This is a japanese dwarf
This is a japanese dwarf
Retarded. Everyone knows female dwarves aren't allowed to go outside
how does Japan do it
This is my japanese wife and her ghost companion.
That's a monster not a dwarf retard.
>hur dur she's half monster
Micah's half monster too and he doesn't have the ears
She's half phoenix.
He's also a different type of monster. Are you trolling for replies or just dumb?
>He's also a different type of monster
I never understood what people liked about Dolce
You can't explain love user.
Pretty sure Gaias or whatever his name is, is the dwarf. Raven is just half Phoenix.
That's my wife.
I don't see what her beng half phoenix has to do with anything, the fact is, she has pointy ears, dwarves have pointy ears, she likes crafting, dwarves like crafting, she's a dwarf
then what's her other half?
>start up rf3 again
>all of the dialogue is on repeat
The only thing she dwarfs is the size of my dick
Half human I guess? I dont recall it being explicitly stated though.
But she clearly isn't human
Not wholly, no. I mean those unicorn people have pointy ears I think. What if she is one of them, except she got Phoenix stuff instead of a horn?
Because that's retarded
>I don't recall it explicitly being stated
exactly. Evidence points to phoenix dwarf hybrid, and there's nothing to outright contradict it.
No, it's my wife.
So it's only a presumption?
Nuh uh
>mom i posted it again!
Well she has to be something, unless you can make a stronger case for human it's safe to say she's part dwarf part phoenix.
It's not hard to best girl in a game with really boring girls and half as many.
But Forte's in the game
>saber clone
>not boring
Should have at least ripped off of an alter.
these are also japanese dwarves for some reason
The eggs, though
would she eat them all?
Imagine the farts
Would you eat your wife's eggs Yea Forums?
Literally best girl.
Pico. Just Pico.
Why is that deadpan stare so fucking attractive?
Who wouldn't? They aren't fertilized yet so it's not cannibalism.
>fun ghost girlfriend
pico is annoying and the reason it's hard to like dolce all that much.
It makes her smiles that more precious
It edged out Carmen for me
>Waiting on 4 special release date
>Implying there are so many boring bachelorettes, rather than being a winner no matter who you choose because of how good they all are
Must be hard, being this retarded...
>that blush
She is so cute.
She should probably stop squidding everywhere.
A. She's a monster
B. She's marionette themed
Those are all the reasons you need.
What are your hopes/expectations for RF5 Yea Forums?
But the threesomes...
for it to be good
I just want to marry Raven again.
I want Marian to experiment with aphrodisiacs with me.
Minimum loading screens, more end game stuff to do. They should do something about events being triggered randomly, maybe tie them back to friendship levels?
hope it's good, expect disappointment just like what happens with everything I look forward to.
A tomboy christmas cake that fights in dungeons and will only date you if you can beat her in a fight.
Hawaiian-esque girl with flip flops
Jap audio. An ending. I feel like that would give more replay value.
I can't get it up to that midget looking runt.
Sofia kind of stands out in that group, Raven would have been more suitable to be there, she's the same kuudere archetype after all.
She doesn't really strike me as the afternoon teatime sort of girl though.