Mothafuckin Metroid Thread
What is your favorite game in the series and why?
Mothafuckin Metroid Thread
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Metroid Fusion is the only Metroid I've played through fully. I think it's probably up there though when it comes to being one of the greatest ones though, one day I will go through Super and Zero Mission.
Metroid Prime 1 easily. The only other game that came close to that same level of atmosphere was Subnautica.
Super. Most games are fantastic but I've replayed that sucker so many times its ridiculous.
im currently playing samus returns. is nice
Super Metroid
Incredibly tightly paced game with lots of gameplay freedom (thanks to the fantastic movement mechanics), great soundtrack, and atmosphere. The fact that it never overstays its welcome is probably its strongest asset.
Prime 2 because the dark world is constantly trying to kill you
It's so comfy.
>will never get an official hd remaster
my parents hate videogames to this day so i didn't have bideo til i was about 12 and my friend gave me an old gamecube for my birthday
then i finally got metroid prime but the opening scared me enough to play every other game i bought first
then i finally nutted up and got through the start and found that i shouldve played it first. so yeah prime is my favorite.
>space burka
is islam the future
Metroid for the NES. Just an absolute nightmare. A rough, cruel and funny game.
I'm replaying Super Metroid now. It really is quite breathtaking.
Hell yeah nigga.
I guess it's Super Metroid, though I just recently played a bit Metroid Prime. But I want to get it to run on my Wii U so i can play it there.
Super and Prime 2
Great tune. I just beat Kraid and now I'm exploring Norfair.
Based and Prime2pilled.
Is it weird that I got introduced to metroid because of prime 2's shitty multiplayer?
I really hope they get creative with the suit designs in Prime 4
The Dark and Light suits from Echoes are some of my favorites in the whole franchise
I hope we get suit unlocks.
I want to wear the Prime 1 suit again. There's something so perfect about it.
Prime 1 and my least favourite is Prime 2 by far. What's Yea Forums opinion on 2?
Start with zero, honestly that one should have been your first. It's great and you can finish it in a couple sessions of game.
gotta love the Prime 1 gravity suit too
I love it but I understand why most people hate it
It still new but I hope it won't become underrated. Because I think push forward the 2d metroid formula in a lot of ways. Specially the combat part of it. The way it makes you choose between different beamns and options reminds me of the prime games but in a 2d space.
The only Metroid game I've ever finished is Other M
fusion cuz its scary
get playin nigga
There aren't any websites where I can get the wii prime trilogy ISO without torrents is there?
I want to dolphin.
how the hell were you supposed to know how to do this?
I've played all of them bar the Prime trilogy, but just never finished any of them.
I can concede that Prime 2 has the best boss battles probably in the whole franchise. Also the suits are gorgeous and the canyon sky castle it's an incredible place.
I'd just wish that the whole Light and dark theme (since weaponry and puzzle solving) were better implemented.
>the best boss battles probably in the whole franchise.
You don't. Only if somebody by pure chance did it and told you about it. It's neves required or even really necessary. And tat's the beauty of Super metroid.
I'll be the first to admit its not perfect.
A fuckton of backtracking even compared to the first game, ammo system gets obnoxious especially in mid-boss fight, etc etc.
I still love it despite its faults, great atmosphere and some very satisfying and fun bosses. Had a blast playing on hard mode.
ZM is my favorite official 2D game, though I recognize SM is the technical best in the series.
For 3D I think it'll always be Prime 1. 2 excels in some areas, certain areas have aesthetics that exceed even the first; but overall I still feel the first Prime had the most cohesive if not more simplistic world, the best atmosphere, the best lore. I'm probably biased since it was my first, but I hold an extreme amount of fondness for the ambience and sound effects found in that first game.
Listen to this shit, it's fucking perfect
I played Super, Fusion and Zero Mission as a kid, but only finished the GBA ones. Then I played through Super after finishing Dark Souls 1 and it became my favourite by far. It is to this day one of the most entrancing vidya experiences I've ever had.
Got any more of these?
Whoops, meant to post this.
People give it shit for the absurd size of the shoulders, even in comparison to other versions of the suit, but the Prime 1 varia design is definitely one of the best iterations of that specific suit upgrade, tied with the way it looked in 2 and 3 for me personally.
Fusion are the best of the 2d ones...probably? I mean Samus returns have some amazing ones. The digger robot, ridley and the omegas stand out for me.
I'll replay it, I'm in the middle of my metroid marathon and this time I've played fusion and am2r for the first time. I believe that with a different mind set I can enjoy prime 2 a lot more.
I still need to play super metroid and fusion. Metroid Prime is my favorite
I have a ton, but that's the only one I have for Metroid.
Gotta love the Prime 1 Power suit too
What went wrong?
I am so fucking mad that those fucking chink faggot japs over in ching chong land thought it would be a great idea to go with the Other M suit instead of the prime suit for fucking Super Smash Bros.
Prime fucking revived Metroid from the goddamn grave only for Other M to put it back in there again.
Why does that fucking design get to get in?
Felt like more of an FPS than an action adventure game.
that's why I only play Dark Samus in ultimate
kinda wish she had her original MP2 look though
At the very least Ridley's design is legitimately amazing. But I do still wish they went with something else for Samus
The only redeeming quality of this game was the Skytown and the boss fights against the other hunters
Everything else was forgettable
also the brief moment in Ice Bryyo... Wish we got more of that
Nothing really. I love it, even the motion control stuff. Prime 2 helped me to accept a more zoned prime world and I think 3 executed that better. Also the PED suit is my absolute favourite.
To me 3 it's the perfectt midpoint between classic metroid and a linear metroid.
This. The power suit it's one of my favourite ones just behind the PED. I just love the charm of the simple and underpower design of the power suit. What's Yea Forums's favourite suit?
They probably didn't bother to research what Samus' fans actually wanted for her latest Smash appearance.
Quite telling, that they're obviously blind to the wants of Metroid fans. This is especially egregious when you consider the number of suit designs Samus has had, it really wouldn't be a huge amount of work to give her an alternate costume ala Wario.
>What's Yea Forums's favourite suit?
gravity always
Prime 2. The boss fights and atmosphere were kino.
At least we got Ridley and an echo fighter.
If anyone has a right to complain about smash bros representation its F-Zero fans.
I remember playing through Metroid 2 on my Gameboy, all the metroids evolving into stronger forms was spooky and then the finale with the Queen was just awesome. Prime 2 was pretty great but it wasn't my first so it's less special.
Objectively correct.
If it's objectively correct, then why are you posting it all?
>zero mission over super
I dunno about that one
Super Metroid because I loved everything about it, except Maridia.
zero mission is a good game but I think calling it the best 2D metroid is a stretch
strayed too far from its roots
My favorite has to be Metroid Prime.
>very little in terms of story
>no disgusting, putrid fanservice
>good open world to explore
>good boss battles
>holds up graphically due to emphasizing artstyle and minimalism
It's a pity because they ruined it with Prime 2 and 3 by making her a slutty barbie doll and needing to shove in cutscenes everywhere. And that just led to Other M. Here's hoping Prime 4 goes back to its roots and rejects the cancers of modern video games.
Yeah, i would swap god tier and elder god tier, but ok
One day ACFag will get tired of invading metroid threads. One day
ACFag is eternal
I wonder how they will justify Ridley coming back to life yet again in Prime 4.
Super is my favourite but Prime definitely gets the second for introducing me.
??? Is something amiss in the thread?
He's been at it for almost 10 years now.
Fuck that I want my meta kraid boss.
I wish more games could do tense sci fi horror better, the only thing I can think of that comes close is Alien Isolation
so much potential
i mean just listen to this shit. It comprises pretty much half of the soundtrack
>What is Dead Space
He would be one hell of a final boss, done correctly.
Metroid is probably the only series in which I like most of the games. Other M aside and the original Metroid aside, every game is at least an 8.7 with most being absolute perfection. They each do different things and have their own charm, which makes it difficult to pick a favorite. If I had to choose I'd give that honor to Prime since it was my first game in the series. It blew me away back in middle school, the graphics and world building were amazing, as was the musical score.
>and the original Metroid
The only issue with the original is the lack of a map system.
I've played it at least once a year since it came out and still haven't gotten sick of it. The music is incredible, the visuals are beautiful, the action is intense, the downtime is serene. It's just a perfect game.
I wouldn't say the entire series is perfect. Games like Fusion, Zero Mission and Prime 3 missed the point of the series completely with absolutely abhorrent segments.
Play the others so you can see how much Fusion destroyed the series' lore so badly they haven't attempted a sequel since.
>shitting on fusion
Metroid 5 should just be 2D Dead Space
not the same
>so you can see how much Fusion destroyed the series' lore so badly
It didn't?
I don't really like the stealth section in ZM that much either, but at least its over rather quickly.
user, he said tense sci-fi horror.
Dead Space is just jumpy horror. By the time you get into chapter 6, you've seen everything that game has to offer and it turns into a shooter.
The original Metroid is a masterpiece, give it another go
That's one of the best things about it
it doesn't get more based than this post
Landing on Zebes in the rain with the thunder in the background echoing until you get too deep underground to hear it gives me chills every time.
Have you played System Shock 2?
The game has alot of problems, but I think I'll sum up the worst of them.
>actively discourages exploration by locking the door behind you constant
>gigantic, unskippable dialogue dumps every single time you enter a sector
>not allowed to explore or collect items until right before the final boss, after you already beat him (same file)
>any new items added actively ruin pacing (for example, ice missiles now make it so you need 2 to kill any enemy in the game, regardless of how weak they are. Also, plasma beam objectively being weaker than wave beam for most of the game due to a bug in how the game detects hitboxes)
I wouldn't put it anywhere near my top list.
Hero makes me more mad about the lack of suits than I was originally
>lost the power suit
>lost her ship
>is on the gfed's shit list
>samus is literally Metroid now
>introduced the Adam bullshit
The Fusion suit has its fans but they know they fucked up at least in that regard. Which is why she has appeared in the Varia Suit ever since.
>ice missiles now make it so you need 2 to kill any enemy in the game
Not him but what the fuck are you talking about?
Based and SS2pilled.
Turbo Christian parents?
Metroid 5 should be a Metroid game.
>using assault rifle
zoom zoom
prime 2 is trash.
The Dark Suit was my favorite. I'm also partial to the PED Suit.
>lost the power suit
The fusion suit is the power suit user, it was changed because they had to cut pieces off of samus.
>>lost her ship
Because it fell into an asteroid belt.
>>is on the gfed's shit list
Because she uncovered their very illegal plot on top of destroying their space station.
>>samus is literally Metroid now
She's also been part bird day one. Genetic manipulation like that isn't new.
>>introduced the Adam bullshit
How is any of this destroying the lore when it isn't contradicting anything?
Her slightly off proportions somehow compliment the game's bizarre art style. Love it when you ride the elevators and the Plasma Beam is practically dragging on the ground because it's so long.
Samus Return's OST is underrated
Tomb Raider. Lara is a real woman.
>Which is why she has appeared in the Varia Suit ever since
Because that's her most iconic appearance in the entire series user
Before you get the ice missile, your super missile can one shot a majority of enemies. After the ice missile, everything now needs two shots.
Came to post this.
Lots of contrarians claiming Prime 2 is the greatest because it's been one of the least popular for a long time. It's still good but the bottom of the Prime trilogy power ranking for me. I like it for the difficulty, it's one of the hardest games in the series.
>cinematic experience with sexy titty waifu on the cover
That's gonna be a hard pass from me.
The boss theme he shares with Serris is the best track in the game.
Same. I played Super after Prime, yet I don't think anything in Prime or any other video game gave me a deeper feel of dread than going into wrecked ship for the first time. What a masterfully crafted game.
I had no idea that or the beam combos even existed until recently. Still have yet to perform a Crystal Flash.
I'll give it another go once I download a map for it. I ended up loving Metroid 2 despite the fact that that it also was missing the map.
I'll give you Prime 3 since the game's mood is all over the place, but Fusion and Zero Mission are amongst my favorite. I loved the feeling of dread, the SA-X, being underpowered as fuck and then listening to the that song once you learn the truth made me feel like I was the strongest life form in the station. The revelation of Adam, the final battles and the monologue made me feel like I was in a dream. I've been eagerly waiting for the sequel for 17 years.
Zero is just a fast paced, bite sized adventure. I used to beat it daily, competing with my friends to get the fastest time. The title screen song still makes me nostalgic. Zero was a fantastic remake of the original Metroid.
I wish the dark world wasn't so disconnected. It would be nice if once you got the Light Suit you could fully explore the dark world without having to travel back to the light world at all. Finding specific locations can be very confusing until you start to get the game memorized. I still get tripped up finding all the keys in the Ing Hive and always manage to find the 3rd before the 2nd.
>Zero was a fantastic remake
Besides the really unpleasant handholding, lack of difficulty, and that *pukes* Zero Suit section.
Too heavy handed with the narrative driven focus. They should have eased it up a bit and let the player have more freedom in figuring shit out for themselves.
There's no handholding in Zero, though.
None of that contradicts pre established lore. The only games that have are Prime and Other M, Prime because it retconned the Metroid's growth and added the "it's different depending on the planet" part and Other M for everything.
II was my first so it'll always be one of my favorites. Anybody besides me think the Alpha Metroids were a clown face when they were a kid?
They made her butt look a little more shapely in Prime 2 which was nice. In prime 1 the armor is concave where her cheeks would be. Thought they clearly meant for her to not be sexy in Prime 1, to the point of the Power Suit looking quite masculine.
The chozo statues literally railroad you to your next destination, and on many occasions the game will bar your way, forcing you to go back and do it their way.
>t. has never played Zero Mission
Every single Chozo Statue is optional and you can do the game in just about any order you want.
>original tomb raider
That weird buttcrack is one of the few issues I have with the 2/3 varia, it's a pretty odd and distracting design choice
Not much really. Too much focus on cinematic story telling and casualized gameplay thanks to the core audience of the Wii. It has the weakest soundtrack but the tracks that are good are really good. Anytime you're feeling down about Prime 3 just remember Skytown.
Did people always think that Metroid 2 was supposed to be a deep brooding intricate dive into Samus's psyche and psuedo horror or is that just a recent meme perpetuated by anti-SR fags and Mark Brown?
>Quite telling, that they're obviously blind to the wants of Metroid fans.
They gave us Dark Samus and Ridley. Are you not satisfied?
Dude, ZM has a metric fuck ton of sequence breaks both intentional and unintentional.
>best track in the game is the first one you heard in the trailer
Nah, but the game did have a certain type of atmosphere that wasn't really recreated by either remake.
>pixel smoothing filter
Might be because I was a teenager at the time but the zero suit section was a surprise. I remember being stressed and feeling my heart go crazy whenever I was spotted. It's never an issue if you got a decent amount of energy tanks and are quick with your wall jumps. There's also hard mode to unlock if you feel like you need it.
>every chozo statue is optional
>Mark Brown
He actively wanted people to support SR. Don't drag him into your little console war.
The Long Beam isn't required to beat the game. Play the game, before talking about it.
The Queen fight is always intense as fuck because once her head gets close enough the missiles aren't even on screen so you can fire as fast as your fingers can move. Her missiles follow the same rule as a lot of side scrolling shooters where there can only be one on screen at a time so the closer you are to the target the faster your rate of fire is.
What other metroidvanias/games have the same feeling and atmosphere as Metroid games?
Only game game that was even remotely close was Environmental Station Alpha, haven't tried Axiom Verge but I heard that it sucks.
How do you bypass that chozo statue though? You said it was optional.
A robot Named Fight is great because it barely has a story, and the main character is literally an emotionless robot. Besides that, it also has a map layout and items that change every time you play it, and the maker of the game frequently posts content updates.
>lost the power suit
Fusion Suit is the Power Suit and Samus will either restore it to what it once was in Metroid 5 or get a new more powerful Power Suit in Metroid 5 as a replacement early in the game.
>lost her ship
She got a new ship plus she had a different ship in ZM.
>is on the gfed's shit list Adam will probably get her out and with the Chozo returning they will need her help.
>samus is literally Metroid now
No, she's not, she's human/Chozo again at the end of Fusion, Sakamoto explain this already.
>introduced the Adam bullshit
Adam will most likely be toned down heavily in Metroid 5 given by the Other M backlash and how SR reverted Metroid back to what it once was.
Prime actually had a lot of inspiration from PC games. I see a lot of influence on Prime from the Xen segment of HL1.
This really annoyed me, SR at least had the reason of Metroid II being linear, ZM had no excuse for being linear since Metroid NES is non-linear.
I did play that, definitely one of my fav games along with the sequel.
Thanks, game looks decent though Im not a big fan of procedural generation.
ZM is not linear at all.
Thank goodness that's not a gif.
Keep telling yourself that.
But it wasn't linear. The game just provided you with one option for progress but there's multiple ways you can play the game that deviate considerably from the path shown to you.
Meant for
Mah nigga.
Did you try Blaster Master Zero 2 ?
It's a Metroidvania in space, except you're controlling a big tank and you also got some shooting segment on foot.
Pretty good game. The first one is okay, but not nearly as good as the second.
It's anime as fuck tho.
Not after Mother Brain.
Even there you can skip the power bombs even though the game superficially implies that you need those to beat it.
>the game whose sole selling point was "DUDE PLANT TITS LMAO"
Yikes. I'm gonna pass on this.
I heard about it but I dont have Switch so guess i have to wait for a PC release.
I love the art style they had in the Fusion and Zero Mission gallery. Her face was perfect, with those thicc lips.
post-Fusion is the only time period that's still interesting
How is it the most interesting if we've never seen it?
Downloaded a lot of the roms in the series recently. Going to work through them one day soon
These. I absolutely adore this series and would consider multiple games in it, namely Prime 1 and 2, as well as Fusion to a lesser extent, to be among my favorite games of all time, but Super is on another level. One of the most perfect games ever created.
Looks like a shameless slut. I prefer the Prime version
>Falling for the fucking Yea Forums memes and waifu shitters
The plant girl barely appears more than 10 minutes in the game you literal fag. At this point, you might also want to quit Metroid because of all the ZSS posting.
>he doesn't know
In a just world, Fusion Samus would have become the standard design and not zero suit Samus.
It's a weird paradox with Samus. She looks less like fetish bait and more like an actual character in the Fusion/Zero Mission outfits despite the fact that she's showing way more skin.
Do you think they'll ever remake Super Metroid?
No. Why would they?
I hope not. What’s the point?
I've dropped plenty of Metroid games because of the ZSS posting. I think it's filth that does nothing but harm the series.
I know we all hate 'muh realism' in vidya but I still think they should've went with this design. I think my ideal Samus design would be a prettier version of this.
Funny how this is the only time Samus ever looked good in the Prime games before Nintendo started pushing that ZSS trash onto Retro.
>Zero Mission
>Samus Returns
It seems inevitable
Based and Dougpilled.
I want to protect child Samus.
Samus being sexy has been a part of her character since the very first game.
>did you think only a man could strap on this clunky power suit and kick ass? Well guess what it was a smokin hot babe the whole time!
Western fans are such faggots we can't even post her without the suit in these threads without someone throwing a shit fit.
>I've dropped plenty of Metroid games because of the ZSS posting
>Plenty of Metroid games
>You only play ZSS in Zero Mission
The general consensus among just about EVERYONE was that those two games needed remakes. SM is not only perfectly playable as it is today, but many still consider it the best in the series. No need to remake it.
They already did. It's called Metroid Prime.
>People who bitch about the Zero Suit don't actually play the games.
Go figure.
I hope Samus can climb up all ledges in Prime 4
I want them to re-explore the concept behind SA-X. Not another evil Samus, but the idea of something stalking in the background the entire game. Before I first played Fusion and heard about SA-X, I thought it was fucking cool how you could just be randomly hunted throughout the game. Then I found out they were simply scripted events. I want them to dive into the concept again, but with more dynamism and spontaneity. In essence what Alien Isolation attempted with the Xenos.
It's the only part of the timeline that still has any mystery to it.
>Zebes and SR388 are permanently destroyed
>Space Pirates are extinct
>Metroids, Mother Brain and Ridley are gone for good
>Federation are evil
>Chozo are alive and possibly hostile
If I worked on Metroid games I'd be champing at the bit to go post-Fusion because it has the most room for new ideas.
>game heavily features samus being "humanized" or "sexy"
>game suffers as a result
Happened in Fusion, Zero Mission, Prime 3, and Other M. As it turns out, trying to make Metroid "deep" and "cinematic" and trying to make Samus a "developed character" basically ruins the gameplay. WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT?
What are your hopes and ideas for Metroid Dread/5? How do you think the plot will move forward? I personally would love to see more of the fusion suit and a follow up of the cliffhanger with the federation. Maybe have Samus crash land while exploring and encountering the rogue faction of the chozo.
>cause too much noise
>SA-X shows up
a truly terrifying thought
Based Doug.
What was the point of the green grab ledges in Prime 3? Like nigga just make the platform shorter we already have 3 jumps.
the fucking shoulders tho. Wish they didn't fuck that up so much
One day we’ll get the cutsceneless Metroid game starring a robot Samus.
>one five minute long segment
>ruined the gameplay
Also when did Prime 3 do anything of the sort? The game has plenty of problems but zero suit Samus nothing to do with any of them.
>Prime 3
Wut ? the game got a lot of dialogues (by Metroid standards) and side character, but Samus is still the same silent, stoic brick wall she was in every other Prime games.
I was watching a video on the Metroid series the other day and saw footage of that and completely forgot that MP3 had that.
Which honestly makes me think that they're kinda on the right track and realize that maybe the next step in 3D Metroid Prime game design is making the movement more like the 2D games. I want ledges I can grab and climb up, wall-jumping, speed boosting, etc. Just make it all fast and feel good, like MIrror's Edge or Titanfall 2.
Get rid of any remnants of the Fusion Suit as soon as possible.
That's basically the end of the game by that point.
SR suits are overrated, too many glowing bits
There's a fan mod that includes a map and other fixes. It suposed to be the definitive version to play the original.
I wasn't a fan of the art of Zero Mission, Metroid-Super had it perfect, Samus Returns art looks great though.
Sounds more comedic the way you put it.
>set of power bomb
>SA-X peeks out from behind a plant
That was just the cherry ontop. The five minute segment was basically the biggest problem, but the rest of the game had problems too.
>Also when did Prime 3 do anything of the sort?
Off the top of my head, trying to humanize Samus' fellow hunters, only succeeding with Rhundas, while the others I couldn't give a rat's ass about. Then they had those segments where Samus was puking up blue gatorade. Yes I get it, le infection bad! I didn't need to see that scene constantly. The game really went overboard.
I want evil chozo to fill the SA-X role in Metroid 5.
Imagine some of those guys showing up with weapons and gear that are generations ahead of what Samus uses, and being so powerful that you can't actually fight them head on. Imagine having to spy on them just to learn what their capabilites are, to see if they even have any potential weaknesses.
One thing that Metroid 5 should take advantage of is how both the Federation and Chozo would know exactly what Samus' capabilities are. The Federation especially. In Fusion/Other M you were just stumbling on their generic evil experiments. But this time they could be using weapons invented from the ground up to fight her with.
SR Gravity Suit is actually one of the coolest suits in the entire series. I'll give MercurySteam shit for making SR look a tad too generic imo but they did a damn good job with that design.
They wanted the MCU fanbase
It literally is not.
>making the movement more like the 2D games
Shame we never got to use the speed booster and shinespark in a 3d space. They probably would have had Prime stayed in 3rd person.
I also wanted to see that sweet drill powerup that was in one of the concept sketches.
>Off the top of my head, trying to humanize Samus' fellow hunters, only succeeding with Rhundas, while the others I couldn't give a rat's ass about.
They didn't even succeed with Rhundas. He still had a boring, generic personality, he just had more screentime than the others. I wouldn't mind if they tried another similar idea though, just made the Hunters more memorable this time.
>They wanted the MCU fanbase
I still want a Samus suit with more realistic proportions and armor like MCU Iron Man. That'd be so cool.
>It literally is not.
It was slick as hell.
>likes Super Metroid Samus
I see you are a man who likes a woman with some muscle.
>Shame we never got to use the speed booster and shinespark in a 3d space. They probably would have had Prime stayed in 3rd person.
Hopefully for Metroid Prime 4.
>I also wanted to see that sweet drill powerup that was in one of the concept sketches.
Wait, what?
>They wanted the MCU fanbase
Then why didn't they go with an MCU looking design?
>Metroid Prime controlling like Titanfall
Some may not like it but yes please. That shit would fit Metroid so well and like you said, bring the 3D games more in line with 2D. I think it would definitely make the level design even more difficult though. Do you think Metroid should have ADS or more of a slight zoom with no speed loss like nuDOOM?
I hate how they couldn't get the idea of a "power" suit right after super.
looks goofy in all the others.
Shit's too expensive. Sorry bro.
>I still want a Samus suit with more realistic proportions and armor like MCU Iron Man
I personally am a little iffy on that. On one hand we could get something cool like this...
You already got it. It's called the Other M suit, you disgusting tasteless faggot.
bottom right
...or this.
I wouldn't say all of them. Prime 1 is basically a 3D Super, and Zero Mission is literally the Super design again, albeit with Prime style lighting.
Good fucking god why
Bottom right is actually exactly what I had in mind. Isn't there a colored version of this?
>You already got it. It's called the Other M suit, you disgusting tasteless faggot.
>that shitty piece of plastic, looking like a fucking Happy Meals toy
You're retarded
First one was much better.
Give the series to From Software, particular the team that used to work on Armored Core, since they're not getting work any time soon.
Did Microsoft make a Halo 3 Anniversary because of Halo Halo CEA and Halo 2A?
>Zebes and SR388 are permanently destroyed
>Space Pirates are extinct
That's not true, it's just that their organization is dissolved.
>Metroids, Mother Brain and Ridley are gone for good
Metroids will be brought back
>Federation are evil No, they're not, just a small group in the GF and I can already see ta being dropped because no one liked that, this is why evil Chozo are coming in their place. GF would be garbage enemies because they couldn't even beat the Space Pirates
>Chozo are alive and possibly hostile
Agreed, this is what I want to see, not that GF shit.
>I think it would definitely make the level design even more difficult though.
Ideally, you'd make the environments a little more open, allowing for multiple routes, not only through individual rooms, but through the entire world, but with just enough obstacles, paths, and platforming needed to utilize the mechanics and powerups.
>Do you think Metroid should have ADS or more of a slight zoom with no speed loss like nuDOOM?
Initially, I thought I wanted a sprint button in a game like this, since Super Metroid did it. But really, they could just free up a button and just have you run automatically, like the later 2D games. And your run animation in first-person should be the classic SM run animation. God, that'd be so cool.
Just a sketch sadly but it is a look I would want to see in a new Metroid game, either 2d or Prime-side. Something that still feels bulky and imposing but has room for feeling agile and nimble as well
I feel like instead of going for something a little more pulled back like that sketch, they will just keep going for more loud and bombastic designs like the SR aesthetic, which I personally ain't a fan of
>tfw going through norfair w/out Varia
>Give the series to From Software
>realistic proportions and armor like MCU Iron Man
That is Other M to a fucking T. If the textures scare you that much, then swap out for Smash. It's the same suit. Dumb faggot.
Metroid prime
why? Because is the only metroid game I actually played to end, it was an amazing experience. Fusion and echoes played for a bit but dropped them for some reason, they were nice and I expect great things from the new one
I think we can all agree that the gfed need to take a hike for the next game. Prime 2 and 3 did them okay but they should be little more than introductory exposition and corpses to raise the tension.
Reminder you haven't really beaten Zero Mission if you haven't done a 15% Hard run.
Yes, plant tits definitely qualifies for
>the same feeling and atmosphere as Metroid games
I want a /m/etroid game
Not enough of a hardcore gaymur to try low percent runs. The best I can do with the series is 100% Prime in about four and a half hours.
>Just a sketch sadly but it is a look I would want to see in a new Metroid game, either 2d or Prime-side. Something that still feels bulky and imposing but has room for feeling agile and nimble as well
My fucking man. Speaking of that, I hope in the next 3D game, they remember that Samus is supposed to be nimble and agile as well, reflecting that in both the suit as well as the gameplay.
>I feel like instead of going for something a little more pulled back like that sketch, they will just keep going for more loud and bombastic designs like the SR aesthetic, which I personally ain't a fan of
Yeah, seriously. I feel like even though they're trying to deliver quality Metroid experiences, they aren't quite 'there' yet in terms of delivering them because of stuff like that.
>both textures are still overly simplistic
>they both still look like plastic toys
Get fucked
>Hey everyone didn't you hear me the first time!? Attractive women make me angry!
I still haven't beaten ZM on Hard actually. I've gotten right up to the very last room in the game and died to the Space Pirates right in front of my ship. So frustrating.
Why is Samus consistently so bad in Smash? And the Zero Suit being better than the Vaira Suit? Come on now. Actually she was decent in Melee if I recall.
What the hell is that?
Fusion is harder on Hard. Even on normal Fusion is a ballbuster with enemies that take one and a half tanks with one hit.
She's actually high-tier in Melee iirc and is actually high-mid tier in Ultimate. She's certainly not bad in either of those two games by a long stretch.
It's still really stupid how good ZSS is in the latter though. I liked it better when she was significantly nerfed.
I actually spammed beam combos my first playthrough of the game but only because I knew about them beforehand. I've beaten the game a ton of times since and have actually forgotten how to do them. lol
I don't know how to do a Crystal Flash either.
Aside from Dr. Mario, she was my favorite melee character. She should feel like a tank and her long range weapons should reward accuracy and predicting enemy movements. This flashy whippy garbage that is the ZSS did nothing to help her gameplay mechanics.
Just a romhack, pay it no mind.
>they both still look like plastic toys
And so do all the MCU Iron Man suits. Your point?
I don't see why you're so upset. This is exactly what you wanted. You just don't like it because it's Other M.
With Nintendo the higher profile the developer, the worse the collaboration seems to go.
Desperately trying to be Halo.
She’s not bad in Ultimate. Not S tier but pretty good.
>want to discuss game
>people do nothing but spam porn
>wtf why does this guy hate attractive women?!
My main problem with the implementation of the dark world is that most of the times only serves as an unnecesary barrier to solve a puzzle. For example you have to reach another platform and there's no way to cross it but a conspicuously placed portal at your side, once you cross ther'es floating platforms so you can reach that platform so now you can return to light world in another portal. The only barrier that stoped you from advancing was two loadscreens.
>And so do all the MCU Iron Man suits. Your point?
Nigga, go watch a movie with Iron Man in it again and try to tell me that.
A bit more polish would have helped the design. The helmet is too small and reminds me of Montana from battleborn. The material also looks too plastic, they could have chosen a better color palette as well.
Crystal Flash requires 40 power bombs and for your health to be less than 100 including reserve tanks I believe, but I don't remember the input. Beam combos are just having one beam highlighted as well as the power bombs highlighted and doing a charge shot.
A hidden technique. When you're low on health, you can use your missile and bomb ammunition to heal yourself. Basically the only way to learn how to do it was strategy guides and game magazines, but the game shows you it exists if you unlock the second set of demo that play from the title screen.
Nigga, they look like fucking toys. Damn near all the costumes in the MCU are ridiculous.
She and her echo are actually pretty good in Ultimate, but they could be better
>When you blow your friend's mind by grabbing the ledge with the grapple beam or using morph ball bombs to recover.
The only game where she is garbage tier is the original. She's still fun to play as though since you don't need tourney level skill to beat the CP.
>Someone ask for Metroidvania games
>Give one
Stay SEETHING, incel.
People jerk off to Samus and this won't stop and Blaster Zero Mission is a really good game.
If you want to play a game with no fapbait, play a recent Western game, Japanese games are clearly not for you.
It's not just a small fraction of the GF since Adam mentions they would hold tribunals. A small group would seek to kill Samus, not hold her accountable for her actions. Still, it's an interesting idea to leave Samus with no allies. No chozo no GF, alone with Adam, the animals and her instincts.
Get this cape shit out of here. We're discussing a real sci-fi series.
What does Crystal Flash do exactly?
>The only game where she is garbage tier is the original. She's still fun to play as though since you don't need tourney level skill to beat the CP.
She was shit in Brawl and Smash 4 too iirc
Makes me think of Prime 1's chozo lore, the original US version of it.
>We're discussing a real sci-fi series.
>'real sci-fi series'
Fucking kek. Most of the """"sci-fi"""" shit in Metroid may as well just be magic and even worse, they straight up introduced magic in MP3 anyway. Metroid may as well be capeshit with its universe.
Yeah, because that's totally what I said.
That's a pretty nice collection of toys, though.
Unfortunately Metroid will always be a magnet for SJWs since she's one of the all time greatest video game babes.
Eats your bomb and missile ammo to replenish energy tanks.
>What does Crystal Flash do exactly?
Fully recharges your health but drains your missile&power bomb reserves.
>that masculine build on a teenage girl
You know how I know this was made by a western artist?
Could you possibly be any more upset
Interesting. I'll try it out my next playthrough. Thanks, anons.
Glad I have the original version. Didn't their edit to cover the plothole about Prime leaving the boundary just make even more plotholes?
I still don't understand the point of the extra reserve tank system in super metroid. How is it different at all to just having normal energy tanks?
Literally all of those have more detail than the other M suit ever had.
The only one seething here is the other user.
>he thinks those don't look like toys
That user is right, dude. Those fit right in with the Other M suit design, particularly the Smash variations.
Funny you tell me to play a western game, when a western made Metroid was one of the best in the entire series. And what do you know, it was all because they treated Samus with respect.
We are the gfed marines trying to have a peaceful metroid thread and the ing are the shitflingers.
>They're moving in fast, we need backup!
Metroid is a western franchise.
Yet you're the one acting like a sperg and putting words in other people's mouths.
You are simply upset that you got an answer you didn't like.
It's not, which is why they ditched it for subsequent games. It just looks cool that's all. It would work if it was a one time thing that happened in a t.v. show or movie but in a game you kinda have to know it's there.
>it was all because they treated Samus with respect.
and them Other M screwed her over.
the best Gfed log has to be this one:
>Last night at chow, Angseth starts talking about some bounty hunter and how she blew up a planet full of Space Pirates. I told her I didn't believe in fairy tales like that, and she took it personal. I just find it hard to believe that one person took out an entire Space Pirate base, that's all. But if she wants to believe in this Samus, or Bigfoot, or Santa Claus, she can.
They don't look like toys, they look like soda cans.
In the same way that Donkey Kong is.
>half the bosses are dark samus
>that spider ball boss
>that drone guardian you also have to fight with the spider ball
nah f@m
Yeah we get it dude you're gay.
>half the bosses are dark samus
Still one of the best bosses in the entire series and the best humanoid fight in the series too.
Still upset that we didn't get a fight in Torvus Bog like we were supposed to.
I could have done without the bit about Angseth being mad that all the mean men put her on guard duty when she fancies herself a better marksman. There was a tiny bit of a feminist thing with her idolizing stronk Samus and being stuck as an underling to men who don't believe in such silliness.
Other than that Prime 2 had great logs. I love the ones about the Space Pirates shitting themselves over there being two Samus.
Boost ball guardian is a pleb filter.
I never understood why people had such a hard time with the spider ball guardian. It was cool to have an entire boss fight in morph ball.
>liking Prime = being gay?
Pardon me?
I was still very much a child when I got prime, it came with the silver GameCube my dad bought us one random day (we were pretty poor so this was a big deal)
The frigate scared me so much, just seeing the destruction and trail of maimed bodies, the ominous music and sound effects. I quit out of fear and then just stared at the menu and when I saw the demo loop and was in awe at the shit I hadn't even seen yet. I know pure Superfags refuse to acknowledge the game, but I think they really don't appreciate the ambiance it was able it achieve. It's a marvel the game is STILL playable even today.
No, the SJW is just repulsed at the sight of attractive women, which is why he is being called gay.
Looks like a Dio edit.
Well this thread is going down the tubes.
Incorrect. I hate when sex appeal takes over a series. Why shouldn't I hate it?
just ignore him just ignore him just ignore him just ignore him just ignore him
I remember the first time playing through AM2R I had no idea you could take care of all the Metroids in the area before fighting the Tester boss, much less that you could use power bombs to fuckin obliterate it. Many deaths that day
How old were you? I was 10 and probably a little too old to get scared by Prime. Though I was 7 when RE2 came out and that didn't scare me either. I think I'm just a badass.
>Making a female character a literal place holder with no personality is "respect"
>Implying the Prime series succes is because of SJW agendas that didn't exist back then
>Not because they seamlessly managed to adapt the 2D Metroid formula into a 3D FPS adventure, with great graphics, smooth gameplay and fantastic Art Direction, lore and atmosphere
Power Bombs work on that boss?
It's so fun to fight normally though. Bullet hell in a Metroid game.
Nigger are you retarded? ZM is the least linear game in the entire series.
>Making a female character a literal place holder with no personality is "respect"
Precisely. She was a blank videogamey slate, no different from Mario or Link or Kirby or PacMan. She didn't need a traumatic emotional backstory shoved into the game every 5 seconds. It's how it should've been from the start.
>Not because they seamlessly managed to adapt the 2D Metroid formula into a 3D FPS adventure, with great graphics, smooth gameplay and fantastic Art Direction, lore and atmosphere
None of this would've been possible if they were too busy trying to flesh Samus out as a "deep and emotional" character. They showed the upmost respect for Metroid by sticking to the roots.
>Character training since childhood
>Not liking muscular or toned women
>"fucking westerns REEE"
God i fucking hate weebs.
Too muscular for me but at least she still looks feminine.
This is perfection.
This folks is an ACfag falseflag
>a teenage girl infused with Chozo blood
Fixed that for you.
>Metroid Prime Pinball is a pinball game
Gets me every time
Nope just posting some tame stuff from the spank bank.
She was only ever toned in Super and and had slightly toned legs in Returns and even then she was never muscular. That's body builder tier, women do not get that big unless they're roiding.
We need a game like this, but set in the Metroid universe.
NEVER EVER after what happened with Federation Forces.
Thoughts fellas?
>Nope just posting some tame stuff from the spank bank.
You already had 20+ threads prior to this filled with spank fuel. Can't we have one thread without this degeneracy?
>Nintendo thinks they answered this with Federation Force.
Prime 2.
Everything I liked about Prime 1 but better.
Prime 3 would have been on the same level is it wasn't so easy.
Evil Chozo is always a cool concept.
>Federation Force was an affron-
>monster is passive for 90% of the webm
>players sitting around doing nothing
>can't even hurt the beast, just shoot generic stun gun and try and get it into the cage
what a dumpheap.
Combating the fag menace with sexy suit samus.
>hot women
Prime 2
I like the limited ammo weapons because it lets them be strong without feeling super cheap
also the dark world trying to eat you alive is great for atmosphere
I still believe the GF plot got dropped.
A little younger than 7 I believe.
I was a pretty naive kid though and just naturally skittish.
The hot woman part isn't the degenerate part. It's you spamming the same 50+ images every single thread, without fail.
Fuck I forgot the spider ball boss, yup that one was terrible even with the trilogy controls. But the main bosses, you know, the worm, the wasp, dark samus, that giant robot and que iing king wer'e great and some of my faves in prime.
samus returns > am2r
Meh, I'm inclined to disagree.
I agree with you. If one series should be free of waifu pandering that one should be metroid. But the weebs are gonna defend their fap material with disturbing passion.
My favorite look is prime 2 varia suit a prime lower **prime below the hips baby**
Once I'm on pc, I'll show what that looks like
go play Prey. It's the most metroid-like of the nu age of immersive sims and has a beautiful realistic take on sci-fi horror without losing fundamental gameplay """fun"""
fully replayable, fully interactive
I agree
poor man's SS2
>Go play Arx Fatalis
with stuff like outer space/microgravity traversing, subliminal moral decisions that have more to do with gameplay than plot, old areas becoming new over time, the organic enemy AI, and having environment be both useful and detrimental to combat, i would be disappointed if retro didnt take from inspiration from Prey for prime 4
But the weapons having ammo doesn't add anything gameplay wise. If the weapons were gonna be too powerful they shouldn't be available so early in the game. Besides getting dark ammo with the light beam and viceversa it's retarded beyond belief.
Yup: Playing Samus returns feels like the 2d formula evolving, pushing forward. AM2R It's just more of the same most of the time with some exceptions. I mean, that's nice and all, it's the type of game that a fan would do but that isn't what I want from the series. A perpetual Super metroid.
>metroid needs parries that trivialize most encounters and Ridley for the one billionth time
IMO the fan game took more risks and was more refreshing.
The encounters are trivialized in the 2d metroids just by upgrades: I think it's a little more engaging stopping an attack with a reactive action than stopping an enemy with an OHKO shoot in their general direction. But I agree that the parry wasn't perfectly implemented. Maybe in a momentum based action. Like if your moving the parry becomes a shoulder bash that takes the enemy out of balance or something.
SR was sadly medicre
SR was sadly amazing
SR was sadly okay