims of their own complex now that they have designed, in a way, their dream girl, having given up looking for her, they become her, then wear her like a corpse over their real identity, and act as her, fooling others.
Having others see you as what you want is manipulation, it does not matter how you put it, and traps are sly, damaged "people" who live through manipulation of themselves and their surroundings.
Even on the Internet they try their best to be feminine through their misguided view of women (":3" spam, etc).
You are a failed male.
You will not escape this in the eyes of people who don't sympathize with your immaturity and failure
I’m a trans woman.
Give me one good reason why you won’t date me.
Astolfo is a man, not a disgusting tranny. Games need more cute boys, but all trannies need to be burned alive.
This thread is cute and making me feel funny
Why? I unironically will if you pass
>why aren't the jannies protecting my off-topic thread???
you aren't wrong, but you need to stop reddit spacing
>series has an actual transgender character
>latch onto the male-identifying trap as a trans icon
because you're ugly as fuck. estrogen makes your body look like shit and your dick is lame and broken. trannies are gross and they're stupid.
I like pussy not infected wounds.
jannies are asleep right now, which is why the board is so shit
>choosing to be mentally ill
I need an authentic vagina in my sex life
They've been doing it more and more. There's even a mentally ill tranny in the /d/ trap thread right now trying to claim all traps are "transwomen".
rolling for Wiz
You will never pass. You will lock yourself away in your home and become more and more bitter and delusional as you desperately try to convince yourself that you look like a women.
Your only friends, and I use that word very lightly, will be fellow castrated men who will also be suffering the same regret and mental anguish over their poorly thought out decision. The entirety of your "friendship" will be mutual reassurance that you didn't make a mistake and discussing how to make other people fuck up as bad as you did so you won't be alone in your misery.
But you will be alone, even around other people.
Always alone in your head, always suspicious of what others really think about you, always knowing the truth that they are only humoring you out of pity.
Despised by all, hideous, a freak. Incapable of having love, a family, or genuine human connections. Slowly slowly slowly your grip on reality will slip away until, on the rare moment you are forced to confront it, it will be such a shock to you such a painful reminder of what you actually are that the intrusive thoughts will highjack your every waking moment.