Fuck it boys, a lot of people in top 8 of EVO were using fightsticks. Think it's time to join the club. What are some good ones?
Fuck it boys, a lot of people in top 8 of EVO were using fightsticks. Think it's time to join the club...
Is it hard to "transition" from game pad to fight stick if you've been playing pad for years?
Memesticks are shit just keep using pad
I play fighting games with an MMO mouse so I can masturbate at the same time.
Don't get a fightstick if you aren't sure that you'll be comfortable with it. Lots of people play and win with pads, they just practice with what they prefer. Hell, there was a kid this year using a modified Guitar Hero controller and he made it out of his pool.
Just get whatever with sanwa parts.
yes, there's no clear advantage with using any type of control. Its what you're used to. Most people prefer sticks because they grew up playing at the arcade.
My suggestion to OP? Don't buy one. But if you must absolutely indulge, a Qanba drone is cheap and easily moddable for better buttons.
I'd suggest a qanba obsidian. You can always resell it and you won't be soured on sticks by buying a shitty mayflash or something
Yes, but it is very doable with some effort and you won't have problems switching back and forth.
>a lot of people in top 8 of EVO were using fightsticks
That's because they grew up playing in arcades.
is this shit good for a beginner?
You don't need a stick for current fighting games. The only reason you see people using them still is because they used them back then in the 90s.
When you watch Dragon Ball FighterZ or Mortal Kombat the majority of player use a regular PS4 controller. Also SonicFox plays on pad is one of the best players in the world.
anyone tried playing with hitbox? people keep saying its better than regular stick but I dont know anyone that actually uses one
Hitbox > sticks
Even DaiGOAT agrees
Didn't Gootecks come back from the future to warn us that hit box "was" the future?
No, it's literal dogshit. I got one to get a feel for sticks when I started and the stick itself broke in a month or so. The buttons on top of being subpar quality are also way too small so you would have to retrain your muscle memory if you ever get a full size stick.
>Fuck it boys, a lot of people in top 8 of EVO were using fightsticks.
what a fucking stupid reason to buy a stick. you'll be mediocre forever
Just don't put gay ass art on it.
no, these are pretty awful. Unless you have a flat surface, you probably won't find an enjoyable lap position. Which defeats the purpose of it being portable.
>mini anything
No. Either shell out the $120 for a decent stick or stay with a pad. You're not going to get away with an in-between. There's no hidden secret that fighting game pros don't want you to know about, shit costs money.
Is my fight stick good? I got it 2 weeks ago for $60
first understand that what matters is what there is inside, you can pretty much have one expensive stick that fucking sucks with the components
So you're saying you haven't taken it out the box?
Fight stick? Over here in England we call them twiddly clicker clacks.
is this really yours? If so, I want you to know that this made me laugh a lot. Thank you, you're a fucking treasure user
>he thinks its just the controller thats holding him back
Don't feel obligated to pick one up, OP. It won't magically make you better at the game.
I got one about a month ago. I find it's more fun to use, I don't know how to explain it. I can feel the moves more if that makes sense. I'm still better at pad but I'm getting decent on stick.
I bought the Razer Panthera Evo. Other popular ones are Hori RAP and Qanba Obsidian. Look to spend around $200, don't cheap out a good stick will last years.
There are clear advantages for both, sticks make you use 4 fingers for the 8 face buttons which, so 2 fingers for each button which are easy to reach. Pad uses the thumb for 4 essential face buttons.
Pad has easier quarter circel inputs and dragonpunch inputs, while doing a half circle is easier on stick.
Do it right and get a hitbox if your muscle memory isnt adjusted to a stick yet.
god damnit should've proof read that shit, remove the which, also 2 buttons per finger
Best choice is probably the Obsidian. It has a good amount of aftermarket support. Like if the layout isn't working for you then you can change to a different layout easily. If execution is too hard for you then you can change it to a hitbox pretty easily.
Is there any reason to not go hitbox?
Preference. Some people prefer not having to learn button presses with their right hand. And don't let the people who hype Hitbox trick you. You're never going to execute 3f DPs on the fly during a tournament.
I really can't be bothered to relearn how to play.
because hitbox players are cheating scum
>learning an outdated device
Lmao do not fall for the stick meme and peer pressure.
Sticks are only a thing because old heads refused to relearn and made their arcade controls portable.
They are objectively the worst choice between stick, pad, and hitbox/keyboard.
I have one. It's a cheap, casual stick for people who aren't serious about the genre. For the price, it makes sense for that. However, just pay $40 more and get a Qanba drone, it's worth it.
I agree with the choice to switch to stick. Pads will change every year, that pad you're used to might not work later, or it will break and you can't get another one. Sanwa levers and buttons will always be available. Don't cheap out on the stick you buy though, but if you do, make sure you can swap the parts for Sanwa parts. I personally use the Hori Fighting Edge PS4 and hated the hori buttons and lever, but I love the metal surface, so I switched the buttons and lever out with sanwa parts.
>good out of the box tier
>obsidian, dragon, panthera, victrix, madcatz TE2/TE2+/TES+
>if you buy, buy sanwa parts too tier
>any hori stick, crystal, drone (doable, buthard to mod)
>don't bother tier
>anything else
I just thought if you do not have muscle memory on any other device already, it seemed like the best way of input.
Like it should be the fastest and cleanest in theory.
I enjoy my fightstick.
Even as a beginner stick it's pretty lackluster. Fight sticks are one of those things you don't cheap out on. You absolutely get what you pay for.
I'd say if you really don't have the money to spend on a decent stick and can find the thing for like $20 then sure, get it. But otherwise avoid.
It is. Getting one in yurop seems to be a pain in the ass though.
the drone is easy to mod
its not as simple as just swapping the parts though like the hori sticks. unless he wants a tiny stick, he'd really be better off with a RAP4
Just use keyboard.
What? it is just as simple as swapping the parts
a quick google search shows that the connector on the lever isn't the same, some sort of splice or solder is required
Time to practice some guilty gear.
not sure what you mean. I used this thing to hook up the stick to the pcb. focusattack.com
>there are people seriously thinking they'll magically get better because other people use a different controller
News flash: the reason why they're using it is because they either grew up with it or it was all they used. You're not going to get any better from switching from pad to stick.
you’ll have more fun and possibly play more
Is the fightstick on op photo good for a beginner?
Does the stick have microswitches? I remember playing a ms. pacman plug and play console so I liked the stick
I just got a new one but only because my ps4 controller stopped working all together. the new stick took me a week to get used too. I think I had an easier time moving around with a dpad but the joystick isn't bad.
hm, alright, well OP can use that then if he wants to get a drone
Got a mayflash f500 elite. Felt pretty good wnd planning to replace the art.
the pcb will be dead in a month
it's only good if you replace the stick and buttons with sanwa parts
You will not get any better
That's strange. Mine works still pretty well with sanwa parts.
>Pads will change every year,
so just use the one you used last year? there are people that play with a psx pad.
>that pad you're used to might not work later
?????? do you think converters are exclusive to stick or something? you're a retard
>or it will break and you can't get another one.
a broken pad is easier to replace than a stick considering pads are much cheaper. faggot shill
find me a madcatz 360 fightpad that isn't covered in hand dirt
enjoy your input lag and getting patched out
Why not just get a mayflash f300 for sixty bucks and invest in sanwa parts? I have one, it's big and sturdy, stick is a bit shit but can be easily replaced with a 20 bucks sanwa stick. I don't get the usefulness of replacing the buttons either, they do feel cheap but I really don't see how that's an hindrance
stick is fun
I want to learn stick but I'm also leaning towards hitbox since it's going to hurt my hands less
you realize many sticks use converters too? how do you think people are able to use one stick on playstation, xbox, and pc? half of them have converters built in now. and input lag is nonexistent with shit like a brooks converter? you have no idea what you're talking about moron, just fucking Google it
>you have to use a discontinued pad
absolutely retarded. I'm not replying to you anymore because you don't play fighting games
>get used to a particular dpad
>next gen company redesigns it
>have to get used to it all over again
>brook converter
>not adding an extra frame of lag
>go to japan
>can't play in arcades because no pad
kill yourself padnigger, don't forget to desync your controller before you do
What's a cheaper model to get?
I don't mind ordering sanwa parts and swapping them in, but I don't want to have to like use my own PCB or some shit, you know?
I got this for $80 used, did I do good?
F300, it's easy to swap out parts
might want to consider hitbox as well. I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and one of the main reasons people don't use them is simply because they're used to stick
Yes they are good sticks
also because they're sold absurdly high and unlike stick they're much harder to try out
>Overpriced esports memestick
I own this, might take the plexi off because it's pretty damn annoying
Modded venom stick is pretty comfortable. I use it more than my TE1 or TE2, which feel bulky in comparison.
Why is everything recommended full of Playsatation logos? I just want a good starting stick for my PC and maybe switch, but everything's grinding hard on PS4 compatability I'll never care about.
I use my venom stick exclusively on PC. It's plug and play. Don't be scared off by PS4 compatibility, they all work just fine on steam.
because fighting games are more popular on PS4.
>Why is everything recommended full of Playsatation logos?
Because every tourney and almost all the major fighting game are PS4s. Rarely solo xbox one, switch, or PC
because believe it or not, the majority of people who play fighting games play it on playstation which is why sticks get advertised heavily on sony brand stuff.
dont let that stop you though since just about all of those sticks work just fine on PC.
pretty sure just about every modern stick for ps4 nowadays has a switch for PC compatibility.
Plenty of PS4 sticks have a switch for PC mode.
just about every stick has a PC mode switch on them.
Nobody sells sticks specifically for PC. The compatibility is generally there for any modern stick (PS4, XB1 and Switch). Get the Hori RAP 4 for Switch and you can use it between both.
I've been looking at the RAP 4. You sure it works for switch? I'm not seeing anything about that. I'm buying the stick for Skullgirls, which I'm playing on PC but might pick up on Switch later.
Here's your stick bro.
that user probably meant the rapV
I wish I never sold my Rap V Hayabusa, I miss it Yea Forumsro's.
Post your stick
Other arcade sticks aren't important.
gib vlx
does ps4 have a steamcharts equivalent to prove this cause I kinda doubt it...
I've got a very old UMVC3 stick, was thinking of upgrading to the Obsidian
he's not
piece of overpriced shit, with that money you could've built custom with a brook
>kof and metal slug
yeah, real important
$60 is a goddamn steal. Give me one of those for $60.
Oh boy, it's that time again where user buys a stick after EVO/Combo Breaker and then drops the game after an hour.
Yes, I'm projecting, it fucking sucks that I have no motivation to git gud and wasted money
What game? I'll play with you. I'm pretty shit so we can learn together.
Non-SNK fighting games don't matter.
Venom+seimitsu stick and sanwa buttons is the cheapest you can go for a respectable stick, it should fit withing 100$. Order the parts from an eshop like arcadeworlduk if you're EU.
t. spent 10 minutes in KoF 98 and thinks he knows shit
I have multiple sticks and am in the process of building one. You guys sound jealous or poor imo.
me2, just got a new stickas well
UNIST and GG on Steam, but there's no point in playing online because I live in some 3rd world country with shit internet
Is making your own stick a better option rather than buying one?
Why would you spend only 10 minutes on KoF 98? You're an idiot.
How good are you at building things in general?
If you don't have the tools and don't like DIY shit, no.
Thank you
You faggots are going to get your ass kicked by some pissed off nigga mad he got wrecked by a fag
>*dabs on your execution
Just buy a venom & replace the buttons & ball with samwa shit.
based three handed alien posters
I can't believe this is a real thing and people are buying it. How small are their hands?
Old reliable
Where do I buy one the website seems shit
i'm actually wildly tempted to 400 on the kickstarter to get one in my hand in october/provide input to the devs for the final product. Should I do it anons?
I know your coping right now because you just got hit hard with the truth, but next time do the research and build a custom stick with that money. Stop embarrassing yourself.
venom, get off amazon
samwa, ehhh just google around
yes. i just want to see all those autists who spent hours upon ours learning to kbd cry about it
Is there such a thing where the stick is on the right side?
You spend more than $200 on it because trying to upgrade a $60 stick will cause you the same price eventually
I built a couple chairs and tables
Got a couple drills that I could use
flip the thing upside down
You've never played an SNK game in your life fraud
you can make it yourself if you're really fiddly, but if you're coming off keyboard where you used directionals, don't worry about it too much. I play melty on kb exclusively and other anime games on stick, and switching between them is something I don't even realize at this point.
You know, I've always wondered why they aren't on the right side. Most people are right handed.
And you're making this assertion because?
Because it's obvious when a fraud is posting
So you're feeling down and this is your way of interacting with people.
>gets banned from locals
>Fraud posts
>I tell a fraud he's a fraud
>Fraud seethes
Sounds right
What the fuck is this shit?
Wasn't the reaction about the hitbox the same thing? Could be legit if Daigo picked it up like hitbox
$60 is a steal! And this is a great fighting stick, only problem is the plastic that covers the cable storage snapped off pretty quickly
You need to find better ways to talk to people, this shit ain't flying out there.
Here's your last (You) fraud, keep pretending to love SNK while asking who Marco is
Right, as if you could stop yourself.
How hard would it be to transition from keyboard to a pad? I'd like to join some locals but as you all know keyboards don't work well with ps4s. The mixbox sounds good but it's damn expensive so I'm eyeing on the Hori Fighting Commander pro.
You'd have to get used to doing motions with a joystick and get used to holding a controller
just use it consistently for like two or three weeks and you'll be over all the growing pains pretty quickly
What about Fightpads? I have NEVER seen anyone using them when watching tournaments. I have a madcatz fightpad for pc and was curious about the Hori Fight Commander. Do they have any real advantage over "regular" pads?
>no locals near me
looks like regular pads imitating the saturn's joystick design.
just got a new korean lever so i can finally move correctly when i play tekken
Alright let's spice things up in this thread with some good old fashioned bickering.
>favorite stick type
>favorite buttons
>favorite gate shape
>Import or Export stick positioning
>Hot Pockets or Pizza Rolls
If you're really invested in getting a stick, just get a Hitbox anons. It's better in nearly every way and much easier to learn on. Sticks have been obsolete for years now. If you feel like taking a bigger risk than give the Cross|Up a shot.
It's super expensive, though.
>stick type
korean= no gate but i like 25n tension
>import or export
i have no idea what this means but i like my buttons far away from my stick and i like when theyre in a crescent pattern
>pizza rolls or hot pockets
pizza rolls.
Is the Korean stick only better for tekken? Or does it also have a difference in other games?
>with a stick on it
Watch the video they have demonstrating it, it's fucking insane. You're supposed to use both at once
the only reason why Korean sticks are "better" is because it returns to neutral faster if you let go, so it allows for "faster" KBDC. I think its all bullshit because ive used Korean sticks for years since im a gook but ive switched to ball top and ive not noticed a speed decrease in my backdashes.
i play mishimas and the return to neutral also helps wavedash and electric. I play more precisely on k lever and i just like it more for tekken.
different strokes for different folks. but if you play anything else i wouldnt get a k-stick. they're feel much responsive for any other game.at least in my experience
>if you play anything else
i played sf4 on a k lever but for everything else i just have another stick.
The one you posted is the one I have. It's nice and hefty. Replace the sticks and buttons and you're set. I love it so much because it's so easy to swap shit out and it supports all my consoles so I use it on PC and my PS4. I heard it has switch support too.
much less unresponsive*. all this johnny labbing is making my brain turn to mush.
i dont play anime but i do use a j lever for kof and fatal fury
for me, it's 6 button square gate. Japanese parts
But can you plink and piano on pad?????
I can do whatever I want, you can't stop me.
I found the best way to play charge characters is using a controller with back buttons. Being able to hold down all or any combination of buttons without having to move my hand is a huge advantage. If only it had a micro switch stick instead of a d-pad then it would be the perfect controller.
i want to get a hitbox like daigo but he says it hurts his hand to play on it so not 100% certain i could tolerate it
how difficult is it to do 360 moves with a hitbox?
Later Hori RAP sticks are good, especially the ones that use the hayabusu stick.
eTookki is VERY good but also fucking expensive.
Even so don't just buy any piece of shit below 100 unless its easily moddable. In that regard any stick can be good if you are willing to shell out extra money for better parts.
There are also different joystick types and gates for said sticks.
Most sticks above poverty prices use Sanwa parts and those are fine. Perfectly fine parts to start off with. There are plenty of older sticks from the PS3/360 era with Sanwa parts in them but if you buy those you'll also want to get a brooke converter if you plan on playing on PS4/Xbone/Switch.
Most will work on PC just fine even if some need a controller emulator to do so.
Shit nigger you got the deal of a lifetime
I would cum on that stick
Actually I would cum on everything in your pic
Comfy size
Jokes on you they're playing anime games and the nigga has an even gayer stick.
A lot were using pads too.
cute stick user
There are also an oddball controllers as well
>mfw some memelord breaks out a modded, but servicable, guitar hero stick in unist pools
True. People should instead join the master race that plays fighting games on a keyboard.
everyone who has sticks like this is shit, and insufferable in real life
gonna make sure that gets banned
nothing personal kid
Hitboxes are a lot better than sticks. You get easier charges, easier instant airdashes, quicker microdashes, faster blocks since you press one button instead of move a stick around.
why are people recommending Venom? That shit looks exactly like some company slapped their name on a Mayflash stick and doubled the price
I have a qanba drone modified with a seimitsu ls 32 stick and sanwa buttons.
Quite difficult at first. You have to wrap your head around the directionals and then sequence it in a smooth motion. 360s are the one harder input compared to stick, as you can just ride the gate edges on the latter. Luckily however 360s are that much faster on Hitbox, even moreso if it's a game that allows skipping diagonals. Every other input including 180s are easier and faster on Hitbox.
dab on them haters and use a flight stick
More like cheatbox
Bump I also wanna know this
If you say so.
i have the one you posted its a great stick
>those screws
fucking excuse me
what did you do my man
Sounds like you need some shin etsu grease.